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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

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who else is on the guest list?
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Bullish af
Why does the lighting make him look like a cardboard cutout?
Weird choice of camera settings.
Why are fat/ugly people always the ones who fuck you up the most? I had to leave with shitcoins and epileptic because of them
chainlink labs is well known to redistribute their ill-gotten gains to nft scams and retarded ventures with zero prospects. they are heroes in this space
>>Soulja Boy
how is this kid still getting work and rubbing shoulders with all these rich folks?

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*presses Esc*
I'm buying silver every month.
You mean the next shib, doge, pnut, what have you? You will end up buying this thing too late, I can already tell based on your word choice
S on this white genociding cryptojew (literally) maniac
Kek. Yes. Precisely what happened. You will buy the trump shitter at 27bn mc with 80% held by one wallet and you will like it. You will watch everything else you hold go to zero as the entire crypto market sells off to buy trump. Thanks trump!

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder
[Kek Melvies]bzilp4

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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> people buying crypto right now are dumb af
LOL lmao, PP is worth 23 million from buying crypto. How much are you worth after buying GME for four years?
lmfao delusional.
go back to twitter
>No one wants to face the idea that maybe redacted and the cons set GME up in the first place to rek Biden, so the plan was always to get them back by pushing it out to whenever the next con regime came into power. But redacted had always planned to use the collapse to his advantage. He doesn't care what happens to the American people, he's going to make out like a bandit.
Kansas City Shuffle.
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>They're shilling the obvious P&D from the con artist president on a video game pawn shop thread

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I grew up in poverty and abuse. I was a slave. I got DQ'd at meps in the army until I was 21, now 4 years of the gaurd later I am almost done with my degree (biology-premed)

As I grow up I have become awaken to the slavery the fed imposes on us, and how the social contract is so fucking broken.

How do I win? How do I be at peace? I'm getting old and sad. Do I just die like goyim tax cattle?

I am also 6ft 2, fit and blue eyed. Do white monkey jobs overseas still exist?
Better get good at sucking dick anon
it's over?
Careful anon… this is how Mangione’s, Kazinski’s, and McVeigh’s are born
I justed wanted to be a comfy doctor living in a rural cabin by the river and play my guitar at cafes and clubs over the weekend.

But I can't afford this shit. I had to move in with my long lost grandpa. I'm going insane. I got a job making 10$ an hour in 2025. I lasted a week and on monday I was so depressed I couldn't bring myself out of bed to go to it.

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Previous: >>59620773

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, Bitrue, Uphold, Robinhood, Kraken, Kucoin etc

>Why hold XRP?
https://youtu.be/5urrOWO0KDI [Embed]
>Newfag Tutorial:
https://youtu.be/23Yn5GdYpJc [Embed]

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:

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Why? That's a mental illness
Beans and rice make up large portions of what I do eat. There is just more too.
checked, so is buying link
what is a stinky linky
If you were already a count, would you buy 5k more XRP or 40k HBAR?

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Tell me /biz/ how spectacular will the rugpull be?
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$56ish puts it above Doge in marketcap since only 20% of the coins are out.
I expect the first major double digit dump to happen then
Good thing we have 3 months before that happens
So he just created a massive liquidity sink across the memecoin market? Nothing else will pump other than this for the foreseeable future. Lmfao. In fact other shitters are already on death's door because of this. LOL. KEK. LMAO.
Can he run as VP, and then have the President step down and initiate the Succession of Power to the VP; thus circumventing the 'elected' clause?
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Isn't this basically the closest thing to federal cryptocurrency that exists? CBDC looks dead in the water compared to this.
I bought today for this.

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Silver Wizard Edition

>Why Gold & Silver?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

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I heard that. I don't even pay sales tax on pms. Spot plus premium, which is very reasonable.
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President Donald J Trump created a meme token on the Solana blockchain and everyone who bought $TRUMP last night is making LOADS OF PROFIT all while /pmg/ losers sit around d buying high premium trinkets and losing money because you're all so retarded (and probably gay or trans too). KEK!

How the actual fuck do you losers intend to cope when president Trump keeps pumping crypto baggies for 4 more years while your geezer collection acrues dust and tarnish? The mother of all bull runs is upon us and you stupid shitsheads just keep circle jerking (in a dwindling circle at that kek) over retarded metal "coins" with faggy ching chong animals and old people on them. Fucking dumb RETARDS hate making money!
Hey, that's considered a fancy restaurant in his country.
3 years ago I had to teach stacktards that premiums go up and down. No one knew that but me... Lmao they didn't grok supply and demand. Apologize!
Good question....20,000 % profit in one day. Stacktards down 80% over a decade....bitter hateful losers

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>not buying XRP right now while it’s still cheap
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"Cheap" were u afk the past 7 years?
They are still cheap compared to where we are going.
this will age poorly
Where are you going?
What will age poorly, my question?

Insane top signal. This is Paris Hilton NFT vibes.
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lol, yeah. I mean… this guy put his name on a frozen steak company not that long ago. He’s probably gonna launch or shill a dozen different tokens during his term
Trump is a casino guy, its totally inline that he would create a memecoin to celebrate.
He’s not holding 80%. Trump has no idea how any of this shit works anon. You think he’s got phantom installed on his phone like the rest of us? Bidding shitters in the pump trenches too? Kek
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why do they ALWAYS photoshop his head on a body that isnt even his?????? it's so campy. holy fucking shit. That's how I knew it was real by the way

Look at pic related. They didn't even use his full head in this one. fucking KEK

this orange faggot is so vain it's destroying crypto. I dont care about crypto but I do care about bitcoin
No, but Baron does.

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Trump just killed this run didn't he
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nah i wont, why would there only be room for one memecoin this cycle? the trump effect was temporary, volume is already dying and everyone will sell this shit after inauguration if not before
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>moonshart stuck in processing for hours
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Well it absolutely has the potential to ruin everything.
Even if you give him the greatest benefit of the doubt its a reckless move.
Use solflare, kraken or crypto.com
he hates you. in case his streak of white genocide didn't already inform you about that

Good morning biz, my autistic and poor brother got an LLC, so I'm trying to help him figure out the actual business part.

He has a bunch of broken cars, inbred mutts, various trash on 100 acres of rural desert land with no power or water.

Hes looking to do an actual business like growing and selling seafood, or manufacturing something mechanical
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>100 acres of rural desert land with no power or water.
Plant a massive patch of San Pedro cacti it's legal in USA and contains mescaline so hippies love having a few around.
I keep a few inside in NE USA for about 8 years now and probably have $700 worth off a $100 investment and got some trips out of it too.

What I would do is begin to make a presence on forums Instagram whatever is popping these days and have some easy teks so it can grow into another drug fad.

You cut the cactus logs and sell them by weight and the people purchasing can either process it or plant it.

It's a win, win, win, win, win.

Hands off, profitable, small amount of logistics

Keep the plot a secret though because you'll be on a gold mine.
Does he have a truck or old ass van? Charge restaurants to pick up their food waste. Set up worm farms in the trunks of the old cars, or the fuckin cabin who cares. Compost and sell the worm compost to weed farmers and others.
Yo anything to clean the property fucking let them take them for free just to clean up that mess.
Also some of the dogs might maul people.

What he wants to do is to get agriculture loans so that he can get an algae & shellfish tank and then he + dogs will shit in the tank causing algae bloom and the shellfish will eat it and then people will buy shellfish from him
Bro you understand the amount of testing and sensors that would require?

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This is the pico top for the $SOL ecosystem.

All it has ever been is a meme casino, and now the greatest possible meme that could’ve launched on the platform just did.

There is no better meme to launch, future degens will only see lesser memes from now on, there is no “better” future to “price in.”

It is quite literally all downhill from here.

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edizione alta finanza
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dimostra o sparisci
Tarapìa tapiòco! Prematurata la supercazzola, o scherziamo? Come se fosse antani anche per lei soltanto in due, oppure in quattro anche scribàcchi confaldina
Io sono dentro tua mamma

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You WILL get rugged.

Sell your $TRUMP before it's too late.
The guy as an entire career of being a scammer.

Did Trump University become the next Harvard? No.
Did Trump watches become the next Rolex? No
80% of $TRUMP is owned by ONE wallet. THINK.
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slow rug, they need time to offload the 80% supply
>You WILL get rugged.
Donald wouldn't do that to me!
Put 200 in for the memes, if it hits 100 I'll sell and enjoy the night out, if it rugs I'll tell my grandkids
It will rug in the middle of the inauguration
don't list to this insane seether
trump isn't even president yet and look how high it has gone
just wait until he is the president and he announces the utility of the coin (i hear it's going to be big and deal with foreign policy decisions, i.e. nations holding more trump coins will offset some tariffs)
the top is unironically somewhere north of 300k per coin

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>Not just ANY US president but Trump launched his own official crypto. Stupid people always get retards though.
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Isnt a $30 ceiling exactly what they did to GME to rig it?
It's mematic warfare anon. You biz fags just can't comprehend. Unironically should have lurked pol moor.
Plot twist: it isn't that kind of meme coin
you havent been scammed enough pol chuds to learn to not bite at every shitcoin

Another day of humiliation edition
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Finally someone with a triple digit IQ. Thanks anon.
every day we are humiliated. this is worse than your wife giving birth to a black baby
it's not really about ideals, he's just a pussy who doesn't want to accept the responsibility for what he has made
if you have ideals you have to FIGHT for them. in order for the ideals of eth to be successful you have to proselytize for it. but he just wants to be a pussy faggot coder because he is autistic and lame. meanwhile he got plenty rich off it but he doesn't want to actually pilot the plane HE made and IS CRASHING. fucking repugnant behavior, loser
>awwcutually, dumping is le bullish!
the absolute state of methheads
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there won't be any eth by the EOY isn't it

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It made her very happy.
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I feel like if I did send her something it would mean I want to connect. But I don't want to really. I want to be left alone.
thats sweet of you anon, she'll remember that
Did she put out?

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Only when the tide goes out do we find out who was swimming naked

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the clock is ticking, nolinkers
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The saying is " Now we are cooking with FIRE" he used Gas because now hes charging for his services.. gas=tx fees
>spamming the board again
nah, fudcucks spam the board - keeping biz a link board, funnily enough
it would be a link board even without it, but link posts are infinitely more valuable than anything you could have to say about anything else on here
anything you might say contrary to this is just pure cope
when selling tokens, you have to give your customers enough reasons as for why it wasn't just you grifting them out of their money. if you do this, they will go on internet forums and defend you passionately. your target demographic needs to ave that sweaty tryhard vibe, but there are plenty of retail idiots that fall into that category. sergey did well
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Sergey is such a betrayer
He will betray the guy
that is betraying you

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The symbolism is RIGHT THERE.
>You're such a retard

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