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To those that may have potentially bought Cocaine, beware as it is a scam. The scammers intended to use a wallet drainer on their website, this serves as a reminder to never connect your wallet to just any website to buy Crypto from. If you own any Cocaine, sell immediately as the owner of the token is a scammer.
wait, can they drain if you bought from uniswap..?
No, I also bought from uniswap using the CA I got from DEXscreener. As long as you did not connect your wallet on a website outside of uniswap you're ok.
Also, always bookmark websites you trust such as uniswap, never search for it on a search engine.
i did the same
i got stung once and learnt

so whats happening now? dump before it turns to dust or recovery?
I would highly advise you dump as the owner of the token intended to utilize wallet drainers after trying to win the trust from everyone involved. There were too many red flags and the final straw was when he presented a malicious website he wanted you to connect your wallet with and sounded the alarms.
toT much suss buying going on from weird wallets. I think its gonna recover.
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The only reason it hasn't "rugged" is because someone intends to go down with the ship allowing others more time to exit. Do not buy this token.
but random wallets connected with other random wallets throwing 4 figures at a shitcoin that soft rugged 70% 20 minutes ago gets me wet and excited
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if it doesn't recovery I'll issue an apology on this very board
It's not going to recover, come tomorrow when everyone else wakes up to the news it's going to be a bloodbath.
business, another suspected murad token retraced 70% before pumping to a new ath like last week tho
Here's a screenshot of the site that attempted to use the wallet drainer with. See >>59089476 You're being swayed by his shills to lead you to water not to drink but to drown you with. I'm trying to get you away from that trap.
and what I meant by saying his shills I am saying the scammer's shills that are actively damage controlling right now.
i am making logical conclusions from the information presented on /biz/ and nothing more. i didn't even check that thread during out interactions but now I see this >>59089467 and am more suspicious of you :)
i think ill slurp
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Classic /biz/ going full retard, good night.
gas is too damn high :(
didn't apoo rug like 3 times?
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I would totally spend all my ILM wallet on Pekora ngl
It's not a real murad token but if enough tards believe it is then it could recover. I got a smol bag via coinbase wallet swap. I don't connect that wallet to anything and can still swap shitcoins. If you connected to a drainer you get what you deserve.
The ad on it is still going on as i type this in this thread lol.
Anyway now i know EXACTLY what words to look for to find out who's the fucking apu scammer shill. Knew it's weird it had pairs with apu.
>buy cocaibe from the darkweb
>buy cocaine from a gang member down town
you can only pick one which would you pick

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