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I just saw a thread with about 25 novel-length concern trolling posts. They must have spent hours writing all that shit. Can you imagine?
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it's nuts, isn't it? i doubt i'd have sold any of my Link without the fud, but having the relentless fud ensured i didn't sell a single one. i even kept buying more just to fuck them off, whereas i probably wouldn't have without them.
i've said it before and i'll say it again; the Aesop's fable 'The North Wind and the Sun' perfectly describes our relationship with them. The harder they try, the less they succeed. it's amazing
This. The squeeze hasn't been squoze yet. Once Link finally pops all of these fuddies and shills will be sorry they missed it. Jajajajaja.
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I just don't think they understand that I'm not fucking selling
If you see a wall of text or 5 posts in a row, every single time it’s a fudgroid slipping off the edge of sanity. It’s sad at this point. Linkies should crowdfund an asylum for them, post-singularity.
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shut your arse stinker BITCH
we're not buying your bags
kek baggie
kek we want you to keep buying stinker BITCH, we think it's funny that you're about to completely miss a second bullrun in a row
kek baggies
Reality - OP is so rattled no one new joins the cult he has to preemptively make a thread to deal with it. What a pussy
>linkies should fund

With what hahahaha? You gonna pay w hypothetical build rewards kid?
Like this fudgroid got so hysterical at the word “fund” he couldn’t even read until the end of the post. Catastrophic emotional instability.
What will we call the mental institution we build for them?
How about “Bedlmao”?
Lmao this.
They're realising that sentiment is at all time low and no normie money is coming in to save them.
They can't even rely on /biz/ falling for the scam since 95% of the board woke up to the sirgay scam.
Face it chainshit BITCH, you lost and will miss out on the bullrun.
kek nigger baggie
>we want you to keep buying
great -thanks. i will!
that was easy
Pretty much.
Im looking forward to the inevitable blow off the top pump to 40k sats at most, link cultists celebrating being only 80% down at which point, then the inevitable 90% crash back to ICO levels in the following years after the bull ends
kek baggie
keep holding your worthless stinkbags for the next 7 years

I'm genuinely less excited about making money in the bull than I am watching linkies cope and seethe while the whole board relentlessly bullies them.
Can you imagine the copeposting from disgruntled baggies and the damage control from advocates when everything shoots up x50 in the bull, fresh new alts and memecoins mint millionaires overnight, meanwhile chainshit heroically struggles to break $25 the whole time and proceeds to dump to $5 in the bear? It's gonna be great.
>keep holding for the next 7 years
7 years? i'll still have my main stack in 40 years, then my kids will inherit it. you won't be able to afford kids because you gambled yours away and are too clueless to get them back kek
enjoy the poverty-stricken rest of your life lolol
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>kek baggie
You know what i find particularly sad? How obvious it is employees if chainlink labs(be them “advocates” or just regular payroll employees) post here now shilling.
Compared to years ago its so obvious. They are also really unpleasant half the time, or engaged in really dishonest debate if not downright gaslighting people. Many if them care little and know little beyond the basics of their job. They aren’t the autists who here here in 2017, and understood the Oracle Problem and DLT well despite it being so niche at the time, or I’d recognise it(i actually see that in “fuddies” often these days).
No, they are here because there are 700+ of them, and they all get paid in Chainlink Tokens for their annual bonuses.
They have to vest these, pay tax on it when they do as income, and then when they exercise it they obviously want a good price.

Thats why they are here and so unpleasant these days. There are u told normies working at CLL, they need to make sure the token does well so they can dump it after they vest/exercise.

In a way i dont blame them, but it just goes to show you what has become. They flood this place nowadays and you can really tell when they are a wagie at CLL
>another wall of shite
totally did not read and the pool is still totally closed kek
I wasn’t talking to you dip shit. I dont post to talk to retards like you, i honestly hope you baghold forever at this point. You’re just an annoying buzz in the background.
I’m more interested in talking to other anons who aren’t in the cult and also held for years so have strong views. It’s like the inverse of the 2017-2018 days
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this is why, they get anally ravaged by memetic energy
kek baggie
tormenting you is gonna be hilarious once you've realized you fucked up

And yeah agreed, you can tell chainlink completely lost any energy, positive sentiment and organic feel it once had.
Fudding felt forced or tonguie-in-cheek before, now it's genuine and organic, while the shilling obviously comes from paid advocates and the few desperate remaining linkies on this board praying it hits $50 again so they can dump their bags.
>I know what will solve these "wall of text" accusations... a wall of text!
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why should we care what you think since we know you're a gay cuk
lmao this must be the same baggie who spammed /biz/ with nigerian conspiracy claims for the past week
This is what link baggies have been reduced to, increasingly deranged conspiracies and doubtful 'gotcha' posts.
kek baggie, have fun missing the bullrun
Yep. Link felt extremely grassroots in the early period, even as late as 2019 imo.
Now days the fud feels grassroots. Its like a complete flip.
I mean look at this thread and the others. You have these annoying mosquitoes just doing one liners like “i will buy more” and “the pool is closed”, among the “fud” posts which are more often actually considered opinions and discussion… years ago it was the fucking opposite and even i would be writing this post in 2018 exactly the same but the roles flipped.

I dont even know why these last cultists think we are trying to make them sell. I couldn’t give a fuck, if anything i want them to baghold to the last minute
the irony that this post was literally written in an internet cafe in Lagos, Nigeria, while the poster slurped down a big bowl of egusi soup
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imagine still seething about what you insist is a dead 7 year old shitcoin

kek baggies
we just love to torment you for shitting up /biz/ with your scam and watch you fuck up another bullrun
>reply in under 30 seconds
>w-we just love tormenting you11!!!1
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look how much they wrote, they're so mad lmao
lmao, exactly what I'm talking about
Imagine screenshotting a spelling mistake and making a whole new conspiracy about it just because your shitcoin can't pump and you're being bullied everywhere on /biz/ lmao
Imagine being so fucking retarded and deep into a cult you invented a massive conspiracy and boogie man about nigerians(like bulgarians before), over someone clearly making a typo of the word “can”.

You are definitely the faggot who constantly wont stfu about btc dumping conspiracies and god knows what else. Honestly you make XRP retards like Okay. Absolute drivel. This is the type of person still holding and defending Chainlink
kek fuddie
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Fudgroid is hilarious
>then my kids will inherit it
that requires getting laid unless you're adopting and/or you know that other route that starts with c...

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L M A O having to set the lighting like a nightclub at 3am so people won't see how empty it is
wow you really made the Nigerians mad lmao
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dare I say it....
>hate link
>constantly post about in link threads
>make new thread when baggies don't engage

oh no! he wasn't talking to me -whatever shall i do? my poor hurt feelings will never recover from this loss!
>tormenting you is gonna be hilarious
it's already hilarious for us tormenting you sacks of human faeces kek
that is actually pathetic
>that requires getting laid
my kids are 7 and 9 -kek try again, little virgin boy
your kids are going to hate you in 10 years, if not LARP
talk about projection. did your mother never love you? i swear you kekfuddies all suffer from some form of this
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To whom it may concern:

This stupid fucking frog is not some magical path to my wallet
I'm not interested in your globohomo shitcoin and tossing a word salad at me with a Pepe meme isn't going to convince me to invest.
I'm not interested in your chainshitcoin and tossing a word salad at me and telling me not to miss out (trying to prey on FOMO, what a piece of shit) isn't going to convince me to buy your heavy bags.
Posting this stupid fucking faggot frog is not a free pass. It doesn't make your bullshit cool and hip, it makes you a manipulative faggot who took a meme and tried to capitalize on it
Very few coins have actual practical uses, and most of those practical uses are buying drugs. Most of it is a thinly veiled pump and dump scheme weakly propelled by Pepe memes.
I'm putting my fucking foot down. You stinky fucking linkies, pajeets, and chinks are getting called out.
Stop using my fucking retarded frog for your grift.
Wednesday must be pizza party day at the fuddie farm they're really going above and beyond
imagine what your kids will think about you if they ever find your countless shitposts on this God forsaken website
They must’ve spent ages on that writing, if only they knew they could turn those skills into cash with Hydro, they would probably just laugh it off if you told them, thou
Sir, this isn't Reddit.
see: >>58988777
Build rewards incoming
I dont get it
New UI dropped for SDL. You can check at stake dot link. Read the previous message from Jonny and you will see what we all see. It's coming, fellas. GG
Stake.link is a 3rd party site, separate from Chain.link
>my kids are 7 and 9 -kek try again

why did the real father abandon them?
>kids want a ride to soccer practice
>advocate screeches nooooooo go ask your mother, I'm OWNING le fuddderzzzz
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>duuuuuuuuuuuuude are you releasing le sthhhhhhhhhhecrettt BREADKRUMBZZTHHHHH!!!!!!


smart investors leaving pool
johnny replacing them w shortbus full of advocates
that annoyed you, didn't it? i can tell. the envy always leeches out of you neets when you're confronted by someone you could never be
kek that's it
>pool is closed
The Chainlink staking pool is open. People are unstaking all the time, so those claims are just plain wrong.
lmao, fucking knew it
the wheels are coming off the scam wagon
Ok. So why do you spend all your time fudding it instead of saying how great it is to encourage people to buy it? Strange.
pool's closed
>Linkies should crowdfund an asylum for them, post-singularity.
sounds nice but in fuddies case, they can sink or swim. they have broken their covenant with god and don't deserve our help.
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>daddy, do you have so many posts on 4chan? are you a psychopath??
>dadddy, why doesn't mom let us see you more often??
I could buy every woman in your village with my bags.
kek baggie
you will hold to 0 while sirgay dumps on your baggie head
he na feel like big man make dis post
kek fuddie
kek something like that
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>point out that fudcucks are no lifer retards that defeat the purpose of their own posts with the sheer volume and stupidity of them
>they then seethe and froth in this thread to prove his point further
yep... and this is why they have wasted thousands of hours of their lives for no real results whatsoever
most of the time its even worse than that i guess
consider all the threads these brown fudcuck cockroaches have made that literally no one has gone into outside of their retarded discord / tg or wherever their nest is

wasting thousands of hours of your lives spamming fud at people who dismiss you / mock you out the gate for being brown is one thing, but making god knows how many posts on a dead board and still basically being invisible outside of being annoying background noise in the catalog is is a hilarious loss that only the dumbest, blackest gorilla niggers and middle eastern ragheads could achieve
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Lol this is actually funny. Honestly tried debating and linkies just gaslight you.
>honestly tried debating
hahahahahahahah ok

dog it was $20 in March, $50 in '21

I bought a memecoin last week, its up 150%
Damn, they discovered they are late for the best vesta entry and now they’re feeling like trash aren’t they
>defeat the purpose of their own posts with the sheer volume and stupidity of them
given the fact that the purpose of their posts is to get you mad, I'd say they're doing great!
assuming the purpose of your own posts is to convince anons to buy your bags, I'd say you're doing horribly so far
just some food for thought
>wasting thousands of hours of your lives
just like you do running c-u-c-k defense

>being brown
like the Link team? Johann whatever sounds so retarded when he talks

also, your god is an obese 25 yr old

You're rattled pretty hard kid. Also, the chart
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>Fudcucks are still FREAKing in my thread
it would be sad if it wasn't so funny
this will be the SDL Metis pool and token, though.. not build rewards
>post frog
>be retard
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here's your (you). nobody has to FUD this shitcoin. just look at it

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