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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>59083861

As always:
>sneed hedgies
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $4.204 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~72.8 million shares of ~426.5: 17% total held by Sep. 4, 2024
>~74.6 of ~351: 21% by Jun. 5
>~75.3 of ~305 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 Jul. 30 22,
>12.7 of ~77 Apr. 30 22, 8.9 by Jan. 29 22
>and 5.2 by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Friday RRP: 331.735B, 59P = 5.623B per (roughly)
Monday RRP: No
Tuesday RRP: 286.398B, 50P = 5.72796B per
Wed. RRP: 272.028B, 55P = 4.946B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q2 24 8-K/10-Q
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.
Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies
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this anon thinks its bad when he holds gme with autistic anons that wont sell regardless of what happens.
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He wouldn't say how many is a minimal amount.

I put a fraction of the money I spent on vidya into towels. It don't matter much no ways. The crab always wins.
Would I want to hold with people who would only sell one share for the collapse of illegitimate states? Yes
Would I want to hold with people who fall for "it's like GME but cheaper so I can get more"? No.
>"it's like GME but cheaper so I can get more"
Your need to reduce bbby into this is what gives away your true intention.
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>fell for its like gme but cheaper
so bbby was a psyop against gme holders? id just like to know thats your official position before we continue.
He’s going to wiggle out. This weasel may never be pinned.
It's not a psyop like AMC, but it was comped from the beginning and Cohen wasn't able to remove the entrenched board like he was able to do with GME. He thought he could but didn't have all the facts. The whole BBBY thesis was reliant on Ryan Cohen turning that company around like he did GME. People with sufficient IQ would think just buying GME where Ryan Cohen is solidly at the helm is the most prudent move. People who were greedy and have high risk tolerance bought BBBY (some even selling GME to "flip BBBY profits to GME later). When Cohen wasn't able to secure control over BBBY he sold. People who could think for themselves bailed with him. A few easily-led retards (led by their fellow retards) reached into the immaterium via children's books to justify holding to zero. These retards are led by small fish who made poor decisions regarding their "investment influence" career.
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Is he incapable of not capitalizing tickers?
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tfw bailey died listening to the schitzophrenic ramblings of a retard
so instead of addressing the content, you nitpick over irrelevant things? Would you prefer I do GameStop (ticker: $GME)?
>he didn't capitalize Ticker
It's over
we're gonna be rich bailey! we're gonna be rich bailey!

*stock nosedives after dilution(*

*bailey dies*

uhhh,...baggot bros...?
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>its not a psyop like amc
speaking of which, why would virtu stop trading in all tickers starting with the letter A during the original gme sneeze. i think this means virtu may have something to do with shorting a basket of stocks including gme. you wouldnt disagree with that statement, would you?
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>When Cohen wasn't able to secure control over BBBY he sold.
Are you sure about that?

Carl Icahn had a knack for "selling" his shares only to mysteriously come into some shares at the end of Chapter 11.
how do these lucky billionaires always find shares on the side of the road right before a company emerges from bankruptcy? they must just be luckier than the rest of us. i wonder how lucky the ceo of gamestop, ryan cohen, is.
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Perhaps. But once Cohen wrested control of GameStop (ticker: $GME) from its previous board, GameStop was taken out of the basket. That basket is now being used against GME, instead of with GME.
Your reasoning is: Cohen secured control of BBBY, that's why he divested all interests, then BBBY was stripped of its brand, is in liquidation (>he doesn't know), then Carl Icahn will save it because he did a thing in the past, which is beneficial to former BBBY holders because they will receive something despite not having any rights from any instrument since the cancellation of BBBY. You should start your own Navigator guild with how deep you can reach.
We still don’t know who Ryan sold too right?
>he actually can’t
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so virtu is short gme (by your admission), short amc (by sec admission), and then the ceo of virtu begs to halt trading in another stock. should i assume virtu is also short that stock?
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Maybe they captured all the leprechauns and imprisoned them underground in some kind of industrial luck-extraction machine.
Then why would Ryan buy bbby if he knew it was being used against him?
bailey! we're gonna be rich!

bailey: dies

uhh...bailey...?...baggot bros...? its a long term hold right.,...uhhh...bailey...wake up....wake up bailey...your baggot dad is here for you....bailey....im afucking baggot..please...
Why are you keeping up with thee live of strangers on the internet that bought a stock you don’t like?
Who the fuck is Bailey?
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We do not.
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>jannies think my reply is spam
Very interesting.
>fireshot fucked me again
It's over
Anyone else plan to lose EVERYTHING to strippers, escorts, asian massage parlors and onlyfans models after moass?
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>didnt answer the question and blames janitors
very interesting. i wasnt planning on accepting your concession in this thread so quickly.
I honestly can’t think of the last time it was more over for baggots.
my dog. every day i told him moass will come and we're gonna be fucking rich but he just died.

he literally died knowing i was a fucking idiot baggie baggot.

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>They won't allow gme below 20
>They won't allow gme above 22
Fucking market makers you can't crab this forever
i didn't hear no bell shigger.
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i think you should reformat and try again. we can move onto my next question. if virtu, citadel, and others are in control of bbby, why has so much compromising information been released recently due to bbby court cases, much of that information being related to gme? if i was in charge of the situation, i wouldnt allow that to happen.
>picrel is from a french shf that was short gme and bbby
i just want to tell you i love (you) BBY schizo, and we will know it's realy over when there is no more schizoposting here
>why has so much compromising information been released recently due to bbby court cases, much of that information being related to gme?
Because discovery responses are verified under oath. At that point, since BBBY is already dead, the less painful alternative is to disclose all information that were asked for then explain it away. You can easily explain bad facts if you disclose them yourself versus explaining them after they come to light from other sources, ESPECIALLY if you responded to discovery to the contrary.
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i hate the crab
i hate the crab
i hate the crab
I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick right now I'm just stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak man like knowing that with every stroke Kenny is edging himself towards the ledge
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since you love to word salad id like to verify your thoughts before continuing. you believe it is within the shf plan for there to be open federal investigations, publicly available depositions from frivolous lawsuits, and subpoenas targeting everyone including even the smallest gme influencers like joe fonicello? this is all part of the hedge fund plan according to you?
This is true autism. Finally someone with the time patience and dedication to pin the weasel.
Hedge fund plan was selling shit they don't know in billions, so yes i think their plan could be this retarded
I should have sold when it was $60...
I assume you meant to say own. You realize that Ken and his pals have probably doing what they’ve been doing for a very long time and no one has stopped them until recently. It’s why RC tweeted the coy emoji at Cramers comparison of GameStop with blockbuster and he tweeted that image of the Sears sign being torn up.
>was your getting caught naked shorting in europe part of your plan?
what did he mean by this
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the bear thesis cant hold up to a few questions and deposition transcripts? interesting.
>i don't know
>i don't know
>i don't know
it would have been a free card to ledgie if i was a judge.
Why is gme doing Pokemon cards but not magic cards?
magic has been defiled.
poke your mom much less so.
also, poke your formerly well to do mom and her questionably aged daughter amirite?
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>17 BBBY comments
Well well well... I am going to give you to the count of 3 to get into the BBBY thread and discuss the situation, there will not be a fourth.
I need them to grade my invoke prejudice
Pokemon is hype
Pokemon also just released an phone app for card collecting with all language, trading and all.
it really make you think
anyone else think this is possible:
>2 or 3 more happenings including economic collapse [on topic]
>things get even worse
>[REDACTED] leads 78-22 on betting platforms
>[REDACTED] still loses
>civil war
>civil war
Not happening.
There will be even more groaning, and a few groups with a few instigators doing the heavy lifting might actually do something, but it will stop at the local riot level.
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All the hands are brown
And the price is gray
I've been forlorn
Since Kenny didn't pay
I'd be rich and zen
If margin calls were sent in
Wait for MOASS comin' (Wait for MOASS comin')
Goddamn it, Kenny, pay!

>world salad
Your lack of education is not my problem.
>open federal investigations
That document in your pic is a subpoena from an action in federal court. Where does it say a federal agency is involved?
>publicly available depositions
>frivolous lawsuits
>my time to nitpick
First, it's "deposition transcripts." A "deposition" is the act of deposing a witness. What you saw as exhibits in one of the motions were the transcripts of those depositions. You won't see those transcripts unless and until they are entered as evidence or used as exhibits in motions.
>frivolous lawsuits
If you're so sure they're frivolous, why haven't they all been dismissed as frivolous?
It's interesting that the categories of documents to be produced for inspection are redacted.
>this is all part of the hedge fund plan according to you?
Yes. I never said it was a clean plan. GameStop threw a fuckhuge wrench in their system and you typically don't execute the best of plans when you're hit with an unexpected thing.
Why did a baggie post this on superstonk and hide the date?
this is all great but youre a bit behind since i already predicted your response and posted my rebuttal here >>59090754. try to keep up.
>civil war
zoomers don't know how to fight
millenials are too lazy/cucked/compromised
xers are too weak
boomers are too old
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now that the overstock litigation is over, why doesn’t RC issue a digital dividend? Overstock had a short interest of 13% and gained 2500%. Knowing the real short interest of gme is above 100%, we could easily reach 3k-5k per share which would be funny I think
>we could easily reach 3k-5k
yes it would be funny, but such low number wouldn't even make me take the hassle of login in to check my gain
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>present random page
>highlight random entries
>doesn't elaborate
>declares victory
Based. The following will be lost on you, either willingly or you just don't have the faculties, but I will post it for those who will know. Screencap this post:
Hedgoids had two options:
>things unravel (algo buys shares that aren't there, exponentially pumping the price)
>lose all your money and perhaps your head
>admit to illegal thing to mediate the GameStop problem (they can't, but they refuse to accept reality [like cancelledstockenjoyers]); get slap on the wrist tee hee; bury the full extent of naked shorting
Pic related comes along and accidentally created a 3rd choice
>admit to illegal thing
>things unravel anyway
>And the price is gray
might wanna work on this line
Mortgage-backed repo is gone.

...Seriously, what is that about?
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im going to move to strike that as unresponsive
There's no reason to fight a full-blown civil war. Shoot a few millionaires/billionaires and you'll get the same effect.
>yes the hedge funds had a plan with bbby and they succeeded and won
>except in this one example
>ok that example too
>maybe that other example as well
>but theyre totally in control and youre never getting anything for your shares kek baggies
I think they would need to bring back the nft marketplace so that the digital dividend would be related to the business, like in overstock's case (tzero).
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not even close to the record
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Honestly, who knows. Considering how rarely it has appeared, it likely means that someone is using it for a very particular reason. Especially since the last times it appeared was for 3 years in a very specific pattern.
>it was actually all part of the plan for jpm to get caught colluding to manipulate stock prices with the board of a public company
i wonder what kind of conversations were happening in the gme board room as ryan was taking over.
>subject: even by meme stock standards, a wild day
kek, fuck these faggots
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You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and post fake tweets?
>Shorting hedge funds sloppily bankrupted BBBY in fear of Ryan Cohen taking control of a second company within the short basket, the first being GME

There is now a lawsuit by the hotshot lawyer, Michael Goldberg, who was selected as the Plan Administrator for BBBY by DIP, FILO, and Creditors Committee. The lawsuit is against the former board for bankrupting BBBY while being weirdly obsessed with fighting off shareholder activists.

Goldberg is seeking a minimum of $2.5 billion across 12 causes of actions that would make BBBY solvent again if it gets awarded.

>The board doesn't have that kind of money though

True, but we know these faggots don't just bankrupt companies on a whim, we know that they were getting coached by JPM and a user found out that BBBY's chairman, Harriet Edelman, is the cousin of a billionaire named Howard Milstein who owns Koda Capital and there just happens to be a potentially fraudulent claim by a man named Jason Coggins linked to Koda Capital in BBBY's claims list.

>BBBY has zero chance of recovery
Well explain by BBBY schizos are sharing bond gains? Bonds going up in bankruptcy can only mean one thing, markets are pricing in recovery. See pic rel

Ryan Cohen offered $400 million for BBBY despite its $5.2 billion in liabilities and the board still chose to go into bankruptcy.

Ryan Cohen is currently a creditor in the bankruptcy.

Siloniggers want you to believe that Ryan Cohen took an L and abandoned retail in BBBY.
69 check. At that price I would keep working my job.
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my brother from another mother. it’s good to see you.
I thought 100+pbtid warned you all from talking about bbby? Did you think he was joking? Kek. Where is he anyway? His friend got real quiet too.
He confessed to not being autistic and growing weary of the charade
Yaah I thought that was a strange thing to admit. Imagine spending every hour of every day in a thread for bankrupt towel stock for free and not being autistic. lol lmao.
This bake makes me uncomfortable and unfortunately I cannot check those digits. 2 million volume is 500k presplit
The tide is receding
is this a bbby thread? i thought this was a gme thread.
Tsunami soon.
Mtg does not have a crossover with video games. As far as collections go, wotc taps in to the card equity to sell new sets so many of the non-reserve list cards get pummeled. Or banned.
They have an assassin's creed, fallout, and Warhammer 40k (fuck you, space marine is a game). I could probably look harder, but those are the few I could think off the top of my head
they tapped out before getting to the fun stuff. why does the french shf mention a deal between blackrock and ryan?
>thank you [redacted] stock for making this information readily available
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lol what a lame faggot
live a little
lemme guess you dont even have herpes yet lmfaooo
Still leaning towards paying off my mom and dad's house so they can retire working on passion projects and I'll open up an MMA gym called Cellar Boxing.
>I'll open up an MMA gym called Cellar Boxing.
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There is no money in gyms right now. Money is in influencers and Ozempic. You will be broke in 3 years.
ooh, Cellar Boxing could also be a fighting game (b)arcade
Hes going to be so wealthy that he can just collect interest on his moass cash reserves and run the gym at a loss/tax write off
How about both? A bar with a boxing ring for when drunk people want to hash it out and the pub can bet on who wins
Just say
>I don't (or refuse to) understand
i know this is confusing for you but we actually moved on already and you need to respond to >>59091148 and >>59091301.
I can't wait to bankrupt israel
I don't even know you know what you just posted.
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ill be honest i dont really care about anything anyone in this thread said today gme volume is bottoming out again while the price is stuck between 20 and 22 bucks. Seems the market is being stretched in limbo, or maybe purgatory, until after Guy Fawkes Night. The market feels like butter spread across too much bread.
all thread activity just signals to me that people are killing time one way or another. in the end it doesnt even matter i bought more gme today
>esl and dodging the question
name a better combo
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The ironing of this post
>he thinks if he stops engaging me ill get bored
wrong. is the redhead being referred to here matt furlong, ex-ceo of gamestop? can anyone think of another redhead he may be referring to? i couldve sworn there was a guy whos name rhymed with blake semen. he had red hair too.
These threads have turned into everyone accepting reality and 2 psyop agents unwilling to accept that they failed.
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the awkwardness will continue until their morale improves.
Post is to.get.you to sell when it's 60 again shortly.
Posted the exact comment in the other thread
>Will claim he does it for free
I don't use plebit, what cope is this now or it is actually some kind of legit, all be it two years ago.
>gets the wrong ID
These are the quality of people who drank the cancelledstockaid (and I'm not surprised)
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I hope something exciting happens soon because the crab has become unbearable.
That was an anon comically reappropriating the glowies post.
>Pretending he isn't operating multiple IDs and talking to himself in the other thread
uh oh melties
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Based spam filter sneeding out this stinky nigger's retard posting.

Johnny Depp ran the night club that River Phoenix OD'd in and Courtney Love almost OD'd in until Johnny Depp saved her with CPR and that nigger wasn't worth shit until those pirate movies.

That nigger is now disgustingly rich. He spent $5 million firing the ashes of Hunter S. Thompson out of a cannon. At his peak he spent $2 million per month. He spent a new car on wine every month and 7 times that on private jet travel. Per month.

Anon gets to own Cellar Boxing and Johnny Depp can fuck himself.
>claim Keith does it so he’s justified in engaging in shady behavior
Oh so you are 45. This was his defense and argument for being a snake when trying to take on Keith. I remember when you got caught samefagging when you were calling yourself and insider telling people to start an llc.
>At his peak he spent $2 million per month. He spent a new car on wine every month and 7 times that on private jet travel. Per month
that screams side business expenses. you don't piss away that kind of money if no new money is coming in. all the wine and travel was to meet, gree, host and bribe the right people to get in on some shady biz, if i had to guess probably human trafficing or drug smuggling. you just know.
Melting down in real time
He made hundreds of millions from those pirate movies. It wouldn't surprise me if he had a shady side business too.
Who else is suing themselves, Ryan and the board if bbby somehow plays a role in moass and you dared to buy another stock? Kek.
I do not give a fuck about if ryan wants to fuck a dead corpse with the war chest as long as there's mathematical benefit
My dream is that gme buys wotc off Hasbro.
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>Kansas City Shuffle was referring to the bathniggers
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I take it you’re not familiar with sarcasm?
Coping short
It's not keith (not this time). It's the PPsquad
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BBBY has (had) a role in the MOASS. It was unironically already done.
So you are 45 and you expect me to take anything you say seriously? Also why did you delete your post?
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i just rolled back a recurrent tream i skipped part of for reasons,
how fucking kino would it be if (((they))) hid IOU's in the fucking payroll accts of some retarted govt afaggotry and they were alll leveraged shorts. shorts.
rolling up on your block. got your bitch on my cock.
No I typically average at 30pbtid, and I really don't care what you do or think
Why did you delete your post?
Which was one jannied?
>I really don't care what you do or think
But I am going to continue to think about your comment and reply to you

Kek ESL retards
Isn't Keith subbed to the PP?
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Bathniggers have been exiled from their own general
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>Bathniggers have been exiled from their own general
i sure hope he wasnt talking about richard. i love his gme videos.
>Don't blame it on the sunshine
>Don't blame it on the moonlight
>Don't blame it on the good times
>Blame it on the Jannie
No fair anon, because of you poor Jannie might get they/thems pay docked
DD stands for dutyful dilators (for hedgies).
They either don’t care that they’ve been mad and will continue to brute force their narrative or they somehow actually don’t know they’re made which is almost sadder.
kek shills have like broken away and created this like alternate reality complete with their own literal who e-celebs that no one cares about other than themselves.

They are doing sidequests based on drama theyve created that originated from investers like me just liking a few brick & mortar retail companies.

Legit losers, its amazes me that they exist
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Ryan Cohen is dead to me
and soon you will be too
Bros, when does the nft marketplace come out of beta?
Doesn't matter. Nft marketplace is doa
What? Is this confirmed? What about our NFT dividend?
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are you...a shill?
im starting to feel like that condom in my wallet
yes, im a condom i dont know what the numbers or "exp. by" mean
i just see the years go by, the girls talking through the leather but they never stay
i am feeling the cold every night when im alone in my wallet
before i go
i just want you all to know
>condom was in wallet all the time sir!
just download grindr, you can get a bussy to plough within 30 minutes, guaranteed.

R u me anon?
not so sure they like me there
i wish.
would be nice i bet
It's an aids infestation on that app. They're nuts.
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Clearly the intense crabbing is driving everyone to retardation
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So what are we actually waiting for then? There’s not gonna be an event horizon is there?
bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
Why do you know this?
Is this English?
does pope poop in wood?
should have known annie wouldn't land in a gamestop thread. she never had a funko pop
It is but he missed out a contraction. And capitalization/period.
>Bet your bottom dollar that's tomorrow.
i have gone stark man and i will unravel for all to see in this very thread. BLARGH! THE CRAB YEAHAHAHAHAA THE CRAAAAAB YAHAHAHAAA *tears eyes out* WHERE WE ARE GOING WE WON'T NEED EYES ONLY GME SHARES AHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA
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Don't worry anon I got it.
How dare you question Gamestop!? You shillie!
its wasted on me
You don't coom?
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good night
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Go bust a nut gary you've earned it ill be over here stroking my dick i got lotion on my dick right now im just stroking my shit im horny as fuck man I’m a freak like
lol I love this copypasta/melon combo
>Coom in Qs G6
FUCK (you)

$9,283,492,472,374,324 GORILLION ACCOUNT BALANCE

Watamelon a blessed
Based baker

/GME/ battletoads edition
500B added to the National debt in the past 3 weeks.

I'm thinking WAGMI boys.
the babbydick volume is indicative of the two weeks being less than two weeks now
its almost like..... the majority of the significant happenings surrounding RC for the last 18 months have involved BBBY. RC is still listed as a creditor and debtor.


Take note of what kind of speculation is allowed to be posted on /r/superstonk. How come official court filings don't allow BBBY topics to be discussed but hype fatigue "its tomorrow" posts are allowed all the time. Very strange when one takes a step back and takes everything in. Also the only media appearance RC has done in the last 4 years has been some random website gmedd.com

frivolous lawsuits and malicious parties along with bad actors are clogging up the courts to delay RC, Icahn & friends from blowing out the shorts once and for all.


Also the overstock short sellers losing is fascinating. Also pretty funny how overstock is the company who bought the BBBY IP, its almost like individuals who hate short sellers have teamed up to blow up naked shorts once and for all, to force the DOJ and FBI to act.

kek silly shillies want to divide and conquer, when it is beyond clear that RC is going to acquire BBBY in some form and distribute new equity to old shareholders and perform future restructurings on GME as well.
how many actually real humans manually day traded gme shares today? like five?
It's always more than zero. Prophecy demands one anon to swing his entire stack the millisecond before MOASS

I have 2000 shares. What do I do?
just bee urself ;)
>Also the only media appearance RC has done in the last 4 years has been some random website gmedd.com
Not to mention that GameStop hired the interviewer to manage their social media accounts. The guy's been doing a great job at making memes and getting engagement numbers up.
Thursday RRP: 262.210B, 59P = 4.444B per (roughly)

instructions unclear, dualshock stuck in ass
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Bathnigger cope
buy buy Baby to shut down all physical stores and go online only.

It's real

gamestop the stock
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what a fun day of posting about my favorite stock in my favorite thread. cant wait for more tomorrow.
autism is not a joke.
Because MOASS is the real magic.
I thought they did this ages ago. Went to the closeout sake and bought stuff, wasn't that great of a discount. But I like my pillows.
>38.45% short volume.
>36.90% off exchange.

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