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"Even if I die, I can be replaced."
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Not in my heart. Rei cannot be replaced and nor will she will die. Not anymore.
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*and nor will She die
What happened?
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Massive purge of threads in many boards, as far as I see.
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Thread 230?
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Guess so. Everyone else is "one-upping" their threads. The next one will probably be "Thread 231".
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Anno got mad that people didn't hate his character that they were supposed to hate.
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Well, Anno does have this "love/hate" relationship with EVA in general. He said he liked the red one, but used and abused her like the doll she was. NERV discarded that doll when her "strings" broke. Replaced her with one that was the opposite of her. Someone who was outright positive to Shinji. Rei is Rei. Even if Anno does "hate" Rei. Does it matter? Not like he can "change" the Original EVA and the characters. He can only "Rebuild". See how that turned out. The "Rebuilds" are EVA from the perspective that Anno has now. Some say he "grew up". I think it may be something to do with his virginity and it's loss. A lot changes in a man when that happens. Not that I know. Speculations based on facts. Guess I'm saying that: Original Eva= Virgin Anno/Rebuild EVA = Not-Virgin Anno.
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rei basedanami
He was talking about the thread.
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What a mess. I leave 4chan for a few days and the whole place explodes. Yes, this is thread #230. Previous thread (for archival purposes): >>4354685, https://archived.moe/c/thread/4354685.

Let us bring this thread quickly to a close so a proper thread may be reinstated.

Ubi Reia, ibi patria.
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Even I, a Zealot, found that funny.
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I remember reading about this. It speaks to Rei's power, that even the man who gave her an image that we might see her could not
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Is a blue or green palm for the plugsuit canonical?
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I'm guessing it's an "artistic choice". I only remember her palms being light-gray/brue.
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Lmao. Is engrish?
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That's what I remember as well.
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Seems it's sometimes omitted as an aspect of the suit too.
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If that is a problem. I'll post only Original Rei Ayanami. That's the least I can do.
It's a Blessing that We can post Her at all.
You mean like in japanese? Brue?
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Forgot image.
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Ah look at that, I don't see it in that image.

No, we established before that it's fine.
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>I don't see it in that image
That image has nothing to do with what I said. I just know that the pronunciation of blue in japanese is "brue".
>No, we established before that it's fine.
Very well, I understand.
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I guess it's time We wrap this up.
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Next thread:

Somehow the fact that she can be replaced just makes me want to protect her (and any other Rei) even more.

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