Blue Archive, Arknights, Genshin Impact, etcRerolling Edition
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>>4358632Nice shark! Also Vtuber thread when?
>>4358676There's already a VTuber thread up and running >>4356894
tis a shame what happened too all the threads
Bros...I'm in bad need of that gif of this little green elf loli sitting in a tree stump. Feeling real bummed right now, need loli in my veins, plz.
>>4359851can't find it, try asking >>>/wsr/ or /gig/
>>4359851this is the best I can do
>>4360011Okay, i guess. Thanks
>>4360600I hate her GFL2 design so muchI really don't like GFL2 in general, everything is just off.
>>4358131very nice
Keqing <3
why is there so much high quality porn of blue archive? genuine question, I have 0 clue what blue archive is but there is so much high quality loli porn of it to the point where it's weird