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“Negative space (iykyk)” edition

DAY 3 today

Thread theme

Previous thread

>thoughts so far?
>damage report?
>you enjoying yourself?
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
>cosplay day 3/4 plans?
>what panels did you go to so far?
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
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If you're waiting in line by the Figueroa entertainment hall entrance, find the guy wearing a black sweater. Plan is to go straight to the bleach line.
Any bored feminine sluts wanna hang out? I got no plans for hours,but I DO GOT a bunch of leftover cheap booze
>Feminine sluts
So pussy is an optional feature?
genuinely disappointed with the poor turnout from these threads. shits a ghost town
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we're all on discord
Post link
ah so all faggot shit. got it
no one goes to AX anymore, no pictures no anything
Tragic but understandable. This shit is so corporate now I'm amazed I'm only seeing business suits for cosplay and not actual business at this point
>300 pound woman sitting on one of those popup plastic chair things
>It fucking breaks and shatters under her weight
>fragments fly and hit my face
So it wasn't bad enough that her ass is straight in my face but now I have to go to medical and lose my place in line or deal with it
Discord killed /cgl/
Which discord? There's like this shitty one that's the unnoficial AX one, but most of the cool kids are hanging out in the ALA one talking about AX
>Discord killed fan forums

fixed, though reddit did it's work also.
Obviously, slut
Wanna come see me fuck my fat bitch indian wife?
Anyone else go to the comedy panels yesterday? Looks like a new team is running it.
there's femboys there though
Maybe, don't currently got anything going on atm
She just left, now I'm bored looking for shit to do.
What about good cosplayers?
Anyone went to the BA booth? How was it?
Vic Mignogna just showed up at AX out of nowhere.
>Has standees in display
>No we don’t have anything to buy
I feel like I picked a bad year to start lurking in these threads. Figured this thread would be way more lively with more pics being posted and anons talking and sharing their experiences.
That starts happening once the con ends. Live up the ACTUAL event right now, discuss later.
Got it, thanks!
Will definitely come back to see what anons thought of this expo, have a good event yourself, anon!
I feel so retarded for asking this I can only ask on anon
Were there any artists selling any decent prints of Evil Morty or has anyone seen any in passing?
I'm on a little bit of a kick for him lately and I wasn't going to cons so much before Rick and Morty became cringe
how did the hentai rave pan out
Was going to cosplay today but wearing a wool suit jacket and hat in line outside sounds like shit.
Only night I've got a hotel. Default is drinking 750 ml of Canadian whiskey in my Sheraton room. Any better alternative an autistic boomer can spend tonight than the AX Dance?
I'll be posting my room number tonight for everyone to come and get fucked up. If you're into that. You could also go to cosplay deviantz
I saw a few evil mortys.
Does this thread have confirmed hot cosplayers both female and male?
Nice do you remember anything about the booths you saw them at
Thanks anon I'm sorta just wandering around right now looking here and there
The Westin pool party
near the con area but dont have a badge for today. anyone wanna link up, im bored as hell.
Good shit
>Buy everything of interest day 1
>Stand in 1 insufferable line in day 1
>Day passes
>Walk around Exhibit Hall and not buy anything
What do people do for the full 4 days?
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This band was great. Supposedly they're playing again this evening.
Pace ourselves.
have sex
How much do you think the Westin will decrease in people because of the Yakuza event?
You're supposed to do panels and stuff, but anything worth doing this year takes another ticket that's fucking sold out. Like the dodgers game last night, or the one piece concert. All that's left is to go and have sex. Already fooled around with a few cosplayers
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Seated for Look Back. Azuki panel capped so Look Back is capped too.
Okay what’s the opening to sway a cute girl?
>Already fooled around with a few cosplayers
People need to realize, conventions are a waste if all you do is just walk the exhibit hall. There's events and panels.

Then again, AX has been so corporate for almost two decades now, there's no real fun panels anymore, just industry. So Idk what to tell ya.
what yakuza event
Do people really stay for the 18+ events? Figured all people attending would be creeps and weird guys
I would stop reading these threads anon. Everyone's describing AX like it's supposed to be some normalfag club hookup event, but if you go to panels, the manga lounge, and other events where there's a lot of crowd interaction and dedication it will make things more enjoyable. The guys in this thread are just old perverts.
I fucked my day up. Is there anything worth doing after 6 or should I just stay home and come earlier tomorrow?

I wouldn’t mind meeting some local anime boomer anons or whatever
so it's saturday, the most important AX day and none of you have any cool news or anything to report? no pictures or cosplay? damn this general is just full of non-cosplaying normals wanting to fuck. AX is so depressing
The people having fun aren't glued to their phone reporting shit all day. Wait until Monday for actual posting.
they're not even in the con, they're partying and fucking in hotel rooms LOL
I take pictures to post on /toy/ you people are lame fags that cry about everything
Do you actually cosplay? I thought only the people who were sluts cosplayed
>been going to ax solo the last like 5 years
>never met anyone
>think cosplaying will help me meet people
>im just uncomfortable and still painfully alone

Holy fuck man
What did you learn in your 5 years?
Just sit near people in the beer garden or lounges, almost guaranteed way to strike up a convo
You're a retarded NIGGER.
Appreciate the advice anon
Only five? I've been doing that for fifteen years
You gotta have a popular or attractive cosplay or super niche for that.
In 1 hour I'll be opening my room for anyone interested in drinking.
I'm going to this. Come along if you want.
Imagine being that guy eating his soggy sandwich he brought from home to save like $10 on lunch when you're gonna blow hundreds on cute plastic.
My room is now open. 14th floor, walk down the hall to where the 70s are and you'll find it. Free booze for anyone and everyone
I should mention. I am trying to get rid of all this alcohol
Not everyone goes to AX with money
I remember when I was broke, going only one day, and starving at AX.
are you the same guy from last year?
Yes, same dude who handed the bunch of booze to the person who gave me a wristband. Not getting rid of bottles or containers just yet but serving as much alcohol as possible tonight.
Should mention, my door is propped open.
Rate this AX so far
Which hotel
JW Marriott.
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Line is pretty dead honestly. But we got 1.5 hours til it goes in.
Have fun at the sausage fest
Welp good troll there was no doors open
Bro, its propped. I shit you not.
The stopper is propping it like this. It's a suite so you gotta enter the little hall area. Just following the music. I am right next to 1470
I am more than okay having a nice social time considering it's been 3 days and everyone is incredibly inclined to not socialize. It's NPC-ville or some shit here and it's jarring. Most not al chat I have was with some dude in the entertainment hall who was interested in the line of work I do
any sex vids from AX uploaded yet?
Ask your mom
Do I actually need to wait in line for this?
I don’t want to have to miss the “Anime and Black Culture” panel
They already sent those up and it started at 9pm
Yes you have to actually wait in line to socialize. You got 1 hours before the week mingle one begins. The line is quite disappointing. The yaoi line right next to it is more popular
1 hour before the weeb mingle*
Fuckin Christ I hate phone posting so much. There's a 50/50 split on the yaoi line that's how bad were talking
Why would I have to wait if the line is short? Can’t I just go in the comedy one for now and show up at 10?
If you're here go look under stairwells and you can catch someone getting a blowie lmao. One of the out of the way abandoned ones
I just saw a literal 'tist with the robotic voice and everything being social and talking to ppl and complementing cosplays and getting pics and talking to women, why can't you people do the same?
I've been eating expired MREs to save space, time, and money. Wise men save money on normal homes to have more to spend on special stuff. Dumb men blow money on everything because they have it.
I don't care how much money you have, spending 15 dollars on beer and 25 on a burger just because it has a generic anime character slapped on it will ALWAYS be retarded
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Being a phonefag is surfening...
buy a fucking smartphone wtf is wrong with you
Never :^»
Catchpa: SW4G
They have those?
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Tons of peeps and lots of booze still here. Come 1470 in the JW
Nobody in the magical girl panel?
This panel is such a fucking travesty
>Black hosts from New York
>Constantly talking
>Speakers maxxed can't even yell at people next to you
>Tells us to socialize
>Talks over that time we get
>Tells us to get up and rotate
>This room is too crowded for this and full of several wheelchair people
>Absolutely nothing doable relevant to the shit
Honestly I should have just gone to the hentai tinder shit or something at least it wouldn't be so fucking unsalvageable
Come to the room party and tell everyone
Not many interesting panels this year. Only non shopping I've done were the amv contest day 1 and the dogers game day 2. I wouldnt count doing card game demos on day 3 as not "shopping" but whatever.
Didn't you read the newest science? Men with the right shaped elbows are 15% more likely to succeed. I don't have them so it was over from the start, I never had a change.
Fuck that I bailed and went to the dark magical girl panel, which I didn't intend to do I meant to go to the dlsite panel but it's too fuckin late now
My ears feel like they're going to fucking explode. These questions are retarded
I dipped to the Yaoi panel next door
>dark magical girl panel is about gore and shit
>Opens with a trigger warning
>one of the speakers is a tranny
I want to kill myself how were these last panels so bad
So someone else did show up. God speed to you for staying in there
I don't like yaoi
Thanks for the dogshit recommendation anon I missed REDEADICA for this

What the fuck are you all doing? Going to these shitty panels. Lmao if you see a guy dressed in a suit with a kobeni cosplayer say whats up
Only went yesterday and today. Was fun but nothing that incredibly stood out this year compared to previous years. Got BAIT merch for One Piece like I did for Yu-Gi-Oh last year but otherwise didn't spend too much at the con itself. Got to explore the weird Last Bookstore a mile away from the con for the first time. Got to have my annual drinks at the JW and Wilshire Intercontinental bars. Met an old friend, met a colleague, schmoozed executives for industry shit. Good enough time for what it was.
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The group of BBWs need to return, they forgot my fat cock in their mouth
we at the westin cutie
Plap plap plap plap comin thru for yo hog ass
I'm coming to give yo ham the honey glaze
The panel about the magical girls sucked. Clearly didn't know what they were talking about. Also spit on the meaning of utena.
Here at the mahjong tables outside
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Anime Expo should just be the Westin. Nothing is better at con than here at night
I went back home I'm just not going to anime expo from here forward. Thought it would be worth trying again after a few years but I see my mistake was giving them any benefit of the doubt.
Glad I angrily walked out too after the faggot playful behavior began. I've never left a panel in my years going to anime expo and this year I left 3 in one day.
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you guys are fucking loud we can hear you 30 floors up in the room party
Is it cringe to cosplay when you're 30+?

I had a lot of fun this year (my first time cosplaying) but feel like my time might be runnin out
when an 80 year old cosplays as a wizard with a cane as his staff hes a king among men. when you have a 35 year old in a maid outfit hes a faggot. thats the usual scale i use. furries are in a separate scale for accuracy purposes.

so the older you get the less serious you have to take yourself. Understood anon
39, still cosplaying. It's hard because I can't really easily join in on cosplay groups since most characters I can't pull off at my age + I don't care as much for some of the new shows. I try them out, of course, but my brain chemistry is different now, and so are my tastes. So I usually cosplay from vintage shows or things I still have fond memories of (though less and less people recognize them). I just can't stand the idea of slipping on a costume simply because it's "popular", and never will. I gotta give a shit about the character.

But cosplay what makes you happy or fulfills your needs/goals. Its your hobby, after all.
nothin wrong with being simple. being happy is my goal and i never succeed, but for every cross dressing dude i see i gain a little more hope for myself. that said, there was a lot this year and i have excess hope and i need to drain this shit, too hopeful and ill end up going back next year and thats the last thing i want

if youre over 30, and want to cosplay, and arent keeping your body in a chiseled muscled form, and are a bit of a blob, then just do something simple, put a tiny bit of effort into it. there were nacho libre dudes, fat fucks but they owned that shit and rocked it hard and even i appreciated it and i hate fat people. i say this as it was the same day (today) a fat bitch, like over 350 pounds fat, shattered her popup stool thing people keep buying and fragments hit my face and cut it a bit. dont be like that woman. be like the guy who wants to enjoy himself while also showing youre able to have a little effort in what you do, even if it may not be what you want. i wanted to cosplay bard once, im fat enough to get that body right but the chimes and outfit would kill me from heat stroke and detail to get it the way i want it. meanwhile some dude just put on a mask, a simplified design and people loved it. recognizable enough and simple enough to get the job done without being low effort. the green wizard thing with a triangle hat and pink bug net is low effort AND simple, but amusing even if it is admittedly just a shitpost
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to simplify what i said a bit more
dont be like the women that buy that poorly printed asuka/d.va/etc suit and call it cosplay. put some work into it, the effort pays off. pic related, just searched "bad dva cosplay" and whoever this is put some effort into it and while they may not have been stopped for photos every few steps they probably had a fuckton more fun and got more enjoyment in the end
this here would also apply, same premise, shitpost, but slight amount more ffort than just putting a zipup suit on. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/78/28/ef/7828efb2b741d978173e5092a4250c42.jpg

both are on the same spectrum of slightly higher than low effort, but more respectable in the end for doing something like this
There were some fun panels like Cosplay Chess, Dub Show and CWF. Why did they go away?80x
Capitalism duh. Are you retarded?
Anyone wanna drink before the end of AX?
But those panels drew tons of people and would cost less than any guest panel. They even outdrew a lot of industry and guests.

By a capitalistic mindset AX would want to keep these
Back partying at my room and trying to liquidate the booze again that the westin broke up
>thoughts so far?
the changes in and out, exit entrance locations, pico being closed, changes to where autographs are, and small things like the hall divider made this the most navigatable AX EVER. Super easy to get anywhere and while crowded at no point was it over whelming even today (sat).
>damage report?
approx $300 so triple my initial set limit.
>you enjoying yourself?
yes it was allot of fun
>to all the hololivefags, how was the dodgers game and did you try to get merch that allegedly wrapped around the stadium (and then some)?
lol vtumers thank you for going to dodgers and not clogging the halls
>cosplay day 3/4 plans?
comfy clothibg
>what panels did you go to so far?
j18, GKids, and dan da dan. Missed lookback and WIT. Heard the beyblade panel gave the first 100 people full $100 beyblade sets and i am jelly.
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
no but i fucked my hand
goddamn that panel was awful, a shrill voiced gay tranny literally biting his own tongue to avoid saying political shit every sentence playing youtube videos of magical girls suffering basically until they ran out of time and said whoops thanks for coming xdd
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did you hook up with any ames?
>burger just because it has a generic anime character slapped
I bought a 12$ spam musubi today solely because their sign had an anime girl munching on it
I wanna crossplay but I don't wanna get misgendered by assholes defaulting to she/her because I decided to shave my face and not crossdress ironically.
>group of mal adjusted drunk normalfag sausage fest
Nope, I'm looking for a hookup rn
where should I get brekky anons?
Are you willing to get plapped? I really dont get why straight dudes keep crossplaying
Westin had gay energy
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This guy should be recognized as a national hero for likely killing the Westin pool party forever!
What did he do?
We back in party mode!!!
>Gets drunk
>Starts bumping shoulders
>Yells profanity
>Starts getting into random fights
>Security pushes him to ground
>Gets tackled and held down by security
No, not if you pick appropriate cosplays. You can get away with masked cosplays a lot too
There was a super skinny KAngel that was offering favors in exchange for poppers but I didn't have any on me
Spill the deets
I'm so mad that I forgot to bring my E and shrooms. Hot hoes don't even give a shit about booze anymore
>Didn't make the connection until now

So thats why I saw those cosplayers going to hotel rooms with different dudes. Whatever works I guess
1470 is lit rn
I'm so lonely bros. All I have is a blackout drunk friend and a masturbation addiction
See >>10926429
Fucking based. I finally went to this legendary Westin pool party for the first time ever on Friday night (I had a room at the LA Grand hotel). What a fucking waste of time going to this shit show was.
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>hooking up with disgusting whores at AX
>I'm only seeing business suits for cosplay
It seems Loid from Spy X Family and Chainsawman is still going strong
did anyone get pics of the vocaloid orgy last night
I imagine most of the guys in this thread look like the generic chink/spic basedboy chud, slightly chubby that linger around every hot cosplayer. If you have no melanin hmu
No thanks fag. Only normalfags interact with those beast
Anything fan run it looks like is getting shoo'd out of AX.
I'm tan and horny AF, I'll bite ya girly
>I really dont get why straight dudes keep crossplaying
nta but even if I'm not feminine I'll still crossdress as miku and have a good time
Its funny cause it's true
I was shocked when all the fat nerds who were there weren't white and instead just mexicans or some brownoid. All of which were loud and just orbiting hot chicks while doing nothing.
>wow you work at Whataburger and like One Piece? so amazing pls fuck me
Said no one ever the last few nights
cus all my favorite anime characters are cute girls?

Do I really have to accept getting plapped if i wanna crossdress without facial hair?
Maybe they want unicorns, chicks into traps? Like an astolfo with a monster dong.
that's just Los Angeles
Cutter zoomer girls? I had so much liquor yesterday I blacked out and can't remember. Probably not though but at least I didn't die.
Fucked a bbw and she hit me with a blumpkin
I didn't even cosplay and I met someone at the Westin yesterday
Did you try buying someone interesting a drink?
how packed is AA? I’ll be there in about an hour. hoped to be there earlier but alas
Not only that, he bit someone on the leg on his way out lmao
Damn vampires
I think this guy called me a fag and I started howling with laughter
Sharty anon you were cool. Sorry that I was tweaking when we were chatting.
TBF a lot of male anime characters are suits and suit variants
Female costumes also aren't as likely to cause heatstrokes
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Did he bit the hotel security on the leg?
we need a painted wall with his face now
There was a bitch selling shrooms at the hentai rave
I'm waiting to fly home now, but I can't believe you guys really get no action when even redditors are getting OF girls to do stupid shit
this is because most want payment for that kind of thing and im unwilling to pay, nor am i willing to let people photograph it if i did succeed in getting choked by thighs. i may be a degenerate, but business needs to be handled professionally
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From the cosplay sluts I've fucked this weekend, and the others being led into hotel rooms by guys that I witnessed, I'm sure you could've arranged something in private if you're even slightly around his looks. Though I'll say getting fit was one of the best decisions I ever made lmao
>Though I'll say getting fit was one of the best decisions I ever made lmao
this is easily the only real factor that matters unless your face is truly awful looking. i can get by with looks as-is, but i know my place since im not fit. i can obviously change this, but i wouldnt be any happier than i am now even if i did
How are you even picking them up, do you just strike up a conversation and say if they are willing to fool around later? And how many did you manage to score
If you aren't funny enough or assertive enough to lead a conversation by yourself then get good at listening. If a girl is interested in you they'll do the rest. Ever see crazy stupid love with that dude from the office and ryan gosling? You ask leading questions and let them talk about themselves while you nod your head and add the occasional follow-ups that keep the conversation going. Really though they aren't here at cons to talk to you so in two minutes try to get their socials and fuck off until later or get a floor group going if you want to hang out depending on how they feel. Then you message them until you get a good vibe later that night and meet up again unless you literally picked them up off the floor to your room. What also helps sometimes is a third wheel that helps you look good and talks you up if you're truly not good at anything
>How many did you manage to score
Frieren cosplayer first day. A hololive cosplayer Friday that wanted to meet up after the game. Kobeni cosplayer from south korea saturday night. I have the socials for a few more girls but didn't see them this time. Maybe next year

This is true. My face isn't much to look at and I'm a brown skin so I'm rolling disadvantage every time. If I wasn't fit then they probably wouldn't even care. If you find a reason to work out then I'm sure you'll enjoy the increased attention you'll get. A year is plenty of time to do it
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Apparently not… this is like my 3rd time going..I have not seen or had sex yet. The chicks range from sexy to brown and ugly. I starting to think these orgies are a myth
there's one from a few years ago taken inside the rave toilets - they're wearing the flashing rings and badges so it was pretty obvious. the conversation they have is... interesting to say the least
I had fun at AX, but I'm really starting to feel like I should make this my last one unless I move somewhere nearby or find a full remote job. My con/cosplay friends are spread out all over the U.S. so it is the only time I see a lot of them, but spending $1k+ and some of my limited time off every year on it is just too much for what ends up being 2-3 days of enjoyment & feeling like shit afterwards.
Where's the vid?
As somebody who's been both local and non-local, the con is vastly more fun when it's a vacation and you've got a hotel room etc. I agree that the price is ridiculous for what it is now though, but you'd be spending way more to live in LA and as somebody who's 20 mins away from the con I highly recommend against it, this city is going to hell in a handbasket at breakneck speed. I'm about to move out of LA and I don't think I'll ever do AX again unless it's for work (I'm considering starting a company that'd have a booth there) but otherwise I'd rather spend the money on going to Japan or a better con like Dragoncon.
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Did any of you saw Josie at the Waifu Wars panel?
What is this monstrosity?
An ESL. ...oh wait, the picture? Uhh no clue
>I'm a brown skin so I'm rolling disadvantage every time
as a pale white man, you have my sympathies. people will talk to me because im white and approachable
>If you find a reason to work out then I'm sure you'll enjoy the increased attention you'll get.
due to my line of work, interests, and my desire to stay OUT of the spotlight/focus, i would rather have a bit more weight and just stick on the border of normal and slightly chub. im definitely a fat fuck but i dont look like a blob. im quite happy i look just slightly chubby compared to most of the people here. if i looked like the fat people here id just eat a bullet. being 250 is definitely fat, but my height and how its distributed is my only saving grace. if anything the biggest disservice is i am a hentai enjoyer, and watch/read significantly less normal anime than attendees limiting how well i can talk about things.

10000000000% agree anon. I live 30 minutes away and was cosplaying this year and went alone. the logistics of driving there, finding parking that didnt bleed me dry, assembling my costume on-site and walking over to the con each day was brutal
Yeah and it also just kills the vibe when you have to drive home and deal with real life shit every day.
don’t go to AX, live too far to give a shit about a vtuber fest but yes i cosplay lol
I don't necessarily mean as a local, even somewhere like the Phoenix or Vegas areas where I could reasonably just drive would be a huge improvement just to avoid the airport bullshit. With flights from the East coast being as expensive as they are (especially with cosplay and whatnot) I feel obligated to take cheap ones even if it is at a shitty time or stay even when I'm bored/tired of the con.

This post was written by a mid white sperg in the same league of men lmao
Why is the Parking 30 bucks now

Is this the convention center parking specifically? Ive never parked at the con itself, but compared to the parking in the area in general, 30 isnt the worst you could do. Its what I paid on saturday
i go alone, with no plans (usually), start a conversation, ask if i can tag along with a group, and talk to the dudes most of the time. im not gay i just assume theyre dating and dont feel like trying with the women. in the end the guys tend to be very worth talking to. this year i managed to bump into 4 different mechanics and i got to tell them stories about my deathtrap of a car that died last time i went to AX. i miss that car a lot but they couldnt believe the shit i was telling them

Damn anon I wish I could be like you. I'm cool with striking up a convo with people in line and shit (and really enjoy it) but I'm too afraid of being cringe to ask people if I can tag along w/ them. I wouldn't wanna impose or make them feel like they gotta adopt me
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30 for the center yeah, I drove around to see if it was all 30, it was. Last year it was 25 and a few months ago it was 25 too.
Like It's not a huge problem, just was whiplashed a bit by it. Thank god I had a larger budget so I could leave and come back.

Also. Glep.
when you have shit friends like i did, and lost all your local ones, you gotta make that choice for yourself. it doesnt matter if they dont keep in touch after the con since many wont, but just being able to meet some new people and talk is perfectly fine with me. i usually test the waters with
>so how are you enjoying the con
>based on that, you can usually clue in on if theyre a first timer or not
>on their own more often than not, theyll say if theyre local or not, which can also lead to more talking since ive rarely left the state and many come from other states
>some are also much more different than the weather here in california so some are fucking miserable, while some are fine
>by this point they usually ask the same if im local or not, i am, so im used to it
>eventually can start more specific topic discussions like which panels theyve gone to/want to go to
>since i have no plan and my panels dont begin til the sun starts to set, ask if i can tag along
it really just is like that, its not hard or anything you just have to gauge whether theyre social enough to even pose the question. some definitely arent and will end it right after the first question not asking the same back.

keep in mind i am a very big degenerate, my phone is covered in titties and i look like a stoner. i definitely have a setup that isnt super clear so some people genuinely wonder what i do or what im up to. im not aome ripped shirtless 5'6" asian short king, im a chubby white guy with baggy clothes and a slouch and long hair. im more interested to figure out what overlap i have with random people's interests than i am to talk about anime titties 24/7. i got an interesting job, i got an interesting set of hobbies, but in the end what matters is social ability and despite how introverted and antisocial i look i am more than happy to chat for hours, and i wish more people were too outside of lines
ran out of space, but another thing is just giving directions. on day 2 a group of 4 couldnt find the beer garden (they hadnt gone anywhere yet it was fair). overhearing this i asked them if theyd like to be taken there since im going that direction anyway. they thanked me and showed em the way. unfortunately it was full which sucked dick but they still let me stick around just because i could in a way be their guide to stuff. just being helpful is also something worth trying. beats sitting in the sun in line for 3 hours for a shit panel
I wish i could have met Yuriko and her fat ass in the sonic cosplay
yeah man I'm nearing 30 and live local and none of the friends I would go with 10 years ago still go (barring 1 guy but he as busy this year). Its rough out here. yeah you might not be a ripped shirtless cosplayer or some shit but if I ever wanna shoot the shit while waiting for something or need help I always look for dudes like yourself. based
>I ever wanna shoot the shit while waiting for something or need help
this is also why i try to get front of the line, the handling of lines is so fucking bad that people ask constantly for "wheres the line for <thing>" or "is this the start of the line?" and the staff dont know shit unless theyve been operating that exact line all day. i take a quick look at where things are, memorize it, and from there can tell people exactly where they need to go even if its on the other side of the con. i fiogure if im going to have to sit there for hours ahead of the time for that panel i may as well help while i wait
supply and demand.
I really don't want to grow old... I want to keep cosplaying....
who said you cant? become a wizard, literally
I literally saw a 90 year old in a wheel chair at ACEN cosplaying bro...
Her 60 year old daughter was wheeling her around also in cosplay
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I put the two links on Pastebin as a NSFW warning

Motivate yourself
Swear to God, man...We need a containment thread for all the sadsacks who want friends. Not even to keep them away, but to actually take some action. Too bad I already tried that and it was branded as "off-topic"
>went with wife
>met up each day with various friends
>30+ crowd bb
>play demo card games
>watch some premieres and panels
>enjoy the secret quiet cafe lounge no one is ever at with AC thats cheap and 0.1 mile away from center
>park downtown for free because work there
>new entrances and exits and barricades in hallways make the crowds almost seem to have disappeared compared to previous years(or maybe zoomies all avoided)
>autograph line situation wanst even that bad sans GOH and beat waiting overnight
>autograph being in JW was really nice
>pico closed and having food was amazing for getting between buildings or a spot to stop
This may have been one of my favorite years in along time.

How old are you anon?
Plenty of older man/woman characters and plenty of masked/armored/whatever characters. Also ran into a late 50's woman and her 80 something mother cosplaying at San Japan in Texas a few years back. Insofar as costume quality theirs looked absolutely incredible since they had a shitload of skills honed by decades of experience
We have boards and their called /r9k/ and /soc/

what were they dressed up as if you dont mind me asking? I think thats super cool but I sometimes wonder when I see people like 50-60+ at these cons how familiar they are with any of the stuff being advertised/announced/revealed/other people are cosplaying as. Like Im relatively young and I cba with all this hoyoverse and vtuber shit
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And maybe some people here don't wanna measure dicks. Plus the robots go outside even less. Also, since you chose to be a dickhead for no reason, what you meant to say was, "they're".
He needs to go back.
Who cares. You degenerate whores will be the reason why women will be cosplaying into their 50s.
He should have gone George Floyd and kept yelling "I can't breathe" for maximum lol.
>a few
Bro, it's nearing 10 years....
did you not even cosplay together? you have a wife and you could have done something super cute like a couple’s cosplay what the FUCK anon
So they fixed AX. Are you ready to kneel, /cgl/? Or what cope will you come up with now?
it was 2017

hopefully they keep it that good for the next few years, and fix the massive theft problem
Frankenstein and James Moriarty from Fate. I was talking to them a bit, the woman in her 50's had been watching anime and playing Japanese games since the late 90's and still did so, but less often. Her mom didn't at all, but liked making the costumes & showing them off + having an activity to do with her daughter.
>fix the massive theft problem
Pacsafe backpacks. Unless you're a local, treat LA like you would any other crime filled area.
this year was a 9/10 for me. I had a blast hanging out with 2 people for a bit and meeting up with a bunch of others for a thing or two. The cosplays for me were also amazing since I watched the popular anime's of the season. I met too many girls with boyfriends and managers, that's about it.
someone stole a walking stick from a disabled vendor, a pacsafe bag isn't gonna fix that shit
That's 7 years ago, anon. The next 3 years will pass like thar
not at AX, its more expo then con and july is hot as fuck. Also were old now and its allot of effort.
theft is on the person getting shit stolen. in a crowd expect pick pockets and dont leave your shit in a only zipped backpack like some flyover retard.
>I met too many girls with boyfriends and managers, that's about it.
You forgot lesbian cosplayers too they were kinda awesome too.
Nah, the lesbian cosplayers I met were not too cool
>the lesbian cosplayers I met were not too cool
Bet many of them were yaoi and shonenturds. Maybe some of them were dicks to you.
That's cosplayers in general but I'm not surprised to say.
>Entering 30s next AX
And so my goal of getting laid at AX officially dies
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Since i only cosplay as dudes from franchises i like and are popular with straight men, ive only gotten guys that want to take photos with me. I have never had a chick recognize my cosplay. Should i force myself to dress up as some fotm that i dont care about?
the lesbians running that yugioh 5ds panel were actually pretty cool, but i was very saddened by the one cosplaying as duke devlin admitting she never played dungeon dice monsters
Didn't know lesbians love Yugioh?
Half of the YGO fanbase is fujos that have never played the game, but really want the guys to fuck.
listen, 5Ds is different ok
>So they fixed AX.
I heard that before, and they somehow fuck it up the next year.
Is he a Pedro or a Mohammed?
Why do they need managers? The fuck lol
there has to be at least 1 girl here who wants to have sex..
I'll be down but you gotta pass the vibe check we are in room 1767
Well we need some kind of indicator if you want to get plapped or not
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why do you want to fuck? lol.
The fuck will that accomplish?
These dumbass cosplay bitches want someone find them gigs all over the place.
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>fucking in a portable john
>"if I puke would it be too gross?"
i dont want to fuck, i want to be happy
I want to plap the cosplayer grannies!
>girl isnt even in cosplay
whats the point
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Post your bad decision purchases
Hey man, I know it was hot, but the smells this year were putrid. Smelling sweaty or a little musty is one thing and is understandable, but almost every panel I went to had someone smelling beyond sweaty-- like actual ass or actual shit. Folks were holding their breath. Not trying to tear folks down and just giving some advice here.

Some things you can carry in your backpacks are deodorant to reapply, some type of spray for the body, a towel, and/or a fan.

Check your scent every now and then. Move seats to see if it's you or someone around you if you have to. No one is going to look down on you for reapplying deodorant in public. The spray can often be a helpful, temporary fix.

Spread this around, but don't spread the funk.
Yes. I got head from two women in one night while cosplaying Venti.
What’s the point of the dudes trying to buy/sell badges the last day outside the con center? Surly nobody is stupid enough to buy them
I've taken to just spraying the offending smeller.

They know what they did wrong.
Anyone going to an after-party tonight? is it even worth it?
Parties over until sdcc. People are trying to get home now
do you mean the westin? there's like less than 50 here. Anime Expo is over.
First time at AX. Had a decent amount of fun. Cosplays got pretty good reception, got drunk, fun time
Are you there?
i bought only one water bottle from the vending machines. i bought nothing else from the convention premesis.
worst 4 dollars i ever spent but i liked the bottle enough to keep it
Anyone remember that old lady who cosplayed Muriel from Courage the Cowardly Dog?

whatd you dress up as anon?
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This shouldn't cost 30 dollars but this was the best thing I bought this year; it made me laugh my ass off. The guy does good anime caricatures.
Anybody got any Final Fantasy XIV? I'm surprised to not see many in contrast to ALA this year. I saw a few but couldn't take any pics.
which con?
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Haul. All the Nendos, pins, Pups, and Figmas were from the Goodsmile $10 Pachinko
Got a Battler print signed by Ryukishi and my Catherine Full Body boxers signed by the Persona artist and director. I'm so happy.
>joke about hooking up with a genshin cosplayer for years despite not playing the game or paying attention to it besides liking some of the designs
>one starts hanging on me at the Westin and kissing me
>it was a guy (male character cosplay (not trap))
Why am I gay?
that’s a fucking godtier purchase anon, how much was she? especially if you got a deal, i want that osaki figure so bad
What character was he cosplaying?
Zhong Lee or whatever his name js
Apparently that wasn't the only ass kicking that happened at the Westin.

The irony is that the guy getting his ass whooped was wearing a Master Roshi Hawaiian shirt.
>Parties over until sdcc.
I'm not paying $50 just to enter one.
so how many of you go there to get laid?
Haha no way they fuck up next year after making all these positive changes, right?
It's the Anime Expo way.
>Everyone talking about getting laid
>But not at the gay orgy parties all over the AX hotels
sticking your penis into poophole isnt "getting laid" its sodomy with a side of scat.
Getem anon
inb4 he copes
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kinda shocked I only saw one TADC cosplay, I thought it would be a popular pick this year
I saw a few running around.
where are all the cosplay photos dumped now? onto twitter with no hashtags?
I haven't posted any of the pics I took of the expo online (Except a few in the Homestuck thread on this board) I'll probs post them on Twitter in a thread when I stop being lazy about it.
Nice samefagging
What did they do differently this year? Felt like a lot of stuff was fixed. Even the day 1 lines outside weren't nearly as bad as last year. I rolled up around 7:20 and was inside before they even let people into the halls. Comparing that to barely getting inside by 10:00 AM after arriving at 6:45 last year and waiting in a bunch of insane lines that kept merging and crashing around and stuff, the contrast is stark
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Polaroid from the Ryukishi07 meetup
Move the +18 area in the art alley area downstairs, closed Pico street for easier walking between buildings when outside, extended overall outside for more food venders. Line and general way to enter were much much better. Alot cleaner than last time.
Closing Pico probably moved a lot of people out of the hallway (and browse food options) which stopped congestion inside and overcrowding at the crossings, it was a great idea
I hope they do that next year honestly.
Partitioning off the perimeter of the venue did a lot to mitigate the converging outdoor lines of previous years. Bonus points for essentially making those evangelicals irrelevant because they don't have access to the venue. Putting a divider in the halls made traffic flow better and take less time to travel between sections of the venue. Also the staff seemed less annoying this year. Maybe the vetting process was better this time around? It's amazing how much they managed to unfuck the situation this time around. There must have been a changing of the guard behind the scenes at SPJA because there is not way these events are being run by the same people from the previous shitshows.
They need to just do exactly what they did this year next year. Except better panels, the panel choices felt underwhelming compared to last year.
You do know they're still going to jack the prices for badges next year. Expect 4-day badges to go around $300
you dont need to samefag to find someone who isnt into eating the poopoo fag.
$300 come on now nigga
I hope its $500+ and it keeps all the poors away. Not joking, raising the price to stop the halfway fans would be amazing for stopping all the tweens.
Panels outside the Industry ones were very shit and sparse. I hope they start room clearing all rooms, because way too many were full completely hours prior and sitting through the shit panels for good ones sucked. Rather wait in a line that guaranteed. DandaDan was great since it cleared prior due to 18+.
Aren't all cosplayers gay?
>30 dollars for that?
>for chicken scratch
You got, got man
Dump your pics
>W-wait for the con is over for the pics!!!!
>Con is over
>Like barely any pictures or anything
Yep AX is pretty shit, only for normiefags like people here to fuck in hotels confirmed. Not even bait.
People are getting home and unpacking/relaxing my dude. Give it a few days
I took a lot of pictures of KENN being cute during his talk show in the Entertainment Hall, but doubt anyone here would be interested.
>Go to feedback panel
>Every other person complains the lack of live musical artists from Japan
Get with the times old people. Vtubers are the future. It's cost effective and still draws as much people as literal who Japanese artists.
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Okay Imma start posting my very few pics (I honestly thpught I took more?) on birb app now
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I love the big city
I was a Member of Trauma Team from 2077/Edgerunners and a Samurai from Shin Megami Tensei IV
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This is a pretty amazing cosplay
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Man I have no idea why, but this anime expo has somehow become the most exhausting one I've been to. Maybe it's cause I didn't go to many panels to actually have down time, I'm getting too old, or both. Also "I haven't wanked in 4 days."
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There was a BUNCH of Lilis at the expo, but I only took pics of the two sadly
> this anime expo has somehow become the most exhausting one I've been to

I blame the sun and the fact I wore two different shoes.
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>the sun
It really wasn't all that hot though.
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I think I caught some shit at the airport because I was exhausted on day fucking 0.
The crowds were much better than previous years, but there were still some choke points here and there. I don't know if it's just a me thing, but slowly shuffling behind a crowd or someone walking very slowly is more exhausting to me than walking at a quick pace to where I want to go.
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i didnt take many photos of cosplayers this year. the ones i thought were based as fuck were always just out of reach and i didnt want to lose the spot in line
i did find this though. im a fat fuck, but jesus christ some of you are somethin else
Mmm toilet prosciutto
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also the booth selling animation cels was pretty cool but holy fucking christ the price on this shit
fuckers coulda left one piece left or something
maybe they're just scared to eat in public huh
Ya should've had some toilet prosciutto to celebrate.
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Who the hell would pay OVER SIX THOUSAND FOR A CEL
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also managed to snag a few pics that definitely wont happen again. the bleack voice actors holding hands

theres people ready to drop 6 digits for the right cels
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i was very tempted on this one but im not going to drop 300 dollars on this shit.
the 18+ section in the artist alley also had some excessively high prices for the vintage doujins. highest i saw was 400 for one of them. im a man of specific taste and exceptionally unusual interests, so i understand that whatever i want either doesnt exist, or is so rare im going to pay a lot for it, but 400 for one 30 page book is not happening
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I fucking hate this fag like you wouldn't believe.
Did anyone went to the like a dragon booth?
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long distance jack frost, took this while waiting for blue archive, was easily over 200 feet away

thats fine, i am indifferent to him.
>blue archive
Was it any good?
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Broooo I want my dick sucked by those lips sooooo badly.
that guy was getting fucking SWARMED for pictures on day 1
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this guy was based, i walked by and said "hey can you do the thing" as he was talking to his girlfriend, and mid sentence he immediately stopped talking to his gf and did it. she got legitimately mad too. the commitment to the bit was worth it

i got stuck next to a massive fat guy reeking of shit, and a guy who wouldnt shut up, and the guy behind me kept shouting "LET HIM COOK" as they got a roll train going. i left after 15 minutes so i have no fucking idea how well it went, i just know that we made UOH jokes along the way. i wasted 3 hours in that line for nothing
Story time?
That's rough buddy, but you should've kknown.
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these dudes were pretty chill, clean fit, good effort, simple, but they probably melted in those outfits

i dont play gacha games because i have a gambling problem. i wanted to go for game dev related reasons since thats my line of work, but the people are just too insufferable
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Jack was a scrapped cosplay Idea, Fuck, I hate myself for spending money on a improv trip than a good suit.
Maybe next con.
>Also "I haven't wanked in 4 days."
Nigga u gay
Anime Expo should just have Vtuber concerts every year.
oof, sounds rough. Not sure if they publish their booth content in youtube. Maybe you could find their game dev related stuff there.
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beyond that i knew day 1 it was a mistake to go to AX, when the 18+ screening of FAT ELVES was censored and the crowd bood and started walking out, it was clear the next 3 days would suck shit. i at least got an answer to why it was censored, but if youre going to censor a screening while requiring an 18+ wristband what the fuck is the point?

im not even talking about the pic here, im talking about the censoring here >>268538108 which i failed to get a shot of twice. why would a fully clothed ass shot be censored? why would you require 18+ wristbands if ass shots, nipples and crotches are censored? and to make it worse the NEXT DAY it went up uncensored entirely so now we had full comparisons. god i was so fucking mad and i STILL am

anything where your head is covered was a bad time especially this year due to heat

i had a rough year. i hadnt been here in 6 years so i was looking to just see how it changed, socialize a bit, and in the end i ended up buying only a water bottle, no merch or food, didnt even want to stay in any of the areas. its just genuinely not worth going anymore
fucked up, forgot im on /cgl/ heres an archive of it the ass shot https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/268535105/#268538108
Why the fuck is there still going to be an AX chibi? The last one sucked.
More like I could find enough energy to commit to jacking off.
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I like vtubers, but AX did fuck up this year. Didn't hear shit about the one ticketed vtuber concert that did happen (the one with Kson) but announcing the Niji concert months after they lost Selen & Pomu was bad (they were probably discussion it for awhile before the controversy) then proceeding to cancel it was a bad look when vtubers are already pretty love it or hate it.
Went to the free Mori live in the entertainment hall on Sunday and yea it was packed. She just sang regular karaoke tracks like YMCA and Dont Stop Believing.
Are you being forced to go? Nooo? Then shut up nerd.
and AX vendors are wondering why no one buys their shit lmao
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Are those in Mexican pesos or something?
I swear they just kinda pull a number out their ass. I saw a doujin I wanted for $30 and then the same doujin at a different booth for $18 with no discernable difference in quality.
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I saw Panty snd Stocking figures going for $280 and $320 each, ones I bought 10 years ago for $120 combined. I'm gonna lose it.
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Hololive Dodger's game was an awesome addition to the AX lineup.
I don't really care for baseball but I liked the seething this caused.
Figures always seem to have the worst markups unless you're buying from like the good smile booth or something.
Get my nigga Mori on the NBA
She needs to be teamed by the lakers
I'm a big baseball guy and my friends were hololive fans. They ended up having a blast. You could really feel the weeb electricity in the air.
They completely fucked the merch line though, they should've known better that they'd have a massive flood of people. Didn't even offer tickets to be able to buy the merch back at AX for the people still in line either (after missing the entire game to wait)
My friend got one of the Tifa figures at the Square Enix booth for $135 and we saw it the next day at another booth for $220.
american dollars
They didn't need you to scan in/out if you're going to exhibit hall.

In previous years, they only did it for Day 1 instead of the whole event. It was a great idea then so it baffles me on why they couldn't keep it after Day 1.
I'm interested. Share the highlights.
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I think he was there primarily to promote an otome game or something, but he mentioned his earlier roles like Jaden/Juudai from YuGiOh GX and Apollo from Ace Attorney and that made me really happy. He even 'Objectioned!' for us.
The audience was calling him cute and he insisted he was a cool manly guy in English. I know he doubles as an idol, but he's the only Japanese voice actor that looks like his promotional headshots.
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Forgot pic.
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There were two people cosplaying from GX in front of me and he waved at the Jaden.
how many weirdos/annoying attendees did you encounter this year? the wayforward panel had a tremendous autist present that from what i can guess goes to every goddamn wayforward panel solely based off his behavior. definitely autistic.
>gets into the room, first in line (i was already in here from the previous showing), and asks if anyone is sitting in one spot 2 chairs away from me (room is empty)
>drops a bag there and walks away
>comes back and has SEVEN bags loaded with shit with him
>front row
>recording everything
>asks the random guy behind him to record for him
>then asks the guy for his phone so he can call someone
>guy reluctantly agrees
>he does the thing then comes back
>then asks for this guys phone again to text his mom
>a giveaway happens where answering right gets you a prize
>he fails entirely but they give him a prize anyway because hes dragging this on
>he gets up on mic and drags it out more with 3 questions and 2 very long dick sucking praises to them
>panelists visually getting annoyed by now
dont get me wrong i cant be mad at him hes absolutely autistic, and having worked with people like this it can be a challenge but jesus fuck the one nice panel i enjoyed really got a stick up my ass because of it

that said i appreciate the panelists for rolling with it the way they did, im sure they get a lot of this shit regularly
I was at the Dungeon Meshi panel that got hijacked by two dudes singing the Panty and Stocking song while waving the anarchy flag. The singing one seemed genuinely shocked that people were booing.
the video of that going around my roommate was the one saying "fuck off". i didnt attend it but i was surprised
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Waiting for new thread/format to post thoughts, but I am home now and miss you anons.
I had no idea what point they were even trying to make. I know Trigger panels tend to be pretty wild, but that was specifically a Dungeon Meshi panel.
Was at the Friday Fate cosplay gathering and two dollar store Neco Arc spergs come a few minutes late and start screaming penis and continued shouting until essentially blowing their vocals out and then just standing there and slinking away when no one was giving them any attention. That character is Deadpool cosplayer tier of avoid on sight.
did they end up giving out trigger dollars? If they did, what kind/what was one it?
Nah, they gave away 6 shikishi boards of the main Dunmeshi cast to the winners of a jankenpon game and a Discord thing.
Damn, that sounds pretty cool. I am glad that I still have a complete collection of trigger dollars and ended up going to the dodger game.
I was at the screening too, agree, and feel your disappointment. Anon, if you'd be so kind, I'd also like to know why they censored it if you don't mind sharing the reason?
story time then, since i already did this in the elf-san threads
>asked the hidive booth the following day what the deal was
>both dudes had 0 fucking clue what i was on about
>by pure chance, they said one of their coworkers was walking up and shed be able to answer this
>did a double-take on the "she" prepared to shoot my fucking foot here
>ask straight and simple "i was at the screening last night, and was wondering why it was censored when it was an 18+ event, and really stressed"
>elaborated further that it was censored more than usual content which was also just genuinely confusing
>she explained that she also thought it would be uncensored, and told people this too
>the content that was sent for the screening was the censored one because they were not finished with the uncensored content/didnt have it
>the censored one was ALL they had
>additionally, there was concern (potentially) about whether some of this content would be too offensive/too much for american audiences
>it is not clear what the actual reason was for only the censored version being available to them for this screening, we can only speculate

she and i talked briefly about the specific censoring going on that we absolutely understand why theres a censored/uncensored version, but theres a third extra censored one for TV, which is what the screening was. the problem though is it didnt make sense to show something that censored, at an 18+ event screening, late at night, at a convention where this is some exclusive thing.

whether intended or not, she was genuinely honest about why and i appreciate it. it was also nice to talk about asses for a moment since she agreed theres TONS of shit on site/in other anime that wouldnt have gotten this same treatment and the level of censoring was just plain weird. i gave feedback that will be forward to the studio/japan about handling this better in the future, but its not the first time they did this either so who knows
second note about this, she also actually enjoys the manga and likes the material too so the familiarity with the material and the problem i was addressing made this a lot smoother. i was legitimately worried i was about to get in trouble because we live in wild times, but seeing genuine asshurt from an employee was nice.
i didnt expect a woman to be so ready to talk about ass shots in anime but i got a solid 15 minute chat out of it and went on my way. still weird the guys had zero clue what the fuck i was talking about since they really should given how hard they were pushing the fuckin series on everyone
>i didnt expect a woman to be so ready to talk about ass shots in anime
A lot of women who actually watch anime are fine/neutral about fanservice, and any that aren't just avoid it. The ones who cry foul on Twitter or whatever social media are just a loud minority who don't watch anything past whatever the seasonal trending shounen is. Have you ever met a fujo in real life? They're just as shamelessly thirsty, just for dick instead of boob.
Sorry to make you repeat this then, anon, but thank you very much. I truly appreciate both your and her response to that, and now I understand the situation.

I also just found a post by HIDIVE mentioning that the screening would be "a censored sneak peak of the anime at AX while you wait for the uncensored version on HIDIVE", but that wasn't relayed through any of AX's info at all. Still, as you said, it was censored so much that the 18+ wristband and constant order to raise them up in line was hardly necessary.

Thanks again, but also, so sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your time at AX this year. I hope any future anime convention endeavors serve you better.
i can admit i dont go outside a lot, my sunburn from the con proves it and i should have worn sunscreen but lets face it i need vitamin D these days
as for fan service, the main reason for concern was because the woman handling the screening that night definitely fell into that demographic youre describing, but the woman i spoke to seemed to genuinely just like ecchi/ecchi adjacent content so there was a real chance id have to speak to the very demographic that hates that content but i lucked out.

as for fujos, i have met exactly ONE fujo enjoyer. i met her at anime expo 2015 i think it was, she lives local to me no less. we went to some figurine panel and she was losing it at the male figurine cocks. i wish i still had contact with her but after a few months and one hangout where we watched boku no pico as per her request she just faded into the either. a real shame too, she was cool
no problem. whether it was relayed somewhere or not, the fact it was censored completely invalidated any reason to go, especially like you said it didnt get relayed into the AX info, so where it was posted most people wouldnt even see that. even then theres 3 versions the tv censored, normal censored, and uncensored, which didnt make it any better even if you did know this
>Thanks again, but also, so sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your time at AX this year. I hope any future anime convention endeavors serve you better.
knowing my luck, and what happened to me in 2017 and 2018 especially one can only wonder why i even bothered to go this year after 6 years of not going. some friends invited me to go to the pasadena anime convention in november and im considering it. at least this time id go with some friends
im tired, i just want my few happy moments to last but they never do. im completely mind broken and didnt even try to hit on women this year it just hurts too much
this dumbass putting his shoes on the seat after wading through shit is more offensive.
it's a convention, of course I got got. A caricature at a county fair would cost around the same price, but at this convention instead of getting anime girl wrapped in plastic I got something personalized. I'm happy with it and I've bought dumber things for more.
The one fat mexican who kept on thrashing in front of the karaoke stage and almost knocked over a projector without anyone saying anything really annoyed me
the beer garden line was somethin man. we got told to line up agaisnt the wall, and the guard told everyone behind me to form a new line next to ours. guard is reasonably angry about a lot of things and we just do as we are told and he does his thing.
one guy walks up behind me, the guy in front of me tells him the end of the line is there, and i reaffirm this. guy just angrily replies with "dont know what youre talking about" we tell him "dont be surprised of the guard yells at you then" as we begin moving, and sure enough guard rails this man hard because he overheard it all somehow. dude was fuckin mad, not like it'd be a long wait anyway itd be what, a minute or 2 before he got in but no better try being an asshole instead i guess.

the buns and fries were way too expensive but fuck me those smelled really nice too. didnt end up buying them
I know it's par for the course with events like this, but I fucking hated how none of the food vendors had their prices posted.
i went off-site for food. walked over to that subway on pico, which was a mistake in itself. ordered a subway club, guy charged me for a number 10 missing like 4 of the things its supposed to have, came out to 17.99 for that sandwich alone, then got a drink, 3.69. 24 goddamn dollars for a shitty sandwich and drink, may as well have gone to the trucks but i didnt want any of those items they offered anyway
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Postan "haul". The lack of loli stuff this year was really apparent; anime coast didn't have their usual stash nor did those annoying redditor dojinshi hawkers. I got a "really good discount" on about half of what you see here. The first photo's blurry as shit but you don't need a higher quality one (I put all my shit away and I'm not taking it out again).
I stopped going there when the five-dollar-foot-long became the six-dollar-foot-long
There's a Korean restaurant at the Westin that's open from 10am-3pm called K-Grill where you can get a really filling meal for like $18. I had a $150 Door Dash gift card from work so we just snacked on granola bars at the con and splurged on dinner on days 2 and 3.
I live in DTLA and the amount of fucks doing crack everywhere and no police doing shit is amazing. 40 years ago this place use to be nice.
>This shit is so corporate now I'm amazed I'm only seeing business suits for cosplay and not actual business at this point
Fucking 'eh. I went to the Manga Reccomendations panel on the last day and it was revealed to be held by all Kodansha suits who thought they weren't suits. It was super apparent.when I asked "Being corporate shills, what do you think of fansubs and fanscans?" and one of the fags on stage gave me a long, condescending answer about not releasing fanscans as "you don't know where they'll end up" or some bullshit. The panelists were old enough to know that fansubs/fanscans are the lifeblood of the on-line anime community and since they work in transalations have probably done it themselves. After my question I went up to get my free comic book and a couple of them tried giving me stink eye, but the couple that did were so covered in make-up they just looked goofy.

On that note, I want to do a panel next year on fansubs and fanscans, torreting/DCC, history and techniques. Who wants to do it with me?
i live in LA as well, though not downtown. im not allowed in some areas of it or id be shot on sight just because i have more than 12 dollars on me
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should've went to the gachi muchi panel
anyone buying those used doujins at AX is a literal retard.You can find all of them on mandrake (which will ship directly) or melonbooks etc for pennies even with shipping costs included. I saw tanks there for $50 I literally just bought for less then 200Y.

The only thing worth buying there is the translated doujins from j18 and maybe fakku if your ok with giving jewcob money.

That steelbook super over priced btw and youll find it for half that with even the tiniest bit of googling.
i legitimately genuinely considered it but i was expecting to see titties. i was sad man
theres also the doujins that you cant easily find anymore whicha re online anyway. there may not be good scans around which would be the incentive to buy one but still. i saw a few over 100, and one at 400 because "youre not even going to find this in japan for double this price" which told me all i need to know, man needs to work on his sales pitch since that told me i definitely can get it for less.
>giving jewcob money.
absolutely not. total fakku death.
>That steelbook super over priced btw
im aware, i know better than to buy things here but on occasion you can find a deal. this is not one of those times
>thoughts so far?
I'm impressed with the line management changes they've made this year. I was really worried about standing in lines alone for hours, but things worked out really well. I hope they focus on artist alley as their new area of improvement.
>damage report?
Anons, I fucked up. I let the stamp rally fever get to me. I swore I wouldn't. I even made fun of them along with you all, but then I blacked out and the completionist demon within me took over and emptied my wallet. I spent nearly $300 out of my $500 merch budget in the first half of Day 1 just completing stamp rallies and buying merch for friends. I had to put myself on timeout afterwards. I only spent like $100 the rest of the convention.
>you enjoying yourself?
Yes, I did. I think I made the most of going solo and though my heart was longing for my friend group, they got fomo and made plans for a smaller con so I guess I win. And I got to be a supreme autist and travel the convention at my own pace. Plus, my costume turned out really well and I got some pictures taken of me which brightened up my day.
>cosplay day 3/4 plans?
I attended Day 1 in casual wear, Day 2 as Rin Kagamine, and didn't attend the other days.
>what panels did you go to so far?
N/A, not a panel person.
>went to that AX orgy that obviously doesn’t exist?
Last time I tried to make a silly joke about this, someone got mad so I'll just answer straight and say no.
j18 had multiple loli doujins in english uncensored.
>youre not even going to find this in japan for double this price
straight up lie by some retard hocking over priced garbage.
t. ero-artist collector who goes to japan yearly and imports monthly
yes i know hence why i was turned off from even spending a penny on it all. yes theres rare old nice condition doujins from the 90s there, but im not paying 50 dollars for it
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Ah, a man of taste
shame that they didnt have the sorceress loli succbus crest doujin. Apprently they had one copy but sent it back to the wharehouse, they didnt bring any over because they wanted to have stock for their online store. They did have the other loli doujin by the same artist.
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Paid just over 300$ for it, yes I am fully aware I can snag one for a bit cheaper online but I go into these things with disposable income.

On a different note, almost didn’t attend this year but ended up having a Friday off at the last moment, went to the con and took a gamble and snagged a pass off one of the black hustler guys for 100$ and ended up being legit, and was even further stoked on how well managed the entrance situation was. Vibes & plans all worked out perfectly that day, best ax I had since pre covid desu.
shame, thats a good one. Precious Playmates is a good one if you like loli elves with lore.
j18 is based, their panel was them shitting on normalfags while talking about how they dogwhistle lolicons in their translation names. One of the founders had a full ToT hoodie on. Plus they release all their translations and scans free digitally unlike jewcob.
>$300 for a prize figure
ima look at you and laugh.
>I let the stamp rally fever get to me.
Oh anon.
Holy based

Sounds cool but AX might not allow it since it's "piracy" unless you focus more on the history of it (desu learning more about the VHS era of things with piss yellow subs would be cool)
>On that note, I want to do a panel next year on fansubs and fanscans, torreting/DCC, history and techniques. Who wants to do it with me?
no way in hell youre going to do this UNLESS its about the statistics and how much this shit goes on, which is a gargantuan task.
i personally have a hand in preservation of data and material at a bulk scale, and have considered doing a "lost media/preservation" talk of sorts but i am not made of money nor do i like being the focus of attention, plus id violate the fuck out of copyright to show some rare stuff, and given what time youd have for a panel it wouldnt be enough to even scratch the surface

>(desu learning more about the VHS era of things with piss yellow subs would be cool)
i would do this. i do this with non-anime material already, doing so with anime material is an easy effort for me, but again cost and practicality is hard. back in the day theyd just trash shit, no regard for the future and it was common practice. its why cels are so fucking rare these days (relatively speaking, ignore the market bubble)

i feel like this idea would be better for a meetup of sorts during anime conventions, not necessarily a panel. its a hard one but one worth trying for
>tranny ryona fetish-made kids’ show isn’t that popular irl where mostly adults go
i reckon most of the minority adults into it are too embarrassed to show it like with hazbin

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