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Noble Metals Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread >>59113759
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Remember when anons argued it is safe to keep precious metals in a bank safety deposit box?

Lol lmao even
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Is it weird that I notice the countertop just as much as the shiny?
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Might as well just hand it over to the fed, irs, etc.
>or one of these faggots in picrel
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Jackpot today!
Scored this heavy 11oz silber ashtray for only 218€. French hallmarks are from 1810-1820, with .950 purity. And most importantly : there are 5x "Pieces of 8", Mexico's colony 8 Reales Carlos III & Philip V, ranging from 1737 to 1768. Each of those are worth $400-500 in that condition (well, if they weren't all bent and soldered :x).
Good thing is it seems the soldering point on the bent coins look quite tiny, so many it will be worth trying to separate them, if i find a pro able to do this.

Hope IQDelet will show up to comment on my new ashtray, i know he loved the previous one of this kind!
That seems trustworthy to me. What could possibly go wrong?
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the sleeper auction woke up early today. didn't go any higher on my bids as I didn't want to:
A: Drive an hour each way to pick them up
B: Pay shipping plus $5

Passed them up but now have my eyes set on a grip of black as night spoons and forks, and a absolute passel of bids on copper scrap at $1 a piece.
Sick find. This is how you stack. Won't find those on your online coin sites. Have pics of the hallmarks?
thats a badass cigar ashtray, I seriously doubt you will be able to salvage the coins however. I would just keep it and use it :D
Such is the hardship of the online slurper. I'd say on average i score 10% of the auctions i'm bidding on. What's enraging tho is there are an extra 30% where there is only one bidder above me when the auction's end. Ofc i don't know their price limit, but in the end they got what i wanted for my price + 1 bux.
Recently slurped this one for 68€, surprised it didn't go higher.
>Good thing is it seems the soldering point on the bent coins look quite tiny, so many it will be worth trying to separate them
That is so beautiful, why would you even think of doing that?
Thanks frens, yeah i can't wait to have it show up in the mailbox.
>I would just keep it and use it :D
As any self respecting frog i smoke like a coal mine since i was 13, but this one is way too heavy to move around. I prefer the ceramic one my mom did for me. Maybe for the great occasions, if i wanna impress a young lady or flex on the comrades kek. With a big cigar ofc.
>I seriously doubt you will be able to salvage the coins however
Not even the bottom one who's flat if i hammer it? What would be the main issue to your opinion, flattening them back?

>Have pics of the hallmarks?
Best i could do with the seller's pics. I'll take proper ones once it arrive home.
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I just broke my rule and bought these without going to the preview(because there was no preview). Auction was very soft because of this. No name hibid auctioneer who won't answer their phone generally means cheapies.
Because the coins are worth big bux. What could deter me from doing so is if i could manage to know the provenance of the ashtray. Surely it's not everybody who had the $$ to get themselves handcrafted a 10oz bar into an ashtray and add precious coins on top.
Maybe i'll get more clues once i'm able to identify the mark of the silversmith.
If the coins are silver soldered, you're going to have a heck of a time getting them sold for numismatic value without severely damaging them and having a big solder mark on them. Consider keeping it intact and finding an as is buyer to 3-4x your money at a coin show.
Why did you bid on this? I don't see any coin of value, maybe the 1 rappen 1936 is worth 2-3 bux in this condition, and same for the 1 cash Guangxu Tongbao, but that's it.. you get a flip side pic to see if there is any key date on the Georgy boy coinage?
They're part of a Little Orphan Annie collector set w/ all the old paperwork. Should be an easy flip.
No flip side pics. Like I said, the auctioneer was radio silent and the pictures on most everything were lacking.
Yeah in all honesty it's mostly wishful thinking on my part, but in the end i'm always too lazy to do any of the menial labor required to dismantle my coin-objects lol. Maybe it's for the best since i don't get to destroy old items.
About selling coins for numismatic value, i very often sell such damaged/holed/soldered coins online. Usually i propose a 70-75% discount on such coins and they sell like hot cake. Sometimes i can afford to ask for more when the coins are really sought after and/or if they are so rare there is no offer worldwide but me.
>Not even the bottom one who's flat
If it is soldered into place it won't have its reeding on the edge anymore. And hammering on silver is going to warp it out of shape no matter how delicate you are. I think the piece is cool enough to leave it as is.
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>Little Orphan Annie collector set w/ all the old paperwork
I've no idea what you are talking about. Mind explaining?
Gotcha, i too from times to time like to lowball undisclosed lots as a gamble when i have an "intuition". I've been nicely rewarded few times, it definitely make up for all the times where it was a nothingburger. Even tho i wouldn't advice any newfren to practice this as stacking policy kek.
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You are probably right, i'll leave it that way. I should still be able to make a nice benefice as it is anyway.
Few days ago i also slurped this bunch of uncommon serbian/bulgarian/montenegran silver with rings mounted. Now i have them in hand, they seems quite easy to saw off without leaving much traces.
Radio/Little Orphan Annie was a radio show for kids back in the before times. 'Drink your Ovaltine'.
There were coin subscription mailers, and this was a more complete collection than most, seeing as you had to continuously send in money to receive the next coin. A case of the collection being worth more than the sum of its parts imo. Just something neat that I felt like spending some pocket change on.
Its so strange to see coins as jewelry, is this really common in Europe?
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Not so much nowaday (it's just applewatches), but it used to be a big thing yes. Most grannies still wear gold coins on their necklace, and for gramps it's often gold coins mounted on signet rings.
But it wasn't just Europe, everybody did this back in the days. It was often directly sewed on the clothes to add some bling. I've got ancient roman & greek coinage sewed on arabic wedding dresses even, so this is an old practice.
Pic rel is a bracelet made out from guatemalan gold & silver coins from the 1800s i lucked out last year (as silver scrap).
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Henlo fren, sending you some fren vibes. Tell me once they reach to you. Over.
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Im going to short sell an ounce of silver. I make a contract with you, I borrow one ounce of silver and sell it right now for 32. I will return it to you in one year.

>one year passes

Silver has gone down in price to 20. I buy an ounce at 20 and give it back and I made 12 dollars

>Judaism enters the chat

I borrow a piece of paper that says you have an ounce of silver that I borrowed. I sell that paper to someone for 32 dollars. An ounce magically appeared and was sold that never had to be mined. I will buy it back in a year (hopefully for less) and return it.

>Judaism intensifies

I borrow 707 million pieces of paper that says you have 707 million ounces of silver...


(I.e. what would happen if I legitimately mined 707 million ounces and real silver on the market)
This bitch goes so hard.
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The Anime Prospector did get made! There's the '22 edition that had a gold plate option, then the '23 versions without gold plate or serial are available for continuous order
The current presale is the Apurand
from the website
> I’ve received an ETA from the mint and we can expect the rounds to be finished no later than October 11th
So have we now passed ANOTHER deadline for the pirate rounds? Anyone heard from mintanon?
The rounds are finished and are working their way to me now. If they show up by tomorrow I should be able to get them all to the post office by Monday
hell yeah! thanks for the update mintanon. Once in hand I will put an order in for the apurrand
Are there any fren coupons right now or potentially upcoming?
How long will the Apurand presale last? I want to get some but i can't afford them before a week or two.
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My LCS has literally 0 mercs, just a giant pile of cripples. I want to buy more 90% so it's either quarters or franklins. I'm leaning towards franklins but is there any good reason to pick one over the other assuming the cost is the exact same?
I've been getting a lot of ads for these PM storage services. Gayest fucking thing you could do with your metals
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Check out this pro-fiat / anti-PM propaganda in an old cartoon.
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Not at the moment, sorry! I've been anxiously watching these price increases
Until at least the end of November, and with the Christmas season at the mint I reckon the project won't fulfill until after
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>140 oz of silver
>24 oz of platinum
Am I going to make it? What’s the target platinum stack?
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Go next level and settle for half dimes, they got the SOVL.
>Not at the moment, sorry! I've been anxiously watching these price increases
I was thinking about you when we hit 35 kek. Imagine if we go to 50 and you already charged anons but didn't purchase the blanks yet because the preorder period isn't over. How'd you handle the situation?

>Until at least the end of November
Ok nice to hear fren, leave me some time to save for the 'rands. I must say that contrary to the pirate, this time around i'm quite hyped by the design, i believe they will look fantastic irl.
>I've been anxiously watching these price increases
Understanbdable. I can't wait for the day when even my overpriced meme coins were purchased for below melt value.
That's the weirdest stack ratio i've ever seen lel. Why did you do so deep on plat? Because of the generational dip, or is there more to it?
Nice slurp fren!
>How'd you handle the situation?
It's easier now that we're off Indiegogo. Back then I had to wait until a couple of weeks after the campaign ended to get the money, and that was back when it was also hitting new highs. Now that it's our own website the money gets settled weekly so I can prepay for the blanks as we go.
>i believe they will look fantastic irl.
I agree, excited to see them!
>I can't wait for the day when even my overpriced meme coins were purchased for below melt value.
Interesting times ahead
Why is the ratio bad? It’s dirt cheap, I didn’t slurp silver as heavily as I’d have liked in 2019. I will not make that same mistake with platinum.
i am planning on buying more gold. i have like 50g already, biggest pieces are like 5g. i am considering buying 250g bars, is this a good idea or are they difficult to sell?
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They are trying to scam as many normies as possible…
>you don’t own it unless you hold it!
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So we just sit and wait now? What's the expected outcome of these failed short positions?
My friend, what are you doing?
Meant for
1oz rounds
>Why is the ratio bad?
I didn't say it was bad, simply unusual, here most anons focus solely on G&S, with eventually 1oz of plat as a curiosity item.
>I didn’t slurp silver as heavily as I’d have liked in 2019. I will not make that same mistake with platinum.
I understand the logic, it's true plat looks like a steal. Applying the same logic, you didn't purchase any palladium? Went from $3,500 down to $850 this summer. It creeped back up a bit now. But i guess finding palla simply is a pain in the ass, and the premiums are ridiculous too...
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He's not the only one with gram denomination, This is mine from few days ago.
There's nothing wrong with grams but after having 50 grams I would hope you have at least a couple ounces too
>here most anons focus solely on G&S
Yes I have noticed that I am an outlier but I hope to see more /pmg/ plat frens over time
>you didn't purchase any palladium
>finding palla simply is a pain in the ass, and the premiums are ridiculous too
Yes. This is largely why I have never stacked physical palladium. The physical plat market is already much smaller than G/S and palladium’s size is a fraction of plat’s. Bullish on it but given how small the market is it’s easier for me to get exposure by buying shares in the larger PGM miners like Sibanye & Implats who who have palladium as a decent % of their output in oz
Lets be honest, the imperial system is a retarded, unpractical relic who have no reason to exist to this day, beside some misplaced anglo-chauvinism.
>The physical plat market is already much smaller than G/S
And yet, you can't imagine how good you have it in the US compared to the rest of the world in this regard! Over here it's simply impossible to purchase anywhere. Period. Even if you try the secondary market, all the sold listing of Pt on ebay are 90% from the US, and 10% Germoney. That's it, the entire market is limited to 2 nations it feels like.
Isn't it weird how most of the shills are basically gone now that we're so close to the election? Guess they all got a new assignment while we slowly make gains
It's also very often tied to the price action. When spot is low they love to rub it in our face (as if we weren't happy about it lol), but as soon as spot is high, you can hear crickets. It was especially true with IQ.
im a eurofag, hence grams
Oh that's a nice find. I'm so focused on getting coins that I skip over looking for silverware.
I'm curious, what's the reason why grams are more of a common gold option than ounces in Europe?
euros are poor. doctors there literally make like 70k usd
Guess they shouldn't have created the Euro then. A currency backed by nothing is basically worthless. The only reason things like the Euro and Yen are worth anything is because they're tied to the Dollar. The US Dollar is only backed by the US military. It's been a literal war economy since Nixon.
Precious metals use the Troy measurement system, not Imperial.
Where do I buy cheap silver 1oz coins in Australia? I do not care at all about what type, I just want cheap, clean, low premium/postage coins.
Probably eBay but you're probably fucked on finding "cheap" silver in Australia
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>if i find a pro able to do this.
i could do that but you are in france? take the channel tunnel to see me if you want lel
t. /diy/
very nice plunder regardless.
Avast, shipmate! fair winds, i trust?
Like any currency, the euro is worth something because there's a huge array of goods and services available for euros. Guns are only a means to an end, for example to enforce sale of oil in dollars. The currencies that preceded the euro were also derived from the dollar the same way. It's called Breton Woods agreement and all western countries went in on it after WW2. We're poor largely because the US broke their promise and went off the gold standard to start exporting their inplation.
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Are cheapies coming back on the menu?
Not for long
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Just placed my first gold coins order.
Welcome to the gold club.
kangaroos direct from perth mint are usually cheapest
Where are you? Australia is a big place mate.
As long as there's kids selling their late parents stacks in the garage, and auctioneers who mislabel their goods, there will always be cheapies.
Thank you kindly, anon.
I'm getting three Sovereigns. Though it's a shame the modern ones are copper-toned.
Hoped to get some 2023 coronation Sovs, but they just sold out. I'm just getting this year's standard instead.
The Britannias are gorgeous, but I don't want to lay out that much money at once and I'd rather sell at smaller values.
>I'm getting three Sovereigns. Though it's a shame the modern ones are copper-toned.

Not for long.
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>Isn't it weird how most of the shills are basically gone now
I can summon them if you'd like. It might take a few minutes but brace yourselves. Here we go:
BRICS will replace the U.S. dollar
Chicken memes are made by the JIDF
>Isn't it weird how most of the shills are basically gone now that we're so close to the election?
Probably the result of the anti-spam measures 4chan has been taking recently.
I can't believe everyone here is so stupid they buy fake physical silver and instead of real paper silver. You nazi larpers enjoy your 78% premiums.
This guy gets it. Precious metals are worthless.
Pay 20% tax
Pay 30% premium
Loses to inflation
Makes jews rich
Been completely useless for 50 years
Stock market is better and the dollar is soaring
>the dollar is soaring
Yeah, soaring info hyperinflation.
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I could have agreed with you, but instead of talking about physical gold, you talk about the stock market.

You drew a target on your forehead.
my daily dose of fud for newfags, amazin'
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What's happening to numbers now?
Dump on Friday pump on Monday?
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Before things go to far, I'm just fucking with you guys because anon tried to summon shills.
Both id's
are me and I literally copied old screencaps from other shills
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It's 8am on a Malaysian canoe design forum and you're getting off to trolling your own peeps?

I'm betting it's not the first time you've done this.
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good form, I'll let you live this time, I appreciate a troll with honour.
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Lol just woke up, last post was joking about summoning shills and it seemed funny to grant anons wish, first time I've self shilled.
Thank you captain
>Lol just woke up
that was kinda my point. You were quite quick to make a 2nd ID to help you out here. Oh well. If you say you've never done anything like that before I'm sure you're being honest.
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back to the discussion of booty; 20% premium on 1g of gold? good or bad?
Very bad.
Goldbar ?
coins are better.
Oh yea a second id is easy first post was from my phone second post was from my phone connected to my wifi
>1g of gold?
Buy LMUs or quarter Troy ounce pieces.
Yea that's run of the mill for fractionals, they always have high premiums. If you have to have it now shop around to see if you can get it a bit cheaper otherwise get a larger size or save for a larger size.
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it was a coin actually.
yeah I got it average price then, not too bad.
I don't want to put too much in gold, if I'm buying gold it will be fractionals. However I only really bought this one because of that one shipmate's ID in the last thread and I happened to find a coin that I find hilarious from a racial perspective. Will post when it arrives.
Rocket status?
I don't prefer one over the other, but at a certain point I started putting more into gold just to keep my overall stack weight lower and easier to manage. Definitely post it when it gets here because now you've got me curios what you got.
>wanting to take it apart and sell the coins separately
Retard move.
I’d look at maybe an art auction or something.
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Time for the Friday hopium boost. I think it's just going to be like this until the election
the trajectory is clearly up
don't know why anyone would need hopium
(unless they were hoping for lower prices for slurpin)
Maybe I should have called it the Friday FOMO boost
I but in a bid yesterday on silver etf, it did't go through. I forgot to place it today and the it went lower than yesterday's bid. Why did I have to forget anons? I neeed to accooomolate.
nobody cares about ur gay etfs bro
I want something liquid and I don't want to eat the 3% spread. What are my options? The expense ratio on etf is like 0.5% per annum. I don't liek the bank interest rates and what are my other options? It feels physically wrong to sell silver bars. Buy I don't mind when it comes to etf. Give me alternatives anon.
>What are my options?
going to /smg/
Anons, can you post the tier list? I want to know where I am and what I need to focus on.
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Which one, I have like 12?
This one works anon, its been 2 years since I've been here.
>Mail arrived this week
>stack size now 2oz gold and 200oz silver

Fellow poors, WAGMI
>been 2 years
Welcome back.
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>what I need to focus on
Silver. You just gotta buy silver.
No problem, and welcome back
Thanks brehs. Just calculated my xirr and its looking pretty good. Combined, I'm at coinvivor tier, the salamander is a tall order looks like, I'm going to focus on hitting 1000ozt in just silver.
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Good work, but where are the pics?
Congrats, just have to keep stacking. You'll be there before you know it.
>fondling a gold buffalo
there’s truly no better feeling, except maybe a bar but iwnktf
I'll post when off work. Two 10oz bars, two maples, and three silver rounds.

The three rounds are christmas themed to put in my older kids' stockings this year. Hoping a little silver as a Christmas tradition might pay dividends for them later on in life. Good habits, sound money, all that.
Update of my little stack, added the 1/2 oz of gold to my 17 oz of silver. New year I'll need to buy more gold, what ratio between gold and silver is optimal for you? (I'm going for 1 gold to 10 silver but is should probably be higher?)
are they going to respond?
Lots of opinions here, but nearly everyone will be supportive of you regardless, even if they don't necessarily like your ratio.

I go for a 1:100 (for each family member), and when I hit my overall goal of 7au/700ag, will start leaning heavier into gold.

my ratio is based on the half-expected tightening of the GSR, at which point I'll swap part of my silver stack into gold.

nice stack, though. Keep adding to it in whatever ratio you feel works best for you. We still have a little time before shit falls apart completely.
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post them all
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Aye, aye, captain
Is probably a girl from high school who has a crush on you. She is not going to response. Good work anon. Keep them bitches in check.
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Brehs, 1000ozt gets nothing when it comes to land. I bought a piece of 3000sqft residential land in the outskirts of town for around 2700ozt. Hitting 1000ozt is nothing IRL.
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Silver is looking for a nice little pop right now, gold has already run a bit, and it'll be nice to have a good amount of something less valuable than gold to sell out slowly if metals really pop. 1:100 is normally recommended for that reason, but ultimately you have to do what works for you.
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>the steel tier
The poverty tier ones are boring, the fallout one and the goblin, the og ones are all still great.
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I think that's all the tier lists I have.
Find an LCS in your nearest city and slurp up kangaroos mate.
Thank you anon.
Fuck off with that faggot kiddies cringe pirate, your on the same level as that nazi chicken fed faggot poster.
Of course, I've got a fair amount of info graphs as well if anyone wants them. Some are a bit dated but still alot of cool history, etc on PMs.
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The fundamentals are insane. Even back of the envelope math of 800M ounces * $35 is only $28BN. The entire market cap of new silver is just casually given away to bogus war efforts that will recover NOTHING. And $28BN is a rounding error compared to the national debt & trillions of dollars in yearly deficits.
So on its face if the world ever decides to use the "demand" tied up in financial assets there isn't a chance in hell of people being able to acquire physical. Not only that but very quickly I think people will see the writing on the wall and stop selling in anyway.
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Angry Janny
This is
This is

There just isn't enough to go around. Between the common man, all the tech that requires it, and the fact its so damn costly to recover it, if it can even be recovered because sometimes it can't be like in high-end fuses when they blow and the silver gets atomized or in warheads.
I like the pirate and chicken poster.
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>beside some misplaced anglo-chauvinism.
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There's probably not enough EVERYTHING to go around. 100% of everything people own either subsidizes the ponzi or buys into it or is a renewable commodity/service.
There is not going to be some magical moment where we just pick back up and all start spending credit cards on shit we need. It's going to be asset collapse paired with people eating PB&J and working minimum wage service jobs to eek out some savings. Former middle class make-shift jobs selling services people can't afford will get rugpulled the hardest.
It won't even be a joke about getting your dicked sucked for a Mercury dime. People will literally be asking you for it out of necessity.
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That's why you need hard assets, land, gold, silver, etc and the knowledge, skills, and education. Otherwise you'll be selling yourself or your children into prostitution to avoid starving to death.
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Good posts fren.
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Glad someone is enjoying them.
Can I get a status report? The price of silver seems to slowly go down.

Are the shorts winning?
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bad form anon, I dare say my takes are one level more based than the chicken poster.
Last one for now.
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New lore just dropped, pirates are a jidf ploy to associate silver with nazis so normalfags will turn away from stacking. Just look at how much the jews used pirates in movies, clearly anything associated with it is in fact a psyop in the exact same way that chickens were never used to represent anything until some Alabama retards decided to use them as a symbol.
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You're a fun character here, and if you were on /bant/ during that time earlier this year it would be fun too. Chicken anon was fun on /bant/ for a while, and then got tiresome. Doesn't really belong on /biz/.

==Just don't overdo it here fren.==

I stopped posting my own PMs because the pics I take make me want to buy more. But ironically others pics don't make me want to buy more. Strange haha.
>pirates are a jidf ploy to associate silver with nazis
Nice shitpost lmao
It's hard to say. There is alot going on in the background. If shorts were winning, last week's breakout likely wouldn't have been possible. They are still losing billions because of the price spike and the sheer size of bets against silver has never been higher. Then you have news of Nancy Pelosi investing in the largest producing silver mine, Hecla. Throw in Russia and China's announcement to add silver to their PM reserves, diminishing inventory levels, the abysmal economic outlook, gold's ATH, and you have plenty of rationale for an optimistic outlook.

>Throw in Russia and China's announcement to add silver to their PM reserves
I heard that Russia said it but do you have a link about China adding silver to their PM reserve?
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You talking about before/after SHTF?
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Honestly, I thought I'd find better sources, as I've heard they stepped down their silver exports and were buying silver mines in south america/africa/etc., but I can't find any of those stories. FWIW, I'm using google (at work), which is arguably one of the least helpful search engines anymore. Above is all the relevant results I could find in a quick search.
>pics make stack feel small, makes grug brain want more shiny, grug buys more shiny.
Simple as. You should buy more gold and silver, though. Your stack is too small.
Jewish slavers don't count because piracy is honest work and they would never.
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If I had a woman who liked that music, I'd probably spend time to enjoy it too. But /pmg/ needs something more manly and metals related
Eat medium-rare steak and raw onions, stop tugging at your rod, lift weights, read books about war, stack silver. Simple as.
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jannie is trannie, can only gibs bannie!
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This better?

I've added even more coins to my stack after this pic and should retake one eventually, but I always want more. And these are just what I keep strictly in tubes.
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Saved image!
Pretty good, never played that game though and haven't owned a console since 2008.
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Very nice, I need to pull all mine out and get some new pics.
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Thanks. Bars 10toz and over pic will be easier to update when I get around to it. I've added 100toz across only 4 bars, all in hand except one 25toz bar being delivered on Saturday.
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Mirin’ Dem shinies!
Simple as…
>come tax return time, I’ll convert some fiat to 10toz bars. RCM turns me on, but Dey all sexy shinies
Always liked Asahi, I've got a couple of thier 10oz bars. The brushed pamp kilo bars are really nice to if you are looking to get something new.
Yeah at one point I wanted government minted 10toz bars, Canuck bars seemed the best, but ultimately US and international constitutional coins are more practical than larger bars in my opinion.
>kilo bars
When I make it to a real 1k toz and not "close enough", my path to 1.1k toz is either 2 50toz bars or 3 kilos.
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what does this post even mean?
I use both systems because despite being an uneducated pirate, I am not a retard and I'm able to comprehend two systems of measurement.
I don't think I've ever seen a 50 oz bar. If you get one post a pic next to a coin to show off the size.
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>you saved my cat edit
nice, we frens here.
LMFAO I feel like i've heard this somewhere before ... and it was followed by a long tirade of barely coherent, illogical schizophrenia.
To contribute properly;
Your portfolio is not diverse in any way whatsoever if everything you have is on paper, in fiat, or digital. All are simply different types of imaginary bullshit, numbers on a screen, ponzi schemes and castles built on sand, out of sand, held together with sand.
Anyvays, seig heil, mein hearties ARR HAR HAR HARRRR
My $36.38 each world coins buy was absolutely a good purchase. Proof incoming.
Ughhh... ... .. . . aghh....
... ahhhhhh... . . . ...
Fine give me a sec
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Oh hell yeah I like you Hook poster. Keep on stacking fren.
I didn't count but seeing any pictures of stacks make money want more so I buy more. But its alright I don't spend my excess fiatshit in anything else anyways.
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is mintscamanon jewish?
Christ i practically left out a full sentence.
>*didn't count but im convinced you have more than me...
Piratefags will hang on the day of the rake.
Only if he doesn't deliver.
(I'll be honest I don't remember which one mintscamanon is)
Mintanon may usually be late but at least he's a record of delivering. Anyone else may or may not have reptile dna
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Yeah but I lack in the gold department.
Walk the plank m8 or I'll bludgeon you to death w/ my large bar.
Mintscamanon is what IQdelet used to call mintanon. Mintanon and holoanon have both delivered thier coins, both were a little slow but they never took the money and ran.
Thanks, that sucker is thick. I need one now.
holo's new coin is still coming too. i emailed about a week or two ago.
I only have silver, but im okay with that. I will smugly boast that I have a 100 oz bar that was bought back when spot was $14. No pics though as it and all my stack was unfortunately eaten by wild boars. Very sad.
Thanks for reminder, after a while iqdelet posts just became visual white noise to me when I didn't just outright filter him.
Shame they fired him and he must now be a full time wagie giving foot jobs to tourist boomers.
i want muh pirates
What coin is holo working on right now?
Kek poor guy is probably giving out those all inclusive handys as we speak.
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ARRRR ME HEARTY you're a true shipmate, god damn, that bar looks so raw, I love it.
i just realized your ID is basically "god damn" i need to stop this ID-pattern autism.
My gold is on the way, so I'm off to watch a pirate film now, I'm in the mood for some reason, but one last thing ...
>/pmg/ needs something more manly and metals related
I agree, and by chance there's a whole genre called "heavy metal"
The one with the two characters on top of a building with a star on it. I forgot to save it when he posted it in here.
I don't recall seeing that one, I must have missed the post.
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To the right buyer I'm sure it's worth more as a whole piece than individually.
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I don't want to do legs today, but I think I'm going to force myself

He needs to post updated pictures. It's been at least a couple months since he posted it.
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>I don't want to do legs today, but I think I'm going to force myself
Get er done.
Fridays shouldn't be leg days, but I did 4x10 with 225 squat today. Then I had 8 oz of steak and a cup of rice. Feels gud.
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>a whole genre called "heavy metal"
>folk metal
Uhhh, HELL YEAH FREN!!! Absolutely forgot about that one. Try this on for size w/ my day 1 of vacation beverages.
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I finally got my first silver coin today. Only had gold before now.
>Merlin gold
>kitty silver
You absolutely by average have thee, THEE most based stack here. Keep on stacking, fren.
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it looks so tasty… but its a huge premium over spot
>huge premium
how huge we talkin?
$125 on apmex right now, for a 2 troy ounce coin
Thanks, I like that.
I have 2. I won't buy a 3rd but it's a potential numismatic piece. How much silver do you have now? 100toz, nah. 250toz, sure if you have cash. 1000+toz? Fuck it, put 2 or more on your credit card man. Your prerogative
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$35 - 36 buffalo rounds is one hell of a psychological attack on me today
really cool
>so many it will be worth trying to separate them
that's not how numismatics works. if a coin is bent, punctured, etc it automatically drops to the lowest possible grade
>buffalo rounds
Any of them, GSM, HM, Asahi, SilverTowne, Sunshine, etc
I tend to skew toward the SilverTowne buffs as they have USA branding that appeals to boomers
Didn't realize they were that sought after.
>tfw I have 50 1/10toz GSM buffalo silver rounds
Hopefully sought after fractionals in the future.
I don't buy fraction silver except for the 90% junk mercs and libs
>90% junk mercs and libs
Good choices. What about silver dollars? They're 0.77toz fractionals.
What's the consensus on gold/silver jewelry for men? I can't find much online.
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Thats it lads, pissrael has attacked Iran, the fucks would wait until after markets closed.

My dad wears a silver chain link bracelet and I don't know if I think it's gay or manly
before ofc. Its not SHTF yet.
Nothing ever happens
Kennedy half dollars too. I just got 10 in the mail today
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bling bling
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My first one phili
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First Chad coins in the stack.
wtf, did anyone nootice the flash spike at $37 last thuesday?
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Definitely best out of the 8 I got.
I ordered something last month and it never came. Does he often post here?
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I work at a television auction house and we got in a $20 1928 Gold Cert, but as it was going up for auction I noticed PMG actually graded it as a $100 Gold Note, Fr#2405. Same signatures, same year, just different denomination. I couldn't really find any other examples of this and was curious how this affects the value. Anybody have any input?
nice, i have the same cat coin
Just wait until February and they'll be $26/$27 again.
Silver is linked to the moon, which is naturally feminine, whereas gold is linked to the sun, masculine. That doesn't mean masculine men can't wear silver, it just channels a different energy.
Negatively. These clowns just fucked up the grading so now it must be done again. There isn't a niche market for grading errors, unlike mint errors.
henlo, you can send me your order number and I can look in to it. Odds are if it wasn't a Pirate round I might have missed it
I bet they regrade it for free. If it were my company I wouldn't want that bad of a fuckup in the wild.
>I bet they regrade it for free.
that'd be the strict minimum yeah. These jews (all grading companies are jewish owned) already are overcharging like crazy. If i were PMG i'd offer the next 5 grades for free.
lol it got through them and all of their checks, got past the guy in my company who bought it, past the inventory team and the guy who set up the auction, then got past the auctioneer. i only noticed when it was up for auction, im the producer.
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kek what a trainwreck
Four months into stacking, this is all I am worth ;-; JK but this is the entirety of my stack though.
Need more silver
When will the shorting break? Is total FIAT death needed for the US to stop suppressing prices on silver?
If there's an audit on BRICS and COMEX it's literally over
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what do you call a move like this?
Sell high, buy low. They're stacking too you know
That’s nice. Lovely craftsmanship
I like peace dollars, but I don't see the need to stack them when they're too close in size to 1 oz rounds.
Breakout, setting a new floor. It's unlikely to go below 30 again.
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20kt gold, ruby(flawed) pinky ring with diamonds.
>I wanted to buy one here in the states… talked to a *jew*ler about it. “Oh, we don’t have any, but I could craft you one” gave me a quote of $3-4k and up depending on what I wanted and Only in 14kt as well. Went to SEA and got exactly what I wanted for about $450. I’m also wear at times a silver, Cuban Link Curb Chain Bracelet and a silver figaro necklace. Depends on the mood/occasion
New bread time?
No. The thread has not hit the bump limit so can still post.

What PMs did you buy this week?
1 kruggie, 1 jfk 90% 5grams shot. 1 maple and 1 Canada wildlife “lynx”
>cheers and goodnight
The thing about new "bread" is we're about to have a lot more metaphorical bread very soon
based and sopranos pilled
That still a good time to buy.
This seems to keep going up.
I received my coins the day after.
>TFW thread still alive, but image limit reached.
Got 21 ounces on tuesday at the peak lmao
'grats amigo

I'm kinda retarded when it comes to buying metals. Wanted to start with silver since it's cheaper overall. What should I start buying? 1oz bars? Not looking to buy a huge amount, just maybe every other paycheck or something
Buy 1toz rounds with the lowest premium possible. Several sites offer discounts on tubes of 20 if that's within your budget. Ask more on the next thread.
Not that anon, but I'm looking at $700 or so. I can afford that. How do I liquidate when I need to?
Nice work, guy.
silver coins. they are the best safe starting point because should there be some insane collapse they are still worth their denoted value.
they have a weight, fineness but also monetary value.
they're also affordable and on the up right now.

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