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“Vtumor, vtumors everywhere” edition

16 days to go

Thread theme

Previous thread

>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved?
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
>what are your dream guests that you are hoping will get announced the week before AX?
>Going to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
Without Vtubers, Anime Expo would have gone the way of E3. Be grateful ya cunts.
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This year, I'm going to challenge myself by eating nothing but Jose's hot dogs during con.
What's the going rate for a danger dog these days?
I want premiere. I never got to have it.
I want a lounge where the guests come to me and I dont have to wait in lines for panels.
any faggot running AX itt, bring it back. Ill pay $800. $1000 if you can guarantee premo seats and guest sigs.
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>no bingo this year
Unironically $10. It's fucking criminal and I can't believe people pay that much for a hotdog cooked questionably.

I don't think we'll ever get Hiroyuki Sawano or Yuki Kajiura ever. They would cost more than AX would want to pay due to their large entourages (all the musicians and vocalists) and would not get them enough of a return on investment. You'll have to go to Japan to see them. Sawano doesn't really do stuff live too often but Kajiura has shows a lot. She's in the middle of a tour for that matter.
Yuki Kajiura has performed at AX multiple times.
How is the AC? A friend is offering to upgrade but I had a terrible experience with its connected hotel, the Moxy, since it basically had no furniture to put our stuff down.
>I never got to have it.
this is redundant given that the rest of your comments proves you don't know anything about it.
Sorry, I meant "again." Modern AX doesn't want to pay for musical guests anymore. They barely spend on solo guests nowadays and depend on industry to provide most of them.
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Really wish there was an orgy with cute alt girls/femboys. But just hanging with cosplay bros is well worth it as well
the first part is what i want, the follow up is what i want included. learn to read nigger.
>bring it back
even your feckless attempt at semantically arguing away your mistake is wrong. you can't bring back something that never existed.
I've had some good danger dogs but also some truly terrible uncooked ones too. Protip, use your eyes because they will sell you whatever they have regardless of what state they are in.
why would Yoko Taro or Kamiya ever go to AX
He came last year actually. IIRC he got drunk and lost his head.
A bit better than the Moxy, but the rooms are still small. You have room to put stuff around, but not great if you're bringing oversized cosplay.
>Throwing more money away for little return
That's why they got rid of it.
>going to a glorified sdcc where nobody cosplays anymore and it’s full of normalfags and twitch streamers/youtubers
Imagine. AX has been pozz since 2016.
ax has more cosplay than ever before since all the low tier whores realized they can fleece nerds without even having sex.
He had to buy a leprechaun mascot head. Looked ridiculous lol.
As someone who has been going to both for over a decade, AX still has way more things I actually care about.
Shit I forgot that was AX
The basic rooms have either a long bench in the entryway or a chair by the beds depending on floorplan, no way to tell until you're in there. Important thing to know is that the bathroom and shower have frosted glass walls, anyone in the room can see a silhouette.
same desu

wanna start one together?
>something that never existed
except it did retard prior to covid
If you're actually strict with screening applicants, this would probably go pretty well.
AX is full of spics and niggers that the problem!!
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I'll be Andy
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>prior to covid
in every possible scenario you will still be a retard.
the only people who have ever cut me in line or pissed me off or fucked with someone else or got caught stealing shit that i've seen at ax are fat whites.
thanks for proving my point unable-to-reak-kun
i'll explain it for you because you lack intelligence and this is fun. the premier badge you want, never existed. premier badges existed after covid. thus, in every possible scenario, you will still be a retard.
you're welcome.
>the premier badge you want, never existed
no cap?
thank you for admitting you are unable to parae basic english in the original post youve been mad about for 2 days now.
you already tried this excuse and it failed to stand up to scrutiny. .>>10923180
let me break it down for you, as you are actually retarded
>I want premiere. I never got to have it.
is separate, but related to
>I want a lounge where the guests come to me
as it is a separate line, and sentence, followed before and after by a enter. it is not part of the same paragraph.
>Ill pay X, if you bring it back with guaranteed X (item)
this is not specifying prior premiere, but rather what I would pay to include.

the Premier Fan Lounge did have guests stop by, as my bastard friend met okada that way. i want that meeting but with confirmed signature for a paid amount.
hope this helped you esl fag.
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okada signed autographs outside the premier lounge. so did trigger. the line was bigger inside than it was outside.
keep going. i find your adamant ignorance about something you know nothing about absolutely hilarious.
argue the waiting in lines thing.
what am i arguing retard? those are things I want included. please learn to read.
How are the 2 IHG hotels near AX? Talking about Hotel Indigo and Intercontinental LA Downtown specifically.
Indigo is a decent walk but its not bad. Has a bar thats kind of nice but gets crowded.
there are shuttles to the local hotel block as long as you don't try to leave right when the exhibit hall closes.
I've got an extra room at the Moxy Hotel, single. If anyone's interested HMU
where? and can you use them even if you arnt at a specific hotel? usually park near indigo
Just had to cancel plans last minute. Would have been my first time. Maybe next year.
AX needs to make masking mandatory. A new COVID variant is popping up and is making people really sick.
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Dungeon Meshi autograph tickets gone in under 5 minutes
that was easy as fuck. got ryoko kui and a second ryoko kui because it was just sitting there.
I only had 32 people in front of me and it was unavailable immediately.
standbys came up after a little bit. kind of sucks they didn't have them up immediately but it's likely you could have pulled one of those if you only had 32 ahead of you
I waited and then it just said tickets not available so I closed the tab.
I'm assuming they did it the way they did so people couldn't order both a priority and a standby at he same time
Oh anon, you're silly. I'm not cute anymore, I gained weight and am chubby

Oh very, although I'm too autistic to organize something like that.

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Retard here. What side is the enterance? The top right?
>going to a glorified sdcc where nobody cosplays anymore
There's a huge percentage of cosplayers, what are you talking about. The main hall is filled with the biggest showpieces and the entire perimeter is filled with people taking cosplay photoshoots.
She'll be at Kinokuniya in LA from 8pm-9:30 on 4th of July
I was 1500ish. Priority was of course sold out by then but leaving and going back into the timeslot eventually got me standby.
I can never find people to majsoul with during AX
Who’s ready to cut absolutely everyone in line like every other year?
>rare encounters of the 13th kind
i know exactly what you mean
one of the hentai artists went out and played with the randos
one occasion where a bunch of non ax attendees showed up to help scalpers get autographs is hardly "like every other year." most line cutters stick out like a sore thumb and nearly all of the problems stem from unpaid line staff making mistakes.
but ya all line cutters should unironically be given a dose of polonium-210.
The /cgl/ ax discord is still around for future meetup planning
and tickets for those start this sat at kino. expect the line to be huge.
they literally set up tables in the street, you don't need your funny cat tile game when you can play the real thing
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late but thought I'd post this there since AX is having an official Beyblade tournament
People still Gayblade?
terrible con, always been packed like sardines elbow to elbow with smelly sick normalfags
I go because it raises my self esteem when I get groped by unidentifiable people in the crowd
Too hot outside
I have been practicing with my burro, so I am ready for con sexe.
I am ready to f**k a female dog in Anime Expo and lick their cat.
i found new friends at the mahjong setup on w pico across from the convention center last year at 12 am, definitely isn't too hot around midnight :)
>not cute anymore
i’ll be the judge of that anon :)
>>shit panels
>>not standing in line for 6 hours for autographs
>>only concerts are vtuber garbage
where the fuck are the parties? no fakku party no neon district no nothing, if i don't get to be drunk in cosplay by 10 pm i'll fucking riot
Is convention parking entrance for west hall only on LA Live Way side? Do they not open the Chick Hearn/Georgia St entrance?
i think it's exit only.
>people I'm rooming with cancel 2 weeks before because their PTO was denied last minute
Good thing you took their money months ago, right anon?
I was rooming with THEM
Luckily I didn't pay a dime since I was only going to pay the day before day 0
Now I don't know where I'm going to stay
and you can't change the hotel to your name? or you're too much a poorfag to room alone? if that's the case just get a motel nearby.
I've actually never been to LACC before 7am since I just parked at LA Live. How does queueing for convention center parking work? Do people just arrive at 3-4am and stand by with their cars on the street until it opens?
ironically I actually need someone to add to my hotel room cause all my friends ended up flaking. can you share contact info if you’re interested
you can go in at any time during the con. they just have an attendant there during hours so that no retard blocks the entrance/exit when it's busy. some of the entrances are only open during hours.
>gacha game bullshit
>zoomer humor

Its time I accept that I'm old and have aged out of the anime community
People still watch that?
All the vtuber concerts are less than half sold, so it's not that hopeless.
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>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
Getting paid biweekly is a bitch sometimes. Plus some concerts I wanted to go to came into the mix. Why couldn’t Megan Thee Stallion put her Hot Girl Summer Tour at Cryptocom Arena during AX weekend?
>You got your work PTO approved?
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
My overall thoughts are just absolute indifference after going to AX for 9+ years and my interests have changed since then. Seriously debating on this being year being my last AX.
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
>what are your dream guests that you are hoping will get announced the week before AX?
Too late for that
>Going to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
If there are any gay ones, hit me up
>beyblade experts
There aren't many more embarrasing things to be known as
This is gonna be the third year running that Genshin bullshit is the single biggest IP at AX.
Other than the Dunmeshi live drawing, I'm not sure how to gauge how popular the panels I want will be compared to the panels before them. Trigun Stampede leads to WHA and King Records leads into Kuroshitsuji. Should I get in two panels before to be safe?
>makes some of the most popular games in the world
very few other things can match mihoyo right now. by default they're going to be the biggest IP holders at AX.
that's incorrect. fotm will always be bigger than some chinese turd gacha. last year it was spy family. this year it's probably dunmeshi. also i don't think it's nearly as popular as people try to hype it up to be. it's mostly the autists that push it. the same hundred people crowd the booth all weekend. and a few people spending thousands of dollars in artist alley always guarantee sales.
we'll find out this year from their panel how many people actually care about their games without millions of SEAs online inflating the statistics.
you only need to get in one panel before to be guaranteed. i haven't heard of anyone struggling that hard anymore.
for those panels you mentioned i doubt you even need to be one panel ahead.
Is this the worst AX lineup yet?
Don't blame AX for it. Hasbro's the one that did the marketing for this shit.
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>premiering the dub of Beyblade X during a panel
the youngest zoomer can legally drink alcohol.
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>no 2024 Good Smile Company AX product list dropped yet

Is it over nendobros??
they usually release their list way too late.
a lot of ppl still havent caught onto this baka
Boomers just found out about "Gen Z" when they were still calling us "millennials" until 2021. I wonder how long it will take until normies find out about Gen Alpha.
idk im a millennial and the 90s is still only 10 years ago.

The shit show that was the online GoH auto and kino auto makes me realize anime becoming mainstream was a mistake. Damn wuflu and streaming.
Which hotel
>Is it over nendobros??
They announced over 70 new nendos at smilefest this weekend
if you're a millennial it would be embarrassing if you couldn't just buy one from one of those jobless losers, and if you really just want to talk to them for some autistic reason just tweet the artist's hashtags or send a letter. literally free. they get a handful of replies if at all.
everything these days is kiddie shit compared to what happened in the past. love live wasn't that long ago.
ten years ago ax had 100k attendees, more than now, and they couldn't even get people into the convention center.
Just buy it online and save yourself the hassle of being in line.
they usually sell stuff you can't buy online like trigger merch. and it comes with extras and the tote bags.
getting in the gsc line isn't as horrid as it's been in the past. plastic mania has kind of died down a bit since zoomers would rather spend their money on simping and digital pixels.
ive been going to AX since 2007 before it was even at staples, and what the fuck are you even talking about
Who's ready for the annual gay orgy party?
only if 18-20 CD/traps are there
no tranny freaks tho
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I'm not an EDM type, but my friend went to some concert that was held at the LACC last year. It can't be this bad r-right?
Any big guys joining in?
Take that and now add lots of Asian photographers
>ive been going to AX since 2007
it clearly hasn't given you any perspective if you're unironically whining about autographs and muh nostalgiafagging.
Can't wait to find VRCHAT pedophile community lead in his cirno cosplay.
you implied AX had more people ten years ago which clearly is incorrect.
>the youngest zoomer can legally drink alcohol.
what third world shithole do you live in where a 14 year old can drink
Epsteins Island. Vick M's house. Comic Ping Pongs basement. Anywhere in hollywood.
not to mention hollywood bars don't like to fuck around with that kinda shit.
but im sure there's plenty of late zoomers getting extra-legally wasted in the palisades.
anyone still looking for roommates
yes, see my previous posts: >>10923619 >>10923750
It's my favorite time of year: when all of the artists begin to post their AX catalogs and I get to see what I'll be going broke on
Anyone know where I can get a Ryoko autograph ticket? I don't see anyone selling them online after the lotto happened
Yen Press booth have 25 to give away, you need to literally be at the front door as soon as the dealers hall opens to have a chance though
Some dude on Twitter was asking $1000 but no takers. Someone at the Kinokiniya line supposedly sold it to some idiot for $700 who then tried to sell it for $800 immediately after (no one took him up on that offer), so that's definitely an overpay
more than $200 for any signing at ax is overpaying.
Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, vtubers, and one obligatory FOTM anime keychain.
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I mean its women really. They are really the ones to decide what is or isn't popular at these cons.
The women like something, and the guys get into it too to be around them and get their attention. Its all very exhausting.
You'll never see something like Warhammer get big unless women approve of it first
>The women like something, and the guys get into it too to be around them and get their attention.
Where's all the Twisted Wonderland, otome, and male idol merch then?
>Anime Expo 2027 will be nothing but Vtumors and Chink and Gook gachashit
I heard about that but I've got basically no faith in getting one. Besides, insiders will probably be taking a few of those tickets before the doors are unlocked to the public
Yeah I wouldn't do more than $300 personally
>Check out upcoming anime series for the summer
>90% of them are all isekai shit
Now you know why people are moving towards gacha and Vtubers.
As if the nips who guzzle up isekai don't also guzzle up gacha and vtuber shit. It's all the same amorphous "content" for them. Hyperreality.
Yeah if you don't have an exhibitor badge don't bother. 25 is basically zero at anime expo

Remakes and adaptations everywhere. I don't even have to watch them because I've read them in the past
Yeah not planning on it. If we're being realistic that 25 is gonna be more like 10 after people with exhibitor or industry badges get their pick, and I'm not gonna compete with thousands of people to line up first
theres an entire R18 section thats geared towards men.
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I've come across a few artists that sell entirely from the Tumorous Trio which has been salt in the wound, but the artists I follow have some good shit that I'm excited to see. That's the hope I'm hinging on

There's a shit ton of stamp rallies this year though. Did anyone else notice? Some of them seem cool but the prizes are not worth the $40-50 to participate. I'm approaching it as "if I happen to get stamps, cool. If not, I won't go out of my way for it".
>There's a shit ton of stamp rallies this year though. Did anyone else notice?
It feels like every artist is taking part in two or more too, which seems like it would get confusing. So far I've only seen one prize that seems worth the trouble (a cute travel bag), but there are a few where the reward is just stickers or coasters.
I've been baffled at the few rallies that require a $20 minimum purchase from each participating artist. Imagine dishing out $240 completing that Genshit rally only for all the prizes to be gone.
They deserve it.
>meshi panel is after mha and bleach
do I like meshi more then my not-care for shonen? probably not. anyone else see this as a panel-lite year for them.
I didn't say there wasn't anything for men. I'm saying popular anime/cosplays trends at cons are dictated by the woman audience.
>Triple digit temps are likely in DTLA during AX
Most forecasts are showing low 80s.
Silence, realist! A demoralizer is speaking.
I feel like 2018 was really the only fucked up triple digit year in recent memory. Most other times it's just 80s, sometimes 90s, and 70s isn't unheard of either.
lol lmao
>3 vtuber concerts cancelled
Niji is getting blacklisted from ax after this lmfao
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Seat sales too low?
It HAS to be. I can't believe they booked the fucking Peacock for this.
>going to see a screen concert
I dont get miku concerts either.
Oof. I'd bet Hololive would have done a lot better.
Holo just sold out there anyc show yesterday so yeah, they would have
Vtubers are a meme.
Yes, I noticed that too! On the artists' side, I've heard that rallies can really boost their sales due to the minimum purchase thing. I've participated in some in the past that just required any purchase (even as low as a dollar) or a tip which I thought was a nice compromise.

>cute travel bag
Haha, good taste anon. Those have caught my eye too. Specifically the RPG and Miku rallies. The Dungeon Meshi coaster set is cute and all, but again, $50 worth? No.

That's fucking insane.
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>It feels like every artist is taking part in two or more too
I'm not sure how to feel about some of these artists having a 1 stamp per transaction rule
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I'm doing a bad crossplay of Flandre, anyone doing a bad crossplay of Remillia want to link up?
No, but my group is doing a bad crossplay of some Touhous. Are you going to the cosplay meetup on Day 4?
Is this con worth the crowds I gotta fucking wade through, I potentially have a room that I can go to but seeing all those fucking crowds gets me anxious.

Tbh I'm not sure what I'd like at this con besides the Dungeon Meshi shit, and I doubt that I could actually get any tickets for that.
I'll be there on day 4, so I can be aye

The full schedule is on here, the Touhou cosplay meetup is @ Site #7, 12:00 PM on the 7th. I'll most likely be in cosplay during some of the /cgl/ meetups as well so hope to see you there
>Dungeon Meshi
The only thing that required a ticket was the autograph sessions, and those were free. There are two panels, but you'll need to camp one or two panels beforehand to guarantee a spot.
For context, when you say "decent walk", how fat are you?
Look at the minimap in the top right. I believe in you, retard.
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This one is also pretty cute! There's a recently posted Pokemon one that looks promising, but not all the artists have their catalogs up yet.
its half a mile but in LA heat and a backpack full of shit its not super fun. Its farther then hotel fig.
not fat just out of shape. the JW was perfect.
Best way to stalk twitter for AA items?
@AXArtistAlley or #AXArtistalley2024
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>AX loses money for renting out Peacock Theater for Nijisanji
>Nijisanji may pull out all together and decide to not have a booth
>Reading tweets of Nijisisters who spent money on AX badge, flight, hotel, etc. seething about who will refund their travel, lodging, and badge
Couldn't happen to a nicer fanbase
i watched dunmeshi to see what all the autograph fuss is about.
it's literally marvel tier slop
i want to know how many retards are pretending to be interested in it without even watching or reading any of it. because right now it's pretty obvious scalpers are hyping up this garbage to make a quick buck.
Trigger shows are usually pretty popular. I liked the show but I watched it without any knowledge going in so I didn't have any expectations. I won't even attempt an autograph or panel because it seems way too popular and it's going to be crowded.
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I hope this fucks their perception on any other V-Tuber focused concert, fucking flaking bastards with no fanbase
>marvel tier slop
what does this even mean in this context? Never watched a marvel movie, but I read all of Dungeon Meshi and its a really solid fantasy story with a good grasp of how its world functions.
The whole last five months has been quite a journey for niji. Prior to that people thought they were solidly number two and their free events last year had a lot of attendees
>going to be 85 next week
Damn I was hoping the temp would stay down more
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This is usually what it looks like at the front of the line when it opens on any given day
It mellows out over the course of the day but that first hour is pretty funny
Damn, this is actually a really helpful resource. Thank you anon. Is there anything similar for the exhibit hall?
I haven't found one yet unfortunately, other than checking #AX2024 every few hours. Industry has started posting their offerings and exclusives, but it's still a slow trickle. Goodsmile should probably have theirs up by the end of the week.
the only noteworthy parts of the show are trigger only anime memes that obviously aren't in the manga. but the signing isn't for trigger, it's for the manga.
1 dimensional characters, cringe forced gags during inappropriate parts of the story, characters acting like assholes to progress the story, lul inclusion, nonsensical plot and character motivations.
i could see how trigger would want to attach themself to this project due to the fake viral cooking video aspect of the series, but there's just nothing here that would legitimately make ax attendees foam at the mouth.
>lul inclusion
Is this because there are brown characters or what
I got room in the JW, a double queen. Looking for a few to room with. My email is emoshidesu@gmail.xom
>badges still available
wow, must be an even shittier con this year
because of the fat women and mentally ill. and the browns.
Please God let this be the one AX where wer aren't balls-to-dick with every single attendee at the con. I want to be able to breathe this year.
the amount of early 2000s kid tv and garfield items are throwing me off, is this zoomie nostalgia kicking in?
>Making a tournament about beyblade.
You might as well turn throwing a d20 and seeing who gets the better score a sport. Damn that's fucking retarded.
Industry chads where are you ?
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>mfw im tall and make sure to eat the gassiest food possible to shart on all the tiny "people" at AX
Garfield is a meme, but
>early 2000s kids shows
I like Yu-Gi-Oh DM so that doesn't bother me one bit.
no I mean like blues clues, spongebob, shit like that. non-anime literal childrens shows from early mid 2000s.
In the past, I've seen artists place restrictions on what you buy from their table to count towards the stamp rally. For example, if I want to complete a Trigun stamp rally, I'd have to buy a Trigun related item from their table. I think the reason we're seeing the popularity of the $10 rule in its stead is because less people were participating.

I don't mind 1 stamp per transaction, but the dollar amount does bug me. Not only are the prizes not match the value of the spend, but sometimes there isn't enough that I want to buy from an artists table worth that amount, so I end up having to pick up shit I don't want. To be frank, the quality of the artists participating in a single rally isn't always at the same standard.
Aside from the crowds, I don't think the ticket prices are worth going to this con if there isn't anything you're sure you want. But yes, the crowds are what they look like. It levels out after the initial entry but you will always be shoulder to shoulder and baby stepping through the AA and Dealers' halls.
I love these artists, it's so cute to see them collab.

I know! I'm actually surprised that some of them still haven't posted this soon to the con. I used to see them three weeks out last year.
It was 85 last weekend and projected to be this weekend too. We're just unlucky on our days off over here. Hopefully there'll be some wind.
Like the other anon said, you just have to follow the accounts of the brands you want to see from. There isn't a singular tag. Animate has posted some of their exclusives.
Yes and it does surprisingly well with buyers so it makes more sense that artists are selling.
Just lurking. Old habits die hard, and I still use the other boards.
>I think the reason we're seeing the popularity of the $10 rule in its stead is because less people were participating.
I wonder if the rally's prize (presumably) also being Trigun related had an effect too. In that situation, I'd imagine that mainly people with itabags would really benefit from completing the rally.
>I don't mind 1 stamp per transaction, but the dollar amount does bug me.
I was kinda bothered at the 1 stamp per transaction rule since a few of those artists' multiple rallies would have overlapping fandoms. Riot fans would have to make separate purchases if they wanna participate in both the League and Valorant rallies and there's an artist who's in 2 different Genshit and 1 HSR rallies.
I think a $5 minimum is pretty reasonable but yeah, >$10 is starting to push it for the exact reasons you mention. I also prefer to buy things that I know I'll use so sadly I don't see myself completing any of these rallies. If I get a stamp, cool and if not, then whatever. I've been finding stamp rallies useful in finding artists for more niche stuff anyway. It also boggles my mind seeing rallies for Mihoyo and other popular stuff since they're gonna be everywhere in AA anyway. Maybe it's a way to get people to buy from the participating artists over everyone else?
I got room space at the AC. 2x queen. Prefer males and don't mind having other males in the room. Every night will be booze and hot male sex.
>weeb mingle mixer happening during the masquerade

I mean chances were that I wasn't going to find someone to click with, maybe a new friend or two at most to add on instagram. But damn.
>Every night will be booze and hot male sex.
are you hot? i will drop by if so. gimme some contacts.
where can I follow along for the pokemon one? I'd be interested in completing a rally for that
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It's this one.
oh just stickers? hmm, well thanks for the info, I was hoping for a cool fire pokemon thing
The Slowpoke/Psyduck thing is a collapsible nylon fan with a little bag and the Plusle/Minun thing is a magnet. I think the other one is a print or something.
Oh I see! that's very handy and worth the hassle if I was into those particular pokes, oh well. I wish em luck
I have no where to sleep now
The one I was going to board with was a nijisister that canceled the hotel when there concert was canceled
sleep on the street like every other homeless?
real talk, find a party and pass out there. I use to do this all the time until I got too old.
I have a spare slot, what’s your email
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What y’all be wearing when you get to AX?

Here’s hoping it arrives before I fly out (assuming customs aren’t a bitch)
a greasy sweat soaked tshirt, a decomposing school backpack, ill-fitting jeans, shaggy unwashed or heavily product smeared hair, probably some variation of yeezies or air force shoes, a lanyard and possibly tote bags filled with random garbage. oh also a poorly shaved neckbeard.
i just answered for everyone.
I wear yeezy’s because they’re comfortable for long walks :(
Sonic the Hedgehog shirt for maximum autism
joking aside probably close to >>10924376 as AX is a million degrees and shoulder to shoulder people and i cant be fucked. Last year I changed my tshirt 3 times from it being sweat filled and it still wasnt enough and im not even fat.
T-shirt, shorts, cap, and my outdoorsy hat in case I'm waiting out in the sun for an extended amount of time.
What if my only goal is to coom inside cosplay chicks? How hard is that now
that depends, do you mind if they have penises?
>real talk, find a party and pass out there. I use to do this all the time until I got too old.
>Have no change of clothes, no way to shower, and nothing to keep your property safe
>and all hinges on strangers not forcibly waking you up and kicking you out
That's nasty anon
I emailed you.

if you’re in your 30s you have unrealistic expectations and partygoers will laugh at you
Not him, but I'd say even the expectation to find a party you're not invited to and somehow make friends is pretty unrealistic. The only "open" parties I've ever been to at AX are just groups of people drinking and then quickly scattering because no rational person wants to take responsibility for strangers in their hotel room
I'm in my 40s so you're saying I'll slay? Really though I was just wondering how it was for you guys these days trying to hook up. I have to fly to sea for that stuff now, but I haven't checked out a con for 10+ years now
Dick makes it better
No joke I'd go balls deep in a trap
>over 40 years old
I have some bad news for you anon
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Hoping I get groped in my fem cosplay ngl.
that can be arranged (if you are cute)
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yeah same.
It’s funny how nobody ever has the balls to arrange anything serious desu.
AX has been shit since 2006, but yet I've still kept going. Also
>Daisuke Ono
>Takahiro Sakurai

I used to really look forward to the concerts, though
I'll give you a rub and tug. Maybe even a sloppy toppy.
It's because despite the lonely incel status a lot of people have here, they still
>have standards
Naturally you assume that someone else on 4chan who is trying to hook up is also a loser, and worst case bad looking and doesn't bathe regularly
>are nervous
People who have trouble making friends aren't the type to do something spontanious and brave like meeting a stranger for sex.

It really reminds me of one year when I went to the Fakku party. Tons of people paid tickets to go to this event, and then when they got inside just immediately sat down on couches/chairs instead of mingling and dancing. Just staring at their phones and hoping someone else would approach them.
That's a lot of people, unwilling to change their lifestyle and hoping that someone just "notices" them one day and makes all the effort with them not doing anything to warrant it
early 2010s was a different time
>no shower
there were plenty of showers and people wanting to shower with me
also could have something to do with the fact that if you're a dude and you approach someone and they don't like it, even if you do nothing wrong, you have a very high chance of getting publicly shamed, blacklisted or worse, especially with the modern "cosplay is not consent" crowd
Has anyone has experience with the ADA sticker stuff? Is it worth doing?
anyone find any artists selling anything monogatari related?
It will theoretically let you into panels easier. If you have a legit disability go for it. I sure as fuck would. If you don't have a disability but do have a distinct lack of morals or shame, go for it.

You also get one helper who will get the same benefits as you but they must be with you to get the benefits. A helper without the person they are helping is treated like a normal attendee.
i've seen a lot of autists with ada badges standing in the regular line after they see the ada line filled with people with legit mobility or hearing problems.
if they just let ada in slightly after the regular line it would be more rational and less people would abuse it. but then they'd get sued.
In LA for July 4th weekend but sadly not for AX. Is there anything off-site worth checking out?

I've already done Little Tokyo.
Does anyone know if they have plans to crack down on badge sharing/selling? I'm probably going to try to buy someone's badge at a reduced cost.
Drop your cosplays and I'll be on the lookout, everybody loves getting groped by a fat ugly bastard
I'm not a woman or femboy, but I'd be down to suck FUB cock if it's uncut.
It's cut, none for you fag
Sorry for our loss
>reduced cost
See a Dodger's game
How anal are they about airsoft/tactical vests? I want to cosplay as a w corp janny from Library of ruina but I don't know if they'll let me in with this vest. I will be wearing a shirt and tie underneath.
This is the only vest from amazon that can arrive before I leave for LA
Worst comes to worst they'll have you remove it to check it out. They use evolv metal detectors which are designed to detect mostly guns.

t. Security guard, though not at the con.
Anyone selling badges?
yes, showclix
yeah, $800 for 4 day.
Can't you still buy it online?
Plenty of people wear their full rp airsoft kits and get let through, dont worry you won't raise an eyebrow
No. They don't care if you don't fuck up a tag in/tag out. And even if you do fuck up, they'll probably just tell you to do it again.

There's a bunch of EDM type music events at night. Tuesday is man with a mission (Japanese band). Akiba Maid War has a collab maid cafe that runs through the month. Hololive has a ramen collab that I believe also runs for the month.
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it's gonna be a complete shitshow. even at 10am starts there were hundreds of exhibitors clogging the security checkpoints. it's gonna be even worse when everyone is working ten hour days and don't want to come in early.
i'll write some tl;dr to practice my skills for when real humans ask me for LA recs, and for other lurkers here that might explore outside AX.

obviously the answer depends what you want. LA is a lot of sprawl with too many options. it's pretty hostile to visitors, tourists get led to all the wrong places.
avoid hollywood and Downtown LA. i take public transit but i recommend that you drive.

im an eastsider and begrudging h*pster so i like areas like highland park (figueroa ave or york blvd), arts district, echo park (sunset blvd). all are walkable (a rarity) with great bars, cocktails, food, etc.
sawtelle is weeb-skewed and walkable but i hate the westside and it's a little less architecturally interesting so idk.

excellent food all around town. in fact i don't hear people play this up much, but it might be one of the better food towns in the world? idk. anyway i'd rec trying anything highly rated. you'll find the most authentic version of almost any international thing you'd want, but also great fusion. emphasis on the healthier side but there's plenty junk too.

some venues: lodge room, echo or echoplex, uhhh zebulon?
hollywood bowl, but only if you like classical and are in town long enough for rimsky-korsakov (cheap as shit for such high quality, buy nosebleed tix and sneak down a couple sections. bring picnic supplies).
otherwise search your genre of choice and you can probably find it. oh looks like there's future funk at teragram.

art n shit: the broad, norton simon, huntington library. gallery nucleus might have gay weebshit for you.

LA is also the last town in the world that still cares about movies so you could catch a showing at a revival house, usually on film and everything. e.g. the new bev owned by tarantino himself where they'll often screen his personal prints

>in b4 reddit spacing
Dumb question, but does anyone know if those tactical gear autists that show up to AX ever have meetups? I always see a bunch every year and have done it myself a few times, only interaction I've had is maybe a few fistbumps. Also weird that this kind of cosplay exists at pretty much any convention, regardless of topic but I dig it.
based angeleno of culture
Nice, live in East Los myself, you gotta tell anons about the super unhealthy food we got over here.
Some of the best Chili Cheese dogs you can get are at Chronis in East LA/Commerce (depending on who you ask). I personally think it's better than Pink's, which is overrated anyways.
As the other anon mentioned before, Dodgers games are fun, even if you don't like baseball they can be really fun with the crowd energy there. Helps that there's more japs there now that have kinda displaced the Mexicans at games so less chance of running into a wild ese. There's really good shopping in LA if you're into that, hell you could drive to Frank and Son's for whatever reason of you really feel the need to purchase collectables in an exhibit hall setting. I would just avoid touristy places like the observatory, it gets really crowded, the parking sucks, the inside is packed with people, and it's a hike to get there.
I've seen some gatherings in passsing. Fair warning; last year my friend and I were in front of a few guys dressed in tactical gear while waiting for the convention center to open, and every ten minutes or so they'd get approached by random homeless guys who'd ramble on about Jesus or an imaginary war before getting shooed off by security. I don't know if the outfits trigger the old vets or something.
check out the diverse and inclusive bastions of the Democratic party like Skid Row, Venice Beach after sunset, and Compton!
Wanna catch a show with me at Zebulon anon?
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>yfw your PTO for AX got denied
sell me your badge
just take unpaid time off instead
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>The person I wanted to meet up with is ghosting me 3 days before the con
That time the crazy homeless bum in Venice yelled that random people were photographing him on the bus (they weren't) and then threatened to kill me for getting off at the same bus stop as him was kino.
>after sunset
This was at like 2 PM.
for me its the black guy who got caught jumping the queue and got a ticket so he spent the rest of bus ride trying to pick fights with everyone around him for the entire orange line ride.
im actually pretty sympathetic to the homeless population in LA. folks from a tent city in frogtown once saved my life.
but the street drugs in the past year or two have fucked everything up royally. hobos used to be mostly harmless, now they are rabid. ready to kill, ready to die. it's bad out here, bros.
i used to be advocate number 1 for the metro but i just don't ride it now. you can't, if you (can afford to) value your life.
(i'll probably still ride it to AX though, i'd rather get stabbed than drive to the convention center)
I think I met this guy, but in Seattle
I know people say metro is "fine" and you only have 0.001% chance of actually getting stabbed or whatever, but you have a 100% chance of being trapped in close proximity to a drug addled filthy hobo fermenting in his own diarrhea and muttering in tongues so I'll take sitting in traffic in my clean air conditioned car over that any day
>im actually pretty sympathetic to the homeless population
Fuck homeless shitters. They ended up where they are. If they don't want the help, the country should round up these worthless sacks of shits. Then put them all on an old cargo ship, then sink it in the middle of the ocean. Problem solved.
This, I tried taking the metro rail home after getting wasted at Dodger games a couple of times, and every time, without fail, there's someone tweaking on the train, rambling or being nasty. And if there's no one like that when you board, you can bet your ass that one's gonna board on the next stop. I just drive to the stadium now, I don't need to drink there, not for their prices.
when are they going to ban stamp rallies
Just go
The fuck are they going to do? Fire you? In this economy?
Love riding the metro and getting stuck on the car with someone smoking lord knows what filling the space and being forced to breathe it in.
but im with >>10925077 the "homeless" are people who somehow burned every bridge their entire lives. such shit people they have zero family or friends willing to help, and so incapable of self control to stop drugs and get into the multiple programs LA offers. wish covid had killed them all.
if anyone is flying out of denver tomorrow on the 1:45 flight and wants free lunch and drinks, let me know. got a spare guest invite to one of the airport lounges.
It's getting a little fucking ridiculous.
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Even ANYC bothered banning them and its crowd size isn't nearly as bad. It's gonna be a real shit show down in Kentia this week
what anime should i binge tonight to prep for panels? i already watched frieren dunmeshi danmachi and read dan dadan
Haven't watched it myself, but I've seen a lot of Frieren in artist catalogs.
there's over 100 listed now looking at the compilation sheet someone is doing
imagine paying $50 for $10 worth of prizes
If the prize isn't something sizeable like a canvas tote or an article of clothing, then I don't see a point. Buy $50-$100 worth of stuff in varying quality for a vinyl sticker. ...The Dog Rally is free though. You just have to bark and they give you a stamp.
There’s artists participating in multiple ones which just makes the issue worse
I think it’s nice but AA at AX is fucking hell as it is
>That one artist participating in 4, 2 of which are Genshin
And she has a 1 stamp per transaction rule
Anyone around them is going to have a rough time all con. There’s already foot traffic problems down there and it’s going to be hotter this year than last year too which is going to make even more people say fuck this.
They stuck KENN on one of the outdoor stages? AX has no idea how to advertise industrt guests.
homelessness is entirely a societal failure. if you don't want a bunch of homeless on the street then stop buying drugs from them. it's braindead to think those people with nothing and no influence are the problem.
they aren't smuggling drugs across the border so that jobless hobos sleeping in tents can get high.
how is it rational to punish people for selling better and increasing traffic? there's plenty of more logical solutions. such as moving popular artists to the outside edges. prioritizing cash. having credit transactions done away from where gawkers are just browsing.
the reason artist alley is a shitshow is because the organizers have no semblance of how to organize.
Go to Andre’s on Wilshire
the only societal failure is that its not legal to shoot drug dealers on-spot.
Nijisanji concerts flopping isn’t the biggest flop in AX history
this was just sad.
I kinda remember seeing this on twitter but I was flying out around that time. How bad was it?
the more drug dealers you shoot the more the price of drugs increases and the more people will want to sell drugs and shoot people who are shooting at them with bigger guns.
the solution is pretty simple, stop buying drugs.
I still remember how bizarre this was.
Even the 2 series on there that were actually popular at one point had bland soundtracks. Weren't they charging regular concert prices (~$45), too?
>stuck in the hamster wheel
>precarity mindset
>need medication
>can't afford medication
>buy cheaper drugs from whoever's selling
as long as there's despair there's a drug market.

what's the answer to despair? social programs. in other words, money. it's so simple it seems like there must be a bigger answer. but no, the answer is basically just spending money.
but the people in power don't want to spend money. they'd rather just let the downtowns go mad max.
so we continue to treat the symptoms instead of the cause. and we treat them poorly, if at all.

remember, the guys up top want you to continue blaming drug dealers and drug buyers, and arguing with your peers (us) about it. that keeps your/our attention off them.

sorry for also arguing and /p*l/posting.
you all remain my seagull brethren, and i will gladly brave DTLA with you
killing the dealers works in asia, kill everyone from low level to high level dealing and the problem corrects.
1 stamp rally per table is fine but as >>10925120 mentioned some are doing multiple on one table and you only get one stamp. per transaction, it's causing extra traffic from people running around each table trying to get shoddy unsellable stuff for 'free'
That’s what offkai is for
New thread
it's not for free. they're making more money. marketing exists.
They don't need to be banned, but they do need to be regulated imo. If we found a way to regulate meet-ups, surely we can do the same with stamp rallies.

>It's gonna be a real shit show down in Kentia this week
It always is, but the ways that it's a shit show seem to change every year.

This. 1-2 max imo. It can also be a little confusing when there's multiples of the same fandom without a name change. I hate Genshin, but at least they're changing up the names of each SR.

Also, there's a chad who posted a list of every artist's socials, catalogs, and stamp rallies on Twitter. I'll find it again and link it here later.
I saw a rally where the minimum purchase amount was $25. At least you only needed 3 stamps, but $75 is wild -- especially for their prize being something like stickers. I'd feel bad for posting it here, but goddamn.
I think the Artist Alley just desperately needs a bigger room. That fucking parking garage it's in right now is way too small. Maybe they should move the Entertainment Hall, which during peak hours still remains pretty quiet, down to the basement where the Artist Alley is right now and then move the Artist Alley to where the Entertainment Hall is right now.
corpos are paying big money for Entertainment Hall spaces, no way you'd get them to move down into the parking garage
Twink death is real huh?
Just carry around a canister of liquid nitrogen, and run the vapor though small plastic tubes inside of your clothes. Be sure to make tiny holes in the tubes at various points.
sunday is pretty questionable. I usually get a hotel saturday but there's a high likelihood I'll skip most stuff sunday unless its really good. This year is the same way.
Fellow Denverite, how do we make NDK great again?
where can you see the list?

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