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Well hello, Florida Seagulls. It's been a slower year here, but I know you're out there and you know I'm out there. Our local scene keeps on with one location change after the other doesn't it? HolMat where MegaCon is, OtakuFest where "Super"con is (impending lols there), Mizucon where OtakuFest was, Anime Iwai at the far end of Palm Beach County
>Alternate Title: Musical Venues Edition

>Anime in the Park - April 20 - Groveland
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - April 27 - Sarasota
>KirbiiCon - May 4 - Fort Lauderdale
>OtakuFest - May 17-19 - Miami Beach
>Mizucon - May 24-26 - Miami
>Collect-A-Con Orlando - May 25-26 - Orlando
>Finn-Con@MDC June 15 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 28-30 - Orlando
>Metrocon - July 5-7 - Tampa
>Florida Supercon - July 12-14 - Miami Beach
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 11 - Fort Myers
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 15 - Fort Lauderdale
>WasabiCon - October 11-13 - Jacksonville
>Anime Iwai - November 15-17 - Palm Beach Gardens
>Holiday Matsuri - December 20-22 - Orlando
Did Iwai get blacklisted from all Broward hotels or something? Because I fear the PBG location might even be at more at the mercy of boomers/karens seething
That was probably more a matter of pricing or dates than anything else. There was bad blood on both sides after last year's incident though, I can tell ya that much for sure
>PBG location might even be at more at the mercy of boomers/karens seething
That's actually a good point. I've never had reason to go there but stopped at the Total Wine nearby by pure chance not long ago. The number of retirees around was through the roof
Thread anthem:

>last year's incident
You can read pretty much everything starting here: >>10891094 I was there but got frustrated and went to bed before it got really bad
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been going to a lot of cons here
this years dates are wild but i love em so much ill tag along anyways
Haha whoopsie, looks like I let lil ol SuperFanCon slip through the cracks, and that's this weekend. Are they ever gonna have a consistent venue? They're on at least the fourth that I'm aware of, and now it's Dadeland Mall of all places. And after finally feeling ready to forgive them for their pathetic 2020 showing the week before lockdowns (like 40 fucking attendees total), I can't make it cause I'm moving. Oh well!
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What was meant by this?
I'll be traveling down for metro. My body is ready!
I'll be going to metrocon and Sarasota Anime-Fest if anyone wants to meetup, I'm going by myself so looking for new buddies

disc: kiaser
What's your lineup for metro?
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Is there something to Metrocon that I'm not getting? I went three years ago and was pretty underwhelmed desu
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Some years are better than others. I just enjoy going when I'm off work and seeing old con buddies down in Florida.
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What would you consider its best qualities? I can remember three things about it, and the novelty has since worn off for all (no masking in 2021, the Rock Band karaoke guys, the huge booth with cheap import games and CDs)
Best quality to me is hanging out with my fl frens desu. The layout is pretty nice as well. Hotels are comfy, everything is in walking distance, and the chess event is pretty neat
Georgiafag here considering Bold Matsuri since it's only 3 hours away and I've been to Jacksonville before

I'm assuming it's like Wasabicon but with more weebery
Don't forget Bold Matsuri
Friendly PSA: if you ever catch wind of some little one day event like HeroHype or South Florida Con, just don't bother. Even if you're ok with low attendance / low effort stuff, I came to realize they're literal scams after being told
>No card payments accepted, only cash or Zelle (with an additional service fee)
Whenever a con is being held out of like the back of a Days Inn I just instantly assume it's a waste of time
>small con doesn't have all the options as a big one
WOW thanks for the tip anon, next help teach me to tie my shoes.

Seriously who expects more than cash or Zelle for something in a daysinn. Not very well versed in cons yet are you?
50+ in three years. I lost count. Could check the exact number, but I'm not really interested in going out of my way for condescending dickheads
Any you don't know that small cons have limitations? Sure thing anon, must not really take a lot in if you can't understand the basics.
not a rebuttle but whatever. Just because a con that hosts at max 400 people doesn't take your payment method doesn't mean it's a scam. Zelle is with every major bank and cheaper than PayPal with less risk of fraud chargebacks.

Calling a small con like the ones you listed a scam is just a shitty thing to do.
OK, good. You don't have to be a *completely* smarmy cunt. Cause otherwise, I was gonna leave it at that. In those 50+ cons, there were ones run by university anime clubs and held in the library that felt more professional.
>Your payment method
Yeah, any form of card payment at all. I could have even overlooked that but "service fee" for Zelle is the one that really made me suspicious. Superfancon isn't great either, but there was one one year they held it at Xtreme Action Park which is something different. So yeah, I'm not gonna go to bat for subpar trash where it feels like vendors outnumber attendees
You're complaining and getting about a small event that might be for only 200 people on 4chan. Nothing you said implies or shows proof of a scam. Don't attend if you don't care for the con, and don't call things a scam because you have some tinfoil logic
I when to Orlando Anime Day with some other gulls and we had a good time.
I am trying to hit a lot of cons in Florida this year. Anyone willing to trade a spot in their hotel room for bartending services? I can mix some drinks.
It's a small one day type of gig.
>bragging about how many cons you've been to in 3 years
>this general incoherence
I have a pretty good idea who this is lmao.

Don't bother giving him (you)'s he will do some insane mental gymnastics to validate how right he is and if not must be one of his infamous 'haters'. You will literally lose braincells taking to this guy.
Point of contact: rudyfrog (discord)
To reiterate, if you are going to a convention in Florida and have a hotel room with space for one more, I will trade mixed drinks for a bed to sleep in.
The funny thing is that the vendors themselves all take card payments
You just sound mad that you had to pay $1 extra for a service fee, why are you so cheap anon?
Why didn't you just pay cash then?
What kind of mixed drinks are we talking? Hotels cost a lot after COVID, I would be down but you'd have to bring a looot for it to be worth it.
Depends on the hotel and event. I hot one booked for Aug that's 85$ a night
Yeah and when people tell me "they are bringing booze" it usually equates to cheap shit and barely 50 dollars worth of vodka. 85 is pretty cheap we're you way off site?
Agreed on the booze. And they'll use mostly mixer n skimp on the liquor lol.
It's not a fl con for that 85$ one. But it's the host hotel.
It's a fun lil con that's grown over the years. It's cool partying at the hotel with the con guests.
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Tomorrow marks the official start of con season, one every weekend of May sans the following. First up Kirbiicon (">Not a real con"). It has con in the name, so it counts. Is Otakufest about to enter the big leagues? We'll find out soon. Here's hoping my boy Anthony "Alog" Logatto is there. I've been seeing him at South Florida cons since 2016 in his trademark Rick or Lupin costumes. At last Mizucon, I charmed everyone who crossed my path, so I'm ready for more of that. Then for the last weekend, well, that's a different matter entirely.

Let the games begin.
Are you coming to oktakufest? 2022 was fun
You know it. Otaku 22 was godtier from start to finish
...Oh and I'm gonna take a picture at Otaku of a busy hallway during peak hours on Saturday. Once Super rolls around, I'll do it again at the same place and time. Then the mogging will be officially complete
I might switch up and let my fancy take me the next time I run to the liquor store but last time I brought gin, absinthe, kalua, triple sec, vodka, tequila, and bourbon. Usually also get lemons, limes, grapefruit juice, orange juice, soda water, and granulated sugar. I might experiment a bit, though.
Any of the handful of people at the AWA /cgl/ meetup last year could vouch for me.
Are you a high school girl?
Otakufest is a liter garbage dumpsterfire
>Any of the handful of people at the AWA /cgl/ meetup last year could vouch for me.
Other FL anon? uhh.... wait... You were at AWA too? I only know of like 1 other fl anon who actively posts here and was there during the meetup and he was such a fucking pile of shit. Hope that's not you because man that guy has a wrap sheet a mile long.
I was the guy who couldn't shut up about airships and cameras. So if that is who you are thinking of, sorry?
No clue that was forever ago. Didn't stick around when I heard some dude sounding like he just was reading posts from /b/ or /po/ I just decided I had other things to do.
Wasn’t at AWA but I’m rather certain I met this guy at Iwai. I can vouch that he’s legit
just came from kirbiicon
it was fun the venue was actually bigger than last year
they expanded more stuff in the parking lot so i got more to see

although i went alone because all my cosplaying friends moved out
Yeah same. The extra space might explain why it felt a little emptier this year. It probably wasn't, just spread thin. I had to laugh watching all the randos off the street sneaking in through the opening next to the DJ bus
Yeah, I was at Iwai, at the hotel party near the elevator. I think I did better at AWA, though.
So Otaku's less than two weeks away and their schedule hasn't dropped? Or is it just a badly run website? (Most con site are desu). I've got a free pass for Saturday but wanna know if Friday or Sunday's better
so otakufest is a week away
anyone else excited for it?

i still think changing venues might be a gamble tho
I'm ready, if a little nervous. The schedule's full of panels from all the regulars at other cons around here
>i still think changing venues might be a gamble tho
What other choice was there, other than leaving Dade?
aw man wish i can tell ya dude
the macc was comfortable for the most part imo
what are the chances we hear anything about holmat before October
It really was but thats what Mizu's for
Anything like what? Room blocks? I'd think it's before then
What are the biggest draws according to floridians

t. Out of towner
What’s the parking situation going to be for Otakufest?
In a word? Shit. Also don't go anywhere near Lincoln Place
We in a dog's mouth right now.
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damn, is it really like this?
Well I'm havin a good time I know that much
same anon

i had fun all three days it was nice
although id have to get use to the new venue (since its like supercon) but there was a lotta empty space yea
anyone elses thoughts on this?
>anyone elses thoughts on this?
Every year of Otaku, there's been some outside force in the way. Hurricane, lockdowns, Reedpop... This year it's the city. No Dade venue works anymore. There was a weird vibe in the air the whole time. Lowkey at points but little signs here and there like rare costumes or people more open to chatting with randos. It felt like they were waiting for something to happen and the second they saw a chance they joined in
Oh and this is yet another con added to the list where security gave absolutely zero fucks. Not about badges, about bags or even entry to the rave
honestly yeah
there was a dance group in the upstairs and everyone was gathering around much
id say that was fun for a while

no kidding about the city, i prefer the macc because its easier for me
going down for miami beach out of anything of all things is a hassle id say
>there was a dance group in the upstairs
Was this during the Touhou meetup on Saturdsay
>no kidding about the city, i prefer the macc
If you're coming to Mizu, you'll see what a difference an attached hotel really makes. Especially when some many of the same folks go to both
i never went to mizu and i know anime iwai people are behind it
but if i know a hotel attached are the most convenient things ever id dig it
i did go to holmat but went to airbnb tho
new anon here, kinda hype for my first metrocon. Not sure what to expect
Dunno if everyone else already knows, but Mizucon is seemingly doing everything in the hotel/jewelry mall hallway part of the Doubletree rather than the actual MACC a literal minute walk away
Yeah, I never even knew that area existed till they made the announcement. We'll see how it works out but I'm not too worried
If you were at least year's Otakufest there's a pretty high chance you at least passed by it. They had a vendor ballroom there. But if I had to guess, most people walked straight past it on their way to the main con.
I did but never spent much time in that area. The part I'm most surprised by is how that little alcove right next to the check-in desk is actually a hallway leading to more rooms Otaku didn't use (or I just didn't see) and not just a dead end. Also are you ever at any of the meetups? I'm sure there'll be more than a couple of us present for the fumo panel in the early evening
Let the suckfest begin.
All my people, right here right now. Ya know what I mean? The proper festivities haven't even started and I'm already feeling good
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Locked and loaded at MizuCon.
Fr. I went last year and it was meh. Went the year before and it was still meh, but only slightly less so.
Basically all the tiny ass cons in Jacksonville (aside from Wasabi) are like this. Collective Con, Bold City Con, HeroCon, ect. All ran by the same people and all shitty.
Oh yeah, that's right I forgot. Saturday is when the cute femtists at Mizu start showing up in droves
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>Also are you ever at any of the meetups?
Not recently. To make a long story short, I got truck-kun'd and instead of being isekai'd I have Mossad gangstalkers after me. Sucks to miss out, but it can't be helped.
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Officially unofficial Mizucon /cgl/ bar room in 923
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GA anon here, just got back from Collect-a-Con Orlando.
primary went to meet Peter Cullen, but a lot of others were there too like Chuck Norris and Charles Martinet.
Sean Schemmel was a no-show, which is to be expected. Many upset hispanics
It Happened on Negro Mountain
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I scraped my finger on the pool at Mizucon and now it’s infected and throbbing.
Lil over a month out!
Anyone else excited?
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It’s looking better, thanks anon
Fellows, what is the opinion on Anime Festival Orlando? In comparison to Metrocon?
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Metrocon is like spaghettios, if you grew up eating spaghettios then having a can as an adult you’re like “man this shit is still good af after all these years and reminds me of my childhood” but if you try spaghettios for the first time as an adult you’ll probably be like “fuck this shit is nasty”

Same principle applies to Metro. It’s a fun con to chill at, get drunk with frens, grab some sushi at Jackson’s and hit the rave like it’s 2014
We just narrowly missed that timeline then, since Metro 2011 was supposed to be my first con ever. ...and then I dislocated my knee on the week of. Sad!
It’s like smaller metro, it’s at a new venue this year so it might be varying and different from past years. AFOs peak was 2015 and it’s slowly gone downhill since then, especially after they effectively banned the pool party

Tl:Dr Metro betta
Ouch! I know this is off topic, but how did that transpire?
Are all the same people from 5-6 years ago still around?
Wondering because of the discord that semi imploded after incelgate
Taekwondo. It was near the end of the lesson and I felt it give out after standing up. There was a recent thread about cancelled con plans that didn't go anywhere, and I mentioned it there too, how it was a waste in the long run. Cause I was able to walk again fairly well within just a couple days.
Kinda hard to say. I might know the server you're talking about but there's another one around if you're interested. DGzz5DhT
I didn't grow up with it. My first one was in 21 I wanna say. But I had such a phenomenal experience that I'll keep going when I'm free from work.
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I am yeah, Star Lord anon here. I remember Ricardo seething about me on a thread (despite me always being nice to him) and I basically hit him with the “a woman will never love you, buy a gun and kill yourself”. As far as the server admin goes, him being an unironic full blown 1488 Nazifag was sad but not surprising, bro wanted to be an “operator”
sooooo bad despite being a ginger manlet with poverty tier firearms

As far as an actual server goes, there hasn’t been one to replicate this level of uncensored shitposting fun of the old one. There’s a server with quite a few of us from the old server run by some dear friends of mine from the old server, but it’s not a “4chan” server, it’s a general cosplay server and it’s become kind of a hugbox imo, I’ve gotten in trouble for being mildly edgy a few times
so ive been going to metro for 8 years now and i love it
i make it a yearly trip for me
in some years its slow but the vibe and cosplayers were top notch for the most part
even if theres nothing to do for anyone not interested its still to make friends who are chilling downstairs and dancing to the music (if you know you know)

although i would say my gripe is the maid cafe being boring and should be a bundle included with the vip because that shit sells out instantly the moment it drops
This will be my first year, I am looking forward to it.
What outfits you rocking this year?
Not this anon but I’m doing Star Lord Friday and Mando armor Saturday
I am thinking Kraft Lawrence.
Nice! I'll keep an eye out. Friday I'll be in my ff7 outfit with a buddy. Sat I'll be rocking my MK Mashup.
For the rave imma be comfy n wear my eeyore outfit
Sounds comfy my guy. I'll look for you during the weekend
See, I grew up with it and have the opposite feeling. I went as a teenager, and the past 2 years was going again hoping to have that nostalgic fun. It wasn't. The year before last was fun because I was with friends, but last year sucked imo. I'm in my 30s and it lost its magic for me, but I mostly do DragonCon now. So idk what my deal is
Anime Festival Orlando, only a week away.
Rosen gonna be a welcome change there imo, stayed there a few times at Mega and it’s a nice place

Hot take but the old AFO hotel was a shithole and any last remaining good qualities went out the window when they banned the pool party
It seems Supercon isn't corporate enough, and they've gotten rid of all fan operated booths like 501st Legion and the Ghostbusters charity guys. That's...."nice"
I was on the fence about AFO but looks like I'm going and staying on site. This is gonna be my first. People have told me of this pool party before too. How's it been in earlier years?
must have been that libtard dusty because none of the other mods seem to mind
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>holmat posted the ticket dates
>comments on the ig is just shit talking them
I'm trying to decide between Dragoncon or TCC

Both look like headaches but Tampa at least is contained to one building
Wait, why? what is happening?
They're mad about their lack of response to the mass-roofie incident of last year
Man, I am out of the loop.
yeah like what anon said >>10924222

theyre mad about the roofie incident of last year and security did not handle it well
which i get was handled poorly
but id also wanna say its one of the last cons to have a hotel so there goes all of them
and maybe its in orange country souless corp building so its unironically over
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Last minute prep for AFO.
AFO: Computer system is screwy in both convention and overflow hotel. No cards/cash only, no wifi. They can't even make room keys. You have to get a security guard to come check your id to let you in your room. One of the AFOs of all time and somehow i feel less poor than if it was the Wyndham since at least it isn't raining inside.
I've arrived and it's fucking packed for a Friday. Though I noticed that's from a high number of normans
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HolMat 2024 foreshadowing
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They're thinkin it. You're thinkin it. My cousin's lawyer's dog is thinkin it
Anybody at AFO interested in a meetup, hit me up. I'll be checking all day. Even if you can't get a hold of you in the day, I refer you to >>10918100 because we've got more of this in our room here too
Time/location for a rendezvous?
We'll open the doors at 10. Room number is 1130
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Went to AFO on Friday, first con experience and was pretty fun though some of the panels or activities were just ok, whoever cosplayed Lady Oscar is extremely based

Met some cool dudes around midnight after the bullshit burlesque show lolz
Why just on Friday? If I may pry.
Good news about the pool: It didn't get busted (that I saw). Bad news: nobody down there was from the con
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My post-AFO analysis, as a first time attendee:
I think it was overall a good event. It was medium small; I think over a thousand attendees but less than ten thousand, if I were to guess an order of magnitude. It felt more community driven (as opposed to corporate). I appreciated the number and variety of fan panels that were present there as well as the number of vendors in the dealers hall. Their 18+ section of the vendor hall was larger than most I've seen before. I will say, though, their main events were kind of underwhelming and I was disappointed that Karaoke was only held on Friday night. The Saturday night rave charged a door fee which I think was bum move. It's definitely not my new favorite con but I am left with an positive impression of it altogether.
I'd mostly agree. Nobody ever talks about it which let me go in with no bias. One thing that really sets it apart is the oldhead vibe. Usually that makes thing boring but I can tell these are the dedicated fans who have been with anime for a long time, as opposed to some grandpa who just likes Star Trek. The attendees in general were also really different from what you see in South Florida. The best way to tell I liked it, is feeling I'll have to get there before Friday evening and stay later than Sunday afternoon next time. Cause it was a really short experience for me overall. Oh also get some more panels, plus...
>disappointed that Karaoke was only held on Friday night.
Don't limit karaoke to Thursday + Friday. How many people do you think even showed up for that?
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>I'm not going to Supercon this time
t. me every year
>I'm going to Supercon
t. me every year

Also I've now done two cons in a row where someone who clearly deserved to win a contest lost to fucking Hamilton. If this ends up being the third, I'll have to speak up. Pic extremely related
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at metrocon right now
just fucked a cosplayer raw in my hotel room and my head is spinning. very small asian girl, part of one of the idol groups I think. she just went catatonic and walked out.
what do I do
Says the guy dating the girl who whined about how the old server was triggering her anxiety and destroying her mental health.
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Lmao I can’t even tell which one of you this is but I can guarantee you wont ever say that to my face [spoiler] you won’t [/spoiler]

On god if you are who I think you are you really should just buy a .357 Magnum revolver and an hero, it isn’t ever going to get better for you
You better dip before she gets the cops
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Just when you thought there would never be a Coral Springs Marriott con ever again: a challenger appears
There was plenty of creeps there. But also a ridiculous amount of thirst traps. I don't feel bad when they get vetoed in
Metrocon was fine
I hope yall had a good time
same anon

metro was pretty fun this year i loved it
it was really big this year and met some friends i met online
like always im always there next year
Too many chicks promoting their OF
Not to be confused by that NJ con "Puchicon" that claimed it wasn't aware of Miraicon's existence when they attempted to change their name (and still haven't yet on Facebook).
Anyone going to supercon?
Definitely tomorrow, still unsure about today
I’ll be in the pop Asia area selling model kits
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The cosplay contest at Metrocon was an absolute joke. Were the judges drunk? Alex should not have won best in show with her shitty Lilia Vanrouge costume when she can't even sew a straight line; she hides it with rhinestones and gaudy trims. Best in show should have gone to the ones who got best journeyman, best masters, or even the runner-up. Brown nosing pays off.
Yeah, this year was a bit meh it seemed
Who won the hallway contest?
Dan if youre reading this please pay me back I know you had enough money for AFO what the fuck gives?
Watch out, he has a tendency to snitch on everyone who calls him out on here and gets them banned.
Why? He bragged about the threads here. He seems to be a big guy on cgl making the threads.
It's really not something to gloat about, but anyway. He's reported me, among others, on here whenever he gets called out. A lot of those missing replies you see on this thread, and the last one is him being a snitch.
same anon
had fun at supercon
only went for a day tho
i think it was much better than last year since i saw so many more people
anyone know about spirit of japan? i'm not local so i'm thinking about booking a flight for the guests but don't want to get screwed by cancellations.
Pretty sure
Is him because he often brags about not paying for cons or charging back tickets on the day of. And yeah it's funny how he will constantly play the fuck the jannies card but the second he gets called out on shit he can't hit the report button fast enough.

You're never getting your money back from moonway or whatever alt he is on right now. I learned he's done this in other cgl groups at the very least recently. The money is gone and he doesn't have any intention of paying anyone back ever. Enjoy being on his "list of haters" and that no he really bought you drinks and food instead of paying, so you're just making things up! Which is hilarious because if so many people have the same story about you skipping on the tab for a room or drinks nearly every time, it's not just "haters". He owes me about 125 bucks from a previous con and since just stopped responding or yet another excuse on discord to the point I gave up. Watch out as he keeps changing to shitty amazon cosplays and genre's to confuse people but it's so obvious it's him.

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