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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Larry Chen, who is a current board member of GameStop went onto theppshow.

previous thread:
>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

Larry Cheng went onto theppshow, and pulte is signaling on behalf of Ryan Cohen, we are delayed, most likely until at least march 2025, which is the new claims objection bar date.
everyone below this post is a fucking redditcult faggot
everyone above this post has tried cock at least once
kek get fucking rekt tranny baker
Youre a faggot apparently :(
I didn't make the rules
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What is baby Botox?
Botox has been the top aesthetic procedure performed by plastic surgeons for nearly 20 years.

Baby Botox, also called micro-Botox, refers to a new trend in injectable Botox procedures.

Baby Botox aims to add volume to your face and smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, just like traditional Botox. But baby Botox uses less of the traditional Botox injectable.

The aim of baby Botox is a face that looks smoother and younger without the “frozen” or “plastic” expression that can sometimes result from traditional Botox.

The ideal candidate has healthy skin, no prior reaction to botulism toxin, and doesn’t have high blood pressure, hepatitis, or any other bleeding condition.
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Wrinkles…. Exactly one year ago RC posted this (10/4/2023) then he followed up with a post of his forehead having wrinkles asking if he should get botox
didn't read, your shares are gone (forever)
I'm gonna make 100 posts again teehee it'll be so funny
All of these threads belong to me
EVERYONE is in shambles
I won
None of this schizo babble means you are ever getting anything for your canceled shares.
Couch Status?
I'm not.
not me I'm just here to laugh at delusional baggies (if you can even call them that anymore since their stock doesn't even exist anymore kek)
the heaviest of bags must truly be the one that no longer exists
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I was going to post a lot and pretend I was the 100pbtid freak, but I got bored. Seriously, spending all day in a dead thread spam posting sounds like a terrible time. Why the fuck would someone do it not once, but for an entire week and more?
How come people keep talking about $140? When is that getting paid? Is that directly confirmed by a legal authority or is it more wink wink nudge nudge trust the plan?
Anon said it months ago and he had a nice frog so I believe him.
I’m on my 2nd week anon… and you wouldn’t get it.
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He got raped and murdered in the sequel. I bet you feel foolish now don't you, Chud?
Agreed. I’ve tried a few times to be really annoying but I can’t keep it up. Not sure how he does it. Also I’m a faggot now FUCK.
Just like BBBY
>not sure how he does it
With a smile on my face
So you are braindead. Got it.
Ichan has nothing to do with BBBYQ.
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$150 per share rape settlement
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did something happen last week?
threads were much slower before
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no, a scitzo started spamming 100+ pbtid, along with different id threads to spam/slide the threads in order to convince us that we must be close because of the hard shelling (shilling). The claims objection bar date has been moved to march 2025, and pulte is signaling on behalf of RC that we are delayed while RC clears up legal matters, and the chapter 11 courts weed out the bogus claims and bad actors.

>pic related

The content in teddy is extremely hostile towards pulte because he is clearly a cheerleader for RC, and is telling us we are delayed.
>we are delayed
that's all I needed to know
I guess I'll check back in a couple months
Weekend FUD is here. Is wolf a shill and theorico deep undercover who secretly put out good looking dd to gather trust? Is michael on to something, simply retarded, or the sleeper shill that delay anon was talking about?

Find out next time on dbz! Kek
I cant wait to fuck off from this stupid shit
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I don't know who any of these niggers are and I don't really care. I like the cat guy what posts memes on the twitter.
I called that faggot out for stealing DD from here and building trust on other sites. You all promptly attacked me and sucked him off.
>I don't know who any of these niggers are and I don't really care.
Based desu. I only pay attention since they sometimes put out something worthy
What DD has been posted here LOL. Everything originates from Twitter or Reddit you monkey
I legitimately don’t know who either of those niggers are. Can someone give some context?
Where's the 100PBTID faggot. Contract over or he's enjoying his weekend?
I think Michael may unironically be a glowie
>contract over
It just got renewed
>expect delays
I told you he would tap out within 7 threads
>7 threads
What thread am I on so far? Wait this is the new one? I thought this was a troll one. Oh boy I was still in the other thread.
Glowie or retard with an ego, I genuinely can't tell
To be honest the hot wife has me tend towards glowie more in this instance
Him and Kais both.
Was just gonna ask about Kais. I don’t know much about him but I know the downies and some anons here are always talking about how hot his wife is.
Kek holy shit
She made some early appearances, was surprisingly hot/some type of Persian, but also could’ve easily been some type of escort. I don’t keep up w him enough to know if she’s still ever featured in his content.
Deep undercover shills have the ability to cause the most damage since they launch year long efforts to gather trust.

Michael and Kais and two examples along with tranny sparkles and rensole
didn't Michael literally take 10k from pulte and then tell everyone that he has no obligation to share what he did with it, when the expectation was to seek legal counsel? I mean legally he is correct, if no contract was signed he can do anything he wants with that money, but michael basically lives on the podcast and it was assumed he would seek counsel and share his finding with the group.... No matter how much bullish dd someone presents, remember there are plants on the ppshow podcast, there are plants in the subreddits, there are plants everywhere. A bad actor just baked another thread, matter of fact. they want to control what information is easily accessible to paserbys.
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adding onto this


the fact that werewolf dd writer even entertains this shopped pic has me wondering about him as well, could be two shills fighting with eachother, either way their goal is to demoralize, disinform, and get us to sell early when new equity is distributed. Also post happening they want any community spaces disrupted so a bunch of wealthy individuals don't try to form any grassroots change for the scam of a system. I expect digitlal i.d. and digital money via a false flag event within the decade.



It is all a scam, and the new system will also be nothing but a control mechanism.
I have no idea who you are but I’ve been in these generals for years. I can tell your writing style. You are fucking based. That is all.
>could be two shills fighting with eachother, either way their goal is to demoralize, disinform, and get us to sell early when new equity is distributed
Doesn't make sense to blow each others cover on themselves. Shills need to co-opt narratives and usually attack non shill users. We don't know what michael told wolf but wolfs reaction is based off of whatever michael said.

I hate all of these faggots and cant wait for it to be over
Yes but once people pickup on enough patterns it would make it very easy to identify shills vs nonshills.


You need to muddy the waters by having shills go after eachother. I am not saying that either one of these two are or are not shills, but in the theory of how to disrupt an organization, you will send shills in to never activate, you will send shills in to attack non shills, you will send shills in to attack other shills, and by doing so you create an informational ecosystem that is so painful to navigate you make it nearly impossible to organize and bubble up good ideas and spread useful information.
You’re assuming they all work for the same entity. It’s far more likely that they all are about to get railed by what’s coming but disagree on certain aspects. I think an anon suggest just a few days ago the possibility that their are people who were fine with gme moassing but didn’t expect Ryan to use bbby to cause. It’s why 45 seems perfect fine with gme but literally spill spaghetti everywhere whenever bbby gets discussed.
>You’re assuming they all work for the same entity
True, didn't think of that
>I am not saying that either one of these two are or are not shills
Both might not even be shills. Twitter fags are full of ego. Michael is genuinely a dumbass and nobody can figure out who wolf is. Either he's genuinely a new guy, some kind of white hat glowie or an alt of the the Theorico,Hard Mineral, and Lizzel team. I don't think he is because the content is different but showing up this late in the game is kinda sus. The DD has been on point desu, especially when comparing to the retards that are posting pictures of Teddy books as proof of when we emerge kek
100PBTID fag is blowing up the shill bake thread lmfao
>thinks people are shilling against BBBY
>bankrupt stock
Twice the thread, double the pay
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Isn't it pretty odd that a company that is famous for fighting naked shorts for almost 2 decades (Overstock) is the company that bought the IP for Bed Bath & Beyond. So the executives who fucking hate naked shorting, purchased IP for Bed Bath & Beyond, the same company that another fella by the name of Ryan Cohen (who also hates naked shorters) is also heavily involved in, and even tried to purchase, are linked in a way that would literally blow out shorts so bad as to cause another 2008 style crisis or worse. This is very very interesting indeed.
Extremely odd. Patrick Bryne was the OG short destroyer and he has close ties to Warren Buffet, going as far as to call him his rabbi. Overstock squeezed their shorts by issuing an nft dividend on their own blockchain, Tzero. Overstock buying BBBY's IP doesn't seem coincidental and as of right now they have a $480 million market cap and could easily be bought out with a premium of probably $750 million to go private. It's very possible that Ryan Cohen goes after Beyond/Overstock.

Patrick Byrne sold his entire stake and is out of Overstock but he set up the foundation for a blockchain short squeeze.
There are no short positions in BBBYQ as the stock was canceled.
It’s not that interesting when you say it 100 times in a row
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Why did Larry Cheng go on PP show what did he discuss?
Is Larry named on the BBBY documents? He always rides or dies with Ryan this would be no different
>hey Ryan, will you put the BBBYIES out of their misery?
>hey man can I score a BBBY share
Nigga what you smoking
>waiting in the sheets for the chapter 11 to conclude

Any day now fraud payments in September
>you can still buy bonds
Ditched the new equity for old shares script? Nice goal post
You can crate multiple threads to divert attention from repeating the same script but you will never be a real asset every again
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implicit communication. Why do "trolls" keep up with 2-4 years worth of lore surrounding gme and bbby, then consistently come into these threads to make LORE SPECIFIC rebuttals as if that is a good look for them?

>could have bought GME
>became obsessed with Egyptian cotton sheet meme
>now having to deal with shit posting about how badly I lost $300 on a bath towel investment
What, did, Larry Cheng, talk about, you are under oath what did he discuss.
Answer the question with honesty
>you won’t
Will you confirm nor deny Larry Cheng was on PP to talk about Chewy, with no mention of BBBY
Permission to treat the anon as a faggot
>I’ll allow it
You can’t say it, you might as well plead the 5th. Your couch is revoked
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>BBBYies jerking it to Pulte who never bought BBBY as the saviour mouth piece

Jesus christ the material I am working with writes itself
>cant answer a basic question
Interesting... and you expect people to find your ramblings....interesting?
Spam in the other thread faggot. You'll still get paid without harassing us
I see... and you value respecting a generals integrity
Let's keep it on topic, tell me about the chapter 11, talk god damn it. Where are you getting the billions from.
Hey, I'm Cucky, wanna play?

Why did Pulte not buy BBBY stocks if he is "the guy"

>he isn't the guy
Stop being disingenuous and answer the question, here it is. Larry Cheng, PP Show.

I will even link it
Oh my bad, wrong time stamp, this is the section where everyone is being told to buy & hold PULTE stock.

It must be this one
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Nope, thats one where he is telling Larry to buy PULTE company stock... Hang on I have it here somewhere, here, hold this....

AHA Found it.

I should have bought GME instead
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>everyones cheering
they aren't
>Investing in chewy on behalf of volition
>everybodys cheering
they arent
>my impression of Ryan and chewy is he is a hard worker dedicated to customer deligh
... Nothing with BBBY yet...
>Chewy is a huge sucsess, Larry Cheng is 48....
>his fund is worth billions
>volition is a growth equity fund tech companies..
cool... cool... No towels yet, any minute now.
>the retail communities are really growing really amazing
>its a 40k party, you all paid for
Any min now, BBBY will be saved comment...
>retail are going to be the next goldman
retail, not BBBY, GME is retail..
>what's your favourite about Ryan Cohen?
>He is contrarian, independent thinker
Any second now... BBBY comments
>Whats he like to work with on a day to day?
>Ryan is humble, and very directed in what he wants... hes a funny guy, but under stated. Customer centric...
>Ok we are going to ask about Ted Cohen
This is it, Teddy, BBBY, everything comment...
>I have not met Ted Cohen... I will not talk about his father...
>What do you think of the PP show?
>I dont know much...
>Household giveaway...

>mentions of BBBY 0
Oooft... I will give you a few hours to recover from this.
I’m amazed that this is how you choose to spend your Sunday. How could Ken ever hope to defeat this kind of autism?
>How could Ken ever hope to defeat this kind of autism?
I ain't that creative
But you’re dedicated. I’m glad you’re on our side.
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>BBBYies will ignore my post
>will just counter with i am a faggot, high post
They just can't counter basic common sense.

Tell me again about how a bankrupt stock is worth billions and will be able to pay old share holders, bond holders billions in cash whilst starting up its shop again to sell bath towels, please, shock me coloured, ramble my almonds I BEG YOU, stir my haggis.

>you can't

Did that nigga just say to stir his haggis?

>I rest my case your honor
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Larry Cheng on the PP show jesus christ... you god damn retards will suckle anything from that gimps testicles won't you, show me your putle stock because you sure as shit can't show me your BBBYies
I too, am glad to hold gme along this kind of autism.
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>it's awkward in here
>you can feel the announcement getting delayed already
How's that restructuring coming along? You going to colour code the towels or are you going to go alphabetical?
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You know best part about coming here now for 3 weeks?

>You won't last
>You are a paid shill
>Kek he is a hedgie
>Announcment soon,
>100pbti is mental illness
is now turning into
>You'll still get paid without harassing us

I mean if that doesn't get your nipples hard and want to give them a twist I don't know what will. All I want to do is talk about the stock, in it's general, that you keep posting.

Bit.... Interesting wouldn't you say?
You need to change it up and post fresh memes. You're getting repetitive. Sloppy work. You need a towel to clean up your act.
Looking forward to pre-market, I think its finally going to emerge... Or will it?


Don't be so ingenious when you respond.
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Well to cater to BBBYies, I only introduce a fresh set of memes every few days, mostly so they aren't startled, BBBYies are very sensitive to change. They do not like it.

>I just click on random images in the folder to save time.

You know how BBBYies just love the repeat.
>chapter 11
tell me about chapter 11 then
>spoonfeeding time is over
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>Larry was on the PP show
I am starting to think none of you fuckers have watched it...
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Hope you all DRS'd your bonds to prevent any fradulent bankruptcy of your bankrupt bonds.
>I hold both
Is the biggest piece of faggotry I have ever seen in my life, and I have watched a P Diddy music video.

You hold GME only now, BBBY is dead and buried.

>muh NOLS

Can you show MUH NOLS?

>Well.. no

Fucker please
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>BBBYies bussy missing and no longer announces herself for ritual bag kekking

So brutal was the bankruptcy and being wrong... That little slampiggy ran off to market.

Now leaves you 3, 1 i suspect with 2 devices.
Hopefully tomorrow one of you will want to discuss BBBY's chapter 11, I am here for it.
>BBBY has trillians hidden in it's NOLS
But how? Why would the hedges leave it unguarded?
Show us your Teddy books and you'll be in the cool kids club
I don’t read children’s books… seems kinda weird
>I bought $300 of BBBY, I want $30 million every year for the rest of my life now tax free
>so your plan is to be paid by a billionaire that sold his BBBY shares and went on to focus on GME shareholders for the past 2 years, and you want him to come rescue you from a dumb idea of holding to 0?
I’m from GME and I say Kek all BBBYIES on sight
>I have NOLS!
>this is my pet BBBY, completely broken, can kick it, punch it, slap it, zap it, pour acid on it, make it listen to PPshow repeats. Just don’t feed it hope, that’s cruel
BBBY apes strong together… can’t answer questions about own stock but strong
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just linking to some other posts containing actual discussion before the paid stock basher showed up to continue the attempted: hype fatigueing, demoralization, disinformation spreading, and general flooding of any potential discussion.

We are delayed until AT LEAST march 2025, pulte has been relaying information indirectly on behalf of RC.

>RC’s mouth piece
>never bought BBBY
Why not Kais? You’re always calling people pp but never Kais. Why is that?
Because calling you PP irritates you more.
BBBY tards stalled when confronted
Tell me why run a general if nothing to discuss? Dare I say it....

>Bankruptcy cope

Lads you lost $300 a piece, let it go.
Yall remember dem Q posts talking about GameStop... I don't remember towelie posts.
But you and your friend don’t call anyone Kais how could you know calling them pp makes anyone more angry?
Because you are asking to be called Kais?
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what an interesting conversation, its almost like paid stock bashers swarm on anything to do with RC/BBBY/GME, and even a superstonk mod, who managed to interview Gary Gensler, regularly goes on twitter to rebuttal jake and others research into the chapter 11 proceedings.

Very, very interesting.
Because Kais is based and vastly more intelligent than PP
>paid stock bashers
Where are these paid stock bashers, are they in the room with us?
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BBBYies claim to hold both, you don't, you got bankrupt, instead of buying GME like the smart money, you rolled it into BBBY, worse than popcorniggs, least they are still floating as a legit plant stock, you guys, you got Toys R Us'd, BlockBustered, Seasrt'd

>Please, stop pointing out obvious things,
>open up stocks
No BBBY on the ticker
>open broker
No BBBY on the broker
>it's still trading! HONEST!
Suffering... is eternal.

The conclusion of the court case is going to be the BIGGEST double hand wank of my life, when you are eternally banished to the Phantom Zone... You shall have peace.
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>still ignoring the Larry on PP show


Babes, new Richard Newton....

What did he mean by this?
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Always a BBBY tard in the GME thread trying to ice skate uphill.

>Investors may be betting on the potential recovery from asset liquidation. If the sale of BBBY's assets brings in more than expected, bondholders could receive a higher payout.

>Speculative Trading: There has been a surge in speculative interest from traders hoping for a favorable outcome in the restructuring process, driving up bond prices.

>Why are my bonds increasing in value
Degenerate gambling,
hey look it's plebbit shill AvailableWerewolf600
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>first time I'm seeing this reddit I swear
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meltdowner in disguise kek
>finding out i am bullying the mentally ill
>only make nipples go harder.
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Hey AvailableWerewolf600 interesting how you're sewing division in these threads and twitter ever since you took over the bakes from the original baker a few months ago and removed key community sources and relevant bond information from the OP
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Checked, this is fun, post more, I am MCloving it
Weren't you the faggot accusing delay anon of being wolf a few months ago? LOL, you're back!

If you can't tell that the baker is delay anon, you're new and here to purposely spread FUD. Delay anon has been here longer than wolf has been active you fucking retard.

And Michael taking the 10k for himself is not new. Many people hold that against him and rightfully so because it was meant to lawyer up or some shit on behalf of bbby holders. Who knows, you're probably that faggot michael who's either a glowie or a narcissistic retard.
I don’t know whats happening.
Thinking of getting myself one of those YouTube channels to highlight how batshit anal retentive you guys are.
>I won't be doing it for free then though
>BBBYies having loyalty and brootherhood amongst each other
Now that's some prime lubrication
Just made my senses tingle with his push that delay anon is both wolf and a meltdownie.
>October 4, wolf posts bond gain porn
>October 5, Michael sends whatever to wolf in DM which prompted a response
>wolf unknowingly takes michaels bait on a post
>michael deletes his original post, only screenshotted wolf's comment and built a narrative around it and said he's unfollowing wolf knowing that people will follow suit. Pic rel here >>59051370
I looked at wolf's comment in that picture but whatever he replied to was deleted by michael.

Drama breaks out ostracizing wolf literally within 24 hours of his bbby bond gain porn post?

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Yea I lean towards Michael being a shill who orbits the bbby community and theppshow podcast (which Larry cheng went onto btw).

The 10k was clearly so Michael could get HIS OWN LAWYER, BUT it seems glaringly obvious he was (why wouldn’t someone?) share his findings on the podcast. If he is indeed a shill pulte must feel like an idiot giving him 10k.

Either way, for me personally, I’m not selling until the concrete is no longer capable of being washed, and has to be replaced because of the amount of blood from the executives jumping.
>(which Larry cheng went onto btw).
Don't make me tap it
>Drama breaks out ostracizing wolf literally within 24 hours of his bbby bond gain porn post?
Can't have BBBY holders getting their morale boosted after nearly 18 months of entering bankruptcy.

I don't know if anyone else has posted BBBY bond gains but it makes so much fucking sense now why Michael went after Wolf. Someone posting gains on BBBY must have been a heart attack to doug shitfu

Kek Michael, you might've overplayed your hands, was only a matter of time.
fucking stop making this thread already i'm tired of having to hide this nonsense every fucking day
>coming into a thread of a stock he doesn’t own
Who would do such a thing
>BBBYQ general outlasting SMG, PMG, and all the shitcoin threads
>2nd most active general on the board
I do it for free
More proof Michael is a glowfag. NOLs weren't lost. They were left undetermined.
Wait…. So there is paid shills in here with me?
>sewing division
It's sowing.
The only difference between AMC holders and BBBYQ (former) holders is that AMC holders still have bags.
>i'm tired of having to hide this nonsense every fucking day
Same sentiment we GME """maxis""" have when you homos post BBBYQshit in our thread.
Nobody owns BBBYQ
you don't hold gme
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Niggers you've never heard of and don't care about are fighting other niggers you've never heard of and don't care about, and anon niggers in this thread are trying to gaslight you into giving a shit. Sneed it.
There’s… pro bbby shills, the fuck sort of level retardation did I get myself in, 3 weeks you been holding back on this, I thought it was retard bankrupt holders I’ve been shitting on

This is heavy doc
don't make me post it again
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>Team BBBY had to hire professional shills to deal with a retard and a keyboard with a little extra free time.
NOL's are gone.
You mean the NOLS worth trillians of dollars of shareholder value have vanished with a bankrupt stock?

You forgot to add he got donated around 1000-2000 dollars from people to go to another Pulte event. Then making tens of thousands of dollars from GME options the same week.
Was chadshill right for buying the bbbonds? I can't un-kek bond baggies.
Soon crash out when that bankruptcy goes belly up
Larry...cheng... PP...show...
vinegar go on ppshow and say nigger
good morning bbbyq general
I've got to be quick today got too much stuff on

>chapter 11
>larry cheng on PP
>ryan cohen
>pulte plan

Bankrupt mongs, least AMC still trading, right see you later
sounds like someone's getting hit by a hurricane
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lel can anyone remind me where citadel is headquartered? this is an october 7 level shill silence.
Biscayne is super south east of where Milton's expected to touch land. Probably a good 3-4 hours away unless that bitch whips south.
is Tupperware seriously getting acquired? I can't believe schitzo tupanon is going to wagmi off that lmao
Tupanon is a glownigger.
I want to see tupanon make it, maybe he'll flip the wins into jiemi
“Tupanon” is literally someone sent here to psyop you.
seething and malding wrongdistractionbaggies
PP, I know you lurk here. Ramez and Michael are going to kill your livestreams and source of income the more you have them on. You can either distance yourself and save your livestream or sink with them. Ramez is psychotic and Michael has zero self awareness because he is a narcissist.
Miami, Florida. No wonder its so quiet in here, all the slaves had to evacuate.
It's not hard to believe Tupperware gets acquired but the glowfag pushing it here is a psyop.
Michael is such a massive retard and any time he speaks I want to kick him in the head
What makes Michael dangerous is that he has a clear thirst for money and that desperation means he can be bought. I wouldn't be surprised if Michael started off as a genuine BBBY investor but as the months go on, he is getting hungrier and hungrier to make some money. Pulte was kind enough to save face for Michael when he decided to keep the 10k all to himself but that money can only go so far.

I would bet that one of doug shitfu's henchmen could offer Michael 20k to flip and he'd take it in a heartbeat rather than expose the offer.

If BBBY truly goes into 2025, expect known users to start to flip and lash out that its over. You will know they were bought out and will spread massive amounts of fear to regular holders. I don't know if retail can keep the BBBY hype for another 6 months but their will definitely be opportunities for wall street to buy them out and get them to flip.

Remember in GME when attobit's account randomly started saying its over? Attobit might have started as a genuine GME holder but 3 years later and no MOASS, he sold his account or took money to spread fud on his account because he wants to recoup his money.
Michael is giving ammo for comments like pic rel

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>Remember in GME when attobit's account randomly started saying its over?
I remember someone else saying GME is over
Pretty funny how astroturfed that PP show thread is.
Yes, by RC.
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why would "trolls" consistently follow extremely esoteric lore surrounding Ryan Cohen and his incontrovertible involvement in BBBY for years and consistently show up here, reddit, and theppshow podcast, watching hours upon hours of it per week, just to "troll"? Seems really strange when you step back and look at the bigger picture. Also why did the company that is famous for battle naked shorts (overstock) purchase the BBBY IP? Seems like there could be a connection there no?

Very very silly.
It's very very silly that the main hypeman for BBBY, who now depends on GME to keep his youtube channel afloat, said GME is over and BBBY is the new play.
It’s definitely not silly that you know that much about all of this. But Sun Tzu and all that right?
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That photo was taken out of context, he has stated multiple times that he believes gme moass is inevitable. He was talking about short term profit, gme will most likely not generate a lot of short term profit outside of the derivatives rebalancing cylces until the moass arrives. But please go and search through threads and old information to tell me about a stock you dont hold, have no interest in, and dont care about, just to "troll" me.
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Why are you mad about people keeping receipts?
>GME is over
>hehe just kidding go- I mean bobbies hehe
It’s silly that you and Niggerfaggot both get a kick out of enlarging Jewish noses with photoshop.
11 chapters
No one tell him
I was gonna say inb4 you imply you didn’t photoshop it or inb4 you claim to have created him.
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Check out this spicy meme I just made
I thought about that myself. Wasn't sure what word to use to keep it concise. Towelchad?
I would honestly kms if I was a grown man whom is getting zero pussy, still living at home and still had the humor of a 12 year old liberal. I think you should consider kys too?
I thought you downies loved sucking cock though? I was trying to be inclusive of your lifestyle choices so we can all have a good time.
What a grump!
>everyone that calls me out on being a nigger with arrested development is a shill
youre such a thoroughbred faggot.
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It's just a meme bro...
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>doesn't even get the formatting right
The left (pic related joined the Austin, TX BLM fiery but mostly peaceful protests) can't meme
Isn’t the ceo of the company whose stock you’re pretending to hold Jewish?
He's the right (real, non-Khazarian) kind of Jew.
>didn't dispute that he’s pretending to hold
Ladies and gentlemen we gottem.
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Sorry PP, your viewership is drying up innit
>everyone who disagrees with me is pp
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>gets shrekt
>posts on another device
This is why Kais is dunking on you and will dunk his PP into your wife
Am I also pp? I’d rather be Kais if we’re role playing.
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>I’d rather be Kais
You wish you were Kais. Gabby wishes you were Kais.
No youre michael...crying (always crying) in the cuck chair while your hot ex wife is pounded on your bed
lol I want you to look at her french tip manicured feet bouncing to each stroke.
pic of said hotwife?
Holy deep cuts, it's a fucking chapter 11, watch if it dies or comes back like tup, american airlines, carvana, whatever the fuck. I do not give a fuck about your treys trades personality hires. Everyone kill yourselves right now.
Why the fuck do so many of you know everything there is to know about some cancelled towel stock YouTube celebrity.
Nice try faggot. I think hes a mod here. The pic gets you banned
because he launched an (unsuccessful) campaign to co-opt the GME audience (after saying GME is over and BBBY is the new play) when BBBY got BBBogged into the shadowrealm.
Catbox it faggot
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And yet these guys did the same with amc and some how no one spent the time and effort to dox them and talk about them incessantly in two threads 25/7. You’re literally just using all of Niggerfaggots talking points while pretending to hold and I’m supposed to believe you don’t have ulterior motives?
Also whatever happened with that countdown Kais was doing? Did he do anything?
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Mods cant open catbox links? Learn to use google babygirl
He was the one using the HAARP machine to target Ryan
There's no need to do that for AMC as that space was 100% secured by (((them)))
Mods don't ban you for NSFW links. Put up (the link) or shut up
Kek. Well his aim was off. He’s about to send Ken’s house to the Bermuda Triangle.
>There's no need to do that for AMC as that space was 100% secured by (((them)))
Thanks for this admission.
Talk like you have some sense or ill give you a nice clean raping.
I dont answer to you twink.
Learn to use a search engine
Oooooooo shillies?
Your silliest responses, please.
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Kek. I don’t even know what this means but the timing of it coinciding with how quiets it’s gotten in here feels interesting.
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The shills disappear and literally get debriefed on their new talking points. Every. Single. Time.
It makes it all so funny knowing that the shills spend more time on BBBY than I do and supposedly my shares were cancelled and blasted into the sun, never to be returned.
But, the documents keep dropping and I haven't read a single one. EVER. I don't need to. I can sit around shitposting and make six ,million dollars without lifting a finger.
My contribution to the BBBY saga is I made racist comics and keked the shillies so bad they rage quit over funny banans, comfy cats, and Ryan Gosling.
What a time to be alive. The only point to studying finance, going to school and working 55 hours a week is for this one single moment. To make a trade so perfect and easy that I can retire abruptly as any lucky fellow who won the lottery. I hope everyone made the most of the window when you could buy shares for pennies. News flash: You just bagged yourself a ROI that will be easiest to understand in multiples of 100x. Most people lust after 10x trades. Some of you will find yourselves standing on 100x, 200x, 300x etc ROIs. And that is not even counting MOASS that will follow soon after (if not before).
>Citadel hq in florida
>Category 5 hurricane hitting florida
>thread devoid of shills
Give me the search terms
Bruno, gme_meltdown, wife
When you find the date look in the archives here
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What was the name of that billionaire who was trying to destroy BBBY. He cousin was on the board and was enacting his will through proxy?
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Wasn't it Howard Miltonstein?
Hurricane Milton:
Coincidence? I think not.
checked and fucking keked
how many more years till we move on from being this retarded?
damn bro what's the filename
look in the offtopic gme general
Not showing up. Must have been jannied
Welfare check, still alive. I’m taking notes and will be kicking ass accordingly in the coming 12 hours,

>lube up
bud. go to waruso and search by file name. If you get spoonfed any harder the spoon will get lodged in your throat.
>If you get spoonfed any harder the spoon will get lodged in your throat.
pretend I'm a SOXLbaggie and throat me
nvm found it
What's the latest?
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The naked shorts have to desperately prop up the entire leveraged economy because they can't close their shorts.
Checked. Some hbc doc dropped that seems to be them saying they dindu nuffin this eliminating another potential fraud target that isn’t the board. Claims bar on bbby got pushed to march. Gmes focus should be on maximizing the upcoming q4 holiday season and figuring out what to do with their massive cash. Even in treasuries it’s a profitable company. That said if large chobani is really going to buy all the stocks it may be signaling he’s waiting for a drop in collective pricing following some market correction shit. Could also just be holding it for something large yet to be announced. Personally I don’t see anything really happening until 2025. Ch11 dates through July. Maybe gme will run again. Hopefully something gets done with the cash stash which propels it into the sp500.
>Some hbc doc dropped that seems to be them saying they dindu nuffin this eliminating another potential fraud target
Hot take but retail should want hbc to be guilty. That would be an extra 310 million dollars clawed back to dk butterfly.
Maybe. I saw something awhile ago that implicated a potential, hypothetical scenario in which 6th street was acting on behalf of Icahn and hbc was acting on behalf of RC or respectively who is behind whom. If that scenario is something close to the truth it could be hbc getting themselves out of dodge before shit starts hitting the fan. Not financial advice. I’ll try to see if I can find what I’m referring to.
they're running out of hecking ammorinoes!!!
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What did Ryan mean by this?
That $65BN was accrued when GME was trading at $4 per share.
It's not all GME, sure, but to close at those kinds of losses while being THAT leveraged would be instantaneous bankruptcy.
Hence why MOASS is even a thing. Hence why we are all here.
>Hence why we are all here.
Isn’t tup getting acquired by Ryan? You’ll make it too.
Yes. When that leveraged up balance sheet is forced to reconcile (at a loss), they will lose ALL of their collateral and ALL shorts will unwind. Not just GME.
This is why MOASS is such. Because ALL the dead stocks will squeeze and ALL the leveraged up tax-cattle meme FAAANG stocks will dump.
People sitting on Toys R Us shares and Radio Shack and whatever the fuck will be selling their shares and slurping up Apple and Google because the shorts will be forced liquidated into illiquid markets. Once they go bust they'll have to settle every last short they were trying to hide.
It will be like silly shilly dying in his mom's basement and discovering all of he pissbottles and cumrags. ALL of it will come to light and it will literally turn all financial value on its head.
It's not worthless. I'll take it off you if you pay me
>implying BBBaggies will make it
>Not just GME.
Are you implying cancelled shares of a bankrupt company will magically uncancel and squeeze?
Why is there a 4chan thread with a bunch of reddit links in the OP? why don't you just go to reddit?
There are no bbbagies left anymore. Did you forget? I was talking about gme.
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$1 per share post-split.
>Holding a short position in a stock with 10x your sale price in book value alone
Boo no refund
you're in the wrong thread is what I'm trying to say
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GME was the only stock to survive the meme wars. Now all threads are GME threads.
>$1 per share.
Pretty fucking crazy, huh? On it's face the shorts are sitting on an unrealized 20x loss. And they can't even close at 20x loss IF THEY WANTED TO. They would happily do so it was physically possible. Most of us want $6M per share.
/biz/ is rightful /gme/ clay
They're gonna exit chapter 11 bankruptcy before the end of the year, because they don't want to extend it into another tax year.
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>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

Larry Cheng went onto theppshow, and pulte is signaling on behalf of Ryan Cohen, we are delayed, most likely until at least march 2025, which is the new claims objection bar date.
>pic related
lmao I fucked that one up, we are in fact tedded


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