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“LET’S FUCKING GO!!!” edition


Thread theme

Previous thread

>You going? And you hyped?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved or you “called in sick”?
>what’s on your weeb roadtrip/flight trip playlist? Just a few bits would suffice
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
>what panels you going to?
>Going to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
anything to do on day 0 other than collab cafes and casing out the joint?
Unless you're picking up your badge or a tourist not really
I’m making an AMF juice with sake as a replacement for tequila at the westin Friday night come say hi to me
Stole this from some fag on youtube. Here's a bunch of social media/website posts of merch shit the industry is selling.


How freshly squeezed are the mikus?
unwashed normalfag con LETS FUCKINGG GOOOO POGCHAMP I hear my favorite twitch streamers will be attending again. i hope i can cum to booth sluts with them!
Is there any point in waiting in line for exclusives when 99% of the said exclusives just end up being sold online a week later at the company store?
Someone also made an AA spreadsheet with each artist's catalog and the one hundred fucking stamp rallies https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_cSqgsAtQRdyv0-toWIdLRfpwinQuTA1R51BORSOpCs/edit?gid=2078687931#gid=2078687931
for the 1% that wont and will have to wait for till the next anime expo if they have stock, or get at the next con, which half defeats the purpose of it being "exclusive." Probably just depends if they meant for exclusive for that specific con, or just cons in general. Sometimes presales are just cheaper or don't include tax if you pay in cash. Otherwise, you could save your time, skip line con, and just try your luck at ebay with scalped prices for anything that really is exclusive.

Holy shit that's a lot of stamp rallies. Holy shit that's a fucking great spreadsheet. And here I thought I was being some kind of autist planning out my artist alley purchases. Then again, that spread sheet is probably group effort.
throwing together the prop for my nanami cos, hope its not super ugly. i'm not ripped or anything but im a tall white guy so its as good a lazy costume as any
I've never partaked in gun props. I've got a Colt Python toy that used to shoot pellets. I saw you need to hotglue it shut so I hotglued the barrel, is that good enough or do I need to hotglue the revolver chamber too? It already has an orange ring on it.
>You going? And you hyped?
Yea going. Why not?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
Hotel on Saturday - Sunday. Rest is at parents house.
>what’s your budget?
$1000 is what I'd want to spend including drinks / food / art / merch. All Goodo desu.
>You got your work PTO approved or you “called in sick”?
Got it cleared. Will work the contract around it.
>what’s on your weeb roadtrip/flight trip playlist? Just a few bits would suffice
San Diego so drivin'
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
Fri-Sat Mr. Braun (Fri), Barry Burton( Sat) Hanging out with my family on Thurs (4th) as usual.
Crowded, going to be drinkin' all day.
>what panels you going to?
Sumipe panel on Saturday for sure. RE panel directly after it.
>Going to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
Where? Please tell :|
Whatever the fuck that #GrandSummoners thing on Twitter is fucked up the #AX2024 search.
>half the items are on amiami right now for half the cost
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>You going? And you hyped?
Yes and not really. I don't know many new anime and this cosplay has been kicking my ass over the past few weeks just to look like a child's costume, so that's killed a lot of the excitement. Even now I'm jumping through my ass to make and troubleshoot the thing.
>did you manage to get a hotel?
No; if anyone has a spot in a room available I could really use it.
>what’s your budget?
Like $250. I'm bringing food from home and I don't have anything I'm really gunning for in the merchandise department.
>You got your work PTO approved or you “called in sick”?
>>what’s on your weeb roadtrip/flight trip playlist? Just a few bits would suffice
Whatever's in my DO NOT OPEN folder and 89.7
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
Day 1 is Kogarashi, Day 2-3 is "Dude in t-shirt and Dickies"
I'm going to walk around and try to find interdasting things. Business as usual. If I see Utena cosplay I'll be happy
>what panels you going to?
I don't know yet. I'll check the program when I get there.
>Going to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
The /cgl/ ax discord is here for meetup shenanigans
discordfaggotry be gone
fuck the AX Orgy, wheres the AX circle jerk to hentai room at?
women into fujos and shit can come to i guess.
no homo.
>You going? And you hyped?
Going, not as hyped as I should be. Combo of sudden layoff, friend is an asshole, way behind on my cosplay. I'm awake at 5AM on Day Zero trying to finish it
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>what’s your budget?
Idk, $1000 perhaps
>You got your work PTO approved or you “called in sick”?
Got laid off and on summer break woooo
>what’s on your weeb roadtrip/flight trip playlist? Just a few bits would suffice
Sorairo Days motherfucker, the usual classics
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
Melinoe from Hades II, poor choice because I had to make it myself and I don't think anyone except me even gives a shit about her
Low :)
>what panels you going to?
Mega64 bros, Last Comic Standing or whatever they're calling it now
>Going to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
im down for this unironically
one think I've learned is that women into fujos exist, they just want them to be "cute", I'm not sure if that's realistic
they're even into watching you hum your miku pillow, I'm sending the best of wishes for the best outcomes for you nerds
My group is having gay orgy parties at all the AC and JW Marriott. I better see a hot sexy body and a huge peepee.
are there any good afters this Friday?
>And here I thought I was being some kind of autist planning out my artist alley purchases
Me too. There's just so much going on and so many people crowding the tables that I can't fucking see whats on display without prior research of the catalogs. This spreadsheet is super helpful and I hope the group returns to do it every year.
Check the weapon rules online
On the I5 driving from NorCal. Why the fuck is our country so ugly?
>You going? And you hyped?
Going days 1 & 2. So hyped that all of that excitement is brewing into an anxious stomach. The selection of art this year looks so good though, I'm stoked. Lots of artists I've been wanting to buy from buy didn't bc of shipping costs.
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>what’s your budget?
$450 cash, but limitless budget because this might be my last AX. None of my friends wanted to join me this year and I doubt I'll have the balls to return next year solo again.
>You got your work PTO approved or you “called in sick”?
Got summers off and not working my summer camp counselor job because fuck them kids and fuck the sand!
>what’s on your weeb roadtrip/flight trip playlist? Just a few bits would suffice
I had totally forgotten about this! Yes, I'm stoked to revitalize my weeb playlist. It's mostly vocaloid.
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
Day 1: Casual to maximize shopping efficiency, Day 2: Rin Kagamine from Vocaloid to wander the Exhibit Hall and live out my 13 year old self's dreams
AA is going to be a fucking mess on day 1 due to the stamp rallies but I'll say "thank you, more please" and go back anyway.

I've also been awake until 3-4am most days leading up to today working on this and because I've just fucked over my sleep schedule and today I'm really feeling it in my body. I feel stupid because I'm starting this long con with an empty tank. I'm hoping I don't crash and burn until after con hours at least.
>what panels you going to?
Honestly I'm not a panel person.
>Going to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
I love that for you. I'm sure you're going to look amazing. And no, I think you'll get lots of love. People have been crazy about the game since beta. I've even seen some art of her or Scylla in the catalogs.
sorry not interested in fags just want to jerk off to hentai with the bros. faggot poo eating gay.
what series?
women can come to slick. just no touch cause i cant lose my wizard powers.
Anyone need a ride from San Jose tonight?
can you imagine the smell of male body odor, rotting cum and shit on the dicks of other men?
>it's enough to make one put on a hazmat suit and set it all on fire.
there's a rave with a bunch of egirls at a warehouse on firiday i saw cthlynn promo it on her page: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8-ORSJSbIP/
>>You going? And you hyped?
>>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>>what’s your budget?
I only plan on spending maybe $200
>>You got your work PTO approved or you “called in sick”?
Got laid off, and this is a bad idea, but fuck it- we ball
>>what’s on your weeb roadtrip/flight trip playlist? Just a few bits would suffice
Daryl & Oates & Polyphia
>>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
1 - Dragon Ball & One Piece Meetups, One Piece Orchestra and panels prob
I expect this con to be so crowded I wont get into any panels I'm interested in
>>what panels you going to?
I dunno yet, not many desu
>>Going to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
of course
I’m ready to cut everyone in line tomorrow
All tourists can hang
I’ll only go if they start stripping
its at 99warehouse, that's not out of the question lol
muslims will call drinking listening to music and women not covering 95% of their body haram but decapitating the infidels isn't?
just landed at westin, anyone want to meetup for food / drinks?
im ready to throw hands with manlet line cutters.
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>1 day passes sold out a while ago
>4 day passes just sold out a while ago (or they just closed sales)
Here's to hoping there isn't an absolute cluster fuck like last year. I'm just glad I didnt bother to say I was going to my family/family friends so I don't have to tard wrangle like last year.
its been 6 years since ive gone to anime expo. last time i met a girl and we both became friends, and a little more, but it all fell part 2 years back. shes gone for good and it genuinely hurts going back here now
i just hope to enjoy myself this time, was way too uptight before now i just want to be happy

which is a real shame given how fucking hot its going to be during the whole goddamn thing
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>these things are locked in storage for an entire year
Hopefully it doesn’t come out sideways this time
This years AX is going to be absolute chaos and a lot of celebrities and sports stars will show up unattended.

Prepare yourselves accordingly
Hey, I got two 4 day passes if anybody wants them, no payment needed.
> memories of AX and X-Games sharing space come flooding back
I hope you're memeing.
I wish live streaming was illegal.
The year I had a BPD roommate that had a meltdown on night 3 and posted on Twitter that we were abusing her. Natsukashii
I remember two ago Hasan was running around a really crowded place in the hall and every single person wanted there to beat the shit of him
AX's organizers are so money hungry that I don't believe they'd artificially cap 4-day passes. Someone pointed out that the 1-day ticket announcements were published at 4pm on the dot so they were likely scheduled posts, but all signs pointed to forcing ppl to buy a 4-day in order to scrape more money. I think they might've genuinely reached cap (likely set by an outside force as they would just keep taking money if possible). And yes, I'm very fucking worried.
>what’s your budget?
My budget is $13,000, I am worry I don’t have enough.
If they hit cap they would have sold out weeks ago like previous years. This is just them stopping sales. If they really wanted to max out income they'd allow for at-con sales
What time are you guys lining up? I'm doing 6 AM myself
my plan is to park by 5:30 if i can, then dick around by the entrance til it opens
around 1pm and waltz right in after sleeping 12 hours.
>retards waiting in a line already for mshi tickets when AA and dealers hall fags will get them long before open
I don't know why I like the Okamoto Kitchen OVA as much as I do but I do. Going to get some Okamoto curry sometime this weekend and buy a Haru figure.
Im cutting the line like every other year
Imagine thinking some non confrontational weeb is going to stop you
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line has now reached LA Live
which line there are 5 this year.
Classic AX, I'm in a line across from the Ford dealership, which I swear was a Nissan dealership
Post your line
more likely than you think. I did that once for a panel and some dweeb reported me to staff. Nothing bad desu, just got sent to the end of the line. Got capped out of the panel, but my intent was to get in for the next panel anyway.
based. this is why i report every cutter. i dont eve wait im line just stay outside them to report cutters.
Enjoy your mid Japanese food
Congrats. I'm sure mom's very proud of you
Happy 4th of July. The most important holiday in America.
I'm at the bus station, how are the lines looking?
It's over for you
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based enter from entertainment hall side and walk over via upper floor chad
she is she have me a cookie and helped me join the academy to legally thanos snap nogs necks :3
I miss pre-Discord when these threads mattered.
What do you miss about it?
When everyone used to dump pics. These threads are a ghost town now.
The goh autograph pickup line is fucked, don't even bother coming if you don't have a 11am, and even if you do, well, you're still fucked. They can't print the tickets lmao
Is this fr? I’m interested.
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Press S to spit
I'd rather rape it's more traumatizing for them
Thank you all for coming to my gay orgy party at the AC. It sucked that we already got a noise complaint and got busted by hotel security.
It's over
how is the badge pickup line
No one even stopped at their booth. Just like their concerts, it's empty as fuck.
Anyone know where Will Bill's Soda is at? They are not at their usual spot in the West Hall. I brought my mug from a few
Holy shit every fucking area sucks dick this year I actually feel scammed more than usual.
Id rather meet with autistic and be autistic with them than be here at this point

Is there even anywhere on site to just sit and chill with people anymore?
I had a BPD roommate the X-Games year as well, unfortunately she was my girlfriend at the time.
On the bright side though her mom had a billion Marriott points because of her job and we got a free room at the Ritz though her because the JW and most of the other hotels around were all booked up.
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How is it?
really? wtf lol
sure, whats your email/discord
Since you're boots on the ground how is it? I backed out last minute to try and get into sdcc instead
I want to find a cute girl, where do I go?
Speaking of this, I have Japanese friends who come to AX most years, and normally they come in late June but this year they flew in yesterday and the arrival area at LAX was absolutely packed with people obviously waiting for Japanese AX guests. There was one girl, obviously Japanese herself, who was so fucking cute I couldn't believe it, super tiny with a perfect bob cut and glasses.
im a 30+ year old boomer that doesn't fuck with discord (much). i am surprised this thread is this slow on opening day so i assume you must be right. hesitant as i am to touch that shithole, are there any discords you anons rec for monitoring ax in a minimally shitty way?
Reddits. Not gonna be as fun as a chan one though
It's ass. I've been in one panel and only because it guaranteed AC and the dickhead behind me wouldn't shut up. Not just that there's fucking nowhere to sit more than normal, too crowded and there's virtually nothing in any hall worth a damn. My only real planned event at this point is at 8:30pm and I've already determined there's nothing to buy unless I go to the artist alley and I sure as hell won't find anything good with the lines for some shit. It was a mistake to come here. I would legitimately rather hang with random autists or join a fuckin gay orgy as a straight man than deal with this but I paid nearly 200 dollars for these 4 days so I'm going to make the most of it by force. At least day 3 I can get what I want
I realized there was fuck all to do but wander the floor or see artist alley. Power to you anon. Go try and hit on cosplay chicks I guess
Normally there's at least something to do. This time there isn't. Last time I made some friend but this time I think I'll just try to smash. Not like there's much better to do anyway
this use to be where all the info was posted and it was enjoyable as no discord zoomies.
the official one has the best info but its still fucking discord fello 30yo boomer
Is AX too much of a normie con now? It feels like it's gotten so big that it's just a place for influencers and non-fans go to be seen by the public.
Yes, but that doesn't mean you can't make friends here. Met a couple of /a/utists a few years ago last time.
Unironically just use the official one. Don't use anything else it will give you psychic damage. There is legit immense mental illness on a lot of more private discords so avoid those at all costs if you want to keep your naivety and sanity intact.

t. Also boomer
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i almost bought this on a whim. ended up getting the arms note swim team figure from ami ami instead.
A girl I met at AX last year who I've been crushing on since has a boyfriend now. What are some good ways to cope and/or kill myself?
Oh shit. Grab one for me anon
Fuck her best friend in protest
Alternatively land someone hotter than her this year which may or may not be doable
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Her best friend also has a boyfriend now.
I'm hotter than I was last year (at least insofar as being more mysculae), but between being a sperg and an ok at best face I'm not too confident about my chances
become friends with the boyfriend
introduce him to ntr and cuckholding
become the bull
Who's all going to Gachimuchi tonight? I'm planning on lining up for the panel before (some hdive shit iirc) around 8.
Girls have two holes for a reason
Oh shit
I forgot to learn how to talk to people again
You mean three dummy
Are you in costume, yea or nay?
Not this year

Maybe I’ll play mtg tomorrow and see if I meet some anons there
That's the only panel I'm going to today.
You were too pussy to make a move. Find another girl and learn from your mistakes.
>Find another girl
It's over...
I need help. I'm in the mens bathroom by the petree hall bottom floor and have severely soiled myself. Can someone please bring me a change of underwear 2x/3xand wet wipes
I'll give you my ryoko kui autograph ticket
Wtf is this Yakuza sidequest
Where's the parties at? Here the whole weekend.
Listening to those chink lpegs shake back and forth and squeal out a butchered version of Sabotage was something else.
I took off my costume because it was really shit. On another note, does anyone have a spare ticket to maid cafe after dark?
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feels same to me… want to meet up
I will never buy into vtumors/gacha shit
We should have gachimuchi booths not gachi. This chinese crap needs to fuck off already.
You might as well put casinos
If you wanna do a gatcha con do it in Vegas. Stop mingling this filth with anime/manga.
I highly doubt that studios are seeing a sizeable chunk of the profits for future shows and it's all going to 3rd parties who just pay for the licensed ip.
Someone get me a picture of non summer Jack's anus please
it took until now for me to realize my cosplay has no pockets and im going alone this year. a shoulderbag/fannypack might not work because im already wearing 3 layers.

am I fucked? thinking of just getting as close of parking as I can and leaving shit in my car
I'm waiting for the nsfw or cosplay sex to get uploaded to twitter. No luck yet https://x.com/aNiMeGaMeR0/status/1809033072303878173

holy fuck this shit is obnoxious
>hit on cosplay chicks
how do you people do this?
Why the fuck would I make friends with inflated egos?
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Unironically, be cool. And have a costume that's attention grabbing
why is it so empty? usually that hall is filled with cosplayers
They killed the hallway between the South and West Hall. No stopping for cosplay.
Just talk to them. If you're decently fit it helps because just look at the crowd. You need to grab their instagram so you can chat to them after introducing yourself but if you're close to 30? Don't even try it
whats wrong with 30…
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I don't have any social media or chatting software, nor do I have a smartphone. When I give people my email (tonguepunchmy@fart.box) they typically don't respond.
>already 35
it's fucking over
If you're 30+ like me? You're older and unless you've been working out you will have nothing going for you because age fucking shows dude. Why would a girl sleep with some 30+ dude when there are plenty of attractive 20 somethings in the crowd to have sex with? This isn't thailand you aren't gonna be some catch just for showing up to normie con 2024+

Gotta get with the times man. Even a basic Instagram account with your picture for chatting and meet-ups will do.
you must look rly old then
Don't look old. Its just facts. Take a look at some of the other guys at this con and compare yourself with them and you'll see what I mean. Heading to a party but best of luck to you bros
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>no social media
>not even a smartphone
you might as well not exist, instagram or twitter are the absolute baselines to start chatting to people, maybe discord if you're really getting along. just being in a good cosplay is enough nowadays, I'm 30 and had at least 2 girls from the past few cons want to sit on my lap and come back to my room after hanging out with me
which party?
Come hang with the other 30+ geriatrics xywn
This was funny to see in person, why does nijisanji have such a bad rep anyways?
Where party where party where party
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go Google the Dokibird situation
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I dunno if it's demoralization or honest to God "IT'S OVER" mentality but some of you'lls are quite funny
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>at least 2 girls from the past few cons want to sit on my lap and come back to my room after hanging out with me
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Any girls here wanna have sex (genshin cosplay preferred)
pic is literally me
Skipped today to celebrate Murika day. Any good? Crowded? Anything crazy happen?
And I don't fucking get it, if you're spending at least a couple hundred to attend AX primarily to just try (and likely fail) to score Instagram cosplay thot pussy, just pay a fucking hooker to dress as Makima or whoever instead.
all my friends bailed this year and I have no plans other than going to my cosplay meetups. is there anything you guys enjoy showing up to that doesnt require a ticket or a reservation or anything? besides walking the exhibit hall/AA
>my hips died when I got up from sitting down
I’m old and in pain guys
Did you ever find it?
My point is less "You stand no chance" as much as "You can't do it after you hit X age". This board's got plenty of that spilling over from the /r9k/ crowd. But the sweeping generalizations are what amuse me most since they're so easy to disprove if you just watch for long enough. Oh and also
>Range: 1 mile
Ah yeah, that's fair. The /r9k/ weebs here are amusing to an extent but goddamn.
I’m a hot girl who just wants to get laid. Pls
Wheres the drinks are at
Depending on what gate you entered from, you had an easy time getting in to the convention thanks to the removal of physical bag checking and the several entrances. I was able to arrive at 7am and get parking immediately at the beginning of Lot C. I spoke to a couple of people in line and they were able to enter even quicker through different gates -- not sure where they parked. I was physically inside the convention center at 8:30. They started letting people in at 8 though.

In the areas prior to the bag check, a bit, but my gate had a fantastic attendant that whipped the line in to shape to reduce cutting or general confusion. AA was pretty crowded, mostly because there were several booths that had lines 7-8 people deep and leaning in to the middle of the hallway.

>Anything crazy happpen?
I nearly passed out in line because I didn't feel any hunger pangs that morning and hadn't realized that my blood sugar was super low -- not in a diabetic way, but just in a general human bodies need food kind of way. I thought I was having a panic attack at first and trying to breathe it out until my heart rate was extremely slow, I was sweaty, breathing slow, and I was tripping over my own feet. I was alone, so this kind woman hooked her arm around mine (also a gal), and steadied me until I ate and felt better. Then we chatted up while we waited in line. Turned out to be a really good time despite the morning chaos.
Where's the party
Bros, I fucked up. I fell for the stamp rally trap. I spent this morning running around completing them and didn't realize I blew through close to $200 completing 5 rallies. Thankfully I chose ones that were worth something and feel like I made at least $100 back in the amount of charms, keychains, and stickers I got but I definitely had to spend my money on shit I didn't want. The $15 minimum was tough. Don't do it bros. Pick one or two that you actually want and stick with it.
Alright, Day 1 comes to a close. How did you do?
>When did you arrive and where did you park?
>What gate did you use?
>How long did you wait / what was your experience
>Do anything fun or get anything good?
I just realized that old age makes you physically incapable of walking through the entire convention without feeling like you're on the brink of death.
My back hurts like hell. I'm not even 30 yet. FUCK
OP here.
>When did you arrive and where did you park?
I left home at 6:30, arrived at 7 and parked pretty much immediately in Lot C. I was queued in line by 7:15
>What gate did you use?
Xeno Gate
>How long did you wait / what was your experience
1.5 hours, but one whole hour of that was before the con actually opened, so 30min net.
>Do anything fun or get anything good?
I got so much shit from AA. I definitely bought more than I needed and spent more than I should've but I had a really great time interacting with attendees and artists. I'm excited to return tomorrow in cosplay.
No way fag
>How long
Met some cool girls and their boys and got invited to a party by multiple and none of them gave me the details feels bad man. Got to be autistic with some lads
Gravity definitely feels different post-20's. I don't know if I have a weak core or I stand stupid, but my lower back fucking hurt and my shins felt like they were splintering. I sat with my legs out in front of me for 15 minutes and somehow they got stiff and had to be woken up again.
I feel autistic trying to read your reply
>how long
>Any good?
Managed to grab all of the exclusive and just released items my friends and I were looking for
Less so than the last few years it felt like. Never felt like I was getting crushed by people or otherwise in some giant mass. Some people disagreed with me though.
Anything crazy happen?
Not really.
im looking to interact with literally anyone off 4chan I will entertain trust me message nadush on discord :3
Don't worry about it
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>uber'd from my house about 1 mile away, got there at 10am
>waited for about 30 minutes in the badge pickup line
>went in the west hall gate
>milled around in the south exhibit hall all day
>uber'd home at 7pm with 4 bags of swag, mostly figures, posters, plushies, etc
>watching fireworks from my home now
Think someone can take a picture of one of the security guards tomorow? Waited til last minute and tickets stopped selling. Gana sneak in as security sunday and go around buying whatever leftover merch I can get.
Don't do that. We actually know our coworkers. Just show up early and lie about being a volunteer. Its how I've snuck into cons before
im too autistic to hold a conversation
Around what time should I show up? Which entrance should I go to? Anything I should know to do?
Are you in cosplay?
Wage cucked today of all days so I have to miss day 1 anyhow. I take it it was for the best seeing how shit the lines are.
Those volunteers have a badge though
It really wasn't that bad, the lines for anything exclusive were minutes long after 3pm.
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WTF is going on in the lounge @ 8 and how do I get invited?
Alright gana overlay my 2020 badge with the 2024 sunday badge img I found online. Not like it matters if it scans red if it looks identical. Since when I went it was 50 50 if it scanned anyways.
Sold out Yakuza event. Sucks but it is what it is.
How the hell are some people getting things past prop check when they told me no to the same demon slayer swords from Amazon I seen a bunch of other people have
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I wanna fug the skinny 5'10" madoka (male) cosplayer so bad, I know you're reading this.
You're supposed to show up and do that day 1. If that fails I hope you own a camera and a briefcase
>Is AX too much of a normie con now?

Bruh, try like 20 years ago.
>they don't know about the 4th hole

Amatuer virgins
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Some dude tried getting Shoji Kawamori to sign Robotech shit, and Kawamori told him no to his face.

Pretty embarrassing for everyone, since there are literally signs everywhere to not bring Robotech stuff to a Macross event.
>How the hell are some people getting things past prop check when they told me no to the same demon slayer swords from Amazon I seen a bunch of other people have

Your first issue is even talking to prop check. Just go in the con, and if some staffer asks you that you need to get it checked/peace bonded, just agree and be all "ah ok gotcha" and sort of meander towards the check station, but then just walk right the fuck off somewhere else. Once you're in the dealers hall or a panel room away from the main hall traffic, you're golden.
Bro I'm an ancient late 30s and can still walk fine. Do you not walk around at all in general? Like I mainly drive everywhere because America but I can still walk the con back and forth

22k steps today
I just chapped my balls man it sucks
if your 30 just dress like you have money and make it apparent your bad with it. easy 18-20 year old smash.
t. a literal ugly bastard with cash to spare
He really does. I'm 34 and people mistake me for being in my mid twenties. Exercise, eat well, skincare, and 9 hours of sleep everyday. Also don't drink or do drugs. I get hit on by 20 year olds all the time.

Also win the genetic lottery. Stay safe tonight, anons!
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>9 hours of sleep everyday
Based 30 chads.
Needy Girl Overdose creator Nyalra had to skip Anime Expo because KAngel's birthday stream is July 7 and he had to prepare for it.


Super Ten-Chan Birthday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6suQRhpklQ
be a photographer then
I doubt Ohtani will attend Anime Expo because why would he ever spend his birthday, which is July 5, at Anime Expo instead of his backyard or some fancy restaurant?
wtf is there to do if i havent watched this years goyslop and I hate vtubers
how do I plap a cosplayer
Does anyone want to come to the hololive dodgers game? People backed out of my group, so I've got two extra tickets.
i will but only if you give me a handy in the second inning
Dodgerfags get the rope
scratch their back
I want to but I'm doing a cosplay group with some of my out of town friends and don't knownif my friends will want to hang out afterwards
I'm down, anon. Got an email or something?
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What the henk
imagine the smell
Wonder how many AX goers will be at the game tonight
I fucked a frieren cosplayer last night. That was cool
Cosplay is NOT consent
I started balding at 19 and now I have no hair. Hate you good gene havers so much
tats wut wigs r 4 bro
Seems way emptier than usual today. I had no line getting in at 930
im horny and want to FUCK
> tell myself to go early to beat traffic and find a good parking spot
> it's noon
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
It would be hilarious if someone did lewds of those characters on the signs if they don't exist already.

Start wearing an eyepatch, I'm sure it will make you look tougher.
fuck dude I know that feel, so many petite qts in slutty costumes at the westin last night, wish I had even the slightest chance of bagging one but I'm too old, too out of shape, and don't have a room to bring them back to
im gonna propose to emriu on stream wish me luck
the gross OF girls with video backpacks playing footage of them getting railed are back
Where is she i’ll do it too with a ring pop for memes
How old are you anon?
What time is the cgl meetup tonight for Friday :)
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Anyone seen emiru? She looks delicious.
So how is it?
38 next month, and not successful enough to be one of those older guys who gets younger girls by throwing money around

me every AX
Honestly, no bullshit, I've had 2 chances at women this year and both chances I just let them go and not care I feel like I'm going to waste my time in the end.
I'm not even bad looking Im just an autist first and a man second. I appreciate the women who are attending but holy fucking Christ I can't even get hard when staring at your asses anymore. I keep getting deterred by the quality of the cosplay not being accurate enough.

I feel like my sanity is slipping when left the blue archive panel just as it started because I'm surrounded by gacha players and not even bothering to take photos of the big titty cosplayers anymore. What the fuck happened to this convention to make me feel this way. It's corporate as fuck now and there's so little to socialize over other than "oh hey waiting on line too? Cool"

It's insane to me that I met 2 girls here before in separate years, both somehow close to where I live (like 2 miles close) and yet this year I don't even want to talk to anyone
whats the meta for bagging a trap
I dont think thats true wouldnt security tackle them
Any cute twink boys who aren't fully gay?I've seen a few cute Asian guys but was too shy to say anything
Yes let's do it
No pics no proof
How gross we talking? Need proof to be sure
>girls in short skirts everywhere
holy fuck i love anime cons
Trying to party this weekend, where go?
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Honestly at this point I would settle for a cute guy.
It looks like I'm not going to make it to the con today.

How bad did I cuck myself?
There's many UFC fighters showed up AX today. I think Ohtani would be there on Saturday or Sunday.
Westin pool deck.
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>skipped last year after my planned hookup bailed
>not there now either
>homolust on the rise, haven't indulged it enough lately
>Forgot this scene is full of it
Either I can sour grapes and say "Well none of them are my type anyway" or regret not going again

A joke of an arcade.
Where is this?
Not him, or her, it looks like Petree Hall in the west hall.
game saru approached ax multiple times to do free play arcade and they told him to fuck off so this is what ppl get, some off the shelf fake arcade machines for home use.
The controls are so fucking bad.
Overheard: if you're over 30, do NOT talk to trap cosplayers or try to DM them or they will feel emboldened to cancel you because every one of their friends thinks that's peak creep behsvior.
If it was a fightan arcade it'd be the same 3 sweaty faggots hogging up the MVC2/SF3 machines for literal hours on end.

Even sitting there doing nothing when the other machine is empty.
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Challenge accepted.
Just don't be ugly.
30 is more strict for hitting on people. Not impossible. Just much harder

Next year we should just set up a fighting game corner.
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>every year feel more and more out of touch with cons
>dont want to be that creepy old dude elephant in the room
that’s if you don’t exercise regularly or have a shitty diet man walk more and eat your greens

Either gotta be fit, have a good face that isn't some 30+ coomer meme, or have money. If you don't have one of those 3 you're better off just getting a prostitute. Women would sleep with brad pitt or fucking ryan gosling and they're approaching 50s now, but you don't have to be that. Just have to be in the top 1/4 of the con goers and not going after women that look like children
i have money but dont know how to talk to them
is there a way to politely ask how much to fuck?
also don’t be autistic
Thats only for prostitutes man. Did you try just talking to women? Lmao.
The Dodgers royally fucked their merch sales. There's only a single stand selling hololive stuff and the line is worse than any AX line I've ever seen.
Offer them free weed
>and not going after women that look like children
but that's my type, fuck
I'm going to the hololive Dodgers game on LSD
lol being fit isnt hard. Get some discipline and go to the gym, retard.
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>60 dollar shirts
Someone's gonna rake it in tonight.
going to the westin party as a guy with a fetish for exhibitionist girls is a difficult experience these days
It's in 503B
Post muscles
It's over for chicanos.
I heard the line is wrapping around the stadium. Fuck that noise, I'll just buy a scalped one on ebay.
Pretty lame too, would've been way cooler if they'd done jerseys or something.
Let us know how that is. That sounds pretty awesome.
Be flashy af with it. Carry a wad of 100s. You cosplay? Go buy an expensive one. If not buy Jordans and a Rolex. Buy expensive shit at the merch hall. You see some girl looking at something? Buy it for her and walk away. Be a crazy rich baller.
Buy everyone at the bar a round of dinner perrignon too.
Gotta have the good shit. Get a vape of live rosin pre rolls and straight nug of the most expensive strain at the dispo.
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>You see some girl looking at something? Buy it for her and walk away.
That's....that's almost crazy enough to work.
In case anyone is going to the wayforward panel and wants to chill for a bit I'll be there. Currently in the Coming Up anime panel
Anyone looking to party and drink a bit? I'm hosting
Where when and can I get it in my bloodstream.
Right now on the 14th floor of the Marriott. I'll meet you in checkered pyjamas.
Sorry bro I'm not over there I'm still at the con. But I'll be there in spirit. No homo
Well, offers still open
Anyone going to the Hentai Rave? I'm being dragged along by friends.
I'm finna pull up right now in search of baddies
Where this at? I'm a degenerate and will gladly join
Nice I'm going with a group of four. Three of us will be in touhou cosplays.
>no more reservations
>wait list
>Hidden location unless accepted
Well have fun lads. I regret not being social enough now.
What the fuck is that place? They have sex parties there. How is that legal?
What are you 12?
Every STD is cured now and plan B exists.
You are a fucking menace lmfaooo
A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses infect all life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea. Viruses are found in almost every ecosystem on Earth and are the most numerous type of biological entity. Viruses are not curable.
chlamydia jones
Is there anything in the con center rn or should I just go home
They cured AIDS nigga it don't cost Magic Johnson money anymore. You don't die from it same with herpes. Who gives a fuck.
Report. How is it.
I'm fucking a hot t girl up the ass while taking it from a mid t girl.
My guess:
It's almost a complete sausage fest but there's one girl there who has a bf and isn't looking to fuck
Lots of girls but I'm just chilling with my group
Not a lot to do
Girls scantily dressed
Are you in one of the VIP fun rooms with the swingers?
Any girls here wanna...?
I'm in the main area with this scooby doo girl dancing
Wat to do tonight? No rave bc gay
Yeah, 14th floor indian bit chunky couldnt miss me
Not a girl but I'm down to clown.
Hosting orgy 1738 in the jw need more single guys
Looking for girl to fuck while my indian fat bitch wife is sleeping
I'm so lonely bros
Take HRT and become an attention seeking slut
no nigger, its a rave
This was 70% of it
like right now?
I just came from the Westin pool party. The place fucking sucks.
everything sold out at my booth lol

for ppl that came and bought stuff from other booths and vendors too tysm
beyblade? hell yeah
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Very nice. So what happens now? You still have stuff to sell or just not as much now?
To any of you in line at the entertainment hall entrance along Figueroa, find me, I'll suck your dick (no homo)

But for real look for some jackass in a sweater. I got nothing better to do while I wait to get in for the bleach line
I only saw two Kangel cosplayers, one of them was super gooky and emaciated the other was a spic blimp. Glad he wasn’t here to see it.
How big yo lips? How short to skirt? How big yo dick?
Bigger than yours
I feel like my socialization skills have diminished over the years that I don't know how to make small talk anymore.
so true, at least alcohol helps a bit
bored af nigga
No pictures?
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First time going and I was very impressed. By far
the biggest Con I've been to, with a lots to do. Great food selection, albeit expensive. And great cosplay and a variety of cosplay too, not just the usual seasonal slop
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Shouts out to this dude for entombing themselves in a giant kirby for hours on end in the main lobby

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