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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

I wonder what shareholders even launched this delay tactic?

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day.
>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

last time on bbby:
I'm starting to think the fraud allegations are SLAM DUNK and may even lead to a criminal investigation regarding Gustavo's "suicide". Whatever is being uncovered here is going to be a massive conspiracy.
Here’s hoping that you’re right but gus is wp
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Bless the baker!
I don't care if the CFO is dead or under witness protection but when you're involved in a multi billion dollar criminal ring and start displaying signs of cold feet do you really think they're going to let you walk away and potentially flip?

I'm 95% leaning towards they killed him and 5% chance he's still alive. Can't say I'm familiar with how witness protection works other than being in a safehouse that's guarded and monitored, but would they fake your death?

BBBY board emails imply they knew he needed to be "dealt" with and even tried to arrange a face to face meeting with Ryan Cohen to which has never been done for any investor before. No wonder he's wearing bullet proof vests and has a clearly ex military personal bodyguard.
>all the cancelled shareniggers seething at BBBondchad in the last thread
kek midwitties
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Plan Admin says you still aren't getting shit.
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Posting the plan administrator's response to MJL trying to further delay the court proceedings lmao

We already knew previous shareholders are gone you faggots. Until creditors (bondholders) are made whole it is impossible to bring back issue new equity to previous shareholders. This response changes nothing.
I know it's (you)

Trying to kek on bond chads making it is such a strange angle to take that I don't even know if you're a paid stockbasher or just autistic.

Bonds will be made whole via a debt to equity swap, there is no cash to pay them in full. Bondholders being made whole easily paves way for previous shareholders to be made whole. In a typical bankruptcy, previous shareholders are wiped out because there's no reason for creditors of the company to share equity with them which takes away equity from themselves. Luckily, there is incentive to do so in BBBY's case if they wish to make use of the billions of dollars in NOLs.
>Creditors and historic shareholders of the old loss company must own at least 50% of the stock (vote and value) of the reorganized company. If former shareholders are completely wiped out, and only creditors receive equity, the company would not meet the 382(l)(5) qualifications

Previous shareholders being made whole also revived the previous shorts which is well in excess of 100%.

This is why they were willing to kill the CFO and tried to arrange RC's demise. BBBY coming back is going to blow the short basket up and trigger a double MOASS.
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>shareholders to be made whole
how the fuck is a shareholder "made whole" faggot
does the shadow chairman debt saviour log onto everyone's brokerage account to check their cost basis on the shares and reimburse them for the amount they lost?
show me one single bankruptcy case where equity holders were brought back from the dead via a debt to equity swap, it's not possible at this stage, the shares are gone
i'll eagerly wait for your single example that shows precedence of this ever happening
even IF this were still an option a debt equity swap would pound pre-bankruptcy shareholders into the fucking dust
a debt equity swap is literally dilution on fucking steroids
go back to r*ddit you fucking nigger
I fucking love you shills. You make it so easy. The latest dockets are literally regarding the appointments for a committee of equity security holders. Fuckin lel.
how does this thread still exist
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I have analysed their behaviour, these "babybaggies" and constructed a flow chart based on their translated gutteral chants. However, they still claim shorts paid in full can be "re-opened". Truly illogical.
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Your are misunderstanding, shorts were never closed, the point of an attempted cellarbox is to never close the shorts, so you never have to pay taxes, and the position remains open forever and can be leveraged for margin loans from hedgies prime brokers. That is why the "expert market" was created in Q3 2021, because thousands upon thousands of naked shorted stocks are potential timebombs if retail dog piled in and an altruistic business person bought up their remains and distributed equity/cash, so they warehoused them to protect the system.

In bbby's case the shares were removed due to a pending corporate action and to stop changes in ownership in order to preserve the NOL's.

So as a matter of fact "shorts will be reopened" is incorrect, as chapter 11 is still progressing it is that case that shorts haven't yet closed. As the baker I would like to thank you for participating in intellectually stimulating conversation that is in good faith, and respectful, thank you so much.
It appears one of the Babybaggies is exerting itself excessively to present a form of "proto-cognition", however it refuses to memorize and acknowledge rudimentary facts. Fascinating behaviour.
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Hedgies on ledgies, you faggots can join them.
I think the shills are worried that BBBY shareholders will get their shares back. The only reason they continue to FUD a supposedly dead stock is that there is probably a scenario where we get to choose our own fate. They want us to get our shares and then sell them for cheap when we could be sitting on a second MOASS sized short squeeze. The demoralization campaign is so you are happy getting $27 or $45 when the equity you receive in Teddy is going to hit Berkshire Hathaway level prices.
This is all pretty obvious at this point. The play ain't over until CH11 is all wrapped up along with the fraud lawsuit. It's honestly looking promising and the shills till losing their minds is icing on the cake.
Shorts can never be "cancelled" in the event that any sort of disbursement is made to the shareholders, the very nature of there being more longs than shares outstanding proves the point.
If new equity is given to the longs, then anyone shorting will receive a short position in the new equity and be forced to close. I have long suspected that anyone who was short BBBY when the shares were removed by court order will soon find their margin accounts liquidated some random morning. Not closing out your short position on your own was probably the biggest mistake anyone could have possibly made. You will be the last to know and the first to be liquidated.
I often strike a nerve pointing this out and even suggest anyone who is short BBBY to go ahead and close out all of your remaining positions and move everything in to a cash account with a different broker. It may buy you some time before the broker sends a team of lawyers after you to recoup the losses you incurred.
BBBY was dangerously crowded trade both on the long and the short side. So if/when this thing snaps it will have many people carried off in body bags.
the final cope in this general is always
>you wouldn't be here laughing at me if i was wrong
i guess that means the xrp schizos, linkoids, icy piss, and lunnigers are all gonna wagmi
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>I think the shills are worried that BBBY shareholders will get their shares back. The only reason they continue to FUD a supposedly dead stock is that there is probably a scenario where we get to choose our own fate. They want us to get our shares and then sell them for cheap when we could be sitting on a second MOASS sized short squeeze. The demoralization campaign is so you are happy getting $27 or $45 when the equity you receive in Teddy is going to hit Berkshire Hathaway level prices.
>This is all pretty obvious at this point. The play ain't over until CH11 is all wrapped up along with the fraud lawsuit. It's honestly looking promising and the shills till losing their minds is icing on the cake.
>Shorts can never be "cancelled" in the event that any sort of disbursement is made to the shareholders, the very nature of there being more longs than shares outstanding proves the point.
>If new equity is given to the longs, then anyone shorting will receive a short position in the new equity and be forced to close. I have long suspected that anyone who was short BBBY when the shares were removed by court order will soon find their margin accounts liquidated some random morning. Not closing out your short position on your own was probably the biggest mistake anyone could have possibly made. You will be the last to know and the first to be liquidated.
>I often strike a nerve pointing this out and even suggest anyone who is short BBBY to go ahead and close out all of your remaining positions and move everything in to a cash account with a different broker. It may buy you some time before the broker sends a team of lawyers after you to recoup the losses you incurred.
>BBBY was dangerously crowded trade both on the long and the short side. So if/when this thing snaps it will have many people carried off in body bags.
some people have their thinking cap on a little too tight
We shall see
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I want money now
we fvcking vvon.
we won fellas. i've been saying it for 6 years.
we won
gameshire bathaway
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People are getting hit with NDA's left right and center, GAMESHIRE BATHAWAY NIGGAS.
hard-mineral-94 is a sleeper cell agent after all.
His post about mmtlp. https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/comments/1dlyg3c/desperate_plea_to_teddy_community_regarding_mmtlp/?sort=confidence

Sec news today about mmtlp.
Fellas, how many child sacrifices has ted cohen attended?
Fucking kek
This actually makes a lot of sense. It also makes some of the stuff going on with gme make more sense too. RC has to be absolutely beyond reproach, or they'll just pin the fraud to him like they are with those guys.
The bit where they asked RC for an in-person meeting days before arnal volunteered himself into the pavement basically proves something fucked up is happening.
I think MMTLP is a big deal and unfortunately too small and can be swept under the rug. The shorts received pushback and they blew up and the regulators had to step in.

I think a picture is starting to form here. I think we just bumped into an "invisible fence" erected by the elite whose job it is to contain equities at a reasonable level as almost all of the liquidity sloshing around will end up parking in the stock market. When that "control" is broken via someone FORCING the shorts to close we suddenly find comically risky/large positions literally creating "infinity pools". The elite are almost in a desperate bid to steal as much as they possibly can. And when we sniff them out the Rothschilds show up to shut off buy buttons, and the Rothschilds probably told Finra to shut down MMTLP too.
The literal final boss is like, one dungeon room away.
Superstonk immediately shutting down discussion on the CEO of Apex, Tricia Rothschild, said alot
Ghislaine Maxwell being the #1 karma whore, a literal Mossad agent who was Jeffrey Epstein's handler also says a lot.
I think the censorship of Tricia Rothschild being the person who had the POWER to step in and turn off the buy button in the middle of trading hours of the global-financial system and have the whole internet step in to shut down discussion is tantamount to seeing a literal SkinWalker walk through the bankground of a live news segment.
The magnitude of it is lost on people, to be honest.
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Should I expect extensive court battles spanning multiple years for this to reach any sort of resolution?
Yeah maybe, or maybe tomorrow
Board testimonies implicate JPM. Expect an extremely fast settlement to avoid discovery.
>RK is on his alt account hosting a space titled "zen"
>he's playing the audio of an Alan Watts speech
genuine unironic sell signal
Post link. Sounds comfy.
it's over already
watts is reddit tier atheistic midwit slop
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Expect a lot of delays. They want you to be going through cycles of hype and then demoralization to try and convince you to make financial decisions against your own best interest. They want you to quit your job and start spending like a payout is just around the corner, then when you are in hardship, to sell your gme.

Hope that this all resolves soon, but don’t plan for it.
He wouldn't know anyway, lol.
Holyyyy shit
Ryan didnt get dumped by his girlfriend.
She got murdered along with his dog.
if we don't hear something by the 1st I'm going back to college
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Now that JPM is scared and will want to settle asap, how long until I have that sweet fraud money in my account?
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God, I want my instant gratification NOW. The only thing that can even stimulate my dopamine receptors is an instantaneous multimillion dollar deposit from JPM themselves. However, I will be very patient for my equity, since that's the big fish. I have no issue waiting, as my fraud settlement will allow me more than enough capital to liberally creampie big city whores, slowly doing my rounds until Kenneth Cordele Griffin walks in on me bending his daughter over his desk and filling her to the brim with my thick, virile, bathchad seed (financially speaking, of course).
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>Expect an extremely fast settlement to avoid discovery.
>JPM is scared and will want to settle asap
God I sure fucking hope so. I can't take anymore blue balling.
I am loving all of these court documents dropping where we have solid evidence of collusion. JPM is going to pay the towel chads who will kick off MOASS.
Mr Beast is involved. He gave a gameboy that is partnered with gamestop to all top 50 youtubers as a gift. Smart advertising
Here's another trick the BBBY board tried, they wanted to disclose non public material information to Ryan Cohen to prevent him from trading because he now has insider information without being an insider. He didn't take the bait.
Because that didn't work, they went the share buyback route to force him to become an insider and prevent him from trading.

It's highly unusual that a board wants to help an outsider gain a controlling stake of the company, that's why theirs mechanisms like poison pills to dilute their ownership and prevent them from gaining a controlling position. BBBY's board is hilariously incompetent and corrupt.
They're so fucked
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JPM is gonna have to pay out the ass to make this all go away, I'm expecting we hear about a settlement very soon, remember all this shit happening now is very much past tense in legal world.
vve vvon.
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Is it just me or does this look like evidence that they knew what they were doing at all times to manage retail sentiment because it was necessary for the success of their ATM attempts?

Sue Gove does her interview right before bankruptcy with the awareness of how the reddit conspiratard crowd would interpret her actions?

So she would have known they'd continue to buy through and into bankruptcy because bankruptcy isn't consistent with her words and they trust her so much that they believe her words means the company is fine and will successfully survive bankruptcy?

Some people say that an fraud compensation fraud would only apply to shareholders before bankruptcy but if you trusted one of the people who might have been involved and kept buying through bankruptcy, then doesn't that mean you've also lost your money as a result of fraud (if any)?

I don't understand the argument for fraud but if there was an effort to defraud shareholders then am I wrong to think this implies that you were also harmed by fraud if you bought during bankruptcy as a result of communications made prior to bankruptcy?
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When are gonna make it?
Ignore the personal injury part but we can expect one of the following in pic rel to happen with a settlement being the most likely
Here's the scene from The Big Short where the BBB block causes the Jenga tower to fall.
Guess who worked for BBB(Y) and lived at the Jenga tower in NYC and had a great fall.
I've played Jenga before and the bit he's removing wouldn't cause the tower to fail. Also there's no "Y" on any of the blocks. Yes I'm autistic, thank you for playing.
ALSO the fucking pieces are in the wrong orientation so they could better display the tranche descriptions. Actual jenga doesn't work like that.
wtf is going on.....
I hold GME but i never bought bed bath. I'm still gonna make it, right?!
You are in the same position as everyone else who did buy BBBYQ.
I think the shills were right and we’re not actually getting a bunch of money for holding bbby shares. I’m feeling kinda stupid for being dragged along for so long.
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Let’s be real - it went bankrupt like a year ago. Back when I first got in this everyone was saying bankruptcy was just MSM lies and we should keep pumping money in. Shares are gone, and I’m starting to think they aren’t coming back. We’re supposed to believe Jake is under an NDA with RC? Come on, that’s straight up retarded.
It literally doesn't matter what anyone believes, things will play out how they will, regardless. If that makes you uncomfortable enough to post here hoping nothing will happen, it makes me think you have a vested interest. You should be able to forget this thing ever happened.
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Ok bro - explain to me how you think we’re supposed to get money for our bbby shares? I had 40k shares when they got cancelled. No one is ever able to explain how there is even a possibility we get paid at this point. I already know you won’t be able to.
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1.5 years of EXTENSIVE DD on that very subject.... hmmmm what are you realllly doing here?

>No one is ever able to explain how there is even a possibility we get paid at this point. I already know you won’t be able to.

Literally countless posts on reddit/twitter. Theppshow was banned because it wasn't a dedicated shill controlled, narrative directing, safe overton window discussion space.
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Glow harder you retarded kike. Takes 5 seconds to find comprehensive analyses of all the different ways we can profit from this, and those aren't mutually exclusive possibilities.
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We are literally two fucking weeks away from winning.
Qnigger tier cringe

he should wear a bullet proof vest to protect against kais types if this doesn't pay off. one day pulte is hyping, the next he says he doesn't know anything, the next he complains about the plan administrator as if we're pretty much fucked
Both Pulte and Kais are retarded niggers and should retreat back into whatever gutter it is from which they congealed.
RC liked this tweet

RC also hyped in august, filed teddy trademarks and pumped the stock with the moon emoji during market hours on a friday (options expiration) to tricker a gamma squeeze just to sell the next week

if there isn't a happy ending to this then RC is a scumbag and GME is basically over, the consensus among DD writers is pretty much that DFV is the one who's been pumping and swing trading the stock to benefit himself while the average investor sees the share price bleed over time, and RC is just a lucky bystander who hasn't been innovating, just cutting stocks and investing cash in treasury bonds or whatever just for the interest rate which you could do yourself with your own cash for much less risk than holding a meme stock
*just cutting costs
I agree that if BBBY amounts to nothing then RC is likely just a useless Jew. I do think Pulte is just a fat retard, but that's irrelevant to my perspective on BBBY. However, to my first point, I think the deposition documents being released point to a lot of favor for RC.
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>the consensus among DD writers is

Pulte is fucking based. The amount of seething he causes is pretty obviously sending the shills over the edge. He engaged the community when RC was not allowed to and shills literally crawl all over themselves to call him a grifter. All you need to see is RC & Pulte taking photos together in the middle of lil Duggies hockey team arena.
What more do you need? Anyone demanding Pulte draw you a map is a shill. And if you didn't know that M&A is notoriously tight-lipped and you expect more then you're a literal retard for ever doubting him.
I agree that RC liking him is enough for me to not think he's nefarious. That said, he could be the most credible guy in this whole play, but I would still think he's annoying as fuck. If it comes out that his weird meetups and insufferable behavior was a necessary big brain play, then I'll eat my words.

I would just never want to hang out with guy, is all.
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Checked and I don't want to meet anyone pilled. Give me my money and let me fuck off someplace quiet.
I don't think he's annoying at all. We're talking about community engagement with randos on the internet while lawsuits are going on. He's there to give you a wink and a nod while RC goes dark.
Of COURSE you are going to think he is a nothing burger. And of COURSE he is going to pepper in some plausible deniability by pumping his own stock, and doing cash giveaways.
The shills pick up on this and try to shit on the guy. Anyone who actually falls for the Pulte fud is a grade-A retard.
How many photo shoots does RC do? Him and Icahn? That Argentina guy. Pulte in Vinny Violas' hockey team stadium?
If RC is Jesus, Pulte John the Baptist.
Checked, but I'm still waiting for
>Disclosure on his BBBY bond position
>Explanation on why he holds these events under the pretense of BBBY then hijacks them for a Trump jerkoff sesh
>An explanation for why he acts so childish and comically bad to criticism levied against him
He gives us "winks" all the time. By that logic me saying "it's happening LITERALLY tomorrow" every day has the same impact as him. The best part is me thinking Pulte is a fat, alcoholic do-nothing retard has no bearing on whether or not I make money from this. I follow RC's investment, not Pulte's, so what good will FUDding him do?

Whether I'm right or wrong about Pulte, I'll still be rich if I'm right about RC and BBBY. At which point I'll be rich enough to not give a shit about what brand of cringe Pulte is busy cooking up.
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checked and cunnypilled
You're waiting for Pulte to get himself tangled up in a lawsuit? So are you retarded or a shill?
You don't have to like the guy to see that he is endorsed by RC while he engaged the BBBY community. So again, are you retarded or a shill? People who seem to get butthurt over Pulte are either too obtuse to see what is going on or just rabble rousing.
>He engaged the community when RC was not allowed to and shills literally crawl all over themselves to call him a grifter.
When Pulte first popped up into the scene I was confused but also intrigued. I never heard of him before but quickly realized he's more or less a trust fund kid that does twitter giveaways so its super fucking random to attach himself to BBBY. There's nothing for him to grift for at that point in time as it was already in bankruptcy and delisted completely IIRC.

I kept an eye on him and over time realized he's basically a cheerleader to keep BBBY holders spirits high. I like him, but he flip flops alot which some people are genuinely too autistic to understand he's doing it for plausible deniability.
>Disclosure on his BBBY bond position
He doesn't owe you or anyone shit. The entire act was symbolic that he's got skin in the game or a hint that there's more going on than people realized at the time.
Thanks to him, I built myself a comfy bond position.
>Explanation on why he holds these events under the pretense of BBBY then hijacks them for a Trump jerkoff sesh
I don't think you've connected the dots that GME, BBBY, and MOASS are part of a far larger plot than the average redditor will realize. These events are also about picking your sides and allies. MOASS was always political but not in the sense of left vs right but old money vs new money.
>An explanation for why he acts so childish and comically bad to criticism levied against him
Simple answer is because he's a trust fund nepo baby that grew up with a silver spoon. Dude is not self made and built up his notoriety via Twitter giveaways lol. He can't handle pressure or nuance.

All that said, like him or hate him, he's the BBBY cheerleader
>some people are genuinely too autistic to understand he's doing it for plausible deniability
Couldn't you just flip the script and say the only people who are positively swayed by his cheerleading are autistic? I don't care for him either way, and as a person I just find him annoying. But I'm also aware that he has no bearing on the outcome of this. I can think he's evil or I can think he's the second coming, and neither perspective will change whether or not I get paid.
old money vs old money (and their next generation) allied with new money
I agree with all your points. The first point is all I take issue with, as I think it would be much more impactful if he just held a stock position in the company prior to its delistment. Bonds work, too, but I think more people would be impressed with the "loyalty" if he were in the same class as them (class 9, I mean).

As for your second point, I do hope that thesis is correct. I'm aware of it and the recent hack of the Fed gives me hope that shit will accelerate towards this timeline.
My speculation is the "short sellers" have run roughshod long enough that anyone who specializes in operations is well aware of what Citadel is doing. Every CEO and executive is compensated with stock and anyone who has ever worked for a company that has been attacked by short sellers has basically had tens of thousands if not millions of dollars stolen from them. These people don't just forget that. I think short sellers had their fun-time and trusted too much in their own success and expertise in being able to hide exposure and risk. I think we only know about BCG and Citadel and friends. I think a counter-faction has been formed of people who personally want to see the short sellers in prison.
Go read Dr Trimbath's book. Go watch the talks from that Overstock guy Pay Byrne. Short selling is VERY risky and a Finance 101 student can tell you why.
I think retail is small potatoes and we did create a little echo chamber for ourselves. I also think we are useful in that we ARE the public opinion on the ground. Retail having skin in the game makes corruption from the SEC and FINRA impossible. They can't do to GME what they did to MMTLP because so many plebs are vested.
If you were compensated 10,000 shares in a company to be a Chief Accounting Officer and your net worth was stolen by shorts, wouldn't you have a visceral hatred and yearning for justice? I think the shorts got set up in a perfectly legal bear trap. I think Overstock buying BBBY IP during CH11 is literally them laughing in their face. It's the big FU before they put the hood over their head on the hangman's noose.
They're telling the shorts this: Say bye bye! Bye bye freedom! Bye bye mansion! Bye bye family! Bye bye! You stole shareholder equity and now you're going to go bye bye! Locked away in jail for SIX MILLION YEARS.
Similar to how the bear trap is legal, I think the US government has a vested interest to let this thing rip. Yeah, a lot of retards will have money because of this play, but they'll have to pay tax on those gains (remember a few years ago when the IRS hired like 80,000 new accountants for seemingly no reason at all). Not to mention a lot of them are gonna spend a ton into a recessed economy. In any respect, just the fact that the money has been transferred AWAY from the hedges already paints a much better picture for the economy as far as the government is concerned.
post cute lolis pls
It's all bullshit, the bankruptcy court said your shares are canceled and former shareholders are getting nothing, so you are getting nothing.
It seems like it's important to you that people believe that.
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I'm a bull. Hard-Mineral-94 is the most embarrassing person in the whole community. This retard has severe Dunning Kruger along with aggressive stupidity. Any dissent towards him is met with extreme hostility. But the funny thing is all of his DD is horse shit. He only uses trash DD gathered from ChatGPT. If you've used ChatGPT extensively, you'd know it's retarded. He feeds it prompts on what random nonsensical things may have to do with BBBY's Chapter 11 and it will placate him and appease him with a response on how it *might* be related, even though it probably thinks of him as a sad, desperate schizo. A retard like this can turn literally everything into "DD" or "tinfoil" because of their confirmation bias. ChatGPT will try it's damn best to figure out a bullshit connection every time, then he will present it as mind blowing DD. The AI does not give a flying fuck if it's wrong, it just wants to get this guy off its back with a lazy response. He does not give a fuck if he's wrong, he's just an insecure little man that wants internet points. Sure, it's okay to use ChatGPT to give you ideas, you should have the brains to add a real source to back it up and actually research. It's cringeworthy that he takes 10 minutes to churn out dogshit DD every day (get a life fag) and he gets hundreds of upvotes from retards. He is horrendously wrong every time. He knows absolutely nothing about business, accounting, finance, or legal. I'm glad that he took a ban bet because this faggot is the most insufferable person in the community at the moment. He reminds me of Theorico, are they the same person? Same Dunning Kruger, no life faggot that does non-research all day, hostility at minor disagreements, aggressive stupidity, and pathetic ignorance. I work in finance and everything this guy says is offensive to me, I cringe every time I see this fag's posts on the front page with hundreds of upvotes. The community is desperate for ignorant, lying hypemen and it's sad.
You do nothing but slide this general and post about this one reddit profile across several IDs. Go touch grass nigger
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>The community is desperate for ignorant, lying hypemen and it's sad.

>The community
wtfwt flash to red
Kek, schizo. Cry more Hard_mental_illness_94. I rarely post here you fucking retard.
And can you argue against a single one of my points, brainlet? Name even one good shred of DD this faggot has ever made, I'll wait. A bum off the streets can make the same quality DD, just ask him to type how dogs taking shits are related to Chapter 11 bankruptcies and copy + paste the response to reddit for upvotes. You're probably seething because you're one of the mentally retarded aspies that upvote him.
Im noticing that a certain group on X are always surrounded by controversy. I bet "Squeezist" and "chad" are seething under an MJL post as we speak
It kind of feels like the government hates these hedgies just as much as us and the whole plan now is to let Ryan have his way and let this bitch rip these massive faggots back to the stoneage.

you're only above the law until it's an issue of national security.
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I never said anything about hard mineral in the post you replied to…. I was simply pointing out that bad actors (you) are making broad generalizations:

>The community is desperate for ignorant, lying hypemen and it's sad.

Based on posts being made by other bad actors and useful idiots, (mostly bad actors), who flood social media with nonsense intermixed with decent findings just so people like you can “break it down” and try to demoralize people with your contrived analysis.
Why the caps lock you almond milk drinking faggot
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The price action of IEP is weird. I guess because So much of it owned by insiders. IEP always telegraphs when something is about to happen
the FUCK is going on with Chewy?!
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Damn RK what next?
It's hard to say but it looks all too familiar to spikes in GME. The price runs and then gets walked back down. I would imagine plenty of people would take profits after seeing a spike like that, but it raises some eyebrows.
I'm not because I'm not saying everyone in the community is a moron in a monolithic sense, but that is verifiably true that they seek ignorant hypemen that don't know what they're talking about. It's not a broad generalization, it's an observation that's clear, the community looks for false heroes that will pour honey down their ear. They're not concerned about the facts or reason. The DD authors that are grounded and know what they're talking about are heavily criticized because they shut down stupidity and misinformation. That's something every single person in the community has observed, if they have any semblance of self awareness.
>demoralize people with your contrived analysis
You staying motivated is none of my concern, I'm stating the facts. If you enjoy ducking your head in the sand, you're exactly the kind of retard I was referring to. For that matter, I'm not saying anything bearish so saying I have an intention of messing with you is stupid. I'm talking shit about one very specific retard and the idiots that fall for his horse shit.
wasted quints
They hated me because I spoke the truth.
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No one cared who I was until I put on the necklace
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Checked and keked
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Kek is with us
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you contradict yourself multiple times, claiming your not making monolithic statements.... then making broad monolithic statements.

>The DD authors that are grounded and know what they're talking about are heavily criticized because they shut down stupidity and misinformation.

name 2 DD writers who fit this criteria.

>That's something every single person in the community has observed, if they have any semblance of self awareness.

>That's something every single person

>every single person

Sounds monolithic.
kek governies
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When will the fraud be punished and when will I get money
IEP divvy's are the most exciting thing happening in my account right now. Why the fuck wont nvidia crash
Are they trying to say that her saying the company is doing totally fine, then filing for Chapter 11 like a week later, is proof that she doesn't know what's going on in the company itself, and is therefore not culpable for fraud?
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This man is a proper lobotomized retard and his "DD" along with his fans are indefensible. He's literally just Theorico's alt account. A faggot that thinks very highly of himself but outputs nothing of worth, while antagonizing people that disagree like an aggressive retard. Assume I mean "I've observed several users with this pattern" if I don't make my words contingent with "all users in the community are.." I was very specific with examples on what I saw, who I'm talking about. Semantical arguments are pointless, anon. I could be more "professional" with my communication to you and say, I'm witnessing an observation on several users in the community, but that isn't a practical expectation for 4chan posts.
I keep seeing July 4th and July 1st, I'm wonder when I should buy calls!

Gof damnit, let's just agree on a fucking date. July 19th would probably be safer.
U sound like a shill. Why be so emotional over some rando on reddit. Ill have to check that post out

you should see these pictures:

you sprinkled in-
>The community is desperate for ignorant, lying hypemen and it's sad.

-nonsense to make the entire community look insane. Go watch any of the dozens of hours jake2b has put in on the ppshow and argue against that, not against a low effort hype fatiguer. Your subtle tricks don't fool anyone.

A current boardmember of GME (larry Cheng) went onto theppshow. The original sub was shattering the overton window too much so they nuked it /r/theppshow, and replaced it with a more controlled sub /r/teddy. You are interpreting the "DD" of an obvious bad actor, except you are assuming he is genuine and just stupid or cultish or some other BS.
Kek. I'm not emotional, I'm criticizing him like everyone does when they have a criticism of something. What do you think I'm shilling to you? I criticized Theorico in the same post, and he's a bear.
And see my response. I'm not even a regular 4chan user and I don't post with multiple IDs you fucking tard. Yesterday was the first instance of me talking about him, this week was the first time I even noticed him.
Many in the community are indeed insane, I don't have to make someone look any way to demonstrate that. They make themselves look stupid. The general intelligence is not high. I'm not at all contesting Jake's DD or the bull thesis, don't project your insecurities on me, son. I didn't imply anything about the outcome. of this play, just that Hard Mineral specifically is a retard that shits out lazy ChatGPT DD, has schizophrenia. It's also sad and pathetic that he's getting an audience. It may be obvious to you that he's a bad actor, but not to the rest of the community. A good chunk (not all) are proper lobotomized retards like him.
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>The community is desperate for ignorant, lying hypemen and it's sad.

You made a broad generalization, your writing style is purposefully ambiguous, look at the superstonk numbers, there are AT LEAST 5/1 - 10/1 ratios of bots to actual community members. Making any statement about gee whiz the community is falling for him, its your handlers shill networks that are mostly creating these dynamics. There are absolutely real people who get caught up in astroturfed movements, but astroturfing in the first place needs posters who are elevated with botnets who upvote/comment/engage automatically or manually if they are paid stock bashers.

>The community is desperate for ignorant, lying hypemen and it's sad.

This statement you made blew your id, because "the community" after /r/theppshow was nuked is so heavily astroturfed one can barely tell organic engagement and sentiment anymore.
And I've corrected it for your understanding.
>Assume I mean "I've observed several users with this pattern" if I don't make my words contingent with "all users in the community are.." I was very specific with examples on what I saw, who I'm talking about. Semantical arguments are pointless, anon. I could be more "professional" with my communication to you and say, I'm witnessing an observation on several users in the community, but that isn't a practical expectation for 4chan posts.
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So what now? What's the hold up?
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>Many in the community are indeed insane
They are mentally ill prepared to deal with me.


the literal Q posting is infuriating for those of us who wasted time and money on /pol/shit. GME/BBBY was supposed to change our lives for the better and we're back to the drooling retard schizo garbage while RC still hasn't come close to living up to the hype for our broker accounts.
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w h e n
Any time between now and Sep
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If nothing happens by the time September ends, consider yourself hexed.
we won
Hey all here's some indian cringe to get us through the weekend
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please dont hex me anon. Its not my fault its taking so long
I never specified what year so take that hex and shove it up your ass and find a ledge to jump off of
You gullible retards never have a moment of introspection?
Usually more than just a moment unless it's been awhile or someone knocks on the door.
Wait, there's still a BBBYQ general...? What is there to discuss? You can't even buy shares.
Let's think about the RK emojis. Assuming 1 emoji = 1 week and bobby/gme/teddy/etc are connected, the next one (USA flag) is something around July 4th. Eyes (something visibly happening) the week after (~July 11th), fire (something kindling/fire starting/lighting the fuse) around July 18th, explosion around July 25th and finally beer = celebration beginning of August.
Maybe it isn't 1 emoji/week, timeline could be different, just brainstorming. Not trying to hype up dates, but with all the recent discoveries in the bbby fraud case and the possibility of imminent settlement, it looks like one hell of a month.
> Let's think about
Kill yourself
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Another one bites the dust
Could RICO be kicking in?
awfully strange to delete an account right now when she has to do all the hedgie defending.

I know one of her last posts was about a virtu employee gift bag she received. This is all very interesting with the exon shit, maybe SEC is out of the game? no more stonewalling.
That was not "one of her last posts" we dont have to be disingenous in this community all the time with selective highlighting - the gift back was almost 2 months ago. Shes been kiking hourly since then.
Evidence added up.
I had her muted but the last post I saw around 6/8 she was shilling HIMS stock
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Holy shit we’re going to win AGAIN
Nothing is happening, you're not getting anything for your canceled shares.
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hype fatigueing, sentiment poisoning, and demoralization campaigns are really interesting because they stopped even attempting to argue against anything and just go for the lowest common denominator tactics. Looks like duggy, ken and frens were told by bigger fish (banks, government officials, intelligence services) that your only hope for survival is getting people to sell their gme, and getting them to sell their new equity for bbby for low prices and early, or else your asses are getting thrown under the bus.

Expect delays. Hope it is resolved soon but expect the courts to be clogged up. GME vs BCG is ongoing although it probably doesn't have much to do with bbbyq getting new equity in a "teddy" entity of sorts. More importantly bbby vs SI (Ryan cohen's baseless moon emoji pump and dump suit) is still active:


RC wants the government to stop shooting down his balloons but it is an election year.

How long before tranny sparkles nukes her twitter and this reddit tier faggot that runs an anti GME and BBBY channel that both amy and tranny sparkles are regular guests on, gets nuked?
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I just need to Hwang on for two more weeks.
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administer the hopium stat
we're losing him
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Why do our resident concerned citizens want to deter discussion about the emojis?
I thought they didn't have any significance at all.
This man is going to literally get eaten if he keeps doing this without results.
Based and just hwanging out with the guys pilled.
imo RC is complicit for liking a disproportionate amount of pulte's tweets as well as RC's own hyping calling himself warren icahn etc

pulte might just have enough plausible deniability to be an insufferable idiot who RC tricked into being a hypeman, a bit like the mypillow guy situation with trump
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we won
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I can't keep doing this
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Yung dugg going on podcasts (space calls) with his little support friends is absolutely his current legal strategy. He knows he is fucked and will be going to court over this and is going to run the: "oh my goodness those programmers must have put shit into the algos because we never knew any of this happened. We never knew that the company we make markets for were naked shorted, we never knew they had any chance of coming back and that is why I never offered a reasonable future risk assessment to the shareholders in my required corporate filings as a publicly traded company." He hopes the judge/jury will buy it. He is creating legal precedent for why he never warned shareholders of these risks, and to absolve himself of liability for the criminal actions taken by his firm.

He has been spilling his spaghetti on twitter for many months now and having meltdowns because the SEC wouldn't halt trading in bbby earlier? What kind of MARKET MAKER, WHOS ENTIRE BUSINESS IS MAKING A TINY PERCENTAGE OFF OF PEOPLES BUYING/SELLING ACTIVITIES, WOULD WANT TO SHUT DOWN TRADING EARLIER? Isn't this in direct contradiction to the profit motive as a company? "but he might be altruistic and just care about retail", yea that doesn't add up either.

Yung dugg is fucked and he knows it.
NDA? more like no dick anon.
So when did Dog seafood, realize that he was in an deep dark hole?
Probably when court delisted BBBY and preserved the ticker. A cellar boxed company should only be trading on OTC forever
Probably when he was begging for it to stop trading OTC
I thought gamestop is acquiring bbby not chewy. PP did we just get Kansas City shuffled?
Why not both senpai
>children & animals must be protected at all costs

Is go global connected to white knights?

Can dom be forced to shared some ownership of baby with go global and would that allow go global to sell part of it to gme?

Does this give go global leverage over dom? Is dom's best alternative now to sell baby to someone else so that they can compensate go global and does that give an opportunity to someone else to acquire baby?
? No
Just read the a few of the court documents instead of coming up with bullshit and crafting schizo rabbit holes like always.You could also take your fan fic to reddit




You were right anon. Hopefully bbby is next
I hope you're right about BBBY, too, anon. Have a lot of money riding on it.
Any cope left?
Just wait til RK shows his bbby position.
GME maxi's are so fucking dumb thinking it was only ever just about Gamestop, that's simply where it started.
I almost hope RK never "shows" his position. At least, not in the sense that it allows other people to buy in. I want the BBBY pool to be closed and all those who doubted it to miss out on the gains. Yes, I am spiteful and petty and want others to fail so I may succeed.
He won't show his position until new shares are issued for BBBY, unless he got bonds. By that point the pool will be open for everyone
Maxis were a manufactured mentality by paid stock bashers such as tranny sparkles, badasstrader, and all the other mods or "faces" of SS.

If a redditard got filtered, they'll seethe and fomo when BBBY returns
>gme maxi
bbby maxis in absolute shambles they created a slur seething about the og idiosyncratic stock LMFAO
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>RK shows his bbby position.
If you paid real close attention to his stream, he gave away a massive clue to this.

If one look's carefully at a correctly filed 1099-B of a bbby holder last year, you would know exactly what happened, why RK is silent, and why Gamestop mentioned a large security loss legally required to post about, but did not sell said security.

Stay comfy frens. Remember Christ has always been there for you.
Was it him saying "these are the only stocks I have in my portfolio" when in fact he could have had his BBBY on record for his broker?

Yeah, but I don't want people who didn't buy and hold through all this to make it, at least not that much. It's been hell for 2 years. I want my tendies.
Close. It was the the 'right now' part. If you have a real bbby position, and saw what happened when it vanished like a ninja, and then got your 1099-B, you will have perfect working knowledge as not an insider what actually happened.
I just can't wait for my fucking settlement.
Cash directly to my account sounds wonderful right now.
I too caught that, we're all in limbo atm.
yea it was sad to watch, if you look at the market cap of bbby as it was pushing under a dollar, if their divide and conquer tactics didn't work and a mass of gme retards started to dogpile into bbby they would have like literally tens of billions of shares short. There are still probably 5 billion+ shares of bbby on the books of the dtcc.

What I have always found funny throughout all of this is that checking for naked shorting is literally so fucking simple, if the total shares circulating is greater than the shares issues + legal short positions then there are unaccounted for shares. BUT THE ONLY ENTITY WHO HAS A LIST OF ALL SHARES IN THE SYSTEM IS A PRIVATE COMPANY CALLED THE DTCC. What a wild fucking world we live in.
>Gamestop mentioned a large security loss legally required to post about, but did not sell said security.
I thought there was no real evidence for it be bbby related
That's literally what I did, I bought into BK and got a much larger position than my xxxx gme.

Because I was planning for the future.
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I'm equally looking forward to the RICO cases as I am MOASS. I can't wait to see amy, corax, tranny sparkles, simpasstrader, dismal, rensole, be taken the fuck down
Didn't that blonde ogre top left in picrel take all her shit down this weekend for some reason?
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don't forget tony dong and his hedgie funded trophy wife
Where did this leak, twitter?
Yes which is coincidentally not too long after pulte mentioned RICO
yes its being deleted quickly on twitter though

Amy, doug seafood, and corax are gonna get FUKT by RICO
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More leaks:
Dougs been awfully quiet too.
why is the email blurred
>dfv buys chewy
I wonder how many people are actually going to go all in on dog shit
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Hey it’s dougshit Anon.
I admit it's weird it got removed seemingly out of nowhere at like $0.07, while other tickers are trading into fractions of a penny. I don't remember Schwab or Fidelity sending me anything, but I recall the 1099-B stuff in the community. What do you think happened? Is it as simple as the shares being removed to prevent change of ownership or something?

Same. I would very much like liquidity right now. Life has kind of been on hold until this all wraps up in some way.

Assuming this is real, it's so weird that plan admin would speak in such a "casual" tone. Like, I would assume legal professionals would communicate in an impartial manner just for the sake of consistency, especially in official lines of communications. Opinions are fine and all, but stuff like the 3-year-old comment just seems like an excess expression of opinion.

I interpreted it as goldberg letting his guard down and speaking to corax because the former is a bad actor and the latter is a shill - he's venting about how much he dislikes us
What if it's a cheque and it's mailed to our home and the person moves?
I see it as annoying ass retail investors keep emailing him the same retarded questions.

He's in charge of LIQUIDATION. He's not privvy to any reorganization information. Of course he's going to say it's over whether because he probably does think there's nothing more to this bankruptcy. He only responds because he can bill the estate for it. It's naturally he's getting frustated and then snakes like Corax talk slithering in his DMs and hissing the same sentiment he has regarding BBBY holders being annoying and retarded.
Of course he's going to say it's over because he probably thinks there's nothing more to this bankruptcy.

Rule 9019 being approved means expect some action soon
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tough crowd
He doesn't know anything so all this does is annoy him.

He can still use his imagination tho, on some level Goldberg has gotta agree there's a whole lot of fucky shit that went down.
>on some level Goldberg has gotta agree there's a whole lot of fucky shit that went down
Yes, he agrees that the board fucked the company

For some reason though he seems to think they fucked the company for no reason in particular lol as if they just got bored one day and decided to ram that shit into the ground
Even if he knew anything, expecting him to tell random people who email him instead of letting the aquiring company announce it is peak retard.
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So is JPM going to face consequences or what?
Kek baggies
How’s Sal doing? I miss the way he made the indians seethe.
Funny because Sal is Pakistanian. Not sure why you cant tell with his permanent anger
What happened to Amy? Is vinegar donut Tony dong?
I dont follow the eceleb lore it does nothing but drain your energy. I was told about Sal through these threads.

Why is everyone claiming the 4th is the day if markets are closed?
I hoped you were one of the discord double agent autists. I don’t think anything happens this week.
Apparently the dong guy posts here and was exposed maybe 4/5 months ago. Lots of funny memes that day
They could still have an announcement.
This is true. The emojis have surprisingly held up so far. If the eyes represent the kansas city shuffle im hoping the last set of eyes deals with bbby/Gmerica
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Expect delays, we still have RCs moon emoji pump and dump case:


We also have gme vs bcg:

The gme vs bcg shouldn’t stop bbby from re-emerging into “teddy” or something but the pump and dump case would probably affect it. For those that are confused it was the 16b short swing rule that was dismissed, and the moon emoji pump and dump case is still going. Be prepared to wait until the fall, tptb will clog the courts until a macro geopolitical distraction is well underway or some other big story. Remember that the American public is about to find out that their retirements are filled with a lot of fake shares.
Most likely, the fact this is so quiet speaks volumes, they have already moved to a settlement.

That's not going to be the end of their problems tho.
I hope I see some hedgies being burnt alive. Stepping off to the great beyond isn't good enough.

I wanna see these fuckers truly suffer.
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>yfw the settlement hit
Post em bathchads
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This needs to happen already it's been long enough
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I'm confused. If JPM is going to pay out billions and they know we're just gonna dump it into GME, why would they not try to fight this for years? It seems like the same dilemma with the hedgies where they just kick the can in the hopes we fuck off. What does JPM have to gain paying us out so quickly if it doesn't even end the losses for them?
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He fucking knows.
It doesn't matter what they think we'll do with that money, they have to pay a settlement.

especially to keep this out of a broader court.
Yeah but the settlement means they would need to agree to it. I'm wondering why wouldn't they just drag it out with an actual case and risk it if them paying us the settlement is going to pretty much bankrupt them anyways?
This anon gets it. Discovery doesn’t happen all at once, it happens in phases. And every new update shows even more convincing evidence that jpm committed a massive fraud. It’s almost like Ryan is slowly teasing how bad things could be if they continue pursuing the pump and dump suit. They’ll settle.
They most likely already agreed to it, that's what this isn't getting traction.

Remember everything news wise we receive is several months old, this is all past tense.
How long do you think it takes to get it credited to your account? Also what's the deal with the "no settlement for post bankruptcy shares"? It seems irrelevant when the shares were purchased since the stock was defrauded up until its deletion.
Honestly I'm expecting we see something fairly soon.

There's alot of players involved in this.
>What does JPM have to gain paying us out so quickly if it doesn't even end the losses for them?
Avoiding discovery and admitting fault.

They will absolutely settle and not fight back.
Expect serious delays.
See my earlier post that was conveniently bumped by hype posts about a settlement *just around the corner*:

HOPEFULLY this will be wrapped up sooner rather than later, but DONT EXPECT THAT, they are banking on people to quit their jobs/change their spending habits so when hardship arrives they have to sell off gme shares. Continue as normal like it will take a while (hint it almost certainly will).

the deal with pre vs post bankruptcy shares is that a lot of shareholders may have sold their shares because of the bankruptcy filling so *it wouldn't be fair* to them if they didn't get a payout. Im not sure of the actual justifications but there is precedent in previous cases where only shareholders who held shares in a certain pre BK window were payout out. This would be unfortunate for sub 10 cent slurpers, but new equity is what everyone is waiting on anyways.
>them paying us the settlement is going to pretty much bankrupt them anyways?
JPM paying a $10.8 billion settlement is not going to bankrupt them. It's a literal blip in the profits.
Yup, all these assholes understand the cost of doing business.

Breaking the law is built into their profits.
The fraud isn't just from JPM alone, it's also who ever enabled the naked short selling. So hedge funds, market makers, brokers and the DTCC all of them could be liable. The DTCC if they were knowingly allowing "locates" to enable naked shorting.
This would be extremely gay if slurpies were not paid out, but I also accrued like half my position prior to bankruptcy. Hopefully equity would be issued to post-bankrputcy shares.

Also, I just wanna say our general is much more comfy and effective than the GME one.
Yup, people are only assuming one payout here.

if RC keeps dilluting the gamma ramp bbby chads might be the only ones wagmi'ing tho, lol.
I think you underestimate just how short GME actually is. But multiple bbby tiers of payouts are indeed coming.
He's not, vinegar donut is another faggot chink from Canada though so I get where the confusion was from

What happened?
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Equity will come to all holders at the point the shares were removed in late September or October 2023, whenever that happened.

If there is a fraud payout there might be a window attached to holders at a certain timeframe get paid out.

Hes a finance "journalist" that bashes meme stocks. An Anon matched his writing style in the threads to his articles. I think he also leaked his dick in the GME thread during a meltdown and still frequently posts in that general. Alot of the archives have been wiped since the Lockbit hack, but you get the gist from here:

JPM is probably short GME, but not to the extent that the market makers are. Citadel has many prime brokers, so it's uncertain how much exposure JPM has. If they can exit with a relatively minor payout and a slap on the wrist at the cost of everyone else, they will.
>Alot of the archives have been wiped since the Lockbit hack
What the fuck are you talking about anon
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yup, the real sacrificial lambs in this were always going to be the hedgefunds, banks are just collateral dmg because they themselves decided to get involved, albeit not the same extent.
we won!!!!!
das rite ya gnome wat im sayin
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Expect delays.
JPM is going down. They are screwed beyond belief.
I definitely agree with that, but it probably won't be anytime soon. there are coordinated efforts underway to hype fatigue people by creating anticipation around the restructuring finally taking place when in reality this legal BS can take months/years, I expect the fall time but even that is not a great idea. Im gonna continue to stack gme, and other plays based on what holding company RC is building in the background and assume this will take a long time in the courts.
JPM is a commercial bank, Citadel would get thrown under the bus before they let the FDIC get blow the fuck out.
I think if and when bankruptcies occur, it will be in an order/timing that is predetermined by Central Bank Insiders.
This anon gets it. We are delayed until the mega banks have their ducks in a row and a reasonable distraction is ready to go. They are in the process of offloading their garbage to unsuspecting retirement fund managers through insanely complex instruments and coordinating with the FED/FDIC/treasury about who is going to be bailed out and how its all going to go down. Sit back and hold on tight because its going to be a fucking show when this all starts going down.
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DFV buys all the stocks! In the short basket / XRT etf and causes more pressure and new FTD cycles until the whole thing breaks.
He’s losing it in the other thread.
>my bankie wankie stummyyy hurttts, pwease one mor bailywaily out :(((
holy shit consider suicide
5 seconds before this tweet:
Jake2b tweeted a reply to https://x.com/sboho/status/1805318735265140786

Deleted instantly, too quick so I could not screenshot. It said in italics
>narrator: the digging did in fact, not continue.

If jake has an NDA about the AGM we all should keep digging into the last dockets jake was discussing before he went dark
>the last dockets jake was discussing
Do you have a link to his last comments before going dark then
No clue. Your best bet to find this out would be to listen though the pp shows jake was at and look at his reddit posts
kek test
>>narrator: the digging did in fact, not continue.
sorry Jake. PP and Michael are too busy playing options at the moment, a ppshow viewer was gracious enough to gift an UnusualWhales subscription for the show, because PP and Michael couldn't afford the $50 monthly fee on their own and Michael lost his gofundme password
Micheal is such a con man it's unreal.
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DFV's brother just now.....
butterbros... we won..
If jake wants us to find out as well he needs to post his findings. If he's scared or signed some bullshit NDA for public information he's weak. Post the info and blow the lid of instead of being cryptic and vague. No "giving information to the enemy" bullshit. Transparency is what makes us win and how this play was possible in the first place
>Transparency is what makes us win
What action would we take? It will happen when it happens
Depending on the outcome, buying GME calls with a specific date, BBBY bonds, or other public stock. A lot of possibilities to get even richer
Someone caught the tweet
this looks fake as shit because that it should be phrase
>the digging did, in fact, not continue
This is just some inspect element garbage.

I hate Michael so much it's unreal, and I feel bad for it because I've allowed someone to have such an impact on me. When I WAGMI and he goes broker gambling everything away, I'm making it my life's mission to fuck his tight blonde gf in front of him and making sure he will never WAGMI.

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