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Hot Gold Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59106321
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Just bought $10k of titanium, what am I in for?
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Cheapies on ebay are not so cheap these days. Can we get a last tamp down pls rabbibros? I swear it's the last time i ask for one!
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>Status : didn't listen lol
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>I'm in for it now
Just put a 25toz bar on my credit card...
Real FOMO right there.
we don't even get to see a picture of it?
?? In what form?
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went to the buy gold shop just because and they said they buy 92%-93% spot, maybe a little more if it's the sovereign coin of the realm if anyone was wondering, also copper penny collectors get mogged by this chad scrap pile
It's a "random" bar on order, not a local shop pick-up. I'll post it when it arrives. Or not I don't know, I gotta start saving fiat and work out more. My dopamine system is fucked...
Te chads... our day will come
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>and they said they buy 92%-93% spot,
that's fucking atrocious. Hope you shot them in the head.
post the picture when it comes. i still want nice compact silver weights. think how much more managable larger dumbbells would be over iron
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I wish I had my own sexy Female genie to conjure up as much gold/silver as I needed
>and who knows what else?
Maybe a new genocide of khazari tribesmen…?
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>also copper penny collectors get mogged by this chad scrap pile
Stack real copper.
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Sell your metals and come back into the system!
>wish I had my own sexy Female genie
I just want a woman who isn't a total retard. I had a date with a girl a few weeks ago who told me WWII "ended in the 80's"...
She was only 4 years younger than me. That and the only girl who I've caught checking me out at work wasn't interested when I asked a few months ago. Though I fucked up my delivery when trying to ask her to coffee so that's on me...
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>still want nice compact silver weights
Just stick with iron for low cost.
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Sweet buy, and you know what helps me regulate my dopamine levels? Buying more gold and silver.
>know what helps me regulate my dopamine levels? Buying more gold and silver.
Hahahaha. I won't disagree, but my casual drinking hasn't been casual for the past few months and I need to stop that. That could be more money going into PMs that I'm literally pissing away.
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Get yourself a strong woman.
Here, read this from 2011. Im an oldfag I was there fuming while this was going on. Truat me, the fuckery and jew tactics havent yet begun.

Basically, this is how they crashed silver very quickly down from 50... because it was too 'frothy' my advice to you - if you have ears to listen - pick a number, 40,50,75 whatever. When it gets there sell half and take money off the table.

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>ov vey! don't buy silver!
>it will never go up, plateau forever.
>it is a terrible hedge against inflation
mfw I have made +23% since i started buying a few months ago, most I bought at about 10% premium or below and even a few below spot (18.5 toz below spot one point!).
I could sell everything, right now, at exactly spot value, no premium, pay taxes on it, and still be in profit- but I'm not going to.
>sell half
Not for $75 like a little bitch. Maybe $750.
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keep on stackin, frens
our time is now
what's the point of buying gold when there's enough gold in the core of the earth to cover the surface of the earth in a 1.5 feet thick layer.
good advice... for stocks and crypto
not PMs
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>Mining Stocks
That shit will get Nationalised when globo homo inc gets put out business, the only reason Countries allow their precious mineral wealth to be plundered by foreign investors is because they are under threat/control by nato terrorism, that shit is about to disappear like a fart in the wind and investors told to get fucked.
you going to drill to the center and take it out? no? thought so because of course jews don't like physical labor.
Well if there's so much, go get it. It's right there.

What's the point of paying for food if half the world is covered in food and farmland?
are you inviting us on a mission to the center of the earth to get that gold? im in
Yeah, and >>59110452 is the token, sacrificial black guy too so real /pmg/ frens will live.
Mining stocks are a better own than ETFs. I like to buy them as a middle layer buffer to help protect my home and my stack.
seems like we could just drill a deep hole somewhere in Australia and let it drip out
>they are under threat/control by nato terrorism, that shit is about to disappear like a fart in the wind and investors told to get fucked.
Based new world order (an actual better one)
Black Rock is taking a big haircut because they thought they bought all of Ukraine. Lol, not working out the way they planned. rumour has it, the have same agenda and investment game in the current Middle East conflicts. Hope all of black Rock burns in hell.
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I've got a little copper, a few sealed tube's of 1960s pennies.
Food for thought
I feel that, it was a tough one for me to shake too.
>I could sell (...) at exactly spot value
Is that how it works?
I've been slowing down. No hard liquor for the past month, before that a 2-3 years. No wine for months, and I've kept the bottle in my basement for a bit so that's a good sign. It's just beer. Problem is it's either 4% or 8%, easy going or going hard. At least I'm off the nicotine, that made me be able to keep drinking instead of having what I bring home and that's it for the evening.
Maybe I should start to take a different route home and see if that helps.
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>rumour has it, the have same agenda and investment game in the current Middle East conflicts.
Dont see that shit playing out.
It is if you're not a retard going to pawn shops.
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>Tuah ID

Copperchads rise up!
When I think about all the liquor I bought for like 10 years straight I want to punch myself. A 25 to 30 dollar bottle of vodka EVERY WEEK. I did the math a few times and thought about how much gold I could have bought Before 2010 with that money. I haven't done the math lately though. I don't think I want to.
Have generics sold for significantly over spot recently? I know Eagles have, but with those you took your shave going in.
We're not in the phase of people fighting over lifeboats yet. We're still in the rolling-out-the-band to keep everyone distracted phase while the rich people are quietly shuffling into the first lifeboats with plenty of room to spare in each one.
>1922 USD, $1,000
>$18k USD fiat in 2024 inflation bucks
>$26.8 USD fiat in 2024 silver melt value for 1,000 0.77toz silver dollars
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I've got a bunch of old stuff I've been meaning to take and trade in for modern gold and silver since they are both so high right now. I got a massive tote from a coworker a few years ago when he needed to remodel and was looking to sell his late father's stash to fund it.
A different route will help for sure since you won't have the temptation to pull in and grab something. My advice is slow and steady, you will have bad days and backslide, just don't let the bad day to turn into a bad week, month, year, etc. I went with zero alcohol for about a year to break the daily habit of getting home and making a drink and now I have six pack and whiskey that will sit in the fridge for two or three months without being touched. Every once in awhile I'll have a drink or two and enjoy them but I don't need them day in and day out like I did.
Damn replied to myself, my bad.
>25 to 30 dollar bottle of vodka EVERY WEEK
I remember doing that 2-3 times a week when I was in late college. And I was just drinking by myself not including going to bars with friends.
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I know that most people here hate the megalomaniac Larry Fink, but in recent years the guy's financial global empire has been taking hit after hit after hit that I can't help but laugh at how many fuck ups he keeps on doing. I don't think I have ever seen a man launch into huge success only to fall just as hard into failure as he has.
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any place to get sexy ladies on coins? I like them to have variety in my collection so a fun one like that would be nice. plus, can wank to in in the post apocalypse so useful for that as well.
At my peak, I was dropping 4 to 5 hundred a week on alcohol. I hate myself looking back on that.
i was wasting $2500 on rent instead of just living with my parents and stacking with that cash... will never forgive myself
>4 to 5 hundred a week on alcohol
I did at most $200 per week for mid shelf liquor at home and cheap import beer at the local dive bar. Were you drinking top shelf?
Is there a loli hentai coin?
>I got a massive tote from a coworker a few years ago when he needed to remodel and was looking to sell his late father's stash to fund it.
Interesting play. How does that come up in conversation?
Ooff that's rough.
Nope just drinking that much, wasn't bottom of the barrel pisswater but it wasn't anywhere close to top shelf either.
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Just two or three concepts no actual coins
Perhaps you're right. Or perhaps the fundamentals are different this time. The thesis is that the paper, fractional reserve pricing scheme is going to be squeezed, hopefully killed. A lot of people will be caught holding worthless paper contracts. This together with the fact that the artificial price ceiling has created supply shortages and that is going to lead to a dash for physical. Any price dumps in this scenario would be slurped by manufacturers and nation states bolstering their reserves. They would relish the cheapies.
My personal rule of thumb is don't make any big purchases unless I have at least 7 days of sobriety, including cooming. Need a clear head and mind when doing business.

That said, please stop buying silver at full retail on a credit card that you don't have the cash to pay off immediately. Retailers charge extra as it is for cc sales because there are vendor fees attached to those sales, so they pass them along to end customers, and end customers in turn generally only buy on credit when they can get a large cash back discount. Buying on credit without the cash to immediately pay it off is a recipe for financial disaster. I don't give a shit about the jews and their credit schemes, I am only looking out for you. It's a fucking terrible idea. Look into 12 step if you have trouble staying sober and making good decisions.
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So I was an industrial electrician for a factory and alot of plastics and scrap metal would come through. All the plastic and scrap would get filtered out of the system and shipped to a landfill. Well as long as it didn't keep you from doing your job the bosses didn't care if you sifted through the scrap. So I became known as the guy to go to if you thought you had found any gold or silver in the scrap because I have pic related to test anything and if it was real I would buy it off you. So when he needed some cash and he was sitting on a tote of silver and gold he came to me.
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I would blow so much money on coins like that, I love little girls so much it's unreal.
Little girls are like women, but with likeable personalities and a soul.
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Well maybe you can convince mintanon to make some. Like I said I've seen a few concepts on here but as far as I know none have been minted.
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Last concept I've seen.
Nice, I recall hearing some of your stories about digging through boxes and finding gold a while back. Congrats on turning the corner with boozing. Sounds like things are going well for you. Keep it up man.
I doubt the mint would take any of those designs sadly.
Also the first design was the best.
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Yea lol, used to find all kinds of shit. Brand new apple watches still in the box, shit tons of tools, a fair amount of jewelry and coins, a stupid amount of dildos. Pic is some of the gold I found.
needs to be .999 (out of ten)
>don't make any big purchases unless I have at least 7 days of sobriety, including cooming
Good rule. I should try it.
>Well maybe you can convince mintanon to make some
I will pass on loli coins
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Mintanon would have to do some real smooth talking for anything like that to get minted
One of the bricks of silver from melting down all the scrap I found.
lmao. Whats in the cards for the next couple of years?
Lol I'm not suprised, I remember most of those got pitched pretty early on when you were first getting your feet under you, and I don't blame you. Could absolutely ruin your reputation with all the mints in the industry getting you black balled.
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I'd like to tour the mint someday and I cannot imagine doing so after sending them a design like that kek
I'd like to do Cheesedcoin, then there's a (you) design as well. Would like to do a 5oz Wagmi and a properly minted Aputannia
Then there's still getting my shit together to be able to comfortably handle gold rounds
Sad, companies can't be convinced to make cunny coins anyway.
I'm retard-prone. Please give me some ideas.
Lmao, I can't imagine meeting, shaking hands with, and being led on a tour with someone knowing they knew I had sent any of those in to be minted. I can't wait for you to dip into some solid gold coins, I love silver but want some banging gold rounds from you.
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Nice silber bar
>webm rel
I still want a nice Halloween themed coin and not some literal Disney shit.
I wish I had any kind of talent at all to design what I have in my head.
i would buy the cheese and the (you) coin
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Instead of more gold, I bought a Dometic fridge for camping today.
Show your idea with the best of your ability, maybe an anon will expand on it or it might be a good use of AI
If you had $500 liquid this second, would you buy that amount of Gold or Silver?
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>Too late for gold
>Too late for silver
Is copper my last chance?
Copper, the "hood rich" of PMs
>retard-prone. Please give me some ideas
Cotton candy
Puppy dogs
Ice cream
Tooti-frooti flavored training tooth paste
Mountain Dew
Women with big boobies
Race cars
Trusting the media
If I had to choose one
It really depends on how much of each you have. If you feel good about your silver, I would go for a rooster. If you feel good about the gold you have then go for a silver bar.
Hobbies are important too, I hope you have fun
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I’ll help anon out, as I was in this situation recently…
1.Hopefully you have several LCS in the vicinity. 2.Call or visit website to ask about silver/gold buyback policy.
3.Avoid pawnshops like the plague for selling gold/silver. They will lowball you (think 60%) of the price of your pms.
>i have used them in a tight spot to borrow against gold jewelry collateral, but that’s another story
4. Take in what you need to sell. Ask if they have a max per day buyback policy.
5. ???
6. Profit
The best LCS in town pays 1$ over spot for ASE’s, spot for maples, brittanias, etc and 1$ under spot for generic rounds. Very fair indeed
I hope this helps m8
>cheers and keep stackin’
Aped 250 oz of silver today. Am I low IQ enough to make it?
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1/10 generic gold bar or equivalent in grams, the rest on silber. Or go all in on constitutional silver coinage if in the USA
>simple as…
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Forgot to add, that I sold the brittanias because I absolutely despise that jug eared faggot chuckie. I’d rather see the portrait of the lizard queen herself…
And that last price was for no name poured silver. That was $2 under spot
>Kzoooooooooooooo kekekek
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Mah nigger. Well played
Plat stackers: status report
>ordered another 20 oz of plat over weekend
Serious question: is stacking bottle caps a good substitute? I know it won't be worth the same as silver per pound, but times are tough...
There is a real use case for bottle caps like in fallout. So they used bottle caps because they were light weight, damn near impossible to fake with everything being so fucked, and on bottle cap represented one bottle of water and could be traded in for one bottle of water, which is a pretty big deal in that scenario.
I love the 1960's strikes.
They're so deep and well rounded.
Well proportioned.
Tasteful, even.
Look at one under a microscope and compare to the 70's.
The amount of copper pennies in circulation is about 13% (in Los Angeles).
Wheats are maybe three or four out of a thousand.
I keep running into rolls that are all 83' and up.
There's another autist in my area doing exactly what I'm doing.
I'm gonna fucking find him.
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Serious question. Not really understanding the copper rounds & bars…
>I see them being sold, but can’t believe it.
Copper is free in the walls as pipes and wiring The fuck am I missing? They are being allowed on r/pmfs too. Might as well stack aluminum rounds/bars
With how much just america's miltary's silver needs are, I wound what happens when you add other countries into this? The silver deficit might be far worse than we can understand.
i'm sure it is
My 2.5g of gold and $10 FV walking liberties aren’t here yet.
I have never seen anyone buy copper at my LCS.
The only reason I go through pennies is because I want wheats.
And my LCS has dozens of bags of wheats (each clearly containing several thousand pennies).
The only people hoarding pennies are hobbyists and boomers with too much time.
t. hobbyist
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the most precious metal of all is hardened steel. without it you are as dangerous as a mouse. you all disgust me. nothing but slaves ripe for the raping. i will sit upon your pile of coins and laugh at your skulls.
Gonna get a platinum bar for under spot
>the point
i wouldn't stack copper but copper is better than nothin
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An old creepy vine covered house with a full moon overhead and a witch on a broom flying around.
The very first time I saw this coin, just the thumbnail, for just a moment, I thought it was a spooky vine covered house with a full moon overhead and that's what I would think would be cool as hell.
Not exactly /pmg/ related though.
>laugh at your skulls
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You should do wifejak and shill it on twitter. Expand your market. Or do ashbie moon for pmg 4chan audience. Give us the girls
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>We're not in the phase of people fighting over lifeboats yet. We're still in the rolling-out-the-band to keep everyone distracted phase while the rich people are quietly shuffling into the first lifeboats with plenty of room to spare in each one.
Silverchads still have time to stack. The prices will fuck around even greater after the election regardless who wins. If things go really well we should have at the very least until inauguration day aka Jan 20th. The youtube algorithims are starting to tell normalfags about silver though. Its really a matter of how quickly the inflation forces normalfags into converting their fiat into something else.
Silver won't truly explode until fiat wants to shit blood and that could still be anywhere from around the corner to even years from now depending on how well the powers that be manage the global economy. Agenda 2030 is still 5 fucking years away.
Am I a retard for thinking that there must be an inevitable dip in price coming? Or is this the New Plateau™?
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>most precious metal of all is hardened steel
True, and tied for second is lead and brass. Any slackjaw can swing around a piece of metal, it takes skill for precise shot placement under stress.
>Copper is free in the walls as pipes and wiring The fuck am I missing?
You never read any news about those wiring being stolen? It's even happening in 1st world country and peaceful country like japan
designs like this make me wish i knew anything about using a program like that
So when will it be too dangerous to post our stacks?
Already is.
Post old pics here, don't post any shinies are social media. Follow the Crypto bros, when a lot of them got rich they didn't flaunt it. There are a lot of nerd millionaires who don't show it because of crypto
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Great design but changing the profile on these meme characters makes them unrecognizable
God I hope so.
Once the gubment is in full desperation mode. We aren't there yet, but give it few more years.
This make me think i need to do an inventory, i've no fucking clue about how much i currently hold. Will do this tomorrow, i hope i'll be pleasantly surprised (i wont).
>how it feels to recklessly use your CC for silver and then drink 10 beers
I heard someone say the "all in cost" for mining silver is now $26.
The floor is $26, which means anything above is the profit.
A dip is inevitable.
The question is how low it goes.
Since we know it can't go below $26, the dip will only be a couple bucks.
Accept the new paradigm and stack accordingly.
Thats fine, im just saying dont wait to see how high it will go because it comes down harder and faster than it goes up. Pick your number and stick to it.

When its on the way down, a lot of people are hodling out to see if its a temporary dip. Then after a period, theres a rush to sell and no one is buying because they want to see how far it will drop. No one is buying for close to spot and no one wants to take a haircut and its wild how fast it will drop.


>Perhaps you're right. Or perhaps the fundamentals are different this time. The thesis is that the paper, fractional reserve pricing scheme is going to be squeezed, hopefully killed.

Trust me, Ive had priapism for 20 years hoping for that to happen. I could probably 4x my stack now (purchased most for $8 back in like...05,06? Somewhere in there. I rode through '11 thinking this was it, Obama fucked it all and im going to buy 100 acres.

They got crazy tricks bro. They havent even shaken all the loose silver out of the weak hands yet
Posting your stack is not a good idea.
The government will want to seize the property of CrimeThinkers.
Anyone with something worth taking can be accused of CrimeThink.
Don't paint a target on your back.
This wompum is for entertainment only in my book
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Apparently this is a thing.
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And when i say few more years, it should be quite easy to run the numbers actually.
Iirc, as of today, the governments' revenues (taxes) amount to 5 trillions/year.
Government spendings amount to 6.5 trillions, so a deficit of 1.5T/y.
Among spendings, 15% alone (or 1T) is dedicated to service the interests of the national (((debt))), and this number grow very rapidly, as we roughly add 3.7T of debt each year and we recently issued countless T.bills with 10Y maturity at 5%.

Those 15% of total spendings to service the interests were only 7% back in 2019. If it grows by few % each year, with compound interests + evergrowing debt + more issuing of Tbills,.. it wont take long before 100% of the taxes paid by the US taxpayers ends up in servicing the interests of the debt, leaving nothing for gubment employees, social services, pensions, infrastructures,.. you get the picture.
Can a mathfag do the basic maths to tell us how long it'd take?

And even before we reach this point (maybe around idk, 50% of total spendings?), the government will have no other option but to force the country into hyperinflation. I'm shit at calculus, but i guess it is in no more than 10 years? So the collapse of the US is a mathematical inevitability at this point, there is no coming back.
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Kikes really should watch their mouth these days, have their hubris made them lose all survival instinct?
You don't start a war on 7 fronts when you entirely rely on your main goylem to avoid getting annihilated, all while spitting to the face of said goylem by saying their election is nothing but a zio-clownshow lol...

Or do they believe it will be interpreted any other way? Surely they can't be this stupid.
Many thanks. Checked a few websites and they buy for $1 below spot for silver online and $2 below for walk in; $20 below for gold online and $35 below for walk in. So it's not the " exactly spot value" the other anon talked about. Guess that's something I can attain rather with private sells.
very based and my favorite sig. still kick myself for not buying a minty NIB west german 220 for $800 last year
Silver is absolutely unstoppable
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when you see this all over the livestreams from independent journalists
Up Up and Away
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imagine believing the merc dime housewife trope when we already have glimpses into reality
I'm broke rn but I'd find a way to buy that at 2x
One can hope
When the time comes a Merc will be enough to get these people to go back home
Hybrid is king.
If your thesis is that this history will repeat instead of fiat death history, these actions makes sense short term. But if one truly stacks, it's better to take the silver to the next generation. I'm not rich nor poor, I have no debt but everything I need. I will not give the jews what they want out of my own short tern greed. TKD
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>Those 15% of total spendings to service the interests were only 7% back in 2019.
At this rate alone we're increasing at about 2% a year, and government spending is only increasing. So we could see it start rising at an even faster rate. Nevertheless the system doesn't need it to get to 100% to cause total government death.
If it increases to the point where spending has to be cut somewhere in the discretionary budget, then we could see infrastructure go to shit and benefit recipient groups get pissed. It won't be the military getting cuts with global tension I can tell you that.
so 2020 was a dangerous year for stacking, wouldn't have known. Thank God I live in Florida, thank God for guns.
What's all this racket about silver rounds being taxed in europe?

Been checking goldsilver be and it still says 0 taxes at the checkout.
Depends on the country and where you order from to what country. At least it used to be, and is complex of course.
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wtf am i seeing?
I could always pay a company to mint a huge 10oz loli coin and flex on you cucks
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>Little girls are like women, but with likeable personalities and a soul.
STOP it's too real
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It depends on the country but there can be a difference in taxing between coins (sovereign, face value in abstract currency like "$5") and rounds (private, metal weight only). Coins often have less or no tax. Then there are coin bars which are really bars but technically coins because they have a face value. I think differentiating between coins and rounds this way is a jew psyop to get the goys to buy $40 ASEs.
>fresh schizoanon meme
Today was a good day.
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I'm not schizo anon but I definitely took inspiration from his collage style and there is some overlap in content. Picrel is his work. I think it stands out with a unique and pleasing style.
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Oh, I thought you two were one person. You're the anon who made the kino webms, right?
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That's right. I'm glad you like em.
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Friendly reminder the chicken and shizo memes were being spread by the JIDF to try and make PM stackers look like a neo-Nazi terrorist group.
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Any anon who had the gumption to tell the trannies to go fuck themselves and migrated to /bant/pmg/ is alright in my book.
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Ah yes, the JIDF surely created these.
no, people usually add a massive premium and some of us have to pay taxes on silver.
hello americans.
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I suspect you look like picrel.
>the jews never pretend to be their enemies
I hope you're trolling.

>no real rebuttal
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>cheated on his wife with two women
>married one younger than his own kids
I've never such a pot calling the kettle black in all my life.
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But we...are Nazis?
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Are any of these worth any amount above spot value? I want to trim the stack down a bit and grab some gold, everything I want to get rid of is a multiple of one of these rounds.
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The only good socialist is a dead socialist, and that includes nationalist-socalist.
You fell for their psyop then. Sorry bro that's just how it is. I know you think I'm just trying to be a dick here but that's not the case.
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AI slop but it's a start
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Send the .svg to todd's; He is starting metal laser engraving on various metals.
>someone post their apu pirate form anonmint.
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But what are your thoughts on jews?
Oh dear me, I fell for the psyop of hating jews and stacking PMs, whatever will I do now lmao.
I know he apologized, but that was really fucking stupid. You don't just regain trust in a community like this after something like that.
>I fell for the psyop of hating jews and stacking PMs
That was not the claim and you're being disingenuous.
what did he do?
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For a long time a central theme in the FUD script was"Silver and gold are terrible because they never go up". Now that they are both doing well on paper, the FUD script changed to "nothing goes up forever. Soon "They" will smash the price. Better sell now." Hahahaha!
All I said was "we are nazis" you said "I fell for the psyop then". Explain to me what I'm missing
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don't worry bro, you're not alone.
you're the most opaque poster I have seen in a while. care to elaborate for those of us without psychic abilities?
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Shilled his brand name on the reverse of the booby girl. no art; just a giant name with no flavour.
I like where this could go, I don't know what people's thoughts on anime style witch would be. Gold plate on the pumpkins and the lights in the windows could be cool
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Comfy, and seriously the guy is being more vague than a blind, deaf, mute telling the cops about how and who mugged him.
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You guys don't really dislike jews do you? :^]
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Saul goldman has ever been our friend and ally.
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>But we...are Nazis?
he's not wrong, you know
Beside the bison i guarantee you those rounds would sell above spot on ebay
You're probably right. Lord knows I've held many positions for longer than I should have, and watched them crash back into the red.

That said, I don't own physical gold and silver so that I can cash out a 100% gain every five or ten years. Im holding forever. It's my insurance, fren.

Still, I do recommend that other anons take this based oldfag's advice. He's been around the block enough times. My PM positions are only a small percentage of my portfolio, that's why I don't care what the price does. If you're in deep, then be smart. Take some profits as the price is rising.
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Dislike? Heavens no, why ever would I do such a thing.
that pictures of chickens make pmg seem like a terrorist group? uhh
ESAU found local btm, 50c next week
>Explain to me what I'm missing
My previous comment with the rooster image I guess. The rooster was used by the old southern """democrats""" as a symbol of "white supremacy". Not an opinion, just a fact. Was it a real white supremacy movement? Probably not. It was more than likely an extremist movement to make the other side look more rational.

They're doing a similar thing here: Anons checking in on /pmg/ will see the national socialist silliness and associate it with stacking precious metals. The JIDF wants non-stacking anons to think:
>"Oh wow those crazy conservative boomers with their shiny rocks are literally insane Nazi terrorists too! I don't want to stack metals and protect my financial future now."
Should I buy silver while it's down %3
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you should just buy silver, period.
just got some below spot because I went to a physical market with a coin stall and they were selling at numismatic value, which was/is currently below spot for what they had. shop around for cheapies, in-person markets and auctions seem to be the place to get them now days.
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That's right. We love jews, blacks, and Israel in here. Be sure to get your Hebrew Tree of Life coins from SD Bullion today!
>Local store selling Canadian 80% Under melt rn
>Cant spend the money on it this week because I have other things to pay for
Ah well, thats how it goes
It's a high IQ chess game that's being played throughout this site. Don't worry about it if you don't understand it.
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nice digits but ... where do you think you are? none of that shit works or puts off anyone apart from the weird enclave of failures who browse only b, lgbt and r9k. i suggest you stop smoking weed and go outside.
And which piece do you imagine yourself? Perhaps the white knight? Maybe the black?
>not yiddish

How’s the gafelte fish in Brooklyn?
>none of that shit works or puts off anyone
I told you it's meant for non-stacking anons. I also never said it was terribly effective.

we're all pawns here
their loss
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>I'm high IQ enough to see the high IQ game being played
>I also never said it was terribly effective.
then why do you give a fuck!?
>we're all pawns here
I identify as a black kang and my pronouns are e4/e5.
A better question is: Why are you so angry about this piece of information? I didn't tell you to do anything it's just a fact. Let me know when the chicken memes actually include an EXPLICIT message to go out and buy silver. Then I might believe otherwise.
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Any normalfag still feverishly defending pissrael after they've been openly killing Palestinian kids isn't in a really good spot right now. Wypipo being openly hated on and Palestinian kids being openly bombed along with the rapid inflation has caused a lot to put it mildly. Non whites have never really liked Jews to begin with.
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you're fucking retarded and now you're the one being disingenuous, i'm not pissed off about that, i also don't think it's a fact, i'm actually just flabbergasted at your stupidity or schizophrenia, i can't tell which you have, might be both but now you are the one derailing the thread and making it shit. almost like some kind of jewish plot.
PIC REL: good info on pm's and why to buy silver.
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>I know you think I'm just trying to be a dick here but that's not the case.
Just buy silver. That's all you have to do. Ignore stocks, ignore crypto, just stack silver.
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this guy gets it
Why are "they" tamping silver down? Strange. Arey "they" buying it?
If it's cheaper, more can be bought.
Lmao it's the nazis that are crossing the line on 4chan and turning people away? Normies are fine with nazis using bitcoin but nazis with silver is a step to far for anons who knew.
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>Might as well stack aluminum rounds/bars
That's the next step once copper becomes unobtainable in 2026
Dunno, low silver prices don’t discourage me at all, and I can see the writing on the walls.
I paused my silver investments about a year ago. The max I've paid is when spot was at 23 or 24USD. Good time to buy?
I think this is normal price action honestly. $35 is a huge resistance, will take some time/ crabbing to break through. After the crabbing though we will really start to move.
Comex is stacking HARD right now.
You're definitely trying. Pretty hard. Just relax bro.
>any place to get sexy ladies on coins?
I think you can buy anime prospector for about $100 on ebay.
The mexican libertad coin is nice.
variations on the liberty lady always for sale
Barbie painted silver bars
You got options, fren.
You have to go back.
Oh god I remember animu prospector and endless discussion about it. I finally watched spice and wolf. I'm back anons. Any new rounds?
>muh social pressures
>muh female shaming
>muh Nazis
>muh far right
Okay, Jew.
>implying normies don't think nazis are bad guys
When did /pmg/ become this disconnected?
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Guess the BRICS didn't announce anything about the gold backed trade token then? Was basically expecting this, they dont want to be blamed for bringing down the world financial system so they're going to wait until it collapses naturally in the west next year so the central banks get the blame which will make sure no cbdc gets accepted by any of the populations.
>female shaming
You're literally making things up and talking to yourself. NPC alert.
I only just now realized you're intentionally derailing the thread.
Fuck off, Jew.
>implying there are normies here.
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Apparently, /pmg/ can't handle having a meta discussion about our enemies without devolving into shit-flinging chimps. Noted.
They are probably stacking bags of rocks. This is likely a facade to display high inventory to dissuade speculators believing there may be a shortage and that silver is a good buy.
Investing is often a game of perception and considers psychology. I don't trust the COMEX at all and believe a reckoning is underway where the shorts buy out of their positions and are already long silver. Likely acquired when the U.S. Mint just casually stopped production for no reason at all. Again, my assumption is a massive private sale was being processed during that time and they are fraudulently covering it up and pretending they were shut down. Trust the data at your own risk. I think it should be scrutinized with the risk of fraud first-and-foremost.
We've already seen bags of rock showing up in Nickel inventory. That would be easily traceable back to either fraud or some sort of heist. We already see hedge funds and billionaires buying up land and housing. Why the hell not buy a warehouse and stack real-world resources? It's probably already happening and the bags of rocks are all part of the shell game.
Interesting fact about aluminum. It used to be more expensive than gold.
>annual deficit
>line go up means more gooder
Is that a representation of allocated or unallocated or both?
>Why the hell not buy a warehouse and stack real-world resources?
>It's probably already happening and the bags of rocks are all part of the shell game.
That Walmart lady bought thousands of eagles or something a couple years back.
If I was a billionaire I would hire people to stack for me.
And, yeah, why not just tell people you have things you don't and vice versa?
>all warfare is based on deception
They're playing games with each other.
We're watching and capitalizing on their esoteric in-fighting.
This anon is right. Its probably no coincidence Silver gets stamped down today after the breakout and all the sudden the schizo/chicken memes show up. Also notice the little girl pedo coin suggestions.
The credit-backed paper-ponzi is by far the most profitable thing for the elite and they defend it as best as they can.
Buffet made the point, why invest in a commodity whose price may swing once and be a time to profit when you can invest in a company that can make you money year over year.
That is all well and good if the credit markets weren't saturated with debts. What is left for the paper-ponzi is a reckoning and it is in this instance you need physical precious metals.
Great Depression was in 1929 and gold revalued from $20.67 to $35 3.5 years later. A 69% loss in purchasing power for cash holders (and a nice gain for those who had the gold).
A repeat it happening now, but the revaluation will not be so formal. It is just going to happen and we'll all be impoverished when our wages no longer make sense given commodity prices will be moving higher. (likely due to the pass-through cost of gold & oil impacting farmers, miners, and other resources producers)
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If you don't like the loli coins that's fine, I'm not a fan of them either. I just have most of all the coins pitched to mintanon and holoanon saved, see pic related for another.
>I'm not a fan of loli coins, here are three of my concept designs
>heres another of a guy sticking a silver bar up his ass
How exactly do these disgusting designs inspire anyone to buy silver?
It looks like you are intentionally trying to make us look bad to tourists.
I am no fan of degeneracy but that design is absolutely hilarious.
It's taxed in the UK and since they're not in the EU anymore they can't get tax free silver from EU countries anymore.

Maybe it's just Brits talking about silver getting taxed?
Apparently you and that other guy don't understand what the term fan means.
Can you not get britannias tax free?
>I am no fan of degeneracy
>but I love a good old gaping asshole on my coins
Whole bunch of Israeli IPs ITT is all I'm saying
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>t. schlomo shekelstein
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Never said I designed them or that they were successful, some are definitely better than others. I just saved them all because even the terrible ones can be absolutely hilarious. Here's another and one I wish had been minted.
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Born and raised in texas, not a drop of jewish blood in these veins.
You can in the EU. In the UK you pay VAT on silver.

I don't believe in state ownership.
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Its all so tiresome.
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>tax free silver from EU countries anymore.
afaik, they are no more, very recently the last country with no taxes on silver, taxed silver.
where to buy the nazi coins? what should i be looking for in terms of year or condition or price or whatever?
I wasn't even talking to you. Why are you trying so hard to defend degenerate anon?

That explains a lot of the stupidity and lack of reading comprehension. You're being overrun by foreign invaders and here you are shitposting.
>You're being overrun by foreign invaders and here you are shitposting.
What would you do anon? Other than leave the state? We are mere peasant class who can only watch and not do anything more.
>You're being overrun by foreign invaders and here you are shitposting.
Okay, Jew.
>Okay, Jew.
>Fuck off, Jew.
>Okay, Jew.
Christ is King and you're full of demons.
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Well yeah I've got the leisure time to sit here and shitpost because I've been moderately successful. As for being overrun name 1 first world country that doesn't have illegals pouring across its border right now.
>>59113019do you hate illegals?
>that stein
>that star
I know its supposed to be a sheriff badge but I can't tell if you're having a laff there.
As for the fag who throws a shit fit anytime he see's a chicken, i remember when he started derailing the /bant/ threads. In fact he only seems to derail /biz/ threads whenever the /bant/ threads are brought up and not once has he engaged in pm discussions seriously, at least not that I recall. It wouldn't surprise me if he's some /biz/ tranny jannys lapdog that just chimes to make sure no ones thinking about splitting again. Or he just a legit schizo that thinks posting a picture of a hen is a dogwhistle for an obscure southern rooster symbol because chicken=nazi in whatever is left of his kike fucked grey matter.
Btw you're all welcome for the dip in silver price today occurring, because I the main character, bought high yesterday as a sacrifice for low prices today.
I kinda doubt that.
Bro, I'm not going off on your gay little tangent about illegals I'm just saying you're a fag for liking a coin with a gaping asshole on it.

>1 post
>"he did this he said this he's this and that"
I missed you little guy.
i'd buy that
Dont sell yourself (or your silver) short, the real peasant is the retard who shills for kikes in Kenyan rock collecting threads.
Due to taxes and other crap, the premium on silver eagles in Denmark is about 110 %. Not 10% above spot, but 110%...

I've only ever bought from Ebay for the last 10 years for that exact reason.
So far, I have not had to sell any of my physical silver, I did sell some gold to buy land which I consider a win.
You're going to be looking for 2RM and 5RM. I don't have the exact dates off hand, but check around numista. They can be found just about anywhere in the states, but Yurope is a different story. I knew a guy who knew a guy over there iykwim.
You're either a retard or a Jew pretending to be something you're not.
Even the devil believes in God.

>I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and of all things visible and invisible.

>And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of light; true God of true God; begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father; by Whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our salvation came down from Heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man. And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And the third day He arose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; Whose Kingdom shall have no end.

>And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father; Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; Who spoke by the prophets.

>In one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

If you act like a Jew do not be surprised when people observe this and refer to you as you act.
Or: stop acting like a Jew.
May Jesus Christ, our Lord God, look after your soul.
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Not a fan of them or the people who employee and enable them to be here.
Same kind of laugh as the foot on the handle of the stein from when people hated doll posters. I've got a small series of stack photos were I snuck in bits of her to wind up the anti doll posters.
Doubt away, short of handing out my address can't prove otherwise.
It's not just a gaping asshole, it's an internet icon. That man made the ultimate sacrifice for our viewing pleasure. Show a little respect.

Side note to everyone, confrontation makes me hard, please don't stop. Pic related.
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And I'd buy that design, love the pepe being incorporated into designs.
>shilling for kikes
>you must be a Jew
I literally called out a jewish agenda here. What's your logic behind calling me jewish multiple times when I'm the one attempting to call them out?

do you really need to fight this hard against someone who's primary complaint is a chicken meme? With evidence? Literally what compels you to be like this?
>foot on the handle
Didn't even notice.
Careful with your stack wherever you are in Texas, them boars broke into my stash and ate all my silver so now I don't have any to give to the government man. Very tragic.
You're either a normie who doesn't understand or a Jew trying to be subversive.
In either case:
Christ is Lord.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
Fourteen words.

Have a blessed day and may Jesus Christ, our Lord God, be with you.
Sad and many such cases. They are a real pain in the ass, me and a buddy go out every year and cull the boars and coyotes for a bunch of farmers and they let us use thier land for hunting and fishing the rest of the year as long as we are mindful of thier cattle.
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I refuse to believe that anyone lacks reading comprehension this badly.
I'd honestly take a Chudrand as well lmao
Doing the lords work culling em, I'm too close to the city and too busy waging to go out for that but I'm looking at moving to where the dirt is redder, the trees are taller, the water flows more freely and the Ozarks are only a few hours away.
Then I can start my stack anew, just hope I don't lose any in a boating accident on the lake.
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ok me too kinda but fuck all these chudjaks, wojaks and pepes, that's fucking newfag garbage as far as I'm concerned.
gimme the anime girls, cock mongler, a steam roller with WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYY on the edge, all your base, "lol internet", haruhi side profile on a coin with "SOS brigade leader" around the edge and kyon just suffering on the other side.
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kys, you pathetic little faggot + TKD + Heil Hitler
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I'll keep posting some of the failed rounds anons have pitched over the past couple years, maybe you'll find one you like and can tweak to catch mintanons attention.
Well good luck to you, I can't imagine not living with the woods right out my front door.
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imagine wishing death upon another anon just for observing the sus connection between roosters and an old white supremacy movement

ladies first btw
picked up coins, it was a billion
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there is zero sus connexions, it's all in your head. Rooster is the symbol of France too, is France a neo-nazi ethnostate enclave undercover too?

You've been spouting your nonsense for months, called out on your retardness countless times, but you still fucking continue... Stop acting outraged because ppl are pissed at you & call you names.
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disgusting nigger pop music.
i need to cleanse my ears with music befitting the epic quest we are upon.
Thanks fren
Dont be ridiculous, he's not saying that at all, he's saying that France is pretending to be a neo-nazi enclave using the rooster as a dogwhistle, to make people hate France (as if Paris isn't enough) and Nazis so they'll support jews. See? Makes total sense.
>Stop acting outraged
Projecting. You just told me to kms and now you're accusing me of being angry? I'm clearly not angry and it's fine if you don't agree with me about the memes but stop this insane level of seething. It's not all in my head either it's just a fact that the rooster was (tried) to be used as a mascot for white supremacy at one time.
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lmaoo, sorry i lost the plot line, but now i'm back on track thanks to your explanation and sick digits
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The french literally used gold roosters to fund war efforts against the Germans, see pic rel. Why don't you learn some history instead of being a communist fucking faggot who gets triggered by fucking roosters. You fucking little bitch. Typical misinformed cuckold who has no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Probably felt good for your bitch ass to associate roosters with white supremacy so you could cry about it in public and get your manpussy all moist from the attention. KYS while stackers reinstate the Holy Roman Empire on a gold standard. Deus Vult.
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Of course, and I'm WHISSSTLLLINNGG!!!
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I can feel the White Power rushing up in me! ARISE CHICKEN!
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Kek, haven't thought about ATHF in years.
Fun fact : a single animal can be used as symbols by a variety of entities.
Example : did you know the eagle is used as the animal symbol for dozens of countries?
Schiff is saying that gold will hit 10k within 6 months.

Do you think he's right?
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>fun facts from the psychopath who wants to kill me
Yea, about that.

Anyway, Mr. Psycho, how do you associate chickens with buying silver?
I do not want to kill you. I want you to carry the burden yourself.
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stop feeding the troll.
have these based takes from a previous thread instead.
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>too much interwebs drama
Poast metals you silly twats
stop being a nigger holy fuck
Preposterous, those countries are just cleverly using a skinny chicken with its wings spread. Everyone knows that Mexico and Albania are the foremost among white supremacist countries
Its conflicting, on the one hand I want him to be right, on the other I know silver will follow and even at suppressed value I'll be priced out of the big slurps I've been doing so I want him to be wrong.
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I got you.
>Do you think he's right?
PM bulls are not wrong but they are always prone to hyperbole. The very nature of a dollar collapse is not unwarranted, but it is a fine line to talk about the problem without being chicken-little.
I do think things are getting spicy and will be different than what happened in 2008-2011.
And even if they could kick the can it will be a miserable deflationary time and only last half as long as 2020-2024 which would be 2026 if my guess.
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When you make a claim like this, it's not about the price of gold anymore. It's about the state of a dying system, and how far along it is. He's full of shit if he says he can figure geopolitical economic decay to that degree of accuracy. Just keep stacking.
cant believe the short term "dip" was 33$ i guess it would really depend on which direction the dollar goes.
Schiff huffed too much of his own hopium. In 6 months gold will be crabbing around 3K most likely.

I like Schiff.

He's also an ultra-retard.

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>gaping asshole coin design
>same day as /pol/ Ukraine JIDF thread is posted with gaping asshole as the OP image
I'm sure it's just another coincidence.
Checked. That guy isn't fooling anyone.
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>do you hate illegals?
Why is everybody allowed to break the law except for me? What is the point of a democracy if your vote doesn't matter?
>fake food
>fake money
>fake elections
We unironically don't live in a society if people won't even pretend to give a fuck about the law and that is bad for business.
1 guy 1 jar coin has been going around for a while now
This anon gets it.
>the social contract was broken years ago
Time to remove the parasites larping as humans
checking myself.

that is the reference for it, is't it? are there posters here that don't know the reference?
Yeah by Jews on pol. Not here.
Yea that the reference, and it's old as shit so I'm with you, I think there are people here that don't get the reference and think it's just some random gaping asshole design.
>are there posters here that don't know the reference?
You actually this retarded?
checking myself.

this anon is intentionally being stupid and pretending like gaping assholes are posted here and /pol/ at the same time every day
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I think its telling I posted a dozen old coin designs anons pitched to mintanon and the one you fixate on is a man's gaping asshole.
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My bad bro I guess you guys just really love gaping assholes and it's just a coincidence that the jews on /pol/ do too. Carry on with your degenerate and kiked mind.
Says the IDF agent who has no clue how badly he is sticking out right now. Cover blown.
this came faster than expected

i wonder if they'd make that if the obverse text was fiddled with. using the ocotopus on a round would definitely be a good idea.
that isn't posted "all the time", but if you're suggesting it has never been posted here, you might be the one doing things intentionally. it's probably posted here once every couple months.
>you might be the one doing things intentionally
You mean noticing things? Dum dum. Organize your fucked up mind and figure out what you're trying to accuse me of exactly.
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So two things, first you showed your age by not getting the reference, something, something, 18 to post, something, something, newfag, second you showed how little time you've spent in /pmg/ threads since you've never seen that design before.
It could be a good round with a bit of tweaking, and I feel like moon man and the octopus are niche enough to slip by a mint without them getting what they refer to.
>you showed your age by not getting the reference
Everyone got the reference, idiot. You're 2 steps behind everyone else here it seems.
>showed how little time you've spent in /pmg/ threads
I never bragged about this place being my 2nd life like it is for you. I couldn't care less.

Anyway, the bottom line is you just enjoy gaping assholes and it's wrong to think you might be a jew for not only posting gaping assholes but going on and on about how hilarious they are even though nobody else agrees with you.
Me thinks someone is projecting. You're the one scanning through boards trying to connect the gaping asshole dots. I'm the one posting PMs, /pmg/ related images, and proudly proclaiming the only good jew is a dead jew.
>"y-y-you're the one noticing things!"
>Me thinks someone is projecting
stating what you actually said and did ITT isn't a form of projecting. How many times do anons have to correct you on your misunderstanding of this word? You just use it as a catch-all when you don't have a legitimate rebuttal.
You say you don't like gaping man ass and this isn't your second life while seething about a ms paint drawing of an asshole for six hours lmao. How many on topic things have you posted itt?
>How many on topic things have you posted itt?
implying jewish agendas here aren't relevant? you still can't come up with any reason to use chickens as a way to symbolize buying silver and it's been 6 hrs
You never asked me about how chickens symbolize buying silver. The only time I've mentioned chickens itt was when I posted a pic of one of my roosters.
>You never asked me about how chickens symbolize buying silver
I asked everyone in general, and you're still not shitting out an answer because you don't have one.
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My luh contribution
I missed that, but as far as I can tell, you're the one that brought up chickens and silver with old white supremacist references, so idk how they pertain to each other honestly.
>Organize your fucked up mind
the projection here is astounding, god truly gives his stupidest fixations to his most incoherent schizos.
here's something on topic;
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.
buy silver.
>buy silver.

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