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Coordinated rug
This is why everybody hates you
Apooniggers are the worst thing that happened to every /biz/ coin

also daily reminder ; if your shitter has any of the following scammers in the telegram
just sell
>muh apu whales is le boollish
=Sell signal
just fucking sell and don't come back
there is 250k liqt and its 750mc how is that a rug?
Those names have been grifting non-stop for the last 6 months
>nose candy

They aren't even liked by APU holders, all they do is grift and grift
>APU whales dumped
imagine muh shawk

that's what happens when a bunch of broke jeets get lucky and make bank with any shitcoin
for some reason apufags do like to gigadump or rug almost every shitcoin they touch
idk if it's some kind of gatekeeping of their own shitcoin but when these fags hold your own shitcoin it's indeed bearish

I saw the chart. coordinated gigadump
not a "rug" but it's bad optics for apu and this is not the first time apu holders act like this with any shitcoins. It's their usual modus operandi
apu rugged like 3 times and is doing better than ever tho, i might slurp
There is a lot more going on than what meets the eye. The owner of that token attempted to use a wallet drainer on everyone involved with the token. The redflags sounded the alarm and action was taken to prevent anyone's wallet from being drained.
Well that sucks.
anyway, you got any proof?
alsi Murad's rumours are just bullshit stories?
The owner is currently deleting any messages on his TG pertaining to thescam to damage control the discovery of the wallet drainer.
Thank you for your service.
and thanks for the warning
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nigger i told you to just buy more apu instead but you didnt listen did you
nigger the dev called you out, devs didn't post any drainer, haven't done anything to drain anyone. APU whales covering up their shenanigans. but it's all on etherscan.
This is the screenshot of the site that was attempted to utilize the wallet drainer with.
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Damn I actually fell for it...well guess there's a first time for everything, that's 1k down the drain for me personally
>APU whales are so rich, they can delete the competition by merely snapping their fingers ala Thanos
Fucking bullish for APU.
You're just on the wrong side of history. You basically placed a bet that the Axis powers would beat the shit out of the Allies and got your ass handed. Only winners are allowed to write history.
I'm gonna buy a bag of that shit right the fuck now before the bull run.
no wallet drainer on the site, it's a read only wallet connection that leads to a private imageboard... The niggers actually built something and the APU whales can't even finish an NFT in how many months?
That little telegram group he posting from has the majority of the supply on APU, they use their tokens to get into smaller tokens and drain as much liq as possible.

While making drama on their way out. They're basically the new shitcoin cartel.
I'm applying for a refund to get my 0.7 eth back prayer emoji
And they are reinvesting in Apu as I see. I dont know who is right and who is wrong here but i have to admit what the apu guys are doing is really based. They have conviction that is why their coin is going to the billions. Yesterday a 1.5B Apu holder kept supporting the chart by selling other coins. As Im surfing through etherscan I keep seeing how pepe/mog/link etc whales rotating their coins into apu. I keep missing these gems ffs.
can't say it in here or you get banned.

It's a Comfy place to Chat about APU.
Partnering with a smaller project that has the same ethos as you then basically trying to rug it is anything but based. It's the same shit the VCs they bitch about all day do.
This is what they were claiming was the wallet drainer...

It's actually quite comfy and just a modern version of this place written on Web3 frameworks.

They did something the jannys here have been too lazy to do for years.

It logs in fine by the way, posts work, wallet function is read only on every page, I checked everything from console. It's solid, and well coded. couple of erroneous errors, but for something that just shipped it's solid.
damn kinda cool. will wait for other fags to confirm tho
this whole apu whale rape thing kinda adds to the token lore too
at some point, they will do the same with the apu, you retard. There are no based guys in crypto. Only greedy scum.
Exactly, they will try to pump to a billion, and then dump enmasse.
Apu fags are no better than random X jeets. They don't have any care about biz or it's users and couldn't be happier to pull the ladder up behind them.
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Gondola just hit new ATH a few days ago, whats wrong with it? It's a based meme.

In reality, they'll dump much earlier. But guys like you must always have faith.

Anyway, thanks to retarded apu whales. I made free $10k on nosecandy.
I have no faith in APU, I've been buying the COCAINE dip.
There's been dozens of APU LPs made on eth and sol over the last week paired against other shitcoins.

Alexander and his whales are about to pull about $30m out of the market.
>9 replies
Really hit a nerv. Are you the Snow guy? Stop crying.
Nose candy launched like 10 days ago with based devs shipping for the love of the game over anything else, you are just some a p u jeets trying to save face. show proof of nose candy doing anything shady...ill wait. bc there isnt any here is a screenshot sent by someone in apu chat as reference to the organized dump. This was uncalled for... pretend to be frens and have similar ideals only to backstab and then gas light a team actually trying to ship in a world of vaporware and lies also fuck you to the apu janny in here banning people speaking truth
how do we recover from this cokesluts
Gondola is doing fine though, so I don't get your point you retarded nigger
Can confirm. Major Apu holder, not invested in nose candy, but I've been following the proceeds on TG in case I wanted to throw some in. The Apu guys invested in the coin weren't necessarily responsible for this; a jeet scammer was.
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Most jewish scam coin yet.
Hilarious attempt at covering up your scam alexander.
This entire thing was orchestrated by the so called "comfy apu chat" and the absolute scum of earth biz scammers residing in it, who are desperately trying to shift blame to other people who have nothing to do with cocaine (except ramza, who got scammed the hardest)
The leader, a guy called Alexander who likes to larp as a rich guy, approached a lot of apu and gondola whales offering them cash in exchange for liquidating their stacks and buying his shitcoin. He scammed all of them, and then rugged his own token claiming absolutely nonsensical reasons that are gonna be picked apart in the next hours.
Thanks for playing, and good luck
this is what you get when a bunch of virgin losers win a lottery ticket (apu). Crypto is full of such cockroaches. These guys are even worse than the stinkiest jeet. At least, jeet do it for food.
What a bunch of cocksuckers
Alexander is a lying piece of shit. Him and grape coordinated this rug scam to pump money back into apu and use ramza as the fall guy. Also chudcel is a pedophile.

This is why grape told chudcel to kick people out of comfy chat to cover it all up. Alex and Nicholas have been planning this rug scam for months in there. Bardock is included in the nose candy scam as well. Their next scam is to rug apoo on sol.
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wow i almost bought this shit some days ago. shout out to the frens that told me not to. seems like everthing here is a rug. I would have lost like a couple grand kek. also why tf is there a tax on the coin. shits a memecoin, not utility. wow. inb4 welll aktualleyuh da tech-
It turns out I was right—there are wealthy individuals with god complexes funneling money to intentionally shut down competition, all to benefit APU. At the same time, they’re running a cult centered around being "pure," "wholesome," and "friendly."

I really hope karma catches up to them.
Thats not what happened huh, a bunch of APU whales bought into the coin and the dude who ran it tried to drain all of their wallets.
That's not even true, there is no evidence of that.
What a shit show
This is like when Palldius rugged Apu. Nobody wanted to buy.

I won't make the same mistake again, I'm buying this mfking dip.
You aren't the only one, check the 1 eth buys coming in
based token, im investing more. this is an easy 100x
Yeah I can see that, already past 1m again hmmmm just like post rugged apu...
>tried to drain all of their wallets
you guys have changed your story so many times on this after initially denying even dumping lol
then it was dev didn't work fast enough
then you were not happy he didn't dox himself
then it was only some whales
then it wasn't coordinated
now its back to wallet drainer fud?
So now you know that apu whales being behind anything doesn't mean that the coin will pump. Quite the opposite.
the apu whales are all bagholding this while the thirdie team farmed the chart when they bought 100k each
how does apu benefit from a low effort shitcoin with extremely ugly art and taxes called "cocaine" being shutdown that some whales sold some apu for to acquire bags? It only pumped initially because the one apu whale called Alexander sent Murad a bag of cocaine and airdropped ticker BITCOIN holders. There was literally no other reason to buy this crap other than this guy being in and pulling strings. The devs of this retarded "memecoin" are the most ungrateful fucks ever.

Also the dev Snowwhite literally stole and dumped 50m apu (about 50k) from Alexander that he gave him to provide liquidity between apu and cocaine

pic rel
its clear you guys are trying to justify why you spread false rumours and dumped
>because this
>because that
no one asked or cares..
I slurped every Apu rug and am up $50,000 kek.

I will slurp this Nosecandy rug just the same.
i never even held this coin its still ugly and sucks and the whales should never have bought it. The stealing on LP money for himself is not a false rumor,it's onchain

Buying and holding Apu si easy money.
I got banned from the tg for calling out the scammer dev
>saar kindly no fud

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