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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

bbby "class action" case against RC
CASE NUMBER: 1:22-cv-02541-TNM

Ryan Cohen's 16b short swing rule was dismissed the other day. But his "pump and dump" case is still active and may be holding things up.

Bad actors are attempting to delay the chapter 11 proceedings for as long as possible, stay comfy and expect delays, nothing is finalized until the chapter 11 has fully concluded.

Larry Cheng, who is a current board member of GameStop went onto theppshow podcast 8 months after bankruptcy, and 2 months after shares were put on ice.

previous thread:
no one will know who I was last thread
Wahey lads! I'm green, unlike BBBY, because, ya know... Whole bankruptcy thing kinda does that to your average
Good morning baggies. Any good keks today?
The whole thread is a humiliation simulation for the BBBYies that bake & manage this general.
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I heard that there was a fraud payout already proven and anyone who bought shares for pennies is about to have a massive windfall.
Sucks to be those retards that bought a $12 hoping for Ryan to save them from their financial decisions
They will still probably walk away from this unscathed, but if you walked in to BBBY post-bankruptcy and bought shares for pennies - those people will have made the investment of a lifetime.
What happened to
>he bought at 5
Another uh oh stinky?
>brown ID
Just how I like my chocolate

Why wont you explain what the play is in your theory craft?
>he didn't buy at $5
>he wasn't a brainy anon like me
>he doesn't know
based announcement coming in 2 days, it's not the same one that was meant for 10/1 but it's equally as important
It's another PPulte + PPseeds event isn't it?
God I hope so, they will have Ryan Cohens brothers former roommate from college on this time
>Pulte is now offering PulteCoin and all PPshow enjoyers will have early access
fraud payout
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There will never be a fraud payout, or any other payout, to former BBBYQ holders.
What about former bbbyq holders who hold gme?
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Fraud payout
New equity
Ligma balls
Tonight's PP show at 1:01. David Kastin has SIGNED BBBY documents dated from LAST WEEK. Supposedly he left the company a year ago.
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in February 2023 why did Ryan Cohen tweet " someone tell the government to stop shooting down my balloons" , and a month earlier (january 2023) why did pitchbook list the company as sold? and several months earlier still (december 2022) Ryan Cohen offered 400 million for the company, and finally several months earlier yet again (october 2022) Ryan Cohen had a sit down meet with Carl Icahn?

Add in that the company famous for battling naked shorts in the courts and media (overstock) purchased the bbby IP..... I think new equity will be distributed the old shareholders of bbbyq and this will cause a massive problem for wallstreet since there are tens of billions of BBBYQ shares circluating.
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The icecream was in the freezer THE WHOLE TIME.
What does that even mean?
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I don't know, but I'm pretty Jake has been sitting on his couch THE WHOLE TIME
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holy hell this is still a thing
c'mon man
it's just 1 (one) mindbroken baggie talking to himself
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>tens of billions
>overtstock bought
Excuse me sir…. Where does Ryan Cohen fit into this then and GME? Can you post a highlighted court script?
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where's my fucken shares PP??!
Does someone know how old, he could be in each picture?
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I haven't been focused on BBBY twitter in like a month but this is my understanding of current events
>Pulte said some kind of announcement was being made on OCT 27
>Pulte was in spaces a couple days ago whispering sunday sunday sunday
>today, the day before sunday, pulte is suddenly giving legal disclaimers and going dark
>aside from Pulte there's tinfoil pointing to tomorrow as well
There will be SOME kind of announcement tomorrow. From who, or it's significance, I don't know. I expect nothing.
>some kind of announcement
>Ryan Cohens former Chewy personal assistant will make an appearance to discuss the important of Pulte coin
These generals are bot threads and should be banned. My theory is there's a baggie /biz/ mod who allows them to live.
After 7 weeks of extensive rigorous posting, my robust opinion that these generals are compromised, but not by biz mods/anons, for life of me I do not understand what the purpose is, because any theory crafting they come up with gets debunked instantly, they can’t sell they can’t buy, I don’t get it.

I do appreciate them though, they make great spa partners. In someways I’m growing to love the BBBYies, like a coma patient can do what ever you want to them, sure they’re screaming on the inside, but no one can hear them scream.
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it will be an announcement of an announcement
And then the final announcement to confirm the return of pultecon ft a couch
>On a Saturday
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>this is their champion
>the voice of Ryan Cohen
>the voice of Ryan Cohen
RC likes his tweets & takes photos with him. Sounds like 10.27 is going to be a big news day. Probably has to do with merger monday
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>RC likes his tweets & takes photos with him
>this is the full depth of BBBY DD
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>RC Buys ALL the stocks
>the icecream was ALREADY in the freeze
Shillis have no response to this. All they can do is 100pbtid rage.
As for me? I am a comfy boy
>RC Buys ALL the stocks
>sold all of his BBBY
Hmm interesting
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Because the board was trying to get him over 10% ownership, as stated in the smoking gun emails between JPM & the board of directors for BBBY who were purposefully trying to bankrupt the company.
>rage posting
I ain’t rage posting, I’m simply laying my balls on the coffee table and letting you fuckers squeee, I ain’t even gone hard on you this weekend bubba
>we ALREADY won
You shorted it?
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I dunno... You seem pretty mad to me...
>jpm smoking gun emails
>$150/sh fraud payout
>shills btfo
>sweet pepe
Please God don’t be a larp
Holly Etlin stated BBBY was a $5BN company, and the fraudulent sabotage of our company deprived us of revenues in perpetuity. All of those funds would need to be discounted and totaled to calculate the financial loss we have incurred and the lawyers are most likely sitting around negotiating our payout as we speak. It may even be settled as we speak.
But I never bought BBBY
Insane in the membrane, yet, angry, nope. Frustrated certainly
Fraud payout is going to be from JPM for the share buybacks, BNY Mellon for naked bonds, hedge-funds/market makers and their prime brokers for the naked shares.
You’ve seen the court document too huh
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What am I in for bros
Saved for the future
>naked bonds
the only naked bond that exists is the one between your sister and i
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this meltdowner can stay.
Cash and fraud settlement. If you remember, there was the Schwab 25 dollar leak last year.
I completely forgot about this. Was it a psyop or something real that got derailed
I do recall. You think 25 is the end number per share holders will receive?
I'm guessing it was reason, not a psy-op. I think more people called in and they had to tell all the call operators to not talk about it.
No idea. The call was literally about a preliminary deal. I think a cash settlement for our shares might be around 15-25 dollars, if not we might only get cash from fraud settlement instead.
ITT: Why do you bagholders still do this?

You're not getting it back. Move on.
Gonna cry? Shit your pants? Do a flip?
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Why would a wealthy ceo ACTIVELY engage with “supposed” scitzos on Twitter over a year after shares were put on ice?

> pic related

This is the type of behavior that someone who is attempting to create legal plausible deniability elicits. To know that there is incredible risks for the investors into virtu, but not to disclose that is a serious felony.

Do you think the courts will buy what dog sea food is oh so desperately trying to sell?
I need to wipe my ass anyone know where I can invest in bidet towels? A bath store of some sort?
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There seems to be a few mechanisms which could lead to former bbby holders being redeemed
>shares return to active trading
Somehow dk butterfly re-emerges to actively trade. Whether that’s at the 7 cent mark bbbyq left off at on the pink sheets or on some new tzero/blockchain shit is neither here nor there. If the naked short thesis on bbbyq was correct, returning to trade could mean problems for certain parties bigly.
>cash settlement
In reference to the possible Schwab leak, and any number of larps seen in this thread over the years. Is this the idea that brokers being on the hook for naked shorts are simply cutting their problems before it has a chance to get out of hand?
>fraud payout
If a big institution is found adjacent to some questionable practices they’d rather pay to make go away…is this the fraud that Goldberg is after? Is a fraud payout separate from/in addition to a cash settlement as theorized above or are they 1 in the same?
>bonds are made whole
Irrespective of the shares, it’s understood bonds could be made whole a la a cash payout/settlement, interest paid once the company becomes solvent, and/or equity in a potential new company if the carcass of bbby gets utilized.
>am I missing anything? Nfa
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You would think he would quietly sneak off and have no need to gloat. Why bring up the issue if the matter is resolved?
Doug Cifu was having late-night drunken meltdowns when BBBY was trading for pennies and people were sitting around doin the ol' slurpy wurpy week after week. Someone broke the news to him that someone was in control of the DIP who was interested in saving the shareholders and it was at that moment he found out his life was over.
Most of us were there. The days leading up to February 6th 2023 - the stock was rippng 15-120% per day. It was literally squeezing and then the "barcode-algo" was turned on and forcefully crushed the stock price to prevent any capital raising to turn the company around.
The short sellers were all like "oh hell no" and literally forcefully dragged the company to pennies on the dollar so they could claim they won as if no referee or anyone was watching what they were doing IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.
Also, the lil photo of Pulte & RC was taken at Vinny Viola's (Virtu) Florida Panthers stadium. Cifu was groveling "p...please come up to m..meet me" As if RC wasn't literally just dabbing on him.
Anytime a faggot from Wall Street says something must be done to protect retail investors, they are directly benefiting from it at your expense. We must protect retail investors from gambling in day trading therefore we'll limit them to 3 day trades in a 5 day period if their account is under $25,000. Unsurprisingly this is extremely negative to retail as most don't have that amount of money for unlimited day trades and now don't have the ability to enter and exit trades quickly. Being forced to hold overnight can ruin your trade and make you lose money.

So now you've got Doug Cofu demanding on twitter that the SEC halt trading on BBBY. It's not that he suddenly cares about you, it trading is directly negative to his institution and many others. Remember when a shill emailed Judge Papalia pleading that he denounce any success BBBY might have in order to protect retail investors from further engaging in "conspiracy theories."

Wall Street fags are extremely scared of BBBY and have no choice but to run psyops to get you demoralized and disinterested thus painting a bright target on BBBY which actually draws retail's attention to it.
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What's his goal?
>certain people
Another example by tranny sparkles
Doug Cifu, multi-millionaire and CEO of a major financial firm, continues to engage random niche shills who dedicate all their time to fudding BBBY.

So very obvious. Doug Cifu has hired people to continuously spew nonsense about BBBY, Ryan Cohen, and GME. Doug Cifu is a criminal and deserves jail time. He is purposefully attacking retail investors for his own financial gain (or for an attempt to reverse his mistake of shorting BBBY).
[REDACTED] event
Why do people who won need reimbursing?
See how he draws false equivalency between two entirely separate issues in an attempt to paint both arguments as equally false.

It's among the lowest form of logical fallacies and one of the easiest to see through. No wonder he has to hire people to do his shilling for him, he's a damn fool.


Holy fuck the comment cope. RC is nodding heavily towards pulte once again. Can’t wait to see how the shills retreat and wait for some sorry strategy to shill against a stock that’s been delisted for over a year.
>get stalked by fat griftoid
>can't say no to picture because bad optics
>this is totally a nod u guise
>rc cares about le optics
you may want to go back to the drawing board. im sorry that you have to do ot but thats no excuse for shoddy work.
sorry griftoids, ship has sailed.
>He doesn't know about the "moon landing"
>talk is cheap
>it takes money…

Jesus fuck he’s exhausting
If Pulte is speaking for RC why is he saying BBBaggies lost their money?
He never has to cover any shorts of this stock, because BBBYQ was canceled.
RC told him privately that BBBYQ holders are never getting anything.
>Pulte saying BBBYies lost money and will be helping small amount of them
>Ryan looking like a hostage video from 2002

I don’t trust anything he says unless it comes from Ryan or DFV.

Now make me macaroni cheese
I'm going to miss you guys, >>59125672
Pretty much over, the inside man, the voice of Ryan Cohen says it all.
Pulte is out there covering his tracks and the silly shillies are jumping all over it. We're closer than ever, kings.
So I guess Chadmojo, squeezist christ, and sears reloaded got activated. They've been going extra hard at Pulte these past couple of days
>big announcment coming
>BBBYies lost money, I am starting a GoFund me to help

Does this sound like the horn of Fraud Payout?
God I hope he ends up on the P Diddy cell block, that sweet pulte bussy getting slammed just gets me pumped

>1 (you) = 1 pumped pulte by the diddy diddler

I will fund this with my GME moass money.
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>Pulte just got diddy diddled
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The owner of the worlds largest Omni channel company had butterflies in his twitter banner and tweeted about ryan Cohen's BBBY deposition.


> rc sells shares of bbby in august 2022

> in October RC has a sit down meeting with the famous corporate raider, Carl Icahn

> two months later rc offers 400 million for company in December 2022

> pitchbook lists company as sold one month after RC’s offer

> one month after the pitchbook update, RC tweets “someone tell the government to stop shooting down my balloons”

> only media appearance RC has made since entering gme in 2020 was gmedd.com

> Larry cheng has gone onto theppshow podcast

> all sorts of scitzo speculation is allowed on superstonk, but when you mention any of the above, which is will documented, posts are censored and shills go berserk

> platinumsparkles was allowed onto a video conference with Gary Gensler, which implies she was considered passive enough to not ask hardball questions. She also spends literally all day engaging with bbby content on Twitter and spends hours rebutting all of it.

> mass media outlets all bash RC and his activities around GME/BBBY nonstop for years.

>pulte posts bullish info….crickets

>pulte posts bearish info….”community members” here, and on Twitter and Reddit go into bearish overdrive

> Ryan Cohen still associates with pulte, RC even hung out with pulte and RC’s brother inside the owner of virtus arena in Florida

> most famous company for battling naked shorts bought the IP of bbby.

Gee whiz I wonder what’s coming.
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Sounds like our trap card has been activated
>if pulte says we're going to wagmi then we're going to wagmi
>if pulte says we're not going to wagmi it's because he's actually covering his tracks, because we're definitely going to wagmi
king jew himself could literally start diluting the fuck out of gme à la amc and swear to a judge in court that bbby is a literal shitstock and you would still be convinced that you're going to wagmi

oh wait
Concession accepted, you couldn't say it
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Nick Lewin being hu.ntrawr Bidd.ens lawyer is enough for a ban, the second copy pasta comment for thread baking is bannable kek, must be election stuff heating up over the next week.

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