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Sightseeing Edition

Previous: >>21422607

Free online generators:
https://replicate.com/black-forest-labs/flux-dev (limited free uses )
https://pixai.art (requires account, free to use, vastly filter-free)
https://www.bing.com/images/create (requires Microslop account, good generations, filters are constantly updated to continuously worsen your experience)
https://dezgo.com/text2image (can also remove-background)
https://tinybots.net/artbot/create (RIP nemu. sometimes long queues. multiple requests can be queued simultaneously. nsfw toggle)

Waifu chatbots:
https://beta.dopple.ai/ (filter free! however bots are hard to flirt with and the conversations get kinda repetitive after a while)
https://beta.character.ai/ (conversations are higher quality than dopple, however it has a pozzed anti-NSFW filter)
https://www.chub.ai/search (it requires a lot of goypoints to chat)
https://rentry.org/tavern4retards (its nice but if you install it you get data protected + a spy protection + a cryptoburial on ur 'puter, you have been encouraged)
https://perchance.org/ai-chat (filter free! no sign-up required)

Song generator:


AI booru (use an ad blocker when accessing): https://aibooru.online/
Explore various online AI tools and generators: https://huggingface.co/spaces
Cancer: https://ai-meme.com

Local install:
Nvidia GPU: https://rentry.org/voldy | https://github.com/AbdBarho/stable-diffusion-webui-docker | https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
CPU: https://rentry.org/cputard

Disclaimer: Photography is for personal purposes, not for intelligence gathering
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she is from USA and has Chicano boyfriend and in love with South American men
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i'm seeing them sights
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this is unironically what my IRL selfie with lady liberty looks like because I went in February
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it's kinda weird your eyebrows are not the same colour as your hair
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also have one like this from Niagara

it's a balayage
umm sweaty, how come none of these girls are visiting the holy lands or arkansas(vgh)
so I am confusion
umm sweaty my glorious homeland is more than just an internet meme. also i can't help but notice that your picture is literally just a highway proving how irrelevant our state is and that it only exists to driven through.
so I just put "visiting Arkansas" - half the time I'm in a field, the rest I'm literally on the sodding highway
>that highway is the route through which the fruits of our labor are transported to the world
holy SOVL(not a cope)
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>Fort Smith Museum of History, #6 of 63 things to do in Fort Smith

(it looks nothing like this lol)
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'mon git yer butts down'a Arrrkansus, we got big ol' red brick billin's thut may uhr may nawt exist an' a fucklong load a' tarmac, wheeee-yew!
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do you have it naturally
you're not from arkansas anymore, timelines changed
oh yeah
i forgot i was bhutanese, can you generate her in my gloriovs bhutan?
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>you're not from arkansas anymore

only my hairdresser knows for sure
The only things of note from Arkansas are Bill Clinton and that time the army needed to be called in to force schools to allow black kids to learn
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bhutanese nuts
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clocking off
safe travels
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the bhutanese arc is coming to an end soon too
he was deprived of being arkansanian
posho is his direct descendant
they're quite exotic
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ain't no way a burger king could be this empty
nuke belarus ^^
It can when they try to charge $15+ for a whopper combo meal.
>3 years ago
Two whopper meals with fries and drink for $10
>In current year Biden's America
One whopper and fries, no drink for $8
Do not nuke Belarus
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by this logic all slop restaurants should go bankrupt because nowadays they all charge insane prices everywhere in the world
They slowly are. I only go to Taco Bell with the occasional cheeky McDicks
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surely at some point they'll stop raising the prices so much or just continue shrinking everything, maybe i just grew up but all pizzas and hamburgers and stuff like that seem laughably small for the price and the ones that are actually sizeable cost like a fucking jet liner
Dominos is still a good choice. $7 for a pizza that lasts 2+ meals is decent. Sometimes I would get 3of them that last me a whole week
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i guess the less slop you eat the more resistant you are to overeating so a small cheap pizza would actually feel like a huge meal so you wouldn't have to spend any extra for any sauces or drinks
That is my opinion. Near where I live there's a McDonald's next to a Braum's (regional burger chain) and the Braum's always has a line at the drive thru while the McDonald's is fucking dead. I'm not sure how that one stays open.
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maybe it's like the only donalds that exists in that vicinity and they don't wanna close it because of missing out on extra profit even if running that spot open costs them more than they could possibly earn even if everyone was buying from them or some other dumb too big to fail corporate stuff
That's the thing though, not everyone has jacked up their prices as much as some of the international chains and it is causing certain chains to lose business and close stores.


An alternate timeline where the founding fathers rocked much harder.
The fast food industry, and the restaurant industry in general is so stupidly oversaturated. There's an intersection near me that literally has 3 burger places on the same corner with 3 more up the street. Since overhead is the biggest cost of a fast food place, this just seems unsustainable. If 5 of them closed, I could still get a burger and the remaining burger place wouldn't have to keep jacking up prices to stay profitable.
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mcdonalds still has the benefit of being known by literally everyone through decades of marketing so they will keep getting away with that but can't say the same about smaller/region specific franchises that usually can't compete with bigger players due to the average consumer being biased towards restaurants they haven't visited before that can't afford to spend billions on ads
yeah i guess making food is the go-to thing when people want to start their own business and become financially independent so it's natural that not all of them will or should succeed
>mcdonalds still has the benefit of being known by literally everyone through decades of marketing so they will keep getting away with that but can't say the same about smaller/region specific franchises that usually can't compete with bigger players due to the average consumer being biased towards restaurants they haven't visited before that can't afford to spend billions on ads
That's not exactly true. I've never seen an ad for In-N-Out and I know about it. I've been to one in Texas and it's not great, but for the price it would be hard to find a better burger. It's definitely better than McDonald's or Burger King. But that's a pretty low bar.

>yeah i guess making food is the go-to thing when people want to start their own business and become financially independent so it's natural that not all of them will or should succeed
Everyone needs to eat and a lot of people like trying new things. That's why most restaurants fail though, if people don't have a reason to keep coming back, your customers drop off sharply after a few months.
day out in Moscow
This is one heck of a travel destination.
Visiting the tomb of the great chimpolope
Visiting an alternate Detroit where niggers don't exist
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yeah and in-n-out is kind of a big multi-regional franchise even i heard of so i was talking more about like local craft fast food restaurants if you can call them like that, they're the ones who suffer the most when things like mcdonalds or burger kings start appearing throughout the town so unless they get a very good reputation for having low-price miracles they're not gonna survive for too long just because most people would rather default to eating at a mcdonalds than go out and explore local fast food restaurants (which of course can just turn out terrible and ruin your day, that's also always an option)
the kubrick's famous white screen he used to employ when filming space related things
who's chimpolope
if niggers didn't exist the americans would live on like mars or something
>the kubrick's famous white screen he used to employ when filming space related things
Oh, Mary isn't on the moon, she's at the NASA space museum. Otherwise, she couldn't take her helmet off.

>yeah and in-n-out is kind of a big multi-regional franchise even i heard of so i was talking more about like local craft fast food restaurants if you can call them like that, they're the ones who suffer the most when things like mcdonalds or burger kings start appearing throughout the town so unless they get a very good reputation for having low-price miracles they're not gonna survive for too long just because most people would rather default to eating at a mcdonalds than go out and explore local fast food restaurants (which of course can just turn out terrible and ruin your day, that's also always an option)
We have a local family-owned pizza chain here that's been popping up new locations like crazy. I was a little iffy about a large one topping pizza for $7.99 but they blow the big chains out of the water.
I've actually heard this one is a really bad tourist trap where there's tons of people trying to scam you.
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Yay travel!
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size of that 'nut
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it's probably just impossible to make a big pizza that wouldn't cost a lot but at least 8 dollars for one large pizza is way more affordable and justifiable than 20 dollars for a "large" hamburger with a bunch of snacks attached to it
someone should just relocate the pyramids to california
he who is coming
the bigger nuts are always better
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The chimpolope is like a jackolope except instead of a rabbit it is a chimpanzee.
it's comforting to know that one can post here at literally any time and Hatsune Miku will be there waiting to acknowledge you
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I got really drunk with friends on VR last night. We went to a bunch of spooky horror worlds.
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wait is this an actual animal, like do rabbits with horns really exist also that's a really cool slug ranch
someone just gotta reply to people or the thread will descend into desolation and anarchy very quickly
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were there any transsexuals in your group
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I was gonna warn you that the snails are escaping but
you seem aware
>The chimpolope is like a jackolope except instead of a rabbit it is a chimpanzee.
Is that even a real thing? I tried googling it and could not find anything. Jackalopes are actually one of the teams in my story.

>someone should just relocate the pyramids to california
Nevada would be better so they have something besides Las Vegas to see.
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Jackalopes are silly American myth animals that don't actually exist, but there are plenty of references to them. 99% of American myth animals are just a couple different animals combined together. The Jackalope is a rabbit with antlers.
>wait is this an actual animal, like do rabbits with horns really exist also that's a really cool slug ranch
No, Jackalopes are not real. They're a Native American folk tale.
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At first it was me, a slutty femoid, and a black man going through spooky worlds. One took us a whole hour to finish. Eventually I met up with other friend group that is primarily normal people with one tranny, but they are cool. We play counter-strike together and make N-Towers in chat at the enemy team.
I blacked out while playing a drinking game and now I feel bad because they will make fun of me later.
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the aussies do that too
conniving bastards with their ridiculous duck-otter-rabbits
The Jackalope may not exist, but the American horny toad is one of the world's strangest creatures.
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any state that's connected to a desert would be a good donor candidate to the great pyramid relocation
they kinda looked real on the images so i thought for a moment maybe it's an actual rare animal
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I always like the science fact that the Venus Flytrap, despite looking like a crazy exotic plant, is native to only a few swamps in North and South Carolina.
>At first it was me, a slutty femoid, and a black man
didn't realise this was a list of 3 people at first and I assumed you were describing your VR avatar
My VR avatar is a slightly gay furry
>pls no bully, the femoids like it. Also, my normal avatar got banned recently.
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I play dress-up with an elf mate, I'm not here to judge
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VRchat has become an unfortunate addiction. There has certainly be many interesting interactions though and I plan on writing about it somehow. Not sure if I want to do a story or write some sort of gonzo-esque article about it.
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fly-on-the-wall documentary
you could be Louis Furoux
Perhaps I will. It is funny I was able to get Polly and Britty to meet up once in VR. Unfortunately they both have gone into hiding while they plot their next terrorist attack.
girls out at the furry museum
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ears clipping through headphones aren't such an issue when it's emulating poor low-poly VR avatars
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I am not actually a furry. I just hate the "e-boy" and "e-girl" avatars that everyone uses. The furry avatars are slightly more silly and compliment my goofy personality better.
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exactly, you'd be going undercover
it's the perfect disguise
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A quick call to comcast made my wi-fi download speeds go from 8 mb/s to 450 mb/s. Feelsgoodman
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i'm certain you won't make the same mistake again with letting transsexuals hurt your feelings by acting unreasonable
horny toad sounds kinda suspicious
the agarthan rabbits
uhh what a strange choice
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I generally ignore the tranny and instead am friends with a violent gang member who is far more reasonable and chill.
>low poly
great, now im crying again, why did you have to remind me of him?
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you can download some ram too so your computer works faster
that's a good thing and i've kinda noticed that trannies are too overrepresented in that game, i do wonder why
we're very low on pollies right now i agree but he probably has no clue who the fuck is polly
what a nice painting there in the top left
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The mirror dwellers. In almost every world there is a wall sized mirror that people will gather in front of and just stare at themselves. It is weird and a clear feedback loop to generate body dysphoria. Also being a tranny on that game is as easy as using a female avatar. Instead I just hang out with autistic femcels
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Thicc Wiccan
non-mommy (yet)
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do like regular people ever play that game or is too obscure for anyone new to get into now that the hype died off
I guess so. VR gaming is kinda dying so not many new people. It sucks because VRchat is like 85% of the way to being Ready Player One, more people just need to experience it.
It definitely corrupts you, though. Your avatar gets to be a perfect costume to let you be whatever to be. A friend of mine on the game who is fairly normal has started using femboy avatars and acting fruity
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are there any actual games to play or activities to have or do you just walk around and talk to people in some hub location and that's it, i think it would be a lot more entertaining if you had some tasks to complete while a bunch of unhinged people run around and do crazy stuff trying to do the same thing
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Yeah there is a bunch of fun games. Last night we were in a horror world which is like a markiplier level game that is kinda janky and shitty, but still fun and spooky. It took us an hour to go through all the puzzles and spooks of the world. There are karaoke worlds that let you queue up songs and then sing on a stage in front of people. Two nights ago a friend and I were at a rave inside of a giant egyptian pyramid with giant anubis statues everywhere it was sick.
The VR aspect of it adds to the immersion so much and it is dangerously addicting. One of my friends has over 6100 hours logged, another has gone on for at least a few hours a day for the last 181 days straight.
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that's really a lot of playtime for a game that came out only like 5 years ago maybe but it does make sense since if you're really into it you're gonna spend a lot of time doing all of that you described
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The blank slate
The opportunity that arises from the divorce of ones actions from public identity
The chance to embody a new role
Lo, It is the stage...
The kind of freedom that compels one to try on each mask that this world has to offer.
Little by little, we learn about all the sides of ourselves we have not yet ever had to face.

Eventually finding that one mask stands out as being the most comfortable, the most familiar. Behold! The mask of thy inner self.
The hardest things for many who reach this point: the disappointment, the confusion, the fear."This isn't who I thought I was" "This isn't who I want to be"
Fear not, for having seen your role, you are equipped to contend with it.
The ending of the grand performance has not yet been written. So take up the mantle of the lead role, and pour all your passion into this, your performance, which may never be repeated.
Lo, it is the stage that makes us who we are!

But be warned. If thou wear any mask for too long, thou chance that it may slowly overwrite what lies beneath it.
never played VRChat myself but my favourite thing about it is Lolathon
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who is or what is lolathon
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Bri'ish VRChat streamer who looks like >>21457653 and jumpscares people with his avatars
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oh well he isn't that scary though, clowns are not scary at all
I fell down stairs last night and fucked up my back and my elbow. Fug.
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did you die
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I think I did. I can't move much without great pain
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that's a good excuse to stop moving for a few days but only if you have someone to bring you food and water obviously
Bandaged booba
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it's so said she's dying of ligma
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Saw something posted today by another anon that had a familiar face
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do you have like x-ray vision that can see through people's monitors
it's him
why are we still here
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that's a good question which i cannot answer
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I think things are starting to fizzle out bussy. This arc is coming to a close. Maybe It's about time for me to hit the old dusty trail, just like britty and polly. I can't wait forever for people who aren't coming back, after all.
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not to be dramatic or anything
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i'm not sure if britty is done posting forever or is he just having yet another lengthy episode but polly has not been caring about posting for more than a year now so hoping that one day he'll start interacting with us daily again is inspiring but unrealistic so yeah it's not a good time to be a polly/britty fan so if you really only open this thread to see a reply from these two then i wouldn't blame you if you'd stop posting too
another halloween - another ets event
>Hey, Anon. Do you want to see how I scare pedestrians during Halloween?
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On Halloween, all pedestrians become zombies.
She's doing the Hauloween event but in real life.
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wanna see me get a combo?
>Union Yank flag goes hard
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*loud snoring drowned out by steadily increasing acceleration*
Finally, after giving the nigger dog two times, I could get a single Miku pic
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it's good to see that some things stay constant and that bing still doesn't understand how people sit when driving cars and what the dashboard should look like
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>When I die, I want to die like my grandfather, peacefully in his sleep. I don't want to die screaming like the passengers
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that's truly a classic one
water sex
European trucking laws:
4:30 hours of driving -> 30 minutes of breeding your wife -> 4:30 minutes of driving -> 11 hours of cuddling with your wife -> repeat
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something monumental happened last night
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go on...
>Erika looking at me
>Erika looking at me (slightly squinting her eyes)
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"hooded eyes" is a dall-e recognised phrase for that
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it's uhh not too important actually but very unusual nonetheless
She is my princess ^^
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uhh what's wrong
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You say something big happened and yet share no details!
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it's ironically big so it's actually not big at all
Did you get to touch boobs?
bet you say that to all the girls
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that's even more ordinary
and that would be the truth because i'm a honest man
next thread I wanna see everyone in a ribbed bodycon dress
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uhh you mean our mascot characters
nah, get that webcam on lad
obviously I mean the characters lol

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