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Previous: >>58556084

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

Kek baggies


Two more weeks
It's time bros
>this time for real
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summoning portal anon to tell us about the storm
You idiot niggers will never make money from XRP
Buy base memecoins instead
Tg cetofbase fucking Animolic mongotard roachniggers smelly little boys
Should I buy more XRP during this dip? The fud is getting to me.
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Yes. Pump my Bags!
Oh no, I don't want to do that. Maybe I'll buy LTC instead.
Portal anon is full of shit.
He constantly told us he had insider knowledge, that we would feel immense regret for not listening to him, spoke in riddles and clues, and insulted and mocked us over, and over again for weeks.
Portal anon would also post frequently; absolutely shitting up multiple threads.
He would either pretend to be other anons (with a vpn), or he had other anons working with him, acting like they had found the portal and invested in it, and acted immensely thankful towards him.
They treated the whole thing like a religious experience.

But the most important thing, was that he stressed constantly that there would be a mini moon in December 2023 or January of 2024, and we would all regret not finding the portal.
Then he claimed there would be another larger moon after that.
Clearly a pump and dump, and he used aggressive and insulting outrage engagement farming in XSG in order to generate interest in his scam.

Multiple anons exposed his plans.
He even admitted at one point that he was here for revenge against XSG anons, because we had made fun of him in the past.
Either because we exposed his plans, or his business partners betrayed him, he never followed through and just disappeared.
Nothing happened in December of 2023 or January of 2024.
All of his prophecies and predictions failed.
He is a scammer and a false prophet.
He has no authority and no insider knowledge.
There is zero benefit to summoning him.
Portal anon's predictions are worth less than dog shit.
You are either a moron, or are Portal anon.

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I am me, none of the others in this thread.
Reminder: these are the people "investing" this crap
FPBP and /thread.
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Re-read loadstar 3

>A new cryptoasset was being backed by the country with the largest economy in the world and there was no stopping it.
>the fact that the-one-cryptoasset-that- can-not-be-named will be the catalyst that will drive the grand reformation
>Ripple is the antithesis of this

Portal anon is right imo but 1 year early. Silver to gold; people to banks
He lost all his hair from holding since 2020.
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Also ask yourself why would David be in a rush to short if XRP was only going to go up and keep going up? Doesn't make sense.

I think XRP will be very valuable after everything is said and done (if you custody it safely) but there's definitely a play to be made for those looking (hence the riddles)
>Portal anon is right imo but 1 year early.
Even if he is partially right, you are discrediting your theories by referencing him.
What you call "early" is failed prophecies and lies.
And you calling him "early", is an attempt to minimize and soften his failure and lies.
He constantly told us there would be a mini moon in December 2023 or January 2024.
He is a liar and a failure.
Stop holding him up as any kind of authority.
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Everyone has gotten the dates "wrong", however taking what portalanon said and applying it to the OG riddlers (bg123) was very revealing, so he definitely knows more than most. I just wanna know if it's time to go innawoods
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Damn..... that monkey literally me wtf
>Everyone has gotten the dates "wrong"
There is no "wrong", only wrong.
No quotes needed.
Since everyone has gotten it wrong, that means none of them are trustworthy.
It doesn't mean that it's somehow okay because everyone is wrong.
It's like you want to be taken advantage of, and are encouraging other anons to be just as gullible and trusting.

You're also forgetting the fact that Portal anon constantly shit on xrp and repeatedly told us xrp was a trap and misdirection, and said we need to find the portal.
It doesn't make any sense to try and combine his made up nonsense with other riddles, when he was blatantly anti xrp.
He's done nothing to earn anyone's trust, and in fact deserves our suspicion.
When someone lies to you, it means that you should stop listening to them.
Portal anon is not trustworthy.
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Well even BG123 said EOY 2018, however I think 2018 is in reference to this article so it's "wrong" but intentionally so. Whether or not portal got it wrong on purpose or was just genuinely wrong idk. Keep a bag of both and it's a win/win (I think everyone here does already anyway)
>Well even BG123 said EOY 2018,
Which is why we shouldn't trust him either.
>however I think 2018 is in reference to this article so it's "wrong" but intentionally so.
There is no such thing as intentionally wrong.
That's just a way to continue manipulating people after you've been proven wrong.
Eventually some riddlers will end up right, in the same way that a broken clock is right twice a day.
As long as they keep making new predictions and anons keep reinterpreting their old failed predictions, they'll eventually get it right.
But it will be meaningless.
So can someone give me a QRD on what the world might look like with ripple tech fully “online” (I know it’s online now, but I mean completely in effect across multiple societies)?

Specifically, how does the KYC, Digital ID, Asset Backed Digital Currency, and Social Credit Score fit in? Will it basically be like Minority Report without physical cash?
Keep a bag of what? What coin was portalanon shilling
If XRP is gold what is silver?

(What's on the birb)
>Coin Gape dot com

wasn't the portal some XDC/Flare/XRP defi platform that they were trying to get anons to buy NFTs for or something
>everyone has gotten their dates wrong
there is one poster who might still be right, the YearsPoster who said back in 2020 and 2021-2022 that it will Happen in 2025

he might still be right
see picrel
>this could b us but u playin
Lmao it happens when it happens
Years chads ftw
it's a top 40 with intrinsic ties to ripplel
When did BG say 2018? What year
Self custody with account viewer.stellar.org or lobstr wallet or ledger/trezor
I first bought XRP in 2020
I still hold
I have zero faith at this point that it will ever breach $1 usd
this is just my sacrifice
Brought a 1000 xrp and moved it to a ledger today just in case the schizo are right about everything
I also DRS Book gme 100 shares just in case
I consider both investments gone at this point
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Let's get back up
What is this garbage?

Centralized.. premined crap.

Anything 'premined' gtfo... Kys

Hard fuckin pass... Any half brain fuckwit can see, another ZoG front.
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eggs are pee
Absolute shit. When is the next memedate or happening?
Just under 2 more weeks
>tfw we are literally mooning
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Today actually. Petrodollar agreement expires today
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It's getting closer.
>still holding xrp in 2013+11
the absolute state
Chainlink vs XRP
We're gonna have houses soon
This would be nice, not likely to happen but it's nice to dream.
Great property, hope you make it anon
Cheers man, same too you.
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XRP is at .49 cents, USD.
That was the worst peace keeping from the guy in blue I have ever seen
In what proportion should I hold XRP, XLM, HBAR, and XDC?
I've done around 20% in XRP and HBAR and 10% in the others.
weird how more people don't talk about soroban. i think it's a pretty big deal
giving financial advice is illegal because i am not a financial advisor, but stare at the sun while humming loudly and the answer will come to you
I wonder how bad globohomo hates the citadels, they clearly put a great deal of effort into removing our structures, monuments, landscapes from before their last reset(s).
This time around I believe the citadels will be much more resistant to their tactics. I am interested it goes this time around.
Kill yourself glownigger. Nobody believes your well poisoning dogshit.
It's pumping lads
The citadels will have many mirrors so we can see their whispy shadows.... :)

Maybe we'll have some good trade with some of the ayyys?

I'm excited to see how this cycle plays out as well anon.
We're not killing ourselves anymore you fucking kike. Your days are numbered spammy. Israel will be destroyed soon.
petrodollar deals ends today

is this what XRP was waiting for. now it's time to make new deal with CBDCs
Holy shit price is skyrocketing now

Lol retard
The end of the petrodollar is bullish for XRP. And obviously link as that's connected to everything apparently.
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So when is the next meme date and cope videos you guys are watching?
It's pumping
Who cares?
Stop overreacting and getting excited at every single pump.
Why not wait and seem if the pump lasts before pointing it out?
This tiny insignificant upward movement means nothing.
Zoom out on the charts.
Wake me up when its up at least 10% or more, while Bitcoin is crabbing or dumping.
Just logged into my 4chan. Why we going up?
We went from .45 to almost .51
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Fuck off spammy
>Everyone who disagrees with me is spammy
>and now he's ip hopping again
Jerusalem is still standing when Christ returns. Israel is literally the safest place to be as it will never be glassed like Damascus will be.
Pre-flood civilization could be akin to your tartaria, but you’re literally seeking after the same societal greatness and accompanying pride that got all of mankind destroyed in the first place save for Noah and his family. In other words, you’re a stupid nigger just like all of the proud drowned retards mentioned in Genesis 6:12. Except this time, you won’t be drowned in a flood. You’ll be burned in fire or crushed by fiery hailstones.
Listen up you moron, I'm not spammy.
No one is hoping IPs.
You suck at identifying individual posters.
The original anon you replied to, posted a s-o-y-jack.
Spammy never made fun of liberals.
He exclusively made fun of conservatives, and posted chudjacks.
>Iron maiden shirt
based 'jeet
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Due to inflation from 2019 to Present. Our .49 cent XRP is actually around .25 cents in 2019 money.
isn't it weird that all the countries collaborating on project mBridge led by the BIS are working with Ripple on CBDC projects?
>LONDON, June 5 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has joined a China-dominated central bank digital currency cross-border trial, in what could be another step towards less of the world's oil trade being done in U.S. dollars.
The move, announced by the Bank for International Settlements on Wednesday, will see Saudi's central bank become a "full participant" of Project mBridge, a collaboration launched in 2021 between the central banks of China, Hong Kong, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

i'm not saying mBridge will run on XRPL nor am i saying that the XRPL is the only game in town or that it will immediately be the backbone of the entire international digital financial system, but all indications point to both Ripple the company and the XRPL-based tech stack being a cornerstone of the coming digital payments/settlement infrastructure, on both sides of the BRICS+/G20 divide
how fucking retarded are you? just stop posting
Theres no such crypto with these kind of connections and "coincidences"
>All those assumptions
I don't want "societal greatness", I just want rich people to be punished for their crimes too. Don't assume you know me or anything about me you fucking kike.
Read this in Tates voice
>calling an obvious Christian a kike
Anon, you have the iq of a nigger. Or you’re a well poisoning glownigger. Either way, you should kill yourself.
100% agree with you there.
Touch grass jackass. You should kill yourself first. Fucking retard didn't even understand what I meant by assumptions. Still going on about about ancient history, I'm talking about right now you flaming faggot. Completely missing the context of my posts but I'm the 80iq nigger? Haha that's hilarious. Die in a fire you fucking nigger
You literally started off by defending a 1pbtid well poisoning glownigger who was pushing tartaria and citadels. You’re literally a dumb fucking nigger and/or the same faggot on a different ip seeing as you had no reason to reply to me in the first place since I wasn’t even talking to your retarded troglodyte nigger bitchass. So yeah, kill yourself you 80iq nigger.
>you're spammy
>noooooo you're spammy
>you're low iq no nigger
>noooo you're low iq nigger
Chill the fuck out lmao, xsg is like bunch of demoralised toddlers stomping their little feets now. I don't believe it's gonna get any better in the near future, so better save some energy for more useful things.
yep 20k split across these what am I in for?
Ripple, QanPlatform, ThorChain and Internet Computer
How does ngmi sound?
if you zoom out on the price chart, it looks like the may 2017 pump to .33 followed by january 2018 pump to 3.33 might be analogous to the april 2021 pump to $1.80 being followed by a summer 2024 pump to $13.33-18.88

if you look at the 3 little bumps in price- july 2023, november 2023, and march 2024 they kinda match the bumps in fall 2017 before the 10x pump

it's like, fractals, man. you ever look at your hand and wonder if like there is a universe in the molecules? and maybe our universe is just like a molecule in some other dude's hand? man. how do you know that what's blue for me isn't like red for you? maybe we're all like seeing colors backwards, man.
>a 13dollar xrp


Lmao even

How does 30 cents sound?
its litterly just a latavian homo a jeet some dutch fags and mostly one fat american jumping ip's (you) like we seen on /b/
Anyway, I was watching WWDC yesterday and noticed iOS message effects
Nothing burger, but still fun
checked and wtf
>big shake (out) explode B(l)OOM

Ripple blooms and jitter signal to that have been sent
Also, speaking of Apple, they released new set of emojis on March 5, peek 3rd and 6th
It's going back up again. $1 soon?
>ha, ha, ha.
>I'm going to pretend like we're mooning, while the price is going down.
>I'm so clever.
>No one has ever told this joke before.
>So original and smart.
Now you say it like that i feel kinda sad and ashamed. I apologize to anyone that took offense
utter piece of shit
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.47 cents, USD. My fucking sides…
Dude I said sorry what the fuck
New ATH incoming
Jk (joke)

How low are we going? Im buying

Ahem..... i bought and now have <redacted> XRP

How much wealth am i looking at? Its just shy of 20k

I had all my xrp in the coinbase wallet
The coinbase wallet says it doesn't allow XRP since months ago
Is it joever? Where'd my xrp go?
>my xrp

Nobody can hear you. You're mine now. We gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?
*Hikikomi gaeshis you*
I use 10+ power up escape and come out on top
Heh, you're stronger than you look
Seems I'll have to use atleast 50 percent of my power
*heems you*
*uses* defense shield casting spell

And i reflect all your damage on you x2
Kek, finally some funny shit in this thread. Thanks for brightening up my day guys.
>mushroom (cloud)
>shackles broken

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OP pic is literally me (fat, caught in a nightmarish, surreal race against myself, seemingly frozen in suspended animation like an eternal twilight, fat)
apple pay integrates XRP liquidity on demand confirmed
33 cents first, then $13.33 is very possible
Lichurally just work out
You can spend 300 dollars for home workout equipment and be in shape within like 5 months
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>Touch grass jackass. You should kill yourself first. Fucking retard didn't even understand what I meant by assumptions. Still going on about about ancient history, I'm talking about right now you flaming faggot. Completely missing the context of my posts but I'm the 80iq nigger? Haha that's hilarious. Die in a fire you fucking nigger
Ancient history led us to this moment, to ignore it is folly.
The one of the main purposes of xsg is to push the final conspiracy that ties everything together. Back in 2016+ most people were barely able to piece together the genocide that was coming let alone WHY the genocides keep happening. Now we have it so that those perpetrating the genocides/mind manipulation have lost their footing, they will not be allowed to re-establish their ground, we shall route them completely with thorough evidence of their crimes and how they accomplish their crimes. Globohomo clearly destroyed our past civilizations and erased most knowledge of them to keep us from our true identity because they need us to be low-iq cultureless peopleless people so that we continue to maintain consent within the realm so that they can continue to manifest their desired realities.
This is a spiritual war, most have been tricked into believing this is a physical reality in which they have access to limited senses; thinking their enemies are physical beings waging war against them physically; this is simply not the truth.
You consent to this madness, you perpetuate the madness, you live and die within the confines of pre-determined consumerism AI mapped tendencies to keep you trapped within the limited senses worshipping their system of things, none wiser to what could be, and what will soon be again.
Nothing is more relevant than a peoples ability to maintain themselves throughout all hardship, we will have citadels and healthy societies utilizing sound, sane operating principles that cannot be subverted by those who seek our destruction.
Im not saying history is not important, but it definitely didnt matter in the context of anything I was saying. He said I defended some guy talking about tartaria, I literally have no idea what he's talking about. To me it looks like some fucking sperg losing his shit over a bunch of nonsense. I definitely agree history is important, but if theres something we need to know then say it. Dont pick fights with me because you assume I believe something that I dont. Hes spazzing out calling people niggers for nothing. Why because I hate jews? They deserve to be hated, so what? All I said was that the jews arent going to be able to keep us out of houses much longer and then this dude starts acting like he's God himself. Like, take a seat you stupid faggot. Thats why I barely come to these threads anymore. People like barron and that asshole ruining it for everyone by picking fights with everyone in the thread. This place used to be cool. And no I'm not intentionally "IP hopping", I get home from work and connect to my wifi and my id changes. Crazy, I know.
There's a couple of extremely arrogant and smug anons on here that have DEEPLY held beliefs.
Beliefs that they are they feel are 100% correct.
They are friendly up until the point where you disagree with them.
They don't allow other anons to only agree with them on 99% of their beliefs.
They demand 100% agreement, and will let everyone know how stupid they are for disagreeing with them.
They are much wiser and more intelligent than anyone else, and debate is beneath them, since they know they are right.

To some extent, they have succeeded in their goals.
They have driven away most of the people that disagree with them.
And most of the people left, generally have the same viewpoints, or remain silent when they disagree.
You see this when people talk about certain topics.
There are only certain viewpoints allowed in here.
If you disagree, you are spammy, a nigger, IP hopping, a paid shill, etc.
It's impossible for there to be legitimate disagreements.
The other side must be an idiot, or disingenuous.
I notice this behavior not just with opinions, but also emotions.
A couple of anons work very hard to police what emotions are allowed to be expressed in xsg.
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Glowies are freaking out because they have giant red screens flashing at them anytime topics we are not allowed to discuss are discussed, their overlords existence is at stake and their offensive defenses always boil down to directly attacking the messengers rather than the message, they seek to foil all discussion which will lead to exodus type events.
All the non-productive conversation is by design, you can't argue with them because they aren't IN the conversation; they are just throwing shit/sand in our eyes in attempt to derail the conversation; they take what you say and focus on a few keywords which are npc friendly neuro-linguistic traps which shut down the part of the brain that would further their interest in the topics being discussed.
The finer we detail the operations of globohomo the finer our ability to craft sophisticated solutions against their tyranny will become.
They think they control the board, and the pieces until one of us starts spouting off talking points they think they've buried under the mud.
Money with purpose not aligned with old world order policies issues a response of subversion.
XRP is new money, ethgate was the response to maintain control of the new monetary supply and now we have the ability to build superior societies outside their control, they know our grass is greener and cannot allow their cattle to see what we envision for the future because it does not require them to be in control any longer.
As I said before, tartaria is wellpoisoning dogshit as is the citadel narrative and ancient aliens bullshit technocracy that you’re pushing. Look at this chart and explain to me why you think (((they))) won’t continue to run the show once all the ducks are in a row and they finally flip the switch.
You stupid fucking nigger. How the fuck are you this fucking dumb? I WASN’T EVEN TALKING TO YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU STUPID FUCK. I was calling out this 1pbtid tartaria wellpoisoning glownigger and you decided to pipe up and call me a kike. Fucking obviously I would assume you’re the same faggot because I wasn’t talking to you and you decided to pipe up as if I was. I’m acting like I’m God? You’re a fucking retard. I literally mention Bible prophesy and tell you how you would die in said Bible prophesy because I identified you with these tartaria glowniggers. How can you possibly be this fucking stupid?
Forgot picrel
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Globohomo is allowed to destroy past civilizations and we aren't allowed to talk about it?
We aren't allowed to game theory out the implementation of a better societal experience outside of globohomo narrative post globohomo?
Globohomo steals our technology and kills our inventors but we can't imagine the realm in which this isn't the case?
Why are you so insistent that we are going down a timeline in which humanity doesn't solve this problem even though we are clearly witnessing events which lead to this conclusion?
Why are you angry posting against people who seek a better life experience? It is not constructive at all and counter productive to all of our goals, dismissiveness of something being clearly mass researched and discussed only points towards you being the wellpoisoning glowie.
Starforts/citadels/ancient civilizations clearly existed
Aetheric energy clearly exists
Globohomos censorship of the truth is clearly being mapped more everyday as the endless research continues.
Why would we not research, identify those perpetrating crimes against us and formulate solutions against them? This has clearly been done against us to get us to this point, hope is not lost. Even if you continue to doompost it will not change the outcome, even if we are wrong humanity will never give up against the eternal struggle and will be free but as I see it that struggle has led us to here and now and the opportunity is being seized.
>star forts/citadels clearly existed
Lmao even
>aesthetic energy
You do know that new age spirituality is an instrument of the globohomo elites that (((you))) are purportedly against, right?
Jesus Christ is the only Truth. Everything else is a conspiracy to push both anons and normies away from him. I denounce the Talmud. Can you say the same?
So are all "white supremacists" glowniggers? Yeah I called you a kike because you're talking like white people aren't allowed to have their own civilizations. I scrolled up and reread everything, I remember now yeah I did call you a kike you kike. If bible prophecy says that's it's wrong for white people to not be enslaved by jews, then I believe the God of the Bible is Satan. But the God of the Bible is definitely not Satan because that wouldn't make any sense. Just like whatever the fuck you're implying about white people not being allowed to have their own civilizations. We don't need slaves, we need fair money without some pyramid jews trying to scrape a little bit off the top. We need minimal taxes and sound money so we can pay people what they're worth. If that scares you then you're the glownigger.

This. Dude sperged out over the mention of tartaria. Seems pretty sus. Idk why he doesn't want people to talk about it. Doesn't make sense unless he's jewish.
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Of course I can, I denounce the talmud. Happy?
You are assuming that the ancient civilizations weren't close to god? Its a yin-yang relationship. There are those who destroy and those who create.
Societies/civilizations build themselves up and run their course til which change is required, which is where we are now.
Globohomos new age spirituality is taking what is the Christ energy and labeling it as something else. We are vessels for eternal awareness to dwell within, either you align with the eternal creative principle endowing us with its attributes; where as if you do not then you aligned with the opposite principles.
The bible speaks on this
>John 10:30-38 I and the father are one but the father is greater
Jesus admits to the father(god)(creative principle) dwelling within being a greater thing than his vessel
>John 10:34-38 Ye are gods, sons of the most high
Pointing out our vessels are not are true state
>John 14:12-14
Jesus talking about how the creative forces of the universe are ours to control if we are utilizing it properly

We live inside the mind of god, our imagination is the bridge between us as mortal man and our eternal true selves utilizing universal creative principles which is labeled as Christ.
Globohomo envisioned this shit reality from our previous reality and now we are envisioning it back to something new which will have failsafes to ensure this clownworld retardation never occurs again.
PRO TIP: For XRP to moon, BTC has to dump
Bitcoin dominance has to come to an end at some point.
It's demise will probably destroy 99% of all crypto, save for a select few.
I think even some crypto with real world utility, good business partnerships, and being managed by a well run company will still end up getting destroyed.
As many others have said, it'll be like the dot com bubble bursting.
The whole crypto sector would be much healthier if there wasn't a single crypto that could tank the entire sector.

My concern will be how low will xrp dip to in such a scenario.
My hope is that xrp dips to maybe $0.30, stabilizes and crabs, while almost everything else crashes by 99% or more.
My fear is that xrp will temporarily crash with everything else.
Picture xrp going to $0.005, and people actually being able to buy and sell it on exchanges when that happens.
It could make the minimum make it bag much larger.
You could end up with people that never owned any xrp, suddenly having a million or even 10 million xrp, with it being so cheap.
Imagine how awful it would be holding xrp for years of endless crabbing, only to watch people spend far less money than you did, to buy a bag of xrp 10 or 100 times the size of your bag.
That would be an extremely bitter pill to swallow, and I sincerely hope that does not happen.

To which someone will reply, that they will buy the dip.
And I'm sure they will.
But most would spend money buying in at $0.3, $0.2, and $0.1
I doubt any here have price targets set to buy below $0.1
Most anons would probably be completely tapped out from buying all of the dips leading up to sub $0.1, and then have nothing left to buy anything below that.
Then institutions could buy xrp on the extreme cheap, while everyone else is tapped out already.
It would also be maximum demoralization to see xrp go under $0.1
WAGMI anon, quit your whining.
>Societies/civilizations build themselves up and run their course til which change is required, which is where we are now.
I think we are transitioning between the Age of Merchants, into the Age of Slaves (Kali Yuga).
It appears as if evil is going to have a great victory and rule over the earth for awhile.
Total surveillance one world government police state.
Almost complete control over information.
They'll be able to rewrite the past to be whatever they want it to be, along with the present.
At some point, we'll reach the absolute rock bottom, and there will be a successful slave revolt.
Then we move back up through the ages:
Age of Merchants
Age of Kings
Age of Priests
Then we move down through the ages again.
Evil never fully wins, and neither does good.
But they each get their time to enjoy a temporary victory.

I think the cycles are the natural result of human nature.
And I don't see how the wheel can be broken.
As such, I think those citadels and free society are a long ways away.
I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see good wining anytime soon.
Most people have been lied to their entire lives; myself included.
Even when you wake up to being lied to, its easy to not realize the full depth of all of the lies.
I've seen this with people that recognize 1 lie for what it is, yet still fully believe a different lie to be true.
I have friends that know 9/11 was an inside job, and yet still believe all of the official narrative on Covid.
Further, just because you discover a lie, doesn't mean you then find the truth.
It's possible to get caught in another completely different set of lies; even repeatedly.
Our malevolent rulers hoard information for a reason.
People are too comfortable.
Comfortable people don't ask too many questions.
Especially when they feel they already have the answers.
To question those answers risks an entire lifetime of investment in them.
Not whining.
Just throwing out worse case scenarios, so anons can prepare.
If it doesn't happen, then you can say, that it wasn't as bad as you suspected.
And if it does happen, then you are prepared to take advantage of the situation.

>Worst case scenario
>Lose your investment
>Like any other investment ever
wow such new insights you have smartypants just stfu with the obvious
>It would also be maximum demoralization to see xrp go under $0.1
I will unironically kill myself at the spot. I've been buying since it was 20 cents, through all the dips and pumps. If XRP dumps to a few cents, allowing random people to invest their gains from memecoins and instantly own more than I've accumulated over 4 years (±400K), then it's a done deal. I won't even care if XRP shoots straight to $100 after that.
99% is old data, theres over 2.4M now according to CMC. Its now 99.999%
you've spent 400 thousand dollars and more in this shitcoin? wtf
±400K XRP, not dollars. Probably 80K of those were made during the shitcoin casino and Sologenic pump. It's still not a small amount to invest for me. The problem is that I went all in and haven't traded at all, just DCA'd.
looks like you've develop an addiction
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Luckily it looks like we have 1 final bull trap pump for you to get a cash position for when they rug btc. Idk how anyone that's even slightly schizophrenic wouldn't already have one
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XRP is at .49 cents, USD.
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You're just a female soul spewing bullshit while being mad. True bitch of a faggot you are
I'm two minutes in and for the life of my I cannot understand what the fuck he's getting excited about
is that picture a metaphor for the digital economy powering the old paper-based correspondent nostro/vostro SWIFT economy?

welp whas a nice run see you on the flip side motherpluckers
>don't see good wining anytime soon.
Good has been winning this whole time for about a hundred years+. You misunderstand the yugas, it's not a set of predetermined cycles rather more of a delineation of cycles and even that is wrong, they are basically just seeing the patterns of how the aether, quantum mechanics, radiation from the sun and other unseen/unknown/undiscovered things affect the human body and more importantly mind, which in turn affects our behavior and thus the trajectory of our species.

This next phase is the "secrets unveiled" phase paired with increased aptitude in psychic feats, we are approaching a time of extremes but overall, good has won this next thousand years and it'll be more akin to another age of kings as you have written.

The present cities will stay as they are for a while.... speaking in blue/red terms, progressive and conservatives...... Think of the present cities as blue hubs with the highway/freeways/roads going out of the city being blue as well, the farther from the cities the more purple it becomes until it passes through a small red city/town. The rural areas will become more red, and the red crawl of their influence will spread upon the land irrelevant of the highways making a general rule, that exists now already but taken to the extremes. To the extremes meaning deeper red deeper blue more antagonistic to each other and purple will be even more varied as these groups fight for cultural dominance even more.
Urban city=progressive=blue
Suburban-subrural neighborhoods/surrounding area of the city=centrists=varying shades of purple
Rural homesteaders=conservative=red, and these places will grow in popularity but will never become big cities as a big cities go against the peoples nature.

The citadels will all be in different places but, they will, in time, become the new cities of the centrists and will be deep purple, closer to red rural areas for geographic/practical purposes while both red and blue of old fade.
Make senses to me. Obviously I'm not him so I can't say for sure.
I read it as cyber attack on king shitcoin
how do i know you aren't David Schwartz?
how is Apex going?

things are shaping up to get real interesting

BTC or Tether dying would have systemic conseqeuences
The world's most obnoxiously insufferable faggot who I laugh at knowing he's had his onions caramelized and still persists
FOR FREE! V2K this moron for a few days , toss in some nervous system tinkering and bam
Look at the shit he believes and oh man , haha he'll never function in society again
A cooked unit.

I'll have to remember the file your under and have a chuckle amongst the boys later.
stfu u fat american pig
projection gets nothing done anon honestly lets keep things truthful , the best bits about to happen and you're all busy here i mean come on
why not let me revel ?
Does anyone know what is going on with the court case?
what court case? lmfao
You'll be so rich though
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>announcement after announcement after announcement
>partnership after partnership after partnership
>adoption after adoption after adoption
>XRP: +0.5% (after a -5%)
The fuck is this?
Only a little bit. I’m upset that you seem to be a gnostic heretic though.
John 10:30-38 is referring to the Father being greater in position/rank as to the time delimited nature of the Father in heaven. Not that the Father is Greater than Jesus being a vessel for the Father. The two are equal in essence read hebrews 1:8-12 if you disagree.
John 10:34-38 is referring to the fact that we are the creation of God and therefore the children of God. Our vessels ARE our true state although true believers await our redemption by and through Jesus Christ, who is the Son AND the Creator of all things. (1 Corinthians 15:52-57, and again, Hebrews 1:8-12).
>Jesus talking about how the creative forces of the universe are ours to control if we are utilizing it properly
Read Matthew 7:21-23
The only appropriate use of power granted by God is for the Glory of God that others might be brought to faith in Jesus Christ and his redemptive sacrifice on our behalf. Working miracles as a method to obtain salvation, or worse, in order to fulfill your own desires is a good way to get to hell so you can burn for all of eternity.
>So are all "white supremacists" glowniggers?
You’re either a retard, a glownigger, or a misguided soul. So there’s about a 33% chance that you’re a glownigger. Discounting the fact that Cletus doesn’t post on Biz, you can bump that probability to 50% or better. White supremacy is for retarded faggots. The ancient Israelites chosen by God were undoubtedly the progenitors of the white races, but the supreme identity belongs only to those same descendants who believe in Jesus Christ along with any and every other person, regardless of race, who believes in Jesus Christ.

The fact that you keep calling me a kike despite my stating that I’m a Christian makes me lean more towards the probability that you’re just a misguided retard, but glowniggers are adept at misdirection so really that 50/50 chance still stands.
We're waiting for Judge Torres to decide what, if any, injunctions there will be against Ripple,
and how much of a fine Ripple will have to pay to the SEC.
She could make her decision at any time, but several of the lawyers on twitter that are following the case, are expecting her to make her decision sometime between July and September of this year.
Had my onions caramelized? Wtf lol? You sound like a deranged kike glownigger desu with that v2k or you're trying too hard.

But just in case, I'll catch you up and hand you a promotion, maybe lol.

Anything you do I literally planned for TWO DECADES AGO. I told you then and I'll tell you know.
You want to beat me? Kill me.
But then my ideas, plans and all that certain people know will win no matter if I'm alive, and you'll bless my soul yet again when I come back I or my plans will succeed again, and again, and again, and there is nothing you can do but repent to save your soul. You don't? Guess who'll never get to BE AGAIN? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Have your fun, just know that the last laugh is always Gods.

You don't kill me and just do your usual TI nonsense, I still win. Take your pick, choose how you'd like to lose, your pal in the truck with anger issues didn't work and tell Cody I said to go fuck himself lmao.
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Spoonfeeding season again apparently. Shills butthurt addition.
You think they would understand by now that all countries will be issuing country coins in replacement of their fiat death notes; Each nations wealth will be a 'basket' of their commodities with weight values which give their currency its value;
1 USD = 1 Dollar(actual not FIAT) worth of divisible wealth of the US.
1 USD would be equal to 1 USD of any resource within the US.
1 USD outside the US would then be exchanged for XRP(bridge between country coins)(store of wealth)
No reason to keep track of 1 USD vs any other country coin, just each country coin weighed against XRP which effectively does just that.
Countries will be audited and their resources will be published to their respective walled gardens(country coin sidechains) for this purpose.
Each country will maintain its sovereignty
Each citadel acts as an independent node within the countries they inhabit following their respective laws(US Citadels would follow US law/constitution) and each citadel would be its own independent entity within the wilderness outside of a countries claimed land operating under their own independent laws.
Everything outside of the harmonic silence is an illusion we shape to our will. Jesus was a vessel that the Christ energy dwelled within. Outside of the silence is infinite chaos and infinite variations of states of chaos which is a range for our free will to exist within. Layer after layer of energetic patterning has shaped this realm to these specifications, knowledge outside of the limited knowledge within these patterns is what people associate with 'god' or the infinite potential reality flux that the patterning forms from. Outside of limitedness there is infinite of all things which collapse into realities. Jesus, a son of god took reign of his reality and woke others up to the truth and established heaven on earth which we see as the past citadels which were overthrown by globohomo.
>New Age abstract schizobabble
>Calling Jesus A son of God and not THE Son of God
>Not reading Hebrews 1
>Not reading John 8:58
>Not reading John 14:6
Source: Trust me, bro

Repent, heretic. The fires of Hell are beckoning and the smoke of your torment will ascend forever. Jesus Christ is the Eternal God and Creator of all things. He wants to spend eternity with you, but you continue to deny him.
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This fucking DEI hire wom*n judge, man, I'm telling you...
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>John 8:58
>“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
Jesus is speaking from the perspective of GOD/infinite awareness, the originating awareness which was before Abraham. GOD existed before Abraham and Jesus was pointing this fact out.
>John 14:6
>Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus is speaking on the creative principle that is GOD. JESUS tell us he utilizing the CHRIST principle to access the divine aspects of his being. GOD is the infinite awareness framework that generates all realities.


You are human living a human existence within GODS framework, YOU/I are GOD playing all the parts of this through infinite separation. JESUS was GOD playing the role of CHRIST(GOD AS MAN UTILIZING SELF PRINCIPLES)
JESUS preached TRUTH at an undeniable level.
The message is pretty simple, GOD in US creates our reality designated by OUR('HIS'/OUR) WILL.
What we believe to be true is truth but not THE truth.
Our shared beliefs co-create our realities.
This reality had globohomo settings turned on and unity consciousness turned off; the kingdom of heaven was reduced to rubble while the clowns played king.
MAN pretending to be god is not GOD EXISTING AS MAN.
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Supply is too large, like counting snowflakes in a blizzard.
>more gnostic heresy
In John 8:58, Jesus is answering the Jews who questioned his identity after telling them that Abraham rejoiced to see the First Coming of Jesus Christ. In reply, Jesus reveals his identity to be The Sacred I Am, claiming to be the same God that was with Abraham and the Same God that was with them in the wilderness. They understood this and picked up stones to stone him for blasphemy as they refused to believe that He was, in fact, God.
>JESUS tell us he utilizing the CHRIST principle blah blah blah gnostic garbage
No you unrepentant retard. Jesus Christ is the Only way to the Father. Not your gnostic garbage ideas of a “Christ principle” Jesus died as a paschal lamb and a Passover blood atonement for all of mankind. That’s why he was placed in a manger as a newborn in the same way that the Israelites would place a newborn unblemished lamb suitable for the Passover sacrifice as a means to protect it. It’s not a coincidence that Jesus died on the 9th hour on Passover at the same day and hour that the Passover lamb would be sacrificed. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21 and ask yourself: “WHY did Jesus literally become sin?” Then realize that the Israelites had been using the same substitutional sacrificial method each year on Passover. The blood of an unblemished lamb was good enough to cover the sins from the previous 1 year. That’s the value of the created lamb’s blood. The Blood of Jesus Christ, who is the CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, covers the sins of ALL MANKIND for ALL OF ETERNITY. Although the window during which one can claim the substitutional sacrifice for their own sins by accepting Christ as their savior is limited to the individuals lifespan ending at their death or the second coming of Christ. Whichever comes first.
Yeah its going to be over in 2 weeks.

Hope this helps.
Jesus was either a human alien hybrid or a GMO human made by aliens, still a great being for his betrayal in favor of us, of God. But Jesus isn't the direct son of God (unless you count aliens as your God) nor of course God himself.

In many ways, Jesus IS the best way to source (God) for Jesus' consciousness now resides in the collective consciousness of humanity (dead or not) and Jesus' consciousness was very pure and wise due to the manner and conditions of his creation.

By participating in the old understandings of the Christian religion (the new one will included wisdom from all religions, is still to come and will be called something else more acceptable to the world populace) you are accepting and helping the enemies of humanity and from what I can tell; all life in existence for the enemy is the antithesis of the goal God had in mind for creation itself; the perpetuation of life and it's (the life itself) diligent honorable stewardship through the trajectories of the life still to come.

Forever and always past infinities edge.
new david schwartz just dropped
state of the union of the XRPL
>Supply is too large
While Ripple has been dumping their escrow per agreement, they have been buying back the majority of XRP (84%). This does not include ODL customers who are now buying from the open market and bagholders who are now holding 30 times more than what they had back in 2021. Just look at this nigga >>58619557 with his 400K bag. I don't believe the supply is too large compared to previous years, I believe it's just price manipulation and suppression. They want to inflict maximum pain, weed out non-believers, and buy back XRP as cheaply as possible.
Bearish. They need new retail suckers.
I’m the same anon debating you on Christianity from the past couple threads. You’re still a retard with retarded and unfounded retard opinions.
The only interesting thing you mention is the coming “neo-Christianity” where all world religions come together to make an abominable bastard false Christianity. This is the same new age now op I was talking about in >>58618796 and you’re going to fall for it hook line and sinker. You’ll be the first person to denounce the godchild of Jesus Christ in exchange for your crypto-based digital ID that will be instituted by the antichrist. Then there’s no more forgiveness for you. You’ll just burn in hell for all of eternity because you refused to accept the truth that was given to you so many times, but instead you’ve chosen to believe a lie.
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Spoon feed time
I gotta admire you schizos. I'm HODL XRP until the day I die or it moons because I'm too far in but I don't see how you guys have any hope anymore.
>christfags think they have any right to share their "wisedom"
Thank you anon.
>Each citadel acts as an independent node within the countries they inhabit following their respective laws(US Citadels would follow US law/constitution) and each citadel would be its own independent entity within the wilderness outside of a countries claimed land operating under their own independent laws.
We're going to make the the whole world America anon, many still don't see it. Many of the standards of the constitution will be respected in citadels around the world and similarly some things from other places will slowly make their way to America while keeping our core identity. The victory here simply comes from the innate superiority of the works of the founding fathers. India can still be India, but their citadels will at some point gain the benefit of having their citizens bear arms if they so desire while being able to express themselves freely. Saudi Arabia will let go of sharia and adopt these ideals. We may eat more turmeric and learn things which will help us fly crafts with our minds and we'll get a better grip on the women of our nation so we can save them from themselves and the family unit from those who've lost it.

The world gets guns, balls to say what they wish and the greatness of their culture will shine in time and we get to pick and choose what we'd like from their culture and peoples.

In the end, the USA will have influence from all places in the world, having a stake in all places and all places having a stake in it.

America held the title of the last bastion of hope for humanity for a long time and we reaped the rewards, and yet now with the internet, we have given this hope to the entire populace of the world, enriching every nation immeasurably... Even now as we hand over the reigns to the multipolar decentralized world order so we can take on our true enemies, the world as a whole save a select, is asleep at the wheel as the level playing field we all dream of spreads throughout the world.
I've been arguing with people like you who are much more intelligent with much less pride since I was a child single digits in age on this very site alongside others who are as I, paving the way for more people to come who are greater then I or you or anyone alive now can ever be and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Do you want to know who told me my mission? God, before I knew anything about Jesus, about the Bible, about any religions.... So you'll have to forgive me anon but I frankly have never cared about anything you've ever said and I've likely only ever engaged with you to troll you and have fun lmao.
>oh wow this retard uses a tripcode surely we must listen to his bullshit
Can someone please instruct this anon as to how to become a filterfag? >>58625654

Lol, I'm outta here for now. God Bless all of you!
Yes, even you anon. :)
And all you have to do is take this little mark in your hand/arm or forehead and denounce the godhood of Jesus Christ and you can join us!!!
>Gets a mission from “God”
>Denies the Godhood of Jesus Christ
>Pushes new age philosophy with added schizobabble about gmo aliens
>claims to be paving the way for intellectuals
>claims to be an intellectual himself
>regurgitates the same dumb bullshit from the past threads
>claims he was only ever trolling

Galatians 1:8
2 Corinthians 11:14

Repent or burn in hell, retard.
That's probably 1000 years in the future for all we know.
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I certainly don’t.
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Ripple and Archax linked up! need it or keep it??!
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Man I bought the rumours and the news just keeps happening without the going up part.
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I would argue humanity has been GMO'd which would have Jesus fall under that label GMO with the exception that whatever genes necessary for us to access our higher faculties have been limited/turned off; which did not apply to him.
The gene editing has been happening since the fall of the civilization we label as Atlantis; Our food has been altered to maintain docile Non-higher faculty humanity, gmo fruits/vegetables/wheats/corns edited in such a way that they short term maintain function but are corrupted by faulty designed nutrition along with all the other heavy metal poisonings and vaccinations.
The 'aliens' are just other beings that sprung forth from creation, they exist in the 'outer' lands(extra-terrestrial) and our soul energy is needed to sustain their lifestyle. Movies like the matrix, or Jupiter rising are soft disclosures to a much bigger reality taking place before us.
They farm us for our creativity, they steal our intellectual property, they exploit our labor.
Jesus basically paved the way to freedom, peace, abundance; the wide path was gmo/mind controlled humanity being led to a slaughterhouse and the narrow path was the struggle required to escape from the wide path that leads to destruction.
There are cycles and patterns that keep repeating, and only through learning from past experiences can we remove ourselves from the patterns which is why we end up with archetypal saviors like Jesus.
Civilizations form from like minded individuals, outside force infiltrates then imposes its modus operandi which collapses the civilization and then it repeats.
We are at a point in which our technology will keep us from forgetting what is being done so that we can keep it from occurring.
The last kingdoms set up fell due to faulty operating principles, this last time being money which has been exploited giving power to those who should not have it.
With money no longer exploitable its true utility will sustain the coming ways of life.
>humanity has been GMO'd
Winner winner!
Excellent post anon, we shall fix this this time so that we may overcome even greater foes next cycle.
As for your pic, idk if I believe all of it, sounds like excellent DOD/CIA propaganda, there's much truth to it of course, just not all of it.
seems like a good thing
Same. I would have probably sold long ago if it wasn't delisted
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Citadels are being specifically designed to avoid all types of compulsory actions such as denouncing ones religious viewpoint, in-fact all are welcome until they make themselves unwelcome which unlike todays society where you can commit endless crime and be free to roam the streets, rape, kill, murder, enter countries illegally without repercussions the law system will be extremely intuitive & straightforward without loopholes that can be abused as to avoid subversion. With the use of interoperable currencies both physical and digital all forms of money will be accepted but more than likely would be exchanged for currency of choice.
Citadel coins are designed in such a way that usage would give benefits through their usage but are not a forced feature.
Society outside of citadels will always be a choice for other people but the idea is that superior ways of life will be maintained to such an extent that other options won't even be seen as an option. You are fearful of the mark of the beast yet do not acknowledge that the FIAT money you are using is the mark of the beast, your social security number is the mark of the beast. Go trying to exist in the society that is forced upon you right now without their strawman identity cards and social security. Good luck buying/selling/renting housing/purchasing land/signing up for loans/mortgages(death contracts for death notes) without permission.
Hell in the bible is mistranslated for control purposes, which is exactly how you are using it.
We are in the little season right now, 300ish years ago the deception at the end of the millennial kingdom occurred.
Yeah there is so much propaganda obscuring the truth, and the lack of access to documentation which could allow us to parse meaningful information necessary for discernment regarding topics which are kept from us is infuriating.
Just more data points for the context of the endless puzzle we are putting together.
XRP is the currency of the antichrist.
>ah yes! Citadels!
>GMO aliens
>Ah yes! GMO aliens!
>Jesus isn’t God
>Ah yes! Jesus isn’t God!
it's the same retard id hopping and replying to himself just sage and move on
>the FIAT money you are using is the mark of the beast, your social security number is the mark of the beast. Go trying to exist in the society that is forced upon you right now without their strawman identity cards and social security. Good luck buying/selling/renting housing/purchasing land/signing up for loans/mortgages(death contracts for death notes) without permission.
Unfathomably based and redpilled, this anon you're speaking to has been here for years since XSG began and is 100% a paid shill/elohim cultist.
The citadels will be lots of work but they'll be exceptional, I think we should find a way to make them supranational over time or they will become that naturally as the greatest of our times and those to come move there.
It seems that nobody cares about Ripple and XRP here anymore, no videos from Apex, no links to fresh court docs, nothing.
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The article about brics UNIT (backed by 0.4g of physical gold) mentions Ripple
Whew lad, tell us how you really feel. Kek.
Alright lets get serious now.

We have been scammed right?

Nothing is gonna happen.

Honest and serious replies only.
basically yes maybe not at the start but now definitely
just stop you fat american dude
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Investing in XRP.
So, not invest in XRP? What are you doing here then?
HAHAHHAA you tards are back
missed laughing at you
>it's the ip hopping faggot again
There used to be solid alpha in these threads. now its faggots talking about citadels and shills constantly complaining that they're "selling their bag"

This how I know XRP about to pop. You can throw 99% of faggots off the trail, but not a real time tested G who grew up under constant propaganda. False info and faggot laden complaining is amateur shit to a steel enforced mind.
>all the shit is actually bullish u guys

Haven't heard that one before
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Monthly stoch RSI almost ATL it can be. either mega bounce coming in the near future
or death cross into .39 .29 or who knows where.

50x LONG started from here. 1500$ margin, liquidating price .39
also low sell volume, macd is also near ATL, RSI isn't tho. XRP dipping atm. in the history, after shakeout candle there have been bullish moves soon after.
Kill yourself you goddamn fucking brown pajeet nigger shill
why you rage im just writing my thoughts about the chart and also no u
When there is good news, it's bullish for xrp.
When there is bad news, it's bullish for xrp.
When there's no news, it's bullish for xrp.
When bagholders are happy, it's bullish for xrp.
When bagholders are depressed, it's bullish for xrp.
When xrp goes up 1%, it's bullish for xrp.
When xrp drops 7%, it's bullish for xrp.
When xrp crabs, it's bullish for xrp.

There is quite literally no event that would ever be considered bearish for xrp.
I believe in xrp, but it's unironically a cult.
To which someone will respond that it being a cult is a good thing.
It's not because it stifles conversations.
Any opinion that is slightly negative, is seen as an attack on our faith, and easily dismissed.
To which someone will also respond that I should just sell.
I just bought $100 more
I just hope no one blames me if it doesn't get to 3 digits.
Everyone bought when I talked about it and I'm nervous now. It's not like I pushed them to buy it, they just asked me questions and I answered
>There is quite literally no event that would ever be considered bearish for xrp.
Lawsuit? Neverending extensions? Possible appeals up to the Supreme Court? Total failure in the NFT space? Moneygram? Total failure of the liquidity pool? Ripple dumping on us each month? Price suppression? Bots? I'm pretty sure there's more behind the scenes. In the end, you either believe or not. We are all guessing here; we might be right or wrong, but I think we're more right than wrong, and you don't need to be in a cult to understand that.
>There used to be solid alpha in these threads
>shills constantly complaining
Yet you're here, instead of bringing "alpha" (LMAO), you're complaining.
If you hold XRP i'm gonna fucking murder you
What are the implications for XRP holders when they launch the RLUSD stablecoin?
How does crabbing around 45 cents sound to you?
I'm bout ta buss
You are one of the reasonable ones.
I'm not saying everyone is this way.
But there are a couple of regular posters here that behave the way I described.
It really is a religion to them.
They create elaborate fantasies in great detail about their plans post moon: citadels and completely remaking society.
Similar to people fantasizing about being in heaven.
Only believers get citadels, in the same way only believers go to heaven.
They will frequently talk about these beliefs in order to comfort themselves, and to try and enforce their belief system on others.
If you repeat something often enough, people will start believing it, regardless of whether it's actually true.
On the other hand, you have people grounded in reality making real investment plans post moon.
How to diversify and protect their wealth, earning passive income, and handling taxes.
You're way overthinking things that were just fun lil jokes in-between waiting
>citadels and completely remaking society
All they will remake is the basements they're living in.
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>We have been scammed right?

It's not over yet.
It will only truly be over when all of the following criteria are met:
>The lawsuit is completely over; the Supreme Court makes its ruling.
>Congress passes legislation laying out detailed rules defining and regulating all crypto.
>Most governments of the world introduce CBDCs to replace their currencies. And not as a test; but actually using them widescale.
>After all of that, xrp doesn't get used. It continues to announce new partnerships, business acquisitions, banks, governments, and corporations continue to test xrp, but none ever adopt it for actual use. Other rival crypto companies basically ate Ripple's lunch while the lawsuit was dragging on for years. And even though Ripple ends up vindicated, it doesn't matter. The damage has been done. You can't undo years of success that Ripple's rivals have made.
>Some other crypto ends up being used as a bridge currency. Maybe created by international banks. And it doesn't matter that the new bridge currency isn't neutral, because the world ends up enslaved by CBDCs, social credit scores, and Universal Basic Income. So the banks can do whatever they want. No need to try and counter their negative karma by giving people a shot at making it. The international bankers instead transfer all of their sins into a chicken and kill it.

If all of that were to happen, then yeah, it would truly be over.
But we are nowhere near any of that.
There are many, many more years of suffering before we get to find out:
Where we giving a chance at making it, in order to counter our rulers negative karma?
Or has this all been one huge joke? Entertainment for our malevolent rulers to laugh at us, when they will just kill a chicken instead?
I still think xrp is going to make me rich.
I don't think the bad ending events I laid out above will actually happen.
But I believe in it based upon real world information.
It's not a religious belief, and I could be wrong.
Only time will tell.
>You're way overthinking things
I'm noticing reoccurring patterns of behavior.
>fun lil jokes in-between waiting
Oh really?
Tell that to Barron, because he certainly doesn't treat it as a joke.
cool, thank you for posting
time to reach out to IRIAS about developing a project interoperating between XRP and UNIT and get myself on some shiny new lists at my regional FBI/DHS office
truly, numerology is the language of the elite

so, what would .6%-1.8% of Ripple's institutional sales of XRP equal, i wonder?
i think it is a tool and therefore neutral

post your wrist please, i want to see something
anybody else notice that the comments on any XRPL-nerd youtube channel or twitter account (BankXRP, Crypto Eri, Digital Asset Investor etc) mirror the same demoralizing FUD that gets posted here in /xsg/? Almost like there is consistent messaging across an ARG? some kind of reverse marketing campaign to drive away all but the strongest-willed Pattern Recognizers and Dot Connectors
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I know Russian culture pretty well. They're not like the Chinese copycats, but they did love to copy. Nowadays, they have world-class designers. However, at the corporate level, they still have that Soviet mentality. So, the picrelated is pretty curious.
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Messing with you clowns and trying to get you to sell out before it goes to single digits. Thank me later, Bozo.
There have been people here, with no insider knowledge at all, telling you it was 2030, for nearly 5 years now.
Me for instance.
I'm not wrong for 5 or more years.
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I buy xrp sometime….just in case….
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>trying to get you to sell out
Not sure who is bigger clown here, bozo.
I don't know about the other ones you listed, but Crypto Eri does not post unfounded FUD.
A lot of xrp grifters (and make no mistake, she is also a grifter), sometimes post inaccurate information.
Crypto Eri has been correcting incorrect information when she sees other grifters spreading it.
For instance, grifters have been tweeting that 80% of banks in Japan are partnered with Ripple.
This is wrong.
Here is her post:

>It’s 61 Banks to be exact, which represents 80% of “assets”, partnered through a consortium that was created by SBI Ripple Asia (a majority owned SBI Company) as I already posted, which you missed. This does not mean all of them are connected, and that in no way means all Banks in Japan will be using Ripple technology by 2025. See my pinned post for where that date comes from.

>pic related
I misread your comment.
I thought you were talking about the actual people you listed.
I just noticed that you were talking about the comments section.

I notice 3 types of comments in ripple grifter twitter and youtube:
>spam for crypto pump and dumps. Some grifters have the curtesy to delete all of the spam; and others are too lazy and let the spam stay. When the spam is there, especially on youtube, it's like 75% of the comments.
>15% of the comments are positive about xrp and Ripple.
>10% of the comments are bitter, sarcastic, and burned out xrp bagholders, or former bagholders.

I don't think the negative comments are part of the ARG.
I think people are just getting tired of waiting.
That's like bringing up a homeless screaming insane person. Why should I or you care about that faggot being a weirdo. He's most likely goofing anyway. Every general I visit on 4chin has atleast one resident spammer who spends years being insane and retarded. I just ignore them and so should you, goofball. See you on the citadel
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When I say 'everyone', I'm referring to riddlers and people claiming to have insider information.
I wasn't directing my comment towards ordinary anons making predictions, that don't claim to have insider knowledge.
Those would be honest predictions.
Honest being the key word.
Which is something the riddlers and so called insiders have never been.

We do have some opportunities to mini-moon before 2030.
>When the Supreme Court renders it's judgement.
>After congress passes laws regulating crypto, banks, companies, and smaller countries start using xrp (not just testing it).
>Or we may just crab all the way until 2030.

To me, 2030 is the last stop on the train.
The prize may very well be waiting there at the end, or we might get some smaller prizes along the way.
It's Internet of things and microtx volume + generally displacing credit cards, not the credit part, just who processes the credit.
Oops here >>58635812
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Hang in there, Sport. You may get luck like Lucky Larry there…
This was written before CIA and mk ultra.
Now if you aren't hanging out in a place full of total retarded autistic faggots, you've be opped out of good info.
Actual based post but in order to fully realize yourself you must stop with the name fagging friend.
You must "lose your meme folder" in order to ascend.
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Namefagging is a commitment, if someone was to suddenly proclaim themselves god and larp extremely hard it would create problems. NPCs don't understand the nobody so he can larp as hard as he wants with no issues.
>the fud is bullish it must be orchestrated

Or maybe people are finally starting to notice how big of a scam is actually is?
I had a fucked-up dream. I was in a brightly lit bus, super clean and everything, sitting next to Garlichome. I started pressuring him about why they don't pay more grants and give more money to the developers to build on XRPL. In his fashion, he said a lot but nothing. Then the bus stopped, and somehow I was outside in a dark city. It wasn't night, just dark. I saw more people outside, and together we were sprinting, trying to catch that bus, but we never were able to. I left my shit on the bus too.
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>The Elites are going to have Trump win.
>This will restore most normies faith in the election process.
>Trump is opposed to CBDCs now.
>But he will change his mind after he is president again.
>We are going to be softened up first.
>Most of the world, including the US and Europe, are going to experience another Great Depression.
>But this one is going to be far worse than the last one.
>We will not have the social cohesion that we did in the last one.
>Inflation will be intentionally accelerated again.
>Along with failing businesses and massive job losses.
>Once people are starving and desperate, then they will push to introduce CBDCs.
>Trump will "negotiate" a deal.
>He will then become in favor of CBDCs and claim that he reached a really good deal for the American people.
>Social Credit Scores tied to CBDCs will either be introduced at the same time, or will be introduced later on.
>All of this will be presented as a way to tame inflation and revive the economy.
>People will be given "free" CBDC "money."
>Most people will be so desperate and hungry, that they will welcome CBDCs.
>Garlicbread and Schwartz are in on this.
>They are helping smaller countries develop their own CBDCs.
>They both got to go to Antarctica.
>Garlicbread attends and speaks at the World Economic Forum.
>They are in the club.
>They are Globohomo.
Who is this guy? Seen him being posted before.
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You have the story all wrong, why would a bunch of plucky cyperPUNKS work with the banks?

In BG123 I trust
Read Loadstar 3 literally
I'd suggest reading old science fiction to catch up from how far behind you are.
I've read a little, I've also read the 1988 economist article where they straight up tell you there's no point in the CBDC charade; we're going straight to the finish line (1 world currency)
We're pumping guys, well above 48 cents
$0.4833 now

We keep climbing
The thing about XRP is its an actual thing for the utility of transferring real money at a better price, and efficiency. From what I gather it is just kind of stuck where its at waiting to become more acceptable. If that's the case a long hold for a few dollars seems no brainer.
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>the election fraud mechanisms will be blatantly exposed for all to see this election cycle
>trumps position as CIC of the republic will be revealed
>illegitimacy of the corporation of america will be mainstream
>normies faith in ZOG elections leads to the demand for new elections on non-compromised hardware/software
>DLT steps in for secure instant voting
>the new republics legitimacy is recognized
>peoples votes matter now and things begin to rapidly change as 5th columnists have lost all power to manipulate our will and ruin our country/ies with bad policies
>sound monetary system is put into place(to be adopted by all)Asset backed unit of accounts prevent fraud/usury/black money magic reality manipulation
>constitutional law system is put into place(to be adopted by all who vote for it obviously) Will take a similar appearance with slight variations to allow countries to maintain their sovereignty while adopting superior law systems not based off of maritime fraud.
>all assets stolen by globohomo will be audited and returned to their respective parties, reparations will flow to humanity in the form of beneficial technology utilization and resource allocation.
>hidden/lost realm knowledge is made available
>humanity is reunited with non-globohomo controlled humanity
>realm exploration becomes the new cool thing; industry forms around getting people far distances quickly in style/comfort
>citadels everywhere as waypoint vacation/cultural hubs for our eternal enjoyment
XRP is dead anons, move on all you're doing is giving ripple free money.
i am starting to hate this coin with a passion.... i could have literally just bought the top of bitcoin and would have made more profit. then some fag is gonna reply to me talking about how this is a 10 year hold.. lol.. fuck you
See here:
Isn't that ex employee still dumping his XRP daily?
Jed finished his dumping years ago.
you would had no way of knowing that, idiot. hurdur taco stand is no longer selling hurrrrrr
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.48 cents, USD.
Here is Jed's Tacostand wallet:

You can look back in time and see that he sold off all of his xrp.
People would send him small amounts of xrp, so that they could insult him and mock him in the description section of their transactions.
He also bought a little xrp back too.
He currently has 177 xrp.
hurdur taco stand is no longer selling hurrrrrr
Your original post stated:
>you would had no way of knowing that

I then provided direct verifiable proof.
Instead of trying to come up with a counter argument to that proof, you try to make me look silly, and by extension make my argument look silly.
This is really lazy on your part anon.
hurdur taco stand is no longer selling hurrrrrr I'm so knowledgable I know for a fact he is no longer selling hur durrrrrrrrrrrrr
new thread
new thread
new thread
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I have blessed this thread by positing the ancient webm
Old science fiction helps one grasp how long ideas have been around very well.
Grab a beat up paper back with a planet on the front and read half before you look at when it was written.

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