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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

previous thread:
posting second follow up comment for the OP;

>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
someone tell bcg to hop off ryan's dick
the "16-b" short swing rule case was thrown out (couple months?) ago. The most likely holdup is:


Which is the pump and dump lawsuit.

Another case that is potentially holding thing up (not likely) is:


Only the first link (RC bbby pump and dump case) is likely to be in the way of Rc finally carving up the former BBBY and distributing cash and equity to previous shareholders with the help of Icahn and friends.
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Fraud is the one and only hope for former shareholders getting anything back. There is no secret grandmaster plan involving a m&a. Unless the board and jpm get charged with fraud and are forced to pay a settlement, it is 100% over. Until this happens, pontificating about ryan cohen teddy tinfoil means nothing.
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Kek, it is still legal and possible for old shareholders to receive cash and/or shares if there is a buyer behind the scenes, also fraud would just be icing on the cake as that would be extra cash for shareholders who owned shares between dates X and Y, however they determine the valid range of dates.

Why are you posting such blatantly false information?

Also, a very expensive “Bloomberg terminal” M&A software suite known as “Pitchbook” listed the company as sold 1 month after Ryan Cohen made a 400m offer in December 2022, what a strange coincidence. And the month after it was listed as sold RC tweeted that the government should stop shooting down his balloons, alluding to the fact that the system behind the scenes will throw every legal wrench they can to delay the inevitable restructuring.

See my previous post about what might still be holding this up:
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I'll believe it when I see it. For me right now it's the other way around: fraud is all I'm hoping for and anything else will be icing on the cake.
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>fat retard pulte
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>he doesn't know
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>balding manlet trusts fat retard
>sub-$25 gme after 4 years
>$0 bbby
>Fraud is the one and only hope for former shareholders getting anything back. There is no secret grandmaster plan involving a m&a.

>I'll believe it when I see it.

You first claimed that it is impossible, now you claim you think its improbable and will be icing on the cake if it happens.... Which is it then? Well I can answer that and that is:

it is still legal and possible for old shareholders to receive cash and/or shares if there is a buyer.

Also considering the amount of - still to this day - redacted information, and alllll the information that near perfectly explains a massive m&a being underway, it seems that an M&A is underway.
Kek Baggies
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What's up baggots, resident shill here. Looks like nobody wants to bump your little thread anymore, not even my well-paid colleagues. Guess there's no more money left in this. Should've listened to me years ago. What's wrong, bagcels? Shills posting was bullish, you must've been close? Now, trolls don't want to touch this with a ten feet pole, baker straight up and left, is this now, dare I say it? Bearish? Ahh haha I'm just kiddin bagoids. It's not even a real stock. You aight? Peace out.
New dockets indicate they are still working through tax negotiations, and one possible worker's comp claim. The fact that tax authorities are still at the negotiating table I find very bullish.
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You guys have been really busy given the events of July 13th and the change in the blue team puppet, so I imagine shills have been prioritized elsewhere. You know as well as anybody that this is just in waiting because the chapter 11 case is ongoing, and every new docket drop for the chapter 11 or for the RC case is putting undeniable evidence on JPM for committing serious felonies by coaching board members how to respond to cohens correspondences surrounding the company. Oops looks like new equity and cash will be the least of wallstreets worries.

Yea I need to go through and create some succinct summaries, there already was treasure coves worth of information over a year ago, and now within the last couple months the spice meter has grown considerably.
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This is some schizo ramblings kek
Everyone was pushing him and his claims as the value of stock buybacks since 2004 and it turns out his claims are schizo with zero connection to BBBY.

Which part of this do you think Goldberg called arguably baseless?
So if the claims are worthless? Is the credit bid or LBO the only two possible options left
Kek baggies. Sorry, no refunds.
The walls are closing in, kek paid stock bashers.
Is baggieversary the newest hype date for when Ryan "Brandon Meadows" Cohen finally pays the baggots $11b each?

By the way, if nothing happens on the 30th, it is because I personally manifested it to do so. This is the power of negative thinking.
Another made up date? Cringe
Wow that sure triggered them. Sep 30 is not a happening date you faggots. Its the deadline for claims to be objected to and once passed the courts can finalize claims and the plan of reorganization can resolve all claims

Is this why we see the details of the meadows claim today?

There was the rumor that Biden held back the squeeze on Robinhood and was shooting down RC's balloons, but if Biden is out then maybe he doesn't have any reason (or ability?) to keep protecting shorts. Would that make sense?
Am I right? Does this mean the short squeeze is imminent?
Do you really believe RC spends his time counting days between dates and then waiting to post the number 69 on the perfect date? When has this ever ended up being right?
something something paid shill something something indian
better luck next time
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Lmao why are all these “crazy” people and stuttering messes clogging up the courts for what should be such a “simple” chapter 11 for a towel store? It’s almost like pitchbook was correct and the company was carved out in January 2023, but when scitzos file multi billion dollar claims the courts have to resolve those before they will let RC have his prize. Kek duggie kek kenpai.
larry cheng, who is a current board member at the publicly traded company GameStop, was a guest on a podcast dedicated to discussing the company Bed Bath & Beyond, where the podcast is named theppshow, and the company being discussed (bbbyq) was given at least a 5 billion dollar valuation by holly etlin in december 2023(restructuring roundtable on 12/15/23). Holly Etlin also states the FILO (Sixth Street) is still looking for recovery there and that hasn't happened in retail for a long time except from fraud cases.

Shills spend incalculable amounts of time keeping up to date on a podcast called theppshow with dildo themes etc, legal filings, twitter space calls, social media happenings in general, so they can come here and not respond with intelligible factual statements, oh no no no, to respond with the lowest ragebait garbage to slide the thread and cause discontinuity in any discussions around this stock or gme.
GME being very quiet today, what we making of it?
>AMC up
>GME down
>BBBYQ stable
What did they mean by this?
What’s the consensus. Is the KAMALA 2069 tweet considered a sex reference?
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>be ryan
>spend all your time coming up with le funny sex dates with fat retard pulte while your nft marketplace and ftx partnership go to utter shit
thanks man
Oh yeah, that’s what I’m talking about
Fuck those distractions, Ryan is using GME baggies to pump beyond
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Looks like today is post confirmation report day.
you wot m8? explain or post a link for the retards (me)
Means get in the bath homo, we bathing good tonight
>muh nft marketplace
>muh fx partnership
>dilution raises floor + 4b in the bank
that's a kek from me
dilution only cucked us in BBBY. RC is looking more and more like a child who doesn't care about the consequences of his actions. there is still enough only the young/elon/icahn/trump posting coming from pulte to hold on to hope though and the bankruptcy proceedings aren't completely finished yet. keep in mind that RC liked pulte's tweet that said that we should remember only the young because it will be very important one day. so RC will be liable for investors getting pissed at him if the pulte posting doesn't amount to anything.
I mean maybe there actually was too much mayo then
what the fuck are you trying to sell me
Did you guys see the blue uno reverse card gamestop tweeted about the new uno game? Gives me bbby brand color vibes
our only remaining bet at this point is that RC isn't a despicable con artist or an inept manchild. at first we didn't understand why we should invest in BBBY but RC seemed interested in it and/or buybuy baby and the stock started pumping while he was hyping it up with his tweets. but then it rugpulled and he didn't say anything outside of a cringey interview months after the fact so we didn't want to sell because the stock price was already in the gutter and there were things that looked weird with BBBY, they said they expected to be net positive in cash flow, they got funding via sixth street, they posted the weird bond offering without further explanation after RC posted the pic with icahn. and RC kept posting weird things like the titanic tweet which was interpreted as bullish because it's a silly tweet with him larping as the female main character from the movie. but we just got bankruptcy and pulte's hype. on the GME side, the NFT marketplace failed, they silently abandoned the amazon-sized ecommerce warehouse, they sent internal emails to employees that were not bullish, they need to cut costs and work harder. then RC diluted not once but twice into DFV's pump. GME did some weird thing where RC is responsible for investments but he isn't doing anything anything special with the cash and they stated in the SEC filings that they don't have plans for M&A. now we are years into this hoping for some nearly impossible 4d chess move while RC is shitposting on twitter and larry cheng is posting autistic ramblings on twitter and linkedin.

Overstock no longer using the Bed Bath and Beyond IP
This has been the only actual happening since 2023
I like realists like you that don’t coat shit in glitter and label it DD. You also don’t cower from being labeled a shill. I feel the same
>ID hops to do consensus shilling
He's a con. There ya go. Save your writing for a self published novel or something
Just checked out the GME thread, full of shills and Indians as per usual, WAGMI, October we MOASS glad to see we are back to having actual posters again.
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Yep, AvailableWerewolf600 has been nearly the only one posting worthwhile dd lately and his posts get low engagement, hedgies turn down the bot and shill swarms to simulate low interest/engagement with his posts. But more as to the subject matter… coordinated and intelligent delaying tactics is fucking awesome lol what reason would they want to delay for I wonder? Also I don’t remember details about the bond offering way way back, but could the corrupt board have sniffed out RC and Icahn owning bonds so they wanted to issue more to dilute down their % ownership to push RC and Icahn out, and when that failed they speed ran into bankruptcy? Idk if this is scitzo nonsense but interesting nonetheless.

Also look at this scitzo bs:

Bad actor hiding behind “good intentions” drumming up a lot of engagement. Normal retail traders will never write specialized software to analyze data you have to pay 5-6 figures and beyond to acquire, while using partial differential equations along with more advanced mathematics to create models for. Pic related is the ops (phonon_dos) comment chain with a guy who - correctly - claims that while black scholes laid the foundation for the quantitative analysis of derivative contracts, every firm and every broker uses their own methods to calculate things like IV, theta, other Greeks etc etc. seriously go look yourself, different online options calculators and brokers will have their own methods, also their own methods they won’t release publicly.

They really want people blowing money on options because without M&A activity or some major derivatives rebalancing gme is locked mostly sideways.
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The FUD finally got to me bros, I sold all my shares today, sorry.
>Yep, AvailableWerewolf600 has been nearly the only one posting worthwhile dd lately
Yeah cuz Jake2b and whoever else decided to be cryptic faggots. I still don't know if they've been NDA'ed or lying.
>hedgies turn down the bot and shill swarms to simulate low interest/engagement with his posts.
Ahh that makes sense. I was wondering how the most retarded shit gets the most engagement.
>But more as to the subject matter… coordinated and intelligent delaying tactics is fucking awesome lol what reason would they want to delay for I wonder?
What's interesting is if you look up Brandon Meadows in the search bar of r/Teddy and r/BBBY, you have users like canadadrynoob who straight up gaslight and spin the context of dockets. I thought he was an idiot at first as I reread his old posts as there's blatantly wrong information but I think he might be a deep undercover shill.

Pic rel is an example of one of his Brandon Meadows post. The plan admin says the claim is "arguably baseless" meaning it has no grounds to stand on and this canadadrynoob guy spins it as a bullish statement and that he represents Ryan Cohen. The comments just eat it up and nobody challenges him on it. Its like looking at an apple, but someone calls it an orange, and so you say it's an orange. Kek.
Here's another one, 6 months ago. He's saying Brandon is RC representative with zero proof lol. And people just eat it up. No wonder they use low iq paid stock bashers for the regular users and reserve people like tranny sparkles to debate guys like jake.

Now flash forward 6 months we can see that Meadows claim is some schizo FBI shit about taxes with no mentions about BBBY.

Did they use a homeless schizo to submit a false claim?
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Yep canadadrynoob has been a hype fatigue shill as well, they are everywhere. One should assume AvailableWerewolf600 is a shill as well, posting good stuff then poisoning sentiment once he’s gained trust at some future point. The bigger message is to analyze the statements not the person giving them. But with as large as the world is at some point one must put trust in individuals/institutions, so I will trust werewolf until he gives me a reason not too.

For anyone with eyes and a brain, turning off a significant portion of retails ability to buy gme 3.5 years ago should have been a major fucking wake up call, at least for the people who for some unfortunate reason trusted the system before that point. Clearly major struggles are happening behind the scenes with RCs activities and the deposition documents are juicy juicy juicy.

Kek dougshit
Kek kenpai
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>we can safely say
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I have a simple system:

Everyone is a nigger and I hold out of spite.
Everyone is a nigger and I held to zero out of spite.
>AMSneed and anything else
Everyone is a nigger and I'm not touching it.

They don't know what to do with me.
You come here crying that your r/faggit posts dont get up votes. Youre literally logged into the account your shilling in that screenshot you stupid fuck.
Kek baggies
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I just want this trade to end...I cant stand half of the niggers in this play
You faggots do realize that the pfp is a default pfp right?
Pretends to hold and performs his stock bashing job
Then ID hops to a 1PBTID
To do consensus shilling
You and I both know thats not true. They give you a gay character. But of course coincidences stop mattering to you faggots the moment you get called out despite the fact that you all have spent the last 3 years doing DD based on "cohencidences".
Blatantly lying.

They give you a blanked out pfp with different colors. The character shit is something people have the option to make which makes Dave Lauer's one even more telling. His character is a sheep in wolves clothing.
Wolf in Cats clothing actually.
You were called out and now youre acting like a cornered child. Its embarrassing.
First you called out Delay Anon, now you're saying its me?
Kek, which one is it faggot
Again you contradict yourself. Its ok for you to use cohencidence for 4 years to draw conclusions, but not anyone else. Its ok for you to say I am same fagging, but not ok for me to say the same about you.
kill yourself you fucking low test man child
lol he is such a faggot I can't wait until he gets his comeuppance and it comes out that he's a plant.
Oh my god. There's still a BBBYQ general??
you forgot to switch IDs there buddy
You knew this when you came in bitching 2 days ago
I sincerely hope you niggers kill yourselves when September 29th comes and goes and your shares are still gone. What is it about this stock that just attracts the dumbest idiots?
bro is going to have a heart attack in the bbbyq thread a year after I already made my gains, I fucking love chapter 11's lmfao
See you then fren, and then probably again
just linking some previous posts with some conversation.



Also i vaguely remember this "Kaiser1a2b" guy as an OG DDer but in the thread i just linked he seems to be spilling his spaghetti a little bit when he says:

"This Brandon Meadows guys ain't holding up shit. In reality he has provided no proof of his claims so he's a footnote in bankruptcy as soon as the PA decided to do so. Plus he risks jail time and fines in thousands of dollars. But to reiterate:......."

go look in the thread if you want the rest of the quote. Even I as a non-lawyer or DDer can tell you that you are entitled to reasonable due process when submitting claims/communications with an ongoing chapter 11 case as the case, in general, is a public process, especially when the entity was publicly traded. This means that when scitzo rambling claims get published, they are entitled to a hearing date as I understand it. Also the number of claims is so high that the objection bar date was pushed until September 30th, 2024, which means literally nothing is guaranteed to happen until then, and ultimately we won't know until the chapter 11 case is either finalized or we get plans of reorganization then watch as duggie starts spurting and foaming on twitter.

kek sleeper shills we see you.
>when September 29th comes and goes
There is another goalpost to move to.
bbbby can start selling towels and bring back our stock because we are right
>start selling towels
You can actually buy towels from Bed Bath and Beyond right now.
not for long >>58776814
We are so back
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>Beyond Inc.
This is overstock not BBBY. This will all likely start to disappear as Overstock reverts to their old branding.
Yup Kaiser1a2b has been activated. Check out his latest comment on the same post.
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Yea I just read it, doesn’t even argue directly against the specific of the post and comment werewolf made… seems like general community disbandment/demoralization/RC abandoned us FUD. RC abandoned us fud has been biiig over the last few months in the gme threads, and they know there a big correlation where bbby retards almost all own gme shares as well.
youtube is giving me funny recommendations at the moment
i wish i could find some way to make millions, hopefully BBBYQ will be a win otherwise RC and pulte are acting weird for no reason
if someone like jake2b or travis_b13 could verify >>58777804 that would be sweet
maybe 2069 is an anagram of docket 2906 as in pic in >>58778073?
RC also replied to greg (infamous shitposter, some redditor suspected it of being an elon alt account idk) with greg 2069 as if to emphasize 2069
> if someone like jake2b or travis_b13 could verify

Imagine needing another man’s approval. Especially men that have never been right. Find some self respect and lean on your own understanding faggot
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So if nothing happens at the end of September, will this finally be officially over? Or will there be another secret tinfoil induced endgame?
it's exhausting to check each and every reddit posts. i fear that it might be bullshit like most other things on reddit. if u/AvailableWerewolf600 is correct and has presented sufficient evidence, it should be easy enough for other people to check the evidence. it's called peer review.
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Ross has been the "sissy" poster this whole time. Very interesting
So why cant you peer review you. He provided all of the sources
Review it*
no u
I am not jake2b or travis_b13
they're just random examples of people who aren't fully brain rotted drooling retards
Take their fucking dicks out of your anal and oral regions. Name something either have been correct on to deserve your admiration.
at least they're not unhinged like this or like most GME maxis
Great barometer you have there. All you had to do was name one thing they have gotten right and you retort with a grown man that named himself after a semen covered cock.
All of this to say - anything Jake can ask Chatgpt you can too. Be a fucking adult
i'm not a legal expert or dunning-kruger and i have other things to do, i'm gonna take a shower lol
anon was the one who hyped up AvailableWerewolf600 not me
The guy is fucking, theorico his posting style is the same.
Shills really don't like this guy eh?
I mean who else could it be? Neelay Das again? I am not a shill lol. I bought shares.
Why does it have to be someone?
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what shares?
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>never been right
That cannot be tested until chapter 11 has concluded, we are clearly delayed for reasons beyond RC’s control.

Until the chapter 11 case has concluded, or even better we get reorganization plans before it has fully concluded, we wait.
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holy fucking kek, I read through the thread. It must be painful for hedgies to allocate better shills to try and explain stuff away.

I imagine modern shilling systems are highly abstracted, let me give an example by stating how I would make shilling reasonably disconnected from the actual information ecosystem being shilled:

I would hire "prompt writers" of sorts, similar to a call center setup where each employee has their own computer. then special software just puts a prompt on your screen and gives you a tiny bit of relevant background and instructs you to write a little blurb responding to the prompt, as best as one can, then submit it into the system. this would allow teams of shills to shill and respond dynamically to content that they dont even know the origination of. You could have a department that scrapes the internet, feeds it into a sophisticated text analysis system, automatically flagging content that needs a good old fashion narrative push and then divvy out work loads by taking real text content and asking the 2nd department to write responses too. This would disconnect the shill from the shilled and potentially better hide the financials of setting up this type of "narrative control farm". These days instead of people responding, it is probably more and more bots taking these roles, but for crucial times I imagine real people are apart of these types of organizations, or just performing good old fashion paid stock bashing directly.

ryan cohen liked a tweet of this picture.
Former Shareholder seems to be under the misimpression that he still holds
equity, which he does not.
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It was a rush when May hit last year and the bankruptcy became real. I feel like that was nut up or shut up, and I learned a lot. I remember the level of shit talk around pre-market and almost got caught up and missed that .04 - .06 entry point. Slurping bbbyq at .07 cents and flipping 3/4 of those shares between .20 - .30 to gme while arguing with the gme fud posters was bizarre. I reduced my gme average by a few dollars, but you couldn't argue with fud posters in a way that mattered
>oh you sold? you must not believe in le heckin squeeze/merger/bbby (lol)
>oh you held, you're a fucking retard (lol)
Top 5 instances for me during this saga probably, I was able to add a dew shares that helped push my portfolio to almost 200k at the height of the last gme run. Bbbyq bros are holding it down in court though, the old board that gave Ryan shit getting caught for fraud is probably my favorite development.
jakegpt doesn't even know what questions to ask lmao
We are right that is why they fight us so badly because WAGMI
If you look at the latest live stream by DFV when the chat is talking about AMC, GME he doesn’t do anything, when BBBY is mentioned he smiles, he’s all in baby
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Lizzel for shizzel is an interesting shill, this bitch is fucking nuts. Just poke around “their” post history holy fuck.
>pic related

Yea bbby, when finally allowed to restructure, will be the start of the end. This election cycle is going to be fucking wild I can feel it in between my cheeks.
Liz is literally hard mineral. Didn't pop up until hard mineral was banned and posts exactly like him while praising himself
Has it always been this easy to make money in election years? I feel like every election year it’s fairly obvious what to invest in, but this time it’s being beamed directly into my brain whether I like it or not.
When BBBY is allowed to exit chapter 11, i am remortgaging mine and my parents house and putting every penny into BBBY to the moon.
And you think you will be able to do the whole remortgaging process prior to being priced out? Once it’s delisted I doubt you’ll have time to do anything. Unfortunately the pool is closed, nigger.
I might be able to buy a share of BBBY for 200k on the way up, this is going beyond anything imagineable
Has okbet ever given his price target?
BBBY will be the next Berkshire 300% more B's in the name alone.
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Any status on the fraud? For a while there were some big revelations but it seems like nothing substantial happened yet.
740 million shares owned by Sneed & Co despite a 428 million TSO.

Price is infinity
Former board has until august 9 to respond to fraud accusations
I clicked on one of the shill comments on AvailableWerewolf's profile and what do you know, it's a meltdownie that regurgitates the same talking points as the shills here.
Strange how they actively keep up with GME/BBBY and swear they do it for free
I cant wait for RICO on these fuckers
He said infinite losses will be tested. And that the markets will crash as a result. He said all the price targets he’s heard thrown around ($5,000, $10,000 etc) are ridiculously low. And that if this is a unit investment trust, aim HIGH.
My price per share was unironically 50,000. idk what it is now
I never heard him name a specific price target. I did hear him say one time something like wake me up when GameStop is at $10,000, but he meant that’s when it will have his attention but not the price he will sell into.
>Has okbet ever given his price target
It was implied at one point that the higher it goes it the more it implies the whole situation is ridiculous and so if we see 1,000 or even 10,000 then it could very well go to a milly but didn't put it in such direct words.

It was also discussed about the value of a systemic risk might become worth as much as the entire system in a crisis and maybe a previous crisis had that happen once. So if all assets are worth $100T or more (I believe $100T was one of the lower estimates and that the word "quadrillion" was thrown around) then maybe the basket could be worth that much and then you could ask how much of the basket your company's shares make up.

It theoretically makes sense too that the basket could be worth more than the entire rest of the system in a crisis. Imagine you can't close your shorts because the basket costs more than your entire portfolio... Only in this case, you're the biggest parties in the world so your portfolio is basically the entire system except the basket... If the entire rest of the system isn't worth enough to buy back the basket then that would mean the basket is worth more than literally everything else combined, even if that means it's over a $100T.
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>2 weeks
Is it just me or is their new strategy to just make the other thread unusable?
Who cares man...enjoy these times. You have a position the rest is just entertainment
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>Theres literally people who dont have 1 shares of either idiosyncratic risk that will change the global landscape of finance and economics
It’s not just you. I noticed a while ago that even the bag kekkers were more coherent than the average pretend holder in the the regular thread.
Scratch that Niggerfaggot seems to have also had a stroke. I knew something was up when the Logoniggers stopped that psyop.
What kind of job does okbet even have? was it related to banking?
not in specifics from what i remember but at least if his crypto theory comes true he thinks it could go ballistic, whatever price target you had it mind, multiply it by ten
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kek, both of these faggots were already blocked when I checked their profiles

that has been part of the strategy since the early days
GME is only good to go on and have a good laugh at, they still locked in like religious zealots, they will not WAGMI. We are the only ones that saw the 10D chess Ryan was making, GME is the patsy, BBBY is the MOASS
Something to do with financial fraud investigations
that's like, 50 dollars
>they still locked in like religious zealots
>waiting for bbbyq to rise from its grave
if you actually held, the lack of self awareness is astounding
Glow harder
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>one of the last real BBBY holders left
>constantly attacked for holding the one true stock
Yes, mire what WAGMI looks like digits of BBBY in my name, you? You will buy my shares, every last one of them, then I will give you permission to you me again.
I find his impression to be insulting.
Does he do it for free? What is his goal? Is he trying to make us look like annoying retards?
He is trying to dissolve what support base is left of BBBY, thing is it is all priced in, only category 741 holders will be made hole, they are so late to the party it is unreal
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It’s ok anon, you will soon see, September 30th it ends, we win and we shall have peace
Look at that, suddenly not attacked anymore for being a BBBY holder, really activates the almonds
probably the longest larp I've had the misfortune of observing
>calling a respected 6pbti a larp
Glow so bright won’t you guide my sleigh tonight’
Part 2

Fucking kek
>still spamming his own reddit account across two IDs in the thread.
>Thinks we're falling for it
you must be the shill that fell for his antics lmao
I called you out on your other ID PNXYpW6v and you abandoned it shortly thereafter
Kek dumbfuck paid stockbashers. He doesn't even realize the other anon is Delay anon
Lets compare cocks. Smallest has to leave the thread forever.
>one of the last real BBBY holders left
Kek, who's gonna tell him?
P.s. it's been awhile but I'm still kekkin ya, PridefulAnon
Siloniggers trying to derail from BBBY big news day, glowing like a pair of almonds. Why not both leave.
Im so sorry for "derailing" an inactive 4 day old thread. The discussion was so fucking riveting. Thank me for keeping it alive nigger. Also, there has been zero fucking news.
You sound like a GameStop retard, get back to your containment thread with the rest of them.
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kek all you want. I'll just be a comfy boy while we wait for this fraud investigation to wrap up.
I kneel
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These comics are pretty much all the DD you need.
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The shills will all be bbbelievers in two more weeks kek
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Wow, that is some amazing OC
Niggers tongue my anus
>He said all the price targets he’s heard thrown around ($5,000, $10,000 etc) are ridiculously low.
From what sources? And where did he say those things? His job?
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I love these
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Ty king.

Last night's PPshow episode is essential watching. Jake returns from his 2 month hiatus and drops the bomb.
He provides evidence to why we aren't moving forward.
The Bratya class action is the problem. It puts RC at risk of being sued for conducting the asset sale transaction.
Once the class action is dismissed, RC is safe and we will see progress soon after.
The next date for this case is AUG 2nd 10:30AM. This will be an evidentiary hearing to present evidence that would allow the judge to decide whether or not he can certify the class.
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That case is this one correct?:

Also how do I interpret the title "SI v. BED BATH & BEYOND CORPORATION", clearly it is bbby vs some "entity" called SI, I assume this case is bbby vs paid bad actors (class action by former shareholders) trying to delay their concrete sky diving as long as possible.
the original guy who sued RC was pencheng si
bratya took over later
actually it's a woman according to

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