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Dinner Edition

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous: >>20685131
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Small cap bros our time will come
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Anyone want to short tsla?
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+0.4% today, comfy, but I have 80k cash burning a hole in my pocket.
I may be poor, but at least I'm making money.
based rational & critical thinker

based pizza poster
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Nobody told me the market would go on a full retard bull run where it makes new highs every day for 7 months despite no fundamentals to support it.
+0.78% yesterday
-0.59% today
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I have 10x more money than you and I still feel poor. How old are you?
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Passive investing bubble
Unless we get 20% unemployment the market will never go down ever again
Thank U 401ks
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Line go up until election
>Japanese yen

Coincidence that blackstone is trying to dig its jewish goblin claws into big booba anime girls recently?
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Was fine. It's fine. Everything is fine. I'm depressed but it's fine. I applied to two more jobs today. They're not going to call me back. I'm not even going to get an interview.
Older than u probably fellow poorfag
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Work will set you free.
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Did you not read my Doom Bull™ posts?
passive investing is the greatest scam pushed forward by institutional america
it does not make any sense to allocate more capital to something that is simply more expensive, regardless of value
passives are the entry & exit liquidity of actives
then there's something called price reflexivity which means companies that are expensive will do well because they can dilute the shit out of buyers for free money and free money means higher profit margins extrapolated ad infinitum
Is that from that German story?
I heard a tremendous amount of nogs literally just don’t replace the battery of that shit, and they just let it go
So you can literally hear it in the background sometimes on zoom calls if your workplace has a nog infestation
I literally had AI write and sing a song memeing about it.

I have posted going back to 2023 telling people to buy because a bull run is here. I really don't feel bad for people anymore in regards to this stuff.

Hope everyone has a nice dinner.
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No, it's just a universal truth.
The market is literally designed to just go up forever no matter the cost be it niggers inflation mass starvation war death it doesn't matter oligarchical parisitism is an absolute
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Many such cases
maybe this is why my apartment sends a maintenance guy to enter the units and check all the fire alarms every few months

pretty sure they also get told to “check the vents” (meaning that nogs never clean the lint in their dryer)
was this not the case the other hundred previous times it went down?
people who say this are like the mumu version of leftists that blame the latest wave of inflation on greed, as if the greed wasn't there before
I'll never forget driving by my old apartments one time, and a fire had broken out so a building had to be evacuated, and I can see this huge nigger family standing in the parking lot in their bathrobes and shit. Dollars to donuts they caused the fire, kek
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wtf faggot, are you one of those commies that just got your liberal arts degree only to discover that Capitalism Always Wins?
this has to be trolling
fucking kek
This needs to be updated 2020-2024 has been this in action.
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Is the booble in the room with us right now?
Think of the jobs that one fire created. Insurance covered it all. Beautiful.
Indeed, it only ever goes down to clear out leveraged retards and make dumbfucks sell
>no fundamentals
Stop ignoring what is happening and getting lost in your idea of what is happening
I hope Trump rips these cunts at the Federal Reserve a new asshole. They've dropped the ball on inflation. Core CPI is stuck at 3.5% and creeping upward, while they spew bullshit about
>muh transitory
>muh data dependent
They're stalling because there's a 0.001% higher chance that Biden will be reelected if they abandon their mandate to control inflation. They're trying to time it so that the crash falls on Trump.
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>Take all 28 major currency pairs
>Do some transformations to more or less make it into $DXY but for each of the 8 currencies
>Slap it into an oscillator
Well, it works the way I want it to, but I need to figure out a better way to present it
Powell is going to drop the hammer on Trump once he’s elected. So markets up until November..
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What does the one Anon here who knows his
better than I do think about today acting bottomy? I've nibbled up 240 shares of
over the last bunch of days, ready to buy hundreds moar over the course of the position. I am just glad not to be a
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>went down
nigger please, anything you consider "went down" is you in the attached image
S&P 500 or the DOW have gone down once and that is the crash of 1929 that lasted to 1932
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2025 is when the Great Depression 2 electric boogaloo finally begins?
Trippy image
Trump has been talking about abolishing the Federal Reserve because of this. I hope he does (and then also prosecutes all the Fed members along with all the other three letter agencies).
What's jpow going to do?
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good opportunity to post my favorite webm
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Won't they just, like, kill him off already like JFK? That thomas massie jew already had his wife killed because of the end the fed bill...
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Next 4 years will be entertaining at the least, bidens administration has just been one clown show after the next.
It'll be civil war if they try that. Everyone is sick of the government's bullshit.
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>might be a good time to buy SIGA puts and to sell them off to the crowd when they start trying to buy
puts on SIGA as the clade 1 outbreak continues to worsen?
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>Everyone is sick of Israel's parasitic AIPAC bullshit

Fixed that for ya
Nasdaq did fine too, even if you 'bought the top' in december 2021 you'd be fine now. Just never sell.
>It'll be civil war
>This time for sure
>We weren't serious every other time we said it would be civil war but this time it will
No-one takes this bluff seriously
Kill all lolicons.
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Here's a lolicon we can do without
There are multiple flavors of kikery happening simultaneously
>AIPAC kikery (20%)
>glownigger deep state kikery (30%)
>Eurocuck kikery (10%)
>Ukraine kikery (10%)
>DNC kikery (20%)
Trump will fix at least 80% of the kikery overall.

He's plannimg to invoke the Insurrection Act after the inauguration, and honestly it can't come soon enough.
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But thing is, Trump is a giga jew...so I doubt he would do much besides sucking kosher dicks again
I'm still shocked people refer to Jan 6th as an insurrection
Anon learns that the market is truly random.
>t. Joe "I'm a servant of Israel" Biden
Did trump send hundreads of billions to israel?
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i sold half my stocks in may and feel fine about it still
i already ate the whole 16" pizza i ordered yesterday
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Ya'll forget about those trips to the west wall?
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>Food inflation
I’m so horny I could fuck a horse
So nvda will never be above $130 ever again huh? $70 EOY?
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Bros, I'm making a scanner to continuously check stocks throughout the day for unusual volume. What should I use as the average to test against, 20 days, 30 days, 10 days, something else? I can't decide.
>Taco Tuesday, small ya later herbs

>for me, it's always been like this

This is a genuinely profound exchange. "for me, it's always been like this". Wow. Wisdom.
I'm going mad trying to decide if I should trust my gut which is telling me we're in a bubble, or switch off my brain and just follow the herd and make gains like everyone else.
You should account for seasonality as well. For example, Fridays probably have big buying pressure because that's when paychecks are due, and when mutual funds get auto deposited.
The first and last session of a month probably has increased volume, as do mondays and fridays
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Yes, go with the trend
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There's girls with bigger asses than a horse

It kinda will get that by default. My idea is at the 9:30am open, the scanner will create a leaderboard ordered by the percent of average volume a stock is at and the leaderboard will adjust as the trading day plays out. So if at 9:40am FFIE or ANVS or some other shit stock has already done 10% of their average daily volume then they will be at the top of the leaderboard and so on down the line as data comes in. That way I can always be paying attention to whichever stock is hot at that particular moment. Seasonality will be baked in since the entire market will be affected by it so the relative percentages will still hold up
you need to do historical averages like the different years for each date
and then numerous rolling averages to get good coverage
I have plenty of data so I was thinking about having the scanner roll throughout the day too. Like "unusual volume over the last hour", "last 15 minutes", etc. I could do dates for sure. I see what you're saying
i would also do a rolling year and a rolling quarterly average
>Why aren't they buying my bags???
How do you account for what's relevant? Like you could have all these wonderful data points for day, week, month, hour, but how if say, two different hours have a volume spike, which one to go with?
Which cunny from cunny archive is this
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>"Trump's policies could prove to be inflationary such as his proposal to deport immigrants... Deporting immigrants could shrink the labor force, creating more competition for U.S. workers and pushing up wages, also adding to inflationary pressure" - CBS

The fuck are they smoking, people's wages are stagnant while goddamn McDonald's is like 300% more expensive even with more illegals coming in droves
I have minute day for the entire US stock market going back 20 years for the entire day including premarket, regular hours, and after hours. If I wanted to check for unusual volume going back over the last hour starting at 1pm, I could sum the volume of every stock and compare it to an average of that same stock in the same 12-1pm time frame over the last 30 days. Whichever stock has accumulated the highest volume relative to its average over the last 30 days in that same time frame would be at the top of the list, followed by the second highest, etc. This could roll throughout the day and give a constant feed of "unusual volume over the last hour". Extend the idea to whatever time frame you want
*minute data
Is this a house figure or an office rental contract number, I'm more interested in the latter
i would imagine the more signals going off - the louder things are?
It's a 4 bed, 3 bath, 2948 sq ft residential home.
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>Retail stocks

Alright, well let's say your system isn't going constantly, it just looks for "the big one" and trades accordingly when it needs to. Some hedge fund or whatever is going to dump $10m into a position. They don't ever go all in at once. They break it up into chunks, from multiple exchanges and routes, over time to avoid disrupting the market.

So what might make sense to me is to do a sort of "cascading timeframe" on it. You have it check volume every 5 mins, and if it experienced unusual volume, it then upgrades the watch to checking the 15m chart; 1h, etc. If it really hits sustained unusual numbers, it creates a long signal
>Deporting immigrants could shrink the labor force, creating more competition for U.S. workers and pushing up wages
The media and the government would like you to believe this is a bad thing.
Makes me happy that a bunch of fags who bought property during the COVID "housing crisis" are getting raped, by the way, big banks are also holding these dogshit bags. I can't wait till the Jews cry to the fed again about interest rates, desu
I'm really interested in commercial real estate
The difference between volunteers and conscripts/slaves/victims is going to become too clear.
True societies have infinite organically equal leaders with infinite dimensions of progress/will/perspective/growth.

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>People are delaying buying new cars, creating a deflationary 'spiral,' per BI

>Higher levels of inventory are putting pressure on vehicle prices, which fell by an estimated 1% in May, Cox reported. It added that 41.2% of vehicles sold last month transacted for less than $40,000 — up from about 37% a year ago.
Permanently ban all Israeli IP addresses.

Enough is enough.
10,000 kids.
And then all those Slavs and true channers that suffer.
Sieg Vive Viva uhhh etc
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It's just an experiment for now to see if the idea is useful at all. Like today there was huge early volume on RDZN then it shifted over to ZAPP, then later in the day it went over to NKLA. I'd like a utility that could alert me to relative volume shifts throughout the day so I can see where the retail traders are I can trade against. Not so much to battle it out against hedge funds and the like. At any rate, I've roughed it out (pic related). I added a couple of nice to haves too like a market cap filter, a thing so it only tries to work during regular market hours, it announces via voice (espeak) when a new high volume stock gets added to the top 20 and it highlights the stock for a bit. The script requires a polygon.io subscription to pull the data from. Polygon is free for basic stuff, not sure if the free version is good enough to pull real time volume. At any rate, thanks for the suggestions and I'll give them some thought as I test the script tomorrow
*I'm sorry it doesn't highlight new names. That's a different script I have that does that. It does announce it once though
Why is INTC flat as a board? What kind of shenanigans are going on in there? How many more weeks until it goes up again?
I had similar ideas, scraping market data and stuff. I didn't really get very far with it.
Another idea might to be look at cash flows between sectors (and possibly currencies). Eg, the weekly trend between XLB or XLF like a heatmap. If money leaves one asset, it has to go somewhere else. Whether that's another sector, individual stocks, flight to metals or currency, you can treat any kind of change as information
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>half day tomorrow
The market is only open to heem goyim tomorrow right?
I guess they'd be pretty pissed at me for driving a 20+yo car and not having any plans to replace it
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>no one has money credit cards maxed out shit too expensive
>hurr why is no one buying
Everything I bet on to make money turned out to be a disappointment. Stocks are le rigged.
Unironically I should have gone all into TSLL. I saw TSLA going straight for 6 months and I was too retarded to go into it. How dumb is that? I can read chart patterns, but then not follow them. Shit man.
And as soon as you decide to jump into it is the start of the bear TSLA market
>shitty zoomer meme
>bunch of algorithm anime for normalfags
Pure cancer.
I did the same with NET. I was in at $75, got out at $75. Lmao
Employment data leaked. Its good...
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you must be a fun guy to be around.
Fuwamoco is better
Yes, because I'm not someone that just follows what everyone else says/does/watches/listens to etc. Literally the narutards of the modern day.
Can’t wait for Powell to cheer on deflation in certain ‘sectors’..

you seem....upset
Is frustrating when you sort of 'know' where it 'might go if this pattern plays out' but the times when it doesn't makes you doubt the patterns too much to follow them. And because the market is already so close to the Top (TM) it doesn't seem like there's much juice to squeeze. I might unironically be better off getting a second or third job and just working 100 hours a week for a year until the recession, then in 2 years when the market has bottomed just buy back in and ride the wave up.
I just signed up for an IBKR account. They immediately approved margin trading and then denied my request for futures trading. WTF?
Maybe they didn't like that I said I have "zero years of experience."
I look at the markets every day and understand the P/L and theory, I just didn't get approval from my last brokerage either (I asked for it before I had margin) so I've never actually traded them.
I have every right to be upset. 4chan has become a runoff of places like reddit or Twitter that just like the new safe popular thing without any thought as to whether they actually like it. If you want to be a faggot, keep it a secret.
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Trump will probably get 370 electoral votes and 54 senate seats, 52% of the vote to biden at 38%. Only the blue coasts to biden- a 'reaganesque' landslide.

This is also why he won't do shit, landslides happen when the powers that be like the CIA were in LBJ's pocket, then Reagan had that glownigger Bush get everything tip top for him. Trump exists so that there will be a mild recession in 2025, economy recovers towards mid-2026 and then Trump rides 2.5 years of "new all time high". Get people ready to die for WW3, you can trade your 2004 honda in for a new used 2016 corolla.
How have you not figured out you need to lie. In fact its hardly lying because paper trading or looking at >futures counts as experience. Get with the program.
Oh right I forgot about paper trading. That's how I got my options approval.
>Trump exists so that there will be a mild recession in 2025
Well they are certainly going to blame literally everything on him, they already are. Its going to be worse than mild methinks, but guess on who the kikes are backing.
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>"Mister Jerome-sama, I humbly ask that you lower the rates. Please, think of the kittens. Arigato!"
fun fact just 8 days have accounted for all of the S&P 500 gains last year
The eternal debate:

Do I invest some money now or do I wait for a dip?
>market timing
Make your own dip
ATH is a dip if I believe its a dip!
No, if there is a major recession then Trump will throw red meat to the population by blaming foreigners and out of control Fed bankers. Deporting the shit out of illegals will cause deflation and immediately be good for Millennials and zoomers, ushering in a thousand year cheeto reich.

They don't want deflation, they want a stable transition and to divert nationalism into banal patriotism.

Trump himself has already departed from certain policies- for example he says he supports israel annexing gaza where before he wanted a palestinian expansion of their territory to the negev, and supports more h1bs if they are 'le smart college indians'. The economy will improve, but I'm no longer a fresh college grad like I was in 2017, so my goal is grabbing cash and riding off into the sunset before I hit my 40s to escape this shitty country. I would advise all anons have an exit plan for 2029.

The US is like a chart. It hit a blowoff top in the middle of the 20th century, a dead cat bounce in the 80s/90s and now we're just bouncing all the way down. Each rally is anemic. People pretending to go back to normal. Taylor swift will probably marry her football boyfriend for the publicity. Get all those millennial roasties in a frenzy demanding husbands. An end to no fault divorce to sweeten the deal for other 36yos like Travis Kelso, get silly millennial boys buying back into the system for a time.
I did.
You should always invest and not wait but if you want to time the market (supposedly you will fail doing this but I'm trying to):

long bonds (not etfs, get the securities themselves so you have control) finance and insurance (inverse exposure to the underlying hard assets)
If you have the margin for it you can short stuff that looks overextended, illiquid, and likely to struggle (commercial/retail stuff is often a good candidate, small banks aren't doing well either.)

Definitely at least buy treasuries though, don't just stay in cash.
>german immigger
opinion discarded
>Deporting the shit out of illegals will cause deflation and immediately be good for Millennials and zoomers, ushering in a thousand year cheeto reich.
I disagree. The "inflation" we're seeing is coming from the destruction of American social cohesion more than any of the economic stuff. This is causing demand destruction which will lead to deflation.

Kicking out the immigrants should reverse some of that and give us a much more active economy although I'd be surprised if it completely undid it.
>The "inflation" we're seeing is coming from the destruction of American social cohesion more than any of the economic stuff
t. my ass
Change VOO to VT or IWM and change the centre to THE MARKETS
shut up immigrant nigger, go back to your country
How do you explain commodities crashing while all the retail crap is doubling in price?
VNQ is a pretty good scoop too, all the income fags are going to swap over and pump it when rates fall
I'd short that over the rate cut if I knew when it was going to happen.
>How do you explain commodities crashing while all the retail crap is doubling in price?
I see it as seasonal norms. Oil is going up too. Oil companies crabbed in june/july, then shot up in august last few years. I see no reason why it won't do the same this year.
its yield is back up to 4.98% as of last week
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>talking to chick on tinder
>unmatched me for no reason
>jews control my dating life even tho i have 250k in my brokerage account

Copes for this feel?
I had a christian white girl in japan like me on bumble, like one of those super swipe things, and then it randomly disappeared before my work day was over. genuinely pissed
How about most of the commodities being flat for the past ten or so years?
Ok. I think it's going down by 50% when rates get cut.
Don't use Tinder. Nothing good comes from that.
oh that shit is going to pump like crazy. Unlike VOO or even VT it hasn't increased at all since the covid crash. Because all the income fags are still in bonds. Once the rates fall and they move back over the price will pump and the yields will fall
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Each color is a different currency. In >>20687632, it's simply the $DXY equivalent for that currency, scaled between -1 to +1.
In this image, I'm instead transforming the index into a rate of change by looking at the slope between two values and averaging it. Then, a positive slope is bright, while a negative slope is red.

It's still scaled (from 0 to 1), and the most recent color change is telling me that either CAD is softening, or JPY is rallying, or both. Curious to see if I blow my ass out on this one, since it's about $20 of risk against the $35 left in my forex account. I don't want to top it up but I'm really hoping it works in my favor this time
Well we'll probably find out who's right by sometime next year at the latest.
it was a bot bro,
Uhhh.... Goys, what are these flags??
It's just a crab market for commodities.
>commercial REITs
There's uh a good reason for it not to pump.
Didn’t answer the question, faggot
Right. Inflation would be a bull market for commodities -> there's no inflation and something else more subtle is happening.
lol yall niggas acting smart but whats your yearly PnL?
At this time we have decided to consider applicants whose education, qualifications, and/or experience more closely aligns with the position. We encourage you to go fuck yourself. Thank you for the time invested in applying for this position.
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Anons. I have enough in my Brokerage account to put a down payment on a 8plex in my area (it is around $1.2m, i would put 20% down) however it would basically drain my brokerage account. I have about $120K in retirement accounts and 401k's though. So rich anons of /smg what is a good point to diversify your holding from equities to real estate? I do not plan on using the money from the rent, only for maintence and paying down the mortgage hoping to refinance if rates come down. Any IRL real estate barron anons in here?
>Another idea might to be look at cash flows between sectors (and possibly currencies). Eg, the weekly trend between XLB or XLF like a heatmap
I like it. I'll look into it. Incidentally, I was just testing my relative volume script and shit is fire. It has already uncovered some smallcap gems like JXJT with tradeable price action today that didn't show up on normal volume scanners. And even if it did show up on e.g. a new high of day momentum scanner, it would still probably show up on my relative volume scanner first giving me first warning. Tomorrow's gonna be a lot of fun
retail has been pretty fine post covid
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the complex is 1.2m I have around $300k in my brokerage for clarification.
Also instead I could put $120k down on a triplex in my area instead of going balls to the wall on the 8plex
>through $1.2 million into VNQ real estate index
>get $60,000 a year doing literally nothing
>$5000 monthly average
Not really. Niggers are overwhelmingly bearish for stores everywhere in macro. I can't exaggerate how much they steal, or how many stores have shut down due to it. Shops are a luxury of civilization we won't even remember having 50 years from now when we're overrun by non humans.
What's your intention with the apartments? Why are you buying? If it's rental income you better have it all in a spreadsheet and be confident in your estimations cause chances are it will be on par with SPY.
anon I do not have 1.2m read >>20688684
it has to be the destruction of american social cohesion!
ah okay i'm sleeping and multitasking japanese
still could get $1000 a month
Tax write offs for depreciation, get the average 3-5% of appreciation, while maintaining the property and the tenants pay down the principal of the mortgage.
You realize about 60k in losses yearly due to inflation just by holding.
reits go up pretty well with inflation
not that I hold them
long term tips are at record cozy lows
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O is down -22% 5 yrs, inflation is about 100% in the same period
VNQ down -6.99% while inflation is about 100%
Which reit is even positive let alone tracking inflation?
i meant the payments anon
i just said reits across the board are fucked price wise, their income payments rise with inflation well
One other thing that I've considered; the TA channels I watch suggested that you need a volume indicator. But you can also use volatility as a proxy for volume. Basically you just need something to tell you that a trend exists or is forming. Position sizing is also based on volatility.

When there is excess supply, price drops. When there is excess demand, price rises. So my thought was to think of price action as a form of volatility or liquidity. In other words, if there is a contraction or expansion in ATR/liquidity, a trend has probably formed (up or down). It won't say the direction, only that it exists.
>get the average 3-5% of appreciation
Is it a townhouse in a major city? What's estimated life of the build?

Will you maintain it all on you own? If not, are you sure you are up to speed not to only costs but availability of maintenance guys?

Have you factored in taxes and vacancies? Are the local laws owner-friendly (or will you spend months evicting non-paying tenants which know how to game the system)?
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look at this sexy mother fucker
Non-detatched US housing is a great way to get spitroasted by insurance companies and banks.
O has gone from 0.22 to 0.26 since 2019
VNQ went from 1.44 for first half of 2019 to 1.76 for first half of 2024

Idk. Were not tracking inflation anywhere near. Probably why nobody is buying it. I'd rather hold schd.
How so?
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I am very tempted everyday to keep VIG in my roth
Yeah we've only had 15% total inflation since 2019
This is truly a rock solid investment
for once I'd like to see "look how much they've grown the dividend" argument made in constant inflation-adjusted dollars.
If i bought any reit it would be ABR
and then theres theres inflation instead of the ((inflation)) we currently use
In detached housing you can hack a lot of the maintenance and no one can tell and it's just as good. In these shared things you have to get a contractor to do everything so the association and insurance can sign off on it.
That attitude is a great way to lose the principle.
I've never liked O and it's shareholders make me like it less.
I deo not understand VIG when you can buy VOO better returns and lower expense ratio for what? a 0.3% higher dividend yeild?
SCHD paid 77 cents for the first half of 2019
For the first half of 2024 it's paid $1.43

That's tracking inflation. That's a comfy investment if I had the money to justify buying it but I don't so I'm holding upro mostly.
mother fucker needs a NNN lease
dividends are tempting, but I stick with VT
the Triplex is detached housing
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idk as a tenant there's no fucking way I'd agree to that, especially for attached housing since the rent for that is rock bottom in most places without that sort of thing.
She looks the same at 13, 17, and 40. Her father's pedo energy keeps her prime.
Next sell off I’m buying and holding..
I would just rent out to whites and there would be minimal maintenance.
I wish I could vore people
You're right but
Anti discrimination laws are a bitch
imo, too risky. too many ways for you to get nickeled and dimed into oblivion, without enough savings for it to be safe. if it were a 4plex for 600k i'd say to pull the trigger and give it a try.
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>I wish I could vore people
its too early to get weird


Post screen of your spreadsheet.
Oh wait. You don't have any.
Imagine all of them having a sudden growth spurt inside of the train
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