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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58764325

As always:
>sneed hedgies
Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.083 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~74.6 million shares of ~351: 21% total held by Jun. 5, 2024
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 399.401B, 69P = 5.788B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 391.652B, 66P = 5.934B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 379.801B, 67P = 5.669B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q1 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
kek dumbfuck weekend baggies
Thank god that BBBYQ nonsense is finally over and we can all regroup under the ONE idiosyncratic risk to the market.
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BBBYQ is not over, it will never be over.
Feel free to discuss it in your general >>58735228
what am I looking at "Interesting." anon?
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It's GME in USD vs GME in BTC.
The point of the sneeze and the point we are right now are incredibly similar on each chart. Almost like all that BTC has been sold to short GME all this time
>pic related
moass/hyperinflation soon.
Forgot to mention how bullish BlackRock is on BTC... huge dump incoming? huge pump on GME?
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Reminder that these niggers are here for the singular purpose of sliding this thread with complaints about discussion of the other stock. This has the effect of preventing discussion of both stocks while building fatigue on this topic for genuine GME holders.

They will never discuss the details in earnest. Sneed them.
BCG claims were dismissed in pretrial back in February.
Forgot the link.
>Almost like all that BTC has been sold to short GME all this time
It's been theorised that BTC is being used as collateral to prop up their margins on the shorts and swaps. Wouldn't surprise me if every big financial institution is just trading BTC back and forth pumping up the price whenever.
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>muh fractals
Glorified tealeaf reading. The actual insight comes from watching puts and shorts like how RC does. In my eyes, the fractal fags are no better than the numerology fags who get excited whenever two dates or any set of numbers when added together somehow equal 741 or some shit. Qtard bullshit.

If there's even a 1% chance that this play fucks hedgefunds into the ground and blows up the market it's worth it though.
Well it wouldn't be too hard to find out if we knew what wallets they were using. I'm sure reddit could come up with some sort of bootleg counter (like how they attempt to count DRS shares)
>unprompted self identifies fractals
>fractals aren’t real
>fractals don’t matter
>they didn’t start happening until after the sneeze
>If there's even a 1% chance
Last I checked, it was 226% chance.
Hello is this Jake? Not all claims were dismissed. Read the ruling.
>BCG shill
No. I'm calling you illiterate "docket autists" out. You are low quality autists.
BBBY is a second idiosyncratic risk that flew under the radar. The stock was halted from trading to prevent NOLs from being impaired.
There it is. Even if it's just a fantasy, the idea that by purchasing a handful of shares could contribute to the destruction of hedgefunds is very alluring. The short thesis already shit the bed so realistically the stock will at worst will gradually grow over time and be a nice little addition to everyone's retirement holdings. There's also the tinfoil that suggests it could moon. Either way, bullish GME investors win.
Get the fuck off my lawn.
Who the fuck are you? Actually, never mind, it doesn't matter. Kill yourself.
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Midwit Alert.
Retard. Explain how I'm wrong. protip- you can't.
Why do you insist upon his grass?
Please STOP. What you are doing is wrong. You have no idea what you are doing. What you are all setting in motion. My husband has been working at one of the affected investment funds for years and I have never seen him as stressed as he has been for the past 6 months. I have multiple children and there are many people who rely on our family in their day to day life. Please, I am begging you, do not continue with your hoarding and manipulation. You are going to ruin so many communities and families by playing this little game. I beg you, please stop! We are NOT the bad guys in this situation. We have EARNED our wealth by working smarter and harder our entire lives. It is NOT our fault the system is set up the way that it is and it is NOT fair that you take out your anger and frustration out on us. If you are unhappy with your life, you can fix it!! There are so many opportunities for you to better your lives. Honest ways to make a living but you have to work for it! You have to EARN it! Our futures should not have to be ruined because you were all to lazy to look in the mirror to realize that it all starts with YOU. You have the power to change your life. It is not anyone else’s responsibility. But you have to do it FAIRLY so you can EARN it properly. Stealing from others who have EARNED it is not.

Please reconsider your actions and how you are affecting others. Think about the children of the families who will suffer for this and what they will have to go through. This is not our fault and especially NOT the fault of our children. What you are doing will hurt innocent people. What you are doing is wrong.
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The owner of the property that you're intruding upon. Now, I won't ask again.
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MOASS endgame is literally GMErica and Ryan Cohen buys all the stocks. GameStop will back the us dollar
The President's Strategic and Policy Forum was a business forum created by the U.S. President Donald Trump to give the president perspectives from business leaders on how to create jobs and improve growth for the U.S. economy. It consisted of 16 members chaired by Stephen A. Schwarzman, the co-founder of private equity firm The Blackstone Group, and started holding gatherings in February 2017. Former members of the forum:

Paul S. Atkins – CEO of Patomak Global Partners and former commissioner of the SEC
Mary Barra – chairwoman and CEO of General Motors
Toby Cosgrove – president and CEO of the Cleveland Clinic
Kenneth C. Griffin – chairman, president, and CEO of Citadel LLC
Jamie Dimon* – chairman, president, and CEO of JPMorgan Chase
Larry Fink – chairman and CEO of BlackRock
Kenneth Frazier* – chairman and CEO of Merck & Co.
Bob Iger* – chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company
Travis Kalanick* – chairman and CEO of Uber
Brian Krzanich* – CEO of Intel
Rich Lesser – president and CEO of the Boston Consulting Group
Doug McMillon – president and CEO of Walmart Stores
Jim McNerney – former president and CEO of Boeing
Elon Musk* – president and CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX
Indra Nooyi – chairwoman and CEO of PepsiCo
Adebayo Ogunlesi – chairman and managing partner at Global Infrastructure Partners
Kevin Plank* – chairman and CEO of Under Armour
Ginni Rometty – chairwoman, president, and CEO of IBM
Stephen Schwarzman* – co-founder, chairman, and CEO of The Blackstone Group
Kevin Warsh – distinguished visiting fellow in economics at the Hoover Institute and former governor of the Federal Reserve
Mark Weinberger – chairman and CEO of EY
Jack Welch – former chairman and CEO of General Electric
Daniel Yergin – Pulitzer Prize-winning author and vice chairman of IHS Markit

Why does RK support the candidate that represents the people hoping he fails I don't understand this. This seems incredibly short sighted.
Really? Even with everything that happened with biance? Or am I high?
The world just keeps getting sillier.
*RC typo
Wakey wakey, Ryan Cohen. Time to get up and work, wagie. Bills need to be paid with your sweat and blood. Get out and make me some money!
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Last week:
Monday RRP: 415.257B, 72P = 5.767B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 423.152B, 78P = 5.797B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 422.147B, 76P = 5.555B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 403.708B, 71P = 5.686B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 406.590B, 73P = 5.570B per (roughly)

>This week:
Monday RRP: 413.280B, 65P = 6.358B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 409.594B, 67P = 6.1133B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 399.401B, 69P = 5.788B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 391.652B, 66P = 5.934B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 379.801B, 67P = 5.669B per (roughly)
Aren't T-Bills shit now?
No, old ones with miniscule yields are (if you're looking to speculate, if you want to hold to maturity they're fairly OK as you buy them at a discount). If interest rates increase though they'll lose money.
But isn't inflation pretty much innevitable as a run away train at this point given US debt and this endlessly expanding asset price bubble?
Are you gay? The title of the post said "most claims" not "all claims". Holy fuck relax you clown.
Yes that's why you might buy a 1.5% treasury bond for like $80. At maturity you get $100. the discount you purchase it for roughly aligns with the yield of newer T-bills.
>The title of the post said "most claims" not "all claims".
But according to your post
>BCG claims were dismissed in pretrial back in February.
>claims were dismissed
>not "most claims"
Kill yourself jake
How far dated affects it as well.
It’s so bizarre that you only ever pop your head out to argue about this. We could use your autism when the shills come here and start saying they closed. Maybe you’d like to engage in arguing against that? Or are you just paid to argue about this all day?
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Kenny, no.....
throat sister, our response?
The best way to avoid me is to shut the fuck up about legal shit.
Sorry, I misread interest rates for inflation. Cheers.
S'all good. As a general rule in rising interest rates environments the preference is for short term bonds, whereas in lowering longdated relatively high yielding are preferred.
FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker
When I wake up from this horrible dream?
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why is gme 12$ AH
>When I wake up from this horrible dream?

Trump will bring the glorious BTC to $500k and KAS to $100 and ICP to $5k
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Please tell me that this is just fake bullshit like the Robinhood AH chart and that I'm not going to wake up Monday to find me missing half my life's savings.
Nothing to worry about unless we're sub one cent which I don't think is going to happen anytime soon.
Please tell me that this is just fake bullshit like the Robinhood AH chart and that I'm not going to wake up Monday an be forced to use all my life saving to slurp
But no actual answers as to why this happened?
Checked German market and it has it at £23
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some said it got up to 50 too
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Just a perfectly normal stock. Nothing fishy about this at all.
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>2 seconds later
Shows as -50% on mine.


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2morow is moass
Today is moass
The day after tomorrow is moass

Yesterday was moass
Just checkem
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Anyone solved the ownership % yet?
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It might be related to Goldman Sachs and their acquisition of that other shit american bank that is live since Friday (?)

tickers I've found that are impacted:
HD GS JPM F MA KO, and our beloved GME
I have been twice over infinity in hell already
$50 is a dream as I am over leveraged. But, never selling.
pondering this some more, if fintel gets it data from official sources, could it be that whoever got acquired had some shitty dogshit catshit situation and they're trying to unwind it after hours on the weekend and blame it on the crowdstrike falcon outage?

nothing is beyond the corrupt sand tribery for these people
kek desperate weekend baggies
GME is my only chance at life
Are you sure anon?
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KOSS is still on Reg SHO 6 days later for its 70m volume day...

And KOSS and GME pump together...


I think that's checkmate.
Kek koss-ACK
I’m thinking you’re a baggie

Nice ledditspace
Means nothing unless RC Benchod Ryan Chobani stops playing WoW and starts actually doing something.
I miss when anon was posting just morbidly obese Ryan edits. Come back

I also miss lawyer anon (who came back ages ago but was scared off due to the extreme xxx shills and autism at the time) and chart anon.
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We're all here.
If only that was true. I might start playing wow again if he was online
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim thinking all of your assets

all of them :)
If we get a DFV tweet in the next 24 hours, I will donate $2000 to children hospitals and kindergartens in Gamestop Gift Cards

If we hit $40 by Friday, I will up it by another $10,000.

Proof will follow up ofc.
Why the fuck did Cheng go to the pp show? Why the fuck is RC friends with Pulte?
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I will match this anon, I pledge $100 million a month post MOASS to Africa to assist in water development projects.
Stop asking good questions
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I am here sitting with 60 shares and this nigga donates 10k
To kek baggies ofcourse
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it... python anon was right, he just didn't expect them to FTD the T+35.
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Damn it there’s no better thread to post this in so I guess I’ll post it here

Nigga you had my interest now you got my attention
dead thread
dead stock
>wouldn't even make another
We'll see soon. either $12 or $500 is fine with me
>$12 i igiga slurps
>$500 moass kicks up

Huh... Choices
Oh so it really doesn’t have anything to do with legal talk. You’re only here to engage with bbby talk. Weird. Do you do this for free? Is there anything else you’d like to talk about?
So crab? Got it.
We are crab people anon, we live by the crab and die by the crab.

>Oh so it really doesn’t have anything to do with legal talk.
It does. Retards thinking just because an attorney was retained for X means he's involved in Y is one of the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard. One of you fags were even saying Goldberg was doing back channel communications with Ryan Cohen while he's directly representing (the remnants of) Bed Bath and Beyond (and while there was a claim against Cohen). You mongoloids don't even into conflict of interests.
>Retards thinking just because an attorney was retained for X means he's involved in Y is one of the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard
>that never happened
Made me look and finally save the image.
What am I supposed to be looking at here
bought two steam giftcards from gamestop, I will do it again
The firesale is here, as foretold by DFV. MOASS SOON
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>BBBYQ enters the chat
>Why don't you want to discuss BBBYQ?
>Ok talk about BBBYQ....
>theres a court case
>Ok cool, is it doing anything at the moment
>well yes we get these cool snips of transcript that shows how everything went down at the end because of fraud an-
>so it is doing nothing to cause MOASS in GameStop at this moment...

It's a /GME/ thread, it's like going into a gay general on LGBT and asking why does no one want to talk about tits. It's not that hard to grasp.
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why are you summoning?
They don't even talk about it properly. JakeGPT, their lead legal analyst, confuses "docket" with "document".
Brainstop don’t know what comfy is
Oh so comfy
Wagie with the name badge “Ryan Cohen”, report in for retail duties tomorrow. Time to make shareholders happy and delight customers with a big smile on your face while you scan my crusty, yellow stained PS4 game and give me a big fat 80% store credit. Ryan Cohen, be sure to work super hard this week so you can be employee of the month and earn doub-, no, triple your current salary!! Oh waaaaagiiieeeeee!
GME $50 EOD friday and $500 in extended hours.
I can’t believe this is actually happening. What a time to be alive
Don't expect the price to be more than $12 on monday.

How do Redditor’s keep fooling for this crap?

Every cult promises the “event” coming soon.
Wow you got really deep in the weeds if you remember the Goldberg being an inside man stuff. And no one implied he was back channeling to RC but thanks for making that up for no reason. And you do this for free you say? I bet you could get paid if you wanted to.
Someone needs to get beat up for wearing gamestop merch outside. Preferably pulte or a redditor
I don’t think anyone understands the severity of the situation at hand here. Jake is sitting on his couch now.
Who is Jake?
Like, right this moment? Fuck it’s happening.
Bros my cost basis is 50 am I going to wagmi?
Wagmi it*
Nobody is falling for anything lol
Even redditors have learned to ignore retards trying to drum up hype only to be let down by nothing happening
The good news is he’s going to get banned for thinking he’s some kind of prophet
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I wonder if Ryan Cohen has thought about doing literally anything with that video game retailer he bought a few years ago?
They are the same, BBBYQ is merging with GME to make TEDDY.
if we open tomorrow @ $500 i'm gonna suck every dick in this thread
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>he doesn't know
Cool, very cool, but... When is that happening?
Those details are under NDA.
Bring back lynching, or stoning to death. Make them an example
What if I told you.... If it opens at $500, you wouldn't need to suck anyone's dick, because every hedge fund manager is already slurping the nozzle?
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Two (2) more weeks!
Uttering the thought should be punishable by death
So there is nothing to discuss until then, very cool.
Kindly fuck off my comfy thread dumbfuck retard baggots.
Kek predditors keep on losing
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Remember when we believed?
Good times.
Good times.
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I would imagine that this will be good for the market, so that means everything will start pumping tomorrow.
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Oh shiiiiiit, [REDACTED] has a clear run at the runway…
Hopefully this causes the market (nvidia) to further tumble and my puts print
Sorry, an autist has latched on to you "docket autists." You will be purged.
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
[REDACTED] stepped down cause he knows the moass starts tomorrow.
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Let the games begin
Kek. They’re gonna let him win so that they can make moass happen on his watch. lol lmao. We’re really all gonna make it.
He’s still the president you retard. He’s just stepping down from the election so that they can start moass on the other guys watch.
Zoom out
Ohhhhhh yeah, I’m pumped, just need a kitty tweet and I am set
im confused. since when was there an AH market on the weekends? >>58768621
i said the same thing a few threads ago and i was first ignored then banned for a day.
I'll give you a kiss on the pecker tonight just to see what you're missing on moonday
Disgusting fag hope you get raped by a rabbi with aids at gamestop
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>Richard Newton dropped 5 hours ago sir
>also, dot is blue
What is this website? I like it.

please don't strongly interpret the dot
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Shut it the fuck down
>Minions 5 gets released
>Average AMC theatres across America
Guys? I’m scared.
Hey guys what traders allow for instant deposit that aren't PFOF cucks? IBKR? Fidelity?
Why? It hasn't even joegun yes
Way too extra, my dude. If you got the energy to do all that you got the energy to go to therapy.
On Fidelity it depends more on what bank you're using to fund it. During business days I'm credited pretty quick and can trade.
IIRC fidelity does, but there are restrictions on what you can do with shares bought with unsettled funds. You should probably look up their policies.
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first they ignore you
then they ban you
then you win
Do not fear. The Lord is with you.

Those that promote evil will pay with their wallets and their lives.
I use Chase and okay sounds like Fidelity is the play thx
I love it when a black guy wins.
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Kek crypto baggies.
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some mighty fine digits ya got there pard, checked
Does this mean crypto baggies wagmi after all?
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So much timeline altering bullshit has occured since I started microdosing shrooms last week
Orange man ass ass attempt
Crowd strike BS
It's JOEOVER Biden drops out
I'm scared that one day like this Monday
Their just gonna let the moass happen because fuck it
It's par for the course
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there never was any doubt
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I think its cause its reporting AH friday
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Checked. Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's digits.
Look at that subtle optimism. The tasteful simplicity. Oh my god... it even has quads
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This is going to be the longest defcon 1 for shills yet.

Will they even be in here at market open tomorrow?
If this shit actually opens at 12 it'll be the greatest feast the shills have ever been served.
If it opens at 12, I will swipe the credit card
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> crowdstrike
> fintel and other sites showing weird prices on a bunch of tickers (GME included) on a Saturday updating at 13:37 server time
> biden pulls out

frens, its this fucking week isn't it?!
we finally defeat wallstreet?
we kick out (((them))) evil sand tribes and the (((nice))) sandtribe gets us in power?
What if it opens at $500 instead?
I will suck every dick in this thread
Then I'll be eating the greatest feast of all time.
MOASS, everyone will be dining on MOASS
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It's Joever for real this time lads ('-')7
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I will sell my share (x4) from my webull account (didn't DRS cause they make you pay) and then I'll slurp again at $20

what's the context here?
Why is the reddit troon allowed to speak so freely here
Dumbfuck baggies
Why dont you get off his fucking dick? There a few thread regular anons that dont deserve to make it. All of the faggot ones (you) have a strong position at the top of the list
enough chicanery, glitches better have my money

>the sex magic stops NOW
This is how the dance in Jamaica. Never fuck a Jamaican woman btw you will become addicted. You can do everything in that anons webm in bed and more. This is true for any women close to the equator.
lol do you really just make watermelon memes on photoshop all day? Theyre becoming more esoteric
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you know I'm right nigger
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digits confirm, buckle up baby
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checked, based, and melon-pilled
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It's going to infinity isn't it....
Or like 8 trillion doollars before
This Monday
I am bringing back this ancient meme

I searched up other tickers and the other distraction meme tickets and GME is the only one with a huge price discrepancy.

Anyone who holds this is going to fucking make it. HARD.
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post some vibe tunes for tomorrows market open
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYM8VeOUolw
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Now that a Trump victory is essentially a sure thing, Ryan's "TRUMP 2024" and "TRUMP..." tweets will be looked upon favorably, both for him and the company. His allegiance will be rewarded and the company will thrive and the stock will rise. We are going to see Jan. '21 all over again but at a much greater magnitude.
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>So much timeline altering bullshit has occured since I started microdosing shrooms last week
Yeah that's usually how it goes. I was vaping a ton of DMT around the sneeze.
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I don't want to sound like a fud shill but citadell llc, BCG, JP Morgan. the superstonk rule on no politics is their worst enemy if Trump gets elected no way MOASS happens with CAT dead in the water and these niggers in charge. and RC dilutes and actively works against MOASS and endorses this what the fuck is going on is this some kike playing both sides magic? I never would have imagine Cohen working with the PayPal mafia to elect someone that wants to gut the regulatory framework that's working to make him richer than God
Typing Trump 665 times isn’t an endorsement. Moses will be allowed to happen when Trump wins because he has to be the patsy. That’s why they’re handing it right over to him. You should try trusting the plan, its really quite comfy.
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Nobody actually makes watamelon memes. They just sort of appear. Consult pic related
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I was thinking the same thing
why is Elon following 665 people
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>Moses will be allowed to happen
The whole universe revolves around us. Isn't he already on the ballot in some states and it can't be changed?
wagmi check
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Plan truster bros?
Are you ready to Make Gamestop Great Again?
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That would seem to be the case
>Are you ready to Make Gamestop Great Again?
first we have to kill lum, but $soxl might do that for us
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Biz gf long distance relationship(she's pregnant)
Be realistic, $777,133,788 at most.
>$777,133,788 at most
per 0.25 share.
There are fields…endless fields, where watamelon memes are no longer born, they are grown.
For longest time, I wouldn't believe it…
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Shit. You got me. wtf is going on? Is a blood sacrifice incoming?
Trump will deliver my tendies and all will be right in the world. It'll just be a side effect of him getting DJT out from under the shorts boots. Truly this is the blessed timeline.
>Biden endorsed Kamala
Also the funniest timeline cannot wait to see her debate Trump it's going to be a shitshow

Also wtf happened to the bbbyq thread
Kamala is gonna body him.
Congrats to everyone still in this. You deserve this. Don’t let anyone tell you that you got licky
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I’m always “licky”
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>Shit. You got me. wtf is going on? Is a blood sacrifice incoming?
i suspect there is really a larger plan at work, what it means for us I'm not sure yet, theres a lot of signals
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>you got licky
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Do you think Biden only stepped down now because they didn’t think they’d need to if they’d successfully assassinated Trump?
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Before you try to larp, make sure you haven't posted already in the thread
Yes. Obama is the shadow president plundering America through zelensky. They have a very small pool of people who are aware of the crime and can sit in office to take orders through Obama. Only those people can run in place of Biden. I’m not sure Kamala is fully inside Obama’s circle. Newsom or Hilary are the obvious choices
Damn you posted so many [REDACTED] there we ain't going to see you until Post-MOASS
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mfw hedgies are gonna lose billions of dollars because they wouldn't let a couple k$ worth of my 19/07 30c print
Sore losers, gotta remember, it's entire generations being told they are smart money.
That's the root of most of the problems. Dumb people using their money and power to get leverage over others.
Except they haven't been the elite for a long time. They have the money and power, but it's only been maintained by gangstalking, harassment, false criminal charges, and manipulation of the public. They aren't leaders, just an abusive parent that gaslights you.
But what would it look like with a melon in it?
These people have the balls to say they are smarter than the rest of society when they are intentionally lying and manipulating them. If you teach a kid wrong on purpose, you aren't smarter than them, you're just a psychopath.
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ETA Kitty Tweet? CLINT? Someone find CLINT
Sorry I was having a wank.
Maybe one hour and 12 minutes? I’m more interested in the Crumbl cookie lineup that’ll stop on instagram at the same time

Checked. We've had so many anons start microdosing each week it's actually insane
>Crumbl cookie
those look so good.
> I’m more interested in the Crumbl cookie lineup that’ll stop on instagram at the same time

You tease
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They’re so damn expensive though. Like $3-$4 per cookie
they better be big as a burger.
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>Be me
>invest in brainstop
>lose everything
What did the universe mean by this?
How did you lose? Did you sell at a loss?
No. I dared to dream
Is it comprised of all the dicks contained herein?
I'm gonna buy 400 more on Monday. Is that bad or should I buy more
Why are so many websites showing $500 GME we are gonna be sub $20 on monday I bet when they fix all these "Glitches" ugh
0707 checked
i have my hold orders set already
fuck i really am in a cult
which one?
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But how did you lose it all?
I've got 1000 on a limit order for 12.50. Crossing my fingers.
Dont spend a lot of money for some fucking cookies with artificial ingredients in them
Remember when GME went to 0 and got delisted?

Oh my bad, that was bed bath and beyond lmao
>Dont spend a lot of money for some fucking cookies
Don't tell me what to do. Tomorrow morning I'm buying 5 more shares and 10 cookies.
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If the RH overnight chicanery hours does nothing to the price in 15 minutes, then the weird weekend prices are just a glitch.
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3 minutes until overnight bullshit. If it's not $1000 I'm going to scream
... I am bong, how long until RH overnight kicks in?
hey gang, I hope you're all staying hydrated and remembering to ponder over the fact that you're here forever. Thx
In four minutes we'll either get a nothingburger or the mother of all happenings.
it's a countdown. only 664 days left
Less than 3 more minutes
>Don’t let anyone tell you that you got licky
They won't. I won't be telling anyone. I will just have new things mysteriously.
25 breached. HAPPEENOOONING!!!!!!
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... Did it WAGMI?
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>it was just a glitch
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alright fuck these glitches I'm going to go have some fun elsewhere.
Rapid bounces between 25.16 and 25.08
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yeah, back to $25 checked
>back down to 25 and below when the servers go back on

called it. We are fucked for this month probably options cucked fucked us
$10 (formerly $40) seems to be a fire price.

How does the stock get down to $10 again without selling them and Fat Kenny controlling the price.
the fresh wave of meltdowie is coming, at least they make it fun to watch
You think by the start of next month they will learn holding shares and DRSing is the real way?
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Fucking reddit with their hopium.
Now the witches are men who made feminism and push LGBT while calling themselves "freemasons" instead of paying a girl to step on their balls.
Don't listen to the predditors. They are a wildly naive and emotional bunch.
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How do you feel you fucking faggot.you just robbed the hospital of 12k.
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We’re literally never going below this price.
moass tomorrow
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Stay comfy, comfy weekend /GME/.
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Moass tomorrow 9am
Hello monkies.
moass and shit pants tomorrow 9am, be there or be square.
have some single digit test sells in vanguard for a few hundred and none of them went through. What the fuck man. Who the fuck is able to trade on the weekend
indians are buying old coomer accounts to post now.
Probably an account from the SEC.
No post history outside of niche coomer subs until today. Kek. They’re not even trying anymore.
Remember 4 months ago when they couldn’t get it under $10?

Kek I don’t even think they get get it under $23 now
File deleted.
Remember when MOASS happened
Tomorrow ?
It's over it's never happening is it....
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It's over it's never happening
Crumbl is the best shit ever. They are stupid expensive, yes. I never eat them in one go, I cut them up into pieces so that I can enjoy them over a few days. If you've got one nearby, enjoy them now before they inevitably get ruined by corporate bullshit like every interesting food chain that grows quickly.
Unfortunately true. Sigh... capitalism.
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Remember anons, these people (like Sam Hyde) are government sponsored and not subject to the laws of the land. Make sure they get put in jail and never let out.

They call it unfair, but of course it's unfair. They have never had to follow the law anyways.
It was never about the money. I'll probably hostile takeover GM then crash the company on purpose, then go play minecraft with some friends.

I'll send all my extra USD to a geopolitical enemy of the US. They wanted an empire, but all they will get is dust.
They joke a lot about having hacked my computer, so they can steal everything I have anyways. Might as well play minecraft with my buddies, they have earned a relaxing vacation!
When GME squeezes, make sure to buy any stock you can. All the privately owned fronts for government agencies are all public companies. PLTR, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics.

It sure would suck if Peter Thiel (CIA) was voted out of his own "civilian" intelligence company.
I starting to wonder if SS is all just lies and the hedge funds were telling the truth.....
Yes no maybe ?
How bad can clown world get ?
Just make GME go to infinity already
Tomorrow too
Chop chop
Idk anymore
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>4 posts in a row in under 10 minutes
Nah I'm not going to pretend there aren't government sponsored criminals like Sam Hyde or Peter Thiel. >>58771026
>When GME squeezes, make sure to buy any stock you can.
Sorry, I only buy GME. When GME squeezes I will be buying more GME. I am crashing this market.
Last post, 8 years ago
Last comment, 9 months ago
All porn related with zero GME talks.

Shills are on the front page of SS and Teddy today.
>I starting to wonder if SS is all just lies
Yes. The moment they started banning forbidden topics. It's a hedge run sub now.
>hedge funds were telling the truth.
Also replying to every comment essentially doubling the comments to create a look that its hot DD and not dog shit


Some good stuff
Hmm, you can't use SBLOCs to buy more securities. There's probably a work around.

I wonder if any other anons will be harassed as much as me for holding a security and not agreeing with corporate covid policy.
So Computershare is a pychop ?
What the fuck is even real anymore ?
At this point the safest clown. World place to sell GME during the moass is prolly fucking rabbi hood
You still don’t get it do you?
Yeah yeah never sell GME becomes the GOD currency forever as the value goes to infinity
I'm not sure if that's ever going to happen anymore
I have a few shares in Computershare just in case tho
Who the fuck even knows anymore with clown world
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>So Computershare is a pychop ?
Everything is a psyop
>What the fuck is even real anymore ?
>At this point the safest clown. World place to sell GME during the moass is prolly fucking rabbi hood
I enjoy your picture anon.
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GME appears to be an internal struggle between the illumists or a planned collapse because they realize all their puppeteers are retards and are incapable of leading humanity through a micronova.
Make sure to clean up the mess they left for us.
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>we want it to collapse
>they want it to collapse
>if we collapse it we win
>if they collapse it we win
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WTF why does this miles large plasma discharge look like a menorah?!

There is no negotiation with psychopaths. People who reject their humanity are nothing more than animals, and get the ol yeller treatment.
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Your profile is alright anon. Still a faggot though it appears
A beast with 7 heads.
Anything under $25 bucks a share is literally risk free, free money. All you have to do is wait.
Would you rather have spy at 5500 and a weak dollar or spy at 3000 and a strong dollar? That is the quadrillion dollar question. Dems like the former and republicans like the latter and so it would seem the inevitable collapse of valuations will happen with Trump in office so it can be blamed on him because he doesn't give a shit and can just say it was a long time coming from dem policy to print. Everyone is positioned to lose the least amount of wealth possible already because any retard that understands flows and cycles and monetary policy has seen the writing on the wall and knows what's coming.

The dollar needs to deflate and that means numbers will go down but it won't matter because smaller number will be worth more than big number. We just get to be the recipients of big man strong dollar because we invested in the liquidity black hole that's going to suck the milkshake dry. It's all very easy to understand and the wealthy will get wealthier and the poor will have a chance and a hamburger won't be 10$ anymore. Probably more like 5$. We will see the mcdouble under 2$ again in our lifetimes. That's what gme means.
>Would you rather have spy at 5500 and a weak dollar or spy at 3000 and a strong dollar?
I want SPY at $1,000,0000,000 and every company in it except for GME at $0.
I'm going to pay homeless people $5,000 a day to sleep inside any building owned by Sam Hyde or anyone who works at MDE.
I just want cheap burgers again so I can get very fat for very little. Buying gamestop means I get more burgers. I think in terms of burgers, and I've been not buying them so I can buy more gme so I can have way more burgers at a later date. If it was possible to demand payment for my shares in burgers I would do so. Give me a burger. Burger me now please. Cheesebunger in my tumger immediately.
We'll have the best of both worlds. Gorillion dollar GME and $0.25 meals.
Oh waaaaagggiiieeeee!! Time to wake up, Ryan Cohen, today’s the day for you to go to work and make me some money! Get on your two feet and start selling some Funko Pops at your local GameStop store, and then you can get down on all fours and delight me in the evening. Yes, Mr. Cohen, you will enjoy this while getting paid nothing!!
I can finally eat again
Thank you GME
Just give me all the oxtails and cheeseburgers bls
Moass is this Monday
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The hamburger, truly a food that powers nations. It is the key to the U.S.'s success. Back in highschool, we wouldn't charge dollars, we'd always convert prices into mcdoubles. If you wanted someone to do you a favor, you'd say "3 and a half mcdoubles and I'll do it". Even if you were going to pay in cash, people just understood the cost of the labor when converted to McDoubles.

Mcdoubles didn't cost as much back then, 77 cents or so. Now a mcdouble is between $2.50 and $3.19 depending on where you go. Times are truly hard for burger enjoyers.
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Don't forget to also buy SPXS before the election to fully maximize profits.
I'm gonna buy me a wife or three post MOASS and fuck off until WW3 is over.
I WILL survive until the next monetary cycle and prosper
>maximize profits
>buying anything besides GME
Also forgot to mention, the real losers are the people who are up to their eyeballs in debt.
Deflation means debt slaves have a much more difficult time paying off their debt with deflated currency.

And do you know how the government will deal with this?
"Hey goy. I see you're in massive debt. Say, you ever think about joining the military? We have great debt repayment subsidies if you enlist today!"
I understood inflation and still have my mcdoubles. You sold your mcdoubles back then and will sell your GME now. You are destined to be a losing faggot.
Mcdoubles only hold their value for about an hour. After that, they can be reheated in the microwave but their value is significantly decreased and they rapidly depreciate from there. Any Mcdoubles older than a few days are practically worthless.

You've already lost. Meanwhile, my GME shares are DRS'd. Enjoy dying poor and hungry faggot.
Not true at all. A Mdcouble can be broken down into its constituent parts. Each part can then be vacuum sealed and flash frozen. Flash freezing effectively stops delta and theta remains unaffected. Your infantile understanding is reminiscent of a jeet that has learned nothing for the past 4 years.
fuck I'm still holding 200 mcdoubles that I froze a decade ago. my mcrib investment is still alright though, right?
Listen retard; GME will go up, and SPY will go down.
I can profit off of both outcomes.
Maintains good value. Sell at any yearly peak.
>I can profit off of both outcomes.
Okay... but GME is going up way more.
If you bought $50 of SPXS or $50 of GME you would profit way more from GME... duh
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Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus mother fucking Christ
When is it finally finally finally going to MOASS ? Please God holy mother of God and the fucking universe
I just want pussy and cheeseburgers
MB some fried chicken and cold beer on a Friday night
Show me your flash-frozen individually sealed burger components and I'll post my hairy nuts. Even then, you're profiting based on 70 cents to $3 over the course of a decade or so, right? You'd have been better off investing your money in shitty CD's the whole time unless you expect burgers to go to $9000 a burger. THEN, all you have to do is reheat the individual components, find a buyer, and cash out. Good fucking luck.
McRibs actually do hold value pretty well as collector's items but I wouldn't try to resell them for consumption. Your Mcdoubles are pretty worthless though, I'd cut your losses and compost the remains at this point.
I just want to be able to support my family without having to work as much
Based and McRib pilled.
That's probably not going to happen. The DRS list is public, so you're going to be harassed by people. Hopefully not government sponsored like I've gotten for the past year.
If I'm lying I'm dying. I don't invest in McRibs myself but they're not a bad seasonal investment if you know how to play the market.
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>McRibs at $1k
Thats a safe GUARANTEED 320+% increase in a metropolitan area. Imagine my portfolio in a rural area? This is also profit that has survived 2 economic downturns.
I accept your concession.
Because I was smart enough to break the mcdoubles into their parts, I am then able to build any burger item on the menu - this is basically a tranche. Meanwhile your shortsighted fat ass ate the burger's first night. Now suppose I cash out or take out a pledged asset loan against my burger stock and roll profits into GME?
LMFAO based. that nigger thought I was lying
We're talking Mcdoubles here faggot, not McRibs. You can't get shit with old McDoubles. I wouldn't fuck your mother for a McDouble. You still haven't shown your flash-frozen components either, as if that wouldn't tank resale value even if you did.
Your burger bonds are double D-rated at best. I wouldn't wipe my ass with them. Even if you could reconfigure them into bacon Mcdoubles or god forbid a Frankenstein Big-mac, who the fuck is to sign off on those? Not even Ken Griffin wouldn't give you a loan for that garbage and that fag is still shorting GME.

You're full of shit and don't have a clue when it comes to aftermarket fast-food resaling.
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Youre so fucking mad that you ate them early and didnt have the foresight or mental fortitude to hold. I can tell the EXACT moment in this conversation where you realized what happens next...
>GME enters an infinite squeeze
>Hyper HYPER inflation
>Mcdonalds is $40 for a mcdouble
>I unfreeze, reconstruct and undercut Mcdonalds at $20 a burger
Do you get it now retard? I say when I fucking reconstruct the burgers and sell. Do you wish you played it differently now?
>they're sliding with burgers now
Its not sliding if its 12AM, the end of the thread on a sunday night and nothing is being discussed you dumb nigger.
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Computershare isnt a psyop and is still the best way to buy shares. That said, the days of locking the float are over. Buying on CS still prevents rehypothecation of shares, still prevents them having numbers on their books to fuck around with. Your shares are in your name when you buy with CS. anywhere else you only own and IOU
Now that optionfags have been shaken out, GME can finally spike to $35 this week.
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Interesting... anyone see this?
can you even slide a thread on biz? board moves so slow you could hit the bump limit and stay on the front pages for hours.
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>can you even slide a thread on biz?
You're missing one crucial detail. /biz/ belongs to /GME/. If you want to slide /biz/ you would have to post in some shitcoin thread. Posting in /GME/ is using /biz/ for it's intended purpose. Spyfags and other assorted trash migrated to /bant/. There's no one left. /biz/ belongs to /GME/
>kek shitcoiners
>kek spyfags
>kek bathniggers
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brought Ghost of Tsushima at my local gme. based fucking game. no faggy lgbtq+++ feminism shit. been pretty enjoyable an based. japs need to bring back the samurai spirit. jews fear the samurai.
I want Japan to make a Game about Muhammad Ali but replace him with a Japanese guy
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I don't think the timeline can handle anymore bullshit lol
Orange man ass ass attempt
Crowdstrike bs
Bidet dropping out
GME is set to moass soon to infinity tomorrow
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dont know if this got discussed, but this says gme traded 9mil yesterday and went to 50

https://dilutiontracker.com/app/search/GME (click on news)
How much stupid stupid utterly fucking stupid fucking dumb fucking bullshit is gonna happen before molass ?
No one can even fucking trade on a fucking Saturday
Just let it fucking molass already FUCK
Moass it all today
Set it FREE

lmao kek.

since folks say gme shorts are hiding in swaps, heres great vid on how swaps work in the macro.

The Global Monetary System Is Reliant on Swap Spreads (Here's what they are)
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How do you deflate out of infinity?

The rare reverse Wimpy.
Wasn't the theory when GME is worth an infinite amount of money it just becomes the new federal reserve and just buys all the stocks, everything to reprop everything up ?
The govt will prolly cap the price per share to 1 billion a share idunno
Rafi Farber: Signs of Serious Financial Plumbing Stress Are Now Obvious

jew nigga touches on topics including rrp,liquidity crunch and chinas every encroaching collapse, all viewed through the pm lense, but of course we know gme is gonna be a major winner in it all and is definitely a pain point for all the fuck shit in the markets. china might be the trigger for moass. or japan.
When tho ?
Sept ? End of July ? Election ?
it's today, source I dreamt it

opening price: 25.65

closing price: 500
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Checked this is it frens
This is it
Ryan Cohen doesn't know it, but he is actually a retail wagie. I hawk tuah on wagies with disgust. He even does his job for free, kek!
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You spit on wagie's dicks so you can suck them better?
gotta motivate them somehow
You have it wrong. Ryan Cohen, the retail wagie, sucks on my penis because he has a fiduciary duty to satisfy my needs and take care of my wellbeing. You see, I command him and he works for me.
Whatever they are paying you it's too much, you suck at this
Oh no, my (you)! How will I ever pay my village? My rupees, sir!
Even if I were paid, it would be 1 rupee more than Ryan Cohen! So funny.
you are my sunstonk
my only sunstonk
you make me happy when days are green
i never told them
how much i hodl
pls dont take my sunstonk away
now all together
It's going to infinity today
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