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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Larry Cheng, who is a current board member of GameStop went onto theppshow podcast 8 months after bankruptcy, and 2 months after shares were put on ice.

previous thread:
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>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

Larry Cheng went onto theppshow, and pulte is signaling on behalf of Ryan Cohen, we are delayed, most likely until at least march 2025, which is the new claims objection bar date.
>pic related
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I'm from /gme/. Can you faggots hurry up and be right so we can moass? I'm so tired of this boring as shit nothing happening every day.
2 more weeks
Anyone peddling the narrative that delays should be expected is a paid shill. You think just sitting around and waiting patiently for the system that is designed to funnel wealth to the top is going to suddenly pay out billions to retail investors? If someone is telling you that things will happen 'later' and you just need to sit back and wait they are relying on you doing nothing to obtain your generational wealth so that the system can quietly steal all your money.
>board members discovered to be incompetent, fraudulent, and working at the behest of rich drifters
Another day of nothing happening.
We're waiting for you in the /gme/ thread bbbyq bros
>Who is Nick Lewin?
Like who is Michael Goldberg?
shills don’t like talking about these fine gentlemen but love talking about a boy that goes by the moniker “peepee”.
that's because they like to ride dick
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>these fine gentlemen
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and then, nothing happened
and nothing kept happening
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And we are back with a fresh thread
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>>BBBYIES failed harder than any DD ever written
>BBBY to the moon
>goes bankrupt
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my ID is greener than a BBBY share

Pulte plan what is the Pulte plan? Is it subscription based or donation required?
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Why do BBBYies need a gofund me when they are millionaires in waiting?
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Defend this.
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>BBBYies making a thread and having nothing but same talking points
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PP vs Pulte, who is the biggest grifter? Pulte has the wealth but PP has the cult
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>27 months of BBBY posting left to go
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Why does PP not discuss more BBBY happenings, I am over flowing in information and he does not discuss, what did he mean by this?
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Nick Lewin

I like this guy, has a very honest name, add a Y to it and he can become trans.
>when you see the morning BBBY pump your going to shit your pants
If BBBY is so corrupted, why didn't the board sell the company straight to a hedgefund and lock that shit away in the phantom zone?
If shareholders old and new get a cut of the imaginary money, how will the company start trading again when you niggas already strip mined it before its even out of bankruptcy?
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Why won't you discuss the couch shitting status?

Have you signed an NDA?
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How many of you are twitter & youtube grifters exactly, its a retarded grift, I mean as soon as it got bankrupt not as if new buyers can buy in and follow, so your pool is limited and dwindling
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Any updates on chapter 11? I am hearing some interesting things about $TVPQ, you guys getting jelly?
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If Disney bought BBBY it would be very gay for you.
I do enjoy that you think you have the most active thread on biz but let me stop you there... GME is the most popular thread on /biz/ not sorry.
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The thing with BBBYies is that your lore, it requires gaps and holes like the chapter 11

>it's going to emerge from chapter 11 and we are going to be ricH
>because fraud
>ok how much
>no one knows
>ok but why would you be rich from liquidated towel sales
>holding company
>holding what?
>and thats going to pay you trillions
I blame Keithies and his 5 devices, I am sorry this is mental illness, researching DD on BBBY is the biggest waste of time ever, DD fails, there is only 2 people you should listen to when it comes to "MEME" stocks and that is DFV & Ryan Cohen, and neither have mentioned BBBY since it entered bankruptcy
>GME will merge with BBBY
the cope, the heated towel cope.... It's just not going to happen.
PP show looking at files from 10 years ago?
Not sold sorry, I... I am just not buying BBBY bonds.
Liquidated car: $10,000
Liquidated towel: $0.30

I am no mythic level mathamatics machine... but the numbers don't add up to trillions.
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I am merely asking questions about BBBY and its intentions and what they want with GME anons
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Christmas coming up, I hope you are buying PPBBBYQ Gift Cards this year... It's going to be a cold one.
The hedge funds were the ones naked shorting so they didn't want to buy it because it was a ZERO. And to tender an offer for the shares would cause them a MASSIVE loss because the tender offer is calculated on the real number shares and they would be on the hook to pay for the naked shorts. So they would have lost big time.
Wouldn't selling to anyone for any amount cause a run in that respect meaning that its smart money to let the bitch run to 0 and be done with it?
Once the shorts committed to the gameplan of internal sabotage they are basically dead-set on seeing it go to zero. Trying to orchestrate a takeover somehow despite the thing being naked shorted to oblivion would not work.
Reminder that if BBBY goes into 2025, that's potentially another 6 months of waiting. Expect known users to flip and say its over. They will either sell their accounts or get paid to personally sell FUD.
it’s funny how he much he slows down when he’s forced to reply to the most simple questions. I imagine he types with 2 fingers and just copy/pastes the rest of the time.
>just copy/pastes the rest of the time
This faggot could just be copy pasting chatgpt for all we know and just throwing in the occasional picture
>thinking I take you niggas seriously
You told me you loved me and WAGMI
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>thinking I take you niggas seriously
Higher value than your shares
After watching the shills all this time, they love to focus on things that don't matter in the slightest such as the price action. They also HATE when you reiterate the broader bullish picture.
They want to keep the sentiment dreary and the want to keep the bull thesis slid so people can't read it on the front page of /biz/,
They often strategically avoid making replies - they are like trying to grasp your hand around jelly, only for them to slip through your fingers and reform right before your very eyes.
Gradually, I began to hate them.
What shares?
I don’t get paid enough for this
>They also HATE when you reiterate the broader bullish picture.
Go on
Does America not have any other way of buying bath towels?
PP, does he own a couch?
Are you asking for JD Vance?
Whose or who’s?

Hook line and sinka.

Anyways back to it....
I take offense to you saying i outsource my shit posting to chatgpt, I have ingenuity
>Expect known users to flip and say its over. They will either sell their accounts or get paid to personally sell FUD.

I remember when Keith did this after few months of GME haha "oppertunity costs, i am an olympic grade tard!", fucking faggot went off chasing loopies ftxies bbbyies and something else.
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Gonna open a towel shop, going to tall it TowelStop

Legally change me name to Ryan Cohen, get listed on stockmarket and tell you I am emerging chapter 11, make it rain baby
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Going to 7/11 you guys want anything?

I'll pick up a copy of the financial times, you guys might be able to pick out another winner.
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Haha god, you dumb fuckers thought it was going to be a movie moment wasnt you
>30 seconds before close
>last miniute spike to £$600 a sharte
God damn... the thought of you spunkwads that day, Wish I could have been there.
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You guys are so good at picking winners you should interview on Cramers show, fuck me, outta thousands of stocks you pick a towel shop as your hill to be bankrupt on.
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Like... how do you wake up and look in mirror and go "I am a BBBY bankruptee... It might still happen"
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I take it none of you have partners because they would have left you, I mean how else could you explain having a folder on your computer with BBBY DD and a desktop wallpaper of PP & Pulte
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Wait, there's still a BBBYQ general? kek
I don't know at this point, it is /trash/ /x/ or /soc/ tier.

The technicality the bankrupted are using as can still trade bonds so its a legit financial asset.
>not selling BBBY after Ryan sells
>its cheap and in the basket
>so is AMC
>AMC is controlled opposition
and BBBY wasn't...

>not buying other bankupt stocks for the same play

Can you towlies explain the logic why you aren't throwing thousands at every bankrupting stock because it's the same principle..
It's phenomenal that this cuck has posted over 1000 posts in the past few weeks over a non existent security currently undergoing a criminal investigation which may lead to a fraud payout to previous shareholders.

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Is it because... You are emotionally invested in a bankrupt stock that you lost $300? you aren't that retarded... no.. no... your just early.
Bitch please you 3 mins late
I love how you just take everything I throw at you, can you cant dodge it, its the smell of grass after fresh rainfall
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Like what's the routine of a BBBY, wake up, search the PP discord, check on pultes give aways, check on pulte stock, come here, check my post count, get moralised, buy bonds? I can't see it, why buy BBBY bonds when you can buy GME during a ATM?
I've made a point of only investing in companies which mainstream media holds in contempt and where pseudointellectuals like you >>59067202
try to stunt sentiment. Always seems to work out.

> easiest plays in all my life
> literally just sit back and watch you ree
> have listened to creditsuisse, ubs, and citadel cry over zoomers not being as corruptable as boomers irl lmao
> congrats, light triumphs over darkness again
>Buying BBBY bonds because it might come out of bankruptcy


>Pay shareholders billions of dollars

There's just gaps, massive gaps
Hi PP glad your back, whose on show tonight?
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>be in BBBY thread
>balls on the towel
>BBBYies cucked
I don’t know how spamming the thread helps them. Just as I still don’t understand the logonigger psyop.
>Alex is smart enough to make successful trades, especially in options
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>I don’t know how spamming the thread helps them.
I am here to discuss BBBY and BBBY related accessories.

Patrick Bryne, not everyone is PP


> See a rival company you want to destroy or take over cheap?
> Install people who are essentially 'agents' in to company management, executives in to the c-suite.
> Use gross mismanagement and weaponized incompetence to make bad business decisions. Like, such obviously bad decisions that you can tell that they want to burn the company's money.
> Hire expensive 'consultants' who give bad advice and charge exorbitant fees. You can even find cases of governments all over the world hiring consultants, like BCG, that end up tanking projects because they blew the budget on consultancy fees.
> Meanwhile, media campaign to FUD investors.
> Short the company.
> Stock falls.
> Company goes in to death spiral.
> Company goes bankrupt.
> now you can take the company cheap. Pocket money by selling what ever valuable assets that may be left.
> Stock goes to zero or approaches zero, 'boxed' in the 'cellar', hence 'cellar box'ed.
> Shorts supposedly get tax breaks with stocks that are delisted. They can also use them in a funky way for collateral hence the existence of 'zombie stocks'.

Yeah, "this whole saga has been surreal and from a meta level…quite impressive and awesome" is about right. It's like the intrigue stuff you see in spy films or shows like House of Cards.


> dumbasses don't realize it was a setup from the DOJ and FBI to lure you retards into doing the same thing you've been doing for ages to get down to the root of the crime and document your footsteps.
> there's a chance of a fraud payout here
Whose Alex?
It stunts actual things from coming onto the surface. Like the possibility that this was a honey pot sting operation for bad actors to track their footsteps.
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>> dumbasses don't realize it was a setup from the DOJ and FBI to lure you retards into doing the same thing you've been doing for ages to get down to the root of the crime and document your footsteps.
Gauranteed payout for shareholders oh fuck!

>> there's a chance of a fraud payout here
>>> there's a chance

Fanfiction then.
Oh right...pretend you dont know and keep referring to another grown man by a pet name that means penis covered in cum.
Oh Alex... sure... I know who Alex is...

>who fuck is Alex.
Testing to see if you were a spam bot. Wow. Imagine someone combing and dissecting every comment on a Mongolian basket weaving site about a bankrupt security and offering rebuttals to sway anyone else from looking deeper.

> here's your You.
You see how he shuts up when you make the connection the court is aiming to prove??



> See a rival company you want to destroy or take over cheap?
> Install people who are essentially 'agents' in to company management, executives in to the c-suite.
> Use gross mismanagement and weaponized incompetence to make bad business decisions. Like, such obviously bad decisions that you can tell that they want to burn the company's money.
> Hire expensive 'consultants' who give bad advice and charge exorbitant fees. You can even find cases of governments all over the world hiring consultants, like BCG, that end up tanking projects because they blew the budget on consultancy fees.
> Meanwhile, media campaign to FUD investors.
> Short the company.
> Stock falls.
> Company goes in to death spiral.
> Company goes bankrupt.
> now you can take the company cheap. Pocket money by selling what ever valuable assets that may be left.
> Stock goes to zero or approaches zero, 'boxed' in the 'cellar', hence 'cellar box'ed.
> Shorts supposedly get tax breaks with stocks that are delisted. They can also use them in a funky way for collateral hence the existence of 'zombie stocks'.

Yeah, "this whole saga has been surreal and from a meta level…quite impressive and awesome" is about right. It's like the intrigue stuff you see in spy films or shows like House of Cards.


> dumbasses don't realize it was a setup from the DOJ and FBI to lure you retards into doing the same thing you've been doing for ages to get down to the root of the crime and document your footsteps.
> there's a chance of a fraud payout here
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Did I pass the test?
>> dumbasses don't realize it was a setup from the DOJ and FBI to lure you retards into doing the same thing you've been doing for ages to get down to the root of the crime and document your footsteps.
Gauranteed payout for shareholders oh fuck!

>> there's a chance of a fraud payout here
>>> there's a chance

Fanfiction then.... Woha... De ja vu
Did you type this babble all by yourself?
I these thread are so entertaining. There are people in the gme thread that don’t even get to see the amount of dancing happening in the thread for a cancelled towel stock.
the interns get the small fish >>59067248
nick lewin gets the big fish >>59067297
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I just... I just got to know about the Pulte Plan...
Who the fuck is Movant? That fucker may not be getting cash and equity but I definitely am.
>Who the fuck is Movant?
A Class 9 Shareholder
Class 9, that means he gets to dip his balls in everyone elses mouth first.

Sure sounds like a frat house than a respected multitrillion dollar bath towel shop.
Your shops, BBBY, did they have personal shoppers? Why do you enjoy shopping at BBBY? Was it the price? Go on say it was the price.
Anyone care to give me an update on Pultes latest tweet?
No? No one give a fuck about Ryan Cohens best buddy who is authorised to speak on his behalf about BBBY?
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This honestly just sad. Whether it’s a larp not desu.
You know whats sad... Thinking BBBY is a super serious stock.
Agreed. Bbby isn’t even a stock anymore but if it was it would be a pretty unserious goofy one. Kek.
youre not even putting in OT anymore, its a bit disappointing
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Uh oh famous fbi associated plan man is coming after the board and JPM. Also that nick lewin character seems to have had some high profile clients in the past.
I still don't understand why Pulte created FUD against Goldberg by implying he was bad at his job or potentially a bad guy. It was super unnecessary and now certain retards view the plan man as an enemy
No sadder than a pseudointellectual bringing on a tranny like Hannahreloaded to shill hatred to the Jesus loving BBBYCHADS
> imagine the cognitive dissonance it takes to try to call random investors delusional while not being able to face the reality that you'll never be a woman.
I’ve already covered this trying to flip it back on me is low form.

Apply yourself.
>why would Pulte do something
Nigga take 2 steps back and look at the broader oil painting
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>GME has $5 billion
>$TESLA has robots
>BBBY has chapter 11 emerging bankruptcy restructure towel shops
Not your problem.
>by implying he was bad at his job or potentially a bad guy.
He was great at his job
>he still has to act like he doesn’t know
its just a bit awkward is all
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It is (You) who doesn't know
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Papa Papalia has them and he's checking the shares, and checking them twice.
Gonna find out whose naughty or nice.
papa papalia huh
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saved for posterity
Saved for posterity? I thought this whole thing was done already?
If by "this whole thing" you meant "another humiliation for BBBaggies" no, it's an ongoing thing.
>implying papalia still has a role to play
uh oh stinkieeee
>retard has zero (0) idea of the role a judge plays in matters in general
Suckle my member berries, member when Gary Gensler was championed as /our guy/ i member
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BBBYcels seething over towelchads.
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>No response?
Shills in Shambles
Have you bought a BBBY bond recently?
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>Champion of BBBYies
>Does not buy wholesale BBBY bonds
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If BBBY bonds are so valuable, why aren't you buying ze dip?

I don't know bubba... You sell a great story but you miss me on the sustenance
Tell me again how you are emerging from bankruptcy <3
>nursing home
>crippled and locked in you room
>it's been 50 years of 100pbtid laughing at you
>you shit your pants
>in your last moments you ponder was it worth it...
As a GME holder who owns all the old peoples care homes, I will allow BBBY holders to live for free in my care homes. It is the least I will be able to do for a life time of kek posting you.
Apparently the judge will go beyond his duties and investigate the matter instead of just applying the law to the facts presented to him.
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keksimus maximus
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Crocodile spring loaded clips to my nipples... Tell me how he will seal full 1000% reparations for shareholders who bought in the last 24 hours of trading.
it will be really problematic and uncool if he didn't and i think i speak for all when i say that his reputation on reddit is way way more important than anything else you guys
seeing BBBaggies talk about the case is like watching gaming journos play videogames
>Judge banishes BBBY to phantom zone forever
>Judges anime hentai account gets downvoted to the phantom zone
I compare BBBYies defence similiar to a tranny desu, every counter argument is just met with even more bizarre claims.

>You are not a woman


>You are bankrupt
He bought up trannies again guys. He totally fits in.
im convinced. selling my bbby now. wait a sec....
>He totally fits in.

With enough lubricant you can pretty much get in anywhere.
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BBBYIES are rattled, they can’t compete against low tier IQ come backs, they aren’t sending their best
Ugh, sneeded… my only weakness
That's right punk. Do it again and I'll give you the Ol' Sneedchungus. So you better tread carefully.
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Slick moves, bro.
Mind if I, have this dance ;)
Now we are talking, PP will be on soon enough, get to really kick the weekend off right.
>Going to WAGMI so hard with BBBY bonds
>No where to be found besides in the GME thread trying to link sympathy
The bankrupt will seek a living honest to sustain itself. I'd be welcoming of a TUP merger, but not a BBBY one, you know what this means don't you?

>announcement this week for BBBY chapter 11
or does it?
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Yeeaaaaaa nigggaaaaaaa
severe mental illness: the thread
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>I'd be welcoming of a TUP merger, but not a BBBY one
You should be welcoming of any merger that would lead to moass if you’re a gme holder. I don’t understand why you would cut off your nose to spite your face. Anyway it’s a good thing you don’t get to decide.
>I don’t understand why you would cut off your nose to spite your face.
>please merge with my retarded life choices.
You have nothing to offer GME.
>it's a BBBYies are fighting for GME holders attempt
>it misses again
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Why did Dan do part of his video in drag?
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Remind me again of how much belief Pulte had in BBBY that he put money into it.

I'll wait.
Daylight come and me wan to to go hoooooooome......

How many bonds you lads bought today? I bought a YUGE amount of bonds today. Many many bonds... great bonds... paying bonds...
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I pledge to donate 700 million to children's hospitals.

You made me waste 15 seconds reading that, do you know how valuable my time is?
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>do you know how valuable my time is?
Kek. I really wish your first persona was allowed to be this funny.
How many of these have you got saved?

No autographs please
That picture and the one where a shill laughs at people who bought GME at $5 are my top two favorite comments. Shills seethe so much
I wonder how many bonds Pulte bought.
Shills laughed at a $5 GME buy in? the fuck
Zero, the answer is zero
He got his fud wires crossed that day.
That makes sense, a BBBYier buying at $5 is retarded.
Will you be joining in the lawsuit against Ryan if he gives bbbaggies anything more than you deem acceptable?
>buys into a bankrupt stock
>wants something for nothing
Misread that one, and I don't need to worry, BBBYies ain't getting rescued.
>buys into a bankrupt stock
>wants something for nothing
take it up with hertz and American airline shareholders bud. There’s nothing special about bbby. Unless ………..
RC is buying TUP.
Tuppies bought a bankrupt stock and it’s ok if they get something for nothing. Stop telling on yourself.
>he thought he could go off script
it’s your first month, don’t push yourself, bud
>Liquidated car $10,000
>Liquidated Aircraft $100,000
>Liquidated Towel $0.20

You are not the same.
>liquidated plastic food container $0.02
I think you’re forgetting one their buddy.
>Board obsessed with retaining their seats
>Got rid of top of the line desirable products for untested private label products
>Hostile against Ryan Cohen
>Reject $400 million offer when liabilities were $5.2 billion and virtually no cash left
>Choose bankruptcy instead while claiming to not be in violation of fiduciary duty

Correct, BBBY is not the same
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Name (1) reason why Ryan needs BBBY in 2025 when he owns a liquidity printing machine with shareholders that will vote for 10 billion dilations forcing hedgies to do all the work, you tell me why he would want to waste money on BBBY.
>assets not yet liquidated
Nigga please
Why did he need it in 2023 while taking on 5 billion in liabilities?
>you tell me why he would want to waste money on BBBY.
You’re so close bud. I almost actually believed you did it for free.
Can you tell me why he would waste money on Tupperware? I know you’re not the other anon but I actually would love to hear the bullish dd for Tupperware.
>Why did he need it in 2023 while taking on 5 billion in liabilities?
Because it wasn't bankrupt and liquidated?
>I almost actually believed you did it for free
Well I had a good run, idk
>Can you tell me why he would waste money on Tupperware?
Funkopop manufacturing.
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Need? What does he need? Maybe he needs to make spoiled children suffer. Maybe he needs to reward his most loyal retards with golden tickets. Maybe he's a mad man running a candy shop with slave labor from jaundiced pygmies.
>Why did he need it in 2023 while taking on 5 billion in liabilities?
He didn't know of the 5b in liabilities
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>He didn't know of the 5b in liabilities
Where we’re going, needs are irrelevant
proof that he did?
>Thinks billionaire value investor doesn't know how to read a balance sheet and see the 5 billion in liabilities
>The board had strict accounting of all liabilities and never saw a problem until 2023.
>The board had strict accounting of all liabilities and never saw a problem until 2023.
Yeah wow it’s almost like they deliberately tanked the company. What a strange thing to do.
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>BBBYies can not defend from logic
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You're not confident of your assertion so you didn't even give me a (You) so I won't be notified of your response, but regardless, 100+pbtid (real MVP btw) has it covered.
>board tanks it like thousands of other companies have been sacrificed when hedge funds need money
>BBBY is different because it will pay 1,500 retards that held to zero.

I see it... dimensions are opening... multiple realities all layered on top of each other strings of time and space in the palm of my hand... How did I not see this before.
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>BBBY is different
How many of these thousands of cases are crawling with feds? Is it a lot?
>thinking Ryan Cohen cares about BBBYIES
hahaha... Ahhhh,... haha good one.
0, even the judge is bored as shit reading the documents.
have sex already holy shit
>can’t stand his own argument despite being correct and right in everything
>needs to devolve into butt thuggery
They are not sending their best, you are sending me poor tier holders and it shows.
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>Social Media Response Team is like SMART without the A
>close enough
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hype fatigueing, we will continue to be delayed until the culmination of AI advancements and election/WEF happenings all align.

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expect delays alright
delays forever
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>BBBY holders do not exist on a weekend.
>BBBY holders do not exist
Period. Did you forget again?
Trying to bait one of the little rats out to play with me :(
Sir it’s a Saturday. Do you not have something better to do?
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Working my man, 7 days a week glued to a computer, it's honest work.
Damn. Sorry. See ya.
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This shows default, but it is probably a glitch.
>one H away from laugh
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>this is the 21341th time he has said this
>21342nd time a charm this time, no more delays
Wasn't Kais going to drop the mic on Ryan this week for BBBY holders, what happened to that? Delayed?
RC had him sign an NDA.
Couch status?
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Will Pulte be sued for encouraging people to buy bonds which have now defaulted? Is it radio silence from him since then?
guys I have a confession to make. I kind of like this stock.
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Wear it proud, king.
Pulte never told anyone else to buy bonds.
>bonds that were in default the moment bbby filed for bankruptcy are now defaulted
Shills are fucking retarded lmfao. They've been in default for nearly 18 months
And they are still tradeable. Why would they let someone trade defaulted bonds? Why not just cancel them like the stock?
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Because Larry Cheng went onto the PP show with Pulte & PP which signalled BUY & HOLD BONDS!
Shares will be uncanceled, bonds will be undefaulted. Cope.
Be gentle on them, they do not like mirrors.
whenever I look in a mirror I see some ugly guy, of course I don’t like them.
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I’m never selling my BBBYQ shares. WAGMI.
Bruh... Plz sell! PLEASE! I am paid per 1000 shares sold, PLEASE!
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This is a fake, there is no 13th month.
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Gamestop Corp (Holding Company)
I just had a Daily Double from Mcdonalds. A truly underrated and unknown item menu.

>BCG is part of the good guys goy
Michael isn't even trying to hide that he's comped now kek
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I don't know who these niggers are.

I like GameStop.
>Kenneth Griffin is part of the good guys goy
Guess we know who the sleeper shills are in the ppshow
>I don't know who these niggers are
Faggots that try to control the narrative. It's important to call them out.
he's the Destiny of the PPshow
Youre giving michael entirely too much credit. All he does is randomly scream, hysterically cry and cook up conspiracies.
I do think hes larping though because there's no way he bagged a cardio bunny blonde with no stable job and selling dream readings.
>Youre giving michael entirely too much credit.
Calling him an irrelevant person and (literal) cuckold is giving him too much credit?
oh I confused destiny with someone else
>implying it won't work in the way you were initially thinking
I didn't get the destiny reference either desu
skill issue
GameStop holding company here we fucking gooooooo!

Not you retards but still, I will keep you company from my private anon island.
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this bread has been baked since wednesday. youve fallen off.
No one wants to talk about BBBY, my job here is done, I have shed light on that BBBYies are retarded, I am just here now to keep cashing my daily keks with a 40% average, which shows BBBYies do not exist at all and this is just a cope thread.
You'll always be needed since bathniggers always pop up after a few days.
your right
Stale bread
New thread
Ooof that’s gotta sting
Music to my ears amigo, always freshly baked cope to piss holes into
Bruh... you ok? That's pretty fucking brutal.. Or are you going to claim the mods are citadel shills to keep the BBBY down?
Holy kek
Kek kekkies.
Damn these threads are dead. Why did the chad 100pbtid stop spamming?
Hello is anybody there?
because the bathniggers were beaten into submission. 100+pbtid will come back whenever he's needed.
way to glaze bro
BBBYies can't answer 3 simple questions and it BSOD's them.
Kinda missing it this week, those 3 weeks of pure assault and battery was good fun.
you need to be 18 to post here fucking faggot
He’s his biggest fan.
>new id
>seething because someone called his boyfriend a dick sucker
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Someone's got a case of the Mondays
Anyways tuts, when you get to baking <MY> new thread for me to use as my personal porta-shitter, please be considerate, make it a creative bake. As the leading shareholder in BBBYQ on 4chan, I deserve only the best bidet.

>those 3 weeks of pure assault and battery was good fun.
If you do it too often they get used to it. 100+pbtid is a true anon.
>If you do it too often they get used to it.
literally me and the bbbyq posters, I got over it though, 100+ got totally and utterly psy-op'd, but it looks like he's recovering lately. Good for him.

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