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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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rip BOZO, rest in piss, you will not be missed edition

Required readings:
>>10915378 (previous thread)
>>10913960 (even previouser thread)

May 17th-19th, 2024 Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

Anyone still here? Why?
Any last minute happenings today on the last day?
Absolute highlight of the con?
Absolute lowlight of the con?
Anything you want to see changed for next year?
Sydney offing himself
>Anything you want to see changed for next year?
Warsie offing himself next :)
coming home from this
>hopes for next year
not going to this con
why did we make another thread. con is over. you missed your chance all your trannies
On a lighter note this was by far my most popular cosplay to date. To the point where I was actually thankful almost no one recognized my other cosplay.
>be cheap and stay at the Holiday Inn
>random Muslim convention going on
Warsie and AtJap both kill themselves

to be honest they looked so washed up and defeated, it’s disgusting
Which cosplay pic you about to bust to tonight
And don't forget dirty
After you, faggot
Random? Nonsense, they're celebrating the destruction of Mossad's most dangerous agent.
What's his last name?
they smell like god awful poop like wtf
Tell them a Jew killed themselves in one of the nearby hotels because he couldn't handle the fact Israel is rapidly losing its credibility
reisen. Trying to check obituaries
They'll realistically give you bomb ass (no pun intended) Palestinian food if you do this
If you think about it, the people who are most upset about Sydney are the people who caused it by having a superficial relationship with him based around partying, and not being around for him when he needed it. If it’s true that he thought none of his friends were really his friends, he was right.
Speak for yrself, loser
Full name: Reisen Udongein Inaba

But seriously anon, how do you think obituaries work? They don't automatically get uploaded the second someone dies like a warrant canary. It was mentioned in one of the other threads, if there is an obituary, it'll probably get posted in a few days, weeks even. If you're looking for an "official" obituary, his family would have to write it first (you know, after dealing with the funeral and stuff), then actually publish it somewhere. Honestly though, these threads serve as a perfect obituary for him. So if you're looking for one you're literally writing in it. Some anon actually made an obit style post in one of the other threads, but it mysteriously got deleted, so check the archive if you really want. If you're looking for just the "positive" things with all the "negative" things filtered out, that poster they put up in his memorial at ACEN is perfect. If you're wondering whether or not this is all true or just one huge elaborate troll, it's true. He's really gone forever. Source: I was there. If you're wondering how he did it, he had yet another alcohol-fueled mental breakdown like he always does, then threatened to off himself like he always does, but actually did it this time. If you're wondering whether the rumors that he did it because he was about to be exposed for raping a minor are true, beats me. Time will tell I guess. I wouldn't necessarily say I would be surprised if that turns out to be true though.
There is no obit up, those get posted by the fgamily at a funeral home wen they deal with the body, because a gun was involved the coroner is probably going to hang onto it for another week then turn it over to a funeral home for cremation or burial and then the obituary goes up.
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What's the best cosplay to wear when telling a news crew that Israel sucks?
Well you can kill us yourself bitch. I'm still at the hotel. Come on do yourself Gavrilo Princip impression
*Do the best Gavrilo Princip impression you can, faggot opp
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Why is atjap sucking off middle aged crossdressers lmao?
somehow the guy on the right is the only decent looking one
Well yeah, cuz that's the only actual girl in that picture
He's a biological male. They're all men.
Because he's not 45
His death was a tragic tale of alcoholism at its worst and what it can do to a person. He reached out to it because he felt alone and it only made him more alone. Get therapy and don’t let the opinions of people that only exist at anime conventions and on cgl dictate your daily life. You are loved. If you don’t think so, fake it til you make it and work on healthy ways of meeting friends and partners. Enjoy the little things, life doesn’t have to be like this.

Anyone who thinks I'm a girl is a fucking retard. Suck my dick you faggot
How did those musty transvestite cocks taste?

The only cock I suck is Warsie's
I think that’s genuinely worse lmfao
let him who is without sin cast the first stone
the only cool gull is the fat guy with the toga cosplay
Did anyone see were the concerts instrument players trannies?
That's AtJap lol
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Every year I go
Every year I'm extremely disappointed with the severe lack of /ak/ related well, anything despite knowing that it's a super niche within a niche especially in a large mainstream con like this
Why can't I help feeling this way every time
ive never sinned
Have you tried doing anything about it? Hosting a meetup and posting it there? Or you just waiting for someone else to do it? You can always make something happen even if small.
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what day did it happen again? pretty sure it shows up on the cook county medical examiner case archive.
Early Friday
I was more talking about merch, themes, panels, guests, and even cosplayers. It's like the military or weapons don't even exist to people here and again I understand it's such a niche that I should not be complaining about it or feeling this way. I should not be feeling this way. I need to cut it out. Fuck.
then it's definitely the top case number. so weird that there was another 29 year old white dude who offed himself a day earlier.
I’ve noticed more furry cons with dedicated military panels, MFF has one every year as well. More so for those actual personnel or those who wear tactical gear. Maybe put in a military panel for next con, or others you go to. Best bet is to submit it as a cosplay meetup for enthusiasts to get together. I feel a lot of video games, anime, etc cosplayers that wear tactical and like guns n shit don’t have a dedicated cosplay meetup but I think it’s something that could potentially be approved.
That could probably help find the other potentially 0.01% of congoers also interested in this unique combination but it won't help having literally no merch anywhere. Now that I think about it, is it that it's a combination of being niche and potentially being taboo? I get that normal people won't or will miss understand this intersection so maybe that's why?
Idk. I feel I see alot of people like you at cons walking around , especially bigger ones like ACen where there is a decent video game crossover. If a small con like MFF has a HUUGE turnout for their military and tactical stuff, I don’t see why you couldn’t gather them all at a huge con like ACen. I think you’re thinking too deep about it, or Havnt crossed enough people at the con to notice.
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Oh and also of some of the people that I did see wearing that stuff, I asked for a picture and to examine their gun if I could. I mentioned to one person they had a nice M4A1 with various attachments on the rails like flashlight and laser pointer and then he told me that he just borrowed his cousins airsoft rifle and has no clue what the fuck anything is except that it looked cool. So there's that too which I wouldn't surprised is quite common among many others too. And as said before I won't fault them for that. Just disappointing for me personally.
Well that is a mystery. I'm no furry so I won't go to something like MFF but yeah it could be that. Though at the very least, where's all the merch? The only thing remotely close I see are figures like Sinon with her Hecate II but I mean, of course that is.
Well I've talked about this enough. I didn't mean to go into such a rant but I truly am so passionate for this kind of stuff and want more. It's over now anyways so oh well.
He's a fucking Polak? We do not claim him!
Also Wieczorek means evening. The irony!
>so weird that there was another 29 year old white dude who offed himself a day earlier.
wipipo be like
white people kill themselves and blacks have sub 80 iq- you win some you lose some
had so much fun, can't wait for next year

The future is Black and Asian.
isn't that basically what Filipinos are?
Nah, Philipinos are the Mexicans of Asia.
>I only suck Warsie's tiny cock
Self own. Keep posting photos of you taking your boyfriends tiny cock up your ass so we can clown on you some more

Warsie has a big cock and y'all can stay mad about it lmao
Warsie won't even touch you. Kill yourself

We are literally dating so rage moar.
mogs me
That's so cute. Now if you could pull a lovers suicide that'd be wonderful. Tired of seeing both your ugly, busted looking mugs at the cons I go to.
Leave the con scene
Blow me
I mean you can get raped instead

They will enjoy it.
What if they get castrated

Even better, make em the permanent bitch
Assert my dominance over the opps in the Roman manner.
Anyone have a setlist for Raj and Lotus Juice concert yet? I checked in on setlist.fm but there was nothing there
Someone should make a Warsie soijack gif edit with an animation of VTJ breakdancing inside his head
Give us proof Sydney's dead or gtfo with this gay attention whoring.
Nah, that'd imply VTJ isn't also a massive faggot. Someone like Pell would be much more fitting, her enabling behavior in part led to this outcome.

Go ahead and try to call Reisen's cell, it has been deactivated since Thursday. Reisen never deactivated his phone, ever.
idk anon alcoholism alone doesn't kill people, i'm more inclined to believe he was a piece of shit who realized his time was up
It wasn't alcoholism, as Blink 182 said, "Nobody likes you when you're 23 and you still act like you're in freshman year"
grow up in your 20s and develop real friendships, talk to other people about themselves and their interests instead of constantly making shit about booze and drinking so much you puke, then trying to fuck the most women you can.
I guaranteed it's that he never grew up and just spent his life chasing an unrealistic idea of a "chad", some rich guy who all the women swoon over, which doesn't exist. When he hit his late 20s and never felt like a real "chad" then he probably fucking blew his brains out because he fet like he lost his chance to "make it".

4channers and 4chan lingo are so fucking stupid lmao.
He was about to be a registered sex offender and get arrested. Read the previous threads.
I seriously doubt the stuff about him being blackmailed. He was on trial for sexual assault against a minor once and he got out of it by making gulls lie in court for him, he would have done the same here. He also has threatened at cons to kill himself at least a dozen times for stuff as small as losing his phone.
>does something
>acts surprised when a response occurs.

Have you heard of cause and effect, nigger.
Lol his gf is in her 20s she literally entered a bar where you have to get the ID scanned
Lmao, haven't you ever heard of rent free, nigger?
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So true. Majority of the cosplayers gear setups looked like Chinese soup sandwiches. Sad! Many such cases!

I want to educate them!!
That's your girlfriend who is living rent free off of your shit, nigger
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Another true story. I saw a cosplayer (or I guess crossplayer) with a white wig and skirt which I'm guessing is like a GFL or Nikke character or something? but the thing that caught my eye was his highly detailed and very neat real looking K98. I asked him for a picture and he was like sure, and then shouldered the rifle behind him while striking a pose that I guess is in the game. That's great and all but not what I wanted so I continued talking to him about the gun and asked him where's he got it. He said he bought it for like 200 bucks and then I was able to see it closer. It looked it it was actually made of wood (or maybe some imitation that looked so much like it) and the bolt was actual shiny silver steel. This was a fucking high quality K98 you'd think he traveled back to 1939 and grabbed one fresh from the armory. So I mentioned how cool the gun is and can I get another shot with you holding the gun and showing off that shiny bolt. He was like sure! And then he proceeded to hold it like this...
At that point there were just too many people going in and out (this was in the artist alley) and too much time taken up already so I just gave up, thanked him with a smile and continued along. As I said before I don't fault him, he's just cosplaying or thought the gun was cool (it absolutely is) and he was a nice guy too. This is just that kind of experience with anything /ak/ related these days it seems. And I realize how autistic this all sounds but isn't that one of the things that cons are for, to express your passions no matter how ridiculously niche they are?
That is Iori from Blue Archive, of the school Gehenna who all use German weapons.
Thanks for the ID. I was way off. Now I'm wondering if I should check this out ha
How shameful to be a guy cosplaying a gun character and not knowing anything about guns
It's actually very very common. Guns are cool looking. That's about all they need and most anyone else needs
Only us ultra autists fo further and I as I said, I realize how autistic this is indeed but I mean, look where we are
True, though I did learn the "he was distributing cp & being blackmailed" thing was just a meme. Not gonna say who was spreading it, but yeah that was made up. Not tryin to defend Reisen, just want to make sure we have the clearest picture possible.
Compass out here schoolin the temu kids, based.
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his personal discord
it’s actually true about the CP he was about to get in some serious trouble for fingering a 9 year old in his neighborhood
Last year had an FPS themed photoshoot (which ended up being Doom, Halo, and COD), so you could probably easily get away with "military games" or something.
I'll believe it when I see some proof, because the blackmail thing was made up and the person who made it up admitted that to me at ACEN.
Is there a reason why companies like Bandai, Good Smile, and Seven Seas aren't at ACEN anymore? I wanted to buy figgies at retail price and some new manga volumes but was disappointed.
Too many thieves.
Watched sydney get dragged out of an anime midwest rave for forcibly kissing a Cirno cosplayer who I'm pretty sure was a minor. Wonder if anything ever came of that
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I saw one lady with a doll out but I'm kind of sad that ACEN doesn't seem to have a doll meet anymore. Some day I'll go to Volks con in LA and get to see cute dollies.
name drop then pussy
god i hate this faggot based on his profile alone and i didn't even know who he was until last week.
>tfw no Seed Freedom merch except for one overpriced vinyl
>Trusting anything SJW related about someone involving cunny, when pedophilia is used as a political weapon against any opponent.

Shiggity Diggity.

Oh and I say this as one of his opps.

He wasn't that bad of a faggot. I mean he wasn't fucking Margaret Thatcher or whatever lol
Anyone that claims that they were sydney friend is part of the reason he blew his brain out
someone told me at ACEN that he had hella credit card debt so he faked his death to make $18,000 on a gofundme page….
might be cool
I literally made that up
Oh right. That would explain people joining out of the blue
almost everyone in that discord is a scumbag
kinda wish a certain other touhou-inspired faggot at the con would either get functioning therapy or follow suit and commit a reisen

that weirdo with mommy issues and cant shut up about how he think all females are predators. Dude scared away the hoes worse than any troons or incels ive ever seen. Just tired of retards curtailing to him and letting him follow along to parties because they're afraid he's gonna start calling them labels too. Sad what 0 pussy really does to a motherfucker
Rip Sydney he will be missed
By who? The superficial “friends” who led to this? Lmao even
he most definitely will be forgotten, we do not miss that child fucker
Y'all need to stop spreading false information.
Ash is a 15 year old child who had everyone fooled
ash is a dirty bitch just like the rest of them
>true information

Ash blackmailed him into being with her and when he wanted out he didn’t have any other choice she is currently being investigated as a aggressor in the matter
And if she is 15 what can they even do

ash has been fucking him around for a long time, she used him for whatever he could give her and when she was done she did sick twisted shit behind his back and kicked him to the curb, she should be ashamed of herself
Imagine being twice the age of this child and getting blackmailed, talking to them this long without even verifying. This person just talks and hangs out with anyone who looks young without checking despite his past? How retarded. Could have been prevented.
I mean even ignoring what you wish were just an allegation, dude was more of a faggot than most "femboys" and I dont mean in the homosexual way
A lot of other people can get in real legal trouble because of her. Sydney isn’t the only adult male this child has been with
She is a grown ass adult I love how she fooled you losers too.
Good. Hope everyone gets what they deserve. Do better. Even if the child was playing around, adults should know better.
Pretty sure she’s a child if not she’s an actual retarded person
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Sydney wanted out Ash couldn’t take the rejection. He told me many times how he felt disgusted by her and that she was unattractive to him sexually. But she made him feel bad for her and black mailed him once he found out she was a kid
Ash loved him. It's really sick how you faggots are twisting this into something for your own agendas.

From ppl using it to gain they own clout to ppl speaking slanderous info.

I'm an attention whore but fuck man I got integrity. All those posts on Facebook, most of y'all didn't give a shit about him and it shows.

He was my friend, and he said I am one of the only ppl who truly understood and didn't judge. This statement shows now more than ever.
>adults should know better.

Yes and I would like to have a warp drive to go to Mars and terraform it. Alas we don't have that shit mass produced, we just exist in the world as is.
Ash may have loved him but had a sick way of showing it by fucking anything with a dick don’t think that’s love
Ash was only with him for his big boy money she used him
ash will sit on anyone with a dick she fucked other people behind his back and he found out
If you gave such a fuck, why didn’t you get him help after the multiple times at cons he suicided baited. Orrrr take his gun away at cons. He had this mind set before all this and pulled shit like this all the time. Where were you then? Where was anyone. I don’t believe he had real friends. This was nothing new for him.
all his friends were his downfall
Is there any proof Ash is 15 or are we just fucking around bc I know another guy that fucked her
Everyone of you whores fucks around lmao nobody is faithful in this scene none of you have enough self respect so don't shit talk her unless you ready to look at your own skeletons. Hmm let's see....looks like I'm the ONLY one who could critique that behavior and yet ...I'm not judging. Sleeping around doesn't negate the fact that someone loves their partner.
Well for one after whatever happened at anime STL he had the foresight to keep the gun in his safe at cons so he doesn't shoot other people. Also I assumed Pell always locked his gun away and had the code before he started getting drunk.

Note I'm not the anon who made that post.
Hmm let's see, since you're virtue signaling like a mofo where was you? I was never around when he suicide baited otherwise I would have walked the walk.
She is genuinely 15
pell is a bitch, she only amplified his issues, pell constantly talked bad about him behind his back
It literally does it’s hurtful to your partner how can you look your boyfriend in the eye and tell him you love him when the cum in your vag didn’t even dry
I have proof she's not but none of you deserve to be privy to the truth.
pell kys pls
You tell me. You're all a bunch of swingers and poly shitfucks so y'all tell me. He without the sin cat the first stone
...oh. wait. I'm the only one who doesn't cheat on my partner. So again, stop judging as if y'all don't do the same damn thing every weekend.
How’s the underage pussy?
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Pointing fingers at ash doesn’t do anything.
I'm gay and with a man older than me so...try again.
Exactly. Thank you.
Post proof or people are 100% going to think you’re scared because you porked a 15 year old and are trying to plant seeds of doubt
degenerates protecting their own, that tracks
I think you need to talk to Fxy about that one bro
They're a friend, so no.
Everyone knows she’s 15 and are still in contact with her she was walking around the con with a bunch of men
Considering there is some folks who were with her when she was interviewed by the cops, it's easy to tell what is real and false information.
Was this after her boyfriend died?
>people always tell cops the truth
I WAS his friend once upon a time, gradually came to realize he was completely mentally unstable and a huge liability to be around. I tried helping him as did many others but y'know, you can take a horse to water and all that. Hadn't hung out with him in nearly two years prior to this.

The people who truly caused this were his enablers, like Pell. Dude was obviously spiraling into alcoholism and mental illness. Her idea of helping him was to manipulate him into taking her and Cass to bars all the time. That bitch is scary, dead eyes. If you ever meet her you'll see what I mean, anyone who already knows her knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Hmm so you're saying you blame the underage person for lying about their age, instead, correct? Meanwhile...how many of you are still friends the short Asian trans guy?

Trust I been around cops I know ppl lie but when I got three forms of confirmation of somebody's real age, that's gonna go a lot further than an ageplayer in dms.
Simp shrimp dick
Wrong. I don't like pussy.
Supposedly she seemed completely unaffected by the whole thing and was taking photos/going to events as normal.
okay true, it would be hard to both fake three forms of ID and have it all on hand just in case (if they showed ID, that is)
Probably conned others into lying to the police for her I suspect foul play
I cum in atjap butthole
pell & cass kys
Unless you've personally experienced this kind of loos, you can't say shit about how someone reacts. There is a such thing as DENIAL, COPING, PRETENDING IT DIDNT HAPPEN....all normal reactions to initial grief so miss me with that.
cass can’t even function without drinking, she shakes… god.. if you see her without makeup you would throw the fuck up
Is fucking someone after apart of coping?
What’s she look like?
Fair enough, but since when are egirls known for their sense of empathy or charity? Cosplay egirls especially are basically the poster children for narcissism & mental instability. So which should I be more inclined to believe? That the cosplay egirl is actually really torn up over the death of her creepy boyfriend and just masking well? Or that she's just as mentally deranged as he is and a textbook narcissist like the majority of those like her?

I'll put my money on narcissist, it's a safe bet with cosplayers in general.
wait so did this sydney dude fr fr die? why aint the news covering this.

Hmm are we virtue signaling again?
No she’s definitely beyond repair. She’s been Sa’d multiple times I’m sure she’s traumatized as fuck
Ash is not 15, come the fuck on, some of you guys are genuinely retarded. Well I mean, most of you guys are, but now even more so. Just fucking think for a moment, the only way you can get that many tattoos and piecing when 15 are if you're rich or have some kind of friend that owns a tattoo parlor. She's not 15, plus she doesn't even look 15, even when in lolita.
>why isn't the news covering a 29 year old man shooting himself?
do you know how fucking common that is?
happens at least once a day in chicago, same with someone jumping in front of the train
Rip Sydney. Sorry to Pell and ash for their losses Sydney deserved better
She’s in high school, no job, rich parents think for a moment
lame but it was at a big event not just some random loser jumping
Yes, he did. It's not being covered because outside of our scene it's not really noteworthy. Suicide's only ever tend to make the news if they're in the open and cause some major inconvenience. As someone who works in hospitality, suicides are shockingly common in hotels. Furthermore, as hotel staff we have every incentive in the world to keep disposal and cleanup quiet. It's not as though Hyatt is obligated to do anything more than cooperate with the police and his immediate family. They don't want that publicity, and the press doesn't care about some weeb offing himself.
No she is it’s been confirmed. Her family is well off. She looks like a child. The police is currently investigating her and are gonna try her as an adult for aiding in his suicide
Wasn’t a crime , didn’t happen in a spectacular way, and no one else was hurt. There is no story to report. Suicide is a common thing and not noteworthy or exciting for the people that watch news.
>The police is currently investigating her and are gonna try her as an adult for aiding in his suicide
Pell's half the reason Sydney got so bad to begin with.
If she's rich and supported by her parents, why did she mooch off Reisen then? THINK.
people be doing to much nowadays
the two whores
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no way these people are fighting on facebook, theyre really sad losers who need to get a life rather than fighting on facebook and acting like they famous, i aint ever heard of them other than this thread.
this is literally what mentally unstable people do all day, sure it's annoying but i for one am highly amused
pretending you're famous because you have a scrap of clout at conventions and fighting on facebook is literally what cgl was built on anon
new-cgl is too soft and passive aggressive with their discord shit
Who do you think you are? Atjap13 is hella famous on Twitter. Just look at their profile under the same name
t. AtJap13
what vtuber should i try cosplaying next convention? :0
I was being sarcastic. So many disgusting things on that account. They are truly mentally ill
The one that they'll inevitably announce as a guest.
Pipkin Pippa! In her soft pink, ears down, big comfy sweater, boyish outfit! BUT you have to let me fuck you in that, I'll buy you the entire cosplay if you do.
>he thinks there'll only be one
The Sally Amaki and Mint panel was standing room only in one of the largest panel rooms of the con. One of the biggest mistakes I still keep seeing people make is underestimating vtubers.
What's truly insane is that panel was at 8p.m. on Saturday when everyone was already forming the 2 mile long line for Synergy.

Where did that many people even come from?
the line only took like 15 minutes to get through once the show got started
Has anyone just asked ash for a picture of her ID?
All the bars she has gone to with Sydney, also GoFundMe when she set up that cash grab "donations" page. Sure, she could've faked the ID to get into the bars, but she couldn't have fake the ID for GoFundMe.
>drama thread after drama thread
ooo she looks really cute i would wanna do that cosplay, but is that a promise? :3
That's how we Midwest Gulls do it. Better not see any gulls from the other groups steppin on our turf, trying to steal our fries. We'll fuck em up!! As you can see, we are insane
it hit critical mass and became a "happenning" after general /cgl/ found out a 4channer blew his brains out at this con
>Atjap13 is hella famous on Twitter. Just look at their profile under the same name
>very few likes on their tweets
so famous...
Right but when they reported Sydney’s death to the police. She would had need to given some form of ID to the police. Surely a fake ID would be flagged. If she was truly a minor then no way in hell the cops would had let her go without driving her home.
>Ash was the one who set up that gofundme
I thought it was just a random anon trying to cash in because no fucking way does a funeral cost 18,000 dollars. Seemed like someone trying to get the bag and collect a paycheck off of this.
Exactly, so there absolutely is no way she is underaged.
Will this doesn't change the fact you raped one and tried to rape the other to the point your own cousin had to get you away from them. But keep telling everyone it was because they were giggling in another room and woke you up.

Your ex?-girlfriend is a whore, get over it you fucking cuck faggot.
Oh, it absolutely is a promise ;)
anything actually happen?
i think her outfit would have to be commissioned though since i cant find any seller online :c
i was made an honorary nigga by three or four drunk black guys in the pilgrimage line from the convention center to the hyatt, so that was cool
Lotus Juice
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Sora Tokui made an entire room do Nico Nico Nii with her
I'm not even a love live fan and I smiled at that immensely
>>10916462i don’t know ash personally but I don’t think Ash would capitalize on Sydney’s death. People out here thinking ash is receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from it but in reality she only got $90 last time I checked. Big deal
it must have been a different one because I saw one posted here asking for 18,000 and had received about 300 dollars
You should've been here yesterday.
>A would be rapist talking shit
Haha, rich
Heaven forbid people actually talk about the con instead of unrelated drama?
They're referring to you trying to you faggit spoiler tags on 4chan.
i was, but it seems like the whole thread was just discord shit
They work on my [spoiler]home board[/spoiler]
Famous for sucking middle age crossdresser cock maybe!
thats well over middle age
Ewwww!!! Icky!!! AtJap sisters.....not like this
ew wtf lmao
That middle one is clearly a bald old man wearing a wig.....
Haters are just mad they aren’t FAMOUS enough to get pozzed by a geriatric faggot in exchange for one like!
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they're prettier than you'll ever be
Neat-O I take it you're using some kind of third-party 4chan aggregator app. On the mobile website itself you can see the markdown tags themselves with nothing covered in between them.
no way, Will is a rapist?
>nasty ass liver-spotted old men wearing wigs
Oh, so pretty....NOT. Take one last look in the mirror and end yourself
So many gulls are sex pests. Even Stuff who cheated on his gf while trying to force himself on a fellow gull's gf while he thought she was asleep at a con last year

The whole fucking group is rotten
There’s a few good and sweet gulls :3 most of them don’t seem to come around anymore however,, I wonder why..
Sometimes I want to get more involved in the retard drama but I have a life and a career and it’s not worth it just to own some lifeless detrans faggot
Different boards have different markdowns enabled shit for brains
Am I the only "sane" person who has sex with single women and doesn't hit on other anon's gfs?
what the fuck
Yeah but this one doesn't you bag of cocks.
If you're reading and posting on here, no you're not sane.
We’re hitting the bump limit soon. Say your final goodbyes to all of your dwamallama frens before we all do this again for Midwest
Men dressing as women surprises you? It's been happening since the dawn of time. Read a book.
is midwest fun? I assume it's relatively the same size as ACEN but i've only ever been to ACEN with chicago cons
Men dressing as women is fine when they’re cute! You lot look ghastly and like you’re about to get gangbanged by a group of lonely old dudes!
>going over pictures I took
>cute girl I took a picture with
>look at picture and realize it's a tranny
Look at the sunk-in cheeks. That's a physiological sign of HIV.
it's not even close to the same size
it's about 15k or so for Midwest
Acen is about 30k so midwest is half the size in the same location

it's also the exact same time as AX in California and has been for like 10 years now
okay but is it a good con?
There is ColossalCon Prime in 2 weeks
Atjap fucks minors
>reisen was the head of my colossalcon room
>have no way to redeem reservation
it's not that amazing no, industry guests are little to none because they're all in california for AX, the vendor's hall is the same overpriced weeb crap, it's mostly just for the cosplay stuff for people too young, poor, or otherwise to get to california for AX
15k for Midwest LMAO Ryan Kopf get the fuck out of here. Midwest at best is like 3k while acen is easily 40k.
it looked like he was fucking decrepit old crossdressers
Compass I hope you're doing well we miss you!
a 3k con wouldn't even take up the hyatt itself
anon, I think he just didn't want to go around pointing an imitation rifle at anybody. anyone who actually owns guns would feel uncomfortable pointing that in the direction of people.

I'm sure everyone must be relieved in hearing the news. No one has to see his nasty crossdressing ass hanging out of his swimsuit while walking around the con anymore
can someone TLDR me on this reisen? also wtf is a gull?
>wtf is a gull?
some discord shit it would seem
A gull is someone who browses the seagull board you retard. We are all gulls. Just we are talking about the Midwest ones in this case.
that must be why everyone talks about the gull discord constantly
oh I see: seagull == cgl
Reisen was based. He was a king.
He was superior in every way. He was most hated because he had mega rizz. RIP ash is a slut
The barrel would be pointed in the air or ground to display the bolt.
Yeah there’s tons of them
traffic counters had a early estimate of around 70k for Saturday.
The cosplay area identifier flags were near impossible to see, and the little photoshoot area sets and backdrops are embarrassingly bad.
I really wish they'd tell those kpop kids to take their little dance parties to a corner of the gaming area or something and stop taking up so much floorspace while you sit around and listen to wanna-be rap music.
is it true she blackmailed him and he freaked out? or was he actually a pedo?
70 feels high but this year definitely feels like it set an attendance record. Easily over 40k, space provided I bet ACEN will be expanding to more of the con centrer again next year
Who all is confirmed?
Yes she most definitely black mailed him this was confirmed from her mouth and dms. All his old transgressions of him being a pedo we’re not entirely his he didn’t know about those didn’t know about this but as soon as ash had enough and spilled hey I’m actually 15 when he tried breaking up with her she gave him the ultimatum of be with me knowing I’m 15 or I will get you into legal trouble he didn’t know what else to do he was never a pedo. He was actually a good guy painted to be the villain
>He was actually a good guy painted to be the villain

Take your place alongside him, you stupid delusional fuckhead
So if Ash is 15 where the fuck were her parents any time since she met Reisen?
Now that the weekends over I just want to say that Sydney’s death made my whole weekend feel really grim. I was lucky enough to have the support I do and be taken care of I wasn’t ostracized for feeling how I did. It doesn’t matter whether or not I was his friend towards the end but I watched him progressively get worse over the last 6 months. I was hurt it’s really hard to believe he’s gone. Acen didn’t feel the same it felt like all the life was sucked out. There is no one to blame for his death can only hope he has found his peace. I love my friends I don’t want to see anyone hurt that bad again. He asked for help constantly from everyone and got pushed away I’ll take this as a learning experience and try to be there for everyone.
I second this I personally didn’t know how to feel because I haven’t spoken to him in over a year but this drama is getting old everyone here is pushing 40 time to shove it up your ass and let the kids enjoy
What the hell are you even talking about? This is literally just word salad.

No, I'm not. This is genuinely just some shit VTJ had to invent so he looks like less of a massive piece of shit. Note how he doesn't actually name anyone, because if he did anyone could easily fact check what he said to find out it's bullshit.
VTJ, Tsu, Stuff, and Fxy.
Hopefully they'll include the top section of the center
she has a fake and afk parents

fled the scene the second it happened
Will posting will not be tolerated. You are sentenced to be cucked again at Colossal faggot.
> fled the scene
Holy shit, you'd think she'd stick around and call 911 or something. Leaving implies guilt imo
Tell us more about how these brave anons shit in your cereal. We all really care.
I wanna join the sex pests and fuck your gf
You will raise my child
Not Will, but I can confirm the whole Stuff and Fluff incident. He sexually assaulted Squid who was Nahri's GF in their bed at while at Anime Magic. He even admitted to it. Not sure why he is still allowed to be around. Gulls seem to give each other a pass because they are "friends"? I don't really understand it.
at least 3 of the 4 you posted explicitly were forgiven by the people they fucked over and you're holding a grudge longer than the people wronged
shut up
you are not some paragon of justice, if the person who was wronged is fine with it who the fuck are you to say otherwise
*at Anime Midwest
Raping a blackout drunk girl = cucking
Keep deluding yourself you fat Italian faggot. Burger's an appropriate name for your dumpster broad, after all she is Chippy's leftovers. Y'know, the thing he discarded and you eagerly lapped up because you're an unlikeable faggot with a fucked up eye and the build of a Domino's manager? Do you still taste his cum when you eat that chocolate starfish Tom?
What did the last 3 do to you?
nah she stayed for the police interrogations
keep saying blackout i'm sure it'll come true one day
if the allegations are false i feel bad and if not i don't. at any rate, saw the small shrine and felt sad. rip.
i feel for every girl that has had to encounter Fxy drunk
Looking at it, you got the wrong one. It was case number ME2024-02693, not ME2024-02700. The addresses match up with the hotel and the room.
Is that why you tried to blackmail Tsu and Pell and got all sympathy revoked and everyone hates you now? And TJ doesn't even think about you faggot. You and Warsie have him living rent free in your heads.
I hate that one dude makes every midwest thread unbearable to use on this board now
his fucking neo nazi /pol/tard ass won't stop kicking and screaming and bringing everyone's names into every fucking thread because he thought he was some fucking"chad" and then his gf that's way too hot for him ends up cheating on him and blaming it as rape.

bro just straight up leave cons if you're so mad about everything jesus christ
tight as fuck
>I straight up sexually assaulted someone, but it's all cool cause they forgave me, because we're "friends".

Totally cool brah. Totally not fucking cringe. Do you know how many people get assaulted by their partner but give it a pass because they're married?

So many of you need to fucking reevaluate your lives
Didn't you let Chippy fuck Nightcrawler? Lmao project harder.
>the guy who did it
>"I'm sorry"
>the victim
>"I forgive you and will be your friend again"
>some fat retard on the internet
>"isn't there someone you forgot to ask what about my opinion??????"
shut the fuck up
I wish Sydney was here to see Rover being fucking destroyed. Maybe he's shitposting from jew heaven
If I knew where the shrine was, I would have literally kicked it over and laughed while doing so
The King called up his jet fighters, he said you better earn your pay. "Drop your bombs between the minarets down the casbah waaaaaay. As soon as the sharif was chauffeured outta there, the jet pilots tuned to the cockpit radio blare.
As soon as the sharif was outta their hair, the jet pilots waaaaaaaaaailed. Sharif don't like it. Rockin the casbah,
ROCKin' the casbah
Was he the one with the proof?
It was Taylor wasn't it?
You know as well as me they're making another board.

Wrong. My boyfriend is 33.


Wrong. I don't fuck my friends. Unlike you lot, I am faithful to my partner.
Post all the damn images for proof
>non stop screeching about Reisen being a sex pest and a bad influence
>literally one ups him

Yes, shut the fuck up. Dumb fucking nigger
Can you post caps of the report for the rest of us please?
don't sign your posts, we know who you are bud
No one cares about you. You are annoying. Fuck off forever
If you don't liiike the world you're living in, take a look around: at least you got friends. Ya see I called my old lady for a friendly word. She picked up the phone, dropped it on the floor. "Ah ah," is all I heard. Are we gonna let de-elevator bring us down? OH NO LET'S DO

Let's go crazy, let's get nuts. Let's look for the purple banana until they put us in the truck, let's go
Yeah! As of anybody wants to see him getting blacked by his Nazi pedo bf.
>You and Warsie have him living rent free in your heads.

Imagine pissing off enough people that they actively work to destroy you and thinking you're the good guy lol. Almost like you did something to them or something to make them consider you as fucking untermenschen, with no right to exist.

Oh and you have the audacity to say this on a forum known for actively trying to ruin people's lives too lol.

Apparently they do, considering they be making whole ass posts about me on Facebook.
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>actively work to destroy you
you are shitposting about them angrily on fucking 4chan, you are not destroying them
you are frothing at the mouth mad and making yourself a lolcow over some slight you can't get over
you are putting way too much importance on your posts on fucking 4chan and discord
I feel left out, someone namedrop me
>And TJ doesn't even think about you faggot. You and Warsie have him living rent free in your heads.

nigger VTJ and Burger are the ones making most of the posts about Warsie, their fuckin posts telling me to kill myself sure are identifiable because you know people make the same fucking posts.

Oh and don't forget how you faggots dirty-delete the shit you post on your discords re AtJap13 unlike standing up for it like a fucking man or woman.
Scrimblo Bimblo....that nigga never paid me for his room share!!
What did you do?
No it wasn't Taylor, it was Ash herself, but Taylor is literally >>10916035
Wrong again bitch!! So many of us fucking hate your guts. Take your meds
>No one cares about you.

You're probably one of the people who told him to kill himself

>You are annoying.

Aren't you fucking actively going through their Instagram and shit

>Fuck off forever

Kill yourself newfag
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I've called you so many times today
And I guess it's all true what your girlfriends say
That you don't ever want to see me again
And your brother's gonna kill me, and he's six feet ten
I guess you'd call it cowardice
But I'm not prepared to go on like this
I can't I can't I can't stand losing
I can't I can't I can't stand losing
I can't I can't I can't I can't stand losing you

Fight Club Colossal. Need deets on the time and place. NOW.
Rent Free.
ctrl f the first link for the case number, it doesn't have much more info than what I've given. Not creating an account or paying for the autospy report given that I don't want them verifying my info. But the info provided in the spreadsheet matches with what I've been hearing and lines up with the time and location.
>Imagine pissing off enough people that they actively work to destroy you
>both are nazi rapists
wow this guy fucking rules
>you are shitposting about them angrily on fucking 4chan, you are not destroying them

It is sure odd that they lost most of their friends group and deleted all their social media since 1 year ago.


>you are frothing at the mouth mad and making yourself a lolcow over some slight you can't get over

Well maybe he shouldn't be talking shit and complaining when people respond.

Also how the fuck can you make yourself a lolcow from fucking anonymous post

>you are putting way too much importance on your posts on fucking 4chan and discord

I've browsed chans since 2005 lol
Already had the template locked and loaded ;)
Yea it's totally not suspicious that you sure sound like the same other anons including your female posting style, Burger.

You do know people can tell individual anons by typing style right?

Newfag is New

>i admit I am in a prickle but I'll just spout rent free like an idiot
Lol imagine pissing off even Nazi rapists badly enough for them to see you a bigger threat.
Cope harder Will. Maybe you'll convince everyone to be your friend again if you keep ruining every thread with your impotent seething.
>maybe he shouldn't be talking shit
you vastly underestimate how you look compared to them, this chuuni ass attitude and shitting up every fucking thread because you have a hate boner for them is getting really annoying when it fucks up actual con discussion
for someone who claims to be an oldfag you sure get baited easily, have shit control of your emotions, and get out bantered by literally everyone while you sit there and yell how you're not owned over and over.

just shut the fuck up and stop coming here if you're going to do this shit because it only makes you look crazier when you do this.
Ok name hotter or equally hot male gulls to Rover. Because I don’t think whoever made this post is going to even be name dropped on that list.
Can we keep compass though? He’s one of the few decent gulls
Nightcrawler blink twice if he's holding you hostage.
Someone in one of the other threads mentioned a "Serena". I genuinely don't know if this is a real person or not. She supposedly was the one who threw some of the wildest parties I've been to. I tried thanking her once for the party but no one could find her. I haven't heard of any parties being hers in a few years now and on one of the other threads someone said she had done a Sydney as well last year. She sounded like a cute person and I was really surprised to see that name brought up on here.
I’ve never met atjap or warsie and yet I’m responsible for roughly half the posts about them
>Hey you're being an obnoxious argumentative faggot and fucking up every thread
>"erm how hot are you"
you are delusional and deranged, shut the fuck up
Serena either disappeared or yeeted herself after going traitor.
Yeah no shit she ran out of the room because her friend just shot himself
I don't think that's Rover lol

This. Post the screenshots
Compass fucked atjap
compass has fucked every single white femboy and transwoman in the chicago area it's fine
how does Taylor relate to the story?
that means warsie got his sloppy seconds kek
And Atjap isn't white but definitely known for fucking only black guys
Nigger I'm not Will, also I've been going to cons longer than any of you faggots have

>you vastly underestimate how you look compared to them

Lol ahh yes the person who is straightforward is "chunni" compared to the people who dirty delete their shit.


>, this chuuni ass attitude

newfag defected.

>and shitting up every fucking thread because you have a hate boner for them is getting really annoying when it fucks up actual con discussion

Lol I didn't start fucking up every thread. They did. Also if you were so much of an oldfag you would remember /cgl/ before the split off to (redacted)

Once again, newfag is New.

>for someone who claims to be an oldfag you sure get baited easily, have shit control of your emotions, and get out bantered by literally everyone while you sit there and yell how you're not owned over and over.

Oh look projection. You do it like a lighthouse.

>Just shut the fuck up and stop coming here if you're going to do this shit because it only makes you look crazier when you do this.

I was here before faggot. So how about the newfag STFU and lurk moar
Does anyone know how to hook my GameCube up to my tv? I’m too zoomer for this!
That means I got atjaps sloppy seconds!?!?!
what is with all the fucking niggers in this "con scene?"
I figured it out :))
They came out for their main man Toriyama
I'm tired of motherfuckers in school tellin' me, always in the barbershop
"Chief Keef ain't 'bout this, Chief Keef ain't 'bout that"
My boy a BD, on fuckin' Lamron and them
He, he, they say that nigga don't be puttin' in no work
Shut the fuck up, y'all niggas ain't know shit
All y'all motherfuckers talkin' about
"Chief Keef ain't no hitter, Chief Keef ain't this, Chief Keef a fake"
Shut the fuck up, y'all don't live with that nigga
Y'all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet
Shootin' at the police and shit
Nigga been on probation since, fuckin', I don't know when
Motherfucker, stop fuckin' playin' him like that
Them niggas savages out there
If I catch another motherfucker talkin' sweet about Chief Keef
I'm fuckin' beatin' they ass
I'm not fuckin' playin' no more
Know them niggas roll with Lil Reese and them
i don't know but they're alright with me

t. honorary nigga
The giganigga fans are alright and some of the most hardcore anime fans you'll ever talk to.
Every black cosplayer I saw was way more fit than any of you lot
Like 2 of the people in this thread are black lol

n word pass owner!
AtJap13 thinks he is black
Hes a biological male. This is common knowledge, keep up faggot.
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Enjoy one of the greatest games ever made!
Being blacked doesn't count.
Nah she's a she lmfao
That black dude in Android 18 cosplay busted mad moves and was smoove as hell on the dance floor.
Man, why cant you psycho be like the gulls at the C2E2 meetup several years ago? I only ever saw them once after that. The only partial witness to that ridiculous and hilarious night is departed
Get rekt. He's also answered that question in person multiple times.
So its de-transitioner scum. That is the worst.
not with that body structure and wide manly neck
or "someone who is experiencing growth or change". it's not a constant, it *can* be fluid y'know
Multiple underage instances is worse
>Do you still taste his cum when you eat that chocolate starfish
Hey I already used that joke on you
how do you people have the energy to care about this shit

t. boomer
No life
Hearing about sydney’s death was hard. didn’t know about ash, she was in a karaoke bar for sydney’s birthday a week ago (sat before acen) completely shit faced. heard him tell a girl there that ash wanted a threesome with her and sydney. she’s actively trying to rope people in. ash left at midnight (curfew or just too drunk) he spent most of the night talking to the new girl inviting her to acen and just at the chicks hip. next day, they brake up. new chick is going to acen was going to room with sydney but ash was there too. Syd was definitely into the other girl. both of the girls saying they’re 23. shits fucked
Yup, and that's not even half of the full story.
Why the fuck are there so many people who go to cons who don't even watch anything past whatever Shonen bullshit is FotM is on? It feels like these threads are filled with fags who don't even like anime.
I think it has something to do with growth. More young normies and other lames getting into cons as a general function rather people with real interest.
Aren't you the guy who hosts the orgies? How do y'all not get infected with every STD under the sun?
Anime cons are normie now. I mean all the drama over fucking party crews and groups in the last fuckin 5 threads shows that.
That's WendigoWithWifi who hosts the orgies, you're responding to AtJap13
My bad. I remember seeing him at the room at Magic after it was over. idk why I assumed he was the host

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