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Merry Christmas /smg/ here's another year of giant gains edition

>Educational sites:


>Live Streams:



>Boomer Investing:

>Misc smg:

You baked early but i'll allow it since it's a holiday.
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150k is the bottom filter. Seriously. It’s where the shaft gets separated from the wheat.
>Health insurance leaders and CEOs pressured the DOJ to charge Luigi Mangione, per Dan Boguslaw

Kek in before more Luigi copycats hunt them down. Shorting insurance stocks.
The poors are pathetic. The best they can do is provide value for the rich. Hate the smugness and attitude of the poors. Oooo someone makes 6 figures toooooo I should toooo.
The poors won’t do shit. Luigi wasn’t poor. Also luigi is still kinda young. If he was 30+ plus, he would know he is in the top 0.5% and he would never feel depressed knowing he is better than everyone. He was 26? Still at that stage where everyone is still kinda equal. Once he hits 30, he will feel the power over others.
Luigi was a fucking glowie. Redditors are cowards that will only turn to violence when they are protected by the government and the court system. (See the BLM riots)
The poors will never do shit. It’s jokes. Luigi wasn’t poor and was rich af. But still young.
>Junior accountant
>from 60,000 a year
>Accounting or Finance degree required
>0-2 years of experience preferred, internships count
>Accounts Payable Clerk
>5 years of experience required
>20-25 an hour
>CPA preferred
Why is the lesser job requiring more qualifications, are they stupid?
Poor people isn’t just a money value. It’s a human value. They are poor in everything. Go to poor areas and look at the people there, they would look out of place anywhere nice.
They'll never fill that Accounts payable job. I have a degree in accounting and it's just awful work. Abandoned that shit real quick.
> glowie
I don’t want to get into that lol I don’t even want a Qrd lol.
Well your home country knows all about being poor.

The poors and working class are so pathetic. Imagine saying the shit they do while being interviewed on strike
and thinking it’s good.
It’s as bad as the /antiwork interview on Fox LOL
Sounds like your ghettos and towns full of addicts and tent cities. And a city having a bridge collapse and can’t even rebuild it Baltimore If something like that happened in China, accidents do happen I guess, China would make a huge show of rebuilding it in less than a week. USA has no might any more.
There you have it. On the grounds boots on the ground of the picket lines. The working class are a different and lower breed.
Kill yourself faggot coomers
told all y'alls about WATT and CTM yesterday, check out the charts from today.
>China would make a huge show of rebuilding it in less than a week
China would make a huge show of pretending to rebuild it as a propaganda video and then anyone who investigated or asked questions would disappear.

I hope you’re joking. In small city scales and stuff shit happens, on the national stage no. Just google “China mega infrastructure.” USA has none of that now. Don’t be so emotional and say shit like that. A countries mega projects are a projectionists of strength.
It seems like all the postings are like that.

20 bucks an hour accounts receivable
17 bucks an hour payroll admin
All of them 'prefer' college degrees and previous experience, while the better paying Junior Accounting roles are friendly to entry level college and grad school recent grads.

I'm genuinely unsure if it's because they're hiring pajeets, or all the hiring managers are just idiots.
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China already builds bridges in many countries in less than 24 hours lol. Anyone outside the west can see Chinas strength. Even some euro countries can as they are kinda branching away from eu and negotiating with China. Not every euro country wants to die with USA. Especially not after some of the sabotage USA did to them and trump talking shit about them last week.
Stfu lil nibba u ain’t evn got no spiral stair case
It’s funny how arrogant and cocky Americans are online talking about other countries but none of that cockiness and arrogance shows up in real life because if it did, their country wouldn’t have been taken over and their girls wouldn’t go fuck swagged out cocky black youths.
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Any recommendations?
No idea euro net worth is 45k
American media salary is 42k
Do you think chinleaf is spending Christmas alone?
Idk I gotta look swagged out and shit so I buy skull candy ||skull||
Ahahahah google “amazon flooded striking workers”
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I love it when maternity leave is denied or they get fired. These bitches want to get paid and look fat and gross during and after?! Not on my watch!!
>One time culling of the bottom 50% please!
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....is /smg/ just a modern day crack den?
This article sage has been posted for the third time this week
My drug dealer (Schwab) agreed to sell me my drugs at almost 50% off. They reduced the fees from 65 cents to 35 cents
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They don't make em like that anymore.
posting this same question to bant/smg as it seem to be more active

selling covered call question -
I bought 1,000 shares of SoFi for 14.75, it closed at 16.02 . I looked at the call options on yahoo and see if I sell 10 calls at a strike price of 16 epiry Dec 27 I would make 950 more than just selling it myself now. Is this error on my calcs, I am new to covered calls, or is it common to find situations like this from time to time on more volatile stocks? I would not care it sold or not. If the price dropped to less than strike the premium would be 950. Am I fully retarded?
same as it ever was
>t. 1920's bucket shops
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My Portfolio!
>t. Chewy anon
The last 2 months I've gotten nothing done and have been lazing around all day. Its so hard for me to find the drive to do something. I realized I think I am falling into depression.

Chink leaf I know you're upset but you really didn't need to set a woman on fire.
Why didn’t she stop drop and roll?
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merry christmas fren, i did that for a year and a half. shit's ass. still hard to enjoy much of anything; but discipline and routine as well as actually going to work somewhere is at least something, not that it fixes much.
Who tf is that? I want to lick those pits so bad...
I didn't realize the market was open Christmas eve lol
Up 1.6% though
I don't understand this at all, why is no one doing a single fucking thing?

>I realized I think I am falling into depression.
Or, maybe you are just conserving energy. Nothing wrong is taking it easy and evaluating what you really want to do. Do you work a shitty job, have a shitty relationship? Sometimes life sucks for a while before you can make changes to improve (move, new job, dump a partner, get a pay raise). We have all been there or will be there at some point. Just do not feel sorry for yourself and lose sight of a better future. Look at the people in Ukraine or Syria, Libya with constant war, bombs, terrorist, being captured and sent to the front lines for certain death. You are posting on this site on Christmas Eve, not too bad really.
>believing literally anything the CCP claims
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Yes, but what do you do when, in all honesty, things are good, but you aren't going anywhere?
general new yorker retardation + behavioral sink
Remember what happened last time somebody helped another person being attacked on an NYC subway? Also ignoring the injured or distressed is a CCP policy. More proof the democrats are compromised Chinese assets.
Americans removed all the fire extinguishers from subways Kek
It’s this >>21797340
>what do you do when things are good, but you aren't going anywhere?
Enjoy the good times, because there will be bad times soon enough and you will look back and think to yourself "shit I had it good and did not appreciate it then." Life goes in cycles, the key is not to make anything worse. Some of the best times I had is when everything was easy and nothing was happening. There were years were I was working myself to death just to stay afloat and wished for the easy times again. Enjoy shit posting with fellow anons this night.
American ingenuity boyz
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So true. Things aren't bad now and thats good.
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You are going to midnight mass tonight with your local diocese bishop tonight, aren't you anon?
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No i'm going to be watching my wife sing and dance.
I santa is really out there, all I want for Christmas is a deep, long, sniff.
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You plappin?
40 years ago I threw a $20 in the collection basket so I am good till death.
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Never stopped.
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gratitude is good, working out, controlling thoughts, what the fuck ever is all dandy, necessary. but recognition and gratitude that you're not disabled, retarded, chinese or that things could be worse doesn't really do anything. you're still going to be in the rut. besides, what's the difference in appreciating good times after they've passed? outside of regretful ways you may have treated someone else
die, soon
i don't get it, she's just a whore with talented people in the background
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>i don't get it, she's just a whore with talented people in the background
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Watch this video and if you don't agree that she is a qt, don't ever talk to me again. A Macedonian anon will kill you at my command for the price of a shirt. A new shirt in Macedonia will literally buy you a years worth of food and a brand new concrete tube. Choose your next words carefully kiddo.

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what? i didn't say she was ugly. also miko is looking at you with disgust, not me
i didn't know that was her song though, i liked it on the radio
You messed up. Better hope a Memeadonian flag doesn't show up. You called my wife a whore.
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life is cheap and passions run deep here. you'll learn to watch your step, partner.
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SHE IS, did you even listen to the tiny desk concert?
>life is cheap here
too soon
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Don't start pulling out fucking guns unless you plan to use them. If you do, you'll wish you didn't.
holy fuck rocker already infiltrated the 2x southern tier supply lines and installed remote triggered fizz bombs, mine just spilled everywhere as i was carrying it back. i'm sorry, she's not a whore, ok? it's christmas
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>You called my wife a whore.
Carpenter's entire discography consists of songs about casual sex with a wide variety of men.
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If the slander of my wife doesn't stop i'm going to publicly assassinate the CEO of SOXL.
>prayed to God to help me get out of a bad trade
>didn't sell when it pumped
>skywater pumped immediately after
>didn't buy
>the market dumped on FOMC
>I knew it would probably pump on friday because big dumps are always followed by bounce pumps
>didn't buy that one either
Sometimes I feel like God is helping me and I keep fumbling the opportunities he gives me. I'm always looking at the 'right' assets that pump, but I either don't buy or buy at a bad time and get dumped on. I guess I'll just get another job, pay off my credit cards, cut expenses and live simply. I was never going to make it.
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>praying to god to greed more
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Nothing's going to happen until you swing the bat
If God is just then it stands to reason it shouldn't just be atheist weird-sounding faggots like Bezos and Elon who are allowed to be rich and I believe God is in fact just.
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The slots are hot tonight!!
>I believe God is in fact just.
How’s that working out for you?
It would work better if I wasn't a huge pussy missing easy pumps. Never mistake personal failings for a conspiracy against you, sometimes it's just you.
Everything since 2012 has been a huge mistake. In fact since 2007, I think.
>Santa rally

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I miss scoopsies and poem anon... Where are they?
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I felt sorry for my wagie mailman today. Having to deliver 36 cans of potato soup with cheddar and bacon. It was on sale for about $45 ($1.25 a can). They are like $4 something in my local grocery stores. This is how you prep. Not $10, 300 calorie mountain house packages. But $1.25, 400 calorie soups!
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>0 matches for image
What the fuck.
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Based chunky soup apocalypse preparer.
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too thick. disavow this heresy. I like a simple black bean soup with sour cream.
Why would there be an image for it? I just took it...lol

Someone said next time I should put some money away instead of blowing it all on Chewy options again. They didn't really specify where to put the money.
I used to live off cambells chunky when I was poorer. Now it makes me fucking ill to eat.
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You should have made the soup yourself.
Yeah I'm kind of sick of ramen, so this is my step up.
I've tried, but I'm not very good at making potato soup. It takes too long and you got to fry up bacon, chop potatoes. Ends up good, but not great. Canned has more flavor. Plus I can add a little extra cheddar and chives like I did in the pic to make it even better.
That’s why you’re poor. Lmfao.
try a chili or roast tomorrow/weekend, put errythang in there and cook it sloooooow all day. if i can find a good english or shoulder chuck i'm gonna do a roast this weekend, been eating crap too long. brown chuck, throw er in a big pot with a lil water or stock, carrot onion potato hot pepper horseradish mustard garlic thyme salt pepper. both keep well so you can do big batches and you can easily make it however you want. i usually do my chili with lots of jalapeno and i undercook the beans a little so they have a good texture
Canada knows about the luxury soups!
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I'll literally mash my limp, inactive, penis into your mouth . Never talk shit about CPB. You dirty low IQ disgusting chink.
Think you misunderstood their post. They said the person was poor because they refused to eat the cambells chunky soup. They weren't talking shit about it. The other person was.
Nice. Don’t feel bad for the mail man. He’s just a mail man. In my country they are on strike but we don’t care, they ain’t shit.
hmmm so it looks like tax loss harvesting can offset your income tax.
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I was streaming
No one watched
But it's ok, I put a podcast on in the background
Based, I had some CPB chunky soup for dinner tonight too. I got it on sale at KR the other day. I don't remember what I paid, I can check my receipts pile if you want
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The Bible says over and over our treasure isn't in this world. Pick up worshipping Babylonian idols if you want to get rich.
I was off in my numbers. I actually paid 1.485 per can. Please check what you paid.
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I like some true crime podcasts.
Oh is that why the pope lives in a palace huh.
Your lucky I have a 3 inch stack of receipts
I paid $1.29/can (I only bought 2 though, since I already had some in a different flavor at home, and I don't go through it fast enough). That was with $1.70 off with KR eCoupons. In a previous coupon, I got them for $1.49/can.
Amazon still has them for sale. https://a.co/d/dKlVLDF
>$250 in dividends this month
That's not a good deal though... for me, it's showing $23.76/12, that's $1.98/ea. Is that the price it's showing you? I can just wait for the next eCoupon at KR and get them for less. I also do the same with the Progresso chunky soups.
It has a 20% coupon.
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This is how they get you guys: have you arguing over a couple cents across cans of soup, when you could be making said soup.
Ah, I missed that
Still, $1.584 is more than I paid at KR. I can wait for the coupon and stock up again. I found that 1 can isn't enough for me though. I either have to make 2 at once, or do some kind of side. Today, I mixed a bunch of crackers in and also ate some rolls.
Seems like a lot of work to feed one person
36 cans of soup is a lot of soup. Two large pots at least. That's a lot of cooking supplies. Doubtful you will save much money plus of course your effort in doing it and the fact they are canned and preserved with a two year shelf life.
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it's not the 1850's. what is $250 going to do about anything?
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All you can eat tendies!
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I'm getting an air fryer for Christmas
I'm excited to enjoy even crispier tendies. They get soggy bottoms in the oven, even if you flip them 1/2 way through.
I decided to watch a few movies from anons mentioned, then some;

Nightmare Before Christmas, National Lampoon, Charlie Brown, Home Alone, and Christmas story. I might watch Klaus and some others tomorrow.

I didn't think I would like Love Actually since romantic comedies tend to suck, but this one was surprisingly good.
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buddy air fryers are a before and after moment. enjoy your new life of frozen food in air fryer lifestyle.
theoretically, you won't save much money, at all. see how you feel after two weeks of eating processed canned goods. if you are not supplementing with something else (more $$$) you will feel like you are starving 24/7. like anything else, if you're willing to put the effort in yourself chances are you save money and will end up with DELICIOUS ROAST that if stored properly also has a two year shelf life and also IS DELICIOUS, NIGGER
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>sell an etf on a margin account
>balance shows up as available to withdraw
>withdraw to bank account
>next day get email from Schwab saying "ACHUALLY goy that withdrawal was a loan and now you owe us interest until your security sale settles haha"
TDA at least had some sense of decency. Fuck these kikes.
I'm not going to eat them in two weeks. Last order of 12 it took me about 3 weeks.
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their support has always been good for me but i have a hunch they're getting indians to develop the website, so you end up with contradictory annoying bullshit and nonsensical changes that are completely unnecessary
get a big pot and make the fucking chili goddamnit it's so easy
Sorry, but I don't like chili. Not big on beans. I like making stews, french onion soup, and zuppa toscana.
Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas (1977)
>french onion soup
great, now i'm horny
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Even made homemade baguette to go under the dress.
you prepared the delicacy and the following photoshoot just to fuck with me, kneel. goddamn that looks good
While your argument sounds sound at first glance, you forgot to factor in shopping time for weekly ingredients, opportunity costs of cooking your soup, and the residual value of the tin cans once consumed.
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One more layer to show a better view of the onion soup.
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It is now christmas. Merry christmas.
>Japan's population declined by approximately 861,000 last year

Man they really need to make it affordable to have children again. Not just Japan but every country world wide. I don't want to see Children of Men become a reality....
save tin cans as a hedge against daily beef and vegetable inflation and your argument disappears
governments cant solve cultural problems. they will do the worst possible decision and import niggers and jeets and ban white men from laying foot and expand the work week into 8 days
I cant beat Golden Sun 2. I am stuck at aqua rock. Its so over.
Merry Christmas one and all.
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I'm cancelling Christmas to open the markets up today.
Call your female broker and harass her for a refund
I guess so. If I had the time and money, I'd move to Japan, find a cute busty wife and move back to USA with her and have kids too.
Damn, even fucking India and indian populations elsewhere are dropping below replacement rates too, what the fuck is going on? Bearish for human population....
Modern living is unsustainable and incompatible with human life. We''l either power through or fail, regress, and try again.
That worked when I did it. Same issue. Schwab's site is terribad
Children are largely an economic investment. Right now the pay off isn't good. No reason to worry about it I'm sure it will work itself out.
Populations aren't going to breed at stable rate if a single child is instantly a financial hardship for most demographics. People are struggling to afford any housing on two incomes even before a child enters the picture.
I had looked into this before. >>21797869
Pretty much. All your modern comforts are anti human. Depopulation is much more dangerous than over population. Economies of scale. Even Africa is at historically low replacement levels. Developed countries want labor. You become poorer with kids. It’s discouraged. Capitalists have learned this and to keep the population up they import turd worlders. Which doesn’t solve the problem because immigrants adopt birth rates of host nations within two generations. But hey we love kicking cans and extracting maximum productivity from people at all costs. Gotta increase shareholder value!
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Back from midnight mass. Merry Christmas /smg/. God bless you anons
serious reform to education to get kids into the workforce faster, significant reductions in child labor laws, and a cultural shift to multiple earners per a household might be able to alleviate the problem. I think there are plenty of jobs 12 year olds can do.
Maybe if we cut children in half we can double the population. Using AI too
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Are you ready for the great stock market crash of March 2025?
I'll be long dead before then.
So yes, I've currently knocked up 4 different women and am slowly divesting all of my property and assets through all the tax havens I can think if. I'm more ready than you'll ever be.
>how did baggie knock up 4 broads?
What you do is spend a few days with a broad, tell her shit like stop acting like a girl because ima make a woman out of you, then when she gets on the rag just retain your semen and fucking blast full of cum 2 weeks later.
My goal is to die before march when the first one is due to be born. Godspeed
>Are you ready for the great stock market crash of March 2025?
Will this crash be slurpable like all the others?
Do you know which day in March exactly? I need to load up shorts and calls immediately kek
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thank you we needed it
And waste my seed on some common harlot? Not likely. When the time is right, a maiden will be delivered up to me. Probably from the east.
You're never going to find a virgin who's going to just sit on your dick and give you a future Nobel peace prize winner. Too many assholes like me take more than my fair share and leave the kids fatherless. I'm sure at least one of my daughters will end up in a titty bar or on only fans or doing prostitution with her mother for cans of spam during the greater depression.
night, fuckers
I dom't know if 12 would fly but by 14-15 you should be able to drop out and start working full time. By then you can work legally anyway and the problem kids know they aren't going to college.
Colleges are not developing human capital as much as they say they are. We need physical work done. high school can be cut entirely, middle and elementary school should just cover reading, writing, and math; no point in teaching propaganda no one cares about it.
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If the Fed is too pussified to do their job and raise rates, the long end of the yield curve will do it for them.
From a young age I was taught that “being poor is a crime” so now I don’t respect anyone that makes less than 150k a year. What financial lessons have your parents taught you?
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Jesus christ chink leaf, you just don't stop do you? If you aren't getting paid to do this you should be.
I guess some people never stop
I admire your ambition
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What if that person spends 155k a year? Wouldn't they be considered poor? Would you still respect them?
Sorry we gonna need you to stick around. Can't have the regulars killing themselves you understand. Better read up on child rearing.
Nobody is talking about that.
What do you want me to do next for the community, get a job? C'mon now...
I think the people who kill themselves here do it silently. First they will turn themselves away from the general, the stock market, because they were seeking help but obviously didn't get it. So we'll never know. I personally think the 120k AQB guy for example doesn't talk to us anymore if he's still alive.
Not even trying to be funny.
After all. There are worse places to be an absolute dumbass then our little safe space here.

If I were trading like that on wallstreet in real life I would probably get robbed afterwards because they wanna protect my money from me or some stupid shit like that.
Now I can still tell people I misclicked and I'm not the retard you think I am.
I don't member 120k AQB guy. chewy options is the only blowout poster I can think of the top of my head. I'd like to think that we haven't had any real suicides, people seem to take their losses well enough.
When we hit 5800 I was at a mean ~+190% gains with my highleverage positions, now at +10-20%. IMAGINE HOLDING POSITIONS AS A BEAR kek
Chewy anon here. Still alive! Account should be over $15k by March if I'm lucky.
He who god hates the most will have all his ambitiouns fullfilled ~ Adolf Hitler
oh it goes "who hates god"... kek
I hate him, but my hate has weakened from all the hating. I got tired it seems. Hmmm
Hating is pretty tiresome, don't know how you immigrants do it. But I'm learning.
Der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland, und der Hass wohl auch.
Wenn man so will werden die leute ja wie gezüchtet ängstlich zu sein durch all die Kriege.
Chatgpt widerspricht mir jedenfalls nicht wenn ich vermute das der Teufel in Deutschland die meisten Namen trägt.
Ausgerechnet dort, wo er und seine Anhänger(-innen insbesondere) mit am stärksten verfolgt wurden.

Ja warum wohl... Der Drang interene Probleme so extrem zu lösen und auch die ganze Bürokratie und der Staat als "meatgrinder" ist Folge von ständiger Konfrontation von äußerer Gefahr.
Deswegen denke ich ist Deutschland schwieriger zum Einwandern im Vergleich zu südlichen Ländern die von Krieg schon seid Jahrhunderten nix mehr wissen wollen weil die Leute da einfühlsamer gepolt sind und weniger Angst haben vor Neuen (neophopie wie z.B. bei Wölfen).
>jews supposedly control the stock market and the world
>market closed on Christmas
Fuck I hate the internet
So what do you do with a dog that acts like a wolf? According to the americans you send money and become friends.
>Imagine celebrating your birthday the day after

> zu südlichen Ländern die von Krieg schon seid Jahrhunderten nix mehr wissen wollen

Die südlichen Staaten haben aber auch nicht so realistische Chancen wie Deutschland den Kontinent zu kontrollieren, zumindest in den letzten Jahrhunderten.

Sah man ja wunderbar an Italien vs Griechenland, KEK
Glaub der Fakt das man in den Ländern einfach nicht erfriert wenn man nachts draussen ist vllt. auch nicht unwichtig. Mein Geschichtslehrer hat mir ja noch beigebracht das dieses "den Kontinent" kontrollieren eine bösartige Unterstellung der Enländer ist hehe. Aber jetzt wo ich mehr Selbsterkenntnis habe lag es wahrscheinlich daran das die Engländer die Deutschen gut kannten.
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Time to make some money!
>the bangs were always a lie
“How are you?” said one.

“How are you?” returned the other.

“Well!” said the first.

Merry Christmas.
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Holidays are for children. Open the markets!
Die Frage ist halt, und ich hab mich nicht informiert, warum zur Hölle die Balkanstaaten so krass unterbevölkert sind. Türkei hat 60-70 Millionen erst im 20. Jahrhundert dazu"gewonnen". In WK 1 waren die nur ein paar Millionen mehr als Griechenland.

Griechenland 10 Millionen jetzt,
Bulgarien 6,6 Mille
Albanien 3,
Kroatien 4,
Bosnien 2,
Rumänien 20,
Nordmazedonien 2,
Serbien 7

Alles leer. Deutschland hat alleine mehr als alle zusammen. Wann und wie ist das bitte passiert?

Aja, "Anglo".
Laut chatgpt hat industrialisierung und landwirtschaft länder wie deutschland favorisiert weil die landschaft dafür besser geneignet ist und islam ist wohl ein großer punkt, weil die ne hohe geburtenrate hatten und gleichzeitig griechenland unterjocht haben.
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Merry Christmas you cock smoking teabaggers
Oh good, now I'm excited. I haven't been excited about Christmas in like 20 years
aber jenseits von Chatgpt habe ich ja die Theorie das in Griechenland so viele großartige Helden im Krieg kinderlos gestorben sind das als sich die Welt verändern hat keiner mehr da war der die Initiative ergreift oder ne gute Idee hat.
Es bleiben halt nur die Waschlappen übrig die man im Krieg nicht gebrauchen konnte.
Financialized retirement.
Private retirements will adjust to appropriate (low-negative yields) while public ones will perform austerity at best. After this people will realize they can't depend on the state and things will go back to normal. There will be an incredible amount of pain and sorrow in between though.
Ja gut, aber die Balkanstaaten sind nun auch schon seit Jahrzehnten und Jahrhunderten frei. Feminismus wird es auch nicht wirklich gewesen sein, wird man annehmen können, weil erst kürzlich. Land ist reichlich vorhanden für Landwirtschaft.

>As a result of the substantial territorial losses in Europe suffered during the Balkan Wars, the total population of the empire fell to 18,520,016, of whom an even larger percentage than before, 15,044,846, was counted as Muslim, with 1,729,738 as Greek Orthodox, 1,161,169 as Armenian Gregorian, 187,073 as Jewish, 68,838 as Armenian Catholic, 65,844 as Protestant, and 62,468 as Greek Catholic.

15 Millionen Türken waren es am Ende des osmanischen Reiches.

>1856 35,350,000 +29.8%
Max population war wohl 35Millionen (Karte picrel), Moldavien und Wallachei gehörten noch zum Reich bis 1862 (weggefallen auf der Karte)

Diese gesamte Region war wohl nie sonderlich stark bevölkert.

>Population of Germany in 1856: The population of Germany in 1856 is not explicitly stated in the provided information. However, we can look at the population figures for the years 1850 and 1870 to estimate the population in 1856.

>1850: The population of Germany was approximately 35,303,000.
>1870: The population of Germany was approximately 40,804,000. Given the increase in population from 1850 to 1870, we can assume that the population in 1856 would be somewhere in between these two numbers.
>Estimated population in 1856: Around 37-38 million people.

Welchen Schluss ziehen wir? Deutsche rammeln wie die Karnickel!
Steht in deiner Twitterprofil-Bio auch "Alles nur Satire"?
Ist keine Satire. Was glaubst du warum es überhaupt Griechenland heisst und nicht "Groß-Sparta". Weils nimmer genug spartaner waren am Ende.
Außerdem war die griechische Mythologie ein Mega fail. Keiner hat verstanden das man eben sich nicht verhalten soll wie als wäre man ein Gott. Stattdessen wollte jeder Achilles sein und so haben Sie alle eben jenes Schicksal gefunden wovor die ganze Mythologie warnen wollte.
Given a lot of you drive Honda's and are spendthrift. I assume most of you use slickdeals?
Hab mich nie sonderlich mit der Mythologie beschäftigt. Letztlich auch nicht viel nützlicher als die Bibel. Ich bin mir mein eigener Gott.
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Merry Christmas everyone! Not going to lie, it's been a rough year and Christmas is already off to a rough start but I'm happy to shit post over stocks and stuff with you guys.
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Rather than translating what the Germans are saying. I like to think they are planning WW3, given they were instrumental in the first two. Seriously everyone expects China, Russia, North Korea or Iran to start WW3. No one would expect Germany, again!
ah ok ich gehe jetzt mein Götzenbildniss der Athene anbeten
Als Schüler der Göttin Athena besteht mein Glaube darin mich in Weisheit Besonnenheit und Schaffenskraft zu üben.
Oooah woooooow cool, ja Athene ist eine Ausnahme, die mag ich auch.
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huensohn 4chan
Ist nicht so das ich die Figur gekauft hätte. Ist ein Erbstück. Ich bin halt insane und so Sachen helfen mir auf meine Art und Weise.
Weil es bringt mich dazu hart darüber nachzudenken was will die Göttin. Was ist eigentlich "Schaffenskraft". Athena sagt hier nicht direkt "mach was". Find ich ziemlich nice. Anstatt mich anzutreiben hab ich also entschieden z.B. weniger zu saufen etc.
Merry Christmas
>Weil es bringt mich dazu hart darüber nachzudenken was will die Göttin.
Nice Sonderschulesprech

>weniger zu saufen etc
Ja, damit schaffst du wenigster Widrigkeiten, durch Unterlassen. Das muss man auch erstmal schaffen. Da gehört Willenskraft dazu.
Willenskraft ist ja nicht mein Problem als Athena Schüler sonst hätte die Göttin mich nich ausgewählt.
Ist manchmal so mit antiken Schriften. Da werden gewisse Dinge im Leser vorrausgesetzt sonst ist es eigentlich sinnlos.
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Good deal. I would make waffles right now if i had an iron and the ingredients. I have cinnamon buns here though.
Ja, und der Wille steht am Anfang von Allem, nicht das Wort. Selbst zum Lippenbekenntnis ist ein Wille erforderlich
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Does any of this i am doing make any sense? Is this how im supposed to use this tool? how do i get the total earnings by the last end to show up the added sum, rather than showing every single associated result?

Merry christmas anons.
Ja schon aber ich hab den Satz "Mehr Willenskraft als in dem Jungen habe ich noch nie gesehen" auf jeden Fall mehr als einmal in meinem Leben gehört, deswegen seh ich Sätze wie "wo ein wille ist..." blabla etwas kritisch
gleichzeitig wo viel wille ist, ist weisheit und besonnenheit vielleicht das problem
i wisened up on uranium a bit more
Vielleicht brauchst du mehr Wulle statt Willw. Das Ying zum Yang.

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Finds krass das die Leute heutzutage an so Sachen wie Ying und Yang glauben. Andere suchen nach der 0 zu Ihrer 1 oder der perfekten Liebe.
Völlig leere Gefühlsduselei, da ist so ne Mythologie viel besser.
Aber ist schon ok wenn dich sowas nicht interessiert. Ist sja bestimmt nicht für dich, sondern für die die deine muslimischen Vorfahren die die Verfasser dieses Gedankenguts bestialisch ermordet haben.
>sondern für die die deine muslimischen Vorfahren die die Verfasser dieses Gedankenguts bestialisch ermordet haben.
It is showing the last earnings. Generally it is good to compare to the same period last year.
dafür das du nicht weisst wie sich das anfühlt wenn du gestern nichts gegessen hättest verstehst du meine witze aber besser als die meisten deutschen
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henlo mister jerome
merry kurisumasu
thank you sir
no further questions
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>germs everywhere
you need to install an browser extension or something to auto remove german flags like everyone else
The future is gay.
Don't you guys have to go destroy europe or something?
No it's over. You only think that way because you're american
what I think we were done here
Ich weiss noch wie ich ein Date hatte mit ner Iranerin und die meint so zu mir Sie hasst es wie ich die deutsche Sprache vergewaltige. Letztes Date. Scheiss Kanacken.
Ja, kann ich nicht einschätzen, aber bei das/dass würde man den Unterschied ja zumindest nicht raushören. War dein Date vielleicht eine Frau Wagenknecht?
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It is Christmas and theres nothing you can do about it.
ne die ist doch nur 1/3 iraner oder so
schon so nen flüchtling
aber naja ende vom lied bin ich dann mit irgendeiner deutschen zusammen gekommen an die ich mich nichtmal mehr erinnere aber die hat wahrscheinlich beim date brav die klappe gehalten
Habe mir diese jene Sache aber sehr zu Herzen genommen und kann nun garantieren Immigranten-konform reden zu können und musste in diesem Absatz nur 3-4 Rechtschreibfehler korrigieren.
Beste Mann

Ja, mir auch lieber wenn sie eher das Maul aufmachen, als es geschlossen zu halten. Ich mag Frauen mit eigenem Willen. Am besten isses, wenn man sich gegenseitig shittalken/necken kann.
Where is ceaser? the germs are getting uppity again.
Ja die war einfach zu ehrlich. Bestimmt übelst waifu material. Gut das Sie den Mund aufgemacht hat, hätte sie ja eh nur unglücklich gemacht.
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is $5k/month for rent enough to live comfy in nyc or will i be with poor people at that amount?
From what it looks like thats mid tier. (ridiculous, and people justify this with shawarma shops?)
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Why does it burn when I pour rubbing alcohol over me penis and balls?
Das Glück gehört denen, die sich selbst genügen.
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I was too late on ACHR.....
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>you should use your real name
>give us your phone number for security and account recovery reasons
>let's have that home address on file just in case
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Merry Christmas /smg/
see, that's what i'm wondering
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>didnt win anything on my christmas scratch cards
A Levy's jacket costs 120% of the minimum wage. We never left communism.
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Umm maybe link your stream poem anon. I'd watch in my spare time.
No I've been over this. I don't want to get doxxed. My stream channel name is the same I use in several other gaming communities, and from there it's only a few steps to make the connection to my real name, my place of employment, my home address, my bank accounts, etc...
It honestly feels like I'm taking on too much risk just by saying that I stream... you people already know what to much about me.
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Very nice.
>I don't want to get doxxed.
I mean I would never do that, but there's plenty here that would so you're probably right. Best to keep it a secret.
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I don't understand the point of that KO "generated by AI " TV ad. It looks like shitty obvious AI slop, and... like.... what was the fucking point they were even trying to make with that?
but imagine how funny it would be to walk up to his window and yell threats
>Youve written shitty haikus for the last time!
while he hides and calls the police
Why would you do that to Poem Anon...
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Im just trying to learn how to use Access, now im trying to find out how to change the currency from euro to dollar and how do i input the EPS data from the consultation i had previously done, like i had done before with the added sums of the earnings, but this time the data instead of it being set as numbers its set as currency
well if you're ever on the verge of actually killing yourself drop your stream so we can all hang out.
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lmao yeah that would be funny
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I'm sorry I yelled at Mumu yesterday
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Hey /smg/, haven't been here in a while.
Merry Christmas to everyone except those disgusting fucking turks hiding behind german flags
it's ok bobo... who could have seen this V-shaped recovery coming?
Deposited $10k today and $10k more tomorrow. $10k Jan 2. What do I buy? Thinking to go all in TQQQ, I'm 80% big tech now and some TQQQ. $200k total
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Go for it, and enjoy the ride. It'll probably be just fine, depending on your time horizon.
I find some humor, and enjoyment in his darkness. I hope he starts writing and posting again. I should probably figure out how to donate something to him.
I'm here every day, I just haven't written poems in a while. I don't have any new ideas anymore. I can post reruns, but everyone complains when I do that.
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I am financially about to buy a tesla
A used Tesla? They lose value like a leaky pipe filled with liquid gold.
Sometimes I'm not sure what slop to make, there are only so many positions and current models can't handle narratively complex scenes. When that happens I try different characters or different themes. Most of your poems revolved around price action, perhaps focusing on other aspects, like holiday breaks, might give you some inspiration?
>I'm here every day,
You might say you are here forever!
I want to win a billion dollars.
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the markets are closed
there's no charts to watch
it hurts like a horse
kicked me in the crotch

It's a rerun though:
You save your post link...lol
Do you keep it all in an Excel file?

the horse be gay
the crotch was kicked
the ass was split
but it was poem anons ass not mine
No I just searched for the last line, limited to /biz/. And I have all of the poems written in a txt file. 730 lines long, with 4 lines + a blank for each poem, that's 146 poems.
If you want to see a bunch, search for that image hash:
If every streamer thought like you, there would be no streamers. I will never get being a streamer and then not wanting people to go your stream. Fucking wierd.
Teslas look like cuck mobiles. As do most modem vehicles.
I'll put the link in the OP next time I make a thread. Thanks.
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Christmas times almost over. Time to get back to work wagie.
Exactly lol.
My first filter for whether someone is worthy or not is if they make 150k a year. Second is if they are fit.
I do not give someone the time of day if they don’t match this criteria.
Then after I have to filter for if they are blue collar and then I filter for if they are dorks or nerds or geeks or average males.
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I was arguing with people on YouTube who seriously believe that music performers are smiling for real. They can't understand they are acting happy for the cameras to make money.
He wants people to watch, he doesn't want them to know that he is Poem Anon.
Idk. Some people love spending money I guess. Depends how much they make. I personally don’t know anyone that is similar to what I read about in the news which is somehow the majority of people. Credit card debt and living paycheck to paycheck. Thats stats are so shit that I swear politics is just a distraction. Apparently in Canada you need 9x your salary to buy a home here. Home prices jumped tremendously from 2019.
So dumb lol. This guy doesn’t even post his face, which is good. I don’t like how streamers get some viewers and then immediately put their face in the corner of the stream.
Actually this is all over the west and Australia too. I think the majority lost a lot of purchasing power since 2019. Apparently 21 trillion disappeared for them and prices of things of show up 20%+. I
Not chink-canadian again
You made the mistake of entering the youtube comment section
Threadly reminder that everyone in this thread has more money than the gay leaf
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Get back to work, wagie
My face is too fucked up to be put in the corner
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>Get back to work, wagie
I feel like I'm missing the secret to buying a car. One anon said I should pump money into dividend stocks until I have enough for the loan. Taking longer length loans if need be.

New CR-V (EX model after taxes and fees)

Down payment 20% (rounded up)

Trade in (total guess for 09 Honda Fit)
>no not doing less of a down payment because of the trade in

$500 a month (60 months / 5% interest)

$500 a month x 12 months = $6000 in dividends needed

Assuming VZ 6.8% dividend yield.
6000/6.8x100 = $88,236 (rounded) stock needed to generate $500 a month in dividends for the loan (ignores taxes and ignores and capital gains).

Cool some nigger got ahold of my card info
>what was the fucking point they were even trying to make with that?
No clue, have not seen it. Probably show their customers they can spend 0$ on ads and still make money cause they are such consumerslobslaves
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Poem anon, scoopsies is going to be at his favorite bar in Seattle called Pony. He expects you to meet him their to touch sticks tonight.
I dont see why it matters whether you pay a car loan with dividends or income. Paying over $40k for a Honda is also a terrible decision.
How can you not see a major difference? One way pays the car with debt and expense and the other way pays debt with income. Also it is under 40k or do mean 30k?
Front looks like it belong to a pickup and they slapped it onto a SUV
I thought he was dead? Also where's my update rocker? I need to know what you're having for christmas dinner.
I like the white one myself.

He needs a new video. I'm not dead (Chewy anon). Account almost up to 7k!
Looks better here. It's a Honda anyways, you don't buy it for prestige or beauty
>Account almost up to 7k!
Not bad for a dead person.
Isn’t every car over priced? 40k seems reasonable since they were like 20–30k a decade ago.
One review said it isn't the best at any one thing, but because it takes second place in just about everything it wins! Thought that was funny.

I never was going to kill myself over it. Just cost me a year or more of living in freezing cold Pennsylvania instead of warm Florida.
I'm at my family Christmas as we speak thank you very much.
I'll take futures!
Second at everything is a solid allrounder, if being second means still being good in somewhat absolute terms (as in also a good grade)
So what car took first on ecerythitn?
Didn't actually think chatgpt could answer questions like this yet. A few months ago it kept telling me I don't have current info.

Yeah their point was other vehicles were 1 in one thing and bad in others, while the CR-V is very consistent. Like they do it on purpose.
You will end up paying $30k on the loan after 5 years. Thats with a $8k down payment and a $4k trade in. Total cost is $42k for a CRV.
It doesn't matter the source of the money deposited to your account. They are both forms of income. Its best to make the best investmsnts possible, although there is peace of mind from paying for the car using dividends.
>buying new
>So what car took first on ecerythitn?
None did. That was why the Honda beats them.
Given you didn't see a difference between expense and income I didn't mention it, but yes it would be 42k with 60 months of 5% interest. Still not a 40k car and you could easily put more money down to get it lower than 40k. As for trade-in vs cash. I didn't want the loan any higher.
42k is pretty expensive when 4% of Americans have 1M. Should just buy an American car that costs 15k.
To convince you that that is the upper limit of AI slop when in actuality you've been forcefed AI slop without you ever realizing it for years at this point.
Hard to buy a car for 15k now. When I bought my Honda Fit it was $9000 for a 10 year old car in 2018. A similar car would be closing in on 15k now.
I’m becoming increasingly convinced that they’re going to call a (((recession))) the first or second quarter Trump is in office. What would be the play for that?
GDP was just advised upward. Chances of a recession in the US next year are just about zero. That said Trump's tariffs could change that, but not in Q1/Q2.
If you were going to buy a brand new vehicle at least wait until they offer 0% financing.
>calculate total monthly note
>pay the bare minimum
>save the difference
>lump sum payment
Depending on how much is owed and financing rate shop around to find a lower interest rate.
He's obviously eating ham.
Not buying it. GDP is a reflection of federal deficit spending in the year of our lord 2024
>oh wait I only have Chewy puts
A recession would cause deflation which we are desperately in need of despite what people say. I hope he tariffs the fuck out of countries and uses the extra money to eliminate income tax.
>If you were going to buy a brand new vehicle at least wait until they offer 0% financing.
Honda only offers their low interest rates for 36 months. So that makes the dividend strategy unrealistic. But yes that is my plan if I buy it normally. Currently 2.9% for 36 months and higher rates the longer you take it out for.
There is nothing to tax when there’s deflation. Everyone is poorer and selling assets at a loss
I can't go out, my face is too fucked up
>Not buying it.
Then you shouldn't buy the entire concept of GDP given the government provides the numbers to calculate it.
New house prices were down -6% on monday. Sales was +5% but expected was 9%. So, eh, yeah. I guess that's why we went up 135 points from the monday low.
That’s what I am implying. I’m also implying the calling of a recession is merely a decision based on faulty numbers and often just political expediency
>this level of agony over one of the most commoditized cars ever created
certified retard vehicle living up to its name
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>New house prices were down -6% on monday
My prediction was still very wrong.
For instance, if GDP was a useful metric, newer generations would have more than past generations since GDP has mostly been up and to the right over decades. GDP would imply to me wealth generation, but newer generations have a startkly shittier quality of life than the generations before
It is pointless analyzing a number you think is fake. I don't think it fake, so you don't have to convince.
Only off by 55k, with rates at +4% and mortgages comfortably above 6%
>Be Warner Bros.
>Have entire animation studios struggling so much lately from budget cuts, cancelled projects and MANY layoffs in the past few years

>"Hey we're gonna do a sponsored prop for fucking Kai Cenat for a potentially shitty marathon on the Batman Arkham games that he may not even do the riddler puzzles without backseatting!"

Omega bearish, corporations are getting too retarded lately.
I actually messed up the math. Cause I forgot the past appreciation wouldn't be subtracted without deflation. Here I was predicting appreciation. Just dumb. Annoys me when I make silly mistakes.
The minecraft movie will make them lots of money. Though that dumb Superman trailer...lol
WBD is going bankrupt.
For me it is Mickey 17.
Might purchase some United parcel service in flirty minutes
>Lots of money

I don't know anon, even the minecraft kids on twitter, discord and reddit thought it looks retarded. More people seem to dislike Jack black more lately too.

That superman movie does look mediocre. Shoulda kept Henry Cavill instead of some onionsdude
Ubisoft is actually going bankrupt and I fucking love it
There are lots of tarnished coins out there. Forget about shaving and channel your OCD towards polishing up your pocket change. I do this pretty regularly and it is quite relaxing.
Good I finally get my revenge on them for making a throw together bad L O S T game.
Do you return these coins in circulation?
If Ubisoft does go under, I hope they sell the Rayman IP to Nintendo. That way we can get another kino title like Sparks of Hope.
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I think I’m finally done learning the basic on how to use Access. It’s neat and all, but I don’t see myself in a position where I’d use it. It seems more suited for presenting ideas to others in a professional manner.
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Eww, get that wretched shit off of 4chan
Yes I do. Some of the local shops like to take my change in exchange for bills, also if I want to piss off a teller I go deposit them in my bank account. Those niggas hate counting change (and yet they work at a bank)
>also if I want to piss off a teller I go deposit them in my bank account.
Is there any correlation to goat cheese tasting better ever since pakis started showing up around the place, or did it always taste that good?
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I'm not okay, I'm not okay, hey hey, hey
I'm not okay, hey, hey
You wear me out
I wish that would work, I've tried other things. I used to pick at my fingernails and cuticles until they bled... basically every day. I guess it's better that I switched to picking at and shaving my face. I don't usually cut myself that bad, just really razor burned and scratched up...
Access is a database... it's for storing structured data so you can query it later. First you set up your tables with the data columns and relationships you want, then build some forms to populate those tables (or import from a CSV somehow), and then use the report creator tools to look at the data in aggregate. Relational databases are how the entire world works these days. 4chan has a backend database to store all of our threads and posts. MS Access is just a small "user friendly" database for personal and extremely small business use. You could run 4chan or even Amazon on Access, since the principals are the same, but it would be bad.
You need to chill.out poem anon. There are probably so qt clowns in your area that think you're cute and are just waiting for you to ask them out. You need to quit obsessing over shaving. You really need a good 4chan friend up there. Scoopsies is perfect. He understands you.
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rip PRTY
I chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of
Closing a goddamn door?"
No, it′s much better to face these kinds of things
With a sense of poise and rationality
>Christmas dinner with family

>Mom bought christmas party crackers after a damn good turkey and ham dinner
>All of them had TERRIBLE jokes in them, paper hats torn and toys were broken...

Bad omen for 2025
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>Bad omen for 2025
Smart phones let niggers find the Internet
>15 campaign
Killed this place with tourists
the jokes are always bad anon it's part of the fun
The Seattle area is kind of like San Francisco: the gender ratio is fucked. It's like 3 or 4 men to every 2 women. Sure, a lot of those men are asian and pajeet immigrants, but also a lot of the women are fat pajeetas or completely frigid asian women. And it doesn't help that I'm a worthless loser who's afraid to meet new people.
>Killed this place with tourists
>Trump shilling for infinite pajeet migration to replace the spics he won't deport

reminder that tomorrow is also holiday
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You think that's a bad omen? I was using black magic to try and predict the stock market in the short future and my lum figurines head snapped off. Long story short, scoopsies is going to be standing in a bread line by the end of 2025.
Yeah. Fuckers keep banning me from text and voice chat.
When it comes to car, it’s less about it price. All Hondas are respectable except civic. All Toyotas are respectable except Corollas. With mercedes, c and E class are not respectable and for bmw, 3 series is not respectable. What else is there on city roads? American cars are bottom tier. Porsche is not acceptable also.
i may buy one within 5 years or so. once $tsla hits $1k ill buy one. used of course.
Tesla is not acceptable and a cuck box.
I don't trust car manufacturers unless they produce at least one product that gets some use in commercial fleets. If a manufacturer is readily available offering what appears to be reasonably useful vehicles for reasonable prices and the taxi drivers and couriers are NOT using them, there's a problem.
Toyota Honda and Mercedes have a lot of industrial ones.
He's not in office yet and commies are already seething.
He is literally shilling for 500k H1B indians a year.
RIP America.

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