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Nostalgia Edition


>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:



>Boomer Investing:

>Alternate Investmenting


>Anons in trouble

>For Jannies

Previously on /smg/
** ********
Any RIVN buyers? looks like they have production issues
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and other anime are the only thing worth watching on Nigflix. Made the mistake looking for normal movies and almost had an aneurysm.
my parents watch a lot of netflix so i see some of the things they are watching and its often 90% anti-white/male propaganda slop
is nat gas entering bull market?
>NVDA Beneish M-score = -0.8
Jobs report at 8:30am
Should I go long or short?
i just rewatched gundam seed since it showed up on netflix

not gonna watch gundam seed destiny ever
real fucking tired of gold crabbing
You want to stack probabilities in your favor or not?
I sincerely doubt that the cooks will put out a report that misses expectations one month before the election..
No matter what the jobs #'s actually were, they will manipulate the data to meet expectations / surpass expectations
If it does miss, then it must have **really** missed, for the manipulated data to still have missed
70%+ chance that it meets or surpasses expectations I would say
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>cracks bud light
>first sippy poo of the day
>life is good, frens
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haters gonna hate
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Man it feels good to not have gotten shook out of my chinky stocks. I knew Daddy Xi wouldn't let me down.
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I strongly agree with all 3 of these trades, short longterm bonds, long commodities (palladium also benefits from Russia cut off), long miners
Chart for SBSW in particular is pretty much perfect
Thanks for posting
Oh look, another month that started red and will end green
/Druk bros...
Real druk bros only care about /NQ futures as it funds our habit.
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You're not falling for misinformation are you /smg/?
My cocoa plantation is suffering and you guys are laughing. It's so over
>Previous NFP revised down from 118 to 114
>this time it is +200k
Yeah sure, that's election jobs LMAO
>yields pump while shit and piss barely moves
I regret not going short yields.
why are semiconductors spiking premarket
>US September non-farm payrolls +254K vs +140K expected
they're not even trying to hide it anymore, so ridiculous, the propaganda and lies are getting to comical levels
Look at what this did to yields and the dollar
US Change In Nonfarm Payrolls Sep: 254K (est 150K; prev 142K)
- Change In Private Payrolls: 223K (est 125K; prev 118K)
- Change In Manufact. Payrolls: -7K (est -8K; prev -24K)
Man i will be waiting forever for that 2700 gold huh
soft landing achieved.
Nothing personell, bears
Yields are plummeting because people are buying stocks.
dollar absolutely rocketing
USDJPY above 148 instantly
Don't check STZ.
Lol no. Yields are plummeting because the bond market expects inflation to surge higher (which it would, if we did have +254K jobs - this is a boldfaced propaganda for the election lie - it is truly disturbing that the US has become worse than China in publishing economic statistics)
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Hey, someone tell Rocker the good news: https://insiderpaper.com/who-approves-first-mpox-diagnostic-test/
>Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 254,000 in September, higher than the average
monthly gain of 203,000 over the prior 12 months. In September, employment continued to trend
up in food services and drinking places, health care, government, social assistance, and
construction. (See table B-1.)

>Employment in food services and drinking places rose by 69,000 in September, well above the
average monthly gain of 14,000 over the prior 12 months.

>Health care added 45,000 jobs in September, below the average monthly gain of 57,000 over the
prior 12 months. Over the month, employment rose in home health care services (+13,000),
hospitals (+12,000), and nursing and residential care facilities (+9,000).

>Employment in government continued its upward trend in September (+31,000). Government had an
average monthly gain of 45,000 jobs over the prior 12 months. Over the month, employment
continued to trend up in local government (+16,000) and state government (+13,000).

>Employment in social assistance increased by 27,000 in September, primarily in individual and
family services (+21,000). Over the prior 12 months, social assistance had added an average of
21,000 jobs per month.

You can keep coping but stats don't agree. There's bunch of bad data mixed in here and there, but the can has been kicked.
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Perhaps, but that's not how the market will see it.
Can someone explain to me why TLT/TMF has been such absolute trash since the FOMC decision? I've seen people say "it was priced in lol!" but I genuinely don't understand that, since everyone and their cat was saying that a 25 bps cut was the most likely option right up until the Friday before the meeting. I don't know why yields have continued to climb despite rates falling.
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old news; we talking about jobs reports today.
People think US will no longer service its debt.
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>Chart for SBSW in particular is pretty much perfect
Their finances on the other hand look dogshit. They're being run into the ground by idiots.
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another .5 bepis cut actually.
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>/smg/ trusts Yellen
>Everyone bagholds TLT
>/smg/ trusts Xi
>Everyone becomes a BILIonaire
Really nice fake number this time. They’re really hitting it out of the park.
Hasn't the US literally never serviced its debt in our lifetime, though? It's only ever gone up. The entire strategy is to inflate it away and print more money, which it seems like they're going to keep doing.
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My puts are fucked
>Yields are rising** because the bond market expects inflation to surge higher
>You can keep coping but stats don't agree
>Sept 25 (Reuters) - The Federal Reserve's aggressive start of the easing cycle has rekindled inflation worries in the U.S. bond market, as some investors fear looser financial conditions could re-ignite price pressures.
>Expectations for inflation over the next decade as measured by Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) increased after the Fed's announcement on Wednesday, with the 10-year breakeven inflation rate rising to 2.16% on Thursday, its highest since early August.
>"Investors are once again concerned with the specter of reflation," BMO Capital Markets rates strategists said in a note last week. Matt Smith, fund manager at Ruffer, said he has been adding inflation protection to his portfolio over the last few days and weeks through commodities and commodity equities, which he said are classic inflation hedges and were trading at extremely low valuations.
>Many in the market have fresh memories of the selloff that happened when a dovish pivot by the Fed in December was followed by months of upside surprises on inflation and employment.
Sorry just realized that I misspoke and wrote plummeting, copying your words - I should have wrote bonds were plummeting / yields were rising
>/smg/ trusts Yellen
Powell controls front-end/short-dated rates. So the Fed funds rate and 2 year yield.

TLT is the long-end. Those yields rise on growth (competition from stocks/other assets) or inflation (the Fed doing a bad job/cutting too aggressively).
Paying interest is servicing debt. Defaulting is no longer servicing it.
within a year they will be "revising" these numbers down (again)

>oopsie woopsie we made a fucky wucky with the job numbies again tee hee
It's obvious people try to be so "right" here that it makes them lose money. Just follow what other retards will think and mimic their trends and you can't lose. Just be ready to exit the ship as soon as possible
I'm finally getting my passport. I think the time will come very soon when more people are breaking out of the US than breaking in.
The bond market expects higher inflation - this is a natural result of the Fed (and every other central bank worldwide) cutting and easing financial conditions
>Full time: +631K vs -438K prior
>Part time: -201K vs +527K prior

Are they all now fulltime McD?

How does all that work with the ISM employments on both sectors below 50?
>Just follow what other retards will think
Buy VOO in your IRA/401k then.
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By then Trump will be in office and be blamed for the depression he will incure
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>Sorry just realized that I misspoke and wrote plummeting, copying your words - I should have wrote bonds were plummeting / yields were rising
Same shit but I still think the can has been kicked.
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>I strongly agree
Well that's surprising. I usually get blowback when I mention PALL. What do you see in SBSW chart? I bought it as leveraged proxy for palladium but I'm not sure whether risk/reward is there for this company.
Wouldn't it be funny if everything reversed?
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Publicani eiusdem sunt ordinis ac venditores servorum et lenones
What's making stock prices swing around in the 20% range with no news. Is it just algos swing trading against each other?
Even brainstop is green. This pump is fake.
There's so much fraud, half assery, niggerdom, and under-the-table work by illegals, you have no idea, Hans.

The numbers are all made up.
So it's really just pure spooky speculation? Everyone recalibrated their inflation expectations over TEN YEARS to +0.16% over the Fed's goal, based on a single rate cut, even though these are also largely the same people who were saying "the Fed hiked too late!"? Surely policy is still somewhat restrictive after a single rate cut, that's the entire point.
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>no news
jobs reports; Biden and Kamala letting in all those migrants allowed more jobs to be created
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seems like gold is exhausted and needs couple days or weeks off to regain its strength for another leg up on this rally
Spirit is filing for bankruptcy lel
Are you really going to make that coconut jeet your president?
good thing the government blocked the JetBlue/Spirit merger last year

Thanks Joe!
Think of all the jobs Trump will create with his deportation camps.
So the market clearly forgot about the downward revisions and reliability of jobs data by this governmental institutions
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>What do you see in SBSW chart?
>pic related
Sorry we don't get to choose that. The jews choose.
US steel is next once they block their merger, too.
The Fed has indicated in their dot plot, as well as Presidents like Goolsbee coming out "Yeah we're going to need to cut a LOT more!!" which leads the market to believe that the cutting is not done, that the Fed (and other central banks) are going to cut a lot more, which will spark inflation further - 1970s repeat
You don't get to have your cake and eat it too
Gold spends most of its time crabbing, not sure what you’re expecting
Lots of stuff looks like its been making either a rising wedge or a symmetrical wedge since the summer peak. It looks like it's basically aiming to come to a point around the election. For whatever dumb ass reasons, people are waiting to make their big moves until after one of the two uniparty stooges is actually in office. Outside of something unpredictable, I think the market is just shaking people out until it decides everything is fine again. 2021 bull run style.

Practically all mainstream media is owned by Democrats in the US so they always fabricate polling that favors their candidates. They treat it like an extension of campaigning. The hilarious part is that they believe their own horseshit while completely ignoring everyday Americans' opinions and then act flabbergasted when their candidates lose.
Why would any financial institution speak out against something that'll keep the money flowing in?
That's *coconut shea butter jeet queen* to you Myakapapapadopalous. She will fill our white house wih the glorious tropical sun shine scent of a banana republic
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I never saw Halloween as a full time money maker anyways.
The entire American economy is just moving packages around and occasionally putting some of the contents in microwaves while 80% of the population makes money talking about when and how to do this.
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Goolsbee has consistently been one of the biggest dumbfucks over the last two years, with Kashkari as a close second. They were doing the exact shit but in the reverse last year, still blabbering on about how "Yeah we might need to HIKE even more!" even well after the final rate hike. I don't believe them at all, like not a single bit. I think they're genuinely stupid people.
Remember to spread hate online, it's therapeutic and good for your mental health
Until the election.. maybe - then we likely get November/December/January effect / Santa rally
Past February / March 2025? I doubt it. Inflation will have surged much higher by this point, yields will have surged much higher, the market will no longer be able to kick the can when this happens
Trillions of dollars flood in because
>Employment in food services and drinking places rose by 69,000 in September, well above the
average monthly gain of 14,000 over the prior 12 months.
I hoped it would hit 2700 before stopping. Sad.
Unless there are more sanctions we're getting deflation next year not inflation.
Inflation has been reheating, by the way. It’s like everyone is on autopilot.
But inflation would be better
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Good morning and happy FryDay frens
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Buy Spirit Airlines you retards
That’s the power of illegal immigration, sweetie..
Why does fucking TLT keep dumping?!?!
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Economy=positively growing
Port Strike=Over
Inflation=soft landing
my puts=fucked
communication is the primary tool of the fed, even more so than the rate cuts themselves. they control future expectations of market participants.
It will but notwithstanding the massive rally, gold is a slow mover and you have to be more patient than with stocks. It’s always slower than I expect it to be and I’ve been in it for a while
Yeah probably but that's not how it's going to go.
The weak should fear the strong
prove it
Because long term bond yields can on ocassion spike all the way to fed funds rate levels.
Because NNN bought TMF
Where's the growth in productivity to cover all the private and public debt?
I agree with you that they are retarded, and I would say the bond market agrees as well - that if they were to cut as they indicate, it will cause inflation to surge higher - and if inflation surges higher, they will be forced to not cut as aggressively / pause cutting (both causing yields to move higher)

>Why does fucking TLT keep dumping?!?!
Inflation. Today we got (complete lie, China propaganda tier lie) +254K jobs when +140K was expected - even if it is a lie, market will treat it as true; this would indicate that inflation dynamics are back with a vengeance
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Why would we see significant inflation again with monetary policy still relatively "high"? Why are people suddenly seeing such a huge difference between the FFR from three weeks ago and the current rate? I mean, look at the chart. It's like that meme with the cat freaking out about the line going down.
I’m so tired of stuff trading in slow motion and reacting to news days later.
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in the stock market
Stop whining and enjoy the arbitrage.
spirit airlines are bankrupt? delisting coming?
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Kek from the revisions report:
At least they get their own numbers mostly right.
Sure but so far essentially the only Fed official who has said things that turn out to become reality has been Powell (surprise). I don't think anyone paying attention thinks people like Goolsbee and Kashkari are serious.
Fuck my life... I guess I just need to keep slurping this TLT dip then....
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Friendly reminder government numbers are pure theater and even using them as anchor for the real thing means you are a fool and have been had.

Inflation is in double digits and unemployment is above 20%.
Let me get this straight. The stock market wanted rate reductions. But now the market is going to rally because a strong jobs report shows that a more gradual rate reduction is likely coming. That makes no sense. Maybe it is just the dock strike ending making everything green.
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this post is 100% real and straight
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Why does the money printer work if it's for jewkraine or pissrael but turns off when it's for Americans?
Not when you consider all the jobs being created to handle the new influx of migrants.
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the Fed has indicated themselves in dot plot / many speeches since that they intend to cut aggressively 2024 / 2025
Central banks worldwide are all doing the same thing
If you have financial conditions easing, before inflation was truly defeated (it wasn't defeated) then you have a surge higher in inflation
>pic related
This is the same exact mistake that was made in the 1970s, that from the beginning Powell said he didn't want to repeat Arthur Burns - but even fully aware of this, he still managed to repeat Arthur Burns mistakes, he succumbed to the political pressure
Btw I now also got a fulltime employment job at McDonalds, AMA.
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America cannot be stopped. Bears must be tired of getting ass fucked right?
If that's true then why don't they just lie.
They hate Americans. Simple as
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long time, first time.
when does the music stop?
yield inversion.
worst inflation in American history if you look at home values (main asset of families)

thanks in advance for your insight without manipulation.
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People will sell the news; just you watch. A plummet of 3%
More honest work than a politician
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last week it was 50/50% chance of .25 vs .50 rape cut

now its 91% chance of .25 only
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I realized some prooooofits in premarket on UPRO and Niggervidya. You guys have finally spooked me enough with all the AI bubble and Benis M-score talk. Still holding a little NVDL as lotto tickets.
stop baiting the schizos
He actually did it two times. Back in december 2023 too. He knew the market was pricing in 3 cuts for 2024 when there were 0 indicated yet. He then published the dotplot with 3 cuts and these retards went over to 6.
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Id agree with you if it was just the strike, but the unemployment numbers being great (and huge upward revisions in July and August) is a surprise so the market will be ripping into the weekend.
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forgot to add that recession always follows inflation but timing is everything.
FEMA never has money for large disasters. Congress always gives them supplemental funding. They have just enough money for congress to vote and give it to them after a disaster. Congress made it this way so they seem helpful and doing something after a disaster happens.
I'm wondering if I should do the same thing. I guess bonds can't be the worst long term hold even if they're shidding and farding right now.

I don't think it's as simple as comparing the chart from the 70s to today, though. There are significant, albeit disagreeable, differences in monetary policy now. Modern Monetary Theory is in full swing at this point, do you think policymakers haven't pondered over any potential similarities to the 70s? Legitimate question
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Why don't sand niggers fighting in their sandbox spook the market anymore?
Grocery prices have been climbing for weeks. See you guys at the bottom of society.
Bros, where is the TLT bottom?? Surely we won't revisit 89-90, right?
he's likely correct. its more probable the government manipulates numbers to slow the eventual down fall.

if they spoke truth the crash would be much worse.
One day I will make enough money to have a harem of albino asian women.
>are those citizens?
>YUCK! I hate citizens! Citizens could be here
>oh my gosh...are those...
>Oh by my heckin democracy!
>Refugees, so heckin wholesome and democracy!
>I'm...I'm going to relocate. I'm relocooooming
t. U.S. government employee
The bond market has been especially retarded since the rate cut. Still in a longer term uptrend but it's definitely going to take months for it to crawl back up.
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Im in all spectrums.
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Liftoff in 13 minutes gentleman
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I weep for my puts; but refuse to sell for my strategy says we are fucked
Yields will spike to the double digits when the government needs trillions to fund the WW3 effort. It'll bring the price of TLT to the low low price of only $14.88.
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Because the US is so far ahead of any adversary at this point that they are playing a different game. The US has disengaged with the Middle East for the most part and instead is focused on SE Asia. If war broke out in SE Asia itd be much more concerning than what Israel is doing now (crushing everything in its path with US weapons which just proves how superior the US military is). Like I said the US cannot stop winning.
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BILI will be $30 today. I saw it in a dream.
>I don't think it's as simple as comparing the chart from the 70s to today,
the point of the chart is not "Look, see, the lines overlap! That makes it inevitable!"
the point of the chart is to show that when these same monetary policy mistakes are made, this is the outcome - 1970s was the same mistake as now, where we had massive spike in inflation, they raised interest rates to combat it, when inflation appeared to be coming down to sustainable levels, they cut interest rates and eased financial conditions, which made the problem worse / more systemic / spike up even higher
It's the same exact mistakes, 50 years apart
>do you think policymakers haven't pondered over any potential similarities to the 70s?
They absolutely have pondered it, as I said, Powell from the very beginning would literally say
>We don't want to repeat 1970s mistakes
>I don't want to do what Arthur Burns did
but even with the full pondering and awareness, they still did it, they were receiving pressure to cut not only domestically, but from every other central bank / worldwide pressure for the Fed to cut. And instead of doing the hard thing, and keeping the course, allowing the recession to occur, they tried to have their cake and eat it too, and now this will be the result of their greed / stupidity
Okay so I was thinking of slurping the TLT dip but then I looked over at TMF and that dip looks even more succulent... is TMF the patrician or the pleb's choice?
i thought nigvidya mbenis score was good. negative and not too high for manipulation.
No war would be interesting, everyone knows the US won't get involved seriously because the little social cohesion we have left would instantly evaporate the moment someone mentions conscription.
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reminder that technology is deflationary. AI is extremely deflationary. we are heading towards negative interest rates.
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fuck kikes
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your chart sucks; get better charts
>AI is extremely deflationary.
Vision models maybe but those have been a real slow burn and we've had them for a while.

LLMs are a fun meme but not very productive.
im ghosted by new biz and new smg.

thanks guys
There will likely never be a conscription again. The only time it would be used is if the US home soil was being invaded (suicidal). After Vietnam the US Military realized having a bunch of soldiers who actively hate and want to kill their officers isnt productive and switched to a smaller more technologically advanced system instead.
I mean if you can stomach looking at a red number that's potentially 3x higher for a while, go for it
>There will likely never be a conscription again.
Yup. But there's no volunteer military either. No one is signing up to fight for the banks.
Well, it's well above -1.78 which is the cutoff. MSFT for instance scores a -2.43, WMT a -2.69. When I have time I'd like to check a bunch of the so-called "blue chip" stocks for comparison.
I mean i know it will, hell it's well on its way to 3000. I just hoped it would hit 2700 relatively soon considering how massive the gains were lately, but alas. Seems like we're back to normal speed for now.

Very based. That is true, I would never consider joining the military unless I was about to be homeless. I suspect that militaries will continue to get more specialized and smaller and you will see robotics (drones are just the beginning) enter the battlefield.
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I will. how much they payin'?
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Do you even know what the score means? the other companies you listed have had steady growth for a long time. Nvidia has had one of the fastest growth in history of course it would be much higher.
people getting replies by baiting off topic by I put forth some on brand shit and get zero feedback?

is everything here a jew bot?

oooops so it was i who thought wrong.
>unless I was about to be homeless
I'm homeless now. It's underrated. I can put nearly my entire six figure income into my etrade account.

Houses are for women and families. If you don't have that your wasting a ton of money on shelter.
>There will likely never be a conscription again.
This fucking zoomer is a retard. History will repeat itself. Always has and this time is no different. The facts remain that Israel needs our assistance invading its neighbors and the ukraine is running out of bodies to hold off the Russians from annexing half of Europe.
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fuck you


doomer bobo posting is plentiful. saturated market
What did Bangposter mean by this?
Yes. I've also run a few other tech tickers who experienced similarly explosive growth and they still come in well below NVDA's score.
Someone already used the gif above
sorry brother i am retarded and thought the market opened already

nothing ever happens
I'm only a drunk dumb dumb (who owns a lot of QQQ). Why are you anons speculating on TLT? Just buy something like SGOV which tracks short term T bonds, or go money market. And then run NQ 100 or SP 500 futures on top if you want exposure to the market.
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>History will repeat itself.
There are plenty of events in history where the constituents of an empire lose faith in the leadership.
Fed funds rate is going to 3% by 2026. Jpow has willed it
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His feet are light and nimble. He never sleeps. He says that he will never die. He dances in light and in shadow and he is a great favorite. He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.
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do u long? all my alerts are popping
If women liked sex then why do they make us pay for it?
Because bond yields are essentially guaranteed to fall while the federal funds rate falls
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>my puts going up from all time lows
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holy shit those numbers fucked me in the ass
Thats where you're wrong kiddo, theres always gonna be poor and desperate meat for the blender. The DoD just has to pay slightly more than McDonalds
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If you are good at something then don't do it for free. What are you going to do about it faggot? Fuck men or trannies?
The Judge is a good role model
Nice, gonna turn red before the next hour.
I've never had to pay for it.
Not that much, because they can just hire a mexican with quartel experience
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These niggers are UNREAL.
>these sectors
The market was sure it would go to 8% in Brazil. It stopped at 10.5% and is now going back up.
One bad number and the fed stops cutting.
What's going to end the China bull run? Currency collapse? Some sort of revolution over there?
Remember that this growth in the market is all thanks to the vice president of the United States, it's a Kamala increase!
>ISM report yesterday strong increase in New Orders
>Today's jobs report strong increase in hospitality and leisure, especially "Employment in food services and drinking places"
It's actually Uber Eats.
It's the diversity hires at the BLS pulling numbers out of their ass and the fed thinking they're actually measuring something.
Food isn't scarce and neither buy shelter. No one cares enough.
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Accidentally put too much creamer in my coffee again, lads
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I’d imagine I talked most people into selling tmf at a loss and saving what money you had left in it… but if there’s anyone who hadn’t listened to me then LOL PIC RELATED BLOWN THE FUCK OUT RETARD
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I did not care for the run-on prose.
>not just drinking it black with no sugar
Do you have any investing tips? Being homeless to save money on rent just screams "successful investor" to me. Share your secrets.
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Is this what anons mean when they say they hate the anti-christ?
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Noice, This month's report also got a buff for increased chance of revision.
I made a small proooofit on my TMF (3%)
I drink it iced, can't do iced black coffee. I've tried but I just can't
If a crisis in the market is a "Kamala crash" then an improvement in the market is a "Kamala increase".
>adulterating your coffee
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Which one of you let their kid >>21341146
stay home from school today?
lol. No I'm not a great investor but I know I'm not getting value for my money living inside.
Nah Biden sacrificed his granddaughter to his son. Orgy drug meditations have saved this market.
surely line go up until the next manufactured event?
See you in a few months when I post a screenshot of solid TMF gains, leafcuck
We going up 800 points today!?!
The coconut economy is very unburdened by what has been
What's the best oil stock to buy?
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Sabotaging ding anon? Very bad form.
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Let’s see if you can recover your -16% loss you bought at the top… diamond hands
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it's all so fine name
I'm going to short UCO.
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Next week on /smg/
Please look forward to it!
A fellow true believer in -our democracy-. They don't believe in the Kamalanomics. They doubt the Kamalanomy. They will be proven wrong by the coconut queen
Are you serious that you can't handle black unsweetened coffee? I'm supposed to be a kid here for drinking my coffee like an adult?
CVX or XOM. Take your preference.
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Because of the passage of time
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yea bro i already apologized and said i was retarded. I just got back from a business trip in a different timezone so i thought the market was already open
i dont think the correction is happening today or next week but wanted some insight from someone who looks at things logically.
>Says retarded shit
>Only posts the 1 month chart
>non-US flag
literally always what happens hahahaha. It's like shitposter bingo.
Our leadership comes from ourselves, that is the cornerstone of our Republic.
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you are a child for all of your nonsensical edge.
Yo, do you know what a Mini is?
Pretty boring week until Friday.
JPM and blackrock on friday might be interesting
Oh no, I guess nothing edgy has ever been posted in /smg/.
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You aint nothin.
Wagies on a business trip. I remember my first business trip. I was an hourly employee and gone for two days. I thought I was going to get paid for like 30 hours. They gave me my normal 8 hours a day. I was jewed. Didn't complain cause I needed the job. Remembered it when I quit.
it is slang for miniature
only by children
Market appears to now be processing the higher yields / higher dollar / higher inflation
You're 5'3 with an attitude
I kinda want to buy a few pepsi calls for the fuck of it.
i bought unhealthy friday snacks.

bullish for diabeetus and health stocks
uhh.... wtf
The market just realized your data is fake and gay
Yeah adults would never be edgy, I mean think of the children!
I am a rude boy as beyonce would say
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Ubisoft ladies! we won.
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Everything's green motherfuckers!
Isn't that a kind of British car?
Break or rip
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behold my wealth
Ask yourself if you think Americans have faith in themselves.
Those social services workers are going to propel our Kamalanomy to new heights. I can't believe you'd say something so hurtful about our essential workers...
something something
pride before
something something
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Chinese schizophrenia is an incurable degenerative disease on the brain
China money printing seems to be losing steam. The EWH calls I bought yesterday are only up 20%.
Healthcare is same in the leaf. They are mass hiring. I got my new weekend job because of this hiring blitz. At the moment most parts of the sector are still understaffed.
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we dont live in a republic or democracy.

we are ruled by wealth and deception.

i dont let people proclaim their own gender and im not going to allow a broken nation to do the same.

nice to see you again baggie, glad you came from biz

when (in your estimation) will the music stop.
YANG is the play right now
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I was told NIO was going up
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how, perchance, do you not let people proclaim something? are you a free speech hater. cause your picture is pretty fucking gay
Probably. YINN puts are crazy expensive.
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What's this chart pattern called?
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>tqqq to 60 by 3pm
Look at the jobs data, Jpow cut too early. Now we need rate HIKEs
I demand oscillating hikes and cuts until Janet Yellen has a heart attack!
The Homer
job market sucks
I've been out of work for over a year
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Nothing. China is massively undervalued and the Hang Seng will go to 40.000
>when (in your estimation) will the music stop
well the fat lady is currently singing, and the show's supposed to be over at midnight, but I don't know how many encores she's going to do and none of the clocks have any hands.
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Oh jesus fucking christ, all the way back down? What the fuck is the point of any of this shit lol
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i dont let them proclaim something that is objectively false.

it does the lgtbq no good to believe they are something that they are not. it is more empathetical to help them accept who and whay they really are rather than how theyve been manipulated to feel.
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WOW its almost like, all the numbers from the government are, dare i say it...

fake and gay???
The gays and eunuchs show up just before everything is cleansed with fire. There's no helping them. Just get away from them so the radiant heat doesn't scorch you.
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But like, how? If someone calls themselvwes a duck, and starts dressing like a duck, and get duck sex assignment surgery; how did you stop them from proclaiming what you know is objectively false?
>handless clocks
that's the problem with society today.

hows the lady in your life?
Market should be up 1000 points. Instead it is almost crabbing. What the fuck? Don't seriously tell me this has anything to do with the middle east.
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are we in 1995 or 1999??
>Hold SOXL
>Wake up this morning it's up over 5%
>check again and it's falling back down
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Yo these hairlines are brutal
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It has to do with the market knows the numbers are as fake and the transient inflation
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2024, its been a hell of a life; huh?
why are we up only .45% on no (actually yes) news????
Absolutely V shaped?
Always has been.
by not playing in to their delusions. percieved empathy by going along with it is far more harmful in the long run. they should rather wake up today than in a decade.

perhaps they can keep their delusion going forever but doing so influences others who may at one point become sane.
I think it is profit taking. And I think they are early. Then again if I did the same I would be 16k instead of breaking even.
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you germans will never understand Americans or are culture. MAybe let CannabisCorpse sing their lyrics to their songs when they tour in your country, yah?
Closed my spy puts on the dump. ‘Create’ as many DASH jobs as you want I’m not holding in your overbought Yellen induced market. I’m watching the new V/H/S movie now.
I mean if everyone could be honest about it and they were too this shit wouldn't be a big deal in the first place. I don't care if an adult troons out, just don't force it down everyone's throat.
Do I sell my $VIXY? $12.06 avg. Is market only going up now?
I took profits in July/August because that seemed like the sensible thing to do, then when I tried reinvesting the profits everything I bought just reversed. This year has been a stupid wash and I'm gonna get ass raped by taxes next year.
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you are so far up your own ass you think your thoughts are playing a role into peoples decision making factors? You are a special type of narcissist. Keep thinking you are impacting the decision making of others based on your 'not participating'. I don't like the trannies either but your delusion of thinking you can influence peoples behavior needs to be disregarded.
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>bang poster late
>S&P 500 goes down on open
we had a warning
It's another crab day in a crab week in another crab month
This market is being a total faggot. Getting everything it wants but still crabbing.
im not here to teach you tha5 influence can come from social norms. every interaction influences you. good luck fren.
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McDonalds can't save a bowell movement, beware the sloppa
I guess letting it run is a bad strategy now. Taking profits when you can is the only profitable strategy.
So how does GDP and other economic datapoints see inventory as a positive thing?:
>The Inventories Index remained in expansion territory for its second consecutive month. The reading of 58.1 percent was a 5.2-percentage point increase compared to the 52.9 percent reported in August. Of the total respondents in September, 45 percent indicated they do not have inventories or do not measure them. Comments from respondents include: “Continuing to right-size inventory levels” and “Drugs and medications inventory up as we started receiving seasonal vaccines.”

>The 10 industries reporting an increase in inventories in September — in the following order — are: Real Estate, Rental & Leasing; Educational Services; Professional, Scientific & Technical Services; Retail Trade; Transportation & Warehousing; Construction; Information; Health Care & Social Assistance; Utilities; and Wholesale Trade.


>Inventory Sentiment
>The ISM® Services Inventory Sentiment Index grew for the 17th consecutive month in September after one month of contraction in April 2023, preceded by four consecutive months of growth and four months of contraction from August to November 2022. The index registered 54 percent, a 0.9-percentage point decrease from August’s figure of 54.9 percent and the lowest reading since June 2023 (54 percent). This reading indicates that respondents feel their inventories are too high when correlated to industry levels.

>The eight industries reporting sentiment that their inventories were too high in September — listed in order — are: Wholesale Trade; Mining; Retail Trade; Utilities; Other Services; Construction; Health Care & Social Assistance; and Professional, Scientific & Technical Services.
>checks ID
My mom is fine, thanks for asking.
I'm up by 2,5 % today
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I don't think goolsbee & kashkari are stupid, I think they're just straight up market manipulators
Obviously not, she has you as a son
They are just stating the obvious.
Just playing the other side. It’s all theatrics.
i like nvda long term
is now the time for entry? because i can't see why it just flushed
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uh inverse Vs?????? what the fuck
What is that supposed to mean?
Goolsbee is a fuckin retard. Speaks of cutting fast while PCE Core went up. With ISM services Priced at 59

I'd say it's a good thing he's no voting member of FOMC, but that would imply that it mattered.
Are you a bad son to your mom?
Are the remaining customers just going there out of habbit? It's not cheap, it's not fast, it's never been healthy but it doesn't even taste good anymore. And I know my (garbage) taste hasn't changed because I still go to sheetz.
When are you going to learn kid? If you have to ask it's because you can't handle the truth.
It's up 15% in a month and the dollar just strengthened. What flush?
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Barqs poster was set up to fail today by some glowie. Not his fault.
yeah you're right. i'll wait for more of a pull back before adding it to the long term.
good to hear
>Nvidia's Troubles Mount As DOJ, SEC Throw Their Weight Behind Class Action Lawsuit Alleging AI Chip Giant Misrepresented Crypto Revenue
This might have spooked some people this morning
Do you have a problem?
If headlines like that spook you into selling your long term holds you deserve to lose money
>Crypto Revenue
didn't even know they had such a thing
There’s an Indian vignette in this V/H/S. They’re fucking everywhere. Get Bollywood out of here. They actually keep saying ‘sir’ too.
Me neither
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>Baggie asking anyone if they have a problem
Wrong thread fellow /hor/ bro
This is bearish for stocks I don’t even hold.
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I just ate breakfast so lfg, pump it now
Ubisoft jumped 30% on Tencent interest.
Are bear cucks really that desperate to act smug over a crab market?
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so this is the power of nonfarm payrolls...
If you land on a beach full of these girls, would you fuck them? Keep in mind they will be constantly pinching you during.
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If I came with some rubber for protection, rubber bands that is.
That fucking leaf who was shilling Ubisoft got lucky. Wonder if he actually bought.
If I wouldn't go to jail for it sure.
Human girls tend to bite anyway.
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NEE looks like it may be done and TT may join it soon with that rounded top. But TW is really batting above average today.
when should i stop buying 1d 7d put call options? i feel like its the funnest way to lose money.
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tencent was interested -30% ago
sounds like a risky buy right now
>Drink coffee, 60 seconds later
>I got to shid
It's the best natural laxative in the world plus it tastes good and perks you up. Coffee is great bros
1 month
1 week
One day

It’s all red retard
Ok so it's a W, not a V
Same difference
Xirs, looks at the silver computer.
>1d 7d put call options
What the fuck are you trying to do? Giving yourself one day of buyers remorse?
I have no idea what you're trying to convey in your post. So with that being said you should probably try to find more funner ways of losing money. I just bought the new zelda game from Costco's website and saved 8 dollars off of the gamestop price. I'm going to use this 8 dollars to buy a hot dog, a 20 ounce fountain drink with refill, and a whole chicken tomorrow.
I like the dividend I get from WEN, but I fear that it's going to be one of the burger chains that doesn't make it when we have the next totally-not-a-depression-because-we-say-so-and-all-the-money-we-printed-went-into-the-stock-market-ponzi-so-line-go-up and a lot of brands are never seen again.
silver breaking out
this is it. we're all finally going to be rich.
> jobs report
jerome-sama, thank you....thank you for everything.....
Even metals get a V shaped recovery
Has it surpassed the 1924 level?
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You aren't saving money if you are spending money. You just found a way to indulge your inner man child and glutton and potentially homosexual oral fetish since it's a hot dog and you post about blowing men.
Famous words said by every dude in the closet.
You need a new hobby.
Ok faggot
I could only barely get part of the tip in my mouth trying to suck my own dick. How flexible are you and could you do more?
I'd recommend coin collecting.
I don't know
gangstalking baggie is pretty respectable
>PSLV: 1.95%
>PALL: 1.2%
>PPLT: 0.91%
>GLD: 0.4%
Ah yes, alt season for goldbugs.
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Can this market just pick a direction already...
>Ah yes, alt season for goldbugs
Shit, LMAO
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taps sign
didn't you used to date a ladyboy?
ok but it is the direction that will lose you the most money
I have a new theory on how the market works. You know how you bust your ass and the scale doesn't move? Like how the body tries to balance fat loss by holding more water. I think that's what the market it doing. The market has good news and crabs. But that good news is still there. It just needs to flush the water. So that's when you get these quick movements.
i dont like zelda but the hot dogs are a great idea.
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all on the rise again, especially Zinc and Copper
Nice, well done. And Silver now too (which has industrial uses)
DFS holy fuck.
Oh, wtfwt
It's just being kept afloat until President Kamehameha is elected, that's really what's going on here.
Remember buyout blackout ends October 25th then shit moons

Then after the election even more mooning will occur

S&P hits 6000 eoy
After seeing how FEMA gave all their money to illegal immigrants and now there's nothing to help the people of appalachia how the fuck anybody is still going to vote for her is stupid. This is the biggest betrayal of the government on the people of America since the vaccine mandate.
its almost like the dollar is dying
they are trying to memory hole FEMA wasting all its money on illegals so hard
metals are rising in anticipation of stronger industrial demand from the chinks after their stimulants package takes effect.
i think a lot of mooning is going to happen up to the election based on promises
S&P hitting only 6000 eoy is really bearish, step it up
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pretty happy with myself this week
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the dollar is too strong
I'll admit I didn't see the last spike. Interesting
So is it too late to get into PM?
Is there a gun run yet or do people still think Trump has a chance?
In the US it is actually too early for PM.
No, they are rising due to inflation.

Lunch time thread baked

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