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Kill Fetish Kikes

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:



>Boomer Investing:

>Misc smg:
Previous: >>21769722 >>21769713 >>21767630
fuck you nigger
>filter smg
>19 threads filtered
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cute little end of day dump into the fucking red
were actually mooning. yesterday was the pricing in of bad data.
>you will never stick your penis in a big butt
Giant anime girls were the only good thing about these cryptokike threads
>rare jeet kvetches at dead fetish nigger threads
good omen
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ding ding ding or whatever.

how did it go?
Awful, bakes are shit, fuck off, etc etc.
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Shitty, but not nearly as shitty as yesterday
I called it, btw.
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I don't want to talk about it.
>$FDX | FedEx Q2 Earnings:
- Revenue: $22.08B (est $22.15B)
- Adjusted EPS: $4.05 (est $3.98)
- Adjusted Operating Income: $1.38B (est $1.35B)
- Adjusted Operating Margin: 6.3% (est 6.06%)
- FedEx Freight Revenue (FY 2024): $9.4B
- FY Adjusted EPS: $19.00 to $20.00 (prior guidance: $20 to $21)
- FedEx announced its intent to separate FedEx Freight into a new publicly traded com
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it's ogre
fedex is still holding 2 separate packages from 2 different places i bought from the week of black friday. tracking says no current delivery date available. to be updated when package leaves distribution warehouse
fuck fedex i hope they go bankrupt
The post office still hasn't scanned a package I shipped last week and the person who bought it from me on eBay is understandably getting impatient because the tracking still says "label created" and nothing else. Fuck USPS too
Still plenty of life in the other thread, and you didn't even add an additional number to the thread so nobody knows what the fuck thread is the active one. I swear you fucking bakers suck so much cock you probably like I dunno whatever something somebody who sucks tons of cock does... you probably lost your gag reflex.
Periodic reminder Baggie has admitted to sucking a dick
oof, that's bad.

wtf, these things are important, why don't they scan it immediately? Or you should have gotten a receipt, anything to prove you handed something in. daaaaaaaaaaayum
There's a difference between making out with a tranny and sucking his cock.
Baggie is a certified cocksucker, drunkar, retard, but he is NOT a thread splitter
>Market already up +0,14%
Actually you got that wrong grandpa. I intentionally wait for someone to announce they're baking and then split threads sometimes for the lulz, but I AM NOT A COCK SUCKER!
i learned back when i first stared selling online to make the post office wagie scan every package in and give me a receipt. otherwise those fuckers will just shot put it into some random bin and it might suit around for weeks or worse get shipped off to guam or something. both of which have happened to my shit
If you suck a cock you are a cock sucker. Dems the rulez
They have no explanation as to why it didn't get scanned immediately. "It happens sometimes", incompetent faggots. I didn't get a receipt as I'm a regular and I drop off tons of shit every week, wish I had this time though.
You only need 400k in a dividend stock to stop working forever, and pursue your simple dreams
Get to work wagies
up 0.43%. beat the market today. hooray!
See that house, son? I built it, but do people say "there's John, the constructor"?
See that mural? I painted it, but do people say "there's John, the painter"?
See that bridge? I drew the plans, but do people say "there's John, the architect"?
But you fuck ONE sheep...
i hyperlinked all the other threads. here this is thread 2. now its nujberredbbaidcally
i would be ashamed to bring a woman to a fancy restraunt and she eats her food like that. cave man etiquteete

oh who am I kidding if she is hot and sex like that with a nick rack and ass I dont care atall.
Have an extra $100k cash I need to invest in the market, do I go 100% TQQQ DCA over 3 months?
you're supposed to put the number in the title, so people interested in joining the discussion can just look at the threads in the catalog and go to the oldest one. nigger
I've got my 7k ready for my roth. Not sure if I'm going to keep it cash or buy these juicy dips.
I'd be more concerned about sitting next to her instead of in front of her
you are sitting in front of her

who do you think took the photo? cuckold.

Verry common for dating c ouples to bring a third wheel so they can look normal sitting next to each other like that.

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what's all this shit about the 'yield curve" uninverting after 50 years?
will this be a big problem? or just more inflation?
nice captcha
The short-dated treasuries should not be worth more than long-dated treasuries, since you're taking on less risk. When this happens, it is an inversion, and signals an unhealthy market.
It was inverted for about 2.5 years, which was the longest inversion since the 1970s. When it flips back to normal, it has always preceded a recession 6 months to 2 years later.
This was the biggest and longest inversion since the 70s
wow very defensive
I am the defensive investor, after all.
hmm ty
very concise
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I hate paying bills. Just thinking of all the extra money I could be putting into the market instead keeps me up at night.
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I dont have the full res handy, but the Benner Cycle also calls for a market top in 2026, which falls into that 6-24 month window. It also predicted other recessions by plus or minus a year (depending on when you consider the top/event was), which is pretty accurate for something that was authored in fucking 1875
the world is run by jews. bills are neo indentures. my apartment is threatening me with signing somone to my room when my lease doesnt expire for another 8 months.

They also hiked the cost of everything up. Inflation is like 3% the rate of my utilities and rent is going up 4.5%
I'm joining the war on American citizens on the side of PLTR
I taught my dad how to trade stocks and he is even better than me

What do i even do now
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I need income

Get him into options so he can heem himself
you mean HER cock
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no idea, I have no income either
It doesn’t make me hard though, why does he infect every thread with sad incel slop
I wonder why they dont update the circuit breakers to trip on any decline at all.
Well for those who bought $300 calls on FDX, congrats.
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What are your feelings on employment, anon?
I almost did. almost. But being right about the direction but wrong about the reason isnt a victory. Revenues down, lowered guidance. Not sure how spinning off your most productive venture into a different company is bullish.
>What are your feelings on employment, anon?
high risk, low reward.
That is how I got myself into this predicament
What trading strategies do you and your dad use?
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So I ended up selling out of the bulk of my crypto positions just now. Sorry the charts don't line up very well. The top one is the weekly, and the bottom one is the daily.
Price rallied up into a BBand set at 2.618, which is usually a good reversal signal, and then on the daily chart, it went sideways under the baseline. Looks like we're entering a bearish trend on some of the weaker (non BTC non ETH) coins.

In other words, the memecoins are starting to sell off. Now would be an excellent time to take profit on some stuff and set up defensive plays on your stonks. I'm still net neutral/bullish for the next year, however.
>sell stuff on eBay
>buy and hold an income portfolio (e.g. Vanguard's mutual fund VTINX)
>enjoy regular income
Its called patience and investing in good companies, i have no patience.
This isn't a bad idea. What you need to do when selling shit is get it at comfortable markdowns in order to make money online.
For example, I buy Lego from Walmart at 50-75% clearance (only shows up 2 or 3 times a year). So far I've put about $1200 into it, and have a retail value of $3200, with a market value of $3300. Ebay takes about 30% in fees, and if they pay shipping that's even better for you. Of course, they're very illiquid if you post them at market value.

I also found some old Garmin 4s on clearance for $9 or $19 depending on the model. Ended up buying all 16 of them, and flipped them for $80 a pop. Net profit was about $30-40 per watch and I made about $300 total, enough to offset some of the holiday gift costs for others
I was doing okay with leaps for WMT for a month or two, in addition to my long position. Then the charts started looking like >>21772927 so I dipped out. Bought a few puts to play the downside, but I expect it will shit upwards and heem me.
pretty nice that ever since upgrading my pc i have been using over 200kwh per month less electricity even with the monitors on 24/7. i wouldn't have bothered to change from the previous hardware if i didn't find a much more recent cpu in the trash one day
I cut all of the alt coins I was holding down to minimum positions.
Main position is now BTC. Plus a little bit of ETH and SOL.

I've come to the conclusion that all the "technology" means nothing and is neither needed nor wanted.
What's left is collectability and "storage of wealth."

Also the thought of the "technology" being adapted en masse by whomever for whatever at moonshot prices because "finally there is utility" doesn't check out.
Like business would want to buy into a technology at record prices. They'd rather go without.

Additionally, no stablecoin which isn't centrally planned, managed, controlled, supervised and offered will ever be legal tender for taxation.
Nor does any current stablecoin project inherit the necessary perks I believe would be desired by the controllers for "true digital legal tender."
energous corp (WATT) entered into a contract with a fortune 10 retailer for electronic shelf labels but they wouldn't tell which one mainly because I assume they need to hit performance milestones before getting paid or the retailer wants to keep their options open.

either way, I knew some retail wagie would be already installing the electronic shelf labels, and post a pic of it. And what did I find on the Walmart subreddit with the title of "price tag of the future"? an electronic shelf label that matches the ones that energous sells.

I was worried that it was walgreens, and it would be another disaster experiment like their digital displays on the refridgerated drinks.

so what happens to a shitter of a company that will possibly supply 2300 stores with up to 120k labels equalling 276mil not including spares and superstores? I hope the dorks at energous have a unit price of at least a buck, then they could hope to become profitable maybe overnight.

fun side note I'm gonna follow the walmart wagie closely because he possibly works at the experimental store in grapevine, texas. I love people bragging on social media.
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>those bags be heavy
show us on chartrelated how deep you're in the red
oh you're only getting those now? i wonder how many companies there are that make those
It’s apart of “le surge pricing” craze. Now Walmart can preemptively jack the price up when they see you enter the store knowing you searched ice cream on their app. Also now no more wagies needing to update prices. It’s all instant. Instant price changes. Yuge bull market incoming
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>u didn't buy the Cocoa x2 leverage etf that's up 1000% on the year
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Everybody short Canada, the jeetdemic is here kek
they probably wont be that fancy. at least the ones here still need a wagie but you no longer need to go print and cut labels in the back office and can just use the smartphone like device to update the price
To be fair, most other industries do this, such as airlines, hotels, and gas. The only problem is an "ethical" concern in that it creates the potential to jack up the prices for things are essential during shortages or emergencies.

Another issue is perhaps the problem of shelf labels changing on your way to the checkout. I suppose this would be remedied by having a Walmart.com account or app installed, and scanning the product barcode with your smartphone to "lock in" a given price. Then it would bill you automatically on your way out. Unfortunately, this would only work in white neighbourhoods for obvious reasons.

There may be a push to implement this, since our store (Ontario) has a previous generation of elabels, but they have added email receipts to the self checkout, and have been trying to entice people to use the Walmart app already, as well as having online item locators.

You know what though, I was recently playing Hitman: World of Assassination as my second entry into the series. Extremely fun game to me. There's a level that takes place in Mumbai and the crowd npcs were full of like those 3 or 4 standard indian-like faces you expect to see. Even the voiced lines were infuriating. I hate them.
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Don't call us fetish N words. Call us Big Woman Enjoyer

Incredibly based. Indians are redeeming themselves
None of those problems you highlighted concern Walmart. They concern the poor fag wagie.
Also >short Canada
My plan here was to literally just be in USD and it works out for me. Although, you could long USD/CAD or perhaps long/short the TSX/housing market to taste.

Looking at Tim Hortons, it's well known to be part of RBI (ticker: QSR). Looking at the monthly charts, it could dip to around $61. Weekly and Daily charts suggest a local bottom, so it might very well rally in the short term, to about $69.50
most companies use batteries, energous uses wireless energy on the same spectrum as wifi, paired with data communication makes these esl's a install and then never touch again device. Unless the bro in the demo video is leaving out steps, you can update from the app, and as long as the powerbridge is nearby, no need for batteries.

I know the company is in the shitter, but still 11% of float held by institutions. If they were a true shitter company, institutions would have sold for the tax writeoff by now.

don't have a dime on them now, but once price starts leveling out and crabbing, I'd buy. They plan to announce revenues from this contract at q4 earnings, but maybe earlier if they hit milestones.
>None of those problems you highlighted concern Walmart
While you're correct to an extent, you also can't disrupt existing patterns. If something is too difficult to use, people are going to form new habits elsewhere (which is why my store, for example, has not received an overdue reno for some time).

So if there's a high barrier to entry for retards, women, and old people, few people will use the system, or else complain about it and get frustrated. I think it's a very cool idea (from a tech standpoint and as a shareholder) but you also can't piss off the customer base too much
wagies slurp up precious money with their hourly wages. one dork on reddit said these esl's cut labor on price changes in half. scale that out to 365 days, 2300 stores, 6 or 7 managers in charge of price changes, thats a lotta money that the waltons don't have to pay their wagies.
hmm well i actually have no idea how the ones here work other than that they have a e ink display which means they should only consume power from something when they update. i saw it once they render the new info pretty slowly
Might do the same thing I did today for tomorrow. Buy Micron when it dips and sell when it goes up. Would rather have hood but this is more volatile and has bigger rewards.

Remind me how to profit from lockdowns again? I made quite a lot from 2020 shorts. Not sure if 2025 will be any different.
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Trump is gonna get heemed if he doesn’t stop letting Elon dictate his policies and choices. If he doesn’t get the border closed I would’ve rather had the senile retard in charge again. Tank the market so I can start over again.
energous ones get power from a wifi router looking device, uses the same spectrum as wifi, which once ya think about it like a retard "if I can send pictures and video over the airwaves, and that takes energy, couldn't you power a simple device with the energy sent over the air?"
I just remember I had Citi calls and Trump said something about banks and it killed me. That's how it was back then. Buy the dip but also buy insurance.
I think picrel is ok. But these blobthings are just too much. At least resemble a real fuckin woman by shape
Well Germans are well known for eating sausage.
As long as Musk gets us to Mars I don't really care. Things actually seem to be lining up well. Fusion, AI. Just need the damn protein resequencer for food.
NKE gave up everything as soon as he said fixing things will cost money. Yeah.. there’s no way around that when debt isn’t free anymore.
I won't kinkshame anyone, but sometimes I wonder if hyper/inflation posters are /biz/ janitors who are trying to psyop people back to /biz/, just like black woman posters
I always thought it was just a running joke, but I got some weird kinks thanks to hentai video games. So who knows
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Post evidence that the market topped.
>quantum meme shit
What else?
To me it was the Trump rally and market gains causing housing sales to go up. People get a little money and they instantly buy houses and cars.
Would'a been worse if I hadn't sold that AISP pump in the morning. Went from bagholding to +29%
Still getting fucked on my SOXL bags though... should have sold yesterday to minimize the losses
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Can you niggers stop double baking?
It is not a double bake when one thread is purposely made shitty to fuck with people. That's Baggie though.
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>Ordered a new bed sheet/comforter/pillow case set, Rest evercool+ on Amazon
>Got it in just a few days

>Ordered a virology textbook for school
>It won't be here until fucking mid January

I hope they replace those warehouse wagies with robots soon, that's just stupid and its with Prime too...
I like the Mellanni sheets. Last order was 1573 blue hydrangea.
Damn I was briefly above $700k net worth
At this pace... I'll end the year under $650k...
What were you last year at this time?
Though, I only had $13k in income from unemployment this year, and I spent like $40k
What are some good blanket materials to comfymaxx?
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I need cooling sheets, I'm a hot sleeper.

Speaking of, sometime next year i want to get a memory foam mattress like this, my old one has springs and its fucked up now after 15+ years

>invests in stocks instead of investing in a good spot to sleep
300 iq, you should try reducing your food budget too and investing that too
I been using this one for 3 years.

That's good. As long as line go up. Just don't spend as much next year.
Depends if you are a cold sleeper or hot sleeper.

For me I'm a hot sleeper and even when I'm buck ass naked my bed feels like waking up in a volcano in the morning with normal cotton wool sheets. So my preferred set for comfy is;

>Coop memory foam pillow, with Extra Oomph cool+ pillow filling and Eden cool+ pillow cover
>Rest Evercool+ Fitted sheet, flat sheet
>For summer, I use Luxome lightweight blanket
>For fall/winter, I use Vesta All Season Silk comforter blanket

I'm changing my mattress next year, I want to get that Amerisleep AS6 for their cooling material.
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I have a job now (just started this month) so I'll be making a lot going forward. But I still want to trade and invest a bit
Like today
I made a good investment in a frozen pizza
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There's so much absolute dogshit right now that I want to short, but I can't decide what I want to short first.
Looks like you got to select new small box. Not sure if they made changes other than the box. You already had to wait like 3 days before you could lay on it. If they compressed it more that might cause issues.
So you're the invest in dessert guy...lol
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I admit I wasn't in a good position since I had to move 4 times across country so I didn't think of buying a new mattress
I am just messing with you anon, you can do whatever you want.

I am unironically reducing my food budget mostly to force myself to diet believe it or not. I am only eating meat and some veggies and its giving results so far.

You should invest in the weight loss market lmao
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yes, I have been known to wish I had invested in dessert...
I don't track my spending on that granular of a level... but it would be fun to know how much of my spending last year was on desserts
I just made chocolate chip cookies to eat the raw dough. Though I think I had enough and will put it in the fridge for tomorrow to bake the rest.
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What the fuck are you gonna do on mars? What a wack fetish given all the failings currently on this planet. Your escapism is childish. Also, divy chads rise and bask is the down market.
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>and its with Prime too...
who the fuck pays for prime anymore? shits a joke
My escapism may be childish, but your short sightedness is blinding you to opportunity in technological progress. GPS satellites for example, a product of the space race, have just themselves created a host of benefits to Earth. From simple navigation aids to greater farm productivity, to less logistical waste. There are a lot of possibilities in pushing boundaries. Many of which will benefit all of humanity. As Asimov has said: there is a single light of science and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere.
>prime card 5% back
>buy everyday household goods
prime is literally free.
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man i'm SO close to $3k net for the month
my cost on these items is negligible and i put in maybe an hour of work a day, if that
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>narrow banking
>dont pay for prime
>get cash back on purchases anyways
>earn monies & don't spend more on stupid shit
what are you selling? how'd you get into this?
Heads up the 12 pack of Campbell's potato cheddar bacon soup has a 25% off coupon. Regular coupon not sub and save. Ordered 3, 12 packs and the coupon worked with each one.
Coach, I have got AIDS
I was getting setup to sell on Amazon but it was harder to get a product I wanted than I thought. Even formed a corporation and opened a business checking account...lol
Lmao, the super ultra maga republican extremists just voted to shut down the government right before Xmas.
my cards don't work out that way. the best I can do on groceries and chink goods is 3%. so I get a bonus 2% which covers prime and grocery delivery. this isn't even counting the value of my time saved by not having to go associate with niggers outside.
Didn't they agree to a new debt ceiling until 2027 or some shit? What changed?
oh no! how will we survive!
Joe Biden spent all the money, so they need more money, but Trump cracked his whip and said he's not paying the minorities who are working hard trying to keep America from becoming a dictatorship, so the Republicans voted to make them work without pay.
Yes good goy this is exactly right
And at the same time we have all of these migrants who are about to experience their first happy holidays in America, but with the government shut down they're not going to be able to say happy holidays.
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Capital gains tax.
They're going to have to settle for the felis navidad
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Just don't have any gains...
>he pays taxes
you realize those are completely optional right? they just don't want you to know that.
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Wesley Snipes' mistake was listening to advisors like you.
his mistake was not filing.
>memecoins STARTING to sell off
Lol, hindsight TA retard. Now is probably a good time to get a little bag for the inauguration ride. Doge coin specifically
I am constantly heemed. I am constantly angrey I didn't sell on monday and legitimately hate myself for being the person most responsible for my life sucking ass.
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This general is remarkably calm given the fact that we're heading into a stock market crash.
i'm cashgang nigga
Same here. Bought in the morning and sold in the afternoon. Plan is to do the same tomorrow.
I sold calls on almost everything a few days ago.
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Man politicians just love to act like spoiled fucking children kek
Nothing ever happens
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I'm gonna be chilling until March 2025...you just know with the writing on the wall
But we got until 2029.
I think politics is going to get shaken up hard and these career politicians are thinking in status quo terms. It’s going to be a shock to them but the screeching is my favorite part
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i love how they frame it as if the bad part is the government shutting down and not the actual bad part which is when it comes back, along with another 2 trillion in lobbying/gubmint worker gibs
Ask me how I know you're ngmi
Nothing the politicans do is going to change the fact that without money we are barely above indentured servants. They are literally arguing over an imaginary debt limit line when they are going to need to broadly cut the government to actually deal with the debt.
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More turbulence ahead with triple witching (and possibly PCE) tomorrow. Then it's back to the regularly scheduled bull market.
The debt can never be repaid. Interest on treasuries creates USD that doesn't exist.
TA doesn't predict, it confirms
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Are we not going to say anything about spy after hours
Just sell some of African American citizens to Israel for USD already in circulation to pay off the interest. Solves everyone's problems ezpz.
if you ignore it, it goes away.
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You have your standing orders. Buy every dip! Simple as.
What happened with the parabolic melt up rally? Is it still happening?
>parabolic melt up rally
I'm going to need the crayon explanation to what that is.
Everyone is mad because the Ultra MAGA Republicans weren't willing to vote in their own interests and decided to vote against giving themselves a pay raise.
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How did I manage to buy calls at the literal top

How did I manage to long vti a month before this.
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>I just buy every dip, it always goes right back up
>dude use the log chart and zoom out, you'll see this rally is normal and the drops look like nothing
>yeah P/E ratios are historically elevated but you can't time it, after all P/Es have no limit
>dude just buy don't be scared
>learn what QE is - a crash like 2008 won't happen again
>I buy every week at ATH and I'm up :)
>I just don't look at valuations
I told everyone that the ultra magazine Republicans were going to shut down the government and default on the debt, but you guys were like nah, they're going to cuck and kick the can down the road, and I was like, dude they're done kicking the can we're going to do the tough stuff, like make America great again, and now we're going to have crazy shit like every single day.
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Don't you belong in your containment thread?

Pic related.
> shut down the government and default on the debt
That sounds bullish though
No everyone needs to hear that the ultra maga Republicans want everyone to go on furlough before the end of the year. Happy Holidays, signed Trump & The Ultra MAGA Republican Caucus.
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I will laugh my ass off if the fuckin government shutting down for real causes a stock market crash, like a Black Monday 1987 event kek
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Seeing what I like to get ready for the year 2029 depression.
this negro eatin frijoles
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I’m ready to slurp.
I made beef stroganoff last night.
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Relax gringo they aren’t even Goya
He's also got that zero water, it's like freeze dried water you just add water to so you have a refreshing drink.
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you made beef, strokin' off?
Sam's had that brand cheap.

I tried the mountain house beef lasagna yesterday. Noodles and sauce were good but the meat tasted like beef ravioli in a can. Not sure why people give it such a high rating.
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Just water filters.
I prefer it over bush’s since le Epico beaners know what good food is. It’s sold out every time I go to Walmart though.
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> At Gamblers Anonymous in the Murray Hill neighborhood of Manhattan, one man called options “the crack cocaine” of the stock market.

>look away from the market for a few days
>we enter a full on correction because we cut too fucking early like I said we did months ago
Fucking finally I have been financially bored for months now.
>Fucking finally I have been financially bored for months now.
this is what feels like to chew 5 gum
Is one bad day then an up day really a correction?
Paywall. Even archive doesn't work.
Yeah paywall removers don’t work and some retard over on wayback took a screenshot without a subscription knowing full well that’s not why people are there

But the commentary is nice
we just had a "find any reason" correction, and the reason was the fed meeting, wasn't bad news but my guess is the funds need exit liquidity, so they choose a high volume day to dump. I don't think the fed could have said anything different and we'd still have a correction. If anything if the fed kickstarted a rally, it'd just be a bigger correction the next day.

you can't drop boulders into the ocean without creating havoc, but if you drop boulders into a choppy ocean, it does less damage.

but I'm just a tard rubbing two brain cells. one day I'll find a way to make it onto the trading floor of a hedge fund, report back to all y'alls whether I was right or wrong
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Why sub to wsj? Articles like that seem just dumb. I would rather sub to seeking alpha.
Shedding 4% in a day is pretty symptomatic of a correction starting. Also don't look at After Hours Computer. We're even lower now.
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>t. all of fintwit
BRB, buying more PLTR at 400 P/E
Most of the daily volume is nominally in zero-day options
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I'm buying calls on this tomorrow. Debate me.
I think it might be a good article. Relatable, contemporary. Stock market. Kind of a no brainer. Stock market has been gameified and now people lose all their money. I posted an economist article a few weeks ago that said
>gambling is good, actually
After sports betting is getting massive legalization.

wagies are nuking their savings accounts at the hope of having just a little bit of money in their life. I would know I’m one of them
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SOUN is kill
PLTR must also be kill

captcha: MAYYN

I'm doing the same. Taking massive risk because there is no hope otherwise. Only safe investment I have is my work 401k in the s&p500 fund. I mean an average car is 40k and a house 10x that. Taking risks is the only way just to be average. And I've already abandoned the idea of ever having kids.
Nah you are overthinking it.

The Market priced in more cuts. Jerome came out and straight up said fewer cuts. That scared the market into a sell off because that isn't what they priced in.

The market is gonna overreact but they do this shit every FED meeting. The market keeps trying to declare inflation defeated so when there is a sign that inflation is still not defeated the market shits itself.
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Place your bets for how long until the next US credit downgrade.
It just isn’t feasible. Middle class doesn’t exist anymore.
>inb4 “pick yourself up by your boot straps I’m richer than you” reply
You build up wealth, kikeflation steals it. You’re sold a lie. Build up wealth, oligarch fees and bills eat it up. You never get the carrot. Work fifty years and you will get the house, wife, and kids goyim. Keep slaving we promise the light is at the end of the tunnel.
2 weeks.
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I’m gonna make spaghetti
And nobody can stop me

I don’t care that I already have leftovers I want spaghetti
I made the shit where you start with the sliced rib eye, garlic and scallions, then make a roux and add beef broth, white wine and mushrooms then add the sour cream and more scallions and eat it ontop of egg noodles.
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I’ve moved onto dealing art for now.. and you?
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Show belly button
Brush teeth
Go to bed no spaghetti
Fetish fag wants his (you)s doesn’t he
I already brushed and went to bed 4 1/2hrs ago I woke up and can’t sleep. If I go to bed to o early this happens. Many such cases
Same I need to relax.
Can't relax here. We only control your entire wealth that literally can be wiped out by some old guy talking about 0.25% interest rates.
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They should have cut by 100 bps to get the bleeding over with

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mister jerome sir
it is christmas
bls halp
Government shut down
Need with glasses and a stutter starts the Great Depression 2.
Glowies don’t do it for free, after all.
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They didn't tell you the Santa rally was after the market dropped 15% the week before Christmas.
Baggies greed is hurting the economy
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I think with the government potentially shutting down, we might get the Second Great Depression happening sooner than later kek
Didn't it shut down for like 2 or 3 weeks during Obama. Nothing much changed.
>shut down
shuts down every weekend and for federal holidays, nothing happens.
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the real secret is this has nothing to do with rate hikes and is just trading bots calibrating for trump tweet season
Apparently Trump had one for 35 days. I don't even remember it.
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What do I buy/short for the imminent US credit downgrade?
trump called their bluff and proved they don’t really do anything
Looks like Kamala will be the first black Indian poc woman of color president after all. America is healing.
who had stop the steal 2: steal harder on their bingo card?
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SPY $600 Call 2/28/2025
Average price $18.38 per contract
3 Contracts

How heemed am I
That seemed like a bad move even without the price crash. Two month chart just doesn't seem to justify it. Only if look at an ideal 3 month growth chart repeating itself would it be worth it. Sell while you still have the time value. How heemed 8/10.
yeah trump wants biden to raise the debt ceiling or abolish it.

shame that the federal workers get caught in the middle of the slapfight, but if you're a federal worker and you don't have at least 3 months in reserve, you're a massive idiot.
Gonna print
I thought fed fud was blown out of proportion and we would snap back to normal levels. Bought when we were down 0.7%. Tripled that decline same day.
KEK I haven't seen those 2 dipshits in weeks and NOW they act to do their jobs? Lmao this is funny
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>the last time China 1Y bond traded below 1%, Lehman had just filed for bankruptcy

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I don't understand bonds
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Rich people make me sneed

ok this is just getting weird now
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I've been gone all week. Anything exciting happen in the general this week?
small dump a few days ago. scoops hasn't had amu melties recently. I'm experimenting with a new base model. apart from that we're still awaiting ((news)).
>amu melties
what the hell is that?
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>La Palma active again

Happening this time or nah?
I type while leaning back, half way between laying and sitting, spelling mistakes occur sometimes.
i was just thinking about you. where have you been? isnt your semitic vote rigging job done with for the season? we miss you.
interesting. star looks not like star at all. no meat. too petite. too nympth. hair to noodely. sad tits. eyes dont glow like stars do.
This is the last month of the busy season. I've had to prepare 160k mailers for a literal jew to be mailed out by the end of the month. After this month we enter a very very slow season at work. We did get our bonus checks yesterday. Got $10.5k before the tax jews got their hands in it. Looking to buy a new computer here with some of the money. Looking forward to the slow season.
I can give you a pc picker parts list if you give me your budget and expectations.
Sure but this is the PC i'm considering buying. Let me know what you think.

most of the time pre-builts suck but that looks like a pretty good setup for the price, maybe you could save 50-100 dollars making it yourself but it's not a bad option. not much room for upgrades though, you won't be doing AI stuff on it.
>ass tech gaming ass project zero
I don't know a ton about this company, do they suck? I'm not going through the hassle of building my own, i'm too much of a boomer.
I dont know about them either lol I just read it as "ass" and not aes. yes pre-builts are sub optimal but avoiding the headache of building a PC is sometimes worth the extra costs. plus warranties and customer support tend to be life savers.

Just dont do i buy power or any other post-irony gaymer bullshit like
>50000000000TB HDD
If they were gonna screw you they would have mismatched the parts. They know what their doing and there not DELL or a DELL subsidiary.
I bought my first computer from I buy power when I was 18 and it was the biggest piece of overpriced shit I ever bought.
My current computer is a dell and that was a mistake because every goddamn part is proprietary and you can't upgrade anything. Lesson learned.
Did anyone check if the pizza meter in DC has changed recently?
Democrats are cooked. They are just using these last few weeks to pad their pockets.
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>non-stop shitting overnight
At least I can post mp4s
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i am waiting until next year to get a cpu built on intel 18a
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I love wardrobe malfunctions
Where is the bottom?
There's no dip because there's still nothing to buy,
When that changes you can call it a dip.

I'm flush with bonus pay and there's NOTHING.
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Oh my god I have some REALLY exciting news to report! Scoopsies just called me and told me he's pregnant. We are expecting our first black trans baby 9 months from now. This is so exciting. Please leave a nice comment because we are screenshotting them all to put in our babies life journal.
I think that's just a colon infection also what is a life journal?
>Voting for tomorrow over another bill to avoid shutdown

Government should shut down but I'm not holding my breath
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>what is a life journal
I can't talk about that now, but what I can talk about is, I want my nose surgically attached to Sabrina Carpenter's balloon knot so that every single scent that comes out of it hits my olfactory system before even God gets a whiff.
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Also I just got my bonus from work so I need stocks that are guaranteed winners, (SOXL need not apply)
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20 year yield hitting 5% soon
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It's gonna be fine.
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wtf is this shit. I can't get it away. Deinstalled AVG, thought it might be causing it. Set back PC a day as this came up just 3 hours ago after the PC going into sleep automatically in the night.

Can't get it away, don't know what causes it. Can't click it in any way, left or right click.

Spybot doesn't show a thing
SUPERantispyware doesn't show a thing

Also it's over, financially speaking.
Anyone know why so many stocks are going down??
Now my browsers like Brave or Chrome won't start (have not tried a restart after the setback though). Posting from Edge.
Kek japan had -3% imports yoy a few days ago and their inflation is rising and above expectations and these faggots still don't hike.
some people wish to trade their equites for currency.
What the freak is the BOJ gonna do about it? Beg jerome for mercy? Their powerless.
The last 5 years have pretty much wiped out the middle class. I need to gamble to escape the wage cage and then move out of the US
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I'm working on an amazing /smg/ new years video
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The blue lines are highlighting the times when the $NYSE Summation index (Purple) crosses below 0 at the around the same time the NYSE McClellan Oscillator (Green) hits a -300 reading.
This is the bottom im buying 0dte calls right now
Generational bottom on interest rates
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Imagine 2008 except it's as violent as the covid crash all the way down because everyone is insanely overleveraged.
Credit downgrade because fuck Trump ok?
That sounds like a lot of effort for low profit desu. Anything the yields better returns ie buying something expensive and selling that. Less effort per item
wtf is happening?
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Your long overdue comeuppance.
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the end, this is the big one
Life journal? Aren’t those more commonly called rap sheets when it comes to black children?
hmmmmmm, 5,36$
Lookin a little frosty mumu... You doin alright?
I'm gonna wait til my ladyboy shows up and then imagine that all over the little homos face (it's fantasy)
Time to start slurping DXYZ you know SpaceX is gonna suck that government teat dry in less than a month
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You saw dumbasses pumping a beverage company 10X because they thought it had to do with the latest quantum computing investment fad, and you didn't sell everything?
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Finally, time to prove that I'm not allergic to green
If the rest of my port has to suffer for my PLTR puts to finally print, then very well I accept.
>get some Google + financewebpage news popup on my phone
>Something alone the line: It's getting ugly for Vonovia
>Look up DAX list
>37 red
>Vonovia green
>Vonovia most green (+0,8%)
>now it is the only green, others went red

Yee, just enjoying the freezing cold grasp of inflation
I have never tried trading downwards but this will be my first attempt as a retail trader becuase I'm tired of just holding on my bags all the time. Make of that what you will.
Just don't trade today. It's triple witching.
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He bought?
Jesus christ, it's actually happening.
What did people expect from such awful valuations? What an overvalued garbage market being carried by ‘tech’ for the past two years.
god willing.
buy 0dte calls at 11am
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I was 50 percent cash but I've been buying back already. I'm at 30 percent cash still. I'm afraid I went too hard too early. Plus I bought stocks that are close to 52w low. However, these are risky. MU, QCOM, LEN, MTH, DVN.

I now feel like I should have waited for the tax loss selling to be over.

I should be fine, right?
I also regret not selling Lulu when it popped. I was up 40 percent that day. I should have sold and bought back lower
Anybody any clue what this shit could be?
The Ultra MAGA Republicans refused to pass a CR, so now everyone goes on furlough and Putin is going to take the Ukraine. Happy Holiday's everyone.
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uh, new phone sorry you have the wrong guy!
looks like a (you)
honestly based of them
If I didn't know any better it looks like the extra terrestrials stuck your computer in a time warp or something and now it's in an extra dimension where there's a 20th month.
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>US Pres Elec #Trump: If There Is Going To Be Shutdown, Let It Begin Now
shutdowns don't mean shit, they've already put us through multiple and nothing happened, bring it on!
Republicans are going to listen to the interests of the richest man on the planet and screw over all the working families right before the holidays. Meanwhile the teamsters sent their mindless slave drones on strike right before the holidays so nobody can buy presents unless you get them at Costco.
The new Superman looks like absolute dogshit btw
I hope this strike puts Amazon out of business so Costco can be the only store left like in that movie.
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Holy fuck i think this might ACTUALLY be The Big One™
She'd look cute with bigger tits and a smaller nose.
I wont be happy until TSLA is sub 300 and bitcoin is back to 65k though
Haven't read into it, but just saw News about Ghana reducing forecast for their crop by another 5% after 20% earlier some weeks ago. Now about 620K tonnes cocoa production to be expected. I don't know why the fuck the prices are now 6x from 2k 2-3 years ago to 12k now. Ghana produces 800-900k a year regularly IIRC.
Nah this isn't the big one, buy calls at 10am and when the budget passes we spring upwards.
This is it
Is DC to sonic and Marvel to mario? Cause that's the feeling I get.
I have been cash gang for the last 3 years.
Is it finally my time?
Where was the S&P 3 years ago?
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and during the christmas rally too...
I don't get the question, sorry, is there a word missing?

Reminder: Even if inflation comes in as expected, MOOD has shifted, they'll likely rug it anyways
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These dipshits get what they fucking deserve. Biden bent over backwards to appease these shitstain unionists and they rewarded him by voting for Trump.
holy shit what is this dump??
why are we down so much?

Get in new bread before PCE
Inflation actually lower than expected, lol
Wait wtf when did this happen? We're all gonna die
>thread with no links made after the one with no links
if you think I'm clicking that cancer you're insane

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