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Boomer Rocks Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>59118366
Didn't we already have this op pic 2 threads ago?
>Didn't we already have this op pic 2 threads ago?
Yeah. I completely forgot that I used it recently.
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giving this cool pepe for advice
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Start with 1toz rounds, lowest premium, if you can afford it get 20 in a tube where discounts are offered. See what 10toz bar you can get at lowest premiums.
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Got my coins this morning.
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>Pirate Tier entry stack
Good lad, it's how I started. Mind are double sovereigns as I like the 28mm size more.
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>ARRR! Ahoy, mateys!
Chards even sent me a slice of Blackpool rock, celebrating their 60th anniversary. kek
love sovs
simple as
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Golden Sovs in about fourteen months time.
I bought a sovereign for like $299.99 about six or seven years ago. Now a half sovereign costs more than that.
Disappointing, I actually like the rose gold sovs.
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>Sovs from 2026 onwards

Fake Advertising, The coin is 22k, it will look nothing like that, the fake pic they're using for the 26 coin looks 24k
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>Fake Advertising, The coin is 22k, it will look nothing like that, the fake pic they're using for the 26 coin looks 24k

Yellow gold sovereigns are coming, but of course it isn't going to look like that because none of them have been minted.
>Yellow gold sovereigns are coming
No they aren't, unless they are going to 24k gild them then they'll have the same copper look as a Gold Krugerrand, just admit it, your getting paid to shill for the royal mint and thats why you used the same royal mint bars in the op pic again and why your posting fake 24k pics of sovs.

Lad you're not even hiding it, you couldn't make it more blatant your a brit mint paid shill, their new sovs are going to look like shit and no one will want them.
there's actually a red deer coin?

will have to get a 2024 this year then
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>No they aren't
We shall see anon.

>just admit it, your getting paid to shill for the royal mint and thats why you used the same royal mint bars in the op pic again and why your posting fake 24k pics of sovs.
I fucking wish I was getting paid by Royal Mint. Let me know how its done as it seems you're an expert in such matters.
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>Andy Schectman, President and Owner of Miles Franklin Precious Metals, told Kitco News in a recent interview that this week's BRICS summit might hasten a global financial reset that could see gold revalued at up to $150,000 an ounce.
I'm new to the precious metals game. It's always been in the back of my mind but I've never committed as I've been trying to save up for a house. Those are completely out of my capability where I live. My pops was financially hurting and was about to sell 30oz silver so I bought it from him below spot and now it's kickstarted my interest. While i have enough for a downpayment on i cannot afford the mortgage. I've moved half my assets into hysa, and I'm willing to drop about 10k into metals. Plat and palladium have dropped in price a bit. Are those worth picking up over silver/gold or is it best to get a stack of the basics first even if they are inflated a bit.
Forget the house for now and concentrate on metals, when this ponzi shitshow collapses everything will be revalued, property right now is way overvalued while metals are way undervalued, after the revaluation you'll be able to buy up any property you want.
Gold revaluation is coming, governments will have to to keep their economies liquid.
neat collaboration. i'll have to get one of these.
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This isn't going to happen until it happens. Everyone should stop sucking off the hype until bypassing the USD on some level is effective and consistent.
>aussie wine
>aussie silver
sorry for spam
Maybe they’ll have less milk spots using Germania
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Holy shit bros it's habbening fr this time
>the virgin Russian government centralized PM exchange
>the Chad US a coin shop in every town and a gold buying outlet in every cities downtown
America will still win. Russia consumes too much hard liquor and needs indoor plumbing in a larger percentage of their residential homes lol. The only good thing they did after the Cold War is sell cheap ammo to Americans who couldn't afford to buy in bulk otherwise.
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My Canadian junk silver stack:
36 dollars
62 half dollars
227 quarters
249 dimes
No country wants their assets to be frozen by the Western-controlled powers as Russia experienced during the pandemic. You'd be surprised how much the rest of the world hates the U.S. and would gladly jump ship from the dollar not only for better financial security but also just to fuck over Americans.
>No country wants their assets to be frozen by the Western-controlled powers
No shit, Ivan. I'm not talking about banks, I'm taking about how citizen owned PMs in the US are more decentralized than in Russia. Do you think they buy coins in households where they still shit in the same outhouse that their grandparents did?
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$32-$34 oz silver feels expensive right now, but after silver tags $50 oz, it will seem like a steal.
>$32-$34 oz silver feels expensive right now, but after silver tags $50 oz, it will seem like a steal.
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Well the banks and wealthy entities who do business thru them are what matters. Not poor ppl.
picrel prices are out of date.
>tfw you plunder some old sterling coins 12.5% UNDER spot.
I think because silver has gone up so much recently a lot of people are just realising now, and are willing to sell below spot because they are still making a profit. keep your eyes open me hearties, cheapies be on the horizon.
But I do have my eyes open, sweatie. All I see is desperate basic level shilling. I wouldn't hire any of you guys to sell anything thats for sure.
for who exactly?
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>up to $150,000 an ounce.
I see numbers like this and cum a little, then I realize there would be annoying government controls and taxes if we ever got anywhere near that point.
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>sameface & look like they're drawn by tumblr femnists / trannies.
unacceptable, i demand real brics waifus.
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>I have my eyes open
>to sell
>I have my eyes open
You blind dog, I am talking about normies selling their shit cheap right now, I'm talking about buying, and you have "left" in your ID, I have
>s fux kve
>Silver fucks Kikes Vile Economy
kys out of shame.
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>is it best to get a stack of the basics first even if they are inflated a bit.
yes, especially with this announcement from brics >>59123092 something is about to happen, perhaps many things; hyperinflation of fiat, revaluation of gold and silver to a higher price (which has been talked about for a while now) others probably know the details better than me, but silver is kept down, it should be worth way more, gold just keeps going up (or your fiat keeps losing value and people haven't realised yet, Weimar vibes).
as with all things only invest what you can afford to lose, precious metals are a long hold and hedge against inflation.
If I had 10k to drop on pm's right now though I'd buy tubes/rolls of coins, gold in 1/10 oz and up to 1oz and silver in similar fractionals, for better liquidity and ease of use should there be a real economic collapse (when you want to buy a loaf of bread, a 5kg bar of silver is less useful for that) I'd get as much as I could from auctions or just basically not mints with a large premium.
How many bankers are cultivating crops? How many bankers load their own ammo?
silver feels so fuckin expensive
It's like $215 for just 6 coins now
We are just getting started anon.
i agree. soon it'll be $215 for just 3 coins
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I feel like the jew is pick-pocketing me too, but I keep thinking;
>"what if this is the dip?"
Checked for pattern recognition.
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Praying for total fiat death this week.
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Kek. I knew I liked this pirate
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Found a bronze hall-of-cost medal recently. Poastin’ for the lulz
Buying 10oz or larger bars is cheaper than 10oz bars, if you don't have any metal and you're looking at building up to your first 100oz I would recommend buying 1oz coins and 10oz bars. The difference between coins and rounds are that coins have a face value whereas rounds do not. Coins are slightly more expensive but most here would say its worth the cost.
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you're gonna love the recognizability of coins when it comes time to barter. bars just don't have that same feel of authenticity
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Here comes the kikes. Right on schedule.
Anon, the BRICS system is for settlements between countries. It is not a local currency that'll be used to buy and sell ammo or crops with.
Kek, you got me!
I'm not talking about trade between nations. I'm talking about trade between your neighbors. The western (I should have specified) bankers don't understand resilience. People living in the east only have resilience by what their government allows. There's more firearms in the US than there are people. America will always win.
>I'm not talking about trade between nations
Then you don't understand what BRICS is or why BRICS introducing an alternative to the comex and LBMA is big news.
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Mail call. Of course the random 25toz bar is APMEX... I should have bought Bison Bullion but hey, 25toz is 25toz.
>you don't understand what BRICS is or why BRICS introducing an alternative to the comex and LBMA is big news.
How many coin shops are in Russia? Versus how many coin shops are in western Europe and the US?
Now, how many gun stores are in the US versus the world? Far, far more.
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22 more ounces received last week. Keep stacking, frens.
>gun stores
Wow, what color is the East Indian platypus lol IT DOESN"T MATTER

Go back and read the screenshot I was originally reacting to. Then research what BRICS system is and what the PM exchange they're talking about is. You're trying to push a completely different topic.
barely anyone on the internet understands brics
they still think brics is gonna be some kind of gold-backed dollar bill you buy shit with at the grocery store
>You're trying to push a completely different topic
No. What I'm saying is that non-American citizens may have access to real wealth in the forms of precious metals. But in America, citizens also have the same capability of potential violence that the government has. What's the point of owning personal wealth if you can't protect it yourself?
Barely anyone knows what a "reserve" is either
I'm curious how many newfrens we have since the beginning of the year. Are a lot of people just now getting into stacking?
That has nothing to do with BRICS. Anyway…I like your new silver bar even tho you’re illiterate
I bought back in 2012 and 2013 but havent bought since then, im thinking of buying some but im still waiting and thinking about it. Idk what i should buy, i already have silver 2012 eagles and maple leafs, and 2013 eagles and philharmonics.
Leafs and rounds like buffalos or Asahi are probably the best bet right now
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aye! but despite this short voyage, me chest be heavy and me gains be good!
It was pretty obvious you were new. We didn't have avatarfags until you showed up
>That has nothing to do with BRICS
It has everything to do with BRICS. Name one BRICS nation where thee individual citizen banded together could absolutely uproot the entire world economy by forcing their morons in charge out of power. You can't
Get 1776'd you fed retard or get put in a camp you commie twat.
And he's still been here longer than you, shill.
Nah I started stacking when SVB went under
>when SVB went under
Cool story kid. I've been stacking since 2009.
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Twenty four hours and 10 minutes until market opening.
What's going to happen this week?
Okay, gramps
likely nothing. BRICS was a nothing burger. middle east war is over
I’m rich I guess eh
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New gf is about to find out how fucking insane I actually am...
Show her your shinies in the least autistic way possible. The gold and silver lust you see in a woman's eyes when she holds them is a real thing. I'm not talking about your penis btw
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Big30 rapped a song about fucking some whore in order to find out where his opp lived. Long story short, the broad knows too much if she knows you stack metal.... That you don't post...on an imageboard
I conducted a deal today for 4000$. I had the cash in hand but I made the guy an offer of one gold coin I had bought earlier this week. Showed him the receipt, and mentioned how gold has appreciated nearly 40% in the last year. I just wanted to gage his reaction. He told prefer take the cash but that his father would accept the coin. I wonder if he'll mention the transaction to his dad.
>Get 1776'd you fed retard or get put in a camp you commie twat.
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just act like you're a pirate
>avast wench! behold; real treasure!
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You are absolutely ridiculous

China is producing the majority of gold on earth, Russia will be selling so much natural gas, among a long list of other resources, along with weapons to its allies

Your disdain and bias against the Russian people is apparent but means nothing when faced with reality
In what world are we fighting russia and "winning" as you say

They have more resources

Them China and Iran are the new triumverate

They have everything they need, moral societies, no nigs and we have pieces of paper

On a national scale usa has already lost

National prosperity begets individual prosperity and vice versa
How many gold mines are in China and Russia, vs how many gold mines are in the United States

You're a horrific shill
He’s just dumb probably not a shill. Got told several times to read up on BRICS and he’s still going off about SHTF and violent uprisings.
Not as rich as you're going to be. Many boomers will be either wiped out or have their wealth reduced by 2/3rds in the coming inflation.

Some boomers have 100% of their life savings in the stock market. Some have their entire portfolio just in Telsa or some other meme stock. Market crashes first reducing their wealth by 50% or more, followed by several years of 20%+ inflation.

People owning gold/silver/property will be the big winners.
>What's going to happen this week?
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why are spic like that?
Imagine mining over a quarter of all silver worldwide, having a long history of producing beloved silber coinage, and you offer your population this joke of a purity while your neighbor have .900 fractional...
I just don't get it.
>Okay, gramps
NTA, stacking since before Y2K.
It’s a 1 peso it’s not supposed to be carrying a lot of value
How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
>New gf is about to find out how fucking insane I actually am...
Do NOT show your GF your entire stack, unless it's very small.

Your biggest risk is from your own big mouth. Don't show your stacks online, don't show your friends your stack, (individual pieces are fine) don't swing your dick on reddit, etc.

If the day comes the government wants to go after stackers, they will depend on informants. Even worse, word gets out to a Venezuelan gang who tie you up and start cutting your fingers off one by one until you cough up all your metal.
>How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
I was buying gold at <$300/oz.
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No bcuz their high inflation came after the 60s, especially during the 70-80s. Initially, in an effort to copy the LMU success, all money units were designed to approx carry the same silver amount & weight to facilitate international trades.
Pic rel is a 1 peso from my stack, and it was worth slightly more than a silver dollar from the same era (.3g heavier, .0027 purer).

Ofc, brown shitholes being populated by browns, they couldn't help but to ruin everything for themselves. But back in the 60s the country still was salvageable iirc.
>What's going to happen this week?
Will depend on China. They were the ones who flooded the market with short positions this week because silver traded north of $36 on the Shanghai comm. exchange, industrials prolly didn't like this much so they tamped it.
First of all congrats on the sub 300 an oz gold, second my condolences that you are here at your age.
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I don't see your Newfoundland silber anon
Over 40 years later Rollover's ending still hits
Big mouth needed to shill metal. You might think I am an idiot painting a target on my back by taking pictures of my stack and sometimes including thots in the photos but I do remove the EXIF data (sometimes when im not lazy or drunk) and I am always posting here using a 4chan pass that I paid for with crypto and a throwaway email. Anyways if someone is going to rob me it's going to be my local coin shop that has my ID and home address on file along with a record of everything I have ever purchased. Next I would expect online shops to leak my personal data to bad actors or even conspire to rob me themselves. It's not like the employees are rich and it's beyond them to do something like that. But really I think you are just fear mongering. I will continue to be a dumbass and take pictures of my precious metals and post them all over the internet. How else am I going to do my job as a paid shill? I am all ears.
>we're dumping everything
>treasury bills, bonds, Fannie Mays, commercial papers, we want it all sold
>foreign exchange, no positions
>bullion, grab what you can get
>4chan pass that I paid for with crypto and a throwaway email
>4chan pass
Pick one.
>This happens tomorrow.
What do you wish you had done better to prep? For me, it's a generator. I've got food, water, fire, PMs, and guns all set, but I don't have any generator to keep our comms, fridges, or convenience items online and running. Any suggestions on that front?
Learn to can and jar your foods
>For me, it's a generator
Plus a set of batteries with A220V adapters. It comes handy when there are blackouts (which is a monthly occurence now where i live). You keep them charged while electricity is availible, then you use it to power your convenience tools, lights, microwave, laptop when the grid is down.
The situation in Cuba should be a wake up call about that. We are Homo-electricus, we can't do anything without it.
>but I do remove the EXIF data
/biz does that for you anyway.
Actually, on 4Chan I think only /p/ retains the exif.

Gold is gold, nobody is shilling for a particular brand.
Take your meds.
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Schizo here, I've tried to avoid online orders but due to the rising spot price I think I will start DCA purchasing every month whereas before I was just saving and spending $5k at a time when I visit the bullion dealers. Is anyone else genuinely worried about ordering online or am I going crazy?
I'm in an area with very poor choice for LCSs, so I've been mostly online ordering for the last 5 - 6 years. I haven't had any issues with MM, SD, JM or APMEX. My biggest concern is zog tracking me down through purchases if it ever comes down to that, but I think they'll be too busy scooping up digital shit like bank accounts and BTC to worry about some small town stackers buying buffs and mercs.
You also get free insurance and shipping with most major online dealers for $200+ orders.
Yeah I should've specified I'm not worried about the sellers I'm worried about being profiled by globohomo.
Way I see it, I'd rather take the chance on getting profiled and have the metals than not have it at all. Having it gives you options.
A fren of mine just put a silber coin inside his big jar of water.... Hi.
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Nice shinie silber
I feel insecure about loving precious metals because it ties me to the schizo goldbugs who always ramble about the fed and stuff. I just like it. It's fun to have and look at and stuff.
New context just dropped :
>it's more like -60% now :3
>it ties me to the schizo goldbugs who always ramble about the fed and stuff
What's wrong about that exactly? Everybody loves their local schizo ranting goldbug.
get some sheets bud
what makes your "i just like it" any better than the "schizo" reasons for buying gold, clown
More context:
The sales pressure to make you hurry and exchange your fiat for the gold *that they are selling* is a red flag it's a scam.
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Technically not a scam, as the sellers have a disclaimer in the small print about German silver being an alloy containing no silver.
But these are sold in the silver section of ebay.
And the fish are biting.
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I am new here - like tonight new. Been selling off my collectibles and trying to reinvest the cash as I prepare to move in a few years. I have maybe 15 ounces of silver coins from years ago - though some of it has staining now which worries me. Trying to see best way to invest ~4k from selling off figures and such. After I invest that I think 1/10 gold coins seem nice to get once every other month, and possibly an ounce of silver every paycheck as I slowly pay off the last of my credit card and student loan.
After a few months of /pmg/, I popped my stacking cherry yesterday. Photo upthread.
For the past decade, I got increasingly Red Pilled on how fiat money and post-war inflation is such a fucking scam.
I just wish I had the resources to buy more and earlier. At these prices, I'll have to wait a couple of months between purchases.
>First of all congrats on the sub 300 an oz gold, second my condolences that you are here at your age.
Everything still works, aside from some hair follicles. I wish I could say the same thing about this dying website.
>Thanks Hiro, Admins, Mods, Jannies.
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jannies are trannies, can only gibs bannies!
>I just wish I had the resources to buy more and earlier.
There's a ratio between youthful strength and needed stack size. If you're young and strong and have universally useful skill sets, (ie medical, cooking, hunting, meat cutting, carpentry, etc) you will need a very small stack, and will still end up doing quite well in most circumstances.

If you're old and on the downlslope you'll need a much bigger stack because you'll need to hire people from the first group to help you with things you can't do yourself and won't have the energy/strength/skills to generate much more than subsistence revenue.

On the /SETF/ threads that kept getting yeeted, I would always recommend that people FIRST stack at least couple of months worth of food and a month of water.

Stacking WILL net you profit, but the last thing you want to do is have to pay your hard earned PMs for overinflated food/water/etc in a crisis that's over in 30 days. When shills on /pol/ would say:
>You can't eat silver.
my response was:
>Lifeboat ethics by definition are only relevant during a short term life threatening crisis. This is not the case for most of our existence otherwise we would be extinct.

>Imagine you're on a lifeboat with three other people. Each one of you has a gallon of drinking water and some lifeboat food. One of the people on the boat has 4 ounces of gold. You may not get rescued for seven days. You will die of thirst without water in 3 days.

>Would you sell your gallon of water for 4 ounces of gold? I wouldn't.

>Once things begin to normalize, people begin to engage in TRADE. Gold and silver have been universal trade goods for THOUSANDS of years. Most trade will be commodities barter. People with some gold or silver will be able to buy a homestead, buy more land, buy machinery, or loan it to a neighbor who can be trusted. (((for a small fee perhaps))))

>one gold coin
what? 1 oz is $2700. unless it was some weird weight you tried to sell someone a coin for a $1300 premium? lmao i would have punched you
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>jannies are trannies, can only gibs bannies!
You're insulting the decent tranners by equating them with jannies, but you have a nice rhyme.
>t(dot)me on the right, picrel.
(thanks for the retarded word filter Hiro)
Maybe an Aussie, gold spot is just over $4k aud.
Kys trannies get the rope
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>1 oz is $2700. unless it was some weird weight you tried to sell someone a coin for a $1300 premium? lmao i would have punched you
I could read the hand rubbing between the lines of his post.

The only acceptable scalping in my opinion is when buying things from suspected shitrats who may have stolen what they are selling. Thieves should be beaten, shot, lynched, and/or ripped off at every possible opportunity.
Not really PM related, but i lost myself a bit on jewtube tonight, and i came across some watchfag content. They apparently all are shitting their pants at what is called new "superclones", which are basically impossible to differentiate repros of overpriced crap like rolex. $600 instead of $25000 sure looks alluring. I scrolled a bit on the matter and it really seems serious, to the point of official rolex stores getting returned fake stuff and accepting it and vice versa (out of paranoia), and ofc plenty of ppl getting swindled on the secondary market (most scammed customers probably still aren't aware of it lol).

I remember how watchfags were rightfully bragging about their insane gains back in 2022. We don't hear much about them since the market crashed by -50% since then, but i'm curious to hear what they have to say on the matter. Is the luxury watches market about to collapse because of these superfakes? What others markets are at risk from chinese ultra-copying superpowers?
>Kys trannies get the rope
Show me on the picture where the bad tranny hurt you. At least, they are reducing competition with you for whatever few decent remaining women are out there.

If you have an irrational fear of trans, you need to work on your own issues, maybe start lifting.
>Is the luxury watches market about to collapse because of these superfakes?
Long term, collectables will be fine. This is not unlike the tungsten in the gold issue. Identifying real from fake is a technical issue, for which there will be a technical solution. X-rays, electron microprobe to identify the precise alloys, etc.

Eventually they'll start marking the new manufacture good with advanced anti-counterfeiting technology, possibly like the "MapleDNA™" technique.

Unlike gold and silver, collectables and fine art have their highest relative value during prosperous times.

They can make an excellent store of wealth if you have the resources to properly store them in a way that protects them from damage. This is in contrast to gold and silver bullion that you can bury in the dirt in a rusty tin can with virtually no loss in value.
i dont know what guys see in these things
they're big and ugly, pointless wastes of space on a wrist
>Identifying real from fake is a technical issue, for which there will be a technical solution
You are right, that said, imagine what a pain in the ass it is if you need to make a scientific investigation to determine if the watch you're about to buy is fake or not kek.

>X-rays, electron microprobe to identify the precise alloys, etc.
But what if they get their parts from the same manufacturers? Because that's probably what's happening to some extent.

>Eventually they'll start marking the new manufacture good with advanced anti-counterfeiting technology, possibly like the "MapleDNA™" technique.
Rolex already have anti-counterfeiting tech, like their holo-laser engraved crystal or whatever, but fakes managed to copy it 1:1 too.

>They can make an excellent store of wealth if you have the resources to properly store them in a way that protects them from damage. This is in contrast to gold and silver bullion that you can bury in the dirt in a rusty tin can with virtually no loss in value.
In the light of this, i'm definitely happy being invested in something who can't be atomically replicated and easy to identify. I find it a bit worrisome for numismatics tho, because if they decide to have the alloy right and the proper milling machinery, there wont be any countermeasures existing, but i guess the market is too niche to interest the chinks (for now).

Just today i received a fake 1623 escalin and it was decently good i gotta say, still crap i could call out after few seconds getting it in hand (you always get this "eerie feeling" when you are used to hold old coins daily and you encounter a fake), but this might change soon.. Even under the loupe it looked pretty nice, me from a year ago would have been fooled 100% sure. Got me spooped.
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I tell ya what, I don’t care if it’s a kruggie, eagle, libertad, pamp, pre-‘33 what the fuck ever…
If it is 22-24K and not less, that all I fucking care about! If it’s lead plated gold, that’s when I shank a nigger. I will never have the passion/loot for numismatics.
No offence to anon meant in the least.
All that story sounds wonderful until you remember the majority of the stores will have a file with either your address or ID and you can't control the security of that data
You can keep your mouth shut, but a random administrative could screw you up.
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>You are right, that said, imagine what a pain in the ass it is if you need to make a scientific investigation to determine if the watch you're about to buy is fake or not kek.
Yes. I can see it crushing the market for used Rolexes, but paradoxically, increasing the value of the new watches from official Rolex dealers.

>Rolex already have anti-counterfeiting tech, like their holo-laser engraved crystal or whatever, but fakes managed to copy it 1:1 too.
Not exactly. I watched a video and yes, they are doing an visually correct laser engraving.

The MapleDNA anticounterfeiting is more of an encoded digital serial number that needs to get verified online. In any event, from what I saw in the video, the biggest issue Rolex has to fear is that the counterfeit watches will eventually meet or possibly exceed the build quality/material quality of the Swiss made originals, which leads to the question:

How much of that $25k retail price is just higher Swiss labor costs and margin for a name brand? I suspect the real market for these forgeries are people (mostly in China?) who want a Rolex but don't want to spend $10k-$30k. If it's visually and mechanically indistinguishable, what's the downside? No factory warranty? No future post warranty service? Given the price ($600-$2k) it's cheaper to buy a new fake than to get a genuine Rolex serviced/repaired every 5-10 years.

I wonder if Jagmeet's Rolex is real?
>I find it a bit worrisome for numismatics tho, because if they decide to have the alloy right and the proper milling machinery, there wont be any countermeasures existing, but i guess the market is too niche to interest the chinks (for now).
Ironically, the forgeries can eventually become more valuable than legit originals. Decades ago, we had a local machinist make dies and stamp out counterfeit loonies. ($1 dollar coins) and the few that remained in circulation ended up in collector's hands being worth $40 or more.

The Soviet Union counterfeited Mercury dimes (back when the value of the silver value was less than 10 cents) using a perfect 90% silver alloy. Today those dimes fetch a hefty premium.
>defending trannies
kys, buy your rope and kys nasty degenerate freak
>All that story sounds wonderful until you remember the majority of the stores will have a file with either your address or ID and you can't control the security of that data
With the exception of two collectable pieces I bought online from Costco, I've always gone to LCS, paid cash and never been asked for ID.

I understand that different jurisdictions have different rules, and may have ID requirements for purchases above a limit. I also understand that there may be different rules for buying vs selling, but I've never sold any silver.

Speaking to a LCS owner here in Alberta, he advised me that the Leaf government passed laws YEARS ago requiring the collection of personal information for all PM purchases. The law is on the books, but has not been "enabled" (proclaimed) yet, but can be activated anytime with no advance warning.

Another thing people need to be aware of when buying from LCS are the "follow home" robbers. For those who haven't heard, criminals are staking out high end jewelery stores, then following customers who make large purchases to their residences and doing home invasion robberies. USA/Canada are turning into South Africa.

The counter to this is to be aware of vehicles loitering near the LCS and to not drive straight home but to do some countersurveillance moves like overshooting your exit on the freeway and taking the next exit to loop back on the freeway and noting if anyone followed you.
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The moon was beautiful last night...
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>What do you wish you had done better to prep?
just bought more ...
>though some of it has staining now which worries me
wouldn't worry me, you'll still get spot value for it plus a premium. people buy tarnished coins all the time, myself included.
Sounds like you have a solid plan there.
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haha, yeah ...
*wipes hand on trouser leg*
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>If you have an irrational fear of trans, you need to work on your own issues, maybe start lifting.
never have i seen such projection in all my life
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I like the pirate anon. Good movie. One of Mork from Ork’s finest roles as Peter Pan
>nanu nanu!!!

Bro, how are you still awake right now?
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you've made a lot of assumptions
>that you know what time zone I'm in
>that I haven't slept between my previous posts and today's
>that pirates can't party hard and plunder right through the night
>The situation in Cuba should be a wake up call about that.
Exactly. If the power cut out for a week, what would you do? This is a likely enough occurance that it bears attention to mitigate the damage.
>"Follow home" robbers
Yup, that's my concern. I cannot find LCS in my city that sell other coins than just numismatics. For bullions I would have to go to PM stores (with i bet they're watched).

Here robbers they don't usually follow you, some dude take a pic of you, send it to a couple that is on a motorcycle, and those go after you to accomplish the mission. We are learning from Latin America and their Motochorros, but we are missing the hot latinas part.
why is paying shipping such a scam when buying metal
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>I will never have the passion/loot for numismatics.
If anything I have is numismatically valuable, it's happenstance, like an older Engelhard bar I got for just above spot from the LCS. I did pay a little extra to get ONE US silver eagle, and a couple of Krugerrands, one of which I gave as a gift to a South African friend living here. These are just novelties will little collector value.

Numismatics, like collector watches and fine art, are things that only realize their best price when times are good, and numismatic coins need to be protected like valuable stamps or artwork. They can't be bumped or scratched or handled without damaging their value.

Finding shipwreck gold or Roman coins is fine, but I would not consider spending a premium at this point in time on a numismatic.
>ChatGPT bot giving us the captain obvious essay from Google
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>I will never have the passion/loot for numismatics
Then you have no love for the arts and crafts.
>farts and crafts
Sir this is /pmg/ nobody is buying your numismatic bags
A lot of places have free shipping with a minimum order of $100-200.
>Name it rupee
>not sold in india
Why are they like this?
>Your disdain and bias against the Russian people is apparent but means nothing when faced with reality
>They have everything they need, moral societies, no nigs and we have pieces of paper
The US may have nigs, but the Russians are the niggers of Europe. They're called vodka monkeys for a reason.
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How do I sneed without getting caught?
>Russians are the niggers of Europe
They’re a nuclear power, motivated the space race, motivated the Cold War, invented radio receivers, the periodic table, color photography, but yea keep filling your head with ignorant CNN propaganda faggot
>Boomer Rocks Edition
Where can you find 24/7/365 gold price data?
>They’re a nuclear power
So was South Africa, what's your point?
Why would I watch jew-TV?
>what's your point?
…that they aren’t the nigs of Europe as you just claimed. You’re high af or the dumbest person on /biz/ if I actually have to answer that.
Hey at least I'm not shilling for a shithole country on a Yugoslavian underwater BB stacking forum.
Explaining to you the significance of Russia in history isn’t “shilling” but I can see you’re the resident narcissist who’s never wrong about anything
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New bar pic.
What are you getting so butthurt over?
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need to recreate this treasure map with real gold coins some day lol
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>asahi bars loose in plastic container

I have 1 asahi bar with the same problem. Apparently this coinsafe brand fits them correctly but I never confirmed.
>Apparently this coinsafe brand fits them correctly but I never confirmed
Good to know, I do regret buying the cases lol. Maybe someday I'll get more proper cases. I'll be buying 3 more 10toz bars and another 20toz bar in the future. I'm at 952toz now total and the 1k mark is a good milestone.
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Congrats, 48 left to go. May the dips ever be in your favor.
Wow I haven't bought pizza in a week thanks for the advertisement I will go and buy some today! Woohoo for enriched flour!
Nice anon now tell me where you live. You're so smart for posting your collection like it'll do any good for ya.
from the last thread, i didn't realize he posted the mock up on twitter. here it is.
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Fuck around and find out.
Stick around, you'll see anons post stacks that make >>59125465 look small.
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Gold corona coins are just 20 karat and look like this.
>seethes about Russia out of nowhere and calls them nigs of Europe
Projecting if you’re not a bot.
Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that Russians are the niggers of Europe.
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somebody redpill me on /durdencoin/
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what are you asking?
does silver, gold, grams, ozt, uk, usa, fucking dubai even.
intriguing map, what did it lead to?
i must plunder this.
The stackable cases don't fit either. It's close, you'll have a couple mm gap the the left and right of the bar, and the bar is about 2 mm to tall to fully close the case. So they won't slide around but the cases can pop open pretty easily.
>get some sheets bud
this wasn't on a mattress.

>scam of shipping costs
I rarely buy for lower than the minimum amount to avoid shipping fees.
>dehumanizing Russians and ignoring logic this much
ok NATO shill
Should I buy a 2rand coin or a gold sovereign?
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Go suck Putin's dick.
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Did you win?
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I literally call my stack "boomer rocks" IRL.
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Good goy!
There's not going to be boomers around in 20 years who will keep giving Isreal US foreign aid. Eventually we'll abandon them.
I bought some fractional German Silver bars like 18 years ago, thinking I was getting an awesome deal way below spot....
I still have them somewhere, as a reminder.
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In 20 years white people will be a minority in their homeland
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based furry cock coin
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Opinions sought -
Do you prefer less, or more of the stone reflected ion the silver?
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Lads, earlier on i walked by my local bank (government owned because of 2008) and noticed on the 2nd floor the lights were on and people walking around looking busy as if they were doing stuff with the filing cabinets (On a Sunday Night), also in my country its a bank holiday tomorrow.
Let me guess, the term "german silver" started being used after WW2?
Don't be a city slicker.
Suck filver. Enjoy the monday dump.
i feel like i prefer more stone reflected in the bar BUT more differentiation from the background.
the lower image makes the bar look too transparent, it blends in too much.
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is it fucking happening?
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Fedsbois need to understand that unless they turn our economy around they will soon be fedbois of a dumpsterfire. Their paychecks reduced to mcdonalds coupons and their authority no greater than some crackhead with a glock.
Unless they are already on or damn near the top they could be laid off or rather killed off should our economy get any shittier. Maybe that's part of the plan, get rid of some undesirables.
>gay frogs
alex was right
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What is this dark hard patch in my silver bar? It's a cast bullion grade bar. I tried scratching at it and it doesn't dent, unlike the silver all around it. Could it be some slag that got stuck in the cast?

The company was Ainsley Bullion.
Yes, fuck the feds. I will go down, funs blazing and take them with me. I have made peace with myself and accepted Jesus as my lord and savior. The Kingdom of Heaven awaits the saved. The wicked, globalist worshippers of Baal and their willing minions will burn in eternal Hell.
Sure, but from a output view in real economic terms I'd bet money on BRICS over the US considering their insane society. All societies have problems but none are as nigger loving, jew golem trannies as the US. And ther will be their downfall. Totally devoid of any grounded views on life and it's suffering and challenges. Long term, way past my death, who knows. Short term ~50 years I'd bet on BRICS. Russians are vodkaniggers. Americans are literally insane.
did you try licking it UwU
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I could tell you but then dead men tell no tales
Does your dad work at Nintendo?
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>the left can't meme
>feds can't meme
We just can't lose.
So the real question is, how do we let them know that their money is fake and bullshit, and make it stick in their brains?
More and more Americans are waking up to the reality that money is fake and first world problems don't matter.
I'm set to retire in my late 40's to early 50's and not have to worry about USD being in existence or gone all together.
Can your 1pbtid, obviously not-American ass say the same? You'll keep working until you die.
being anti-russia is gay, faggot
I'm Canadian. Sorry.
I've seen enough vids against my will of homosexual relations in the Russian army.
I'm at 1m USD mid 30s, two homes and all that, 2 kids and free healthcare and uni. So I'm not worried. I'm not gonna retire though because work gives me more things than money, but I didn't see you mentioning your family? Are you an adult child larping in here with a sub 5k toz silver stack playing videogames and watching anime, oh great american. Don't you have a BLM "peaceful protest" to die in? My country has higher standards of living and life expectancy than yours btw. Continue larping as a first world country, José.
those hands have clearly never hauled a rope and leave me with even more questions.
anon, i ...
>'m at 1m USD mid 30s, two homes and all that
No you're not lol lying fool. Enjoy not being American hahahahaha.
Did I just make you sad? Must you project that I'm lying to not feel insecure? Enjoy your poverty "retirement" :) And I still haven't seen you write about a family and kids, SAD!
It's sad that you're here on 4chan bragging about things that didn't happen. If you were truly wealthy and had a family, you'd not be spending time here lmao. What a poser. You actually make me feel a lot better about myself. At least I don't have the need to lie to strangers online.
Haha, I'm sick in bed. My stay at home wife put the kids to sleep, I've been resting for 2 hours, about to fall asleep. I'm phone posting. You're the one who drummed up the insane US and shat on BRICS. Not me. Called in sick to work, still getting paid. Not sure what to do with my holiday, haven't used it this year so it'll be 10 weeks of holiday next year if compressed. But you enjoy your retirement. What you gonna do, fuck whores in Thailand?
depends which is purer imho, i'd go for the sovereign if it's purer
The lower one also has some keystone issues.
Whatever little fantasy you need to tell yourself, good for you. You seem really desperate to convince others hahahahaha.
No, I'm asking you about your "retirement". Is is to go and live on 400k usd in SEA? Lol.

Anyway, on the topic of PMs where slowly reaching the tipping point. Will it be slammed and suppressed for much longer or should we go all in?
I'm never leaving the US because I enjoy owning and carrying whatever firearms I want.
this is a tremendous picture fren. this isn't the sweater from a little before covid is it?
"Early on Oct. 26, the U.S. dollar value of Essence Finance’s decentralized stablecoin, CHI, plunged by more than 90%..." "Enter stablecoins, a novel category of cryptocurrencies designed to offer the best of both worlds: the innovative technology and security of cryptocurrencies, coupled with the stability and reliability of traditional fiat currencies." devaluing 90%, really is as reliable as fiat lmao
hmmm i think that was actually a dress. nvm... similar look with the gold and white.
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They are here........

oh ok. my mistake
seriously tho silver should be $50 right now

It should be $8,673/toz based on my calculations.
I guess what I'm asking is: if you saw this hard black patch in an ingot would you doubt it's purity?
~$1,000 is what I'll say. How did you calculate $8,673?
its over
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Markets open lads
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Thanks for getting us back to metals, the economy and related. Seems like the chat bots are arguing at each other…
>nobody is impressed
1. I want to find native girls in Venezuela that are heirs to tribal land rich in minerals(gold)
2. Give baubles and trinkets to get in good with the tribe/family
3. Start a gringo legacy by Raping babbies into multiple indigenous, dusky, fertile females
4. Develop mines and start by gold panning the rivers and creeks
6. Profit
>Thanks for getting us back to metals
>immediately talks about rape
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I said related and posted a chunk of gold in direct relation to my dreams and desires regarding gold…
>perhaps the anon wants to read more chatbots arguing with each other?
Thanks for poastin’ metals crybabby
Do you enjoy using them or just fantasizing about it?
Yeah I go to the range a few times a month.
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I'd say the cheapest.

If price is the same, buy the one you don't have already, cuz diversity in a collection is fun. Otherwise, just get a Sovereign.
what exactly makes you different than a guy who just practices archery
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I still have nightmares about that stupid dress too anon, it's ok now
Firearms are more practical.
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I also carry a handgun, consealed. 6 in the magazine +1 in the chamber, and a spare 8 round mag. Can't do that w/ a bow and arrows. Well, maybe but bows are slower and typically less lethal.
Its over
It's going to drop more tomorrow
Holy shit its actually happening
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I just panic bought 100oz.
nice toy faggot wont catch you ever using it lol
I hope I never have to. I'd rather not deal with the aftermath of a defensive shooting. But hey, at least I can defend myself with violence unlike seething non-Americans lol
I'm considering the same.
>im so important people are out to kill me
off yourself retard lmao
I don't trust the government to keep me safe, so I have to do it myself. It's no different from stacking PMs, we don't trust the government currency.
Stay envious.
safe from what? a car crash? hitmen? what does the toy protect you from dumbass? XD
>staying reliant on other men to keep you safe instead of taking personal responsibility for your safety
Oh you're just a dumb woman or a cucked man, got it.
this faggot surrendered his zombie knife
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Seethe kekekekek
>how triggering is 00buckshot?
Jiggaboos and other darkies need lead to the head, simple as…
Damned chatbots wont stop poastin’
>cant answer the question
keep doing photo shoots with you toy, real manly activity XDD
I did answer but you have the reading comprehension of a child.
>uhhh no one is out to kill me but something something government bad something something is why i need to carry an expensive toy around
great answer kek
Lol envious and poor. Cope harder. You probably don't even own PMs.
amusement is free :)
What are your hobbies?
You read like a Jew.
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Yeah M&P is entry level pricing, you don't get any cheaper without going Saturday night special lmao
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He called it 'expensive', I'm just leaning into the no-fun loser. It is a cheap handgun, I think I paid $450 for it at time of release of the 2.0 line. When I get my P220 back from my gunsmith it'll be ~$1700 into it for aftermarket parts, custom work and the light/laser.
is he just young?
What do we think of SIlverBarStacker?

>subscription boxes
Wayyy high premiums.
Is it your website lol?
Leave our pet American alone.
no I'm just englehard
I think the site is run buy a jew with downsyndrome. Pic related is a joke. 500 dollar premium for a scratched to shit 1oz JM bar with no assay. I should fill a burlap sack with silver dollars and beat whoever runs that site over the head for those prices.
wait until you see his (((on sale))) section, i keked so hard at the ""promos""
Oh I saw it. I'm hoping this is the most elaborate and high tier troll /pmg/ has ever seen because the more I look the madder I'm getting. Like pic related 550 dollar "mystery" box were your "guaranteed" to get one or two pieces that may be 1 gram to 10ozs that may be silver or gold. Like those mother fuckers aren't tossing 2 grams of silver into every box. Oh and it comes with delayed shipping so they can hand curate which two shitty grams of silver they are going to fuck you over with.
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One hellava markup
>right proppa cunt now innit?
I’ll shop around for better pricing…
Do retards that fall for this even exist?
But Anon, there could be anything inside! There could even be gold!
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>$2175 for 3 1oz bars
Preview of the future
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I have $130,000 dollars in my bank account. How much do I allocate to precious metals? Should I buy more gold or just focus on silver?
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I would buy 50k in gold. 20k in silver
>How much do I allocate to precious metals?
How much of this sum do you want to be protected against fiat devaluation into nothingness? It's that simple.

The real question rather is : do you wait for a better entry point (but risk PMs going higher in the meantime) or not?
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A commanding stake in the upcoming Apurand secondary market?
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I'm voting for Trump.
File: IMG_4470.png (51 KB, 288x328)
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Henlo golb and silber frens!
>poast shinies?


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