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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

● Wait 15 minutes as a new user.

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So for clarity, you will not have to verify your email address if you don't want to. If you are a new user, you can instead simply wait 15 minutes before posting. After the wait, you can post threads and replies as normal. If you've been a user of 4chan for more than 15 minutes, the process should be seamless for you. If you are a new 4chan user, then verifying your email address bypasses the wait.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You should have bought shares at 10. Are you stupid? Do you hate money? Or are you too poor to even afford gme at 10?
while{ ($GME > $CHWY)
what dogshit language syntax is that
korean bbq marinade please
Never been to one what do they have?

We will never see 57k again.
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It's below 58k right now anon, 58k has been rejected.
damn, maybe I should have listened to the jews. Maybe they had my best interests in mind all along.
Have I been the bad guy all along?
post moar bottom signals
lol bukele is literally clamping down, arresting and stealing from nickel and dime narcos gangs to keep his BTC empire afloat. it's over

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Did you Stakeeyd?
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>Poo id
Stinky in here
What are your rewards?
bout three fiddy
any way to sign up without a google or microsoft account?

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How can we stop inflation?
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Anon is right, mostly white women. I work in this industry and it’s become almost a sure thing on every job.

>group of executives tiptoeing around the language of requesting a diverse cast
>cast the commercial with a range of good actors
>they pick the shittiest talent to fit the aesthetic billing preferred
>often reshoots after testing because it wasn’t the “right kind of diverse”
>often times actual racist gestures from client like trying to make someone have more of an afro, rewriting dialogue to be more ‘urban’, etc

It’s just a series of extra steps that end up being more insensitive, IMO. All to help college educated white women feel better about their place of privilege in this world.

t. Dude who has gotten kicked off jobs for having the *wrong* color skin
How? They're all poor and have no fucking money besides gibs

Bring happiness home = brings a black man.

Really subtle there. Oh, and the daughter is OFC white with blonde hair.
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made for BBC isnt a meme, its heritage

whites belong on all fours, its natural state of comfort, sacred ritual of melanin receptor activation acclimating them into personhood
most likely BlackRock with the ESG initiative.

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How much time will this shit market crab downwards?

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>have to go into the office
>talking with normie coworker about his weekend
>he went to some normfest at an airbnb
>he says "it's one of those houses that is, you know, built for airbnb"
>I laugh
>he asks why
>I say "you know... 'built for airbnb"'
>he stares at me blankly
I hate work so much it's unreal
and then you explained Big Black Cocks to him and your obsession with Negro Penis?
OP was subsequently told to report to HR, where he was given a verbal warning that his employment would be terminated should he have another mutt moment on the premises.
>browsing /biz/
>lmaoing at shitty wojack memes on a link thread, reading a story about some /b/ pedo that died
>co-worker walks up
>"Sup OP,... lol, what you laughing at?"
>....uhh, um...
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>built for airbbc
i kek'd

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I see friendly fire is enabled on this server.
sorry i misread your post :(
>RWAs need to "carry" information as they move from blockchain to blockchain. Information like their reserve status, their ownership status, their KYCAML requirements etc etc.

To put more aptly, the Chainlink network is required for RWAs to have a heartbeat, breathe, and to function. Outside of the Chainlink network, RWAs will be like NFTs we saw in the 2020 craze, PNGs with no function.
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>Genuinely curious: what would necessitate tokenized assets to transfer trillions of times between chains? If there is so little interchain transfer of existing shitcoins, why would tokenized RWAs need to move interchain so much?

You gotta backtrack a bit. The first question is "Why should I use 'X'" chain? Banks asked that question of why bother use Ethereum/X/Y/Z/ chain. They independently decided that they won't use them and instead make their own EVM chain. But mind you, each of the banks did this and there are numerous banks. The SWIFT network has 11K banks. Even if it's a 10th who adopt blockchain, that's over 1K chains. So now each of those banks are busy printing NFTs of their assets on their chains but hol up, if they want to buy and sell their RWAs with other banks, they have to figure out how to deal with the fact that their NFTs on their chain while their partner bank's NFTs are on the partner banks' chain. Hence the interoperability problem.
You’re too intelligent for this years /biz/. stop helping newfags.

Smart money is selling their useless bitcoin for valuable fiat currency
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In a recession cash is king
Is this recession in the room with us now?
the nobody buyin', nobody sellin' meme is already happening? imagine an air guitar being so scarce that someone would pay $100,000k for one LMAO

RIP max kesier and michael saylor
>kraut gov
>smart money

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Frens, is it over?
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Whales are pretty retarded for selling every pump then.
This post was my buy signal. Anons are going to rope when this thing moons like crazy. This coin always survives the dips really well, you would have to be retarded not to buy at this point if you've been paying attention.
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Apu is bloated you need a low cap gem like Baby Apu
based noticer
shame on you, falseflagging fudster for trying to get him to burn even more cash

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What's the fastest way to 50 million net worth
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Rob a bank.
Suck 50 million dicks for $1 each.
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gay onlyfans
a moment of silence for Sketch

Only 84 days until our favorite chink gets released from Club Fed. What are the implications of his relief for crypto? Will his release kick start the bear market? Will he moon LUNC? Will the shitcoin gamblers inherit the earth?
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Where's the buck broken CZ token?
What token are you talking about?
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Do some research, biz has really gone down the shitter. I'm feeling generous though, for the good old times, pic related.
i just buy LUNC. That chart looks like ass
Lunc will go nowhere

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Insider and long time lurker here.

This coin is set to 10x-40x atleast. It will be THE token in the Shibu Inu ecosystem. It's already backed by multiple VCs and one of the co-founders has already made an appearance in Kyoto this past weekend at the Kyoto IVS conference.

/biz/ used to be good back in 2015-2019. There were tons of good advice and coins to get into. Everyone was sharing and making money. Just want to return the favor. Please do your own research.


Good luck everyone. It's going to get worse. Crypto is the only way out to be self-sustainable.
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Once the people that made you rich leave, penniless. Then the eco-system will become profitable again.
Can anyone refute this? So is this treat token a scam or not? That tweet explicitly states that the treat token with CA ending in 146b is a scam.
you're in an actual scam thread jannies haven't deleted yet
dude, its pretty clear in that post. not sure what you are looking for. this is not dah lawd you seek
Uh ohh deboooonked

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Why is Polymarket not chainlink? Vitalik is shilling them CONSTANTLY like a man in heat because they are the only non chainlinked protocol that uses oracles. I hope our Ari is working on it
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Why the fuck would anyone buy boomer shares on a wonky dogshit app like polymarket when everyone (including insiders) already knows BIGMIKE (on ETH) will replace Biden. S/he’s the only one that can beat the orange nazi. Name one other candidate that even has a chance against Trump. The Bidens are just working out a deal and setting up a fake charity grift before they pack their bags. Apparently Hunter is helping negotiate the deal. 100x minimum once Michael is installed
they should seriously run michelle obama. why not
All the skitzo rambling bullshit you just described is priced in on the platform. It’s what the platform is for
cant tell if this is bait or not but i'll reply assuming you are a literal brainlet who needs spoonfeeding. Michelle is the dems secret weapon to keeping Trump out of office. You think they will back a literal DEI VP who mumbles more nonsensical bullshit than Biden?!? No one else even comes close to being able to keep orange man out of office. BIGMIKE will surprise everyone.

tldr: Bigmike will be pushed for Obamas 4th term and will be even easier to control than Biden was.
This is where dei explodes. The dems are giving up the election because they refuse to offer anything other than literal garbage that was chosen just for being brown

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If deflation discourages investment then why are coin burns so beloved. Perhaps American boomer economists are retarded
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Yeah but it's fundamentally different from a token burn because the currency is still circulating.
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Deflation bad is just demonic pilpul to justify BRRRing.
As long as we don't replace women with the artificial womb, the BRRRing will never stop.
Nobody gives a fuck if they can get 1% more stuff if they wait for the next year.
>actually the Renaissance was lame, ok?!
Dullard. Corruption of the price signal of money is horrendously negative sum.

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The Federal Reserve building has barricades set up around it in preparation for Jerome Powell's testimony before Congress tomorrow.
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typical MIGA/Mossad lies
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No since the Havana incident with DEW
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But how do they justify putting up a temporary barricade, for what purpose? Why not just erect a permanent fence to keep the public away?
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Most of the time its to hide ugly construction work

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I have a bunch of golden age/silver age comics (like 300)
Some are 90 dollars plus in their respective condition
I'm going to sell on eBay but should I do bidding or a flat price?
If bidding how should I approach it?
Never touched eBay before
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What I did to estimate value is search the issue on mycomicshop, estimate grade based on a chart, and if it wasn't available on the comic seller I checked sold listings on eBay

You'll have to price yours lower than the yellow listings on mcs because those were officially graded which requires paying to do

I got lucky and have several number 1 issues of lesser known but still pricey series

Whatever gay child owned these in the 50s ruined a few that would otherwise go for hundreds
Just entered the thread to say:
Laezel best girl.
Spread it out, take pictures and post it on /v and see if someone loses their shit.
Everything pokemon, certain anime and functional retro gaming is decently wanted.
There are websites that allow you to check sold listings on ebay.
Sealed>packaging intact> functional>rest is a good way to identify possible valuables.
Please post some picks if this helped
I just had the sex scene with mommy Minthara.
Shadowheart is no longer my best girl.
Now Minthara is my new best girl.
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Her romance is STILL broken
They also cut her pregnancy arc because of woke complaining

She is supposed to get knocked up in that scene

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How are you making passive income with crypto? What are the best lending or staking platforms?
>How are you making passive income
>with crypto
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I thought you were supposed to keep custody of your coins? Is there a way to do it if it's all on paper wallets? If not that sounds really risky.

Look up things like AAVE, you don't have to give your coins to a centralized exchange. You still face default risk thoughever.

I started stealing cars and now I don't worry anymore about my finances and my bleeding shitcoins
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At the expense of your soul.
I only steal cars to rich people, which have no soul, so my soul is not affected.
Even better if the car still has some "riding with Biden" sticker attached
Ahhh, a life of crime. Is this financial advice?
biz - business & crime
>A group of disillusioned individuals, fed up with a system they feel has wronged them, turn to grand theft auto. Starting with simple car thefts, they quickly evolve into a sophisticated ring targeting high-end vehicles. They justify their actions as "repossessing" from the wealthy what society has denied them.
> Hath walked in my statutes, and hath kept my judgments, to deal truly; he is just, he shall surely live, saith the Lord God.

> But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.

>The soul that sins, dies.

Spin it however you want. I’ve stollen also and if I had the chance to undo it, I would. You are permanently damaging your eternal soul. I love you. I’m not attacking you.

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