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Expect some downtime in the next few minutes for upgrades!

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Making a thread in advance.
A convention somewhat larger than Acen, what’s bound to happen? Who knows. Post your pics, stories, and whatever else when we all flood into Rosemont and see the fattest Star Wars cosplays you can imagine and whatever other horrors beyond comprehension!
Todays the day :-) I heard Mark Hamils gonna be there
Remember to wear a full mask that obscures your eyes so you can look at the nice asses of cammy cosplayers without getting kicked out
Wendigooner is having their Cow meet up today/tonight, beware
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Here’s some goodies i’ve collected
being crammed into one hall genuinely makes anime midwest being in 1 hall and at the hyatt look like a godsend honestly.

It's amazing how much more open a smaller con can feel when multiple spaces are used to spread the crowds out.
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It’s insane. First time ever being to Fan Expo I thought it was on par with Acen attendance. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Some weird fire fox cars
getting out of the parking garage when they closed was worse than Acen cause Acen is a 24/7 con, where the gaming hall is always open through the night and theres still panels and shit.
I literally waited like 30 minutes and there was STILL people coming from the hall in huge droves.
It's gonna be worse tomorrow too lmao

The US Army/Navy area's were funny cause if you lost in a 1v1 against them you get automatically signed up for a 4 year service term in either branch.
Lmfao Drafts are back on the menu
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Naked troll thing idk
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Fandom wall, someone wrote trump on it and gooning
It's fucking impossible to walk around in the main hall, God bless the dudes in the huge cosplays, jesus
I know, it's worse than yesterday, if your not staying 100% leave before 7 or god help you
I got there on friday 3 hours early and there was barely any parking
It's easily 3x worse....
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15 dollars ain’t so bad compared to the admission price. But god damn this garage sucks because of how far the walkway is to the con
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Star Wars stuff photoshopped onto images from ww2. Redditors love it, historians despise it.
Welp that's it for Fan Expo this year.
Pretty good con, but needs to upgrade space desperately cause like others have said that fucking hall was CRAMPED basically from 10 AM to like 4 or 5 I couldn't walk around or look or buy anything.

Friday or Sunday is 100% the days to go when it's deader to buy shit.
Getting out of the parking lot was hellish because the cops can't control a light to save their lives, people making lefts got stuck because they didnt give time for the light to make lefts...
See you guys in 2 weeks for magic!
You got any pics Anon? I’m starting to run dry on them
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Where is he, we must find him. I must add to my collection!
He was there on friday, I saw him skulking around

nah, nothing I took myself. Got a ton taken of me though.
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I have a history degree and I would say, it's more the photoshops are a bit shitty. Better to commission something from scratch. So that Berlin pic with the stormtrooper, well IN UNIVERSE there's existing art of something simiar (but more based off iwo jima)

New Republic forces taking a significant position on Coruscant when invading/liberating (from your POV) the planet. If you do historical references do it right. pic related

The image with Wehrmacht officers and the AT-ATs, have them be imperial officers or late-republic officers (the uniform is the same really)
I agree, this depiction of art in universe is better than using an actual image with some basic photoshop. Using Iwo-jima as a reference vs using Iwo-jima as a base for shop are two entirely different things.
i'd be pissed off if my buddies were used as some shit for nerds to jerk off too.
Use it as references, not the actual thing
I guess a highschool photoshop class makes a profit in selling this slop. I doubt its even the original people selling the prints anymore, I recall seeing these exact images years ago from a simple google search
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This narrows down my search efforts, thank you anon.

I think I can tie a symbol to the Finn? I witnessed him lounging around the more nicer area of the con with the furnished look and water fountain. Where that fandom sharpie tarp was. Should have gotten a closer picture, apologies on my part, the symbol looks similar to his armband? I’m not schizo am I?

Out of curiosity what were you dressed up as?
I once saw him at acen, got a pic of him in 4k.
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I was Leon from RE4 with the big ass jacket.
Took some pictures with other leon's, and had a good time aside from the god awful crowd.
They either need to expand into the other halls, or have some shit going on in the hotel for panels and shit like midwest does or expand your shit into the BIGGER fucking halls that ACEN does cause having to walk halfway into a crowded fuckfest to get something to eat is terrible.
Unrelated to whatever fanboy the soldier has,

I agree with you on how god damn crowded it was though. More space was needed, the only open areas was the lobby and the opera areas. FanExpo clearly takes in enough income to have the hotel as an option. I’d say Acen was more efficient in managing space, except for whoever’s dumbass decision was to add metal detectors.

Acen this year was a shit show with the detectors. I saw a guy in a full suit of armor walk through and it beeped, go figure. Then the dumbass guard used the handheld one to search for any ‘contraband’. My brother in christ it’s all metal. I waltzed on through in my cosplay which was pretty much a bootleg Market Garden setup from Team fortress. The detector went off as I was wearing a belt buckle and having a hand shovel attached to it.
Conversation went as followed as they were using the handheld metal detector:
>“Is that shovel real?”

>‘No.’ *despite the detector obviously going off*


>They let me through

I honestly have no idea what they were trying to ask? If it was sharp? Yeah no shit it is, I use it to plant shit in my garden, formerly used to dig trenches in a war but that’s beyond the point.
Thank you friends, another great quality picture to my collection. I shall lurk here until more things pop up, no need to make a separate thread like last time. My presence is known
it's because some faggot killed himself in the hyatt this year, so they added that as a "precaution" as rumors swirled around.
I'm happy that Fan Expo has started to cater more towards anime shit too, but it'd be nice if they split things between the halls like "Horror in Hall A, Anime in Hall C, Food in Hall B, Star Wars in Hall D, ect. ect.
It was also the worst fucking path i've ever seen into the convention center from the garage because Hamill was on the second floor.

You had to come in, make an immediate right, go down the stairs into the main front area, ALL the way to the right again, get checked, and walk through, and walk around 2 halls to go to get your badge, which had to be signed in for some ungodly reason.

Like, why not just make the fucking badge shit in Hall A like ACEN/Midwest do, you fucking faggots scan it for literally every panel, and event, and shit anyways, just have 4 dudes scanning people in, so nobody can sneak in and don't have the maze shit going on.
they added the security before the suicide happened, also the security got super lax on Sunday as well
speaking of lax security, the fucking retarded peddler faggots found their way into the con SOMEHOW despite needing to be badged in.

I'm 100% sure now they have some random ass deal with the convention center, because this is the THIRD fucking convention where they've been roaming area's where they shouldn't have been allowed at all.
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I know exactly who you’re fucking talking about and I hate them. Everywhere I fucking go to. When I first got to the Expo they were just lounging around in the parking garage I legit thought I was going to get mugged with my friend, turned out to be that with extra step when they made my friend cough up a dollar and called me a bitch.

I got a video of them in the badge area, why didn’t they get stopped for not having one? No idea. It’s all bullshit

nevermind my video is too large, fuck the file size limit for any 6 second video.
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For clarification
>made my friend cough up a dollar and called me a bitch.
kek, one came up to me and I waved them away, and I saw one of them approach a girl near the escalators and she was blocking it, so they moved her fucking wagon out of the way.
If I was her I would have said "dont touch my shit lady", thats the perfect way to get pick pocketed by someone whos good at it.
No the security bullshit was set up before the suicide
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Some VAs had no lines at all kek
Slayerxisters.... I'm thinkin it's over
That VA section was kind of abyssmal.
They fucking crowded ALL of them on the back wall and the crowds were fucking terrible in that section.

Combine people waiting in line with the crowds as well and it was horrid.
That shit should have just been in a different hall honestly
"Y ese compa ya está muerto...Nomas no le han avisado."
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>Quadruple 4s GET
>Wendy's© 4 4 4
>Quad Quads
>The Death Number x4
>Narco Corrido lyrics in Spanish
>"And that homie is already dead...they just haven't let him know yet."
>essentially a death pledge/message
>/cgl/ proceeds to be completely silent with no new comments on any thread for over an hour and 45 minutes immediately after this post
>everyone is scared shitless I presume
>>10934445 is in the aptly-named "Con room horror stories" thread
>it's about one of the fags that's always shitting up this board
>regular traffic on the board resumes

bbbrrrros...is the Gulluminati real? If I were a Wendigooner, I'd get the fuck away as far as possible from any and all midwest conventions. They're probably going to be the next one to an hero at a con, but it won't actually be an an heroing if you know what I mean.
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Fucking GET

It’s over for us bros
That nigga is alive unfortunately

Not wendigooner, another person
I still beat off to that shitoge tranny from acen. Or whatever the name of the character is.

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