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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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EVERY TIME the curve uninverted we got a big recession and crysis. This time it spent a record amount of time being negative. We will see something incredible soon (not 2 more weeks, more like 3-4 months - right before Christmas/New Year). Savings are at an all time low and credit card loans are spiking in the US. And when the US coughs the rest of the world gets a flu.

>inb4 it's different this time
>inb4 2 more weeks
>inb4 same houses ARE DEFINITELY worth 2-3x more in 2 years because reasons even though inflation is just 30% in total
>inb4 no one wants the dollar (people are literally begging for jobs now)

I'll give you a smart bit of advice - get out of stocks, sell housing, don't buy nonessential items, don't buy fast food, save every bit of money that you have, because this shit will last 5-6 years AT LEAST until we recover back to 2018/2019.
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you're right. it can't. and yet, it must.
I wouldn't be surprised if a major economic disaster solves 90% of the mental issues they're having as the women are forced to pair bond earlier
post study
Wait 2 more weeks guys. It's certain to crash.
>We will see something incredible soon

How do I get my items to sell on eBay? My price is lower than the China shit and I'm still not getting any hits.

I'm sitting on boatloads of goods. I want this shit gone.
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Are you a girl or do you have access to one?
>Without promoted listings you will rarely sell anything
Depends on what you sell. If you're competing with Chinese companies who do 10k units a month at $1 profit, then good luck. EBay is great for things that are no longer produced
>parts and components that are not in production
>used items

t. been paying the bills with eBay for 4+ years
eBay is dead my guy
I tried selling GPUs on my own, fresh, account. Literally 1 view after 3 days. Convinced my friend to let me use his that he uses for his business, so it's older has a bunch of feedback from buying stuff, and they sold out within an hour. Same exact pictures, description, etc.
Most buyers are wise to the new account issue. Pajeets will make a new account and then do fake listings to scam unknowing buyers. That's the whole point of the feedback system


>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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>listening to BBBYie baggies talk about 10 year old documents about a dead company that can not act on any of its plans unless it is a new entity

I get it now, the power

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Tup wasn’t cancelled just halted. A TUPchad just posted his portfolio in the gme thread with shares still in it.
Hello? I want to invest this big bag of money into BBBY, hello?

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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Woah It’s you. I missed you pal. I promise im not Keith though. Let’s try and keep the accusations to a minimum. Where have you been?
Baggies: broke

Non baggies: laughing

Ah another great day in the universe. How grand
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Are you BBBY and TUP holders illiterate? Do you not see that this is the /GME/ general? Not the Ryan Cohen general, not the meme stock general, not the schizo MOASS theories general. What do we need to do to drill it into your heads that this is a GameStop-only thread? Do you need a picture of the GAMESTOP logo prominently displayed in the OP or something? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to distract us from discovering something that would finally ignite the MOASS...
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*continues holding*
>not the schizo MOASS theories general
Um anon….. what will we have if you take that away?!

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Read more books edition.

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://www.luciteria.com/(Other rare metals)

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>prisons cause crime
yeah, and I guess spoons make people fat
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no i have not realized them
Of course, but it seems like what they're hinting at is "DA PRISON SYSTEM IS LE BAD", which is the same retardation as "GET RID OF ALL THE POLICE, PERIOD."
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i went on an autistic vietnam novel research binge cause of this image, thanks a lot (also thanks)

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I literally just bought MUMU on Eth. It’s undervalued. Start of the bullrun is very close.
look again nigga
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If you didn’t make it this cycle, retire a poor chad. I don’t see what’s going happen to you anymore
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I told you to buy palantir but noo they're a meme stock. Fuckers are now crying about not making it this cycle when I'm sitting on shares from 14 at 36. The next play is soundhound, Blackrock owns
agreed, i'm probably gonna jump back into the market early 2025 and hit the moon, just gotta wait for this few month dump to occur to appease the bears.
It ain’t just about knowing how to trade, I can trade too, but I let the algos handle it ‘cause I’m busy with my other gig.
>And the best thing to do as a trader is to avoid falling for any risk you know.
Risk differs, if you don't take risk, what makes you a trader?
Take calculated risk instead
Exactly, but OGs with fat bags aren’t wasting time farming those shit airdrops for peanuts. They're all about multiplying the stacks with some silly as automation system available.

I sold the bottom and lost 1/3 of my stacks. I need a 4x to break even
Sex with horses
why can't a find a real woman that looks like this?
Pepe is underperforming....

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next to Michael van de Poppe—one of the paid shillers for Chainlink. Just look at that photo. You really think they were discussing their favorite cryptocurrencies, DeFi, or RWAs? Nah, they were probably hatching plans for the next big contract. I mean, he’s getting paid in LINK tokens to shill Chainlink, while Sergey’s busy dumping on all of us.

And what are we doing? Waiting for the next carrot to be dangled in front of us, hoping for that miracle pump.
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bro you just wrote a fanfic based on a picture GTFO here
You talk the same in every thread and you are mentally ill. The pool is still closed and my bags remain unsold. See you in the next thread in an hour to remind you again.
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Green if bump
Fucking id bump. Fuck you auto correct
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WAGMI fuck bobos

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What's that? A jumbo 50bps cut you say?
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what did jerome meme by "the bear's watching"
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Okay, that's one scary ass bobo that I need to save.
Nice Bobos but im converting to a mumu right now

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Altcoins and Shitcoins what's even the difference
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journey with me to mars anon
who the fuck do you think you are?

if i'm lucky to get 50X from my Nai bag, imma take some profits off that shit.
Yea, that's what makes you a smart man and YGMI, because your father isn't a dev
No, I'll actually go farming some shitcoins in the moon with my gangs
Long term or not, the key’s getting in early, farming when needed, and taking profits. Jeets who bagged DOGE and PEPE ages ago are still holding it in gain. If you can’t HODL, you’re never gonna make it, anon.

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We'll be waiting until the thread dies. It went up and then back down. And now nothing.
i have a crab portfolio. I hate this market.

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/biz/ used to be early in memecoins. alpha was plentiful here back in the day and yet we unironically missed Neiro, the next 1bil coin. is there something we can do to bring /biz/ back to it's former glory?
Reddit (aka normies) won?

>dumps billions in the weeks leading up
>biz still thinks its about to pump
Literally greatest investor ever dumped. You gonna by now?
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zoomers have outperformed buffet by gazillion percents by buying memecoins

cope and seethe boomers
1% down on spy eod cap this
Faggot stole my trips. Now we’re stuck crabbing for weeks
I still have my Kraft/Heinz stock. Should I sell my AMD holdings at a 20% loss and my Square holdings at only a 3% gain? I’ve held square for about 3 years now.
he's old as dirt and will be joining ol' Charlie soon, so he's getting his affairs in order, it has nothing to do with any looming dump

SEE PIC. November 2024. Mark your calendars.

Will be deployed simultaneously with full Mercado Libre integration (spic amazon, 10s of millions of users). Will replace its entire dispute resolution stack, causing case volume to instantly skyrocket, and the Pinakion price along with it.

And thus, the bulls are let loose.
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a hackathon level project that had a paid shill campaign here back in the day
Saaaarrrrrrrssssss!!!! Remember it is important to vote NO for Indian rape case #5627585! Bandadesh with the evidence given clearly was not able to hear "cries of no" as the defendant falsely claims. Justice for Bandadesh! Justice for Kleros!
to buy at a higher price than now?
I had a dream on 9/20 we'd see some major information released. im spooked.
I'm just writing in advance what I'm going to tell everyone when PNK shoots up to new ATH with a 20x after Binance listing coinciding with V2 release.

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Recently bought QAN because a few anons mention it (Before being banned by jannes).
This project is giving off early Chainlink vibes. Thoughts?
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steroetyping every OF girl as a top 1% millionaire is the same as stereotyping every crypto holder as a top 1% millionaire
the vast majority involved in either are not doing great.
the country you live in must have some ghoulish bitches
I assume American
I am so sorry for you my brother
that's a man btw
>steroetyping every OF girl as a top 1% millionaire
where did i ever say this, stop arguing against the voices in your own head anon
this girl is obviously not your average idiot if she did that back in 2011 she would be capable of appealing to a specific niche group and capture that market, also she clearly is smart enough to hang around men who are capable of doing the technical work necessary to achieve exposure, again back in 2011 and for free
admit it that this specific mind/skillset would get you rolling in todays monetized internet world of degeneracy
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I also buy LUNC
2011 was 13 years ago. that isnt far away culturally speaking, almost everything is the same since then.
>that's a 9.5

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Things are lookin pretty good right now. Doesn't it, anon?

A recession is inevitable, though.
Which means it's probably a good time to dump those bags

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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