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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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Tokenized stocks trading on CCIP.. They REALLY want to slide this information.
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Bridges have existed for years now. Top kek!
am not the ones making lies , burden of prove lays on you
Lower fees, more transparency, easily transferable.. The banks have a racket on stock trading. They charge like $10 a trade and it cost them nothing.
>t. a brown faggot with an iq of 60 who is paid pennies to fud here and actually thinks that his samefagging isnt cringe-inducingly obvious
Who is doing this?

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They will BUY more BTC
They WON'T buy shitcoins. Just keep the seized ones.
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Picrel is coming
Buying BTC will lead to a bull market which will trigger an altseason.
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What kind of criminal hides there wealth in fucking CARDANO. Also if the government gets any link they have to sell it immediately KEK
Kek finally read that retardation.
Its like saying
>The US HAS to buy gas and oil for its strategic reserve
>Under no circumstances are they going to sell oil and gas from the reserve
When it's quite the opposite. Its only bought when its low as a result of it having been sold when it was needed. Can somebody remind me who needs crapto and why and when exactly it is needed to be bought when it has no usecase in the first place anyway. This women is a scammer that needs exit liquidity
Exactly, they sold it OTC.
Now they are going to dump straight to CEXs, driving the price down.

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Everything is so overpriced right now, it's disgusting.

Can someone PLEASE point me to undervalued stocks?

How the fuck is Meta still so valuable after VR flopped?

How is Tesla still so valuable when Chinese companies demolish it in the EV and robotics markets?

None of this makes any fucking sense.

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>all that pointless shipping just to jew a worker out of a few bucks
This supply chain exists because nobody is going to be buying the products at a much higher price as much as you want to cope with "muh few bucks". Same reason why China exports so much. Everyone wants to buy cheaper products. So enjoy inflation magafags.
Kys communist
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when did communist start to mean "guy who has any critique of society whatsoever"
Free Market = Capitalism?
I get called a communist for questioning anything Trump does even if its blatantly stupid at this point, I just ignore it now.

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White House Wants The White Man's Coin, aka Bitcoin, the undisputed global strategic asset of "golden" status. El Salvador was but the first of many more to come. Bitcoin de-risked, all institutions of every kind given a massive thumbs up to get some digital gold exposure.
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Roach-coiners blown the fuck out. Bitcoin maximalist talking points posted on the most powerful government in the world's website when the most famous guy in history is the President. The altcoin stockpile is on a lower tier, and can be said to be unstrategic in comparison. Congrats alt coiners you were thrown a bone, please donate to Republicans because they are nicer to you than Democrats (wink wink). They rescued you from the meanie Gensler.

Maximal win-condition timeline unlocked. Instead of banning it, all governments will bend the knee. You have your very own strategic reserve right? USA USA USA!

Bitcoin mega-whale and mega-bull Howard Lutnick tasked with acquiring more bitcoin. White House has plenty of other bitcoin chads as well.
BTC is now a jewish coin. White men are buying BCH.
Kek you're covered in cobwebs dwelling in some depressing liminal space of complete irrelevance. I still can't believe how stupid bcashier narratives were after all these years, crying like it was some existential crisis that all the third worlders wouldn't be able to buy coffees on layer one. Nonetheless you see some third worlders using the lightning network just fine, because of course all forms of money have different layers to scale them. They don't use your dumb loser fork that isn't known to be an appealing store of value, and BTC clearly isn't in some kinda existential crisis. Use case adoption for SoV was always going to come first before widspread medium of exchange, you would know that if you weren't economically illiterate and kept up with the arguments properly. Still way more room to grow for the SoV use case to be more globally adopted and saturated.

And if you travelled back in time and described the present moment in full detail to some BCH fag in 2017, he wouldn't believe you and would stammering cope.

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Temporary Exemptions Edition


>Risk management:

>Live Streams:

>Educational sites:

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>so much seething
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>mfw I put 90% of my shekels into euro and chinese stocks a month ago
I'm up like 30% after a hefty investment into Rheinmetall AG
In the last 3 days I lost $8k and the worst part is if I cashed out during a random surge in pricing last week I'd have made a decent profit. Why did Intel have to randomly crash after hitting $27.
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CHIPS act is getting slashed which was its protection against NVDA and TSM domestic investment
kick ass

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How will his affect the markets?

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Previous: >>59935549

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue, Uphold, Robinhood, Kraken, Kucoin, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:

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and this one. all these authors are great btw, if any anons want some Straight Truth I highly recommend Joseph Farrell, Jim Marrs, Douglas Valentine, Peter Dale Scott. all their work is great, and highly vital to understand the real state of the world. worth more than an Ivy League PhD if studied diligently, their bibliographies/works cited are excellent curricula for independent study projects
What can you get if you sell everything now? I can probably get a midrange PC.
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it's hard to choose just one peter dale scott (cocaine politics, the war conspiracy, and the JFK one are classics) but this one is great. he's amazing.
a cheeseburger and fries
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this one will give you a very valuable key, it is worth more than its weight in gold

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Btc completely captured by the very forces it was supposed to liberate us from. Government reserves combined with hedgefund reserves (all of whom are in bed together) combined with etfs will simply give tptb total price control. Absolutely GRIM. Mongoloids cheering for this shit. Lmao. Btc will not save you. Not only that, but the crypto tech they do choose to actually use for their new gay financial system will be weaponised to actively enslave you even more. Thank you very much for playing.
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fudder still posting same links
i admire your persistence
Spamming scammer. Nano is not free, can't scale, and is wide open to spam attacks. Nano's claim in their whitepaper about unlimited scaling is absolutely rubbish. It's just as crazy as me stating that I will go the moon using my bicycle, proudly claiming that my speed is unlimited, only restricted by my muscle strength and I am getting stronger and stronger for each day, and very soon I will be strong enough to get such a high speed that I will jump to the moon. Ridiculous. Do they have any written plan for 100 000 TPS? Any cost analysis? ETH and other competitors will roll out 100K to 1 million TPS in a matter of months/year.

Nano has done zero cost analysis for 100 000 TPS bandwidth, CPU, and IO. Random volunteers are supposed to take costs involving millions of USD each year, working on the network 24/ with no downtime, holidays, Christmas etc. Nano has done nothing to provide how it is feasible for Nano to reach 100 000 TPS within the next years. However, imagining it's possible, Nanoids admits that Amazon and large operators like them will take all the costs and burdens of operating the system. That's a clear and open single point of failure (SPOF) and is the very reason why people choose crypto currencies over banks and centralized payment systems. That Nano is not able to identify a clear and basic SPOF in their system is worrisome on multiple levels.

Pic. Desperate Nano scammer boiz keep whining that pic is not Bikini Blogger George Coxon, COO of Nano, later Director of now bankrupt Nano Foundation, with zero experience, connections, or tech knowledge, is a rabid hard left open borders feminist.
You are a narratively bankrupt delusional nocoiner who is absolutely coping and seething right now because you chose poorly. Cry harder.
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I’ve already provided two (2) PRICELESS uses of bitcoin.
>p2p digital cash
Dullard. "A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash", Ecash was centralized, Bitcoin is entirely peer-to-peer. It is not a statement of intent, it is a functional description.
Further, intent has no value, the only thing that matters is whether BTC can be used for some function, which it can (systemic Unit of Account), and the value of that function (Everything)
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Good thing Satoshi had a backup plan for just such an occasion.

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How is that supposed to work
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shitting on KDA is reasonable
shitting on LINK is just retarded
its clearly going to the top 3
my guess is #1 sooner than people think but regardless top 3.
I'm shitting on (You) for being retarded
If you really believed that you would sell your kidneys to buy KDA. If you haven't and keep posting this You are doing some weird words of praise positive thinking ritual.
Im heavily exposed to KDA given its market cap.
im comfortable with what i have, if LINK or one of my other few holds do a crazy move before KDA, i rebalance.
Stochastic portfolio rebalance will make you morew in the long run
also nice webm
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I'm so kadead

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This is how empires fall. Someone reaches maximum power, they have an ego trip and are incapable of self-criticism. The rest is indeed history.
Which essentially proves my point further. The general public has too micro of attention spans then to understand "why is Trump not getting prices lower?!?!? why isn't he fulfilling his promises?!?? THIS ISN'T WHAT I VOTED FOR!!!" Hence then they'll go back to voting overwhelmingly dem for the next decades. This plays perfectly into the globalists' master plan to get the America blockade out of their way to institute one world government.
Trump cope
nobody is going to vote for a party of tranny-apologists. Trump will be fine
>idiot gets into tariff wars
>prices soar
>its da joos!

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the only people worth meeting at that table are Trump and Musk. No idea who some of them even are like the guys surrounding Trump
These guys pay actual trashy whores $500 for a whole night, I'm not dissing your BJ skills but you can't compete for $10M
I know none of these people. I vaguely recognise the face of the bald one with cancer.
The more poor America gets the less indians and mexicans will come here and the less welfare money can be spent on our african american friends. I'd eat beans and rice for the rest of my life it meant never seeing another minority again.
its the niggers u dumb jew boi

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Lot of businesses around me are closing down and going out of business. Are we in a recession
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I own a 51 year old family business and everything is going to complete shit this year. Suppliers are out of a lot of stuff, people stopped coming in and expenses keep going up. I think we're headed towards a depression.
It was in 2022 this happened, but no one remembers. They redefined it. No one remembers SVB Bailout either, despite it eroding their purchasing power with printing.
No, furniture, a lot of it we make ourselves

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never stop laffin at stinks

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What are some assets Trump is liable to try to pump and dump on? I want to start buying asset classes that some random tweet will pump and set sell orders so that I can profit without worrying too much. What's a good ROI target for these?

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I feel like it's a good time to hedge against Pax Americana.

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You realize this is just getting started, right?
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this is cap and it's not even close
here it is, the biggest top signal of all time
see you next cycle (if there is one)
I was there, physically and mostly mentally too
dump at what price nigger ? 1M ?
How the fuck should I know what the price is in 4 years. I’d be a billionaire. Human behaviour is a lot more easy to predict and he already did one of these scare tactics on republicans before. I think he’s going to strongarm global leaders to create their own reserves too for the soul purpose of dumping/trading off US debt with coins. Although that might raise globopolitical tensions.

But anyway, the us buying, china and Europe probably buying. 500-1m isn’t unreasonable

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Bars, bars, bars and more bars edition.

>Why Gold & Silver?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)

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I kinda want to gamble on an ounce with gold being so damn high now.
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I feel like I reclaimed some lost knowledge. Older coins were measured in grains, most notably the 420 grain US trade dollar (also the Meiji era Japanese trade dollar). Bullet weights today are also measured in grains. I wondered if they were the same. Thinking that a 150 grain round weighs about 9.7 grams, and one grain is 15.625 grams: 9.7x15.625=151.56 or about 150 grains.

Nothing really changes, we are still stacking seeds of grains, grains of ammo, and grains of precious metals.
Buying gold isn't gambling, expect to hold 10 years at least
I wasn't talking about gambling on gold, dingus.
Back when silver was THE international currency in Asia and the Americas.

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Your long crypto journey ends now...everything you've waited for has come true, and it still dumped...HAHAHAHAHA! Crypto died 7th March 2025.
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32 dollars is cope. Bottom is 40k at the worse.
No. Its the royal secret
You are going to get liquidated
The only royal secret here is your a broke boy with 0 crypto.

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