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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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Bros, what went wrong? I thought we had unbeatable stamina and focus. Why can't we pump back up? Is it over?
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Imagine you’re mentally unstable, and you’re watching your massive squid stack fluctuate during tough times with Iran threatening war and the halving etc. You’re yelling at the team to do whatever it takes to keep it steady because your emotions are directly tied to red and green candles. So you panic and sell your stack and buy bepsi and you’re like ok now I’ve finally made it. It’s not working out for you and you’re like how can that be? But you keep going back to the tg. How can these squid guys be having such a good time? They should be upset! They can’t possibly think this will reach 100m! How can they not be talking about bepsi?! And then they raise money to get cmc fast track, the number of professional level memes dramatically increases, community expands its twitter outreach tenfold, number of holders grows daily.. can you imagine being Matthew red? Imagine what will happen when this hits 100m and he sees how his stack would have been worth 2.5million.
I wish I get 1 AAST every time pajeet make shitty post
stfu you retard
what’s wrong, did his post strike a nerve kek
noe, the bull is just taking some water and cereal to keep on fucking bobo, if my bags in dextools are still standing and even pumping then we still have plenty of time yet

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“Hey sorry guys, imma let you finish but where is the closest McDonalds?"
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Steam was pretty successful with Gabe Newell
I don't blame him, even when I go on business trips I always ask where the nearest burger king is, besides eating it's like a place to see memes or look at charts on dexview, like a checkpoint
>they're miring the beard
>faggot got a pink fall pattern headscarf, maybe I should start wearing a link blue headscarf
>maybe I should patent the color link blue
>is it TM or R for tradema...
>maybe I'll announce it next time or add a slide to my presentation
>wonder how much I should dump this week
>kek at the scene of pajeet guy saying they're ours to sell in margin call
>wonder if I can marry 4 women in Saudi Arabia
>kek at the pregnant muslim man meme those incels make
>nah 1 wife and 100 HR roasties is better
>shit the bigmacs are trying to come out
How he stays so well fed hile "working so hard" is really confusing to me.

making 100x on Solana memes is not possible you know that.
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I didn't know that faggot
The fuck what meme coin do you have?
now you know idiot
OP BBC will be the next trend in the market LMAO
TOTO INU will be having a sale now join now

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Please, I need crumbs. It's literally the worst performing shitcoin on every time frame. RLC is literally pumping off of promising what ROSE already delivers.
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OPL is good. ROFL is good. Sapphire is good. Illuminex is good. Ocean predictoor is bringing massive volume to sapphire. The team has strong ai credentials. Pontus X literally has airbus as a client. WHY CAN'T ANY OF THIS SHIT PUMP ROSE WHEN EVERYTHING ELSE PUMPS OFF OF NOTHING? FUCK.
I get the feeling too many of those big VC's who got it for pennies and have accumulated massive staking rewards are unloading it slowly
There's unlocks happening. But yeah you have a point. They didn't get it for that cheap either only 2c

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I have not idea what's good value right now. What hasn't pumped too much thats a good buy?
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Hungry on base is in a nice dip atm, DYOR.
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Get some coq inu, mate.
It's a good entry price atm.
Not interested in shitcoins rn
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literally open any page that has charts and you'll know, I mean, dextools even has a list for those things
better learn how to use a mouse and a keyboard

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Explain that side to me pls. Can u actually make money there or are they all just trying to rug each other?
yes, to both
i make $10k everyday on this website. $30k on a really good day. most I've ever made in one day is $100k.
9, not even hilarious, stupid fucking coins that produce zero value.

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missed the train again?
Should this train pump?
looks like it's starting

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crypto has gone from a bunch of high iq tech nerds trying to revolutionize money to a bunch of poor third worlders desperately trying to scam each other and you think this is bullish
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how much lifetime bitcoin has under your impression? I give it two more years before collapsing lol
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>man, I wish I could go back in time and sell everything and buy crypto.
BTC, only btc holding btc and with knowledge of the future you could make it again with eth and then again with doge.

Set for life thrice---
you don't know anything about what crypto was, is or what is being developed to be
you're just a hipster who thinks that because a bunch of faggots scammed a bunch of idiots that suddenly the tech is dead or that "it's over"
you're just posing, everyone that is worth a damn is still here, things are better than ever and everything is shaping up to be fine
are fiatcels throwing a tantrum and fighting harder now? yes, but they're absolutely meaningless, impotent rage, we cannot be stopped

OP if a faggot
keeps the market alive, and also the technical side is still very much in dextools, this is bullish only because at least there are people here and they're still putting money in
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and that's a good thing

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American elections are coming closer and both Biden and Trump have made their stance on crypto clear. Biden wants to veto a bill that let's companies elf custody crypto holdings while Trump is accepting campaign donations in crypto, has an ETH wallet and sells NFTs.

TRUMP token has already skyrocketed +30% in price after this announcement. What other political coins could see a pump?
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theres truly no choice now
you might as well sell everything and go back to working until your 70s if you vote for the side trying to destroy all aspects of this market

the authoritarians desperately need everyone to rely on the government
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Trump himself holds the Trump token and it is his largest asset lmao.


Do you expect everyone owning or being pro-crypto to hold expert knowledge about it? If your largest gripe is Israel then go back to /pol/.
>If your largest gripe is Israel then go back to /pol/.
they are forcing ww3 right now because they cant chill out. So if they are not your top priority at this very moment then you are part of the tribe
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Bought some of this. What am i in for?
>senile diaper-filling man is pro-shitcoins
how fitting

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All is lost. No hope, no dreams, no future.
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>He doesn't know Frogs vs Dogs is the new meme narrative
>He ins't buying dogs and frogs

It's pretty fucking blowing right now
Goddammit autocorrect

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If you don’t SELL NOW, you will live to REPENT for it. We’re going down to 30k BTC and 5 dollar LINK until the next bullrun in 2028.
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absolute. Be warned. Tried to warn you already at 70k and hope you listened

last chance before it really hurts
More powerful altcoins are coming day by day, fags. I can't wait to ape in on PEAQ as it is getting launched. May be you're a loser that's why you're even thinking of selling.
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my maga keeps pumping and btc doesn't seem to want to go below 60k, your poor financial decisions have nothing to do with me
Where is that DePIN thing going to be listed? Should be fun all the way.
If you sell now, you will be sidelined for the next 4 years

is buying memecoin the best option to triple my 100k?
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Looser will not win lol
It is better to drop so we can ape more BBC
Thank me later anon
Wats with this BBC tell me more idiot
Where listed this fucking shitcoin?
You didn't heard about bettyboopcoin?

This coin will give you damn profit imagine devs burned 200 SOL in the previous project

With it looking like Japan will start to allow some foreigners to buy property, how will you profit? I'm gonna buy within driving distance to a military base
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no jobs. 40 years of deflation.
Their salaries also haven't increased in forever, so all prices have stood still
damn i could work on my ninjutsu there and EVERYONE would be FUCKED
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I would first marry a Japanese woman and have children and eventually convince her to put our savings into a house, legally it would be hers but I will make sure to keep some power over the house, although of course, the whole plan falls apart when I realize I don't have enough funds and I must wait for my maga bag for that

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Jeets and nigs what coin should we watch right now. I'm eyeing for a coin that will make me millionaire
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Buy handsome squid. It’s the next apu. Search for squid on Twitter and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Smurf will make you rich anon
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the fuck with that squid it is like your gonna cook it? LMAO

better to have this BBC this will surely make you rich
IMO MIF will surely change your world
Under Solana will make you scream for the victory LMAO

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a pyramid scheme that requires a constant flow of new suckers, to pay out the old suckers that became scammers the moment they got scammed to buy into these pyramid schemes.

The difference, everybody knows by now that crapto is a scam, while the scams of bonds and "social security" can be enforced with violence, crapto has 0 inflow of new suckers
Just bump your old thread
cool, this is the new angle for fuddies? You can't convince people link is bad so you just fud crypto in general.

New fag here to biz.

So the reason anyone buys cryptocurrencies is in the hope that they can sell them to another buyer at a higher price.

This has been going on for 15 years and has already experienced three major blow-off hype cycles. There is likely to be another hype cycle in 2025. After that, there will be a bear market and prices will draw down by 90%.

Is there anything else to understand?
no. it's just a ponzi scheme
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Pretty much this meme.
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Correct, but 2 comments:
1) future drawdowns will be lower as technology matures (for BTC/ETH/Real projects)
2) All great leaps in human progress go through this process (see pic). Don't be flippant; blockchain is the real deal and your money will be transferred onto one.
>great leaps in human progress

bro, no crypto currency is ready for world class adoption because it all sucks ass. Crypto by definition is unregulated and decentralized, so it'll never be adopted by any nation for any uses. And if it is, it'll be to use like currency, not for utility. Any 'utility' based coins based off of ETH or any other shitcoin will all inevitably fail. Look how niche use cases are for these coins and yet gas fees and transaction fees already bite u in the ass.

This results in people going to coins like monero, ripple, and LTC just for the purpose of low fee transactions. "oh, but you can get low fees in BTC if u wait long enough so u dont get charged a lot of sats" Wasn't the whole point of BTC to be fast and instantaneous? Bank wires are free in most cases. Hell, banks let u transfer internationally. AND if you transfer incorrectly whether it be the wrong amount or to the wrong account, that can be reversed. If you are scammed, that can be reversed. If you are stolen from, that can be reversed.

Literally none of that is possible for BTC, as seen in the recent fiasco where a dude lost over 1000 BTC and can not recover it whatsoever. The most people can do is mark that BTC as tainted, but anyone with even a few hours of reading will tell you there are many many ways to wash and tumble the coins so it's clean.

BTC and other crypto coins will never be a store of value, they will never be more than niche use cases such as anonymous online purcashing.

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just got my first $6500 credit card with 21 month 0% APR. if I understand this right, if I spend the entire balance I only need to pay the minimum payment every month and I won't be charged any interest for 21 months. my friend said the payment should be really low, less than a $100 a month. but after 21 months if I still have any balance on the card, I will be charged interest. am I getting all this right? I think I should invest it into something that can make a profit in the next two years so I can pay back the loan and have some nice extra money. is this a good idea?
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Cash advance is usually limited and still subject to a fee. The tribe is always one step ahead.
>cash advance
who the fuck uses a credit card to take cash out? why would you need cash?
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Why are Americans like this? Falling for the Jew tricks all the time. What if you have emergency and cannot pay it back? Then the bank owns you. Pea brain retards.
Can you buy crypto with a credit card? What is he going to buy? pokemon cards on ebay? Then pay 25% seller fee when he wants to cash out to pay off his credit card?
honestly for all the trouble I went through with credit cards, I would use everything to go for btc, or even maga
credit cards are a scam in the long run

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Welcome to the ICP General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's first limitless full stack crypto cloud

ICP is an unstoppable, tamperproof, sovereign, and autonomous alternative to hosting in centralized cloud. No backdoors. Currently processing
more than 300k Ethereum-equivalent transactions a second, with no upper bound or decrease in performance. Built from the ground up to be a
world computer, it does not have the problems of transaction congestion, external data fetching, or relying on centralized cloud for front end or data hosting
like all other L1/L2s. From the minds of the worlds leading cryptographers came chainkey cryptography. Allowing for breakthrough trustless and bridgeless integration of all
blockchains, a net positive for the entire blockchain ecosystem. Currently the DFINITY foundation has integrated BTC and ETH, with ERC-20s on the way. An independent group is currently working on integrating Solana.

Imagine building secure Web3 services 100% on-chain with no need for traditional IT, using just smart contract software. This full stack decentralization, when augmented with
trustless multi-chain capabilities derived from advanced cryptography, would enable the secure custody of diverse crypto assets, their incorporation into highly sophisticated
value-producing functionality, and the integration of smart contract logic on other chains. New realms of possibilities would appear.

ICP is the whole package, no Rube Goldberg machine necessary.

>Price action redpill

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I’m going to keep this thread alive for eternity.
Piss is the future.
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ahem i hold icp and there's nothing you can do about it
>icp on unsupported list for german kraken users
bros wtf

let’s keep this one alive peebros

is anyone else minting this? cheap mint price with motoko gimmick

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