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and all he did was copy+paste legit paragraphs from Grok about “centralization”.

I told him that I agreed with him that Bitcoin was a great store of value asset (which he liked), but that I’m gonna make a lot more money with my “centralized inflationary scamcoin” XRP. He agreed with me but won’t buy.

Are they all like this?
BTC maxis are like horse and buggy maxis in 1870.
It's an argument about faith at this point anon, and those never go well.
I believe XRP will continue to rise and make me very rich. But I don't know that. I'm operating off a gut feeling. If he doesn't have it, he doesn't have it. Bitcoin is undeniably a safer bet for long term growth.
Btc was the trojan horse to get people to accept crypto en masse but it will also be the sacrificial lamb so that xrp can take the top spot and bring about tptb's new slave system, simple as.
>I won the argument by calling my coin a scam
Sounds like you lost the argument lil bro. The fuck else can he tell you if you're calling it a scam yourself
holy fucking fiver
100% agreed. Mentioned to him that XRP is more of a gamble, more of a risky asset, and Bitcoin is at this point “safe”
should’ve yelled
once and leave
btc is a dinosaur
The day of the buggy draws nigh
Amish are based af
I dont care for the christcuckery but good for them
Oh good, the Amish have acquired a demographic bomb.
Run for your lives, English!
Low IQ people hold XRP
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1) Trustless
Physical goods require force merely to maintain ownership, trust-based assets require trusted third parties. An army can displace millions and steal all their worldly possessions, a TTP can become corrupt and steal/dilute trust based assets. Because of this negative sum actors can parasite off positive sum actors, either through force/threat of force, or by using force to install themselves into a position of being a trusted third party.

By placing value into an abstract, trustless unit, positive sum actors secure value that negative sum actors cannot touch.

Bitcoin is the sword Economy (positive sum actors) weld to slay the Adversity (negative sum actors), not through violence, but through the denial of Our positive externality.

2) Fixed Unit of Account
Price carries information, ergo, changes in the supply of Unit of Account necessary introduce distortion into the price signal of money. By encoding a trustless fixed unit (through aggregate demand for Unit of Account) with the price of money we massively increase the efficiency of economic calculation.

The value of bitcoin is everything, the value of cripple is nothing, enjoy your bags.
Gotta do what you gotta do to cope. You had years. Your hubris was your downfall.
Baggies salty

There’s no guarantee that the supply of XRP won’t be increased.
XRP is deflationary and decentralized. That is all they can do. Copy paste at the same argumentative level as people who shilled masks. They are like arguing that horse and carriage is better for same route transmission of goods instantaneous teleportation. Satoshi said XRP was iteresting and decentralized. Vitalik, who is extremely adversarial to XRP and has been a core figure in CCP/establishment Ethgate even said XRP is better sound money than Bitcoin.
Literally opposite. XRP is the L1 scaling guarantee you don't end up in centralized, gated, social credit tied ETH L2 business technology Hell.
A study by the Bank for International Settlements' found XRP holders were thr most advanced academically of every crypto investor considered. Cope.
Also highest income (see pic related). Cointelegraph seethed and tried lying about a single graph within a one paragraph article. Lol They refused to be honest about XRP for years. The study:
or like anti mobile phone or anti internet maxis
academics are retarded though
or like sponge pudding maxis
Not all of them. And these ones are also the highest earners, so not humanities retards.
I can beat any XRP maxi in a nano debate

It's faster and feeless

Distributed for free

There is no second best
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>i-its not centralized, its jus a 100% premine with a central authority that controls the network!
>muh ad verecundian!
Pathetic. You understand neither the finest sliver of the game theory nor economic law that powers the juggernaut that is bitcoin.
>Nano is a cryptocurrency characterized by a directed acyclic graph data structure and distributed ledger, making it possible for Nano to work without intermediaries. To agree on what transactions to commit (i.e., achieving consensus), it uses a voting system with weight based on the amount of currency an account holds.
Yeesh, I'm glad I hold a decentralized currency like XRP instead of whatever centralized VC scam this is.
Go to engineering school then listen to this kike lex fridman talk about computer science, it's so embarrassing. Why are jews like this?
Centralised, like how the Ripple team owns like 80% of the supply?
The only thing I understand now is that shitcoins like bongo cat are the only things worthwhile, I don't even try to look for useful things anymore, this is just easy and effective, why bother?
Except All I Take Are W's


It Was Easy For Me To Expose His Hypocrisy
There literally isn't a central authority that controls the network. Multiple times amendments were held up which Ripple waited voting in favor of. Satoshi has a huge share of the BTC supply as does China. Eth also had a premine and a literal majority of total supply is issued to Wangxiang (CCP) and Joseph Lubin etc. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Vitalik literally said XRP is better sound money than bitcoin. Satoshi liked it and specifically said it was the only other one that isn't centralized.

You get owned in every thread and still parasite into fucking every mention of XRP worse even than the link spammy See
and every XSG
I literally just owned you albeit

100% premine and NOT TRUSTLESS. UNLs dullard, it is EXPLICITLY trust-based, I already explained the inherent failure of TTPs upthread: >>59606715

>b-but satoshi’s coins!
Ownership of btc does not grant special privileges in the network.

>muh ad verecundian, again
I already chastised you for your fallacious argumentation. Further, meth skeley clearly doesn’t understand game theory, elsewise he wouldn’t have turned eth into a PoS shitcoin
Sir, you don't understand game theory yourself if you're championing bitcoin

>centralises over time due to miners being located in same location
>massive fees so can't be used every day
>quantum computers can one day mine all the bitcoinz
Can this stupid faced jew go away already? He had his 5 minutes of fame, haha very cute autist, but there's no way anyone genuinely enjoys this stilted podcast.
No, he's been artificially pumped and will continue to be.
Cool story, brother.
Anyways. Just remember to take out profits early this time, don't lag behind like you did years ago. Overconfidence leads people into marrying their bags for some reason. Just be normal, turn a profit and take it.
Sorry not selling.
Your strategy is for meme coins.
Do we know under what circumstances Ripple would mint more XRP?
There is literally no reason to ever.
There are a million drops per XRP.
The XRPL can transact so much volume as it is that there is no benefit whatsoever to making anymore forever.
This is cope to deal with the fact of investing in a tech that will be used to further enslave us. Stop trying to sugar coat it. I've been in this play for years and this is the most difficult part about it. But I'm not deluding myself or others about the nature of the tech. The faction behind xrp are merely a different faction of tptb, and their goal is the same as the other factions that have had control over the world for the longest time: the complete destruction of the middle class and the enslavement of all to a neo-techno style feudalism. Yes, xrp would be incredible if we had philosopher kings running the world but we have the exact opposite of that at the helm.
Fair question.
It doesn't look like the rippled codebase is intended to allow issuing coins after the initial premine.
On the other hand, like any good heavily centralized project, their core software, rippled, is written and controlled by Ripple Labs Inc, the same company that still holds vast amounts of XRP wealth from its initial premine (roughly half of every XRP. Do the math, if you like big numbers.)
They have made a big show of having 3rd party validators, which somehow makes XRP decentralized, but let's not fool ourselves, it would be trivial for them to pull the blanket back and change the rules unilaterally.
Some in the XRP community would grumble, but all would ultimately fall in line behind the brilliant vision of the Ripple Leadership Team, whatever it may be.

Miners protect the network only from double spend claw backs. The true purpose of PoW is to ensure new coinage is only rewarded to positive sum actors (hence ALL premined shitcoins (all shitcoins) fail off the bat)
Fees are a non issue for a unit of account
Bitcoin is quantum-proof. Addresses are hashes, not public keys, keys are only revealed upon spending and address reuse has been counterindicated for a decade. QCs will never be feasible miners, but 94% of btc has already been mined so it’s a moot point
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There are some of you who will never understand and that's okay. There needs to be losers for there to be winners.

>A student admires complexity, a master admires simplicity
Ripple's team doesn't own 80% or even close and Nano's team coordinated with exchanges to dump on investors. Lol
It is trustless. Premine to solve for inefficiencies and remove rent seekers. Literally nothing you've said is valid. I didn't hang on Satoshi's coin distribution, I added it in addition to giving information on how the network itself is decentralized whereas BTC is not. It isn't fallacious to point out that one of the top 2 most successful people in early crypto say it is not as good and that the founder of BTC himself said Ripple is not centralized. You are emotional and deliberately misrepresenting my argument and avoiding the parts that prove you wrong and addressing the parts I added as secondary points and pretending they are principle
Exactly this.
It literally can't scale and requires centralized L2s that are still shitty and slow and risky to be even remotely useful. Zero percent chance the world's money turns to it.
btc can't be a unit of account because it's fees are too expensive to buy anything under $100
>ad verecundian
UNLs. Explicitly trust-based.
Destroys the game theory. Bitcoin can only be acquired through voluntary exchange or through PoW (also an exchange). Unearned reward is always deviant, “decentralized” TTPs are still TTPs, and therefore are both degenerate and DON’T SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF TRUST. Imbecile.
>can’t scale
Bitcoin is a unit of account, not a medium of exchange (MoE has no value as net demand is zero in-the-limit), it gains nothing from low value transactions.

Sorry you thought the value of crypto was “p2p paypal”, enjoy your bags, better luck next life.
>you can’t use btc for planetary level systemic accounting because fees are $5 a send
the devs own(ed) 20% personally and a further 50% is in escrow lol
why do you throw in random jargon to make bitcoin sound more profound? Just makes you look more delusional. Nobody thinks of the price of everyday (or any) items in bitcoin, besides the odd post on reddit trying to rope in normies to never sell their ponzicoin for pizza
Jed sold all of his under court order and the 50% as mentioned is held in timelocked escrow. Do you know what escrow is? Why would Ripple making circulating supply more scarce decrease its value prospect? Over 90% of eth is held by the masked whales from the pre-mine ICO.
imagine arguing with people online, i just say "nigger", post a smug pepe, and close the tab.
dumb ass. You missed the pump. You are also missing SUPRA.
I’m sorry you’re too stupid to understand simple concepts. The impedance betwixt highly liquid assets is so low that use as medium of exchange is superfluous to economic accounting fundamentally. We don’t use fiat for systemic accounting after all, we use land, gold, equities and ever increasingly: bitcoin. Bitcoin performs this function better so will continue to cannibalize the market.

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