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Previous thread: >>4345707
Post more of Evangelion's best girl!
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*points at you*
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this art could probably fool someone into thinking this is the kind of series where the dudes in the background are in a love triangle competing for the girl when in reality those niggas are gay
I'm confused if that's supposed to be blood or flowers
It's the blood of her enemies
*sucks finger*
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This is the scene where I truly fell hard for her.
Imagine my preteen reaction after what happens next.
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yeah i'd let her kill me
It was an unfair battle, but at least she didn't chicken out and faced both those JSSDF assholes and the MPE army (fuck SEELE), all by herself
She cut herself in the bathtub at the start of episode 24, its blood portrayed like flowers blooming.
>She cut herself in the bathtub at the start of episode 24
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You can see blood in the bathtub, she slit her wrists and there are bandages on them later. Along with the folded clothes, it looks like a suicide attempt.
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Adding on, Asuka says directly “There's no reason for me to live now.”
Requesting actual proof and not assumptions
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Director's Cut makes it evident she was bleeding in the tub.
I thought the general consensus is that the red color of the water was because of her hair and rust (I mean, look at the place she was)
Also, she doesn't have any cuts on her arms or bandages during the hospital scenes. Cuts don't heal in such short time.

She gave up on life but didn't try to commit suicide
Instead, she decided to waste away until death comes to her
>Director's Cut makes it evident she was bleeding in the tub.
How so?
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Some cool looking screenshots I took from that manga style short from the last Rebuild
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It's cute how Asuka puts on her old suit for Shinji's benefit, that was really nice of her.
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What was it called again?
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You're looking for Evangelion 3.0 (-120 min.)
I don’t really like it because it just makes Mari look like more of a duplicitous traitor to Asuka and Asuka look like more of a cuck. It’s trying to patch a ship that already sank.
Eh, I choose to view such things in a vacuum and ignore the larger overall neo-canon of the rebuilds. Thing makes me smile > I like thing.
I can’t really do that. I look at Mari encouraging Asuka here and I find it cruel that she leaves Asuka behind at that station without even thinking twice. It rings hallow to me for that reason.
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Mari's relationship with Shikinami is honestly really bizarre
I feel like they changed it at some point
My impression is that Tsurumaki wrote her one way (teasing, encouraging friend to Asuka) and Anno wrote his ending with Mari as the romantic interest, contradicting her prior development as Asuka’s wingman. I feel the same way about Asuka’s dual ending sequences. It’s weird that she has two distinct farewell scenes. I get the impression Tsurumaki had more to say with the clone backstory and Anno was the one having her say hi to Kensuke. It seems one or the other would do, and it’s super odd that we are given a brand new backstory out of nowhere and then immediately see her get sent away. The overall effect just leaves me feeling cold about it all.
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If you believe in Asuken because of the Rebuilds you're a spastic.
Either way she got left behind by the main character. It just kind of feels like she would have been better off staying at home and not getting involved.
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>encourages asuka to confess her feelings to shinji, then immediately steals him away after
the girl who was cucked to death
I don’t mean to provide fuel for obnoxious reifag trolls, but I do feel dour about that. Her having a home with Kensuke is the only positive thing she really has going for her by the end, and some people seem to want to deny even that.
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if they hadn't pussyfooted around it so much (are they? aren't they? who knows lmao plausible deniability) and hadn't made it awkward with the fucking doll scene it would have gone over better, I feel
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Maybe. I would have at least liked more of a ‘homecoming’ scene for her in the end. Just showing the empty pod followed up with a shot of a faceless redhead on a bench in the distance leaves it feeling incomplete if you ask me.
The true ending is that Mari was leading Shinji up the stairs and to the other side of the station to meet up with Asuka on the opposite platform, playing the same roll she did in getting Yui and Gendo together.
However, nobody accounted for me rizzing up Asuka and driving off with her before they could arrive.
Do you think Asuka would like Anthrazit?
he flat out dumped her lmao
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well, the guy did think he was going to die, which is why he also sent everyone else away
>fought 14 years to protect what's remain of humankind
>some brat tries to cause a human extinction
Why would someone get mad at that
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said brat was convinced that his actions would fix the world, while everyone who could have told him that nerv was trying to cause another impact simply refused to say anything
They weren't even sure he was fully human at the time, though.
People told him to stay away from eva, don't pilot an eva
But all he care about is where is Ayanami
So he choose to go to nerv, just like 14 years ago
He choose to follow what people at nerv told him to do, just like 14 years ago
what would a Hugo boss Nazi era plug suit look like
pos tmore suka
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is there a higher res version?
MIsato's thread is over here >>4309749
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Cute :)
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I desire to taste Suka's tongue.
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Kaji deserved to die for how he failed Asuka as a father figure
lmaowut? not his job, he was just an attached escort (whose primary responsibility wasn't even her to begin with)
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He was responsible for her care in Germany
Kaji would have been so much more of an interesting character if he had to fight a desire for intimacy with asuka, perhaps if they made an immediate rejection from misato leading him to long for asuka, only to be rejected and/or "come to his senses" and break off that line, only then coming back to misato.
as it is he's pretty one-note, not that most eva characters aren't, but he in particular feels more like a missed opportunity than most
Awful idea
>if he had to fight a desire for intimacy with asuka
I've thought this before too
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Kaji had more important things to do than think about fucking a teenager.
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Nobody has anything more important to think about than fucking teenagers!
>a teenager.
not just any teenager, we're talking about Asuka.
you'd find it hard, too.
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I think it would be better if he at least was aware of her internalized issues and feels guilt towards her situation. He nudges her towards Shinji to kind of get her to stop fixating on him, but he should also know that her situation is really fucked and she’s headed towards disaster, mentally. But he remains aloof and doesn’t really offer any advice or let her know she has value outside of piloting.
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i feel as though kaji was at least partly responsible for her situation, as a SEELE agent he would have been grooming her to be nothing but a pilot and reenforcing the idea that she was useless eithout piloting, however subtley or unintentionally. if he had some father's guilt or something it'd be better
as I said he feels really flat as this "does-no-wrong" "always-knows-the-answer" guy. maybe the watermelons symbolise something.
now that I think about it, i want kaji to be the anti-gendo, where gendo feels no remorse for shinji, kaji should be eaten away by guilt for asuka. maybe that manifests as playing along with her desire for intamacy before realsing how fucked up that is, maybe it's more of a "too-little-too-late" after she runs away to comit suicide. even a single scene of him crying or something at asuka's situation would make him so much more interesting. i want to cry at her situation and I didn't literally raise her
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If you think about it, it’s possible that Asuka’s fixation on Kaji runs deeper than simple teenage lust. Kaji would have been the first adult who took care of her and treated her as important since her mother died. Her own father and step mother don’t seem to care enough or understand what she’s feeling. So if you think about it, Asuka placed more than romantic desire on Kaji. He was the one who (in her mind) gave her something to look forward to. So him beginning to ignore her is a deeper betrayal than simply not validating her sexuality. He’s the last person who made her feel like she matters, and I don’t think Kaji recognizes the responsibility of that.
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Kaji was supposed to be the positive male role model for Shinji, working in opposition to Gendo. Though their mannerisms were similar (Like most of the Eva cast, they were both somewhat detached from others), Kaji tried to do good despite his situation and was comfortable with himself. He tried to behave like a father figure for Shinji, especially in the later episodes like 17,18 and 19.
>shinji this shinji that
yeah but who cares, asuka is the main character
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>and I don’t think Kaji recognizes the responsibility of that.
On the contrary he was morr aware of Asuka affection and understanding how off this taboo situation was, Kaji understood how fragile she was and taking advantage of Asuka would have done more damage to her self esteem then good. >>4349411 anon is on point Kaji recognized Shinji & Asuka where two sides of the same coin and felt it was best that they get the chance to know each other better because nobody else but them can relate with each other
>/co/ shit
opinion discarded
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I’m not talking about him crossing the line with her. I meant actually being a good father figure. His help only seemed to extend to nudging her towards Shinji. And Shinji was no help at all.
Granted he should have been more involved but I'm guessing budget cuts restricted screen time since Kaji is a support character, neglecting Asuka & Kaji spending quality time together
>And Shinji was no help at all.
Also that was his error, He didn't foresee that they be like "oil and water "so to speak
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He underestimated their diametrically opposed autism.
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It's not like it was the responsibility of the literal child to ensure his fellow literal child stayed mentally sound, that was Misato's failing
She even noticed Asuka's decline and chose to not do anything about it
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Honorary "Suka" :p
>(Reggie literally said this)

Disappointing to think that everyone actually did (except Kaij) gave up on Asuka
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Yeah I’m saying it’s a bad move. The adults were unfortunately tied up in their own pursuits and let the kids hit a wall.
And yes I am at the forefront of the ‘Misato let Asuka down’ movement.
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I don't get what Misato was thinking in episode 22, she just (ignores?) Asukas shower freakout, doesn't try to console/talk to her or anything. She definitely let her down.
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According to the script Shinji ran into Kaworu while looking for Asuka, so he gets the honor of being the very last one to give up on her
I guess
The womanchild only knew how to console someone in one way: sex
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She only deals with Shinjis bitchy cry fest in EOE while Asuka is tearing up the mass production evas like a badass.
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And she would have won if they hadn't pulled out some bullshit
And if Yui hadn't been a cunt and waited until AFTER she was dead to break out of the bakelite
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I always thought it was weird she didn't just pick up another power cable, you would think the geofront would be packed full of them.
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It's very likely that the JSSDF sabotaged all the defence facilities they could get their hands on, which would include anything available in the surface of the geofront
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Well they had n2 mined the fuck out of the surface so most of the terminals were probably damaged. In fact they were probably specifically targeted by jssdf also.
I’d enjoy it if at least at some level Yui came to know Asuka returned.
“I lived, bitch.”
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Whats going on here?
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わたしがバカでーす: "I am an idiot!"
アスカ!?: "Asuka!?"
アスカ何を!?: "Asuka, what are you doing!?"
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Aww she's so cute!
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I remade the old meme in a higher resolution.
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Thanks anon, I love it!
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She's so pretty
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I'll start reading the manga tonight
I hope it has tons of cute Asukas
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There are but it does skip over a lot.
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Asuka PC build!!!
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One day...
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Is that your build? I have all the parts too, even the fight pad, and love it a ton! I prefer playing SF6 on a controller though so that pad just sits in my display cabinet for the most part.
Glad you liek it anon
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ayo you from /fit/ too?
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I do work out but I don't go to /fit/, these pics just find their way around. And they work btw, lifting for Asuka does in fact help
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Bro that's literally me in that fucking pic lmao, someone made that edit of me. Thought I was having a stroke for a moment when I saw it agian here. But yes, Asuka is good lifting motivation.

https://vocaroo.com/1oKFEPguYMCb (credit to Tiffany Grant)
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Based keep up the good work
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Asuka-powered /fit/bros unite.
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Hey, when Asuka's in the 'plug' she's flooded in LCL, right? So shouldn't her hair be floating about?
The staff seemed to forget about the liquid, often.
Or maybe LCL is really low density.
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Asking the questions that matter.
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>Upon Evangelion activation, an electrical current is run through the LCL and it undergoes a "phase shift", after which its density, opacity, and viscosity appear to approach that of air.
In other words, the LCL inside the Entry Plug can be controlled. That's why they don't float (like Rei inside her tank) or drown in it.
That's crap, it would have looked cooler and been cooler if the LCL was just a breathable liquid.
I always assumed that LCL was basically amniotic fluid until just now
LCL is Lilith's blood, but that's a good analogy
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Shinji and Asuka got lost in the sauce.
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The characters don't have specific birth dates but the ones from their VAs are usually used
If we take Miyamura's birthday as Asuka's (December 4th) and line up the few dates we get in the series, Asuka's birthday probably happened during the month that Shinji spent lost in the sauce inside unit-01
Meaning that it's very likely Asuka spent her 14th birthday alone

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