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>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


Previous: >>21366602
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Buy stocks that go up. Sell on a close below the 21 DMA. Simple.
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At what point is NVDA worth buying back into?
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the jews are being jewish again
I'm gonna jump back into the china trade (profitable companies only) if it crabs sideways on a higher low for a week or so. Could be true turnaround then. This has been described to me by a successful trader as a good setup and it intuitively makes sense

Your perspectives?
What are some good individual stocks to buy and hold and why? Are individual stock portfolios even any good? Are dividend stocks a meme? I'm holding about ~$10,000 of VOO and it's nice but really boring.
Which companies? Also can you really make more money from China then in the USA?
Just upgrade to VT. You're missing our on a lot of international companies
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how do I read the tea leaves?
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Yeah, that's a solid plan. The Chinamen seem set to stimulate in drips and drabs, but stimulate they will (for example the NDRC just did their meme announcement vs the upcoming NPC)
Finance has been neglected for a long time and you can find profitable and growing companies at 5-7 p/e

this advice is only valid if you intend to read up on valuation so you don't pay too much in terms of p/fcf or other pitfalls
Do you like stocks that go up and make you money or do you have some other goal in mind? >>21369925
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Hmm, another young athlete just keeled over dead. Really makes you think.
I just choose to buy now. I believe now is the lowest point
Yeah, makes me think iwtwm
Unfortunately, i'm not that athletic
He must have shoveled snow too hard
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Chinky bros rise up. This is the dip.
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Oh no, I hope it wasn't an attractive female track star!
Sold all chewy and back to cash. Do think the stock goes over $31 today, but I want to take a nap.
I've posted them before but my china stocks were BABA, NISN, YRD, PDD, BIDU, NTES

GCT, JFIN also look good along the same metrics I used to pick these but I believe there's a good chance they are financial manipulators. Stay away!
China's economy is fucked. CCP wants it to recover. But today I honestly don't understand why CCP is doing this, banning bank credit and cooling the market when the bull market could continue. I can only think that our department didn't communicate well, or they just hired some interns to do this. It feels like I had sex with Taylor Swift for a whole week, but woke up today to find a BBC in my asshole.
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IFOS.V go up

What is the difference between short term gains and long term gains in practice? It's not like if you hold a conservative stock for 20 years you magically make a lot of money on the 20th anniversary. I'll be heading off to university in a few years so that might cost me, but other than that I just want to make as much money as possible in both the long and short terms.
Unfortunately it was. Another case of diedsuddenlyitis.
>sex with Taylor Swift
Sounds awful. Sorry chang.
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Why didn't I buy the PLTR dip? I knew this was going to happen. I"M SUCH A FUCKING RETARD
congrats on the 9 large. i followed (in small size) to see how it went.
Based hurricane bankshot.
I once had a dream many years ago. I was looking into a mirror. I saw my dead wife.

20 years later I never married.
Maybe you guys can fix your birthrate issue
Just wait for the next one
>Verification not required.
The difference is usually tax status, if you hold for long enough the gains are taxed at a lower rate
Oil shills owe me money (and sex)
>they spend billions to win the presidency
>”its a figurehead”
Ok retard.
For me, it was younger Katy Perry
Short term is inherently less than long term because you have to go into shit like bonds or CD's. Only stocks have good returns but they are so volatile you can only benefit if you hold them long term
With that valuation it's just degenerate gambling and the 24 version of the 21 bubble

I've avoided so many steamrollers not buying into hype stocks
>woke up today to find a BBC in my asshole
ok mutt. turn off the vpn.
A lower population is a good thing. The ideal population of China is 500 million. And the main problem in China is that people have lost confidence in the market. They have money, but they don’t spend it. So now many entertainment industries in China have reduced a lot of censorship. The CCP is trying to make us spend money to buy some dogshit or something.
>Thinking you get to run it up during Golden Week
Silly gweilo, gains are for mainlanders.
actually there's an ideal world population and bill gates is gonna get us there
verification not required
checkmark shaped recovery √
For me its ellen page. Girl or boymoder body doesnt matter because he/she is still a small handable slut for my bgc.
She still has a vagina or not?
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>he didn't think Chinks wouldn't come back from a weeklong vacation and SMASH that mf sell button
That's such a bitch way of seeing the world. I want to see a trillion humans. I want to see humanity being forced to crack open fusion technology or space colonization because we have to sustain ourselves
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Yeah, it's definitely going to dump. However, I was literally arguing with another guy earlier this week about how it was worth buying for a quick flip, but I didn't follow my own advice for some reason.
Thanks. I'm at 104k in my roth. Hoping to get it to over 120k before year end. There was a point yesterday where the trading was weird. Like someone knew something and was trying to hold the price higher to discourage, buying any dip.
People aren't going to have confidence in you if you're actively trying to shrink the population. By definition that makes the two of you enemies.
>trillion humans
>hundreds of billions of niggers
Pass. Atlanta is bad enough as it is.
Hope this fag doesn’t make it back to my state. I sold my puts at a loss this morning.
Are aggressive growth ETFs/mutual funds the only way to go for long term? I heard that individual stock portfolios you have to pay more tax since all of those transaction are a "taxable event." Is VT/VOO better than a 4 mutual fund portfolio? I've been investing for about a year and I've gotten about 7.76% return (not including my HYSA). Is there a way to beat the market other than luck, meme stocks, commodities, or options?
Thanks for playing
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Oil looks alright in my meme chart
Sir, I am a chinacitizen myself. Now, apart from the poor and the rich, not many people are willing to have a child.
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saar 100% real chinaman saar china collapse in two weeks
Best way to beat the market is to develop the discipline to sit on your hands and do nothing
You can break it down into risk. VT (or VTI/VXUS if you are taxable) maximizes beta. If you want additional returns on that you have to enter factors. Small cap for size, value, profitability, momentum, etc. But these wax and wave.

The safest thing is to just own the entire market with VT and just let everyone else decide the winners and losers. 10% return since 2010 it's pretty damn good
BA continues its weekly slide. I sold it at like 180.. something..
Most people want to have children and without doing that there's no real reason to participate in larger society.
Grats. I'm at 6 figs in my tax deferred account also. Maximizing deposits and next year I can sell some irl investments to put into it as well. Convinced I can reach 1mill reasonably fast. Insane optionality at that point, but I only do all this financial optimization because I enjoy it as a game and a lifestyle. I don't need or want any luxuries
It's funny because we're seeing that now. The social contract was broken in America and now men just don't fucking care.
every time you sell a stock or receive a dividend is a taxable event, regardless if its an individual company or an ETF. there are tax implications in the length of time you held the position. google short term vs long term capital gains.
I'm at $90 across all my accounts. Next year I'll break the six figures if not in the next two months
Would you say out of VOO, VTI, VYM, and VUG, VT is the best? Should I have VT for both my Roth and brokerage?
I wouldn't touch anyone from Hollywood. They'd probably turn you into a tranny yourself somehow.
yet another v shaped recovery
I wouldn't say I'm tired, but the constant grind of drastically improving only to get robbed through inflation, wage growth, home costs - while things like mind rot entertainment, only fans, and nepotism are slinging lower quality individuals forward gets a little irksome.
Oil trades as if the same people are buying and shorting. Israel is supposedly voting an Iran strike today. I can't imagine a cucking, but trusting jews...
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Was thinking of buying some oil today before the hurricane hits. Bought some chinky shit this morning as well the vpn shill really sold it for me that someone in /smg/ really need our help
They still on strike?
should have specified this is the case for after-tax accounts. not retirement accounts (401k, IRA, Roth IRA, etc.)
The best way is to break it down. VT maximizes beta. So when you compare it to VOO, you're missing out on small cap and mid caps as well as some large companies in America. VTI solves this by owning all of America. And VT improves it by owning international.

Basically think of it this way. VT doesn't just own every stock in the world. It also owns every possible ETF. VOO is in VTI. So is VUG. And VYM.

When you buy them over VT you're trying to pick a slice of the market in the hope that it beats the average market. But remember, the market is the average portfolio of all hedge funds and investors. If VUG is the play, then the funds in VT from VUG will naturally rise as well until they become properly valued.

You're not supposed to pick and choose individual slices for the same reason you don't stock pick. There is so much monumental amounts of data to analyze, from currency risk to geo politics, that you're 100% going to under perform the market if you break from VT
That's going to make oil products *locally* go up because delivering it is hard but it won't affect production (in fact demand may go down temporarily since it can't get delivered.) A lot of people seem to get very confused by this and I think my shorts are already in the black now.
It's hard not to be black pilled with regards to dating and marriage. Modern women are so fucked while also having the highest standards of any generation
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I believe oil will go higher whatever news come in the next few years
so this is how the average Chang thinks huh
Dating is fucking ridiculius in my thirties compared to my teens/twenties. You have to be active/fit, financially secure, mentally confident, and actively playing the field in case these social media tiktok brain bitches think it's fine to fuck around.
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>BBC obsessed
For me it's the physical demands. You genuinely are not meeting male beauty standards unless you take steroids. I've seen bitches call a 4 time gold medalist olympiad strong man a "dad bod"
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The bitch slap back to reality is going to be amazing to watch
man i would rather just have a cat or dog at this point. they would appreciate me unlike these social media girls
I've spent quite some time on the more uhm... 'niche' websites of the world wide web, and I can tell you that there is a surprising amount of this 'niche' content tailored for Chinese men
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watching all the mutts make more mutts is painful
What the fuck. I take a little nap and it is time to buy chewy again!
im going to be stuck holding GOOG bags forever
I have a little googie bag also. My best case scenario is they get forced into separate entities and I sit on them with low cost basis
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I wish SPY would crash 100 points.
But the market niggers are keeping it pinned to all time highs.
>S&P 500 new ATH
bobo can't catch a break
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The market has not moved at all with this hurricane. You'll get your blood Bobo.
It's apparently going to be cat 4 at landfall
Might have to wait until after election is over. Then market jews will crash everything.
It's actually bullish. As everything in this market
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>belgian flexes about his time spent on Blacked
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The funny thing is everyone in this thread and in general know the market is being propped up. It feels like the neighborhood knowing the local deli is run by the madia yet no one cares or does anything about it. When elections are over, will people actually sell or holding out hope for more upside?
id like to recommend some long-term stocks that I have personally purchased after conducting on-site research. These are mainly for long-term holding. Sieyuan Electric: The company operates in the power grid sector and is a typical blue-chip with strong performance. It often moves independently from the market, and its stock price has increased sixfold over the past five years. The company consistently invests in research and development and has invested in several innovative companies in emerging sectors. It’s suitable for holding more than 40% of positions as a stable, anchor stock for the long term.
btw me buy that in today
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>Switzerland is the only European country left with a stock market bigger than China or India or Japan
I swear it wasn't this bad a few years ago
Poor Germany- green energy, the Nord stream pipeline explosion, the ukraine/russain war and immigration have destroyed them.
>Verification not required.
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who is propping it up
Are Chinese stocks so small? The government can maintain a 5% GDP growth in tough times like this by just occasionally harvesting retail investors.
Intraday puts on spy now?
How the hell is vix still above 20?
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Are Chinese women good? I may trade in my white roastie wife when I get my CCP gains
Florida is about to get erased from the map, and some how the US 500 is still green? What the fuck is wrong with people?
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>i dont know what the VIX is
The fed by printing money.
I don't think we foreigners can invest in anything from the mainland China stock market. Only large funds with permissions can. We can only buy chinese stocks that are listed in Hong Kong or the US.
Any florida based company should be red desu.
>Verification not required.
Disney should be red
>Verification not required.
they've been tightening for a couple years bud
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Hope you retards bought AFRM when I told you to. Up >4% today.
I should have, women are the number one consumer. Is it too late?
>Verification not required.
nani?holy shit bro.... That's over for you, China is now experiencing an unprecedented bull market, anyone with an IQ > 17 is making money here.
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You cant just keep going up making new highs every day on fake and gay data.
Just like Joe Biden got 81 million votes
>he believes that
And jobs are record high and inflation is back to normal.
See but if the majority thinks something is going to happen then it is easy to predict the movement of the stock. So to make any money you have to be against that position. But you see they know that they know. So it becomes a giant head fake of the stock doing what it should be doing but it can't predict because if it was predicted right it would change and no longer fit the prediction. The market is the key to linking the quantum and macro world.
>another retard that can't zoom out
see >>21369670
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>thinking about buying more SOXL
>have previous sales for losses
>would need SOXL to hit 44.50 to make back money
should I do it?
Man, the market is moving so fast, it's like when it dumps. The exact same rhythm, speed, everything.
Previous trades are irrelevant at this point.
a little breather for my bags
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you schizos make me laugh. laugh at the fact that you'll always be poor. just because your life sucks doesn't mean everything else is shit.
Yeah but they'll show up as wash sales, though yes, I know it doesn't really matter
The hype was pretty much entirely based on BTIG giving it a $68 price target, but I think that's bullshit. I would wait for it to drop tomorrow and then maybe buy in if you really want to take the risk.
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Not sure why chewy dipped but I bought the dip.
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Buy every dip and chill
Part of it is their pe ratio of 9. If they had American valuations they'd be 6% and i$f they were china then 9%
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BAYER is down nearly 9% because they're getting sued over Roundup. If you want to gamble against the US legal system, could be worth a look.
All german insurance companies that dumped with the hurricane news repumped. Same with US I assume.
How did he know?
You DID buy the dip right anons?
He went on Yahoo finance, grabbed the first index chart that came up, and clicked "all history"
I will never not find it hilarious they waited for Monsanto to be bought by the Germans before suing the shit out of them.
This. They also buy their own stock, just like nike, by all means, they should be down since they do not even sell as much shoes as they use to, and a lot of their merchandise is stolen.
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I see CHWY boxes in my apartment's mailroom all the time
Must be doing a lot of business
>full hour hits
>half hour hits
like a clockwork haha
Wait wtf why is the S&P leading the Nasdaq. Absolute clownworld
I don't know. I don't own any pets. But people want to put all their hard earned money in expensive dog food they are welcome to it. Thanks for making me money pet owners!
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Just bought flea meds for my kitty on CHWY. Maybe I should buy CHWY
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>hit low/mid 6figs
>bought a condo
>bought a nice car
>got fit
>still no gf

So uuuh when is the whole "starting a family thing" starting again? I don't exactly have that much time left
Should I go ahead and liquidate my 2 year old series I bonds?
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so basically if you want to be a multimillionaire, the most straight forward path is to own a business
Just found out about the schd stock split. I'm going to be rich in schd shares
Too bad you didn't have that idea last week when it was a lot cheaper. Or read the hundred posts I've written about it. Still it is on an up trend now.
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I bought puts.
Is there a Chinese CHWY? Don't like investing in 3rd world countries like the usa
JP Morgan?
>Dating is fucking ridiculius in my thirties compared to my teens/twenties.
I honestly haven't noticed a difference but I don't date women over 25. That's just stupid.
That's what the bulls do too. But they sell them 1 minute later, take the profits and rebuy to edge it higher.
Chinese high end shoppers tend to import food like baby formula from worst Korea. So I don't know if they would have the trust.
This is what the overall data shows because of the power of avg vs median, but if your goal is just to get into a higher tier, I would focus on minimizing poor style allocations
Good bobo
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>but I don't date women over 25
Go back to /a/
Anyone playing bank earnings?
Can’t believe we now have a chinamman on board
Ah yes I forgot they moved the age of majority to 25. Don't you have some bbc cuck porn on Reddit to watch?
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Can LASE keep pumping or is it a scam?
>I honestly haven't noticed a difference but I don't date women over 25.
This, seriously. What is that anon thinking. 30 year old women are in the "ready to settle down and be taken care of" mode.
instructions unclear
opening a ball bearing dropshipping business called billy's balls and hiring 14 mexicans
Okay hear me out, Florida is full of retired boomers. They're a net drain on the economy but they have large portfolios. If they get obliterated their shitty kids will get whats left, sparking a massive wave of consumption. Bidenomics at work
This happens every fucking year.
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This market is forcing me to be more cautious with my choices again. It's transitioning from its fake and gay stage into a beautiful lady.
>This happens every fucking year.
This is a once in a century storm retard.
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No one answered so I bought JPM puts. Just a small amount for an earnings play.
nvda had 6 green days in a row so it was obvious it would be down today no matter what
*American on a VPN
Mumus are shabos goyem
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Don't worry Bobo I'm sure it will be fine :-/
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>SPY over 577
this is too much bros
What the fuck is happening?
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My only regret is not slurping the dip even harder
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Trust the plan
Just buy JP Morgan puts for their Friday earnings. I'm sure the market will tank by then.
someone bought puts
eu is all about socialism and communism. people will hate you if you succeed and aren't broke and miserable like everyone else
Remember that no one ever went broke selling for a profit.

you park all your money in shitty companies and hire niggers and retards so you can Jew huge tax write-offs for "community benefit" for hiring 100 felon niggers to push a reset button on a machine all night between cigarette breaks
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Things are getting too volatile
What's going to be the October surprise? Isn't there supposed to be a surprise this month?
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>just woke up
>oh soxl doing a lil something
>immediately straight line down
It doesn't matter.
Early voting has already opened in many states and many people have already voted.
They waited to fucking long to do an October surprise.
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We won't know until Halloween.
No but between inflation and taxes if you're not making a healthy profit you're definitely fading away into the abyss.
check the sites
Don't you trade in a Roth?
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Why are people forgetting HALO??? It is the greatest FPS of all time!! These people are going to regret it!!
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just be fit and control your autism. if you cant get laid without money you are still going to be cringe with money.
shiiiiiiiiieeeeet PPT not holding back
Is it going to be the whites vs the blacks this time?
Seriously qhats the point on holding bitcoin
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>BILI is green
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>new ath
>GME still crabbing at $20
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It's literally just banks and healthcare. US economy is dead.
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Red is best team.
buy the dip?
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no... its always everyone vs the Jews and then their American Golem nukes everyone for the chosen people
More like buy my heavy bags!
Jews > Everyone Else
Are you Jew enough to be accepted in the homeland?
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America's economy is just illegals, debt, healthcare, rent, and public sector
Of course
So the corn syrup was a bullish indicator all along. Who would have known!
But you race mixed. Why didn't you try for one of those cute IDF girls?
You forgot one thing. Maybe the most important.

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China Hyperspeed: ON
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i am safely hedged. i am now a bear
Only Israel and Ukraine are fighting wars. Both having no means of actual victory.
They are probably just going to blockade the island and then wait for America to launch the first shot
bruh...holy shit
If they blockade the Island, that is an act of war, but since there is only one China, it's a civil war and we should probably just let them sort out their matter without getting involved.
I look at this and can only think:
What if they bought chewy with such money!?!
Lmao. Corn syrup keeping the economy up while killing the population. All part of the plan
He’s a pattern day trader
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wars with no end or goal are the new meta. they cost the most money and change the least. the ideal monetary instrument.
it's fine to have a nigger in romeo and juliet if done right, but that looks horrid
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>article comes out that says Roblox if full of pedos and racists
>stock price doesn’t drop
What the fuck? I did a Roblox PUT expecting blood
This has been the story of RBLX for years
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>Here's that damning Hindenberg report bro
things only happen on no news. adobe was blasted for using its customers to train ai as well as the DOJ opening a lawsuit against them for making it impossible to unsubscribe. the stock price did not drop at all.
Lmao zoomers do not care. Do you think that ipad babies who are raised by the internet will stop playing because hindenburgresearch make a report. No, they are going to keep on playing "Escape to Epstein Island" and “Beat Up Homeless Outside 7/11 Simulator”
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reminder that welfare is included in GDP
$1.3 trillion of our GDP last year
and so is rent
crossbreeding should be illegal

So when did this happen?
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Jew math shenanigans to justify infinite debt really are something to behold sometimes
I did expect people to pull out in disgust like they did for those Target protests a year or two ago
I stopped playing roblox after hindenburg reported what disgusting stuff happens there
>How do you finish off a series of V's?
With a big check mark.
So this the 1984 equivalent of one team digging ditches and another team filling them in. Teams never see each other.
waiting for it too but of course it never happens then
US just stumbled on a way to cull the unhealthy population and boost the medical sector. Giving the healthy part of the population a large medical testing arena to make them even healthier.
It used to be called XXXX. The new name ruined it.
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>cull the unhealthy population

they eat the corn syrup goyslop for decades and decades and decades while collecting disability bux and generally draining the system in every way imaginable. stop giving the government credit for any grand scheme they are fucking idiots and its just clown world where we try to make the most obese brown people possible because reparations or some shit
earlier this year
>zOMG look at the equal weighed S&P indices
>nothing is going up in value except le magnificent seven and semiconductors
>S&P 500 goes nothing but up
a few weeks ago
>zOMG AI has topped
>semiconductors in a downtrend
>magnificent seven BTFO
>S&P 500 still goes up, yet at a slower pace
>magnificent seven stagnate to slightly down
>everything else stagnates to slightly down
>a few sectors with slight gains
>S&P 500 reaches new ATH
As I've said before. The only sensible conclusion is:
>Indices are solved game.
But if they die before they can collect social security and Medicare. It works out.
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>FOMC minutes in just over an hour
are we going to crab till then
They live longer than ever before lol.
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Bought more Chewy.

No the lifespan average is shrinking because of them.
What was the meme? Boomers will outlive their children?
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Uh, a bunch of military jets just flew over my house
Where are you at? Near the hurricane?
Oh shit that's today?
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It's over...
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This caption has to be the most American thing I read today.
Oops, meant for
Okay well then it makes sense if you are near the gulf.
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>government is worried about debt

they don't even give a fuck they will just print more money dude. oh shit fuck we needed 10 trillion more for these programs. +10 trillion has been deposited into your account.

its clown world
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I guess they did not close down.
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Is TLT/TMF ever going to go back up or..??? Asking unironically
Yeah. It was just a shitload of them, but I guess it makes sense given the size of Milton
Once NNN bought in the play was over
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Shorter lines tho
The oil refinery wagies I'm sure are also evacuated at the last minute if at all.
Who is this NNN guy I keep hearing everyone talk about? Is that the HOOKED guy?
I don't know what that means. I thought bonds were going to be a decent play after the cut but they've been godawful, what gives?
i just came back from Houston and i gotta say, not impressed
>US 10-Year Note Sale:
- High Yield Rate: 4.066% (prev 3.648%)
- Bid-Cover Ratio: 2.48 (prev 2.64)
- Direct Accepted: 8.4% (prev 13.7%)
- Indirect Accepted: 77.6% (prev 76.0%)
- WI: 4.062%
isnt that a bad sign
I once went to Toronto. It was just a city. Wagies were going about their day. Niagara falls was much more fun being actually for tourists. I imagine Houston is the same way.
no, NNN is no news nigger, the hooked guy has a youtube channel called turbo option trading where he shills a buy now pay later scam program for options trades
Wtf roday? When?
Houston's a humid shithole chock full of niggers
This is the minutes from the September meeting.
he's absolutely right
Holy fuck. RIP HALO baggies.
>isnt that a bad sign
Who knows.
The only thing that's obvious is that le free market has misallocated trillions in muh debt market.
But since bubbles never pop, they'll somehow manage even with their positions going against them.

Remember the first GME hype? When Melvin capital was able to unload a several-billion short position on a 5 minute candle with barely any volume?
Yes, that sort of shenanigans.
I thought it was full of Hispanics. What part were you in?
Wtf happened to halo?
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>can't actually survive
The Covenant released a short report.
the popular vote is how a democracy dies
we're a federal republic
what do you expect it to be anon? minutes for novemeber, a meeting that has not yet happened?
It's full of hispanics, but it's got a large black population as well (22% from a quick Google search). There are other TX cities with larger black populations % wise, but since Houston's so big there's more there, obviously.
>the popular vote is how a democracy dies
Shut the fuck up jew
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You think it's possible that this thing hits the coast and then does a 90 degree turn and heads strait up to give those faggots in North Carolina, who voted for Trump, a second round of cleansing?
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I bogled.
I thought they were talking about new info.
>>21370800 I'm still up ~20% but I'm so mad how this shitcoin will drop 20-30% out of nowhere. They aren't tied to FDA rulings like many other pharma shitcoins yet can have the same movement as them. Their plan through '28 will keep me holding but i get frustrated more and more each year I see this happen.
Minutes so have new info. These minutes will reveal if they were lying or not like in jan '22.
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What the FUCK is this gay nigger market doing?
Just go down you gay nigger bitch.
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nice anon, I just hit 510 shares of VT
>I imagine Houston is the same way
i saw a homeless guy sleeping in the middle of the street downtown, not on the sidewalk, but in the middle of the crosswalk
that was my impression as well. also the maintenance of their sidewalks and walking areas downtown was abysmal
Are there any good reits?
A lot of them year. Look for the ones that were able to consistently grow their assets, revenue, and earnings and dividend.

Usually its best to avoid mortgage reits
>I thought it was full of Hispanics
it was full of both, i was downtown in the central business district
Chewy, but they aren't a reit.
How do we profit off of this?
hey stop noticing things
How the hell will the market not pump when they expect Core CPI to come in at 0,3%mom/3,2% yoy ("stable" not "sticky") and it ends up being 3,1%? They expect core cpi to be stuck at 3,2% for three months. And want cuts. And did cut. And will cut.
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remind that jews are a disgusting scourge and the enemy of all mankind
Kill yourself
>Asian parents you got job son, you will like it
>blacks, shit man I don't really want to be here
>Hispanic, I got like 4 kids I think and 20 extended family I got to support. You can just feel the desperation in the rating
>whites and Hawaiians the real average rating
The spread between white and black satisfaction will be known as the Keyed Index
You're missing one.
democracy is 2 bobos and a mumu deciding what's best for the country
They froze to death before I could poll them. Going to work in a warm place is good enough for them when they were alive.
Democracy could work, but we have to make non-whites, non-men and non-property owners non-citizens.
The hurricane is going through disneyland?
It's turning north and going to fuck up North Carolina again.
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>"We’re in ‘black swan’ territory now, and diversified portfolios are a ‘big lie’," per Mark Spitznagel, cofounder and chief investment officer of the hedge fund Universa Investments
>“Employers are now so overwhelmed with graduate applications, they don’t look at academic achievements," per FT
>Oregon residents will vote in November on a $1,600 annual universal basic income, per BI

Sounds pretty bearish
holy shit I hope you’re selling each and every one of them
>net margins lower than average American IQ
>all of them @ath
desu haven’t looked at them in depth bc @bar and from what we can see selling all of this list short term would pay our monthly tab
We can't handle such fun!
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Ignore at your own peril
Did 2 year and 10 year invert again?
>$133 a month
Buying ATHs works better than shorting them hth
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La démocratie, c'est moi.
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I found a new genre of music for trading stocks I like, frutiger aero. I still listen to vaporwave and other niche shit in early morning and late nights for investing.

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Come on Chewy!
ASTS shill owes me sex
Thinking about buying POWW
Who needs a job anyway? Just use your UBI money to gamble on options.
Tight teen pussies
I just logged into my brokerage accounts, sorry about that. Wait it is probably minutes dropping.
Timeline shift. Some people are sensitive to it.
Why are yields up so much? Why is the bond market so retarded?
checked and i'd like to market buy 100 please
I've never paid for pussy, but if I hit 200k next year I will.
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a-are all a-american women this h-h-hairy?
here we go with the Vs again
This Hurricane is that nigger swan October surprise we've been warning everyone about.
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do you guys try to give yourself autism on purpose?

>bro I listened to 12 hours of sonic soundtracks again today while "investing"
We need a third hurricane to hit the same spot to apparently move the markets.
the hairier the woman the hornier she is
>Arianespace SA is a French company founded in March 1980 as the world's first commercial launch service provider.
i do not think they are american
I don't even know where you go to find prostitutes.
Inflation. Inflation is not dead, it is / will continue to return with a vengeance. 1970s repeat
Bobo fell for *another* fake selloff?
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damn AI, could be from 80-90's horror.
it's out
Not really hairy. It was just peach fuzz. Common with women.
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I fucked a chick that had PCOS. TLDR it makes them higher testosterone and giga sluts lmao. Recommend.
>A Substantial Majority Of Fomc Participants Supported Lowering Rates By 50 Basis Points From Fed's Sept 17-18 Meeting; Some Participants Noted There Had Been A Plausible Case For A 25 Basis-point Cut At The July Meeting; Some Participants Noted They Would Have Preferred A 25 Bp Cut At September's Meeting, And A Few Others Indicated They Could Have Supported That
Wow it's fucking nothing
Do you know where you are? Cause a few boards over people share tips on the best options.
The Sega sound team is dope. You probably think this nigger shit they've been pushing on everyone is good music.
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>we should have lowered earlier
>because we noticed "signs" for a "plausible case"
>but nothing is wrong goyim everything is great
>we just noticed some "signs" that you know.. we were late...
>but there is nothing to fix
>but that's why we had to hurry up and catch up lowering the rates you know... because everything is fine
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I'll call the top correctly one day you'll see!!!
>Maybe i should diversify some
>Check out all world ETFs
>All are S&P 500 or DJI ETFs in disguise

What makes a stock stuck at a certain price? I can never figure this out. Happens to Dow stocks with millions of volume and stock does not move.
The market is so fucking gay and stupid.
It just got some bad news and it refuses to go down.
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people farm theta selling contracts on stable companies. shit will just glue sideways sometimes to exact pennies of strikes on the high volume contracts.
when large orders are placed by institutions, they hand it over to the algos to perform the execution. when a buyer and a seller algo find each other at an agreeable price, they'll bounce against each other making it look a little funny. i made this up but it sounds reasonable to me.
It just took a ratio of 10 to 1 bid/ask to move the stock up five cents.
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It dumped right before FOMC and then came right back up.
This shit's gonna dump tomorrow hard.
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Not enough pressure in one direction or the other I suppose
Almost sounds manipulated, if you didn't know better
It's because most countries are stagnant, useless space fillers. Generally a handful of banks (living at the whims of a mediocre central bank), some resource extraction (lol commodities over the long term), and one or two memes for spice (think INFY for INDA).

Aside from NVO distorting Denmark, only the east Asian ETFs contain any innovation or alpha.
I got sick of listening to mainstream music at my workplace, so its a nice break
That makes sense. Also why it seems to do it on round numbers.
I would be stocking up on the oil, the Jews are 100% going to hit Iran were they do oil, and it's going to become the next nigger swan / October surprise.
Like... sure, what do i do with south-sudanese stocks. But India, Indonesia, Singapore, China, South Korea etc etc there should be enough to push that thing below 20 % US stocks.
Just 2 weeks ago it was like 85 degrees and now it's down in the 60s and I am freezing.
Somebody needs to take the computers away from the market maker niggers because they're not paying attention to the news.
So no cuts?
90 degrees here, fuk u basterd bich
No one cares.
I wish it were like this all year. You can take a walk in a sweater without sweating. It's perfect.
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If they had any balls, they would do a 125bps cut
>how can I do that, he wrote the book on this ship and crew
>if the Borg know everything he knows, then it is time to throw that book away
She’s Italian, she’s already hit the wall at around 21
It is rare but at some point a company is fairly valued and thus doesn't move much. Once news enters the mix is when there is a sudden jump one way or another.
That looks more like having shoddy work done
That's not the wall. Just limited make up.

Current polling data from October 1st indicates democrats will lose about 3 million votes in the top 5 states from 2020 while republicans will gain 1 million votes. Taken across the board this is an 8 million vote loss against all states, vs. a 3 million vote gain for republicans. Trump would end up with about 77 million votes while Kamala would be down in 73 million vote hell. The best case scenario for her is Trump at 76 and her at 74. But her underperforming in California and New York while Trump is overperforming in Florida will fuck her.

There are also a bunch of other factors, since these numbers are based on 2020 turnout. If turnout is different in 2024 (more republicans, less democrats) then Trump will end up winning 53-46 and crushing her outright (which seems more and more possible as early vote tabulations come in and the harris campaign does a bunch of stupid shit). I wonder how leftoids will cope with a 365 ev win. This could go especially bad for them because a few percent in Trump's direction could flip 1-2 more senate seats and 10+ house seats, giving Trump 55 senators and 247 house seats in vulnerable districts. It fucks them harder considering Trump won't have a third term so he has no reason not to go Ham in the 2026 midterms if he wins and spend as much on turnout as possible, compared to the 2018 midterms. Democrats will be fighting an uphill battle.
Heat is good. Heat means hot women wear less.
Need something to buy, $35k cash
Most of those countries are poor as fuck. And/or tiny.

So TSM might swing with the semiconductor cycle and help little old Taiwan beat SPY for a little bit, but that's like SMCI at the start of the year fighting against the rest of the Russell 2000 - it just gets drowned out by the mediocre shit.

Like, the 300 million people in Indonesia haven't produced anything noteworthy since The Raid.
I'll humor you. I'm in a blue state and voting Trump. My vote does not matter at all because the state is well in the blue. How is this fair?
>Florida is under attack by the Harris regime's Satanic weather weapon technology.
>The Jews are about to use nuclear weapons against the Iranians.
>Stocks still going up because everyone is too retarded to read the news.
I swear to G_d nothing makes sense anymore.
Sleepy Joe just woke up and called Bibi, begging to only strike military targets.
Ok that's a good point. The amount of women here still wearing sun dresses and skimpy shorts is pretty high. I'd like it to actually feel like fall sometime soon though.
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>So Kamala, let's have you take a ride on the Sybian.
I'm in a swing and voting has lost all meaning to me this year.
Your individual vote wouldn't matter regardless.
35 degrees here pussies
>FOMC Minutes Show Fed Considerably More Divided Over Size Of Rate Cut
>Since the last FOMC meeting on September 18th, bonds have suffered a bloodbath while gold, stocks, and the dollar are all up modestly.

>Despite the apparent dovish pivot, the market's expectations for rate-cuts (this year and next) has plunged dramatically...

>This should not come as a huge surprise as Powell's raison d'etre for major rate cuts evaporated as US macro data has surged higher, surprising to the upside almost non-stop.

>It's hard to justify slashing rates any further in the face of that macro backdrop without exposing the 'political' decision-making process behind The Fed's move.

>Source: Bloomberg
You're forgetting to account for the 26 million migrants that were imported and distributed to strategically located precincts to ensure the Democrats retake the house, keep the white house, and keep the senate.
>You now remember Hysterical Literature
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So why should I vote for the losers who didn't think of this first?
The market is non binary
If I have to tell you, then you should probably vote for the Woman.
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God fucking damnit Powell all you needed to do was 25 bepis last time instead of 50. Now we're never getting out of this shit.
Sour Hour, close red
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>US macro data has surged higher
and yet I still cannot find a job
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i'm not gay
the market either goes up or down.
historically the market doesnt go down, it stays erect
market is a straight white male stop being a bigot
have you ever sucked a dick?
you can't be certain that you're not gay if you haven't done the research
thanks for the non-answers
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china will chimp out if that's the case
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Where are you seeing the need for 5% interest rates?
China can get their oil from the Saudis, or the Americans.
Emergency bake
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oh no 500 million chinese dead, 20 milllion civilians eaten, how will the west survive
I expect this level of stupidity from leafs and germs, but a burger!? Why have you done this.
they will still chimp out
What answer do you want? The system is inherently against the individual. A rational voter doesn't vote.
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Shan't be posting in that shit bake
nice subject
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Fuck this fake and gay nigger market.
I buy puts every day and I'm not gonna stop.
This board seems to have a good overall intelligence, but baking seems to lower IQ by a few points. As a baker I can confirm not putting the subject headline does make you feel really dumb. That said I can't take credit for the two fools at once.

derivatives are indeed the most kiked shit imaginable and the embodiment of "on no news at all" where big money just decides the price and fuck you because this shit is expiring at EXACTLY (X) dollars on Friday no matter fucking what
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>feels like I had sex with Taylor Swift for a whole week, but woke up today to find a BBC in my asshole.

>bonds have suffered a bloodbath
Debating if I should stop reading the rest after this.
Yep, stopped reading right there.
just buy calls??

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