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We're Mooning Too Soon Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59091280
New cheapies meme.
$34 when?
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keep on stackin, /pmg/
never stop
Silver will never hit $34
I should have bought the 15 face in 90% Last night like I wanted too
Those are delicious.
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>We're Mooning Too Soon
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Fix the end to "Time to Buy" and we have our next op pic
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literally me rn
Why "time to buy" when the somber monologue is about missing out on cheapies?
I want a Rhodesian One Pound quite badly
Yep, your right.
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Election in 2 more weeks
Has 2 more weeks ever been more fucking true?
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Demoralizer baker is at it again. Same fag who told us to stop getting excited when it was going up to like $26.
There's no demoralization, I'm stating that the mooning is happening too soon for some of us that haven't reached our main goal.
It's too soon, but also not soon enough. I'm hoping hard for a post-election dip.
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Experiment update, about 3 1/2 years after purchase. The round on the left lives in a tray on my desk and gets fondled quite a lot, and occasionally washed with a bit of dish soap so it doesn't get too grimy. The other was sealed as soon as I received it. No surprises here, I just find it interesting.
>gets fondled quite a lot
I'm gonna fondle your nuts in a vice.
You're being silly, we all know they can't touch silver.
4 years ago i paid $40 CAD for coins
now those same coins cost $50 CAD
damn, almost...
Checked and based.
Gold will never hit $5000
>history crawls and history jumps
this is insane
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>acting meshugana on an anonymous Israeli money-changing forum
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Oh i'm feeling it

lazy bait. Heres your (You)
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I am sitting at 400 oz silver and 1,5 oz gold, will I make it?
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Pattern is usually out on Friday dump on Monday
Who knows what Monday will bring this time around.
This is different now.
My PSLV is up too
>out on Friday
*Pump on Friday
Why does the top % percent column not add up to 100%?
Any other plat stackers lurking?
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Got a long way to go till my leaf pile from 2020-2025 is completed.

No, because you already have and yet you still ask.
6.55oz of Eagles mostly proof
silvercels vs goldchads
What ratio should one have of silver to gold and platinum to silver?
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Not according to this pictograph.
Should i buy gold now, i have none and already have 40oz of silver i bought more than 10 years ago?
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I have a few ozt. Not exactly a 'stacker,' but any is more than most.

If you can't find happiness as a slave, then you don't deserve to be an emperor. Simple as.

Because the best emperor is merely a slave of the people.
>slave of the people
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>taking meme pictographs seriously
>The good
My whole stack is in at below $30
>The bad
It's only 40 ozt
Everyone needs to cool their jets. This thread is about turn into an unruly mob. Silver always pumps on Friday and drops back down on Monday. We still have time bros. Slow and steady.
Don't tell them that corrections exist they'll just call you a "fuddie."

It's a long way down from $2720 and $33.
You have it wrong. King (related to the word kin) is (supposedly) the servant of their kin. Emperor on the other hand rule over kings that can have no ethnic relation and thus no direct obligation to the people.
I purchased enough silver today to bring my stack size (once the new purchases arrive) to 2oz AU and 200oz AG. Strangers on the internet should know.

Also, >>59096080
>the good
You'll have 40ozt when most the world has nothing. Keep it up.
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You negativeniggers need to go
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I think we have maybe two weeks left until we moon.
Bros... It's starting to seem like my meager stack of 250oz silver and 2oz of gold might actually be enough to make it
Why is everyone confident we won't see another crash with PMs? Inflation isn't quite as bad as it was in the 80s (and interest rates are way lower) and our economy isn't that much worse than it was in 2010. I'm sure people at the time thought the dollar was collapsing and that gold/silver were going to moon. What's to stop the same thing happening this time?

I'm still going to stack, but I'm also worried about buying into gold/silver at ATH or near ATH
The reasons are all around us, they’ve just been “masked” by the (((riggers)))
should i buy plat and half ozs of gold
Platinum and palladium are for catalytic converters. Period.
>Why is everyone confident we won't see another crash with PMs?
Everyone isn't confident in that. I think anyone who has studied history and any form of economics can see that the current highs will be just another peak on the long term gold/usd value chart.

The only thing that I think can possibly float gold at these prices is the Asian market. They're rabid for gold jewelry and finally have a middle class population to support that need.

I think $2400 by spring 2025. Hopefully $2000 or less, though.
>our economy isn't that much worse than it was in 2010
Uhhhhh, it is though. Record high homelessness, global proxy wars with far more geopolitical ramifications than just Afghanistan and Iraq, record high credit card debt, record high housing prices...
Nice trips. You'll make it if you don't spend your wealth in one place.
I wouldn't get anything other than gold and silver until I had a good base of those
so yes? and i should steal those too?
>Platinum and palladium are for catalytic converters. Period

They're needed for data storage. Though I can't disagree now that silver is a better buy, in a few years I may regret not buying a few oz of platinum.
>t. 900+ oz silver and 34 gram platinum owner
>essential goods 30-50% more expensive since 2020
I sleep
>gold 30% more expensive than its 2020 peak
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How much silver can I buy with 1/100th of a shekel?
>>essential goods 30-50% more expensive since 2020
>I sleep
I'm wealthy so don't really notice. I always forget I'm talking to poor people here.
How much money do you have? Arent most people poor?
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>Why is everyone confident we won't see another crash with PMs?
I've been hearing rumblings of debt debasement recently, which means it's better to print into worthlessness than to go bankrupt.
What a bizarre reply
Save your shekel. White europeans gladly give you everything they own for free.
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Reposting this video from the previous thread.
>Great Interview about geopolitics events that happening right now, well worth a watch.
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Is it too late to buy gold?
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No, start small and build up.
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Just ordered another tube at all time highs. I just want the metal.
Hydrogen is the fuel of the future. At least Toyota thinks so. And they are way smarter than I am. See: https://www.designboom.com/technology/portable-hydrogen-cartridges-toyota-energy-cars-outdoor-appliances-10-16-2024/

Platinum is critical for hydrogen production and use in fuel cells. I would advise silver and gold first. But if you have some wealth left over and want a little diversity in your PM portfolio, platinum isn't a bad idea.
what did you buy?
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Only PMbug jewtuber i can bear to watch (beside good ol' Mike) is Freedom Report. All the others ones sounds like hopium grifters & greedy miners shills from who you never learn anything. Always repeating the same moon fantasies and never going indepth with market analysis & economic/geopolitical conditions.

His last vid commented on the pump we got before close btw:
>What's to stop the same thing happening this time?
Gold isn't going up, the value of the (((dollar))) is going down.
What will be really interesting for gold is what happens when the dollar stops being the global currency, which will happen within the next 20 years.
>when the dollar stops being the global currency, which will happen within the next 20 years
This statement is like the conservatives' version of global warming is for leftists.

Been saying the same shit since the '70s and that was 40 years ago.
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ww3 is happening dude
stop living in lala land
Because anyone with a brain could see even back then that the system of paying for debt with more debt is unsustainable, just because the chickens wouldn't come to roost for the next 60 years doesn't mean they were wrong based retard.
>chickens wouldn't come to roost
What an odd reply
>gets proven stupid
>uhhh ummm im rich so there
see yourself out
That's a central tactic of American "progressives". If you lack a rational, fact-based response just hurl some ad hominem insult and smirk.

The fact that I can't predict the exact moment the spinning top will fall in no way negates the fact that it WILL fall.
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Remember when the US debt rose $1 trillion in 3 months at the start of the year?

Now it's accelerating to twice that.

We hit $500 billion in 3 weeks. That's $1 trillion in 6 weeks. 1.5 months.

Hyperinflation is HERE.

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Fiatshits will be storming these threads next year begging for help on how to get silver.
You think you've won? I will create SLV contracts like you people wouldn't believe. My silver shorts will blot out the sun.
Then we still stack in the shade
To me the best indicator to know when things are about to become dire always have been the inverted yield curve.
Economic depressions always start once we climb back to 0%. It never fails. If the chart in picrel was up to date, we would be exactly at 0%, so about to enter the timing of bubble-popping territory.

The difference is this time around the bubbles are so extreme, once they burst it will send shockwaves so big 2008 will look like a walk in the park. As Mike accurately pointed out, when a meme company like nvidia weight 12% of US's GDP in capitalization, you know (((finance))) stopped bothering with reality a very long time ago. But now is the wake up call. And it's gonna be brutal. Ppl will kiss goodbye to their REIT, 401Ks, retirement funds, etc... Only physical assets will be spared, and a LOT of cash will try to pour in out of defiance for anything else.
WAGMI so fucking hard metalbros
you reap what you sow
25 krugs. Also decade long highs* not all time highs.
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whats the point of investing in physical gold instead of futures? is it because its cool or is it for security?
Anyone who believed in a MOASS for a metal is a severe retard but people who bought in at 20s and stacked and was reasonable about it are getting the rewards they richly deserve.
Security. You can put it in a safe, even.
If you are looking for BOFFO then buy nuclear energy stocks but also could lose it all. However 3000 a bar is 110% happening, if you got like 30K cash that is a decent profit.
Because the point of precious metals is to hedge against systemic risk. When push comes to shove the value of the futures contract is based on another party delivering on their end of the bargain. What is the point of a hedge against systemic risk that may not be fulfilled in the case of systemic turmoil?
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In hyperinflation scenario, who takes the first step of deciding the monetary system during the initial frenzy, the government, corporation, or people?
In later date the government will obviously take control again, but what about during the early days where people noticed the numbers are off but panic haven't settled in, while goods and necessities still need to be traded.
Digital money isn't money. If they audited Comex and the rest of the world's precious metal reserves the only answer to the financial chaos that would cause would be war.
Watch Wiemar Republic hyperinflation videos and how they got out of it. Personally I think governments will get everyone to jump into CBDC and let the old fiat system implode. If I was psychopathic bankster who viewed the majority of people as debt slaves it's what I would do to entrap them.
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Post your gold on a toilet paper
Ask me how I know you're Australian
Lol you are off by 13000km
Well you're not in New Zealand... I'll have to figure it out
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Heres a hint
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avoiding war was never an option
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We should not make war an option by not participating in it
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>was thinking of buying an oz of gold once I get my NEETbux payment at the end of the month
>price fucking skyrockets
Is this what FOMO feels like?
Plat is dirt cheap. I would focus my stack on that and ignore the gold bugs.
Fuck yourself glowie. I was on the fence but seeing this level of kike fud got me to pull trig on a 20 oz plat order.
I feel like I've been a poorfag in a sea of richfags posting here the past couple years
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A highly successful prospector such as myself doesn't need to purchase bullion!
>got me to pull trig on a 20 oz plat order.
Your loss, enjoy the auto scrap metal in an economic downturn
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anon you're very out of date, 10s2s reverted a month ago, crisis is on its way
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silver pumps 2%
>average pmg holder.
Thanks kinda gay anon but i am posting in /pmg.

>checks out.
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>you're very out of date
>a month ago
It's joewari da for me. Just embalm my mummy up, anon.
Thinking about switching all my gold to silver right now
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Can you anons stop being so dramatic and emotional each time there is some price action?
No, you wont switch all your gold to silver, that wont happen. Calm down anon and think twice about what it imply. You don't flip your entire stack for a 6% price change.
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Just did inventory of muh silber…
>picrel in Toz
On muh way to 200!
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Not only am I going to trade all my gold for silver but come Monday morning when silver opens down 50 cents I'm going to panic sell my entire stack. Then as icing on the cake I'm going to come here and bitch about how I sold all my silver for a loss and how PMG is a scam.
>The fact that I can't predict the exact moment the spinning top will fall in no way negates the fact that it WILL fall.
Theres no way you can predict it will fall in your lifetime. Couple this with the anon who calls the others retards for not believing the financial sky is falling in 2 weeks, and you yourselves look like the retards.
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ok now this is based. Godspeed fren
gets me every time kek
>governments will get everyone to jump into CBDC and let the old fiat system implode
The thing you kids don't realize, because the Jewtubers never explained it to you, is that CBDC and the current fiat system can integrate seamlessly. 99% of transactions are already made on credit or debit cards at digital touch free kiosks. 99% of wealth is not held in physical cash for the average American, but already in digital financial products. The goal with CBDC is negative interest rates. They DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT have to destroy the existing financial system to achieve programmable digital currency that the masses must adopt. They have for all intents and purposes already adopted it. The biggest hurdle will be getting the more intelligent masses to accept digital currency with negative interest rates. Niggers already do. Look at EBT. It dissappears and has a cap on the account balance. Niggers still use it and it still has street value. They will offer thousands of dollars to the average joe in free digital currency handouts to get them on board. Slowly boil the frog, as is their plan with all things.
I got memed into buying silver a few months ago
can anyone tell me wtf is going on
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See you monday afternoon friend.
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What percentage of your monthly purchases are gold/silver?

I'm wondering if I should slow down my silver purchases a lot and just focus on gold. I can currently afford maybe 2 sovereigns a month and then whatever silver I can get on eBay for 85% spot price. Been stacking since 2018 and stupidly only bought through the Royal Mint, hence my initial losses as I was buying 5x spot price through them for commemorative and 1.5x for bullion. Loss on world bullion coins as I bought a Japanese prefecture set which cost a lot to import.

I don't think you can get good deals in the UK any more. I spent the entirety of last week travelling around antique emporiums and shops and all you can find is plated silver or commemorative coins at double spot. Forget finding gold and auctions are a scam with buyer's premium.
Shut up boomer holy shit learn how to talk right without sounding like a condescending jackass all the time. We’re not here to read your novels and all you really said is:
>Everything is already digital and it’ll be easy to make the transition.

You don’t have to talk about niggers, you don’t have to call out other generations, and you don’t have to act like you’re a genius for stating the obvious.
this guy who I used to get my 1ozs from hasn't been out of stock in years and he just went out of stock, so take that as a signal if you want.
while I'm here, what's the current silver-go-up thesis? I've seen all the shitty old ones that never seem to play out (comex paper shorts, jpm short). the new one I'm seeing is BAC short which seems to have some credibility/evidence behind it at least.
triggered nigger
narcissist, you can do better
Shut up, pavement ape.
My mistake. You're a triggered Jewtuber.
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>"The thing you kids don't realize..."
>proceeds to tell us something we already know and have discussed here before
I agree that I cannot predict the collapse in my lifetime. But it WILL collapse. And I think it will be soon. But if not, that's okay too becaue I will hand my wealth down to my children. Having my wealth in PMs guarantees that I will be able to pass it on.
>muh imploding fiat system
Cope. USD isn't going anywhere.
This is the correct perspective to take, working off possibilities and probabilities, not guarantees.
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You're gonna make it
>if it dips below $30, I'll get more
>this happens
We're closer to the end than the beginning, huh
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This is incorrect. Just as all empires fall, all scams unwind eventually. Including the fiat USD scam. Not knowing in advance exactly when does not mean never. There are sound reasons to think it will be soon. But there is more to stacking for me.

The USD scam and all of its ancillary sub-scams - banking, finance, corporatism, war, government corruption and cronyism - are evil. They are the product of human vice and cause an incalculable amount of suffering. It gives me pleasure to short that evil by pulling my wealth out of it.
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>Inflation isn't quite as bad as it was in the 80s
In terms of gold, the 80s and really up to the 00s were actually a time of deflation with prices steadily going down. It wasn't until around the banking crisis in 2007 that gold managed managed to get over that 80s peak. The peak in the 80s was caused by the Hunt brother's attempt to play the rigged silver futures market. They almost succeeded but were shot down last minute by a change in the rules. Very different from what's happening now. There's organic demand for physical gold from all over the world with no end in sight. Similar thing with silver. I expect up and downs but no crash except in the value of our currencies.
My commitment to stacking physical silver surpasses even that of Sparkle Motion.
Silver will limit up Sunday evening as niggers try to cover.
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Nara. Home to the deer park and one of three Daibutsu, among other attractions and matters of interest.
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>smoking cigs to the filter
Kinda low class. Cigarettes aren't the problem here, it's that you smoke them like trailer trash.
I fucking hope. I sold half of my silver miners calls for 77% profit Friday. If it jumps big again on Monday I'll unload them all.
The economy is saturated with debt and injections of new credit do little to nothing other than treading water.
The Fed is also suffering losses and not remitting excess funds back to the Treasury so we are in the endgame.
Excersize some and start selling covered calls. I'm mainly in physical but am long some miners incase peter schiff is right about them.
Nice ones
thanks I just bought more LTC (which I know the total supply of, never degrades or is counterfeited and doesn't weigh me down whenever I want to go somewhere).
>and doesn't weigh me down whenever I want to go somewhere
This is not the flex you think it is lol
coping you are
Silver is over $50 in leafland
This is precious metals general, not /ltc/ general. I think you're lost.
simple as
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CBDC doesn't magically improve the value of the US dollar. It doesn't get the rest of the world to put reserves in the US dollar to offset the insane pace of dollar creation. The treasury still has to issue bonds at shorter and shorter terms at higher and higher yields until there's a daily debt crisis. The collapse is built in regardless of whatever bullshit label they slap on it.
this... do morons really think they can solve all their problems with a crypto USD coin? lol
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i really hope you didn't waste your money on 20 ounces of platinum bro
>Plat is dirt cheap. I would focus my stack on that and ignore the gold bugs.
i feel like i shouldnt ignore gold but not plat either
Exactly. It is ridiculous to imagine that a world already resentful of America weaponizing the dollar is going to respond to an inflationary collapse by adopting a new Fed shitcoin with even less substance and MORE central control than the USD. They simply will not. And if the world rejects a Fed CBDC, then it will fail domestically also because it will not be usable for international trade and American business is way too dependent on trade to give it up.
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Start a spreadsheet. It doesn't have to be this autistically detailed, but you should at least have weight, cost, and description.
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The real debt crisis is that the US was using the dollar as an extraction method for resources and cheap labor from countries like China, Saudi Arabia, India, Malaysia, etc. A lot of those countries are choosing to opt out of the dollar which means the US will have to trade on equal footing but it's too used to free imports. So it's choosing war now. War with Russia, China, Iran.

The whole obsession with Russia is because Russia has incredible stores of resources and its possession in a single country is too much of a threat for the US to tolerate. That's why it pushed Ukraine into joining NATO to bait Russia to take action. It needs to weaken the giant before it starts taking off bites, and can try to divide Russia and start extracting the spoils.

Before BRICS started to take form, the US could throw its military around to suppress attempts at US dollar breakaways like Saddam in Iraq and Gaddafi in Libya. Once the big players started taking action, the gravitational forces of world war started taking effect. It is coming and no amount of voting or diplomacy will stop it.
>mining concentrated in S. Africa and Russia
>used for high density data storage
>hydrogen cells
>catalytic converters since EVs are obviously not selling well
It's a ballsy move sure, and I'd rather spend that money on silver, but it's not a waste though.
You just made a profit
it's hard to even sell platinum, especially in large amounts. it's not nearly as liquid as gold/silver
I won't argue against that, for now. It definitely going to have more liquidity in the future.
Have you tried to sell any platinum? I agree that platinum is not going to become a new currency. You won't be using it to buy produce at the farmer's market. Unlike gold and silver, it isn't a monetary metal. But if hydrogen technology takes off (which I think is inevitable) you will not have any problem selling platinum because the demand will outstrip the supply very quickly.
i should finally start stacking silver but i need to get more gold coins. pretty much all of my gold is in jewelry but it's about 15K worth
>gold 2719 an ounce now
nevermind that 15k is now 17k
nah hydrogen power is a meme
>hydrogen power is a meme
Only for cars.
At the moment.
But one huge drawback to HFCs is the source of H. It's usually extracted from CH4, which leaves H2 and exactly the byproduct it's supposed to avoid: CO2.
the dollar is already a CBDC for all intensive purposes
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>the dollar is already a CBDC for all intensive purposes
It isn't as explained by AgustĂ­n Carstens himself, who is the head of the BIS, the central bank of central banks.
Well said. How many immigrant shitters and commies will be put in camps and/or leave the US once the hot war kicks off? Great Population Reset.
intents and
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The camps will be for the whites, it is time to understand the goal of the big noses.
keep an eye on ESAU boys
just bee yourself
I think it’s near it’s highs in Yen too. When it runs in USD it will be epic.
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Here's a better quality version of that.
There will ultimately be two clean sources of hydrogen: electrolysis powered by nukes (and using platinum as a catalyst) and geological deposits which are just now being explored and appear to be enormous. So that will not be an issue. It is unclear to me if hydrogen ICEs are superior to FCEs. If it turns out to be ICEs that will cut into the demand for platinum. But the demand for electrolysis will remain.

The BIG risk for platinum is that a massive global recession is so devastating to manufacturing that auto production will drop to a small fraction of what it is now and take years to recover. Then you can forget platinum for a decade or more.

In any event, platinum is speculative. I would not suggest stacking it until you have so much silver and gold that you feel like you need something else just for the variety.
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>G&S are black market currency
>G&S finance terrorism
>G&S is used by criminal organizations
>G&S is used by tax evaders
>if you own cash/gold outside of our (((banks))) you are de facto a criminal trying to hide something nefarious
>only credit cards and bank transferts are allowed, you shouldn't use any other mean
This article have it all. This fallacious rethoric will soon be everywhere.
It's a perfect instrument to measure the level of complete desperation from our broke jewish tyrannies. They will try to come after us because their ponzi is collapsing left and right.
Very bullish indeed. I don't give it 2 years before they pull this "voluntary surrender of your PMs for the good of the Motherland" campaign.

My pp is fucking HARD rn.
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>all of my gold is in jewelry but it's about 15K worth
If that's melt value, then you're doing well.
Pick up some more silver if there's a dip. Otherwise, buckle up!
Owing a lot of silver will make you an absolute monster.
Kek... and over 5 times the file size for the sake of old eyes on a smartphone?
how digitally poor one can be to be butthurt about 1MB extra of space lmaoo?
>Kek... and over 5 times the file size for the sake of old eyes on a smartphone?
No, it has everything to do with screen resolution on a PC. Small images have to be blown up and with lower resolutions the quality is shit.
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You know, the collapse fudders say will never happen and we supposedly fantasize about? It's occuring as we speak in Cuba. The entire country is without electricity for the 2nd day, and they have no fuel to get the power back on.
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what the heck is happening here
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Do you like MTG ft Apu OCs?
Control the energy supply to control the nation, control the food supply to control the people.
jfc I guess I need to expedite the process of arming myself. I always procrastinated but shits going downhill quick on a global scale
This remind me i should invest in some solar panels asap. Relying on the grid may prove to be a fatal error soon enough.
Plus electricity is getting so stupidly expensive it might simply be a savvy investment to make.
>Humanitarian intervention
Another massive money sink lol
>energy crisis
How did the grid collapse? How did that redditor know that it was going to happen?
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Realistically what would the gold silver ratio have to get to before you traded your silver for gold?
Serious answers only.
Silver is so far behind (too controlled), that there is no point in waiting for a certain level, if you have a lot of silver, sell little by little when it goes up, and then buy gold when it goes down, that's what I do.
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I'd consider it heavily around 1:30 but I think at that point gold might already be unobtanium and it wouldn't be practical.
Consider that the entire reason the gold to silver ratio would shrink so drastically in the first place is because people can't get gold anymore, so they are flocking to silver instead.
I doubt this
You could do the same argumwnt the other way around
The ultimate problem with hydrogen is storage. It just takes up too much space
>quality is shit.
It's text. How much space do you need and how often reference?
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Talk me out of spending $1,845+shipping on a numismatic gold half oz (just under half actually). MS-63 $10 eagle.

I find it way easier to buy stuff like this because spot price doesn't really matter, but I'm finding it hard to just buy another ozt of modern bullion even though I can afford it.

I just really like the old stuff and it seems to retain value regardless of spot. Help.
grammer nazis are a diamond dozen.
how so? he doesn't necessarily get to define what constitutes a CBDC anyway. you can determine this for yourself. think about how something like USDT/Tether operates. and then think about how the USD is practically different from that in any way.
it's literally 1:1. the only difference is the issuer.
They want the camps to be for Whites.
TNow that people are seeing through all the scams and schemes, I'm not so sure it's going to go according to plan.
>oy vey, let's pay mercenaries to do our dirty work!
That only works if USD is worth something.
Destroying the economy of gentiles is great.
Until you remember it's the only thing keeping you alive.
Jews will soon have to think about how to stay alive without their infinite money printing scam.
I'd start thinking about it around 1:50, but there's more to consider than just the ratio.
Get a PSA AR-15 and a Mossberg Maverick 88 and you'll be plenty armed for well under $1000
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This is our future.
How high is the spike?
How long does it last?
When silver hits 50:1 I'll be getting itchy fingers.
Not that I care.
I'll be waiting for it to crest.
How close can get to historical ratio?
That's my target.
That's just a matter of compression. And people with resources and expertise are working on it: https://www.designboom.com/technology/portable-hydrogen-cartridges-toyota-energy-cars-outdoor-appliances-10-16-2024/
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Jews rules the world, U.S is just a tool like another.
No, that answer isn't nearly pretentious enough. He's obviously going to need an M4 clone and an M4.
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Setup a thread about this, do with that as you will.

The Chinese fucked over the cabal and confirmed this to the world by having the wests ex puppet president removed in front of the world media from their congress.

I guy from art school once noticed these patterns and did something about it.
Just imagine how many White men are being denied art school this very moment.
Millions of Whites are seeing exactly what you're seeing.
you like old stuff. why not sovereigns then?
>Oldfag stacking tip. BU pre-33 Gideons have .046 less than 1 oz of gold. You can often find them for 100's cheaper than modern gold because they contain less.
Most dummy peppers don't know it's not a full troy oz so they will give you full troy oz value for it.
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Why do people like you make a rod for your own back by saying its The Jews when you can have a better time convincing people of your argument that it's the banking clans who are known to be Jewish instead. You don't even have to mention they're Jewish to get the point across when it's the system of usury that enslaves us all.

>Muh communism installed by the Rothschilds
Communism is just a wing of the central banking system. It doesn't matter if its communism or capitalism, they're both traps because they use the debt slavery note system attached to the state. How come people like you never talk about destroying the tools that enslave us? I tell you why. Because you're not actually interested in freeing us from slavery.

Destroy the debt trap pyramid, destroy the system, destroy the power of the banking clans, simple fucking as.
>don't say jews duuuuude
All it does is make you sound like a blubbering retard and shows you don't give a shit about breaking usury.
Why use more words to convey the same idea? That's inefficient language. Kinda like a leftist meme.
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You just gotta buy silver.
That's it. Even 1 ounce per month will put you in the lead of 99% of everyone else.
It's crazy how easy it is to spot something be who lurked the appropriate 2 years. These reddit space ng newfags are killing me.
Because usury is the problem. If you think eliminating all the Jews would solve usury think again. The issue is rooted deep in humanity. The responses I'm getting just proves that people like you aren't interested in freeing people from debt slavery.
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>1 ounce per month will put you in the lead of 99% of everyone else.
It'll take 30 years to get to the top 1% at that rate.
i've seen so many of these "X amount of silver puts you in le ebin one percenter!" charts and graphs, all from different sources, all contradicting each other, that it's impossible to take them seriously
IDK about you, but nobody i know stacks. 0.5g of silver probably is better then 99% of people
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You think politicians have power ?
You defenitly don't understand how jewish people control a country...
Pussy shit. 15:1 or nothing.
i'd like to let everyone know again that i did indeed win my grade school's art contest when i was in kindergarten. i even beat the 8th graders.
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Current mining ratio is 1:8, but silver is way more practically useful than gold, so it should be worth even more than the mining ratio.
>How did the grid collapse?
Cuba doesn't have civil nuclear nor green energy, all their power derive from burning fossil fuels. And for that they rely on their socialist ally Venezuela and cheap Russian oil/gas, who are the main countries defying the US embargo. Problem is Venezuela is fucking broke and Maduro is too occupied preventing a coup d'etat, and Russia is at war with NATO and have others priorities (weapons are expensive).
Cuba can't afford fuel without getting socialist pity bux, so now they are in the dark. That's what i understood lurking few minutes there.
It was very predictable because before the outage became complete, the past few weeks the government was rationing their reserves and most people had 10 hours outage per day. The focus was on giving electricity to hospitals, supermarkets, officials buildings,..

Now they don't have a drop of oil left so everybody is in the dark and cars can't move. Back to the middle age for Cuba.
Why would i trade my silver for gold?
They're all using different information so it's not like everyone making them can't be trying in their own way, but at the end of the day you don't need to take them seriously. I just treat them like a tier list for a fun goal.
>so they are flocking to silver instead.
They are in for a sour surprise then. Iirc, total gold reserves above ground are 180K tons. Total silver reserves are at 73K tons. So either the price will shoot up dramatically very fast and a lot of ppl can afford some. Or the price lag at first and only the first arrived will have their meal, then it will be unobtainium just as gold. Imho considering the level of manipulation, it will be the second scenario who will unfold. Only the ppl who already own silver will have silver, and the ppl who will purchase very fast while it start to move up big time.
15:1 is the key
>and the ppl who will purchase large quantities* very fast while it start to move up big time.
It's a minimum amount for newbies and poors to purchase per month.
It's what I recommend to my family and friends when they bring up investing.
I'm also poor, only buying 2 to 4 ounces per month.
gotta buy $200 worth so you don't pay shipping imo
unless you're doing it at an LCS which is based gj
There's 3 I know of and only one I've bought from. I should check out the other 2 in my area.
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Average saving rates in the US in 2024 is 2.9% of yearly salary. Never have been this low. It used to be 11% back in the 60s.
Your average net salary is what, around 40K? x0.029 = $1160 / year.
That's approximatively how much mutts save per year. At $35/oz that's 33oz a year. Lets imagine you put 1/3rd of your savings in metals and leave the rest in cash, that's indeed 1oz/mo, your intuition match the maths.

That said, 2.9% is terminal consooming coomerbrain. I don't think there is any other country on earth with a ratio this low. It's beyond my comprehension how an entire nation can be so careless about their future..
boomer rock bros, we are winning
I'm digging-back-up my confederate silver
It's an easy number to talk normies into of they already buy crypto and stocks.
If they talk about the FED, I wouldn't talk to them about silver. They should already know.
>i've seen so many of these

I've seen only two:
and the one I posted. The thing about that one is, data sources are provided and formulae and reasons are given for the numbers. So I'm satisfied this one's arguably close enough.
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>It's an easy number to talk normies into of they already buy crypto and stocks.
Yeah, plus they already have the "squirrel" mindset if they invest in others assets, all what's needed is to redirect their energy toward PMs rather than scams.

>If they talk about the FED, I wouldn't talk to them about silver. They should already know.
You'd be surprised. Most my frens irl are redpilled about the jews, central banking and how they get enslaved by the fiat system/inflation cycle. Yet they somehow never take any action against it. They will happily talk about it for hours, talking about revolution and such, but when it comes to take action in their own hands, it's dead fish stare & spectator's syndrome.

I always tell them how easy it is to purchase some, but they always have a good excuse to not do so (main one being : "i'm broke rn"). At some point i fell like a snake oil saleman or a cult shill that friends are too polite to tell him to fuck off with his scam. So i stopped bothering at some point.

But i don't get it, i don't gain anything from them purchasing PMs. And when i show them my purchases at $15/oz silber & $1300/oz golb i always get the usual
>damn if only i boughted back then!
>frens irl are redpilled about the jews
Yeah chill though. Neither of us want to sound like glowies
>Yeah chill though. Neither of us want to sound like glowies
The british said the same thing before WW1
Famous last words.
Online megadealers will take it for a few % under melt.
[citation needed]
The anti silver fud was jewish projection of what they wanted to do with the financial system after the balancing force of gold and silver was removed through demonetization
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>Owing a lot of silver will make you an absolute monster.
More people should understand this line of thinking.
It's why I stack regularly regardless of spot price.
>Most my frens irl are redpilled about the jews, central banking and how they get enslaved by the fiat system/inflation cycle. Yet they somehow never take any action against it. They will happily talk about it for hours, talking about revolution and such, but when it comes to take action in their own hands, it's dead fish stare & spectator's syndrome.
>I always tell them how easy it is to purchase some, but they always have a good excuse to not do so (main one being : "i'm broke rn"). At some point i fell like a snake oil saleman or a cult shill that friends are too polite to tell him to fuck off with his scam. So i stopped bothering at some point.

Literally me.
>t. me rationally responding to the who would want non-windmill rms
with that said, y'all should be careful about how much you tell other people, even if they are your friends. They don't heed your advice now, but when shit goes down they'll remember what you told them and they may come knocking.
Feeling called to get some platinum. Nice to see others saying the same.
Gotta have a nice mix
Speak with trusted people only.
The only metal I speak about publicly is copper.
Most people know I collect pennies.
Those with upper level thinking will consider gold and silver.
As for copper, it was about 13% of total pennies a month ago.
Today I went to a bunch of places and almost all of them only had new zincs.
No pre-82's.
I got a wheat and about 70 coppers.
It took several stops to get that, though.
Where I'm at, it looks like a copper cull might not sound improbable.
I don't speak about gold or silver in public often, but I'll gladly talk about copper.
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That my friends, is the minority investment.
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>tfw 530 oz silver but only 1 oz gold
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Think how much more silver that gold could have gotten you
I buy 1 gold ounce every time I stack 100 silver ounces
I traded seven ounces au for that monster box. If I could get more than ten ounces, maybe 15, back I would consider trading again.
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Roger that silver-fren
>keep stack in’
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Toshiba and Airbus formed a joint venture to develop a superconducting electric engine for future hydrogen-meme-powered aircraft. https://www.global.toshiba/ww/news/energy/2024/10/news-20241016-02.html

Bullish for platinum.
got my eyes on 2 ounces of sterling silver coins in an auction, the bid right now is $0, might be able to sneak them both out for $5-10.
muh hydrogen meme
hydrogen is a gas that is flammable
nobody is gonna wanna be in a vehicle or plane that is powered by a highly pressurized flammable gas
Working through the spam filter sucks.

Part of a guild ran by a retired millionaire. He's a Boomer. He told me to get into silver, but my financial advisor and childhood friend told me not to.

I know it's a dumb question. Do I trust my millionaire friend or my fellow wagies? Also, why do we expect to profit from this if the market's manipulated to begin with? Bankers surely see the crash before any of us do right?
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why wouldn't you follow the advice of the guy with more money. he sounds smart. buy silver
I acquire gold and silver because it's one of the only monetary assets that have mostly intrinsic value outside of dollar denominated systems. The central banks KNOW there is no way out of the spiraling sovereign debt crisis other than to inflate their way out unless it breaks, so the banks just keep their heads down and march along like everything's fine. They won't fucking tell you anything's wrong.
I'd be more worried about systemic risk the more the media and banks try to tell you there's nothing wrong. There was so much of that rhetoric throughout 2007 and 2008 before the pop. Just go back and read all the headlines saying there was no recession coming and the economy was healthy. They plastered that message all over for a year or more.
I don't expect to "profit" from silver. I expect it to do its job as a classical store of value and the patrician's currency.

Remember there are two sides of the silver market: there is the paper market ETFs / futures contracts that most traders are talking about when they talk silver. Then there is the physical market, and that's where this thread lives. It's more about insurance than outright profit and a principle of honest money that survives when the dishonest money fails.
That's what I'm thinking also. People from our generation give Boomers a lot of guff, but this guy lived with his parents until he was 24 and started a business providing a useful service (garbage disposal) to his neighborhood. Plus, he's been a praying man much longer than I have.

And now I'm sold. Was an idiot when I was 18. Took school loans some years ago with double-digit interest rates. My money stack could be used to pay some of that off, but I'm young so I'll bank on the risk.

My friend was predicting a crash in about six months. Silver will go from $30 to $800 at top. Is this just Boomer optimism or can we trust in his predictions?
If you're out to make a quick buck, stacking is not for you.
>Silver will go from $30 to $800 at top

No one knows what the top is and anyone who makes these predictions is lying. It's true there are very force short positions that are holding the price of silver far below real market value, but that's still just looking at silver as a commodity. This community sees silver and gold as REAL money. Most of us are not here because we want to 'cash out.' We're here because we're sick of dealing with the company scrip.
A lot of the silver price predictions come from elementary calculations deriving from the ratio of silver contracts in dollars to the actual physical amount of silver present in circulation. It is correct that silver is very very heavily shorted and a squeeze is beginning to happen over the next few years that will likely explode and god only knows where it goes. It's going to be dark times for a lot of people though and the world is about enter some real chaos I think.
Trust no one when it comes to predictions on time or price. Just look to the future and keep your ear to the ground.
I think silver could pop to $60, I think it could pop to $600 and neither would surprise me. It's a very volatile market.
unless you get your insider info from the rothschilds or the ceo of a big investment firm nobody really knows the future
>sick of dealing with the company script
Yeah, same here. In an ideal world we'd all be paying in coins, but if there's a way for me to square off my loans I'll do it.

I'll keep this in mind about the price. In any case, do you guys have any future plans? Future societal collapse in mind, we should be putting this silver to good use, right?
>future plans

Other than paying off my mortgage which is pretty close anyway, mostly just maintaining my standard of living. I'd like to be as self-sufficient as I can on my property. Been shoring up alternatives for heat, power, water, etc.
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>but any is more than most.
The average /biz/raeli needs to understand that most normalfags don't even stack. Future silver coin charts should probably start in the early stages with 1oz and 5oz. Plenty of newfag stackers soon once it blows up on the TV that silver is now $100 an oz.
For me it's just to get some land and hunker down. I might try to acquire some property I don't live on for future income, but I'm not really sure what else to do after that. It'd be nice if some wise but moral investment became available after the crash, but I doubt it.
>most normalfags don't even stack
I can confirm this.
t. bluepilled normie
a question for my american frens across the pond, regarding the election ; presumably from a pure pmg stacking perspective, Kamala winning will accelerate the demise of fiat, so that's really the preferable scenario?
>Kamala winning will accelerate the demise of fiat
Not really.

You realize we were talking about platinum, right?
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Gold Mines discovered from breaks in Beale Ciphers.....thread details with pics of the mines

I am working on getting something made in an NFT that gives you the ability to mine on my claim if you buy into the mint of a 1000

Thinking .1 ETH to raise revenues to extract with commercial drones hauling it out for us

Right now am pulling 4-6 oz out per trip there per 60lbs of ore I harvest.

The thread has info about the Popular Mechanics article on the site I discovered.

Also have additional mines on neighboring claims that I can offload if anyone is into acquiring their own mines.

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