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Big cats edition

>What is Fish Tank?

>Who is this thread about?
Letty and her princess tummy!

>Thread Rules
No revenge porn
No Bettyposting until she apologizes to Letty

>Letty's accounts:

Previous: >>21082577
does letty know about the letty threads on here?
Letty is a princess!
YouTube link is out of date. It's @nicetogirls on YouTube now. It'll still work but I think it'll stop working after a while
post porn
I cant believe she is going to do OF. Disappointed beyond measure.
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How long will this thread last? Over/under 3 weeks
He's trolling.
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I wonder if she'll cosplay Megumin for Halloween since she wasn't able to during blood games.
If she's working on season 3 maybe not? I hope she does though.
That's true. I thought I remember hearing mention something about Halloween on her last stream but I can't remember atm.
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POV: You're sitting on the porch with Letty one morning while sipping coffee together, and she gives you this face while rubbing her feet against your leg.
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That sounds nice...
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Letty really is the prettiest and most perfect princess ever!, i love her so!
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As do I, friend.
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She really is...
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Dunno what this is implying, Letty is quite racist and only desires white men. Pajeets and Haitians are beneath her.
If it's white it gets aborted at birth
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What if we all love Letty at the same time? In the same room?
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That would be nice. We'd all have to duel to the death for her hand in marriage, however!
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she looks dangerous here, i like it.
Love me a dangerous woman.
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i wanna blow raspberries on Letty's tummy..
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Sultry princess!
Sleepy princess!
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>American flag
>Oil in ID
It's actually Oi! But I appreciate the compliment. Also nice Letty webm!
Does letty actually do anything since the iceposeidon thing
She streamed a few times with Tai, Chip, and Xavier respectively, but not much else.
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She had 3 decent streams since the hunger games but that's about it. She did have a pretty busy summer though.
And quite a productive and profitable summer at that! Bloodgames, Cell, Bitchtank crew, Hungry Games, and even helping run Tai's open mic night! She's such a go-getter, our princess!

Letty's mom on the left
Letty's dad on the right
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I could've saved her
I don’t understand these kind of posts do you think she’s a lost cause or something?
Why stoop so low to dox her even further and post pics of her when she was a child?
Does it make you sad when you look at the photo?

I can hear Chris calling her a dumb whore slut and then spitting on her
She is
Love your kids please
Those people are too young to be Nina's parents
She’s not
ofc the seething gypsy is a pedo that saves pictures of kids to his computer
Do you think her dad feels bad about what he did to her?
You're a fag.
I just got banned from /tv/ for posting the pic of baby Letty

I don't get it
Do you?
Muh sage
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Now there's pedophiles here. What the fuck
They’re all coming from Crack clan

It’s filled to the brim with pedophiles
Everyone running crack clan is a pedophile or enabler who gets off on enabling the whole thing
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That sounds fucked up.
I thought you said Crack chan and thought wtf theres another fucking place I have to keep tabs on for fishtank but it was just one of those stupid clans of Jets
How many places are there?
such a cutie
dont worry about it
kys pedo
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Sneaky princess! Imagine playing hide and seek with her! You think you'd find her?
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She wouldn't be hard to find unfortunately. Even so you don't shoot Letty!
she's not jewish because... she's just fucking not, ok?!
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>And she is because... she just is, ok?
Same difference. She isn't Jewish though.
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What happened to the Taylor stream today? Also are her and TJ still living together?
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They broke up. I don't know about her stream schedule though.
Because theres zero reason to believe she is
She's Ukrainian, and she's stated she's a lapsed Russian Orthodox Christian a few times, and had an IG story about Easter. Some people see a Slavic surname and immediately assume Jewish. It's so dumb and gay.
Also the vid I posted. Her senpai does christmas.
chuddies assume every smart girl is a jew.
Letty is Jewish, if you cannot see it atp then it is a cope on your part for whatever reason be it antisemitism or your preconceived notions towards Jews
If she actually was Jewish, like a born and bred kike, there's no way she'd involve herself with MDE.
I would prefer if Letty were a jewish princess
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Friendship won!
Letty has zero ligaments in her knees
Letty's princess forehead is quite kissable..
As are her feet.
The content drought is real
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She'll return someday!
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She needs her princess rest! I hope she ended up traveling to Europe like she said she'd wanted!
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she really is such an energetic princess!, no wonder she needs so much princess rest!
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Such a snuggly princess!
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I could've fucking protected her, right?
Every day I fall asleep while imagining I'm snuggling/fucking Nina
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I'd have to give in and let the one Letty die so the five can be my harem.
But what if they're the clones of the real Letty, does your answer change?
This is quite the dilemma...

Anyone have the pic of the Letty used in edit?
It just might! Five Letties is great, but there can only be one true Letty.
She made this herself, don't think it's a public photo or a shot from FTL.
>there can only be one true Letty
This is very true but at least five of us can be happy...
that might hurt her tummy..
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Not to mention her feet. Even a rigorous massage wouldn't fix that.
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Small reminder that World Peace 2 was likely funded by Peter Thiel (Bilderberg member)
You're being played like a fucking fiddle

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Sammy just wants VC money so he can buy more fast food, that's it. There's no agenda being pushed
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>less than 10 minutes
>first reply

Here's your agenda
And it's working
What evidence is there that it's even Thiel? Unless Sam starts pushing DMT and saying it's not really the Jews in control, then I'm not buying it.
Read through the MDE thread on /t/
Someone explains in detail
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we really need to change the Letty thread so it's no longer got ftl in the name. This is about Letty, idc about Sam Hyde. I will literally only watch Letty's part of WP2, idc about the rest
how about /plg/ a small play on Sams podcast PGL
I'm not reading through all that shit lol.
Enjoy not being informed on the agenda your life is a part of
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Alex Jones is controlled opposition
Roger Stone is butt buddies with Alex Jones

Birds of a feather flock together
you are literally brown
kys bad ideas
Eat a gun in front of your mom
You are literally Indian and you live in a shit filled RV
Haha nice projecting
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Why did it have to end up this way? I would've protected her, I swear to fucking god I would've protected her.

there are a ton of Ukrainian jews and she is one
what makes you say that
Letty raped Josie :(
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Letty would be incapable of doing that anon. If any rape happened it would've been Josie doing the raping.
Indeed, Josie has the dick after all.
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In this house Josie and Letty are both friends and Fishtank royalty. End of story.
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They're best friends >>21256069
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Kill yourself
Letty would never do such a thing, she's racist lol.
Fitting. Letty is subhuman garbage.
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nice cat
so pretty and perfect..
She's irredeemable.
What about Letty is so evil to you?
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Do you think she was being serious when she said her goal was to film a documentary about 70s underground comics?
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I forgot about that. She might have been serious about that since she's mentioned ideas in the past she'd like to make content about.
When did she say that
She said it to the British guy who sat in front of her during the bus ride to the hunger games. That's what makes me wonder if she was just fucking around.
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Sweet princess.
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Has Letty been in Rhode Island this whole time dude

WTF has she been doing

And why the FUG doesn't she stream, it's literally free money
letty's boobs are too small

You're dick is too small
my BLACK COCK and BALLS are humungous though
She said she was going to the US but not providence, feel like she’s working on s3
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Can't believe these two are the same person. What a good body weight and a self-esteem boost do to a princess!
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Contacts also suit her very well!
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I don't disagree but for me it's S1 Letty.
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Latter half S1 Letty was quite cute, but current Letty is best Letty thus far.
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She was quite the cosplayer during S1 too.
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i love her so!
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>I love old perverts

Letty may be pandering, but it's still cute
That sideboob is somehow hotter than any cleavage
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It's a great top for sure.
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It really is!
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I could've protected her. I swear I could've fucking protected her. She would've been safe if I was there, I promise to god.
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Side, top, I'm game for any and all Letty booba!
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Letty looking good today from a Bettybugs perspective
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