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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58984985

As always:
>sneed hedgies
Has Gary Gensler done anything lately?
File deleted.
Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024
>~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Monday RRP: 239.386B, 44P = 5.441B per (roughly)
Tuesday RRP: 256.337B, 55P = 4.661B per (roughly)
Wednesday RRP: 305.831B, 63P = 4.854B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q2 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
File deleted.
To put it bluntly, mom's got no teeth.

It was a long many year process (of metaphorical kicking and screaming) to get her to even see a dentist and assess the damage over the decades. A tooth falling out lit a fire but it was still a long process to get work done with multiple delays over dumb things (in addition to metaphorical kicking and screaming). On the way to getting all-on-4 dental implants, she's gotten the problem teeth removed and bone stuff examined/worked on and recently has gotten dentures. Implants to follow in the future (hopefully sooner than later).

Even when she still had teeth she'd cut down her options of stuff she'd eat because of tooth pain. A lot of the stuff we get or make for her she says tastes bad or she can't eat because of her teeth/mouth. Then I'd catch her eating Cheetos puffs later (before the teeth extractions) so I dunno. She picks and makes a vast majority of the food she eats by herself.

She's still grumpy about the dental work, but I'm hoping it'll be worth it in the end when she can actually eat more stuff again.
I should have sold at $60...
kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
When RC dilutes the next 500 million shares and the price drops to $1 the imaginary shorts that haven’t been proven to exist will easily be able to close without much fuss right?
If the stock dropped to 1 dollar, the shorts would not be able to buy shit because I would liquidate my real estate portfolio to buy every share possible. Anything below ten dollars and the shorts have a real problem because anyone with a high school dedication is capable of doing the math and realizing the opportunity here. It honestly won’t be long before CNBC can’t hold back the tide and people will be coming on opening bell to say that GameStop is an incredible value at these prices. The lies just won’t work anymore with that balance sheet
they wish
they must be 10^40 shorted shares deep in the shit by now, maybe more
I want to see what a 500 million dilation looks like in one go, inject a bit of chaos into the mix
TUPchads contained BBBathniggers inside their thread.
You're welcome.
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Thread reminder.
my head hurts now, and my bank account is still empty
delete this
Interesting cope. So why doesn’t he just dilute everything right now again?
You don't need to go to a million to win.
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>t. Holder of the World Heavyweight Chess Championship Belt
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That TUPchad is doing great things in the bathnigger threads. Amazing how one schizo can derail an entire general better than all of GME_meltdown and other towel heads combined
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>Alright. It's 2024. There are no dates. I've got 500 million shares, a 2 liter bottle of Shasta, and my all-Rush mixtape. Let's rock.
That better be diet shasta
FDIC couldn't backstop SVB, this is not the fault of normal people. From top to bottom, it's the elites' SNAFU FAFO.
This is correct and I still haven't heard a decent answer as to how they're going to manage. Understanding that a financial collapse doesn't destroy actual resources, just the motivation to use and distribute them in a certain way (i.e., how they've been used and distributed in the past), you COULD just "incentivize" elites to sell their real property to the state (in order to close their infinitely toxic positions), which would then be distributed to the people (with robust controls for corruption), in return for everyone supporting existing food distribution/infrastructure maintenance. It's not ideal, but people wouldn't starve or die in fires and shit. For example, you and your extended family (750-1000sqft/person) can take over a dispossessed millionaire's Beverly Hills estate, in exchange for 5-10 years of paid work pumping Cali oil or working on a farm or working retail or something. Whatever we called "essential work" during the pandemic.

But you just know they're just going to start a war instead (I'm praying they don't).
I'm jacked to the tits
It's a tit jacking day
if there was a 1 billion share float we'd still trade at a 4$ floor you mongoloid
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
Kek dumbfuck retarded baggoids
Total baggie death!!!
Green Candle Halts
Me try forget by
Pressure nah ease up no matter how hard me try
Green Candle Halts
Here my heart have no base
And right now Babylon deep on me case
Sometimes I try to think of the best analogy for how fucked they are and the one I keep coming back to is from that 90s movie where Zoolander gets his cock and balls caught upside down in the zipper and they had to roll him out in a stretcher.
bathniggers are just low-quality/pretend (fake) schizos. Now they face what they pretend to be.
In jan '21 there was ~130b in swaps alone on this shit, and thats excluding shorts, naked shorts and other derivatives. That's also excluding the fact that there are thousands of stocks that have been destroyed in this exact way over decades, all with colossal naked short positions, with each their own derivative position being constantly rolled over. They have infinite risk (im just laughing at the absurdity of that). Anyways, their infinite risk is my infinite gain.
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can't believe i really started the moass by keking about how i will slurp at 10$
FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker
> Options 101
> -23k
> touche hedgies
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I wonder when the offering will be completed, if it was even started in the first place.
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Where are the shares?
>captcha SJWVAX
>how the hell did he get the zipper all the way to the top?
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I agree
Im so glad retard like you will get rich thank to GME, because holy shit it would be a nightmare to work or even live near people this retarded
Ryan Cohen has the power! But doesn’t use it
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never thought that that old /b/ meme
>i dont wanne live on this planet anymore
would became so real.
2 faggots have been spamming non stop all day in the BBBY threads.

I wonder if there's an announcement soon. Why would they be spamming an alledged dead thread?
So we’re all good with tup talk right? That’s super duper way more organic than towel talk. There isn’t even any opposition to talk about tup.
Indeed, why would anyone kek the baggies? For fun? Pffffft
kek BBBaggie
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You’re being a bit gay yourself right now anon, chill out.
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Get back in the room BBBY bitch, we going to have some laughs round boy
>for fun
gonna cry?
When will they get their own thread like the AMCchads?
We will just use the BBBY thread, they love it
Yea, definitely a TON of shilling going on today.
Something is afoot, I can feel it.
Tupperware is Cohen-related so it is BBBY-related and therefore it can be discussed in the BBBY thread. You're not a silonigger, are you?
Based on Short volume they seemed to have back on Thursday and Friday.
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You can talk about whatever you want in BBBY - We just don't allow siloniggers so you will have to hang yourselves.
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They are spamming because we are most likely delayed until March 2025. They spam to achieve two goals in one:

1) make us all look like scitzos to put people off of RC & frens.

2) to make the holders think something must be soon.

Be mentally and financially prepared for more delays, but hope for fast resolution. The best they can hope for at this point is for holders to be so disgruntled and demoralized that they sell the new bbby equity for a low price, and to sell their gme for a low price out of frustration and defeat.
No not at all I’ve never deputized myself as thread police. I do however remember 1 or 2 other anons that did. Please expound on Tupperware and how it will lead to moass. If it’s Ryan Cohen related it can be discussed here. I mean while we’re at it why not discuss all 3 stock here. Surely you wouldn’t have an issue with that? Though I will admit out of respect for others I choose to leave the bbby discussion in its thread but give that you feel so passionately perhaps we can do away with multiple threads and just have a teddy thread? What do you say fren?
Let's get one thing straight bubba, you will take my greasy cock load in your mouth, you will swallow it, and you will thank me for it, for the day I graced your thread was the greatest day of your life for me, it was a Tuesday.

>RC x
>friendly fire
Real shit now
>1) make us all look like scitzos to put people off of RC & frens.
I am just exhausted listening to you, if making you waste your time in BBBY winds you up so much I am happy to do this for long haul, honestly you give better reactions than trannys.
>2) to make the holders think something must be soon.
Yes, because BBBY is going to be doing something any day now.
>Please expound on Tupperware and how it will lead to moass.
It's discussed in the BBBY thread.
I’ve already read all of the bbby dd can you tell me how Tup and its plastic food storage will lead to moass?
Ryan Cohen has obviously been told to dilute by the SEC, STCC, FED, UPS and the DMV.
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Dr Disrespect teaming up with Ryan Cohen, Roaring Kitty, and Tupperware represents the ultimate convergence of disruptive forces poised to ignite the "Mother of All Short Squeezes" (MOASS). Cohen’s strategic genius, already proven with GameStop's resurgence, and Roaring Kitty's legendary influence on the retail investing crowd have already shaken Wall Street. Now, with the larger-than-life persona of Dr Disrespect—known for his ability to galvanize millions of loyal fans—joining forces, the cultural and financial power they collectively wield is unstoppable. Adding Tupperware, a symbol of legacy consumer goods ripe for reinvention, creates a perfect storm of grassroots hype, corporate revitalization, and market disruption. The MOASS won’t just be a short squeeze; it will be a global movement where entertainment, finance, and corporate strategy collide, breaking all expectations and sending shockwaves through traditional power structures.
Now who’s being the silonigger? That’s not very cash money(genuine) of you you. If it’s Cohen related why can’t it be discussed here?
Tup is a trash company that should have run away with the money when internet started eating them with better product.

But i guess you just have to take the loss and die slowly in the financial world, you wouldn't want to block hedgie from cellarboxing them after all
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Dear Ryan Cohen,

I heard that if you invest your money, it will grow and that is the smart thing to do because you will lose money if you just sit on cash because of inflation and such. I decided to buy shares in your company but now I see I am down 45%. What is going on? I'd like some money now please.


a concerned shareholder
TUP is canceled. kek distracties

You asked for it
Cohen tweeted about great American companies (Tupperware)
Cohen tweeted about protecting children and pets at all costs
>we must save children and pets at all costs
>Tupperware is known as the food saver
>Tupperware has a baby brand (TupperKids)
>Tupperware has a pet brand (TupperPets)
Cohen will buy Tupperware into the Teddy Holding company.
>toys for kids and pets (we must protect children and pets at all costs)
>toys for manchildren (funko pops)
>controller shells for candycon
>big green dildos (literally) for redditors
>big green dildos (financially) for shareholders
>GME equity for TUP holders
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lol lmao.
umm sweaty it's only filed for bankruptcy. TUP still exists (because it's going to be bought by GameStop)
time for some fiery (but mostly peaceful) protest
Oh fuck as foretold
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You bros want me to try make a gme sigil so we can do some manifest destiny while we're bored and waiting?
Their desperate need to reclaim the schizo theories and reappropriate them does not have the desired effect they want. Still they will continue to disingenuously do it. It seems as thought it’s all they have left.
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of course, I'm not a maniac.
> have the desired effect they
Yeah it does
>buy bankrupt company because they are shorted
The whole GME saga is so retarded and the most fun i had in my life, we have reached the point where people see shorted and just think it will work like GME with a 0 salary CEO and 4 billions in the pocked and debt free.
So you just want to embolden bbby schizos? Hmm that’s a strange goal. Keep at it champ.
Embolden? I have been running rings around these retards for 2 days, I ain't laughed this hard in months the fact they got bothered by a Tuppaware box shows how weak and insecure they are. They have nothing.
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I enjoy your work
Damn you should take a bow. The best part is you do it for free. We really are all gonna make it thanks to you. Thank you for posting 100+ times in a thread for a cancelled towel stock. You really showed them what for. See this is the kind of autism that Ken and Doug hope to defeat.
TUPchads keep the bathnigger rabble at bay
Are you and WTNC+jvk both self-professed TUPchads? How do I become one? Did you both buy shares or bonds?
Thanks anon, I would like to say it was work related, however this is purely pleasure and it's all on this side of the keyboard. Just doing my part.
I don't know about him but I have (and still have) a cute TUPstack.
Can I see it? And while you’re at it can I see you’re gme shares too?
May I see your BBBYQ shares?
>May I see your BBBYQ shares
We both know the answer to that. It seems we disagree on the why though.
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>he doesn't have his BBBags anymore
This anon fucks
>can’t even pretend it’s zero anymore
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It’s ok. I still hold gme. So do you think tup will get cancelled before Ryan swoops in? Will I able to kek you in retaliation?
>I still hold gme
May I see them?
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What's the latest cope?
ok, i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do with this information. sorry ryan that you hate us?
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And should I kms?
oh so that’s what this whole this has been about. the sec said no more using the chinese wall, douglas.
Here you go. Sorry I’m a filthy phone poster. I’ll try to repent.
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>bathnigger asks for proof
>TUPchad asks for proof
>REEEEEE <insert boogeyman here>
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Why hide his share number? Is Ken gonna come find me?
He could if he wanted to
so you subscribe to bathnigger leaps of logic but don't believe kennoid will shadowrealm you if he could. The absolute state of (You)
>but don't believe kennoid will shadowrealm you if he could.
Umm no. I’m just a poor fag. While we’re asking whether hedgies can have people murked, who do you think killed Gustavo?
Why are you watching the ppshow?
It’s an actual show?
Sun Tzu, check him out.
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I always thought "pp show" and "pp seed" were metaphors for gay porn.
I get my off brand Tupperware at H-E-B
Apparently. I’ve never watched it and I didn’t think TUPchads did.
Based. I love Sun Tzu but how exactly are the hedgies using a YouTube grifter to hurt you? Oh wait….
It's weird, it's a bunch of bathniggers circle jerking on youtube going back decades of BBBY filings talking as if they cracked the matrix, it would sound alright, if you know, stock wasn't liquidated, delisted & burnt
Keith is the bathnigger correct? I get all the assholes mixed up now, but it seems like tupchad is fighting the good fight. Is tup chad the OG tup poster from like six months ago? Watching him turn the exact same obnoxious shit bbbyfags have been spamming here for a fucking year is so satisfying. I have never been more sure bathniggers are on the clock to turn any thread about GME into a shitshow.
The picture of TUP in homies account and asking to see his bbbyq was the coup de grace
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>it's a bunch of bathniggers circle jerking
It looks like some of your fellow TUPchads will be joining in on that circle jerk fren.
It’s meant to be a mockery. It was always meant to be synonymous with the gme play to make gme investors look like morons. Why the fuck else would anyone ever call themselves “PPseeds” if they weren’t making a mockery? It’s the same as when superstonk had a giant cocaine reference as its banner. They are desperate to make gme investors look like irrational children instead of the hyper rational autists which they are.
How much money do you guys think Keith lost on IMX, LRC, and BBBY? Do you think he could have actually made it if his dunning-Kruger hadn’t ruined it?
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>I have never been more sure bathniggers are on the clock to turn any thread about GME into a shitshow.
What ever happened to the Logoniggers anyway?
>asking to see his bbbyq was the coup de grace
Bbbyq shares got cancelled fren. Try and keep up.
Woah It’s you. I missed you pal. I promise im not Keith though. Let’s try and keep the accusations to a minimum. Where have you been?
Baggies: broke

Non baggies: laughing

Ah another great day in the universe. How grand
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Are you BBBY and TUP holders illiterate? Do you not see that this is the /GME/ general? Not the Ryan Cohen general, not the meme stock general, not the schizo MOASS theories general. What do we need to do to drill it into your heads that this is a GameStop-only thread? Do you need a picture of the GAMESTOP logo prominently displayed in the OP or something? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to distract us from discovering something that would finally ignite the MOASS...
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*continues holding*
>not the schizo MOASS theories general
Um anon….. what will we have if you take that away?!
>36.46% short volume.
>35.38% off exchange.
Thread is dead.
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>where are the shares
>where is dfv
>where is our president
in. that. order.
Why does no one talk about koss or chewy anymore?
Roaring Kitty 1M celebration stream soon
GME to go to 1M in symphony
>Ryan is fucking dead to me

Ryan Conman getting fined $1m is just the beginning. RK for RCEO soon.

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So you're the one whose been shitting in their threads recently. Godspeed you autist they fully deserve everything you've given and more
>Godspeed you autist
feels good giving them a taste of their own medicine
Wait hol up

Ryan Cohen got fined 1M the same day RK hit 1M subscribers?
It was for acquiring a reporting amount ($100 million) worth of Wells Fargo back in 2021. Basically one of those inconsequential slap on the wrist fines hedgies get for not reporting.
I don't know bro, sounds shady. Wonder what other illegal things he's getting up to
He’s about to rape Ken and Doug. TUPchads may need to stop him.
>Wonder what other illegal things he's getting up to
Oh murder. Loves checking who flys good.
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unlawful reposting of low image quality political memes
That’s not illegal just extremely frowned upon.
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I basically did this on the last $10 dip. Zero regrets.
> picrel
This fine out of nowhere after the BBBY desposition failed and the super rampant Ryan cohen shill tactics all day really gets me hyped that hedgies are bracing for a very bad day for themselves
This one always activates my almonds. Will we see something tomorrow/friday?
I don't think the judge will delay things till March 2025.
That's why they're panicking.
I'm going to comment on your blatant misunderstanding of legal terms, but it will be lost on you so I'm just going to keep kekking your non-existent BBBags.
I've thought about that as well. Would be a hilarious bait and switch but I don't think it will work as there's still a fuck ton of claims to get through
Threads have been extra awful for at least two weeks now.

Today was a big day, and you'd never know if you came here.
20$ stablesister, we're so back
Uh oh avatar tranny your image was deleted :)
It's under 20 gametranny
2 in one day? that's a lot.
Market crash is imminent
It was revealed to me in a moment of clarity
Think it's because the fed cut rates?
Back to 20 fast
I've been buying everytime it dips under 20 because for unknown reasons it always goes back up within a week at most.
This time only took half a day.
The latest ATM offering is much different than previous ones considering there was no run up on shar price and volume is dry.
Coupled with the timing, right before the first rate cut. This leads me to believe RC has a bigger plan for these offerings. He announced the offering and knew the share price would tank but it was already going to tank following the first rate cut.
RC expects a run up in the coming months and can complete the offering without tanking the price since he has already announced the offering. This would be bullish as their cash will grow while not affecting the stock.

Or I could be wrong and the announcement that the offering has been complete next week
It's because the world economy is a card house built out of debt and fraud.
last offerings were 1 share per 7. that means 7 million volume per day is needed to offer 1 million per day. 20 million shares total at the current volume of 6 million would take us into the second week of October.
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What does this mean
I smell a dilution coming.
wow you got some keen senses
kek dumbfuck baggies
The music is slowing
It means that real inflation is still going up even though rates are being cut
I copy pasted this from the thread on this in [REDACTED]
>For dumbfags who don't understand what caused this: it's because 10 year yields have to factor inflation into account. If you loan money at 5%, but inflation is 4%, then you're only getting 1% return. The point is that the market is judging that inflation is going to go up more than the Fed rate is going down.
Nice try, he acquired WFC in March 2018 not 2021.
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I told you guys Gary Gensler is my bitch and he will do 2007 repeat
Today we WAGMI.
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>who you calling pink hair tranny?
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good point, I dont see (1) single problem with your digits. WAGMI
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Ken Griffin Networth 43 billion

Ryan cohen Networth 4 billion
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>Powell's Vendetta

This one
>Late Moves, High Stakes
>Ryan cohen

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What's the make it stack lads, I just want to buy one of those Kraken yachts and sail away from America, forever.
when was his last livestream
Please. I can’t take it anymore. Every day it’s the same thing. I wake up and make my coffee and I sit on my porch and stare at the horizon until the sun vanishes. Then I go back inside and log in here just to be called names and ridiculed to my core. The amount of mental distress this whole thing has put me under is well past the point of taking its toll. I lay awake at night thinking about this stock and these threads and all of this nonsense that comes with them. I can’t even look other human beings in the eye anymore, I feel so jaded. I never knew the depths to which humanity could fall, all in the name of greed and stupidity. I wish I would have never stumbled across this mess. I wish I would have stuck to my midnight game and goon routine. I wish I would have left pandora’s box securely locked, hidden in a place where its unspeakable evils could never influence me—at least not on a spiritual level. Now I’m here, once again, staring into the abyss. Each and every day it grows larger, encompassing my peripherals with its impossible darkness until there is only the abyss. I’ve completely lost all hope. In humanity, in the world, and most of all in myself. I know that I can never return to the world I came from, and that thought sickens me. It twists and claws and bites at my insides, defying me any kind of peace. I am but a shallow husk of a man plastered in the misgivings of this modern world and I have only myself to blame for this bed in which I lay. Tomorrow, I say. Tomorrow is the day that I finally do what has needed to be done for far too long now. For nigh on 4 years now I’ve known it would have to happen at some point, though I never imagined it would be like this. The world will end not with a bang, but a whimper, as they say.

Tomorrow is the day, gentlemen. I’m finally buying that vibrating buttplug so I can get the most out of my GME and goon sessions. Call me a faggot all you want, my therapist tells me it’s completely normal.
Let me spit on it
Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal.
digits is the EOW price
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back to $20 in PM
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Buy yourself a buttplug plugged to the stock price so whenever gme goes up you will feel it in your ass. When MOASS happens you will be a quivering shallow husk of your former self, crying on the floor, dissociated - but at least you will be reborn as a rich king baggot faggot
>back to $20 in PM

Back to $10 soon
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this picture kekekekekeke
Kek dumbfuck baggies
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>Price back over $20
>Price hasn't dropped back below $19
>Somehow the price is going back to single digits
Too much support at these prices right now
My Russian girlfriend and I are getting married and she wants a big fancy wedding with all our friends and family there. She wants a nice dress, a huge wedding cake etc. basically everything decked out for her special day. The problem is that all my money is in GameStop and I can’t financially commit to a wedding right now until my investment pays off. What do I do? I love my Russian girlfriend, but for what she wants I would have to sell my shares to fund the wedding.
She wants to start your life together with a huge spending spree that usually puts people into debt.
Red flag right there, just saying.
Have you thought about going back to sucking cock?
Seen this copy pasta a few times.
Do not. Ever. Ever, ever. Let a Russian decide how you handle your finances. Not even once, you hear me! Not ever!
Yes, I'm looking at you linkies and karaoke fans.
1488 shares to make it. Used to be less but they diluted
>no replies since market open
>market is soaring
>gme is slagging
>regulators suddenly decide to fine RC
>ken griffin is the only non jewish hedge fund manager
>steve cohen stops trading at point72
>DFV returned but only made a single tweet
All very weird times
>dead sales
>dead stores
>dead stock
>dead dad
>dead dog
>dead thread
Kek baggies simply can not pump. Bagstop baggies can not get it up. Lol. Lmao even.
>Russian girlfriend
>Russian girlfriend after getting loadsamoney
1 share to make it.
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strong together

>am I HODLing?
you betcha

>ever selling?
heckin no!


>where we going?
to the moon

burning up

based as fuck

this is

Bots just mad because we figured out a way to make literal infinite money. That's why everyone is trying to shut us down. The government knows that once we figure this out, their tyrannical hold on society is over. We'll be able to buy anything we want. This is far bigger than any of you can comprehend. You know how the FED has been printing pretty much limitless money? We're going to be doing that, and we won't need the government to sign off on it.

Free healthcare? Covered. Student Loan Forgiveness? Even better: paying people to go to college instead. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Where we're going, we don't need fiat.

You all need to remember this. Us gamers know that when you keep on finding new opponents in your path, you're going the right way. This was never about the money. It's about making a statement to the evil rich elite of wallstreet and ethics in financial journalism.

When we reach the moon, you paperhands are going to be REEEing. But even you faggots can get your redemption arc if you act now, when the moment is darkest and all hope is lost. Remember when Finn was trying to run away in Last Jedi? Well like him, you have your chance to show your bravery and BUY THE FUCKING DIP. We're in this together, and you can be the hero just like all of us too if you're willing to take a stand for justice and the little guys.

Tomorrow is the fucking day bros. We're all in this together. Remember, the moment we realized that there's more of us than them is the moment we won. This is Occupy Wallstreet 2 and the rats festering in those big pretty buildings know we mean business this time.
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That's a nice dip!
>crash and burn it!
this is going hard. lmao
The way I’d live my life knowing vesta royalties support my children kek
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The owner of the worlds largest Omni channel company had butterflies in his twitter banner and is now tweeting ryan Cohen's BBBY deposition.

How peculiar, what could this mean?
Got a link for that tweet?
It probably means you’re a stupidfaggotfuck baggie
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He changed his banner but it was:
>pic related
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Oh so you have not got a link to the article, just a photoshop, thank you for confirming, this will be stricken from the records. Weyland Yutani deals with GMEs channels, we get HBO.
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Ryan doesn’t have a plan does he?
If i was baggie id kms just saying.. very sad state of affairs for the GME
They just need to trust the plan and hold another 1350+ days. All they need is another 4 dilutions and MOASS is guaranteed!
>*saar posts increasing*
So this thread is just shills and bots now (wasting your time, shitters. No one cares about your pointless, repetitive garbage), redshit is nothing but faggot-tier memes and speculation by retards who have no idea what they're talking about. Is there anywhere that isn't infested with faggotry and retardation to just get info and updates about GME?
>4 years in with no forward guidance
what makes you think that anon?
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I think it’s because all he does is keep diluting.
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A market crash is a cascade of selling. GME will squeeze due to a cascade of BUYING.
By owning naked-short-sold securities we are effectively 100% hedged against any downturn in the market. Not only am I green on my investment, but as the price drops I plan to accumulate even more!
You literally cannot lose with GME. Even when we were at $9.99 per share, within two weeks we spiked to $80. MOASS is so true that the shareprice of GME, which SHOULD be a function of supply/demand, randomly spikes 800% for on no news. This is 100% proof that the systemic-naked-short thesis is real.
If MOASS is real then you literally don't need anything else. You don't need insurance, you don't need a pension or a 401k or even a house or car. All you need is GME and you will wagmi.
That's the facts on the ground. Nothing personal hedgies, you did this to yourselves and now I get to take all of your money.
bizpill me on this, how am i supposed to make money on GME?
ryan cohen = israel
gme shareholders = america
thread reminder that not one baggie has ever been right about anything in 4 years
looks like he's having lots of fun, does that upset you?
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All rise for the GameStop national anthem
I keep telling them not to be too upset
No. Kek. I think his performance is actually kind of funny while a little insensitive. I know people with the type of autism he’s pretending to have. Does that upset you?
It is kind of funny to me to see which posters the bag kekkers respect. It’s so telling.
Almost like it was intentional no? Nonsense about reading tweets like tea leaves and rambling on and on and on and on about bed bath and beyond in these generals.
It almost seems like they don’t want this thread to be about the company GameStop, its financials, its staff…some stupid anime picture as the OP and severe reactions to the idea of the threads having the company logo and staying on topic.
The shorts are fucked by GameStop’s mere existence as a company trading on the NYSE. It’s why they’ve made everywhere the company can be discussed about “moass” and fucking time traveler tweets.
No one ever picked up on the subtlety DFV showed in front of congress. Don’t say you are trying to harm markets. Don’t say that you don’t care about the company just getting rich by causing short squeezes (even if it takes buying a cum rag store’s stock while the executives openly say they are going bankrupt).
All the nonsense just gave the shorts ammo to legally suppress the price of the stock to prevent us “harming markets”
You were supposed to just shut up and say “I like the stock” and buy as much as you can. Unfortunately retards like Keith are always the loudest and manage to turn every good thing in the world into nonsense.
The good news is the company still exists and is doing great. This will all take a lot longer because so many of you fell for retard tier hedge fund bait, but it will still be a wonderful investment for those smart enough not to overextend themselves or chase dogshit distractions to cause “muh heckin squeezerino”.
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Nobody is reading that screed 45. I’m still glad you’re back. It’s been awhile since you’ve revealed yourself.
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And you never leave do you? Almost like it’s your job to be in each and every one of these smearing shit on the walls
I was busy opening another restaurant. Never stopped buying gme and have never sold a single share. My GameStop position is worth over a million dollars at 20 bucks. How is your bbbyq doing?
Can you stitch this into a comfy blanket?
you sound upset
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>/Gme/ thread exists for years
>Always has an anime or random picture
>Tons and tons of discussion FOR YEARS about /GME/
>Things start getting bad when /bbby/ flooding never ends
>Before that the logo/aile wars

Honestly, just kill yourself, please. The world is ending, and you need to be within the wreckage.
>My GameStop position is worth over a million dollars at 20 bucks.
May I see?
>How is your bbbyq doing?
Bbbyq is cancelled as I’ve already said earlier in the thread. Try and keep up.
I see nothing has changed here. No reason to stay or participate. Just a bunch of smelly neckbeards talking about nonsense. Thankfully I’ve found a place that actually discusses the stock and the company and none of the nonsense.
Toodles. Enjoy your unmucked stable assholes. Oh, and by the way, you’ve given the thieves robbing you keys to your house in here and more of you need to wake up to it.
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>Bbbyq is cancelled as I’ve already said earlier in the thread.
>they can't even pretend that their bbbags still exist in some alternate reality
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unironically kill yourself
34 posts by this ID. Christ you don’t even try for subtlety anymore huh? It’s even worse than last time I was here. You must have such a pathetic tiny dick to be doing this still.
Until next time retard. I certainly know where to find you
Holy shit kek dumbfuck gamestop trannies
I thought you were leaving, faggot?

It's not like you brought up a fucking topic about /GME/.

Wanna talk about the market being a piece of absolute shit retarded bitch? Like the market is literally Kumswala right now, complete puppet, not based in reality, evil.
>only I’m right everyone else is super duper wrong
>I want to be accepted into a group of people who I will only insult and demean
>please believe me that I have your best interests at heart
>I care
>I do now glow
I refuse to believe this still works on anyone. Have you seriously not figured it out yet?
Buying shares
>there is a BBBY thread that is engaging for him fully supporting and discussing BBBY
>yet he is still in the GME thread

I do not understand his requirements…
No one is talking about bbby besides you and 45. No please stop derailing the thread with towel stock talk. I was asking 45 to post his position which he could very easily do and put everyone’s suspicions to bed.
did somebody say BBBY
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What the fuck is going on here
I don’t know but I know it’s a lot brighter in here.
Man the way they are shorting (redacted)'s stock really activates my onions. It makes me think he is winning. Especially after 2 attempts.
Everyone on /biz/ seems convinced he will bring a bull market. Doesn't seem based in reality, but with how retarded the market is, I just don't know.

Right now there isn't much to talk about with /GME/ as we wait for market crash, perhaps merger (doubt), and just general politics to play out.
Yet here you are, come with me my precious, come back to your thread, I’ll look after you, I’ve got 1001 bottles of lubricants, bath water flavour.
I hold gme not bbby. This is my thread. Now please send the other guy out.
if baggies are right, why price under $20 4 years after the moass?
i rest my case
Damn that settles it.
Is it just me or does it feel like it’s starting to get awkward in here?
several TUPchads doing god's work over at your designated shitting thread.
Imagine being red for almost 4 years now and still waiting for the MOASS after the RCEO of their beloved company diluted them 4 times already
It seems we now know what happened to the Logoniggers.

Did you see the reference in the new Disney Gay show about the stock? Mental they referenced towels, must be close to the announcement from the court case
I guess this proves they were never the bbby posters
Would you like to talk about gme?
You've been here long enough to know why
Wrong thread that one went into, bit awkward when i realised it was in the GME, felt bit cringey. When you are posting at speed before getting back to work it is bound to happen, I will try to watch out next time to stop cross contamination, but yeah, stocks doing its thing, just waiting on the announcment for that ATM to finish, keeping an eye out for Richard Newton GME special, I would just appreciate a DFV meme, just a little something to keep me going
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not even 50 cents
Why doesn’t he keep the same energy with the disingenuous sarcastic posters? They’re just as interested in steering the conversation away from gme than the actual bbby schizos.
GME has stuff and things going for it. I can give you 5 billion reasons why
I'm going to jump
do a flip
It’s my fault. I told him if he can keep his act up for a week I’ll sell one share. Sorry, anons.
Stuff and things are important. But can you tell me why Ryan hasn't allocated funds to build a death star? There's no reason he shouldn't. Long term strategic profit is within his grasp, but he just won't commit to the share holders and build the death star.
We're all going to be rich anyway, but I'm sure that when the normies wake up gme investors will be wanting for that death star that Ryan won't build.
Kek baggies. Kill baggies. Behead baggies. Roundhouse kick baggies into the concrete. Slam dunk a baggies baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy baggies. Defecate in baggie's food. Launch baggies into the sun. Stir fry baggies in a wok. Toss baggies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a baggie's gas tank. Judo throw baggies into a wood chipper. Twist baggie's heads off. Report baggies to the IRS. Karate chop baggies in half. Curb stomp baggie's pregnant waifu. Trap baggies in quicksand. Crush baggies in the trash compactor. Liquefy baggies in a vat of acid. Eat baggies. Dissect baggies. Exterminate baggies in the gas chamber. Stomp baggie's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate baggies in the oven. Lobotomize baggies. Mandatory abortions for baggie's body pillow. Grind baggie fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown baggies in matzah soup. Vaporize baggies with a ray gun. Kick old baggies down the stairs. Feed baggies to alligators. Slice baggies with a katana.
So let me get this straight. Three ATM offerings in the past year, multiple quarters with negative net income, first rate cut with potentially a looming recession and the price has remained steady around $20. GME is waiting for a trickle of positive news to run up and it will.
Thursday RRP: 311.777B, 52P = 5.996B per (roughly)
Why go up? People pulling dey money from da markets? But the economy is hype yo?
It feels like the offering's done.
The shares are missing and certain thread inhabitants really don’t like that
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I wonder where they could be.
mr gensler! that's a bit crass there don't you think sir?
My belly
It never started.
That's one hell of a way of shaking impatient non-chaos frens
I'm a simple man, I see meltie shills are still here I know MOASS is going to happen.
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does anyone else see it
erectile dysfunction pattern
The offer was 20 million GME shares in exchange for Tupperware's IP and plastics manufacturing assets. TUP's trading is suspended because of ongoing corporate action, and TUP holders will receive GME equity.
Yes, I see it. I see total baggie annihilation. It is inevitable.
>btc $63,569.93
>brainstop $00,019.63
Lol. Lmao even.
I see it, but wasn't it supposed to go on August 29th?
I have been saying this but you're a retard if you're 100% in GME if only because the opportunity cost of not being able to swing your gains from other assets into GME means you're fucking yourself over. Secondly, I don't understand the anti-btc sentiment given everyone in here unanimously agrees that the financial system is a broken scam but hates the only asset that offers a viable alternative to USD.
CLINT is a psyop
I wasn't sure what markets would do, but knew BTC would pump since it's the "new gold" and sentiment is scared of the dollar. Just wait, sar mumu

Okay but what I am confused about is are they just giving up and not propping market no more?
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>Viable alternative to USD

Your post alone explains why everyone has poor sentiment towards BTC. Personally I don't give a fuck, but it tracks market and I enjoy when it's red.
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There have been bugs in the most popular bitcoin implementations that would have allowed an attacker to print an infinite number of coins. If a system is to be truly decentralized its security literally has to be perfect, otherwise if an attack ever takes place then a "centralized" or "trusted" 3rd party would have to roll back the blockchain. Heres another from 2010, the previous one was in 2018.


Also if the same few mega-conglomerates control all internet backbone infrastructure, then can a "decentralized" system truly be decentralized when it sits on top of a centralized internet infrastructure?

Someone please tell me this isn’t a real person.
>he doesn't know of the shadow trade by the shadowchairmen Ryan x Icahn
tracks what like in the short term? I mean, maybe? sure? it's been close to the previous ATH for a while now and if you've been in BTC at least as long as you have been in GME you're outperforming it. It's just weird to be this much of a zealot over GameStop but absolutely refuse to believe anything else can be a winning pick.

and yet you believe investing in an equity in the stock market has less risk than something that is at least entirely traceable? The cool thing about BTC is the consensus mechanism, everyone participating in the chain is incentivized to patch exploits because printing infinite money would make all the money you spent mining a total waste.
Do you not remember when BTC went down with then nikkei in August? Oh it tracks it, it just is rallying because like I said, people are very bearish on the dollar, but don't realize Bitcoin will never be the new dollar or new gold. I'm sorry, you have already lost
Tether should scare you from BTC, China is NOT doing well, go look up what is happening over there. They lie worse than us, but they will fall harder once they do.

>and yet you believe investing in an equity in the stock market has less risk than something that is at least entirely traceable?
You're being purposefully disingenuous with this. You know that everyone itt hate the stock market and thinks it's fake and gay... Gme has nothing to do with "integrity."
I hold both gme and btc, as well as vti, but mostly GME.
well my % gains are all the proof I need. There are also countries already using BTC in place of cash, this isn't just a hypothetical, it's being used in practice NOW. What the fuck do you mean disingenuous? I'm asking a very honest question, how can you hold the belief that investing in a stock through mechanisms you acknowledge are broken, i.e. playing the game by their rules, is somehow guaranteeing you a bajillion dollars, but nothing else especially not something which is verifiably more decentralized cannot?

cool, I'm just trying to understand the vitriolic hate against BTC in these threads lol
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Something is brewing.
Lost faith in btc when price had volatility due to gg tweet. Gtfo noob. And literally this ->
I need a DFV tweet
but you didn't lose faith during volatility caused by a dfv tweet????
>vitriolic hate against BTC in these threads
I never got the impression anyone cared about Bitcoin that much outside of Clint. I just assumed most knew that Bitcoin had to go to 0 during moass. It literally an infinite short squeeze.
The entire MOASS thesis takes their rules and bends them. I'm not a BTC hater, I don't really care, but I don't trust it. Moass is the one true idiosyncratic risk, so why worry?
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it is what it is
This is disnegnous... I thought retail didn't control price, sukdehp?
I never implied I believed it was retail, you're strawmanning me
>caused by a tweet
I think that anon is just saying that we all know it wasn’t “caused” by a tweet. The tweet was merely an excuse.
Do you get a bonus for using that word, you don’t blend, you stand out, they aren’t sending their best.
and yet it's not possible for the same to be true for another asset?
You're shilling me. So, who is in the wrong here? No one cares about dfv (outside gme, who are locked in), he did not cause it to go from $10, to $30 to $60 to $20 to $80 etc etc etc.

It's disnegnous to say it was all his tweet, but again, you already know that.
he arguably did cause all the attention for the first run-up in 2021 which lead to a short squeeze. Few would have paid attention without him. The most recent pump lines up with his tweet but I don't believe it was retail that caused the price action, I think you could even make an argument that there is a sentiment bot the MM's use which was attempting to frontrun volatility following the remergence of DFV after three years. Regardless, my point is that you are so confident that these things are only possible for GME, and for anything else it is impossible and I think that's retarded
Go back to work, anon, you can't read.
I don't even know what you mean by this. Is it possible for other assets to have volatility?
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I'm averaging up
anon is saying he lost faith in an asset because GG tweeted and caused volatility, I'm pointing out the same happened with GME and that didn't cause him to lose faith.
>he arguably did cause all the attention for the first run-up in 2021

If this was true, he would have lost his legal case. You can look back, it's been argued to death, but DFV barely had any views on his YT back in the day. You can look back at the archive when /GME/ was like $2-$5 and there was TONS of bearish sentiment.
No one can say 100% FOR certain what causes the recent pump. Even if DFV was a main factor for the FIRST May pump (2024) he had nothing to do with the later pumps as it was too volatile. He went on stream and watched it completely tank after having bought a ton... Most people who care about dfv don't have much extra money to spare for gme. Even if algo is sentiment running.

Do I think MOASS could happen to other assets? No, I don't, because that is the entire thesis of moass. I think other assets, in the basket, and who knows what, may run during, but wing he moass. What are you asking me? Do I think BTC can pump? Yes, it's pumping now.
Then why are you replying to me and asking?
Ryan Cohen has better care of my money than I do and RK has a better soul than I have. I will probably have an infinite more Jewish friends after this whole saga. They already have my admiration for this ongoing battle. Both sides are financially ruthless.
RK signaled for everyone involved with those 9001000 shares. Show me someone with a better soul that does this for free. RK helps people get out of poverty with his comeback. RC and RK will have followers that will do everything and anything, politics,investments, and so on. The orange man tweets are the perfect example. I never cared about politics but if he's in I'm in. It's simple as that. How can you not follow them when they are the reason you and everyone around you are living well,carefree. As I said,gtfo.this is not the right audience for you. History is being written here.
why did you type all that
The tweet didn’t though. That’s kind of the point. Either you believe a tweet can do that or you believe bitcoin is fake and gay like everything else. Which is it?
Because I'm drunk
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

It’s about to all come falling down
why did you feel the need to reply on his behalf?
I explained how the tweet could have been the cause without retail being behind it.
Because you directly asked me you disnegnous faggot holy fucking
calm down anon it's just video games
Bit disenfranchised lad
my buy in at 19.95 isnt looking too good
try not to be too upset
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we are here, hold the line
actually anon we're to the far right hope this helps
>n-no you
If I were a baggie

I think I could understand

How it feels to be real poor

I swear I’d be a humble baggieee
Why are you still here? You received your answers. I thought you were going for "genuine" poster not just supreme shill?
so I can continue to discuss my favorite stock
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If I had a million dollars

If I had a million dollars

I'd buy India (I'd buy India)

And burn it to the ground.
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Nobody cared who I was until I bought GameStop.
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Wrong image
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>If you buy a stock because you speculate that some shit is going to happen and you talk about it on a Himalayan fish breeding forum you're going to have your assets taken away from you.
I thought this faggot roped.
you have to be blind to not see it. it's so obvious that once it runs up hundreds of normies will flock in here asking how tf anybody figured this out.
I still think everything started because they shot that fucking gorilla
Before that, hardon collider, hardons should never collide
Never mess with the God particles.
Whole market green. Baggies red.

This is where your negative beta comes from, degenerate retards.
harambes soul fused with the higgs boson layer of reality in the cern experiment and bundled all possible timelines into the moass timeline. memes beget memes beget memes. memeless hedgies never had a chance. i almost feel bad for them.
checked and keked at (you)
clint you disingeneous tripfag
you've been pointed out as an (((asset))) it's so fucking tiring
go away now
Why did he call me a tripfag? Ive never used a trip code. Tell me you’ve been on 4chan less than 2 years without telling me you’ve been on 4chan less than 2 years

Dumbfuck crypto baggies
What about the Boston bomber? Was that before or after harambee? Because that's when shit got weird imo.
I think this is an uh oh stinky.
The entire thing didn't make any sense
>CUNT didn’t hold during the hell weeks of February 2021
Kill yourself
Nah man, the 0.0001% are dying and we are the next generation of elite produced by a timeless organization that thinks in centuries. I expect someone to knock at my door and hand me a glass full of blood and tell me to drink it as it contains hedgie blood. I refuse but I am asking him to keep the glass. I store the glass for the next 50 years only to discover on my deathbed that I could have analized the blood the moment he gave it to me. I discover it's goat blood. I die laughing.
Why would I kill myself? My life is better than 99% of the losers on this board.
The price is fake and gay, I repeat price is fake and gay
>MAXN soaring
What did they mean by this?
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Imagine holding a crypto that is red right now lmao

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Alright chobani..... we've held your stock for a very, very, very long time just like you wanted us to. It's about time you do something in return. Just go ahead and buy the remainder of the float with the dilution monies. And lock that shit up. And let us squeeze like the likes we've never seen before, then you can re dilute while we are squeezing and 10-20x your gains. It's and easy straight forward plan we just need your execution. Thanks for reading my recommendation.
Imagine still coping with bagstop bags LMAO
Imagine being baited in a thread for a stock you don’t hold.
Weird. 20$ was supposed to be the new floor (according to apes thesis)
Sorry I don’t really know anything about theses. I just like the stock. It’s weird that you know so much about it.
A current boardmember of GME ( Larry Cheng), went onto theppshow.
Kek. Good job getting them back on task.
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The bbby thread looks very organic and stable
Not mine homie. I eat soup 2 times a day everyday.
Do you recommend soup for breakfast?
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bone broth or bouillon
> My life is better than 99% of the losers on this board.
>namefagging instead of typing captcha like a chinese bot
You are unironically 100% right
The PPShow? that no one watches? What does it mean?
I have to be a chef to recommend that.
Minimum wage or per post?
I'm salaried, this is just a hobby
kek seethies
The people that seethe about BBBY here also watch pp sneeds. It's a strange hobby for people who do it for free
Absolutely bizarre. One of them claims to do it because Sun Tzu thought him to study his enemy. Kek. A YouTube grifter who primarily talks about a cancelled towel stock is his enemy. Fucking Kek.
Cool. I'm not here all the time.
>chooses a weak enemy
>still loses
thats gotta sting his ego, right? For a guy who’s obsessed with wins he has clocked 0 points against his opponent.
>he has clocked 0 points against his opponent.
Umm sweaty he made a funny le meme where he enlarged his nose and posts it quite often on a Tibetan taco making forum.
>where he enlarged his nose and posts it quite often
He can literally not recover (like his BBBY position)
>i take everything literal
I know you do honey, don't worry, I love you the most, you are special to me.
Yeah cuz you faggots literally watch pp sneeds on a daily basis to kek him on the newest thing.
Now now rosebud don't get ancy, P Diddy took me last bottle of lubricant so might be bit sore I am sorry, the more you fight me on this the harder it is going to get.
You mean to tell me you would just lie on the internet? I’m gonna have to rethink everything you’ve ever said.
blood green market and limp dick gametrannies are red? and below 20 again? holy fuck HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ugh, this is so awkward, like being back in school and both goth girls finding out you drank both their bloods, umm no no, watch PP all time, great content.
Honestly I just watch clips for sound bites for work, oh god this is so awkward, can Ryan dilute the stock or something to distract
Shorts need .12.5 cents. The shorted at 50 cents divided by 4....
source: reddit
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies bought the top AGAIN
My father once told me you can tell a lot about a man based on who he chooses to sneed.
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Sneed hedgecucks
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Why does there appear to be a statistically significant number of bad actors, that go above and beyond the explanation being trolls or useful idiots, surrounding all discussion spaces like twitter, reddit, and here. It would appear that there is a coordinate campaign to demoralize holders so they are more likely to sell the new equity for low prices when we are trading again. Also given the likelihood that bbbyq holders also hold gme shilling here and trying to sow distrust in RC & friends would encourage people to sell their gme, and hate RC.

Seems pretty silly if you ask me. Also RC met with Carl Icahn 2 months BEFORE RC offered to buy bbby in December 2022 for 400 million and 6 months later the board declared bankruptcy, that seems like it might be evidence of extremely illegal behavior but i'm no lawyer. The only media appearance RC has had since 2021 is https://www.gmedd.com which is a website dedicated to gme research, pretty silly isn't it. Also a current board member of GME, Larry Cheng, went onto the PPshow podcast, that satirizes dildo sex toys, and happens to be dedicated to the discussion of bed bath and beyond which happens to have Ryan Cohens name all over the dockets as a creditor and a debtor. Also platinum sparkles can attain live video conference interviews with the head of the SEC, gary gensler, and also would appear to have literally 8+ hours a day dedicated to commenting on twitter threads dedicated to the discussion of bbby, including notably, Jakes twitter content. This is all prettttty silly if you start to take in the bigger picture. "community members" and "experts" who seem to buzz around a supposedly dead and gone stock sure do seem to be pretty upset that people are still discussing it regularly.
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What would Carl Icahn know about Chapter 11 bankruptcies?
kek baggie
Zozzle dumbfuck BBBaggie
this post has more words than extant BBBY shares
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Wow every single one of your posts is bathnigger cope
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For me, it’s about doing what I can to help the community and bring down the evil hedgies, some people donate to only fans girls which I find sad, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with contributing to those who bring so much value to the community. PPSeeds has uncovered so much intel in this saga I have no regrets about my donations and will continue to support him financially or in any way Icahn.
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post your PPsocks
>oh no, shit I’ve got nothing to counter, I know… old faithful

You are my special little man
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You suck dick by choice.
Is this supposed to be some kind of debate? I’m not sure what exactly you’re trying to say when you post pictures of Tupperware.
Why would they sell $500 million and then rebuy $300M
That's not what's going on. See
So you're saying I should buy some CHWY?
That’s just rensole being a fucking idiot.
>he never left
>he bought at five dollars a share
>he bought at $350
You are talking to me as if I have some sort of plan or end game agenda. You’ve been dealing with me for 3 days, does it look like I’m following a plan to you?
I actually should be thanking you desu. I would never have bought if it wasn’t for how dedicated you were. Take a bow. You’re probably more responsible for people buying than PP.
This and the BBBY meltdown involving the math are the two funniest things posted here
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This? Imagine suing a company that makes you rich because you got filtered like a dumbass instead of just being happy that you’re rich.
Are you Vietnamese? Because two soups a day sounds awful. As does being Viet.
Who tryna throw some Diddy parties post moass
I’ll disguise it as a soup kitchen for all the crypto baggies to come to however when they get there, the cops will just confiscate all their phones and arrest the already down on their luck crypto baggies because of the massive amounts of CP they have downloaded on their devices
Invest in $LUBE
If you are going to swing your gain you are actualy retarded to own anything else than GME, just look at the chart you reply to, lmao
Wow you bought cheep. You must be up. Post a photo of your shares now.
Frens lately I’ve been losing weight rapidly due to lack of appetite coupled with uncontrollable diarrhea. I believe the hedgies have poisoned me the way they poisoned that Boeing engineer. This only proves that I’m on the right track and I will commit the rest of my days to my research. YOU HEAR ME HEDGIES!? I HAVE THE DOCUMENTS THAT WILL SEAL YOUR DOOM AND THEY WILL BE RELEASED BEFORE I DIE MARK MY WORDS.
I just realized that being told I’m responsible for causing retarded assholes to buy bed bath and beyond is a great compliment.
Doing my part Ryan cohen to separate the Kamala voters from the shareholders
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>separate the Kamala voters from the shareholders
I thought you were leaving?
Aren’t all the pps trump supporters?
I'm voting Trump. Pp is a collosal retarded faggot.
The shares are still officially missing, where could they be? Have any even been sold?
Checked. No he hasn't sold them because it's a game he's playing with the hedgies minds
I genuinely wouldn't know shit about PP Sneeds if the paid stock bashers didn't do their due diligence on him and post it here. From what I've seen, he's a massive faggot that suffered from [REDACTED] syndrome but jumped ships once Pulte started giving him attention. He might be retarded but he's a great amplifier for DD.

Unlike the predditor GME crowd who have to be coddled when Ryan Cohen tweets about [REDACTED] because they get all pissy and whiny, the BBBY crowd is fully onboard the hype train including all of the [17TH LETTER OF THE ALPHABET] stuff.

I hold both and its funny to see the difference in dynamics.
Calm down PP you spaz
Who the fuck is PP?
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The threads have become a bit more retarded than usual lately
>I hold both
No one holds BBBY, it's gone. Now TUP, that's the one to hold, just started trading again under TUPBQ.
Total flatline sisters annihilation
Fractalchads... we won
The ppshow it's a podcast I guess that follows the bbby schizo theory.
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>who is PP?
>how do you know so much about PP?
I find it hilarious and pathetic the way BBBY holders pretend not to know who their thought leader /u/ppseeds is. The activity levels of the various PP subreddits (/r/Teddy and /r/thePPshow when it was still up) completely overshadowed that of /r/BBBY. It's a PP stock, even if you yourself have never personally watched an episode of his show.
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Those two are STILL sneeding the bathnigger general
I fed them with a tiny bit of material TWO fucking days ago and they're still going. Truly high IQ
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I don't pay much attention to distraction stocks, so I guess this bit of lore escaped me.
>39.02% short volume.
>34.91% off exchange.
Not gonna lie bbby is as schizo as it gets. It's entertaining. I hope it happens but I do not think it will happen.
Is the GME in the room with you right now anon.
Yes (unlike BBBY/Q shares)
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Very serquential wagmi
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I wonder why no one suspects the butterfly.
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GameStop tweeted this in response to Sony bringing back the 90s:
>another red day
kek baggies
I remember a post about all the references to Japan… the yen carry trade, rk’s livestream thumbnail and so on
>another gaming company thinking people are gonna buy a 30 years old console with games you can emulate for free purely for the nostalgia factor
>"here you go goyim have a console you already got somewhere in a box collecting dust, aren't you glad you get to play all these shitty old games you already played? oh yeah btw you have the buy the games again because we changed the file format slightly. $60 each."
Yeah. Normies can't set up emulators. The concept of buying a game cartridge you own forever is foreign to modern markets. Nintendo is the only company that sells physical games you own that run without internet access or a subscription.

Yeah the xbox 360 playing unpatched games is superior to The Xbox one requiring internet access.
It's a decorative case for a PS5.
That's even more fucking retarded holy shit lmao.
>sure I already own that console with no games but why not buy it again because it looks different
>even more fucking retarded
Not really, it's barely a change to the production process that Sony already has on place.
I'm not saying it's retarded for Sony. Obviously these things are gonna sell. But the people that buy this shit are retards buying a retarded product. I'm assuming that thing has zero performance improvements over existing models. The only reason someone would buy this thing is because it looks like an old console they feel nostalgic for. Which is retarded.
>these things are gonna sell.
Bullish for Gamestop.
Threaded, frens!

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