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previous thread: >>58599046

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman, Crossmark or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd
Moon when?

so what's the Ripple stablecoin called? any news on Liquidity Hub? how are those CBDC trials going? is the XRPL being used for/interoperable with mBridge and BRICS Pay? what will Torres order RippleLabs to pay for the SEC settlement? 333 million? will Safe Harbor 2 regulatory sandbox in partnership with the English FCA? is WW3 about to crash the world economy and cause a liquidity crisis after SWIFT gets cyberattacked? do you have three birthmarks in the shape of an equilateral triangle on your wrist? do you remember the promise you made before you were born?
/xsg/ is a diverse, inclusive and equitable community and we must stand against hate, including hateful language. in order to build the world we want to live in, we must work together with everyone, see picrel for an example of what i mean


zoom out
Its over
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Division is a tactic of the old guard; they cannot have us unified with understanding as it takes away from their ability to manipulate us.
WE ARE ALL ONE. We all come forth from the same consciousness. Division is an illusion.
We are products of our environments and the hate for another comes from those propagating an engineered false perspective within our environment. The color of ones skin, the place of ones birth are not relevant to a society based on unification, the citadels will provide the finest of educations based on the application of the merit of the individual, everyone will benefit everyone.
Citadels will be located in locations in which population density is higher of a certain race/species, there will be no forced diversification. People will congregate to places of comfort that are filled with love, understanding, education and appropriate soul fulfilling activities regardless of place of origin.
Sojourning for experience much like we see people wanting to do today will be safer & more enjoyable as there will not be those programmed to behave badly & will not treat outsiders as anything but brother/sister/fren.
The infinite love for one another is the treasure of heaven we will see given to all as we come together for each others betterment.
There is no room for racism or classism in the coming future. Being a shitstain to the citadel communities and getting banned from the awesome experiences to come is going to suck for those who don't get the memo.
Looks like they're carrying their bags through Mordor
makes sense
its so weird how nobody actually bothers to fud this shit (just lurking I don't care about xrp at all) but link threads are full of fud constantly, really makes you think
i hope you guys make it too but yeah
Why beat a dead dog? We don't need FUD, we are the FUD.
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This. We are legit baggies reduced to just shitting on Ripple and our own XRP bags. I sit in my basement day and night waiting for Torres, like the Uncle in One Crazy Summer trying to be the 100th caller.
without price action or big news stories to drive the price, these threads are pretty dead after almost 4 years. it's pretty much the same small group of schizos plus the viral marketing contractors and LLM bots, who i think might have been trained using old /xsg/ threads as a dataset.
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Why the fuck is Torres taking so fucking long, btw my dudes? Goddman bro.... can we moon soon so I can have pic related sexo? pls bros cmon
I have 4k XRP, when $100?
XRP been rising all day
Its because lots of linkies are fucking annoying and bring up link in every thread.
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>let's see if i can remember this...
>dammit, what was it?
>it's been so long...
What the fuck is this pump
What's going on? Why we mooning?
its litterly just you hoping ips making most of the posts you fat american cunt and that latavian homo
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how much are you selling it for
I just want money
Tomorrow i (30+ m white) will have a date with a 9/10 black girl with a banging body. Wish me luck bros
good luck friend, i hope it goes well
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Fuck if I know... I don't have a plan cuz nothing goes the way I want, so I'm just going with it and see how it goes.

I wish you all the luck in the world. Just give her your BWC. As a white guy, sexo with hot black kweenz is a otherworldly experience, and it seems that goes both ways.
I love race mixing so much bros.

White girls just cant compete
This is subtle bait.
You're the anon that is white and likes to date black girls.
You bring up the fact that you prefer black girls, in order to get a reaction out of people.
There was no reason to tell us that she is black, other than to farm for (you)s.
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My Orb says the Owls are not what they seem and XRP is Kiked Garbage.
Black holes are not real, sweaty
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thank you for reminding me to re-watch The Fourth Kind, one of the least shitty UFO movies of the 21st century so far
also this is a cool book about how The Owls are Not What They Seem
Hope you all have an amazing day XRP is at 48 cents now isn't that quite interesting
>Hope you all have an amazing day XRP is at 48 cents now isn't that quite boring
I fixed it for you anon.
Piece of shit
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remember these words, /xsg/
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The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from off the goose.

The law demands that we atone
When we take things we do not own
But leaves the lords and ladies fine
Who take things that are yours and mine.

The poor and wretched don’t escape
If they conspire the law to break;
This must be so but they endure
Those who conspire to make the law.

The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
And geese will still a common lack
Till they go and steal it back
Lmao this incel shit. U think farming and diesel tractors are good for the environment?
>shrinking cities
>lots of children
how does that work without murdering people once they reach adulthood
>happy farmers
>chemical free food
im sure the farmers would be really happy losing 50% of their yield to pests
>no emf waves
so no electricity at all? or is every wire and powerline going to be individually shielded, what about satellites and GPS, or emergency services? I swear people like to just fantasize instead of actually living in reality
Pumping hard rn
Did something happen?
>>chemical free food
>im sure the farmers would be really happy losing 50% of their yield to pests
A healthy organic ecosystem allows high quality harvests with minimal pest damage (1%-5%) because the problem doesn't get out of control in the first place.
>the US SEC has dropped its demand from $2 billion to about $102 million.

Does this mean the case is over?
Ripple won?
>1 cent
Please, when can I sell these bags

Why would they say it on a sunday
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That clearly says the 14th and it isnt even agreed upon yet
>That clearly says the 14th
So what? You're the one who brought up Sunday for no apparent reason. Nobody here cares anymore about bringing fresh info or even talking about Ripple and XRPL. It's just fake OOOOOO's and citadel talks. This thread has downgraded to literal braindead zombies keeping it afloat.
So how high do you think XRP will go?
53 cents
>Checks /XSG/ for the day
>Still just that fat American ip hopping cunt and the latavian nigger acting like they are diffrent people
I made this post
If we break .54 we’re going to test .70’s
What is a bigger scam amongst these 2 shitcoins?

Pi Coin or XRP?
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Don’t hold your breath. XRP ALWAYS disappoints. Look at the July 23 court ruling price action; what a fucking joke.
this is huge, SEC just gave a figure- $102 million is a big number, but not out of the question for a company Ripple's size or the size of the market Ripple would potentially be able to tap into by being the only officially recognized digital asset payments/settlement company and tech provider to a large number of banks, corporations and central banks

idk i could be wrong and we might still have to wait another 2-20 years before settlement with a trial, appeal, supreme court, eventually the Ripple corporate PMC (literal XRParmy) fighting against the SEC's robo-Gensler cyborg army controlled by Jay Clayton's uploaded consciousness in the wastelands of neo-Amerika
but the fact that the SEC gave a number they are willing to take in order to end the case feels big

2 more weeks?
captcha: 0RG G4Y
if the purpose of a system is what it does, then what is the purpose of the XRPL ARG?

i think it is intended to put participants/players in a double bind, by forcing them into an impossible situation where any course of action is the wrong one and causes stress by providing contradictory stimuli at different levels of processing.

Namely, "if you hold XRP you will miss out on yet another bullrun and forced to watch Solana do yet another 10x or ShitDogCoin do another 100x" but also "if you sell your XRP you will miss out when it does a 10000x after the lawsuit is settled and it is announced as the IMF global reserve currency"

Double binds were famously proposed by CIA MKultra programmer/Esalen-Tavistock luminary Gregory Bateson as a way to induce schizophrenia. I wonder if this is the joke behind calling /xsg/ game players "schizos," the people who designed the game deliberately designed it to make players mentally ill by putting them under intense stress?

the function of a system is what it does. and when the designs, decisions, and identity of the programmers are unknown (like in the case of 4chan and ARGs like /xsg/) then the only way to find out about a system is by interacting with it.

in this way, interacting with anons (bots/psywar ops) on 4chan has been a bit like what communicating with an alien intelligence must be like. a lot of (most?) of the communication on 4chan, /xsg/ included actually takes place on a meta level, ie the important thing isn't the words of the posts themselves (which are often slogans, semi-nonsensical insults, slurs or scatological humor, or highly recursive inside jokes and memes) but the next level down-
what meaning they are intended to convey and the effect they have on the user according to their demographic, ideology, or role. 4chan posts are like programming commands.

I think one function of 4chan/xsg is profiling. i think another one is training AI. i think the third is introducing anons to AGI, which already exists.
links on double binds (compare to the situations /xsg/ + XRPL ARG puts its players in and the messages it sends out)
>From this theory and from observations of schizophrenic patients is derived a description, and the necessary conditions for, a situation called the “double bind”—a situation in which no matter what a person does, he “can't win.” It is hypothesized that a person caught in the double bind may develop schizophrenic ...

>Bateson’s team began with an interest in how the identity and functioning of self
regulating systems was maintained through mechanisms of information, control and feedback.
>The ‘double bind hypothesis’ and ‘the
schizophrenic dilemma’ were seen as part of a continuum of human experience of communication,
that involved intense relationships and the necessity to discriminate between orders of message.
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>we might still have to wait another 2-20 years before settlement with a trial, appeal, supreme court, eventually the Ripple
I think the SEC and Gary are cooked (on purpose, don't forget he is 33rd chair). Although this can happen and probably will, but the tide is shifting lately, and everything is starting to move faster and faster. I don't know, but I would love to quit waging this year, not even asking much, 5 bucks per coin is sufficient.
The very last sentence in that document, the SEC clearly states that $102.6 million is too low a figure for a penalty. Ripple is dividing the penalty amount by company gross revenue. The SEC on the other hand is dividing the penalty amount by the “violative” amount which is different math, then they simply applied that figure to the Ripple lawsuit to arrive at $102.6 million. Thats the SEC saying that’s how the math would work out IF applied to the Ripple case. Then in the last sentence they say that amount is too low so they’re not willing to apply that low amount.

The other thing you need to consider is that the $2 billion the SEC is asking for is the combination of 3 different things:
>The SEC's proposal asked the court to order Ripple Labs to pay $876 million in disgorgement, $198 million in prejudgment interest, and a $876 million civil penalty, amounting to a total of $1.95 billion.

So the only part that the SEC is lowering is the civil penalty portion, which they lower from $876 million to 102.6 million.
The SEC still wants Ripple to pay $198 million in prejudgment interest and $876 million in disgorgement.
Another words, the SEC is now asking for $1.176 billion, instead of the original $1.95 billion.
>100% in one is le bad
go back to your memecoin
When anons say they think xrp wont go to $37,500, attack them for not believing in xrp.
When anons express disappointment in xrp only doing a 2x, tell them to go back to their memecoins.

So to summarize, xrp is definitely going to $37,500, but you are not allowed to express disappointment at the price action before that happens; no matter how many years it takes.
Anon, you're doing an excellent job letting other anons know what thoughts and emotions are considered acceptable and what are considered blasphemy.

Go say 5 "isn't that quite interesting", 3 "plans within plans", 2 "GUYS GUYS GULYS", and 1 "OOOOOOOOOOOOO", and go and sin no more.
maybe something good will finally happen?
Lets hope so anon
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I ain't readin all that shit..
+5.89% today

nice little pump before the exit scam
Feels insulting how much they go to this number while forcing this to crab.
Let it pump! Break free from half a dollar!
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Mea Culpa.
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What The AI Said about this case so far using your comments and thread data:

Next Steps:
Court Proceedings: The court will continue to evaluate the arguments from both sides and make rulings accordingly.
Potential Negotiations: Ripple might engage with the SEC to negotiate the terms of the financial penalties and other conditions.
Strategic Planning: Ripple should prepare for both potential outcomes: an extended legal battle or a negotiated settlement, and plan its business strategy accordingly.
Considerations for Ripple:
Financial Preparedness: Ripple should assess its financial capability to handle a potential penalty of $1.176 billion.
Market Positioning: Ripple's positioning as a leader in the digital asset space could be significantly enhanced if it resolves its legal issues and gains regulatory clarity.
Long-term Strategy: Ripple should weigh the benefits of settling the case sooner against the costs and uncertainties of prolonged litigation.

So in another words Ripple and SEC is gonna keep feeding on the pain and suffering of investors.

this is some sort of satanic ritual where they keep everyone's hopes up while extracting your loosh and positive energy and money like vampires they are slowly feeding on your misery like a rapist lick the tears of his victims while they cry in pain.

You been warnd

Play Kike Games
Win Kike Prizes
XRP is the best stable coin.
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NIGGA 6 months to 5 fucking years to settle this:

Post-Trial Motions: After the trial, either party can file motions challenging the verdict or seeking other relief, potentially extending the case by several months.
Appeals: If either party appeals the trial court's decision, the appeals process could take several years. Appeals to the appellate court and potentially the Supreme Court could add significant time.
Factors Influencing Duration:
Settlement Negotiations: If the SEC and Ripple enter into serious settlement negotiations, the case could be resolved more quickly. Settlements can occur at any stage of the litigation.

Court Backlog and Scheduling: The court's schedule and backlog can affect the timeline. Busy courts may have delays in hearing motions and scheduling trials.

Legal Strategies: Aggressive legal strategies, such as extensive pre-trial motions and discovery disputes, can prolong the case.

Regulatory and Legislative Changes: Changes in the regulatory environment or new legislation related to cryptocurrencies and digital assets could influence the case's progression and resolution.

Estimated Timeline Scenarios:
Short-Term Resolution: If a settlement is reached soon, the case could be resolved within the next 6 months to a year.
Moderate Duration: If the case goes to trial but settles during or shortly after the trial, it could last 1 to 2 years.
Extended Duration: If the case goes through a full trial and subsequent appeals, it could last 3 to 5 years or more.
Given the complexity and high stakes of the SEC v. Ripple Labs case, it is difficult to predict the exact duration. However, a reasonable estimate suggests that without a settlement, the case could last several years, particularly if it involves multiple rounds of appeals. If both parties are motivated to settle, the case could potentially be resolved much sooner.

Time to apply at McDonald asap!
based AI yearsposter troll
Anyone looked into this? One of the more impressive xrpl projects I've seen and up ~400% the last few days...
>this is some sort of satanic ritual where they keep everyone's hopes up while extracting your loosh and positive energy and money like vampires they are slowly feeding on your misery like a rapist lick the tears of his victims while they cry in pain.
You are not wrong, however, it will eventually happen. They just need that pain before it does. Ripple as a company is too big and on the path to becoming the savior of American innovation. Their reputation must be clean, so rug-pulling is out of the question. Persevere, as Bear said.
Now isn't that quite interesting
I feel so fucking sorry for everyone holding this crap. It's so fucking sad to see people keep hope while Ripple dumps their escrow on you. It is the same recycled bullshit every single time. Oh no just wait for this wait for that. You will never learn.
>I feel so fucking sorry
No need to feel sorry. We're grown-up people who made a choice. Thanks, though.
Kys shill
Kill yourself
Next person is gonna have a problem
>Now isn't that quite boring.
You're like a dog that barks at every car that passes by a house.
When a burglar finally does break in, everyone is going to ignore you.
It will finish at the exact right time, its all planned out.
ey the latavian faggot
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Can anyone explain what the fuck is happening? Here are all the whale alerts from this month, and it's not even the end yet. The guy who tracks ODL on Twitter is saying that Ripple is done buying up all XRP from the open market (they did stop reporting purchases since Q3 2023) and are now sourcing XRP left from exchanges like Binance. If that's true, it might explain the price decoupling from BTC. However, they obviously won't let it go higher because they want it cheap.
>they surpressing le price on le purpose
best pick during this BTC downfall is Sharkroll...
Better bet then selling BTC to ape into stupid memes without any utility
Bought now, don't fuck me up xrp, hoping to see 0.8 next week
Next week is a little fast, it's actually gonna be the one after
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>2 weeks

kek faggot.
More like a month, but i'm willing to wait that long
>theres people making millions from shitcoin airdrops (zksync) while XRP je*wish scam holders are being slammed & carpeted year after year

XRP was cool bluechip 8-9years ago but now its just a boomer mainstream coin. i wouldn't be surprised if they pull IPO and then XRP would go -99,99% That would be a golden gratuity to all og holders...

Do you remember back in 2021 when Joel katz tweeted something like this: " if you have any significant wealth in XRP, consider selling" when XRP was about $1.8 'ish.

I thought it was a j*ewish tricks and I didn't. XRP didn't surpass even old ATH back then.

I'm so sad and pissed, i still want to believe.
Did SEC really protect investors by suing this.
How does a little longer sound?

Sorry bro. It's over.
Imma sell now then, phew dodged a bullet
It hasn't even started yet.
It's dumping more kek
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Two more weeks!
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These fucking bags, I tell ya.
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in the time range 2014-2024 XRP is up >19000%

but of course you don't remember it because you are newfag faggot and were in middle-school back then.
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btc starting to rug LETS GOOO

get ready for the slurp of the century
Wow bro BTC was free at one point and is now 70k. Your point? Oh of course you bought the bottom and sold the top and now are here because the yacht was getting boring right?
what is it?
the latavian homo again
>bro 17,000% isn't enough bro

No. You didn't get the point.
Even if you didn't sell at the last ATH in Jan '18 You'd still be up >17,000% (Seventeen thousand percent) which is one of the best in the top-10 in the last ten years.
Kys shill
Something is brewing, will slurp last 14K and gtfo from exchanges for good.
copeposting has reached a new level
Imagine still bagholding this trash.
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How much is Ripple dumping monthly? 200M? That's 42 months or 3.5 years. The article was published on Feb 3, 2023, which is 25 months since the lawsuit. So Ripple bought more than they sold from the escrow. Are they buying our bags? If so, yes, they're
>surpressing le price on le purpose
Really makes you think
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Stay poor
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Can someone do a similar pic to pic related with XRP? I'm sure it's worse.
damn that's some deep lore, appreciated
Who gives a shit?
Some other people made amazing gains years ago off xrp.
That doesn't help any of us now.
>>58648600 the mag/xrp amm on the site has an apr of over 40%. sounds too good to be true
You're measuring the APR in 'farmed' mag token value vs. xrp so it can offer significantly higher incentive than standard amm pools. Whitepaper demonstrates the tokenomics were designed by someone brilliant...extremely low supply and a bunch of different burn mechanisms. Also additional yield for mag NFT holders (first actual use case I've seen). Seems like everything is set up to create a supply shock similar to sologenic in 2021...idk how none of these xrp youtubers/tweeters have started yapping about it
doesn't work that way retard just stop with the cope posting amm was a failure as we all evidently can see as was xls-20 hur durrrr flare will get me so richhhh hurrrr that's you
I know you're trolling but:
There are two photos of two different ones.
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I hope my $1k at .17 cents, USD buy limit order gets triggered. Never buy until there is blood in the streets.
>heh, nothing personal, kid
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Oy Vey!

The bribed and corrupted politicians, officials and bureaucrats alone prevent Government from ever touching ETH. Lubin and the Little Hat Gang made sure of that.
Imagine being gullible enough to give money to a do-nothing scam organization like Ripple.
It really is amazing the sort of miracles a sufficiently large bribe can accomplish.
Not only did ETH get a free pass from the SEC,
but they also got Jay Clayton to sue Ripple on his last day in office,
thus massively retarding the success of one of their chief business competitors at the time.
Think of all the business opportunities within the United States that Ripple has missed out on for over 3 and a half years, while ETH is allowed to operate freely.
Would xrp be ahead of ETH in market cap right now?

One of the narratives around xrp is that this is all a play being acted out.
If that is true, I always thought that once Ripple's lawsuit is completely over, the SEC would finally sue ETH.
A one, two, punch that would rug pull most of the crypto market, and we would see most of that money flee into xrp.
Yes, yes, I know, I already know what some of your will say; retail is never going to cause xrp to moon.
But it could get us at least a decent pump to $5 or $10 if the above happened.
Which would make waiting for the real moon more tolerable.

Looks like that's not going to happen.
Unless this is part of the story as well, and a new SEC chairman could still resume the investigation.
I don't know if that's legally possible or not.
I'm sure some anons on here are already getting excited over this bad news, under the presumption that demoralizing news means we are even closer to xrp mooning.
Which is honestly just copium.
And some anon is going to tell me to sell.
And some other anon is going to say they bought more xrp in response to this news.
This is simply bad news.
Kek ETH got a free pass, suck on that XRP baggies.
How is this bad news for XRP? It's well known that the system is rigged and (((they))) do what they want. If they do what people want sometimes, it's just a different side of the same coin. What does ETHGATE have to do with XRP's price? Ok, they sue Ethereum, then what? XRP will moon? The SEC said they will sue Ethereum. Have you seen ETH's price tanking? I haven't. The only people responsible for the bad price action are Ripple, not Gary, not Clayton, not Lubin, it's Ripple. Why, back in 2021, was XRP trading at almost two dollars, but now, after having legal clarity, it has become a 50c stablecoin? Why, every time XRP tries to decouple, does it get dragged down by a sudden BTC drop minute to minute? Why is Ripple buying XRP from the open market >>58650358? Why would Ripple want to pay 10 dollars per XRP?
>haha bunch of corrupted politicians just tricked the system and made bunch of money for their jew masters, suck it anons who are just trying to make it
Something is definatly brewing behind the scenes you guys XRP is right around the corner or something big. Perhaps a black swan or even a white swan event. If its gonna happen it will happen soon in my opinion. Not financial advice.
it hurts.
with all of the butthurt tweets from ETH maxis lately I really thought SEC was going to do it, but they capitulated, probably because it seems the democrats see this as a major issue for their campaign.

No doubt they will continue on their mission against XRP of course, even though Ripple could have been the US success story.

Fucking corrupt, degenerate unelected bureaucrats man.
I know the system is rigged.
I can make guesses as to the specifics of the stage play.
But I won't know them for certain.
I had hoped we would get some small price action from the trial completely ending, coinciding with the SEC suing ETH.
Most money in ETH gets funneled into xrp.
As I previously said, I know this won't cause xrp to moon.
I was more hoping something like that would pump xrp to $5 or $10.
To tide us over until the real moon.
I'm lamenting that the ETH part of that theory now won't happen.
It makes it more likely that when Ripple completely finishes with the lawsuit, that we'll only get a disappointing pump.
Basically, the waiting will continue to be painful.

As to why ETH's price is unaffected by the SEC, I think it's because the market knows that ETH has gotten a free pass.
Even normies know this from Bill Hinman's speech.

Ripple doesn't give two shits about xrp holders, other than as a Public Relations shield.
They are growing their business outside of the USA.
And they have failed to grow Ripple's business within the USA.
Either because of the lawsuit making companies uncomfortable with working with a company being sued by the SEC.
Or because the narrative of the SEC lawsuit provides a perfect cover to make it look like Ripple is failing in grow in the USA.
Or because Ripple is incompetent.
Or because Ripple wants us to think it is incompetent in order to keep people from investing.

Ripple manipulates the price of xrp.
If this is true, then at some point they will stop manipulating it, or manipulate it upwards.
If they're not manipulating the price, and just dumping on us,
then the lawsuit ending plus ETH getting sued, would lead to money flooding into xrp,
which would mean a greater pool of liquidity for Ripple to dump on.
>10 dollars

You delusional retards deserve pain
>Motherfucking ETH got off the hook

So what the fuck now? They go after tether? Or we gonna miss out on another bullrun?
Unfortunately I think this means ETH wins.
They have a substantial lead in DeFi now, Proof of stake is fine in the eyes of SEC and apart from their metamask lawsuit, there really isn't much holding them back now.
Ripple and XRPL are scrambling to find some sort of relevance in Defi but are failing miserably, and cross border transactions just seems to be a non issue right now.
US businesses wanting crypto solutions will simply look to ETH or EVM products.
Gary will kick the Ripple lawsuit can down the road as long as he can, because why not? And we will still be here with our dicks in our hand hoping for a miracle.
Yeah XRP is over now.

ETH being sued and delisted was our ticket, we lost it. Now we can only hope for total Tether death.

But looks like it's just over and XRP lost.
>Unfortunately I think this means ETH wins.
Facts, all in on DCASH now. Fuck XRP and fuck XSG
>But looks like it's just over and XRP lost.
>But looks like it's just over and XRP lost.
Don't worry anon, someone will be along soon to let us know that they bought more xrp in response to the negative news; I mean FUD.
And we'll get a couple of unjustified OOOOs to uplift us.
And some "isn't that quite interesting"s, "I fell out of my chair on purpose"s, and "GUYS GUYS GUYS".
Constant repetition of these childlike phrases helps mold peoples thoughts and emotions.
Remember, we want to replace our own thoughts with the retarded catch phrases of known and XSG approved grifters like that fagot ExtraVOD.
And some upbuilding and overly elaborate citadel spam; I mean discussions.
Along with some angry arguments between the non-esoteric Christians, Esoteric Christians, and the non-Christian Esoterics.
All of which will have nothing to do with Ripple or xrp, but will nicely distract from ETH.
I just spilled my diet coke what is even happening
You type like a faggot with estrogen instead of testosterone. Go lose some weight, fatass.
I admit defeat.

It was fun guys. Really. We all thought we had the next bitcoin and this shit was gonna go from a couple of cents to hundreds of dollars. Lol. We thought it was all a grande conspiracy and these fucking twitter 'riddlers' had inside information.

Just how fucking stupid were we thinking a top 10 crypto was gonna do a 10000x from here because of the big banks that were gonna buy it after us? Lol... we all needed legal clarity! The lawsuit was a scheme!

Haha goddamn was i stupid. As soon as i noticed mostly racist and anti vax incel retards were holding this that should have been my sell signal.

But i was a sunk cost fallacy retard
Got about 20k xlm and 20k xrp. Thinking if i should sell it now or just hand it out to anyone here in this thread.
Saars the XRuPee standing will begin soon, do the needful and buy 100 lakh XRP.
All this fud is actually bullish saaaaar we must be close this time not financial advice
In spite of you being a liberal that needs to go back to plebbit, don't sell.
Judge Torres should be assigning possible injunctions and setting a fine amount some time between July and September of this year.
At least wait until then to sell.
If we don't get a pump after that, I won't blame you for selling.
It'll probably be 1 to 2 years after that for the lawsuit to work it's way through the Appellate Court, and then the Supreme Court.
>just keep bagholding until this next meme date guys

Wow you just convinced me
At least Judge Torres making a ruling is a real thing that will happen at some point.
It's not a vague made up riddle.
I feel the fatigue too anon.
Hang in there, or don't.
I don't blame you either way.
>rules XRP is im fact a security
>price dumps to a couple of cents
Judge Torres already ruled that xrp is not a security.
But that certain kinds of sales were a security.
Specifically when Ripple sold directly to individuals.
All other sales, including programmatic sales, are not securities.
We are done with that phase of the trial.

We are now waiting to see what if any kind of injunction Judge Torres will place on Ripple and how much of a fine she will assign to them.
Most people are focused on the fine amount.
But it is the possible injunction that we should focus on.
She could potentially place an injunction preventing Ripple from selling xrp to exchanges.
Which would leave Ripple with no way to sell xrp.

The only way for xrp itself to be labeled a security again, would be if the Appellate Court or Supreme Court reverses Judge Torres' earlier decision.
>price dumps to a couple of cents
Ripple manipulates the price of xrp, either do to needing certain goals to be met, or out of greed by dumping xrp on the market.
At some point, they will have achieved whatever their goals are, and either stop suppressing the price, or stop dumping xrp on us.
Someday they will let xrp breath again.
Yes when their 50b escrow runs out in 20 years
The hope is that the remaining escrow will be given or sold to governments and international banks.
If Ripple instead just spends the next 20 years selling all of their xrp to keep the company profitable, then I'll have wasted my entire life on a lie.
Which is a real possibility.
But I'm a stubborn man, and my sunk cost is too high to back out now.
It will happen, tonight! Strap in!
You have no way of knowing that.
You can just make an infinite number of false predictions, and when nothing happens, it won't matter, because this is an anonymous forum.
So you can make brand new false predictions in as many XSGs as your heart desires.
Are you autistic?
But I'm tired of anons peddling false hope.
You always tired, because you're fat. Get real
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Garlinghouse said ETH will survive a while ago. ETH is on the "cheat sheet" it was always going to stay around.
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Today is the last day of Spring

In BG123 I trust
Wow nothing happened
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Naw. Picrel.
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With you, exactly. I will see it through to the end ever if the end is a 12 gauge slug in the coroners parking lot, that with the way things are going, I am pretty certain that will be my end. Even with some money in the future/post moon, I am a husk anyways.
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>hololive english debut this month 'justice' themed
>what did they mean by this
the fucking ripple case concludes BEFORE AUGUST THIS YEAR. this hololive gen is the most blatant fucking signalling I've ever seen and anyone knows hololive = freemasons.
I will be vindicated.
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Or, the Department of the Treasury Nationalizes them and starts a new Ledger.
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I will hold them in my cold wallet for you, just in case.
>2 more months
And guess what happens then
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We ride.
hugo philion on Darren Moore Jr/King Solomon podcast
good interview.
hugo looks healthy and happy, i'm glad my money has helped him achieve a good life.

always love to see my money making a positive impact on somebody's life. <3 u, Hugo
What the Fuck
these fucking clowns
just nakedly corrupt
i had to look it up. are you fucking serious?

is nothing ever going to happen?
>Ripple and XRPL are scrambling to find some sort of relevance in Defi but are failing miserably
been kinda painful to watch desu, it's been a couple pivots now- they tried carbon, RWA, the AMM, now the lending protocol and stablecoin, they are throwing a lot of stuff at the wall

desu i feel like the original XRPL was something special, like it was created by NSA spooks working with AI or aliens as part of a plan for world digital economic transformation without nuclear WW3 or something, and the Ripple company has done a good job of building a payments company on top of that original tech, but the rest of the organization (RippleX and the other parts of the company) are very human.

their efforts are valiant and a lot of the stuff they build and roll out is really cool but it just hasn't been that successful. ETH and L2 sucked all the air out of the industry and Ripple really has a bad reputation, deserved or undeserved.
Yeh the wall throwing is embarrassing, especially as a few years ago David was adamant that they didn't want to be an everything coin, and focus solely on cross border, but now that's the way they are going.

I was holding onto hope that the AMM was a loophole to allow Ripple to blindly supply institutional customers XRP, which is why they seemed so desperate to push it after the ruling, however (1) they fucked up the launch with a massive bug and (2) nothing has really happened since.
The only hope i cling to now is Asia - Japan has always been a stronghold for XRP adoption, but even that doesn't mean much any more as their economy is tanking.

I truly believe something was supposed to happen in the 2019/2020 cycle. Banks were supposed to jump on board with blockchain in a big way to get the edge on competitors, and Ripple was probably a key part of the plan. But then someone tapped Jay Clayton on the shoulder, Trump got booted out, and the rest is history.
>Most money in ETH gets funneled into xrp.

I can't believe some of you retards actually thought something like this would happen
Can't we all manifest $100 XRP?
lookup rwa
look up securitize and circle
look at blackrock
look at texas news of new exchange
now look at XDC and Algo
2 billion transactions on chian zero failures or network congestion over 5 years.
this will accelerate to over 3 billion before end of year..
not eth killers , they work together
watch sbi.
why when btc dumps , xdc , sgb mini pump?
testing networks.
s before F for long run
short term is pure rwa utility
24hr stock hrs
real estate and micro real estate
stocks and micro
300m usdca minted by?
wallet reserve for who?
tested verified

thats best i can do god bless lads
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pieces coming togtether?

>RWA, the AMM, now the lending protocol and stablecoin, they are throwing a lot of stuff at the wall
Have you watched the interview from Apex? Brad was asked about RWA tokenization, and he explicitly said that they're focusing solely on cross-border payments, but they will partner with other companies to do that on XRPL. Then, the next day, they announced a partnership with Archax.
>I was holding onto hope that the AMM
The AMM was launched a few months ago. Still, 1000000 XRP was locked in the last few days alone, which is not bad considering the possible downside if the price goes up.
the AMM is cool, and will be useful in a hypothetical future when XRP is pegged to $2000, it's just that nobody wants to use it in an environment where we're all expecting price changes in one direction or another. i still think it'll get used on a large scale eventually.

it's hard to say whether Ripple getting screwed by the SEC was part of the plan. i think it's safe to say it wasn't part of Ripple's plan (maybe Schwartz and Britto's) but taking the big picture, Illuminati Space Alien AGI schizo freemason view, it's possible it was part of "The Plan" or "The Great Work." These guys are big on ordeals as part of the initiation process, i think it's something to do with alchemy or something. Nigredo, flubedo, torpedo? something like that.

I think the AMM, Stablecoin, Liquidity Hub, sidechains, RWA, carbon/eco assets, lending protocol all still have a good shot at becoming big news. maybe i am just deluded and the bad guys will win. Lubin/Gensler for President 2032, with Hinman as Secretary of Treasury-Federal Reserve (combined, running on JPMcoin) and Clayton as head of the IMF. Garlinghouse wandering the streets of Miami barefoot, deep in amphetamine psychosis, babbling about cartoon bears...

but Cyber-Britto has built a futuristic lair in a dead volcano off the coast of Tonga, and Jed McCaleb is alone in his space station, plugged into the NSA supercomputer...Chris Larsen and David Schwartz were last seen disappearing into tunnels, Larsen somewhere in a vast carbon credit plantation in Peru near the rumored lost city of Paititi and Schwartz, disappearing into the Caucasus in a hidden valley rumored to be the home of the rare Neanderthal Mountain Jew Sarmoung Brotherhood...

the story might appear to be over, but it's just beginning...
see picrel.

based post. i agree.

Hugo just said s-Assets are coming in a few weeks on Darren Moore/King Solomon's interview today, stocking up on SGB might be a good idea.
People forget about Algorand too. even with the shitty tokenomics it's still probably undervalued.

and XDC...it's so funny how nobody in crypto outside the schizo ARG has even heard of xdc, even people that probably should. like people who run tokenized RWA platforms on EVM chains have never even heard the word XinFin.
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>300m usdca minted by?
Circle just minted 300m USDC-algorand on coinbase right? i saw that too.

something funny happened to me a few days ago. in the last /xsg/ someone posted about the new BRICS digital reserve currency, the UNIT. i made a joke about how, "i'm going to email the people who made this and offer to collaborate with them, get myself on some new lists down at the fusion center"

so, i did some research, found the contact info for the think tank that wrote the whitepaper, and sent an introduction email offering to help integrate the UNIT with public blockchains for an end user payment app. i figured, why not ask?

a day later, my old roommate from college left a comment on my facebook page, i posted a meme about the 1% controlling 40% of the wealth and he posted something vaguely pro-biden.
Now that is only interesting because of two reasons
a) my roommate joined the military and, i was told by a friend, one of the intelligence services after college (he was always studying chinese and math so I assume NSA or CIA?). last time i checked, probably 5 years ago, he had left the active duty military and was working at a highly sus defense contractor with a polished but very spare website saying only that they provided IT services for government agencies.

b) i haven't talked to this dude since the end of sophomore year of college so like 15 years. we might have "liked" each others facebook posts but it's been years since i've even seen his name

so, i send an email offering to collaborate with a coalition of enemy governments and then my spook roommate reaches out to me for the first time in 15 years the next day. coincidence?

i'm probably just paranoid but if i end up getting vanned and renditioned to a CIA black site in Western Sahara, i am going to curse that goddamn cartoon bear
after all the years man , i like you.
and i would say nothing is coincidence ,
when you saw flare announce google cloud partnership
it was sgb that pumped, why?
canary testnet people
>NSA and aliens
>these are the retards holding XRP

Totally not a sell signal guys

Are we winning?
That's the title of the email they sent.
>gets scam emails


Which one of you fags was this?
fucking grifters and you're all retards for falling for it lmfao hur dur a bombshell it's in the SEC hur durrr i saw it on youtube hurrrrrrrrrrrrrr
this is you
>the SEC are grifters
it's on youtube so its true right? plus your favorite e-celeb say it so, right? did I get that right or am I missing something else?
kek why the meltdown chud its in the SEC filing no youtube needed
my id keeps changing
did your favorite e-celeb told you that? that's its in the SEC filing?
i dont follow youtube people chud and i know you are that fat american ip hopping cunt
got it so you don't know and just because you favorite e-celeb tells you so then it's true
>Tells the fat americn chud i dont follow anybdy or have an account or social media at all
>Keeps having a hissy fit meltdown typing like an angry chud about ecelbs
see you tomorrow you fat american cunt
got it so you don't know and just because you favorite e-celeb tells you so then it's true
i already knew that no need to confirm it
>Keeps rambling on about ecelebs with red hot chud energy
lol indeed for confirming it
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LOL the fat fuck deleted it hahahaha
it was never there you just got grifted as i was telling you
>and he fell for it without checking
>Its still there
got cha you fat fuck
yeah i know you are not that bright see yu tomorrow
What is this im hearing about the ripple founder being Satoshi?
What the fuck guys I just saw the other thread.

Why the fuck is XRP not pumping higher of this news?
So David Schwartz is Satoshi? Why would Mickle know this but not everyone else?
Just heard the news guys wtf why arent we pumping
Its not fake its real and Mickle is one of the most respected youtubers in the XRP community. He is legit and ths real deal.
is not though
David Schwartz said under deposition:
>A. Well, the distribution of Bitcoin was very, very hard to know at that time. So Toshi, the original creator probably held an enormous amount of XRP at that time.
>Q. 2017?
>A. I think so. It's hard for me to say, like to compare them at that point in time.

Did you catch the key word there?
Is David Schwartz one of the Satoshis?
But the market doesn't give a shit about a probability.
If Schwartz ever decides to show proof that he is one of the Satoshis, then xrp will just crab.
Because retail is broke and in debt, and they have no more money to invest in anything.
And even if they did have money to invest, xrp just crabs, no matter the news.

Schwartz enjoys people speculating about him being Satoshi.
He likes to tease and hint.
It's a game he plays.
And as soon as he shows people proof, the game is over; the fun is over.
Look at his twitter history.
Look at all of the switch flip and 589 teases he has done over the years.
That is his personality.
He throws bits of trash and lint from his pockets to desperate and hungry people,
and then laughs when they figure out its not real food.
You see what I meant by calling that e-celeb a grifter? Making these grandiose "headline" and when you watch the source material is more "probably", "likely to do", "in the case that such", etc. Every fucking single time.
Are you fucking faggots seriously falling for grifters?
Most of us aren't.
There are a couple of regulars on XSG that gobble that shit up endlessly.
Like a dog eating vomit.
ahem they're "influencers" and "industry experts" and "core contributors" and "valued community members"
you need to be more inclusive, words like grifter are so toxic
here's david schwartz's story about working at the NSA
ah yes its not you talking to yourself again another day the same fat american cunt
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Lol, lmao even
>Another week wasted

Oh well maybe next week we will finally moon
>He throws bits of trash and lint from his pockets to desperate and hungry people,
>and then laughs when they figure out its not real food.
This is good writing, I can see him doing this literally in a GOT setting
20k xrp
20k xlm

What am i in for
Millions, if you can stomach this summer
How so?
I would pay to read this book
This gave me a stiffy about XDC https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/05/31/coderun-ai-revolutionizes-programming-making-it-accessible-to-all-ages-with-ai/
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Tumor weeks.
>SEC ends investigation
>metheads win
>cripples on suicide watch
how is that lower timeline mastery going, boys
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>Did you come along for the ride and witness the shaking of the cryptosphere as foretold? The great gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes continues to this day. The cryptomarkets are in a dizzying tailspin, but XRP holders remain strong, steady, and resolute.

In BG123 I trust
Source: literal who shitposting 4 years ago
Why millions and why after this summer?
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The bear said so

Just don't get left in the wreckage
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>all those NK memes
>all those LotR memes

definitely a riddler but very good summation
That image doesnt even make sense
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based /xsg/lore-poster
man what the fuck lol
the silver lining appears to be that the charges are targeted at Garlinghouse while the charges involving Ripple the company were dropped, disclaimer i am a retarded person so this interpretation could be totally wrong
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I think it's time we start paying attention to riddles
Fuck off with your false hope.
The only things we need to pay attention to are the trial,
Ripple forming new partnerships with banks, companies, and countries;
XRP actually getting used (not tested) by international banks, countries, and companies;
and governments passing legislation to regulate crypto.
I'm sick and tired of these fucking riddles.
They make vague predictions.
And when they don't happen, the riddlers can just claim that we didn't interpret them correctly.
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Who does Number Two work for!?
what is your interpretation?
Brad's good at NLP, expert use of framing here, as always.

i wouldn't admit this in public, but since we're all frens here and i know 4chan is anonymous and my posts can't be traced to my real identity, i will admit that since beginning my own start-up i have actually watched his interviews and taken notes and then practiced imitating his style of answering questions in front of a mirror.

i also may or may not have also put two grapefruit in my pants and walked around my house to better understand what it feels like to have such huge, luscious balls.
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another friday night at the ol 4chan ranch!! live laugh love
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>huge, luscious balls.
If this is bait, then well done.
If it's not bait, then you are a fag.
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>you are a fag.
>I'm sick and tired of these fucking riddles.
>He throws bits of trash and lint from his pockets to desperate and hungry people,
>I'm tired of anons peddling false hope.
>I feel the fatigue too anon
>Looks like that's not going to happen.
>That doesn't help any of us now.
If there's a gay in this thread, it's you, brother. Sell your XRP and spend that money on a visit to an endocrinologist because you sound like you need to be on TRT.
darren moore's new video has sneed in the title. darren are you here bud
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https://www.youtube.com/live/UoRTRbphPLM?si=tfla7-JMe8DbS3lz huh i guess i have to include the tracker bullshit for the link to work? i'm not a fed i swear
Did you fingerpaint that yourself?



No, it's extremely boring.
Big things MIGHT be brewing behind the scenes.
You can make this stuff up.
When results are always sometime in the future, you can endlessly make stuff up.
When you repeat the same phrases over and over again, it's a form of brainwashing.
Which is precisely why you repeat them.
Are you autistic?
yes, it's based on a true story
new thread
new thread
new thread
we may be on 6 of 77

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