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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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aww mumu, he looks just like you lmao
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Is this the interpretation you wanted?
honestly one of my biggest fears is exactly that, expecting a child and then finding out it's not mine, not even losing all my rocky bags compares to that, I just want to have a normal family
female cows don't have horns.

anyway im impressed this is the second time i see mumina as a new character and this thread has more porn of her than sfw
What's there to fear?
If it happens then you bail and you're off the hook, lessons learned, and start over.

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N33Ts of /biz/, how does it affect you when making it on crypto and what country? I understand you still have to pay taxes when you reach a threshold but can it affect your overall benefits? It's not a guaranteed income like working but I'd rather avoid stress if I start doing well and I'm generally just curious.
I don’t pay taxes I buy everything with crypto.
Just buy memecoins retard and make it rich it’s easy
Tg baseddonaldtrump faggot retard nigger loser boy
Launching soon
I suck at crypto, and only do long term boomer coins and buy after crashes and sell at certain percentage under the last all time high. Overall i don't have a net loss, but minimal earnings like a few hundred bucks over years. Brokers take care of taxxes and stuff.
I have about 40k in savings, but thats just from living frugal and saving the welfare neetbux.
T. 33yo Netherlands neet

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I just want to stop working, even if it means a frugal life.
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Shut up nigger
>im a girl that is richer and happier than you, virgin cuck
Tg baseddonaldtrump
Trust me you’ll want to get back to waging in 6 months tops

This anon gets it
BS because a goal and struggle, meaning can be found in hobbies as well
If just frugal is what your after, and cheap hobbies then get neetbux if your in a rich country.
T. 12 year on neetbux
I get my goal and struggle from trying to escape the wage cage. If I succeed then I will enjoy my prize. New struggles will come along I'm sure.

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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Lets go Jimmy!
Wtf why is gamestop going up? Melties told me it was gonna go down.
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5M @ $19.7 dark pool order came in at 10:20:13

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Read more books edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)

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Nobody is going to care what BRICS does for at least 40 years. China, India, and Saudi can move markets unilaterally, but they're not going to wait for permission from random thirdies to do it.
Regardless of who controls what, this shitshow will end and central banks along with main street banks will be wiped out, there will be only one system in the next era and its called hard assets.
I think you're confused, there's more than one "central bank" especially when referring to the world. Are you referring specifically to the federal reserve banking cartel ? Or the bank of international settlements ? Because currently, there is no one central bank that controls everything. The fed, IMF & world bank at one point did control everything, but unless you haven't been paying attention there's been a global shift in power. To write off BRICS as a joke is to ignore one of the main reasons the USD is crumbling and gold/silver are being revalued.
>they're not going to wait for permission from random thirdies to do it.
They don't need their permission. They're giving the third worldies a way out from this mess and most of them are gladly accepting it.
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I just want to say again that I paid $360.43 each for these last Thanksgiving and now they are worth $457.33.
Now it's $457.50.

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I have a 5x ETH leverage long @ 2300
Target: 3700
Oooh is that you in pfp? Based fellow crypto girl!
I’m launching a coin, tg baseddonaldtrump
I did 10000x before so ima do it again!

I’m anyone else still 100% in cash
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You can still use your cash for the Peaq listing, but first, make sure to DYOR and see it for yourself. That's it.
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I don't know what to do with my money.
Which exchanges are these ones listed on?

You have more than I did in January 2019, and I turned that into $60,000,000 in the three years following.

Dare you do the same?
>I went full in cash exactly 1 year ago
Going full cash for a year? Inflation's gonna eat you alive at this rate. If i were you, i would pick up some assets, stake some like i'm doing with Nai on Avax, when the market bounces back, you’ll be making gains on both ends.

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>green frog = green 24h candle
Time of a frog is upon us. Just don't fall for obvious scams like eth apu.
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you had months to buy the bottom. Instead you probably bought apu, a literal rugpull that got already rugpulled once.
This trend is over
Trump on base will make shit loads
Chubby inu dev ($30m) is back with
Tg baseddonaldtrump
She’s cute
Launching soon nigger boy
>apu back down to 90mil mc
It is Friday I suppose
The combine market cap of the shitcoins you listed is like $100k anon. Congrats on doubling your $10 portfolio I guess
stop fudding APU, Gian

Will I make it?
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Where do you get that much money?
This anon is still stuck in 2021 lol
You could just buy a lamborghini and it wont vanish overnight.
Anything can happen so you can just hold this DePIN gem. Why not add other DePINs like natix and helium?
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No EOS on the list, YNGMI.

maybe a good idea to buy orange coin just in case it catches on anon?
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>yeah I really want a CIA created, government backed 59k stablecoin
Yes orange coin as in TRUMP!
>tg baseddonaldtrump, dev girl that is richer and happier than you
2012 BTC
>fuck the government I'll kill a nigga

2024 LGBTC
>blackrock and vanguard bls save us! etfs! omggg

fucking pathetic, just remember it went from 15k to 72k and you decided to get in at 55k like the rest of the sheep. Enjoy wage slavery until 2030 retard.
this is how bitter shitcoiners get because they didn't buy bitcoin and instead clicked the button nearby and bought a shitcoin scam.

nobody is celebrating that the suits are joining as in they are taking over. They are capitulating and buying the superior asset.

You're the one still behind the curve. seriously... people in their 70s have understood the value prop of bitcoin and biz still struggling.
>muh ETFs [ x ]
>muh golden bull [ x ]
>muh habbening [ x ]
>muh jackson hole summit [ ]
>muh crypto summer [ x ]
>muh left of center [ x ]
>muh rate cutz [ x ]
>*you are here
>muh Pumptober [ ]
>muh Burger Election [ ]
>muh EOY [ ]
>muh crypto spring [ ]

don't you ever just get tired? 15k to 72k was the bull run, eat shit

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All my funds are in BingX thanks to Chelsea. What to expect? That's the second time I use a exchange that got hacked. Hoo stole all my funds in 2022. I'm from Brazil, Binance report all of my moves to the government that's why I don't use it.
Expect to lose all your money loser!
>natural selection doing its thang!
Also im a girl and richer than you jeet!
Tg baseddonaldtrump Ifykyk hehe <3

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Securitize is going with Wormhole for everything cross-chain. Wtf? This feels like we got rugpulled. I thought Securitize was in deep with Chainlink...
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johnny did more then that. he "spoon fed" then took money from ico built up link pool then rugged link pool and air dropped a dog shit gov token. While still getting to keep link pool
Btuh chainlink has been ranked far below even ada constantly. Sergey has also spent billions on 700 employees, dead products like ccip, god knows how much tokens as bonuses to staff, however much to headhunt big players who all leave, host expensive conferences and subsidise a fucking massive amount on the network and lobbying for partnerships… all for it to constantly fall in price and rank.

Meanwhile Charles has kept it lean, practical and bene more successful with his scam.
Sergey has fucked it that hard with billions of free cash. He’s NOT competent at business or scamming lmao
Holy triggered
>Yes. See i can strawman too faggot.
That was a non sequitur, not a strawman my dear friend.

>You did not say that just like i did nit say half the shit you spewed at me.
I'm talking about a position many people that frequent these threads hold, if you don't identify with what I said you can just ignore it I guess. Although the fact that you attack me so vehemently for discussing it does make me thing you actually do hold this dissonant position.

>spend billions to keep his scam going on 700+ employees and bullshit like CCIP
Investing in employees and products usually indicates that something isn't a scam. Surely there is some sort of upper limit where investing more money does not equal more grifting income, something Charles seems to have figured out >>58996868. Isn't Sergey shooting himself in the foot by hiring so many people and buying/creating products that cost millions? That's directly coming out of his potential grift income.
No shit you retard. Thats why he’s incompetent and a fucking scammer. Finally you seem you understand.

At this point i’d rather Charles was the CEO of chainlink. I feel he’d do a way better job at running it as a scam

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The price loan spiral. Because companies overinflate prices wages have to go up and up.
What’s with this retarded normie posting?
Post something original faggot
Dead board
Tg baseddonaldtrump for free money
Let me guess, you are addicted to cryptocurrency false prophets?
Schizo lmao
Kill yourself cuck
I’m a girl and I’m richer and happier than you
>I’m a girl
Who asked

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Should I go all into crypto now or wait until the next bear market?
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gold and silver are used in many industries and market sectors from electronics to jewlery. almost nobody uses bitcoin.
same lol
yes but do it cautiously i started accumulating memecoins with the unicorn.meme airdrops and its been working out pretty well for me so far, i really dont want to put my savings into crapto rn
If you have not gone all in already, you will probably die poor. EOS and INJ have been at their cheapest.
How can i trade crypto on my IOS phone?


>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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Me too king! CH11 can't go on forever so this thing will come to a close sooner rather than later.
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>samefagging this hard
Sounds like bondies get no equity.
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Chapter101 bankruptcy, you love to see it.

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Americans just woke up
nigga its 10am here on the east coast we've been up
>waking up before 10AM
I love trump so much, I wish I could suck his dick.
> I’m a girl btw
Tg baseddonaldtrump

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Solana's big hyped upgrade is the new validator client called Firedancer. Pic related is the logo for Dave Matthews Band which includes a figure officially called a "fire dancer". Dave Matthews Band will be inaugurated into the Rock and Roll hall of fame this October, firedancer on solana is expected early 2025. Dave Matthews Band's most commercially successful album is the seven time platinum album "Crash". Do with this information what you will.
Scam dev
Tg baseddonaldtrump will do better!
>girl dev that is richer and happier than you! I only date 6’2 guys btw so sorry cuck

My fellow 4chaners, when do you guys take profits? Can you control your greed? We always lose when there's no plan in place. Think of that.
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Its going to be funny when you round trip back to November 1637. Do you have better exit indicators?
I'll take profits when my target is reached. For now, I'll keep accumulating Natix and utilize their app to earn from driving.
The plan is to get EOS at $100 and sell half.
$500 SUI is hopium overload. I’ll dump some at $15 and call it a win. Same with Nuklai, once it pumps, I'm dipping out with some gains.
Holding Nai since it’s got both AI and DePIN covered, plus it focuses on data monetization.
>a long-term play for some real gains.

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