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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
Doesn't exist.
Don't exist.
It's concluded.
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BBBY Doesn't exist.
>shares were pulled to preserve NOL's

Shares Don't exist.
>shares were pulled to preserve NOL's via a pending corporate action

bankruptcy It's concluded
>chapter 11 proceedings are still ongoing and full recovery or even new cash & share disbursement to previous holders is possible
>corporate action
Corporation doesn't exist.
>cash & share disbursement to previous holders is possible
It's really not though. Even if you were still a shareholder (you're not) and there were still assets to recover (there aren't any) you still wouldn't get anything because the former company was in debt. They used all assets to pay off as much debt as possible. And now it's over. Shareholders never get anything in these scenarios.
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There's already a social credit system in place, but they haven't finished the block explorer for it yet.
Errr...gays? If the OCC paid the shorts out for max value, how will the squizzle squazzle? Are we gonna sue the DTCC?
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>Teddy buys DK-Butterfly
>Teddy buys Baby/Dream On Me
>Teddy merges Baby/DOM with DK-Butterfly
>Buy Buy Baby instant IPO with no underwriter
>DK-Butterfly shareholders get cash and BABY shares
>BABY shares paired with Teddy units
>BABY and Teddy squeeze due to 350 million+ naked shorts on DK-Butterfly needing to be closed
>Teddy dilutes into the squeeze to raise a war chest
>Teddy acquires GME
>GME shares paired with Teddy units
>GME and Teddy squeeze due to billions of naked shorts needing to be closed
>Teddy dilutes into the squeeze to raise a war chest
>Ryan Cohen buys all the stocks
I drank the tequila caterpillar and its butterfly ghost appeared to me and told me these secrets.
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>Company name for BBBYQ in its entirety is now DK-BUTTERFLY
>Not just '34/'44 bonds
>Bed Bath and Beyond Company page on Bloomberg changed to DK Butterfly as well
Silly shillies are literally on suicide watch.
This was already the name before the shares were cancelled though
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If you think that feels good wait until you try sex.
every time I hear a prominent community member go into this "forget about the squeeze" narrative I lose a bit of respect for them
Call them out by name or shut the fuck up. Who are you scared of?
chill out autist I made a wastebasket statement because there are multiple people that have done this, if I was referring to a single person I would have said so dumbass. here are a couple examples to sooth you
when Gamestop killed the most recent gamma ramp, in Richard Newton's video from that night he essentially says "if you're here for a short squeeze maybe you ought to re-evaluate your thesis". yikes
currently listening to ABC's space where he just said something similar that he cares more about the company than the squeeze. yikes
I mean I guess TECHNICALLY you could say that this play originated as a deep value play focused on the potential of the company, but realistically probably 3/4 of these investors would not be here at all if there were no squeeze potential. this whole "fuck the squeeze we love the company" narrative just comes across as fucking retarded giga copium
Thank you for being a man. Glad I could pull that out of you
It's GameStop. They're doing it for the technology.
getting uppity with me because YOU are under informed on your investment makes you look retarded. you must be a boomer
That literally made zero fucking sense.
Since when does sitting on space calls make you informed? It's literally nothing but wrong information. Let me guess you're one of Jake's cockholsters defending his name across the internet despite him never being right?
Point me to one informed twitter nigger and I will concede
we're only 20 posts in and you're already blowing your first ID?
here's an extra 20 cents, tonight's naan is on me
>get cornered and run out of talking points
>pull out the ole faithful youre a shill cope
Concession accepted.
I honestly think gamestop could afford the amc 1.44 billion market cap. They have the market to sell licensed video game collector popcorn tins, waifu body pillows with the official bed bath and beyond (or dk butterfly) logo on them, and used physical video games.

Speaking of logos, how come op never posts the beautiful bed bath and beyond / dk butterfly logo? It'd be the perfect way to get thread engagement outside of finding new dd combining amc meme power.
Is there actually a connection here? I don't see why they would care.
you're asking if jews have any incentive to maintain the current financial system and prevent retail investors from crashing it? oh my sweet summer child
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Now that's what I can a seethie weethie
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you're not gonna FUCKING BELIEVE the israeli amc connection, ryan is really (kek) going to bankrupt israel
So AMC and BBBY are related by the meme stock basket after all? I can't seem to buy BBBY. Would loading up on AMC shares help make the BBBY short squeeze larger and more violent?
The whole MOASS pay hinges on massive short positions of BBBYQ being squeezed, but because the short positions were closed when the stock was canceled, this is impossible.
This right here proves that shorts were forcefully closed. Even if you wanted to keep a short open, you couldn't because the stock was canceled. These short positions can never be reopened no matter what happens with the bankruptcy. If for some reason they find enough money to compensate class 9(they wont), that won't reopen short positions of BBBYQ. Reopening shorts of a canceled stock has never happened, and never will happen.
Sorry for your loss.
That tequila caterpillar must've been loaded with LSD and ketamine to believe any of that shit could happen.
You can't buy any BBBY until it comes back. You missed the loading bay for the rocket.
Folks…we gotta buy more. Anyone who tells us otherwise aint Christian.
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Stick to the GME thread bitch.
>You can't buy any BBBY until it comes back.
It's never coming back.
Oh but it is.
How hard will this person puke when it does in fact come back and the waterfall is fully satisfied?
I would just be fascinated that something impossible happened, it wouldn't be a problem for me, I'm not financially invested in this play.
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oh baggies
Amc still functions as a business and makes sense for a Kansas city shuffle
>1. Ryan Cohen buys into GameStop before Jan 2021.
>2. Shorts get squeezed by his large stake along with a retail following and are found to be naked short.
>3. Cohen gets appointed chairman of Gamestop.
>4. Ousts a company insider who has ties to Boston Consulting group, a group who later was caught in a legal battle with GameStop as well as one which has heavy ties to many of the financial institutions theorized to be maliciously naked shorting multiple retailers to bankruptcy. Shorts have been utilizing ETFs and Swaps to target multiple companies at once and thereby avoiding traditional securities laws.
>5. DRS movement starts with retail holders, GameStop acknowledges the movement by including DRS numbers in quarterly filings.
>6. GameStop's balance sheet starts to turn around due to the squeeze providing the company cash on hand and a shutdown of unprofitable stores.
>7. GameStop initiates a Stock Split Via Dividend (rather than a normal split), which the CTO (who was fired literally the next day) submitted to the DTCC as a normal split by "accident", which would have forced shorts to close their position (look at tesla).
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>8. Ryan Cohen writes the letter to BBBY's board after buying a large stake in the company.
>9. Ryan Cohen sells his stake to an unknown party, not on the market, then offers 400m to buy bbby in december 2022.
>10. BBBY is shorted to oblivion and is theorized to be many times over the outstanding share count short, the company even walks shorts into a trap by providing dilution rumors in the form of warrants and class A convertible shares (all which never hit the market).
>11. BBBY undergoes chapter 11 proceedings, in doing so it is revealed the value of the company in NOLs (several billion in tax breaks for a potential startup).
>12. IP is sold to Overstock, a company who has battled naked shorts before in the legal world.
>13. Legal language similar to m&a activity begins to appear in the Ch 11 bankruptcy dockets.
>14. Teddy, Ryan Cohen's company, is a financial instrument with trademarks for baby goods as well as bed and bath retail goods.
>15. GameStop releases a quarterly document with 10x the normal instances of m&a disclosures/information.
A merger or acquisition for a stock to stock deal forces all the shares to be accounted for, tallied, and distributed to their respective parties. This type of deal can be used to counter naked shorting, as it forces all shares to be located and assigned to their respective owners, not held in street name. Shares being held in street name is why there can be more shares sold short than the entire share count outstanding, if all shares are held in shareholders' names directly, this would not be possible.

Also ken griffin has a former presidential secret servicemen as a bodyguard. He is being protected because he is throwing hedgefunds and market makers (dougshit) under the bus and needs to be alive in order to do so.
>Also ken griffin has a former presidential secret servicemen as a bodyguard. He is being protected because he is throwing hedgefunds and market makers (dougshit) under the bus and needs to be alive in order to do so.
I...err...what? This isn't canon.
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"On December 9, 2021, it was announced that Cho would be retiring from the Secret Service to take a job with Citadel, billionaire Kenneth C. Griffin’s $43 billion hedge fund.[16] Cho started as Citadel LLC's deputy head of security on January 3, 2022.[7]"


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>It's gonna happen
>Expect delays though
I've been poor my whole life, who cares if I'm poor for another year or more?
If they can delay it one more year, who's to say it can't be delay another 2 or 3? Why not just delay it indefinitely? I don't know how to expect an end to this when there is no clear end to it.
How's Citadel (BCG) going to throw BCG under the bus? What evidence do you have?
I think you need to re-read that anon's post
Why not 20? Can shorts of a stock that's been canceled for 20 years be reopened in a new equity?
It is curious that a former secret service agent has a Wikipedia page.
Alright docketchads whats the scoop on remaining court dates on the schedule? Obviously neelay das 2.0 is doing their thing in July but there looks to be scheduled dates through December even. Are these hearings immaterial to any m/a proceedings or is it foolish to expect any resolution/progress while there is anything still on the schedule? I’ve also heard mentioned that GameStop has court dates with bcg in the fall and nothing will happen until that’s resolved. Between the fraud case, RCs pump n dump, the actual ch 11 process, a possible doj look into naked shorting/market making, and bcg’s gme gripe, there’s like 4 potentially more big player legal battles happening here. Seems like a lot needs to come together to be resolved still, but how much of this actually affects when the teddy man may cometh? Or at least some type of payment and/or return to trading for sharesisters?
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Remember when they said this bankruptcy was going at light speed?
Remember when they said it would have to end before end of 2023 because of taxes?
Remember when they said that we won?
Remember that time everyone was like
>Don't suck that cock anon
And then you were like
>I'm not going to suck that cock because I'm not a faggot
Me neither.
These Neelay Das style lawsuits will be coming for years, especially after the bankruptcy concludes and there is still no cash/equity for bag holders.
Oh shit for real? Should I sell my GameStop (ticker: GME) shares?
Ironic considering all he wants is his name stricken from the public records.
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we fucking won
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Hard-mineral-94 is a sleeper who is here to control narratives (teddy mods were comped from day one that /r/theppshow was nuked) and hype fatigue. Expect delays. Be prepared for the long haul.
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>Two more weeks
>2 more weeks
The funny thing is your spam posts are the most fatiguing nigger shit in this whole saga.
You need to assure me with evidence that you're not pro-hedgie about Ken "Bedpost" Griffin being any form of a benefactor.
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Part of me wants shareholders to get fucked even though I used to have XXXXX shares of this shit just because of how annoying you people are.
>buh buh buh he a shill
You can't shill for or against something that doesn't exist
Enjoy your "delays" I guess
I am extremely demoralized, therefore when we are issued new cash and equity in exchange for our shares of bbbyq that were halted due to a corporate action and to preserve the NOL's I will surely sell for any price I can get, given how bummed out I am from all the negative sentiment. I cannot fathom why someone would hold their new shares and even use the cash portion of the dividend to buy even more. If the stock happened to be cartoonishly overshorted, then this hypothetical buy pressure could be catastrophic for hedgefunds and their prime brokers.
>XXXXX shares
Just say the fucking number. I hate Reddit so much it’s unreal.
We all know your play depends on other companies. Cucks
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I seriously don't remember how many I had because it's been so long since I had them
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Notice how region-formal always posts his dd’s as pictures with writing overlayed on them to make automated archival of his posting much more difficult. He was debating the usefulness of fully booked drs, which we now know to be the way to go.

Also RC tried to buy bbby for 400 million in December 22nd 2022, and a month later one of the most prestigious software suites for M&A activity, pitchbook, listed the company as sold.
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december 2022 was a year and a half ago. why is nothing happening
>he can't into m/a arbitrage
Sad ha!
> which we now know to be the way to go
No we don’t know this faggot. Else RC and RK and the board would be DRS’d kys.
I’ve been playing the calculator game for years. I have my gme bbby and toyrf holdings memorized
>Notice how region-formal always posts his dd’s as pictures with writing overlayed on them to make automated archival of his posting much more difficult.
It's so fucking cancer to read on mobile on a browser. Reddit is completely dogshit on purpose to force you into the app
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So there was a Workout Date and a flood of orders on '44 bonds and the '27 bonds have been restructured to '24 bonds according to r/Teddy. Something happened behind the scenes.

Looking at other workout dates for Ch 11 companies reemerging, its anywhere between 0-39 days, 9 on average. If that falls through, we're going to be waiting around for about 280 days.

That concludes today's hopium shipment.
Checked and almost 2 weeks pilled
Can I just have any fucking news? I don't even care about my money cause I've been living without it for years. Just someone say fucking something. I don't care who.
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>2 more weeks

Hello. Did you know koalas sleep for 22 hours per day?
I didn't know they were such lazy bastards. Thank you for the news, anon.
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That CAT data looks incredibly damning for hedgies, the dtcc and the SEC.

I can hear margin coming in the distance. We're about to witness a perfect storm 3 year in the making.
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Its DEATHCON-1, YeBot...For hedgies.
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I'll settle for just "Death,"
I really think they were given three years as a deadline to sort it out, and instead they tried to double down.
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i need someone to update me on why the negativity is so strong when its clear that butterfly is going to happen

no one can sell, no one can buy

if you arent larping and taking part in a little schadenfraude why the fuck are u here? this is low hanging fruit. even the link marines have the opportunity to sell if they want. whats the play here guys
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w h e n
"e x p e c t d e l a y s"
Just thought it was funny that a Canadian hockey team is about to beat Dougies team after being down 3-0. Kek.
we fucking won
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Hope for the best, but expect this ~280 day average, which would put 4 months post election. It really depends on all the legal complexity they can throw into the cogs to tie things up for RC's restructuring adventures. They need you demoralized, they want you hyped so you are more likely to change your consumption patterns then when your in trouble you are more likely to sell off your gme, or otherwise make financial decisions that could be against your own best interests. Just push forward like we are in for the long haul.

shills be mad, because hedgies are sad.
hedgies want enslavement, but instead, will meet the pavement.
all in due time, just like this rhyme.
Retards leading the retards. You guys really don't know SHIT! Loud, obnoxious, wrong on every level. What the fuck even is the next cope?
You’re not getting a bbby airdrop. Pools closed.
We already won
MOASS is tomorrow
The only way I would accept losing without killing someone is if Alex and crew spent all this time filming a faggumentary bragging as if they did anything and were 1001% wrong.
Who in this thread is a fucking bot?

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Not me.
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Anyone who has ever said "we won" even once since the removal of the shares is now hexed.
Remember, only invest what you are willing to lose if I win on GME and BBBY good l I’m happy but if I lose I’ll be fine I only invested $23.00
the best investment you can make is in yourself buy a toothbrush thr comgate kind with a rubber tounge scraper and double ply toilet paper apply for a job at Walmart
Guys. WE WON. So yeah, Honk your horn big rig. We are changing the world.
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1 hour and 13 minutes 45 seconds when biggy begins his main talk.

why would biggy be "scared" to tell what he knows? Could he be accused of market manipulation? could he be fearful for hedge funds doxxing him like they did to ppseeds? biggy also said this would "probably" be the last time he comes onto the show.

My cynical instinct is to assume its just to generate hype and be dramatic. But assuming there was an actual reason what would it be? This going silent stuff, and the "idk if I should share what Ive researched and found" just seems like beating the hype drums, which even if they are acting in good faith just seems manipulative and in poor taste, UNLESS there is some legal reason or otherwise strong case as to why being ambiguous would be a good idea if your a quality DD producer.
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two more weeks!
The only thing you all win is A HEX
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Spoken like a true tranny.
>nooooo how dare you be upset at the deletion of your shares and the constant goalpost moving by retards claiming you've already won for the past 6 months
Hey I didnt do shit hex anon wtf
This is true who even is that biggy nigger? Came out the blue just in time to be the next hype fag
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>Sent from my iPhone
You lot never learn
Now that you mention, didn't stuff start going crazy in that part of the world shortly after the September bankruptcy events? Weren't the options also canceled around that time?
All his shit says that, I think he does all his work from his iPhone.
Biggy was in the bbby reddit since 2022 then disappeared when chapter 11 was announced. Hes said before he has connections to a hedgefund so not surprised hes fearing getting doxxed. Look at dfv after the world put him in court over gamestop. DUDE LOST HIS WIFE AND IS GETTING FUCKED IN THE ASS BY RYAN DILUTION COHEN.
we fvcking vvon.
Won what?
Six million dollars
Yes, he communicates with shills exclusively with his iPhone. He probably even does it in his spare time when he is off the clock or away from his computer.
This would be acceptable.
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I demand an explanation for all this "we won" posting stat
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>Pig ID
Better luck next thread
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Holy shit we fucking won!
Going dark (this just means ill reactivate my twitter in a week)

The explanation is vi von
It means that the fraud thesis is playing out
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I am not exactly sure, but there is a very high likelihood that RC is in control of Baby and the creditors are all paid off that any money from the fraud lawsuit (given that RC offered to buy the company and management opted to take us into bankruptcy instead) will lead to a payment to shareholders. It's just a matter of the CH11 suit being finalized/negotiated. I think the shareholders will make MORE money because the shorts would rather pay more money now than allow some sort of squeeze due to the retail traders knowingly holding for infinity.
>here come the silly shillies
A reminder that nothing will happen until the BCG v. Gamestop case is resolved.

None of your children's book hype, schizo hype dates, 0 for 50190 batting faggots sitting on couches, or space call faggotry will change this.

The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. v. GameStop Corporation
Assigned to: Judge Christopher J. Burke
Cause: 28:1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract

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Jury trial set for 9/16/2024-19th. Following trial dates set the week 9/23/24. Some anons think nothing happens until this is finished.
I am "some anons" im the only one talking about this here and on X.

Jury is september, probably have a decision by end of October freeing up GME's warchest, MOASS will be the october surprise. Trump will win and best believe this will not happen under his presidency
It is interesting you don’t see more people talking about this case/dates, particularly since it garnered an RC tweet back in the day. This timeline has reasonable speculative merit in my opinion but what do you mean by your last line about how trump will win but this will not happen under his presidency? Are you hypothesizing that it’ll essentially be thrown on biden right beforehand on the way out then? I have seen a loose association floated with Trump and short seller justice re djt. I can imagine a scenario where it’s essentially an economic reset button/display of justice/moral campaign for an incoming administration.
>It is interesting you don’t see more people talking about this case/dates, particularly since it garnered an RC tweet back in the day.

Bingo. This is because most information ecosystems are infested by bad actors that know their only chance for survival is if retail makes decisions against their own best interests. They are pushing waves of hype dates, then shill hard with demoralization when the hype dates that they themselves pushed are inevitably nothing-burgers. Be ready for the long haul because they can hold this shit up in the courts for quite some time. In the meantime they want you to expect moass just around the corner in the hopes that people quit their jobs and change their spending habits to increase the chance people enter into hardship and have to sell their gme shares, or will sell their new equity for any price because of needing funds for bills etc.

kek shillies we know your games.

Also I remember seeing a case brought up about a fraud payout to shareholders but only those who bought shares BEFORE bankruptcy got paid, I actually remember finding this case and it was legit and I cant imagine that would be the case here but it had me curious, does anybody have a link to that? Even if they did that the old shareholders (NOLs) will be preserved so whatever.
What this anon said.
People arent talking about it because its boring and there are few dockets to speculate around. They can't sell it
And yes my hypothesis is that the black swan event/october surprise is the market crashing. If Nvidia (enron) continues tanking this will confirm that its beginning - but it wont be quick like they want you to believe on X. We also already see the media/news hinting at the downturn. On the tails of Covid, war and a tanking economy the next president in the script has to represent a rebirth of america.
Right in time for the October surprise. I also expect this elections surprise will include something FARA related (foreign agent registration act). Too many governments have their hands in American politics and a large contingent of tptb are sick of it. Nick Lewin is big on FARA enforcement which makes me think this is decently likely.
Its finished
>only those who bought shares BEFORE bankruptcy got paid
I hope that's not the case here because unless it amounts to thousands per share that would be such a small payout it would hardly have been worth the time.
Interesting thoughts. Unless RC were using the war chest to buy something predetermined and related to dkbutterfly etc to make the teddy man cometh asap it wouldn’t make any sense for him to blow that load until the market has effectively “bottomed”. This is to say nothing about the theory that he or a potentially friendly entity like say Icahn already owns that company through bonds. If one subscribes to a controlled demolition theory of sorts, indeed the dates of this case are heavily correlated with the historical pattern of things happening in the fall and obviously the election. Sure would be a coincidence if all that cash freed up the moment a new man was set for office and the market is potentially at like a pre covid low, which would be a devastating haircut percentage wise, but if we’re all being honest here an immense amount of that growth is some unsustainable amalgamation of covid bucks/loans, speculative tech/ai/crypto slush money, and general inflation run amok. My goodness can you imagine the Christmas season/gme q4 report if this is the year teddy makes thanksgiving great again. My one contention is that it seems unrealistic for such a theoretically large company happening to spring up so relatively overnight. Maybe I’m underestimating what’s potentially in place already or the branding/visibility something like this could provide (everyone notices people getting rich). Not necessarily sure the teddy timeline is itself essential to movement on gme/butterfly though. Maybe those things happen in the fall as speculated re gme justice and butterfly restitution and then 2025 is the official metamorphosis into a Teddy situation so that normies essentially have a calendar year to get familiar with the thing before a big first holiday season eoy 25 where theoretically the economy is back on track again.
we won
it's over nine thousand
wtf are you talking about? Won what?
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court dockets for the case.

looks like a lot of the dd has been spot on over the last year and a half. hmmmmmmm

This case is the moon emoji pump and dump case, WHICH IS STILL ONGOING. The one that was dismissed the other day or whatever was the “short swing rule” case. So expect more delays and be ready to wait it out for a while.
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>expect more delays
>Given RCV'S ability to rally the Reddit crowd
Hold on.... Why not just say RC/Ryan Cohen? Who works for Ryan Cohen Ventures??? I swear if certain people have been working for RCV and corralling us like sheep lmaooo
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when the fuck is something going to happen
the constant teasing is too much
i kneel, cohen-sama
If you hold anything with the people being mentioned in these docs...you know your ngmi, right?
you know that building trust on an id, and sprinkling in your nonsense doesn't work on the crowd that comes to this website right?

see this post:
>Hit dog hollering
The ego on this indian. You think your "trust" means anything or is redeemable for something and its hilarious. Why do you still think there are "shills" if no one can do anything with shares? Get over yourself. I hope JPM wipes your account first.
see this post:
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i grow weary of this teasing
I dont know if I believe they would put that much trust in anyone - especially if they sit on Space calls all day or host streams
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the Governor is scared
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Uh oh goldbergies
Is that gove? She just didn't trust Ryan Cohen based on no evidence but her womanly feelings? At the same time she was in discussions with jpm about Ryan Cohen and the stock price?
Hedgies on ledgies.

You hate when I say this because it's true, it's pre-ordained.

Your deaths will be glorious. Rest assured I'll have a front row seat.
at this point im convinced ryan kept her around, because shes retarded and she walked into his trap lmao
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I wonder if Sue Gove liked orange is the new black.

Everywhere across wallstreet it's about to be red is the new sidewalk.

Get fucked you maggots.
Checked and kekked.
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>settlement cash payout from JPM
I'm lovin' it!
kek dumbfuck morganies
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I can't wait to go up and down wallstreet with an EVP detector, i'm going to ask these fuckers in the afterlife the hard hitting questions.

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Holy fuck it has to be demoralizing being a hedgie right now. Imagine watching your empire you've built from a life of crime wash away because some damn kids bought shares in a brick and morter video game retailer and a towel, bed sheets, and pots and pans store. And your little game has always worked because running hit pieces in the news and hiring paid stock bashers always convinced people to sell in times past....... until covid showed up, wallstreet got too greedy, and a bunch of retards will buy at any price, and are never selling.

What a time to be alive.
Some anon posted this 2 months ago and 1 week later biz did that email verification thing. Was the anon an insider?
this is insane. INSANE.
>get Sue Gove in as CEO
>the "please commit some more crimes" alleyoop
>crimes are committed
>now they're completely caught
in addition to
>make shorts think TSO was higher than it really was because of HBC
>shorts bury themselves even more
>surprise! the TSO didn't actually raise from the HBC deal
makes it very clear that Ryan is going for the fucking THROAT. it's OVER.
film directors couldn't make this shit up if they tried. this is going to be the craziest finance movie ever. The Big Short ain't shit.
I had 5009 shares holy shiiiiit
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>$150 per share
That seems outrageously high. Think of all the people with a cost basis below 50 cents. I'd be a millionaire at $150 per share. Seems way too good to be true.
Unlimited free money via systemic naked short selling wasn't too good to be true for SHF. Fuck em. If they don't want to settle they can let it squeeze. There is a reason seafood begged Gary to kill this ticker.
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I'll believe it when I see it. Until then I will continue to be pessimistic.
It is wise for you to temper your expectations. I was only pointing out that the entire situation is outrageous.
This is wild. I always figured there was something fishy about the HBC deal. They had the convertibles and the price just barcoded below the $1 threshold or whatever and it kept tanking. They then adjusted the terms of the bonds and adusted that threshhold and the shorts slammed the price EVEN LOWER.
I never believed it was actually getting diluted although it did look like we were getting dunked on.
And then we find the smoking gun: JPM had loaned BBBY money and then you find out they had a "TEAM" and were discussing the short interest concerned about the potential for a squeeze. RC offering a turnaround and the board opting to go to bankruptcy rather than accept the $400M.
JPM is going to get fucked in the ass.
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Checked. Don't forget about the share buyback money that could have been used for... literally anything else (rent, loan payments, etc.). As a wise man once said:
>Companies that buy back shares usually don't go bankrupt
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Hard-Mineral-94 Has been “building….trust?” And now wants people to delay shit further.


If RC’s plan was contingent on retail individually dropping 5-6 figures on legal representation to sue a plan administrator whos only job was to liquidate the company then we were fucked from the start.

RC’s plan is in motion, everything will be fine, hedgies are sweating and want a Neelay das family reunion.
Is there a way to request a check for the payout? I want to frame it
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kek spam reddit fud from literal whoies
kek faggots with reddit accounties

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>checks dates
Yup, I’m thinking it’s based.
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It actually all makes sense. Anyone remember February 6th when BBBY ran 125% in a single day.That is when the barcode took over and the price was forcefully walked down to pennies.
This was absolute desperate panic by the shorts. RC came sniffing around in the middle of their plan to sabotage BBBY and they freaked the ever living fuck out because it was gaining traction. They were so far along with Tritton destroying the financials, the expensive shitty inventory, the buybacks that their short interest was probably piling up to absurd levels. I think their algos started trading on the news reports of HBC's convertible bonds and they ran away with the bait unwittingly. I bet these people happily settle out of court, although this should go to a criminal court and this whole cabal should be put in jail and removed from the capital markets. JPM should also probably lose their access to the capital markets if they do not first make this right by shareholders and disavow the saboteur.
>jp morgan straight up dictating BBBY board what to respond to cohen with
they are going to get unbelievably fucked
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Well of course. Everyone knows that a corporate board is obligated to act in the best interest of creditors and not shareholders during insolvency. This indicates that, as of the writing of these emails, the board was already acting as if bankruptcy was unavoidable. You might say they were "banking" on it. Huehuehue

What is the cut off date to qualify for fraud payments? I bought at .08 :(
Even $150 a share isn't much if the cutoff is the bankruptcy filing. I think most people dropped a few grand on the side quest though some of the turbospergs on preddit put in 6 figures.
I don't believe for a second that you actually managed to catch the falling "cancellation" knife, but if you did, I think you should get paid in full. They deserve no quarter. I averaged down all the way through BK. I can't think of a place where I would find it appropriate for them to split the hairs on my stack. They should have let it squeeze. Fraud vitiates everything.
that would be over 6 million for me because I got in around the bottom Half of that would go to GME shares. so 150 is plenty

Ive posted my screenshots many times. There's also many anons that go in around .110 and .08 if you check the archives. This is the only stock I have timed correctly and it was pure luck. Thats why I dont swing GME
I definitely did, went from around 5k shares to 25k.

Fraud effects everything these fucks did, it's gonna get interesting for sure.
Do you got the link to the entire filing? I don't see this one on Kroll. This is fucking insane and confirms why we we're getting shilled so hard in these when this was going down.
>this is how a person who did an interview saying that company is on a road to net zero cash flow right before filling a bankruptcy and issuing A FUCKING PUBLIC STATEMENT WITH HER PHOTO AND TRANSCRIPT OF THE INTERVIEW talks when being questioned
this bitch will be the fall guy, she's getting unironically locked up
i have no idea how they found this
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6 million? You just made that up.

I think I'd end up with a couple of million if the cutoff is the trading halt or a couple hundred thousand if the cutoff was the bankruptcy filing. All of that would go to GME shares.

>She got the glass cliff
>Gustavo got the glass window
I think they'll just pay out to avoid any kind of further investigation, if they dig into the actual trades and dates they're going to find even more fraud with the share count etc, so easier for them to just take the hit and pay out everyone regardless.
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Thank you kind sir.
doing basic multiplication of the proposed $150 against my holdings of 61833 is not making anything up. I left out some for taxes. I also have many shares in an HSA and roth that I dont count
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The closest precedence for this is the Enron case. Im hoping for the best but expecting to be kiked by the many jews and jewish institutions that are involved in this case.
page 168 in the doc
>government investigation of the company
RC's got the smoking gun!

"Smart money," sure is fucking stupid.
based ryan aggressively fighting for retail vs institutional investors
>Ryan didn't want them to do anything dilutive to the shareholders
>dilutes gme holders
top kek, but yeah, he was baiting them into another buyback to push him over insider limit for sure lmao
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So with all of this damning evidence, when is something actually going to happen now? I should hope this isn't going to drag on for another fucking year.
board was unironically reading wallstreetbets and kekking popcorn niggers
You had 61833 shares before the company filed for bankruptcy?
No? Read
>I got in around the bottom
>What is the cut off date to qualify for fraud payments? I bought at .08 :(

This is the most damning page
oh youre right I didnt reach after "isnt much".
There are a few people on X that have a 40,000 cost basis prior to bankruptcy. Most of them stopped posting though
I don't think it'll be long now, it looks like they already have all the evidence they need.

JPM and the other parties involved will most likely move to settle, which will be a big payout for everyone involved. maybe this was the plan the whole time? Moass can't commence till bbby chads are made whole?
>retail might be trying to fight the short position
kek dumbfuck jpniggers
I just realized I bought 10 days before bankruptcy.
JPM and shorts fell into a trap hole made by Ryan Cohen.
>gustavo concerned about jpm involvement
>"throws himself" off the roof
do morganies really
Checked. That ABC guy had like 100k shares before bankruptcy if I remember correctly.

They better run it before I get paid because I got a fever and the only prescription is more GME shares.
Interesting, wonder how much naked shorting there was with Enron though.
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Damn I just checked I had like 250 shares before bankruptcy, bought most of my shares under 10 cents just stupid fucking luck and pushed myself to just about 10,000. So I won’t get much cash payout if bankruptcy is the cutoff date, but if nols are preserved and a carved out happens and shareholders are given new equity then that’s what really matters.
The plan for me has always been to flip bbby into GME.

I'm prediciting we get a settlement, and equity for our trouble.
mongol gang rise up
But if bbby comes back and squeezes with the original short interest, we're in for two moass's.
What date was the bankruptcy again?
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remember how Ryan likes to under promise and overdeliver?

I'm salivating right now.
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>He didn't fly so good
Equity is what im interested in. Any payout for me would have gone to GME. Technically, bbby should also return to the stock market if fraud reverses everything. The plan admin just sent out letters basically requesting refunds
>April 23 2023
Delisting from NASDAQ
>May 3 2023
Shares extinguished
>September 22 2023
people are giving goldberg way too much shit, he's only privy to the liquidation. which is only the first part of the plan.

I believe RC has been keeping everyone involved purposefully in the dark to prevent leaks. this is getting so spicy, basically everything we thought was going on was real and true.

And we were massively gas lighted over it.
Thanks anon
Even if he knew anything he wouldn't be able to say it. Expecting to be informed before an official anouncement is just retarded.
Holy fucking shit anons these transcripts are spilling the beans on these maderchodes. I’ve been buying since 2022 though I don’t know how id even check when my shares were bought exactly since it’s all in the great Beyond at the moment. What do you make of what really happened to gus in light of all this? Id been hoping wp but if he realized what he’d walked into and it’s as bad as it seems then yeah maybe it just happened. I wonder what will come of the Govenator
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Jeeezus, Gustavo Arnal 2 days before his "suicide." transferred over interest of BBBY to JPM
Your broker should have transaction history.
Didnt someone crazy like kais request his death records from the coroners office and they were denied?
What’re the theoretical implications
Not sure but I do recall something like that. Really curious what Kais role in all this was and if it was organic
biggysmallzzz deleted his account wtf
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The implication was and is that JPM is on the hook for this with HBC coming in close second. JPM and HBC are now trying to put it off on RC via the frivolous p&d case to take the heat off of them. The RC P&D case led to discovery and JPM and whoever is insuring all of this is about to fold
They had to know that the P&D case would lead to discovery.
>got my post screenshotted and tweeted to the PP X group by buttfags alt account
am I a celebrity now?
wtf my post got screenshot as well. please fuck off twitter people.
finally some good entertainment from you bbby schizos

I can´t beleive i´m actually routing for you
Via IEX?
seems like Cohen sold his position to 7 private investors, one could say that this was seven for one, one for seven type of situation
How many people were involved in dragonfly?
Wall Street has been getting away with this for years. They knew this was possible but thought it to be unlikely as they’ve never been challenged
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Yea and the discovery can lead to some control over timing.

>delay request for medical appointment
>delay request because my loved one died
>going the long route on every possible legal procedure imaginable

They are probably recalibrating their positions in the meanwhile and they know the fraud payout and short squeeze is going to either be bailed out or they will make their difference shorting the market. Remember they play the same game with other stocks/etfs/bonds/options. There are probably enough shares circulating for major market indexes(including etfs) to make it like a 5:1 ratio of what should exist at least, and when the system is finally ready to let the bottom fall out alll those naked positions are in the money because the pensions/401ks/retirement funds on the other side will be forced to sell sue to hardship and macro economic conditions, meanwhile jimmy and Bobby holders make out like bandits.
The other side of this trade has to be Nvidia. I don’t see any other way
I predict that he is in witness protection.
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Damn hard-mineral-94 seems like “they” have an unbelievable amount of time to read hundreds of pages and make the top of /r/teddy for the past month now. Remember that there are plants and sleepers amongst us everywhere and a lot of those will be waking up as we inch closer to some kind of resolution.
He was talking about MMTLP and how the DTCC can just chill and freeze GME until the end of time, like they did with MMTLP.
No they can’t, mmtlp is still a big deal but the company went private. Gme is still publicly traded and is now so loaded with cash the shorts will have to unwind somehow or lose more and more money containing the position.
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She’s rolling that rock… just like some sissyshillies I know.
Genuinely hope so (not being a fag)
I think im going to text Ben's number my rear glute spread
Then what did they scrape up off the pavement below his office? A homeless cadaver?
Somebody post the oddly whole body bag news picture of a person who theoretically splatted over 20 stories
>it was staged
>(not being a fag)
>proceeds to be a faggot
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I pointed this out when the news broke. I'm no doctor, but if you're going to hit the fucking pavement at 20 stories, I feel, at the very least, your head would explode into paste because it will very quickly impact the floor after you. You would likely see muscle separation that leads to a "pancaking" of the affected areas, limbs being contorted in impossible ways, and possibly even complete dismemberment. But you look at this photo and it looks like a perfect prop of a human body zipped up in a cadaver bag. It makes no sense to me how someone could plummet 20 stories onto solid concrete and maintain a profile that looks so unharmed.

I've always thought Arnal was placed in witness protection simply because he had no reason to jump, at least outwardly speaking. He profited off his positions, and I think the last thing he did was sign control over from JPM in the BBBY case. I might be mistaken there, so someone correct me.
Adding onto this, it looks like this was the last communication regarding Arnal prior to his suicide.
What's up with people saying you only get the fraud settlement money if you bought pre-bankruptcy? Would suck since it is only 1/3 of my shares, but as long as we get new equitiy it won't matter too much
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The new information is really spicy
was she planning to assassinate Ryan kek
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First Gustavo then Ryan. Ryan's tyrany of offing c-suites will never end.
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So considering how damning all this evidence, JPM has no reason to try and fight this and would look to quickly settle, right? Isn't that what these big institutions do when they get caught red handed? Quickly settle and payout so they can move on from it? What's the next step here and realistically how long would this take?
Approximately 14 days
He has two roastie daughters. If no one has found their social media then witness protection it is
Smartest post in this thread
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Since rc tried buying bbby in December 2022, wouldn’t the board legally have to inform shareholders of that? Why did we find out that info from a random deposition docket for a lawsuit? Ask what does the SI mean in bbby vs SI?
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BBBondchads... were we right all along?
why would "they" prevent buying (not selling) of ONLY the 2024 bonds (the first in line to be paid in full)?
if only somebody itt had explained the implications of the 2024 bonds rather than fudding 'muh AI ginger' like the rest of the faggots itt
if only somebody here had warned us literal months before the 2024 bonds got 'pool's closed' and literal months before fat retard pulte rubbed his two braincels together after king k literally spelled it out for him at his room temperature IQ level of comprehension
if only bros...
maybe next time somebody itt will warn us
That email was from '22, Pulte only jumped on the bond bandwagon this year, and it was never really much of a conversation until the equity deals were offered. Jake wrote one of the shittiest letters I've ever read gloating about how he owned most of the '24 bonds and how he wanted to convert them to new bonds with clauses entirely pulled out of his ass. I'm not sure if he would be considered retail by the board, but I am certain that neither the company nor RC want him to come out of this whole, and are likely trying to figure out a way to void them. For what it's worth, Pulte was shilling for the other bonds, not the '24 ones.
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>bro actually the 2024 bonds specifically will be le voided uhhh somehow
>the 34 and 44 bonds will be paid in full though
>and also even shareholders will get cash + new equity
>but JUST the 2024 bonds will be voided because reddit decided it doesn't like le bad digital ginger
>that's why literally every retail brokerage won't let you buy ONLY the 2024 bonds now
>they just really, really care about you and don't want you to lose money
...holy fucking kek do baggots really?
He didnt shill for those bonds for any particular reason outside of time. I remember him specifically saying he didnt buy the 24's because he wanted enough time for the courts to resolve. There is also still zero proof of his position in anything. Pulte is also a fucking faggot and I hate that he has attached himself to this community
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>"I remember him specifically saying he didnt buy the 24's because he wanted enough time for the courts to resolve"
>mfw fat retard pulte thinks the 2024 bond debt just magically disappears in august when the due date arrives
I think the logic was shareholder rights expire not that the debt disappears. It was the space call where he was trying to pass off the cigar picture as the moment he decided to buy bonds.
Few questions: 1) Would the money from the fraud/settlement count as capital gains? 2) Do you get the cash into your broker account or bank? 3) Do you get paid automatically or have to request it?
>2024 bonds
>shareholder rights expire
nigger what?
redditors itt really just be putting random words together and calling it a sentence now

Yes. Be safe and set aside half. Even safer would be to hire a tax accountant.

Idk for the other two but my guess is it goes to the account that held the shares. If it were a class action you would have to agree to participate.
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Hey you taint connissour. I specifically said I am recounting what he said on the space call. If it sounds like bullshit its because its pulte. Pic rel is a display of his stupidity and ego - a press release released by him talking and quoting himself in third person
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>citing fat retard pulte
>seethes when i laugh at him for doing this
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checked and referencing my previous post because we are coming up on the 300 post bump limit for the thread, and also being monday any decent conversation is going to be drowned out by paid stock bashers because passerbys tend to view the beginning of a thread and the end, so they want to construct an overton window and try to dictate the sentiment people will glean in the early and later parts of threads.
Trying to kek on bond chads making it is such a strange angle to take that I don't even know if you're a paid stockbasher or just autistic.

Bonds will be made whole via a debt to equity swap, there is no cash to pay them in full. Bondholders being made whole easily paves way for previous shareholders to be made whole. In a typical bankruptcy, previous shareholders are wiped out because there's no reason for creditors of the company to share equity with them which takes away equity from themselves. Luckily, there is incentive to do so in BBBY's case if they wish to make use of the billions of dollars in NOLs.
>Creditors and historic shareholders of the old loss company must own at least 50% of the stock (vote and value) of the reorganized company. If former shareholders are completely wiped out, and only creditors receive equity, the company would not meet the 382(l)(5) qualifications

Previous shareholders being made whole also revived the previous shorts which is well in excess of 100%.

This is why they were willing to kill the CFO and tried to arrange RC's demise. BBBY coming back is going to blow the short basket up and trigger a double MOASS.
My personal theory is that it will be shown that Jake also held a short position and was leveraging the company in bad faith. It's clear you have a vested interest in the '24 bond holders getting made whole, and I have no idea if that will be the case or not, but my gut says Jake is getting fucked.
Hedgies on ledgies. It's amusing they thought they could get away with this when it's clear the DOJ is involved and this is a RICO.

I don't think paid stock bashers are safe either.
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>shareholders to be made whole
how the fuck is a shareholder "made whole" faggot
does the shadow chairman debt saviour log onto everyone's brokerage account to check their cost basis on the shares and reimburse them for the amount they lost?
show me one single bankruptcy case where equity holders were brought back from the dead via a debt to equity swap, it's not possible at this stage, the shares are gone
i'll eagerly wait for your single example that shows precedence of this ever happening
even IF this were still an option a debt equity swap would pound pre-bankruptcy shareholders into the fucking dust
a debt equity swap is literally dilution on fucking steroids
go back to r*ddit you fucking nigger
>My personal theory
stopped reading here sorry bro
Alright we're definitely dealing with a paid stockbasher. Since you're such a lying faggot I'll break it down for you.
>everyone's brokerage account to check their cost basis on the shares and reimburse them for the amount they lost?
All shareholders were recorded on a ledger and will receive new equity in the new emerging entity from chapter 11. Cost basis only matters for tax purposes
which your brokerage will have.
>show me one single bankruptcy case where equity holders were brought back from the dead via a debt to equity swap, it's not possible at this stage, the shares are gone
I never said that, why are you lying? Creditors (bonds) will receive a debt for equity swap to satisfy their class and this is an extremely common scenario when there is no cash to pay them.
>even IF this were still an option a debt equity swap would pound pre-bankruptcy shareholders into the fucking dust
Again why are you lying about what I said faggot
>debt equity swap is literally dilution on fucking steroids
I'll just repeat this while I nut down your throat.
>Creditors and historic shareholders of the old loss company must own at least 50% of the stock (vote and value) of the reorganized company. If former shareholders are completely wiped out, and only creditors receive equity, the company would not meet the 382(l)(5) qualification

You can larp as aggressively all you want. Nobody believes a paid stock basher.
No one can buy or sell. As soon as I remember this I stop responding to faggots. Youve lost
Damn i hope you use the money they pay you to be here to buy shares of gme at least.
Discussion stopped months ago when it was clear we won. So i also dont give a fuck about what people "glean" from the threads because again, they cannot buy or sell.

This is literally a waiting room not a lecture hall
Good. Drag them to jail. Beware silly shillies!
hey its our favorite:

see this post buddy:

I already linked it to you earlier in the thread but you never responded, you are obviously a bad actor here to cause chaos by play good id/bad id.

also see this post explaining what incentive there is for paid stock bashers to still be here:

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Hey its balding, gap-mouth Kory:

A LITERAL faggot (not a euphemism - he sucks cock in real life)

Be sure to update your spreadsheet and talk to yourself on X as you've done since being ostracized from the community and ignored (similar to your experience in this thread)
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Can you just go and play in traffic please?

What an annoying little faggot you are.
ahhh I love it, I have called out your tactics directly and you get butt-fucking-mad.

This fed news of the hack is incredibly interesting.

Russia doesn't need to tell us we're in a completely fraudulent system tho, most of us know that already.

But this might do something to change the overall publics view of these fucking vultures.

name the klke and watch him recoil
How does it feel to look like that and know that moass wont help you?
You are now derailing the thread to make it about you
As soon as I saw the number "33" referenced I knew it was planned. We are still watching a movie. The flexport guy's black swan tweet was interesting too
There's no fucking thing as coincidences that's for sure.
>you are obviously a bad actor here to cause chaos by play good id/bad id

Ok so I'm not the only one who noticed his schizophrenic behavior lmfao
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These fuckers manage the macroeconomic flow of trillions of dollars and they "closed their positions" in STOCKS because they felt bad because it was a conflict of interest back in later 2021.




How can the individuals who manage the flow of trillions of dollars be allowed to trade directly? Allowing them indirect access to markets via a retirement account or something is ok, but even ETF trading can be gamed because they can probably cause effects for entire industries/sectors of the macroeconomy.
Do you think we cant see that you type the exact same reddit-esque way as your other ID?
Do you think we cant see that your two IDs ONLY talk about "stock bashers"?
Do you think we cant see that you are in fact the only one derailing?

Kill yourself Kory. If twitter fags didnt fall for your larp what makes you think it would work here?
And then when things don't go their way, they hire paid killers to take care of the problem and make it look like a suicide.

yeah this shit needs to end, thank god for Ryan Cohen and everyone else that wants a light at the end of this tunnel.
Hey look, it's this fag again. You sound french, but I know you're not.
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SHF best employee
and boeing, ufo whistleblowers, shit this type of destructive nature goes all the way back to the dawn of time.

There's always gonna be corruption, but god damn does it look like we might all be a major speed bump here.
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take note of the post history of:

its literally scitzo rambling trying to drown out conversation and construct an overton window to make sentiment gaugers who happen upon these threads think its all a bunch of nonsense. The strategy here is making posts that seems to support the current happenings of RC/BBBy/gme and also are against it all followed up by ambigous nonsense strewn about in a flurry of shit.

Don't believe me?
look at this poster throughout this thread.
42PBTID accusing me of ID hopping kek
You have three IDs in this thread and are doing exactly what you are accusing me of
Whenever I breach the following topics you begin slinging shit and derailing the thread:
> Gustavo Arnal
>Fraud settlement
>Smeering your plant Pulte
Youve done nothing but accuse people of being stock bashers in the past 30 threads, but that literally all you talk about across your IDs. I cannot stand fucking kikes
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greentext will be our resident shill:

>Call them out by name or shut the fuck up. Who are you scared of?
this is him responding to:
"every time I hear a prominent community member go into this "forget about the squeeze" narrative I lose a bit of respect for them"

>Let me guess you're one of Jake's cockholsters defending his name across the internet despite him never being right?
Jake is easily one of the smartest people who has been writing DD, and it being in the process of coming to fruition is not the same as being outright WRONG, time will tell and things are progressing interestingly.

our shill resident is also anti drs, and it makes him very upset, keith has a llc business account with etrade, he can maintain direct ownership similar to how a family office scenario works:
>No we don’t know this faggot. Else RC and RK and the board would be DRS’d kys.

he is pretending to be a holder, while also talking about toyrf which was naked shorted but very very very loosely related here and trying to derail:
>I’ve been playing the calculator game for years. I have my gme bbby and toyrf holdings memorized

The many who helped RC build chewy, who also sits on the gme board, went onto theppshow, whos host has been doxxed alot and regardless of what you think of him hosts a podcast that has discussions on important topics:
>The only way I would accept losing without killing someone is if Alex and crew spent all this time filming a faggumentary bragging as if they did anything and were 1001% wrong.

he is trying to divide and conquer:
>Holy shit we fucking won! Going dark (this just means ill reactivate my twitter in a week) WAGMI

now hes back to posting things that are actually relevant:
>A reminder that nothing will happen until the BCG v. Gamestop case is resolved.

do I even need to elaborate this one?:
>If you hold anything with the people being mentioned in these docs...you know your ngmi, right?

This one is clearly a bad actor.
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>Jake is easily one of the smartest people
concession accepted. Not reading the rest. This also 100% confirms you to be Kory.

I think MJL was dismissed today
>immediately backs up his other ID

Fags out on 3Kj/IXTj) sucks himself off on 0jazBfPw waits and sucks both off on bkIALY1F
Is that you apophenia anon? I've missed you. Please call me Kieth; it's been too long.
get called out and fallback on the "no you" defense
he did even bother to switch IDs after I called him out at the beginning of the thread 5 days ago

holy fuck this id doesn't even need any analysis, you can scroll through all 20 of his posts and know exactly what he is.
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I'm a salty and impatient fuck, that should be crystal clear by now. As long as this shit continues to drag on and dickheads continue to say "we won", I WILL continue to complain.
Is this gorillameat1? Just go join your friend already.
If a 42pbtid was also id hopping, it would literally be the entire thread.
BBBY Canada officially dead
why is that significant
Notice he stopped posting at bump limit. Someone doesn't want bbby being talked about at the top of the catalogue.
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I tedded a bake:

Witnessed and thank you fren

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