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Quicksilver Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at:https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>9122733
>Previous Thread: >>9122733

I have taken the thread virginity and all those who come after are drinking my sloppity seconds
What are peoples genuine option on platinum?
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How valuable will it be when SHTF?
>Not a problem as an additional hedge, just make sure gold and silver are in hand first
Cheers anon!
Plat is currently around 10% of my stacks fiat value, not sure if good to load up on cheapies now whilst it’s still low, or if it will underperform gold/silver like it has last decade.
Not sure myself. A little more might not be a bad thing. I remember when platinum was very expensive and all the rappers had plat jewelry. I hope it moons for you anon!
Soviets made counterfeit 1923 mercury dimes back when the silver content was less than 10 cents.
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>What are peoples genuine option on platinum?
It's an essential industrial metal that is 16 times more scarce than gold in the earths crust. There are many applications for which there are no better substitutes, such as coatings on hard drive platters.

Platinum is currently being sold below the cost of production by Russia because they need some American dollars. Same for nickel and palladium. Platinum has historically been priced above gold. The downside to platinum is that it's value is highest when times are good, and because it's a silvery metal that is not easy to verify without equipment/chemicals, unlike gold and silver coins.

Don't expect to use platinum for barter with strangers in an off grid situation.

I like platinum and have a maple leaf in it. I wouldn't buy gold right now because I can't really afford it, but if I wanted something more valuable (compact) than silver, I would consider platinum.
>I have $130,000 dollars in my bank account. How much do I allocate to precious metals? Should I buy more gold or just focus on silver?

>The real question rather is : do you wait for a better entry point (but risk PMs going higher in the meantime) or not?

This, is not how expensive the metals might get, is how worthless our money could be.

I think (hope) price go lateral for a few days so I can buy som silver.
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>How valuable will it be when SHTF?
Plat isn't really what you want in a SHTF scenario. Gold and silver are your go to metals. Buy some if you want to hold and enjoy it. The price is historically low, but unlike gold and silver, platinum had no real value until the 18th century. There was a lot of platinum produced in the form of a dense gray powder as a byproduct of silver production and the spanish were adding the powder to the metal used for ships cannons. There are likely cannons on the sea floor that have 50% by weight of platinum.
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>I think (hope) price go lateral for a few days so I can buy som silver.
You're in luck tonight, it's staying with the $33 range.

The big retail price increases will happen when the unwashed start shuffling zombie like to the retail/online bullion sellers as they drive up the commissions. $35 looks to be the next breakpoint.
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where does the door go though?
Also no one is allowed to complain about me pirate posting after two faggots spent about 80 posts arguing about politics and other non-pm related things last thread.
Someone mentioned gold revaluation accounts last thread, I found this article
no idea what's the leaning of this "think thank" but nonetheless quite interesting
My thoughts too, gold is getting almost too pricey for me to justify it at the moment. Can get more than 2oz platinum for the same as gold. Platinum is easier to test for than gold, it is denser than gold and there is no other metal cheaper than platinum you could replace it with that matches it’s density like tungsten is with gold.
Anyone got good suggestions for CHUNKY gold coinage that's also good value? I was looking at double sovereigns but was disappointed when I learnt they're 28 mm diameter instead of the sovs 22.05. Then I looked at gold 1 pounds which are a tasty 3.15 mm thick but they're always proofs with at least an extra £200 premium. I need some PHAT coins guys, please. BBC (big boned coins) only.
Why not just stack sovs? I’ve got a handful myself and love the low premium and liquidity they’ve got.
Just want some chunk to fondle, the sov is a little too thin for me. I've mainly got britannias and while I like their thickness I think they're too wide, I want something that's more compact but still substantial. The gold pound WOULD be perfect, but they insist on only doing them in proofs and that's highly homosexual to me.
get spme 2oz rounds or a scottsdale stacker
>scottsdale stacker

That's a good shout, forgot about those completely. Love the little 1oz square pillow with the scottsdale logo, classy and cute. Will have a look out for them, seem to be a little harder to find in the UK.
Why not get a 100g cast bar or something? They’re bloody chunky and feel great in the hand
>hard drive platters
Your AI Google response is outdated methinks. Everyone has switched to solid state drives. No moving parts or platinum required.
Datacentre that need long duration storage with lots of read and write cycles are still things. But yeah I’m skeptical if plat is even needed there..
They’re still there because it’s a slow and painful process to replace them all. There’s no real benefit to continue using platters beyond old system admins being more comfortable with them.
Platinum is a meme metal, but at least it's not palladium.
HDDs are still very common for mass storage. Flash memory is 5x more expensive than mechanical HDDs for the same data.
Nope. I work in data centers and wire centers. Your information is outdated.

Let’s just take that 5x figure into considering because you can buy a 2TB HDD for $60 and a 2TB SSD is $120. It’s nowhere near 5x especially when you factor in the specialized platters used in data centers.

The bottom line is it’s a bad bet for platinum and those automatic AI responses from Google are old.
OK, maybe it's more in the 2-3x range but it's still substantial. But that's consumer hardware. Your data center SSD is paobably not gonna cost $60/TB.
It’s not substantial for a variety of reasons. 15 years ago a consumer grade SSD with about 120Gb would cost well over $1200. That’s now down to $18. Think about that. For something multiple times faster, more efficient, more reliable, runs cooler, etc than a traditional HDD. It gets cheaper and more cost effective to switch to SSDs every year.
You're wrong. Deal with it.
>data centers will march demand for HDDs despite everyone and their mother using SSD now
Cope seethe and dilate US Mint shill
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Trump 2024
LOL I’m not but go ahead and invest in platinum for the < 0.3 grams in each platter idc

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