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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Larry Cheng, who is a current board member of GameStop went onto theppshow podcast 8 months after bankruptcy, and 2 months after shares were put on ice.

previous thread:
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>Who is Nick Lewin?
>He was tasked with prosecuting 3 leading members of Al-qaeda
>He was the lawyer for Hunter Biden during the probe into his activities
>He is the lawyer in charge of eventually releasing the Epstein documents and keeping them away from people like Alan Dershowitz in the meantime (Alan is the lawyer for the illegitimate state of Israel)
>And now he's the lawyer for Shelly Lombard, a board member hand picked by Ryan Cohen for the now supposedly defunct company of bed bath and beyond

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud

Larry Cheng went onto theppshow, and pulte is signaling on behalf of Ryan Cohen, we are delayed, most likely until at least march 2025, which is the new claims objection bar date.
>pic related
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New thread, same me.
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BBBY has provided me with pure entertainment since I realised I can bully every theory you have about your play and you have no logical evidence to back yourselves up.
Oct. 15, 2024, 1:04PM EDT
Overstock Short Sellers Lose Appeal Over Market Manipulation

Short sellers can’t continue to press their case that Overstock.com Inc. and its leaders forced them into a “squeeze” through improper tactics, the Tenth Circuit ruled Tuesday.

The suit stemmed from a bitter fight between Overstock’s leadership and investment funds betting on a loss in its share value. The short sellers, who say they were effectively forced to purchase shares in circumstances known as a short squeeze, sought to revive the case after the US District Court for the District of Utah dismissed it in 2021.


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No, no thats unfair, I have only just started to find joy in Chapter 11 BBBY, I am not ready to be wealthy
Wait a minute?

Does that happen to be the same overstock who bought the IP for BBBY? Another company where an activist investor - Ryan Cohen - is heavily involved with, where both Patrick Byrne and Ryan Cohen AND Carl Icahn (seen meeting with Ryan Cohen in person) all hate short sellers?

Wow that is pretty interesting.
Let's see what we're discussing this thread by checking the OP >>59084280
>Nick Lewin (Hunter Bidens lawyer at one point) represents RC's board pick
This is a great topic and I don't foresee anything at all going wrong or becoming awkward :)
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It's a fantastic topic, please, start when ready, I look forward to learning about the subject in great detail.
It was interesting first three times you copy & pasted the same comment, but now after 300 times it's just lazy
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Tfw wagmi
Where did Sisyphus anon go?
Not quite like I’m WAGMI
He'll be back in 1 hour
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it's kind of funny that overstock beat the short sellers in court again and were the ones that bought the bbby brand
I spoke too soon and didn't refresh kek.

What do you know, back in 1 hour
Ah this explains why BBBY shares are now worth 259 each…
Why would he know of Gaston? I can’t remember even seeing Gaston in the gme thread.
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Gaston keeps good company
It’s been 4 weeks bruh, what part are you not getting about this
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I've posted one of my Gaston's in the gme thread maybe twice.
>talking about Gaston posting and not the pp show
Larry Cheng was on it you know
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Did some looking, allegedly the next round of bbbyq court is November 26, 2024 at 10 AM and the hearing is for a motion regarding the Plan Administrator's Fifth Omnibus Objection to Claims. Is the ai right or am I missing anything?
Finally some good stuff to dig into, I’m getting bored of chapter 11
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I’m still trying to figure out how the Logoniggers are connected to this.
I never paid attention. What is the deal with the logo vs no logo?
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Remember, /r/theppshow was banned and /r/teddy was open and waiting because it was comped from the start. Silly shilly hedgie wedgies have also sent silly shillies to partake in the ppshow podcast from the beginning to post normal good dd and BLEND IN. Overtime they activate these assets to begin acting a fool, use excessive hyping, cause drama to divide and conquer, and a whole myriad of techniques to disrupt a community and demoralize the participants. There are certainly many more assets that are blending in and one should stay vigilant.

The claims objection bar date is March 2025, one should expect delays and be mentally and financially ready to wait it out while the system prepares for the great happening.
Out a thousands stocks you picked…
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PP show was DIRE last night, no mentions of BBBY, no nol discussion, zippo, he was dry AF, didn't even bother getting Pulte on to discuss his tweet. Shocking coloured me.
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cool it with the antisemitic remarks
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lmao baggies, soon another year of not fuckin making it, get ready for a whole lot more of those
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27 more months of BBBY posting
What's the 27 more months for? Last estimated court date?
I honestly can't remember exactly, it was something to do with it's final banishment to the phantom zone so could be a court date, either way, BBBY ends and so does my watch or BBBY: Way of the Delay countdown begins.
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>BBBY: Way of the Delay
Did you know that 27 months is EXACTLY SIX MILLION SECONDS?
6 million? That's a ridiculous number.
sounds fake and made up
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How DARE you deny the six million
>grifter gets in a photo with RC
>this is all proof I need
>you have been delayed indefinitely, start cope posting about your theories now
i am more autistic.
You are late for your performance. Who do you think you are, Madonna?
i think after yesterday he had to rest up. I hope he did because its autism time.
I’m not autistic so I kneel king
I think he was talking about you… hope you have lots of new info on BBBY for me I’m gagging for it
you had your chance.
All buckled up, ready for the flood of exciting BBBY information you have
>you had your chance
So did BBBY before bankrupting
but what about the fraud
he's dead jim
Am admission that you weren’t autistic this whole time? Wow how do you explain being in these threads 24/7 for weeks? Autism was your silver bullet for accusations of being a glownigger. Now you don’t even have that.
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>Wow how do you explain being in these threads 24/7 for weeks?
>5 weeks
>still doesn't get it

Anon, how long have you been a 4chan enjoyer? BBBYies are so much fun to talk to and ask questions to, they get all defensive when you shine a light on the situation, what's not to enjoy
You guys just don't get it...
Good guess
Could be
Never say never.

The sheer fact of yesterdays thread you went TURBO TIME but wasn't able to do it tells me all I need to know. BBBY is shit tier and so are it's holders
Kino episode
>it's gone
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We all know Pulte is engaging the TowelChads because RC is wrapping up some lawsuits as well as being behind the wall on some M&A deals.
All he needed to do was send some winks and nods and everyone knows good things are unfolding behind the scenes. Engaging with strangers from the internet and beating around the bush concerning obvious confindential information is going to look kind of odd. But if you can see the winks and the nods then you know that all you need to do is sit back and be a comfy boy.
The shills are desperate to spread fud and take pot-shots at everyone involved as if any of this even matters.Just the fact that paid shills are here daily seething and desperate to impact YOUR opinion of PP and Pulte and the towel-thesis tells you everything you need to know.
We won. And the shills only care because we won. They want you to be happy to sell for $45 because they know just as well as all of the rest of us that this stock is going to squeeeeeeeze in to the stratosphere and will probably tickle uranus.
I once trolled AMC retards back in 2021 and it was fun for like 2 seconds. BBBY has people posting 100+ replies every single thread like some demented lunatic whose life depends on the outcome here. The stock is going to survive and their actions tell you everything. Remember, this is a reorganization and not a liquidation. The greatest beartrap in human history is happening now and it is infinitely complex so as to catch as many bears as possible. TowelChads will be eating well once CH11 resolves.
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Like it’s one hell of a brag and everything but holy shit
>notice how it says GameStop
BBBYies, take note, thats our nigga.
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CH7s would have been wrapped up by now. Looks like funds are being secured to keep Class9 and the NOLs intact.
And you’ve seen these documents with the dollar amount left in the pot for your payout?
Class 6 has been paid off. We're waiting for that exact document. However the fraud investigation is ongoing so when we find this out we will likely see the whole thing blown wide open. If there was nothing left to do at this point CH11 would be over. At this stage money for Class 9 is being secured.
Can I see these documents of them being paid off.
get back in the other thread. just because youre getting your ass kicked doesnt mean you get to run to your hugbox.
You just have to wait like the rest of us.
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I haven't been in GME today... but I will check it out
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Like that is it? Did you know my investment into $FUNKO has me divi payments of 100123% ROI? I can't show you though, NDA and that lad
Can you show me where Bankruptcy has concluded?
>stores liquidated
>shares delisted
>bonds defaulted
>PP telling you to buy & hold $PULTE
Can you please explain where your "man" is that is leading the BBBY offensive, because, I for one, am not seeing a multi-billion dollar payout.
>I can show you where $5 billion dollars is gaining interest for its shareholders though
This one is REALLY going to piss in your cereal though.

You like Larry Cheng on Le'PP show right? Me too.

>Ryan is CUSTOMER SERVICE FOCUSED on delivering for the CUSTOMER

Ok I know this is a lot of words now for you BBBYies but keep up;

>Why would Ryan go through all this work and effort to reward a small mareginal section of retarded greedy fuckers that have held penny shares to make them rich, why would he go through all this if his goals at custom service, there is no business there to delivery service to, its over

BBBY branding has already been bought and swallowed, maybe you are trying to connect the wrong branches, Maybe you should be looking at Overstock, not GME, but this would be ungodly for you leeches that need to be 500IQ.

Nothing you mongs have said in the past 5 weeks has made any sense, it all has massive gaps in it, you have no clear plan, its all maybe, could be, should be, its not ready, its on going, expect delays.

In December when Ryan dilates GME again and squeezes money out of the hedgefunds for a few more billion, and you are sat here looking at my, laughing my balls off in your mouth, I want you to remember something

>thank you anon for keeping me grounded
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fuggin saved
RC vbuys ALL the stocks.
Just sit back and be patient, lil silly shilly. We we all know the result of BK in due time.
I'm actually feeling very comfy, you seem to be a little stressed these days.
>100+ pbtid
Are you.... nervous?
>GME has 5 billion dollars and rising
>thinks I’m nervous over a bankrupt stock
I’m comfy as fuck bro
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Oh yea? Me too.
What excites me about BBBY is that I bought thousands of shares for pennies. So if anything good happens here I will be retired. Quite possibly this year. If nothing happens it's all good because I also have thousands of GME shares.
Life is good, friendo.
You’re not comfy though, you need to keep reminding everyone you are chapter 11 emerging bankruptcy in NDA court without any information or leadership.
>What excites me about BBBY is that I bought thousands of shares for pennies

But I sure am grateful for being able to buy bonds for pennies on the dollar too.

Thanks for bankrupting BBBY, allowing me to accumulate a massive position at a 99% discount and also paying for its revival hedge fucks.
Class 6 has been paid back and there is a fraud investigation ongoing as leaked emails have proven that JPM was working in cahoots with the BBBY board members to destroy the company for the sake of short sellers as opposed to selling the company, AND ALL ITS LIABILITIES, to RC.
I have thousands of GME. I have TENS OF THOUSANDS of BBBY.
Just say
>I don't (or refuse to) understand
And you can show me these payments?
>excited about BBBY>>59091499
Are you implying Class 6 has not been paid off?
Which one is it? I’d like to hear both versions
>literally copying me word for word
I am flattered.
I’m implying it, where’s this mystical pot of gold coming from?
I personally think this belongs in the other thread
Damn you really HAVE to be in both threads.
From the ongoing CH11 reorganization
thread police alert
why are you being a silonigger?
Delayed to March 2025, how much is left over in this magic pot of gold?
At least GME has a solid line of money, BBBY though… it’s just “yeah, it went bankrupt, but it’s coming back with billions and billions because, just because ok, oh and Ryan Cohen is involved”
>Shorting hedge funds sloppily bankrupted BBBY in fear of Ryan Cohen taking control of a second company within the short basket, the first being GME

There is now a lawsuit by the hotshot lawyer, Michael Goldberg, who was selected as the Plan Administrator for BBBY by DIP, FILO, and Creditors Committee. The lawsuit is against the former board for bankrupting BBBY while being weirdly obsessed with fighting off shareholder activists.

Goldberg is seeking a minimum of $2.5 billion across 12 causes of actions that would make BBBY solvent again if it gets awarded.

>The board doesn't have that kind of money though

True, but we know these faggots don't just bankrupt companies on a whim, we know that they were getting coached by JPM and a user found out that BBBY's chairman, Harriet Edelman, is the cousin of a billionaire named Howard Milstein who owns Koda Capital and there just happens to be a potentially fraudulent claim by a man named Jason Coggins linked to Koda Capital in BBBY's claims list.

>BBBY has zero chance of recovery
Well explain by BBBY schizos are sharing bond gains? Bonds going up in bankruptcy can only mean one thing, markets are pricing in recovery. See pic rel

Ryan Cohen offered $400 million for BBBY despite its $5.2 billion in liabilities and the board still chose to go into bankruptcy.

Ryan Cohen is currently a creditor in the bankruptcy.

Siloniggers want you to believe that Ryan Cohen took an L and abandoned retail in BBBY.
Amended plan can drop at any point so it's irrelevant. Fraud investigation is not contingent upon payout from the estate either, so we have TWO avenues to profit here. And we've already seen a smoking gun to that effect.
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>billions and billions
If BBBY shareholders remaining intact it could be another MOASS given how cheap the price was. Lots to be excited about here
Damn, I hope the MOASS doesn't take away the wealth of those who may be held liable to pay for fraud.
As someone who holds gme and held bbby I plan to join in the lawsuit against myself and Ryan.
Sounds like when niggerfaggot was begging gme bros to kek bbby holders, suck my fat cock
This is who I hold and held with. I honestly don’t know how Ken could ever think to defeat us.
Your talking about repaying 5 billion debt and then paying share holders a small fortune each for their shares, that takes billions you dumb monkey
Sounds like not his problem. How many billions is a it going to take to resolve the infinite squeeze in gme?
Many billions, but this is a burnt bankrupt towel stock with no generating income, you can’t bleed a rock dry and expect it to function
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>you can’t bleed a rock dry and expect it to function
>as a BBBY holder I’m getting paid
>I just am ugh
It’s going to be a long 27 months of this
What's the latest? Any new developments?
Also QhcOKstW you do not need to reply, as I've already filtered you. I do not value your opinion. You're still going to reply to this for whatever reason.
>Bbby holder
Those don’t exist anymore.
>You're still going to reply to this for whatever reason.
I am, I will
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It may not technically be contingent upon the fraud case, but RC & Icahn are going to want to wait for the fraud case to play out so they don't have to spend extra billions to make creditors whole before they distribute new equity to class 9. Expect delays the claims objection bar date has been shifted to march 2025. Be mentally and financially prepared to wait this out.

In the background the system is panicking as they concoct a plan to throw dougshit and mayoman under the bus while creating enough plausible deniability so they dont bring down (DBI, DOJ) the rest of the system. Since the entire system has been playing this scam of a game, they need a way to thread the needle and only throw certain firms under the bus and allowing the biggest banks to get away with some "minor" fines without any arrests once again.

when BBBY/GME situations erupt, people are going to start asking basic questions like: "are these the only stocks with way more shares circulating than are legally supposed to exist?". and: "What was the evidence that fake shares were circulating for these stocks?". When they take those questions and start asking them elsewhere, there will need to be safeguards in place to ensure the DTC, FED and the biggest banks remain safe, in place, and protected via plausible deniability or some newly created legal structures or legal interpretations. Once these contingencies are in place, mayo and dougshit & antifrens will be allowed to fall, maybe a large bank will be allowed to crater as well (BOA), but the core control of monetary matters and financial matters will be protected at all costs, world wars if necessary.

kek shillies, kek paid stock bashers.
>BBBYies think their bankrupt stock is working in unison with GME
disgusting behaviour
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>In a world where you can buy GME for $20 a share
>you bankrupt yourself with BBBY
BBBYies so BTFO in this thread they can't discuss chapter 11 with me without failing.

The state of it.
If BBBY was bought by Overstock... then.... Why are you trying so hard to link it to GME...
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Ok you have a finite pot of gold. lets say 5 billion no, clown world, 6 billion, I will be generous, a few million towels prices at a million each when they are liquidated , easy 6 billion in the pot.

5 billion on debt, leave you with a billion, great, now, this billion dollars needs to restart infrastructure under a new brand name, pay old share holders, bonds, and start a functioning company... for towel selling and towel accessories.

I don't get it, come on babes, tell me what makes you different from BlockBuster or Toys R Us
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>BBBYies are suckling on the left nut of GME and hoping to latch on to some pipe dream shilled by PP & Pulte.

You go main players, you got 2 grifters on a youtube channel, and you have the brass balls to compare yourselves to Ryan & Roaring, get the fuck out
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Threadly reminder
You will discuss chapter 11, You will have a sub 30iq poster tell you are wrong, and you will be unable to counter simple points. This is how it is now. Welcome to my BBBY thread.
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>A company with no overhead and cash in the bank needs to come up with a business plan before dispersing new equity to old shareholders
>No they can't just buy treasury bonds like GameStop
>Shortsellers who sold old equity to old shareholders aren't obligated to purchase new equity to deliver to old shareholders because... shut up.
I accept your concession. What is your death poem?
>Liquidated car $15,000
>Liquidated face cloth $0.05
You are not the same
The judge is at home right now getting his freak on with a bowl of Frosties, he doesn't care, he will not make you rich because you threw $400 into a bankrupt towel stock before being delisted.
>>A company with no overhead and cash in the bank needs to come up with a business plan before dispersing new equity to old shareholders

>A company with no overhead
Because its bankrupt... You don't get any lower overheads.

>cash in the bank
Can I see this cash in the bank?

>A company with no overhead and cash in the bank needs to come up with a business plan before dispersing new equity to old shareholders
It's just going to pay... like ok! it's going to pay without any plan for emerging bankruptcy, but its just going to pay, ugh!

They are not sending me their best, I would even settle for average.
Where was he all day? Was he out to lunch the whole day? His boyfriend didn’t do such a good job while he was away.
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>doesn't want to defend his stock
>personal attacks
Boring, boring boring.
Your arguments are getting more emotional and leaning less into logic. You need to step it up 100pbtid.
>doesn't want to defend his stock
What stock?
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Your death poem shames your ancestors. I will not second you quickly.

>Can I see this cash in the bank?
Once the $2.5 billion fraud settlement against the former board is awarded all debts will be paid and the rest is available for company operations.

>it's going to pay without any plan for emerging bankruptcy
I wonder if the billionaire who offered $400 million to assume $5 billion in debt would be interested in sponsoring an exit plan for a company with no debt.
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>getting more emotional and leaning less into logic
What a weird thing to say
>functioning non-liquidated business, operating and functioning with brand , $400 million, bargain
>bankrupt, raided, raped & pillaged... Ehhhh
They aren't the same though are they.

You can't exactly go up to BBBY right now, flick switch and have everything fire back up how it was when he offered the $400 million
This post seems more like hopium. Why are you getting high on hedgie hopium? If bbby works out anyone holding gme wins. Are you more of a Tupperware man?
So did everyone get scared off or what?
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>If bbby works out anyone holding gme wins.
Because you niggas annoying as hell, I would much rather delay the MOASS for 5 years and let you guys die out than let you reap $1 of any profit from GME's work, you under estimate how real fucking annoying you are.

>$TVPQ is inevitable
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>The company needs to go back to selling towels inside large stores with expensive leases. It is absolutely not allowed to use remaining funds from the fraud settlement to passively invest in treasury bonds.
When you finish slicing your belly horizontally you will make a secondary incision from the pelvis to the sternum. Then perhaps I will grant you relief before your entrails spill upon the fresh winter snow.
Ah yes... the ole 30 year hold all along play, I am familiar with it.
Is this another goal post move? i think it is Cotton

>BBBY will make us rich! to buy GME! straight away
>We will now hold BBBY after investing it into treasury bonds to mature over decades

You are the gift that keeps on giving.
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>The company is not allowed to dilute so that it can rapidly capitalize on the need for shortsellers to deliver newly issued equity to old shareholders.
I will hear you beg for a towel to muffle your death screams. When you fall forward with your face in the snow I will ease your passing.
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God I fucking love you man, I just want to pull up your fresh and go to town, jesus... Tell me this again, give me some more detail, the more I think of it, awwww hell, you just adding crocodile clips to my nipples man. Say this stuff out loud whilst looking in a mirror, PLEASE
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Well, it's over guys. Alex Zarac is going to use a retained securities and criminal attorney to force us to reveal that we are being paid to do legal things using court issued subpoenas.
>I can already see many shill accounts saying I won’t do this.
I know you read this thread Alex, you won't do this. We all know it. This is just another ruse to keep your fanbase occupied so they don't invite you to their Minecraft server.
But... you just killed all the short sellers emerging from bankruptcy, how are you going to kill them again on repeat like GME to build up your profits See, this is what I'm talking about friend, leaving details out.
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He won't do this, this fucking grifter is S tier, why is he doing this to "assist" other companies when he has WAGMI with BBBY?

Really makes you think...
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Linking my previous post.
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>I would much rather delay the MOASS for 5 years and let you guys die out than let you reap $1 of any profit from GME's work, you under estimate how real fucking annoying you are
this is the most emotional thing I've read in a minute, kek dumbfuck larping bump baggies
Are you gonna cry?
>Hey bro, why don't you want to share your shower with me?
It's the same energy
I’m glad he doesn’t get a say.
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It's a minimum of $2.5 billion. There's a good chance that even more can be awarded. What happens when a bankrupt towel company goes from zero prospects to suddenly solvent again thanks to this board lawsuit?

Who has ownership of it? How does one get ownership of it? Does Ryan Cohen own a shit ton of BBBY before it delisted that will give him a controlling stake when it emerges?

Many BBBY schizos think RC already has control of it via the DIP and FILO while others think he hasn't made a move yet, pic rel. I'm leaning towards the latter because the dip and filo would have to be paid off in full, including creditors, for any shareholders so get recovery. So that wouldn't give RC control, the only other option is the exit sponsor shit which makes sense.

Shillies will say this is fiction and yet it's a soon to be reality in the coming months.
>cry because BBBYies will never taste the glory of GME holding

I don't get it, Why would I cry?
>Shillies will say this is fiction and yet it's a soon to be reality in the coming months.
Oh cool, do you have a rough estimate, I will add it to the list of events.
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>I will delay life changing money and give ledgefunds the opportunity to come up with more can kicking shenanigans
>because you towel posted tangentially related rc shenanigans in gme
I usually appreciate pettiness, but that's such a counter productive statement and pretty much wallstreet ass licking. I'd rather feel like an asshole because I didn't buy in if bbby brings corrupt hubris fucks to tears.
Nothing would need delaying though, you are not connected to GME and never will be.
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>Baggies in charge of predicting anything ever
You won't be here long enough to witness it
I may never understand this bizarre safe space narnia you’ve constructed where anyone who held bbby didn’t already hold gme or bought some since.
>inb4 your boyfriend shows up can claims anyone who held bbby only holds single digit shares of gme.
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The company formerly known as bbby is tangentially related to gme no matter how hard you delusional tranny post, bump baggie.
>rc vs mark tritton
>corrupt board caught by rc's offer
>rc's deposition
YOU are not connected to gme, and never will be
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Are you the same guy that said I wouldn't make it past 3 threads?
>5 weeks later
Its only been two weeks
Because BBBYie is of a lesser culture, it's simple as. It's the smell you give off, there is no way you own more than 5 GME
>RC Sold
>RC didn't buy
>RC's court case didn't say anything
Want to try again or are you going to change ID and claim jannies?
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Oh yeah, shit, forgot you guy's can't count.
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>ceo of gme news in bbby related activity
>ceo of gme news in bbby related activity
>ceo of gme news in bbby related activity
you can try claiming gme isn't related to bbby again if you want
I stopped thinking it was ignorance a long time ago desu. It can only be malice.
Show me where he is apart of the restructuring of BBBY, I will wait.
Show me where Ryan Cohen is hands on in the development of BBBY2
Yeah, its an interesting hill to watch someone die on I guess.
Yet you have lost every argument you have thrown at me.

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>Show me where he is apart of the restructuring of BBBY
That's what I pop into the thread for little bro. First it was rc sold and had no relation to bbby anymore. Then news came up that he made an offer to the fraudulent board and now they got the guy that took down Madoff, Ken Griffin's master, on their ass. Then he gives a whole ass deposition and made a lawyer seethe. What the fuck are you splitting hairs for?
>they posted TOWELS in the PHYSICAL VIDEO GAME SALES general
kek dumbfuck bump baggies
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Oh boys.... PP on soon, you excited? Larry Cheng was on it you know, you know what he talked about?
No, I said show me, not create a funko pop day dream in your head, show me where Ryan Cohen of GME is directly involved. You can't, but nice siloniggering attempt at controlling the narrative.
>$2.5 billion fraud settlement
source for this number?
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>I accept your concession tier arguing
lmao, alright man, have fun bumping the thread and ironically watching the pp show. Super original by the way, keep it up.
>even more can be awarded
an award is different from a settlement
Don't be a little bitch, come on, man, this is your winning golden goose winning ticket, I am here for it
He can't give you this source, it's under an NDA
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>*gets 3 ties to rc, ceo of gamestop
like the many before you, you're going to hurt your back moving those goalposts little bro
kek dumbfuck bump beggies
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>3 things in the past about RC
>nothing current and ongoing
>attempts to use homosexual tier behaviour to weasel out of it.
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>issuing subpoenas without an active lawsuit
>a private individual initiating a criminal case
I already anticipated what this grifter will do and initially wanted him to do it, but it turns out I still have some compassion left for his retarded cashcows so I'm going to say it here to hopefully preempt him from doing it:
PP will ask for donations towards "legal fees" without a single pleading getting filed. His attorneys will also somehow demand that they remain anonymous (so you can't look them up).
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>gets BTFO
>does not elaborate
Very based. NEXT
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The eternal grift, it's beautiful, not a single one clicked "Wait... Why aren't you investigating BBBY with this money?"
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>BBBYies activity detected: 0 (Like it's stock)
>I rest
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I will now accept your death poem.
Ah of course, I kneel to the superior financial and legal minds of those who gravitate to (or are stuck with) BBBY
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It is not an imaginative poem but perhaps accepting one's fate is a kind of poetry. Lean forward and face the ground. I will second you quickly.
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>Lean forward and face the ground. I will second you quickly.
What a pathetic fantasy you have there
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Pp was a fed all along. Kek shills kek melties kek dougies
Bc its funny kek
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>Pp was a fed all along
No it was another person who was fed
It's real

I guess that BuyBuyBaby wasn't even worth what they paid for it, much less billions. What cope will you come up with now BBBaggies?

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