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Old thread: >>10928722
Aussie Idols: >>10928590 #
Featured: Bunmira

Previous thread topics:
>Otakon 2024
>Should redebuting idols be allowed in events for newbies?
>Non-convention events

No stupid drama. Starting topic: Texas Idol Fest at Colossalcon Texas
another influencer. her performance at tif was meh imo. the roller skates are unique but i don’t understand the hype. how is she any different than the shitmillion citypop/retro idols that already exist?
>million citypop idols
like who?

Ir's refreshing to see people get slightly involved with the community whose first exposure to idols and Japanese music wasn't fucking love live.

Also how is she an influencer? She's just a cosplayer/fashion content creator. Not the same as an influencer aka people who shill crap for a living.
please tell me who else is giving citypop at similar quality? genuinely curious.

It seems Bunmira puts a lot of thought into her performances, i can imagine she'll loosen up the more experience she gets.
i agree that it is refreshing to see another person doing more than love live but her cosplaying her magical girl oc is still 2d idol brained ngl.
>inb4 wearing a wig isn’t cosplay
this is a character from her tiktok and she plays her tiktoks behind her when she performs. that doesn’t mean she’s not a unique or interesting performer, but bitches in wigs are a turnoff for me.
Wow! White Knights already!
Are idolsonas or idol ocs still a popular thing to do?
liking someone's performance = whiteknighting now yay

anyways i really am genuinely curious about more citypop idols, give names
ntayrt Retro and citypop is becoming a very popular theme again and I’m living for it. The quality and activity of each idol will vary but this is everyone I can think of off the top of my head that is doing that style in some capacity.
Idols who do retro and/or city pop styles as their primary theme:
>Magical Laffi
>Sari Lynn Stardust
>Parfait Party
>Anna Banana
>Showa Shojo
Idols who do retro but it’s not their primary content:
>Abner Senires
If I’m missing anyone that has the theme, please add on.

she doesn't even make music content or perform
>looks up eburin

I trusted you, my mistake, never again
Berry's performance was just bad. She lipsynced the first song and kept messing up her original song. How many times do you have to perform or practice something just to be able to get the timing of the lyrics right?
Honestly, TIF as a whole was a bust. Maybe they could have saved it if Paida performed instead of taking pictures in the ugliest off-duty outfit known to man.
Ew. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt that you don’t know her history. Everyone else is alright though lmao. Thanks anon.

Honestly if the things that made her blow up never happened and she was just a regular inexperienced idol, I could forgive things like that. You’d think she’d tighten up more to try to live up to her pity fame status. At least try to earn it.
Remember when Eburin hated her own race. Remember when Eburin said idols can't date. We remember.
>account of a 17 year old girl
>look at cgl archives
>this shit has been going on since she was 15
i really struggle to see the appeal of cancelling a developmentally disabled child.
TIF has been on the fastest downhill since Martha took over.
So being disabled is an excuse to be racist now? If you're a teenager, you're old enough to know not to be racist, ESPECIALLY towards your own race.
I really like Martha but her lack of quality control ruins the brands she tries to run. Kira Kira maid cafe maids have looked like sloppy messes for years too.

that old man is an idol?
If you had done 3 seconds of research, you'd know Eburin is 18.
>Magical Laffi
>Sari Lynn Stardust
>Parfait Party
>Anna Banana
>Showa Shojo
>Abner Senires

Who the heck are any of these? Are they particular to a region? I've never heard of any of them except maybe Martha, Can you at least link their socials or performance? I am always down to clown for funky Showa music and city pop revival.
Anybody planning on attending that LA Idol Matsuri event? Do we expect it to go downhill like the idol event they had last year?
Regardless, she's still young. Her takes are stupid as fuck but there's no need to really take her seriously.
You guys are such hypocrites.
Hell no. Mikotan is a retard.
>Florida, @magicallaffi
>Texas, @meowitsmartha
>DMV, @sari.lynn.stardust
>Texas, @parfaitpartyidols
>NY/Germany, @annabanana_music
>Sweden, @eburin_desu
>Scotland, @showashojo
>North East US, @lavendulasings
>Seattle/PNW, @abnersenires
Here you go. It took me all of 5 minutes to find their socials.

I’m sorry your favorite 25-30 year old women are not being given the same grace as someone who just turned 18 a couple weeks ago. See if she’s still parroting purity culture talking points and internalized racism once her frontal lobe develops. Give her a chance to grow up.

Isn’t this the first year that LA Idol Matsuri is running?
First year for this specific event, yes. But before they made it, they went under a different name and the event last year that was held went horribly wrong for many reasons. Both ran by Mikotan.
Horribly wrong how? I didn’t attend but from what was put out on social media by attendees and performers, it looked like fun so I’m curious if behind the scenes things were actually fucked.
Fan Expo is in Toronto this weekend and they have an IdolFest event this Saturday at 11:30AM with a meet and greet after at 1PM!
Here's the lineup:

There's gonna be at least two other guerrilla performances that I know of:
Chira Killer
Friday 2PM
Sunday 12PM
I attended, and all I can really say was the biggest concern at the venue was the lack of organization, but most importantly… the heat issues. People were nearly fainting from the amounts of heat and some of the performers actually seemed like they would pass out after dancing or singing in the heat. But also the organizer doesn’t listen to feedback almost at all. Wouldn’t recommend they host this event at a venue where people are at risk of heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
This. The heat was brutal inside and outside. A lot of vendors packed up and left early. Most performers were sitting inside a barely air conditioned room at their meet and greet tables leading up to their performances outside. Realistically, they really should have had respite. There was a performer who actually did get heat stroke and had to leave. She came back in time for photos at the end when it was cooler out but it’s still a shame that she got that ill and had to change out of her costume.

I think respite from the heat is an overlooked factor, especially at summer events. Venues can get hot but I’ve only ever heard of one non-convention idol event ever have precautions for something like that.
Signals posted a new cover.
>inb4 the drama
I only want to talk about the cover and only the cover. Don’t fuck it up.
The difference in quality between Alexis’s art and Aibi’s art is stark to say the least. I’m also bothered by them making another cover that seems to be shipping the members again though. The video is edited well and the cover itself isn’t bad either. Aibi’s art looks nice and I hope they make her the group’s primary artist.
Does anyone have any thoughts about will happen to the next subunit cover since it seems like Ash completely stopped being an idol?
I just wish they would invest in getting their cover mixes outsourced cause they would sound so much better. This is the case with a lot of idol's work not just them though like I see so much potential and then it's just bad mixing.

Like magical laffi's first original song. Would sound so nice if it was professionally mixed. But I value the music aspect more than others.
>I just wish they would invest in getting their cover mixes outsourced cause they would sound so much better.
Agree. Their debut cover sounded so much better by virtue of being mixed by an actual mixer.

In my opinion, all of the elements of this group have gotten progressively worse the longer they’ve existed. The quality difference between their debut cover and debut graphics to their newest cover and newest graphics are night and day. They went from having a very strong brand identity to just being an extension of Alexis’s variety content.

>Does anyone have any thoughts about will happen to the next subunit cover since it seems like Ash completely stopped being an idol?
My prediction is that they’ll release that last cover and then announce his graduation. Based on this cover, I wouldn’t mind if Signals becomes a duo. My other prediction is that they’ll release a couple more things then disband the group.
Honestly Bunmira and Berry were the highlights of this last TIF. Majority of the other acts were lackluster at best. It seems the quality of their events has been on a nosedive for the past year or so.
>Signals as an extension of Alexis’s variety content.
i never thought of it that way but i really see it, especially with alexis’s recent content. it’s whatever seems like it has the most appeal.

it looks like nobody applying and they’re just accepting everyone who applies.
For the cover itself, their singing is good but you're right about the mixing I think. From my listen I feel a little buzz like white noise on the sibilant words like "let's". It could have done with maybe a little reverb? The mix sounds as if the vocals are pushed out to the front but kinda flattened like a cardboard cutout on a stage.
I feel like this would sound great watching it performed live.
I think Aibi’s done the art for Signals before, like the redebut profile posts, but it’s been awhile.

Also wish they would outsource mixing, but I’m assuming they’re trying to keep costs in house? I will say Alexis’s mixes seem to be improving, but it’s still lacking finesse.
This smells of self post.
is anyone going to nwif? what are the vibes on this event? i’m thinking of going for the first time this year because it’s nearby.
Combined with their prior history of selfposting, I have to agree. This cover was out for maybe 15 minutes max and only had a few views before it got posted here. All of these replies with the exception of >>10934437
and >>10934448 read like Signals having a conversation about their own cover. Pathetic.

The vibes are good. They had an issue last year with the hotel booking a wedding at the same time and the guests were being a nuisance but they seemed to handled it well. The lineup this year is solid. It’s the last NWIF ever before they move on to doing a different event. Looks like they’re priming to go out with a bang.

That $85 badge, though. I’m on the fence about going this year because it’s so expensive. That’s steep for what this event is and it’s only going to go up. There really isn’t anything this event has that warrants that price tag. Could’ve sworn it was way cheaper last year.
Has there been any new originals from idols lately? Somebody post em.

>Inb4 do it yourself
pretty sure nwif was a similar price last year as well. The location is nice being next to an airport but overall incredibly expensive.
It was $80 last year and $85 this year. Not a really huge price hike.
cherie ife is new on the scene and i found her song “idol?” pinned to her twitter. most kaigai originals are mediocre but this was surprisingly well written. most of her songs are imo
I'm surprised Cherie isn't more talked about because she's talented, pretty and makes decent music all by herself. But my guess is other idols can't relate to being on that level and find her a threat. Kek
At least her stuff is better than what some of these other idols are putting out lately. The lyrics aren’t cheesy, the vocals are really good, and overall I get a good vibe from her content. Anybody who sees her as a ‘threat’ is just too insecure lol
I’m going to guess that the only reason she wasn’t talked about more is because she was based in Japan and just moved back to the US. They just don’t know her because she just started performing in the states. Not because she’s a “threat” lmao.
That's my point. This community is insecure AF.
There isn't much to say about her on here because everything she makes is good so you can comment your praise directly to her via the comment section of her content. The only thing that would make her be talked about on here is if she has an aspect of her personality that people don't like. But, her personality is a bit hidden as she's not very opinionated and you don't see her getting involved in much people's things that could potentially lead to drama.

She's gorgeous and I love her work. She's the kind who demonstrates a level of artistry with her work.
same anon, she also doesn't hold any leadership position that could make people harbor hard feelings or criticisms towards
Wow she’s fantastic. I love idols with artistry and vision. The lack of personality is a bit of a turn off for me personally but personality is important to me when I follow idols. Hopefully she’ll show more of herself as time goes on. I’ll give her a follow.
Only one I can think of is “Idol Recipe” by Sprinkle Idol. The lyrics could be a bit more concise but it’s a basic idol song so not terrible.
i disagree with the other anon about personality. she doesnt involve herself in drama but if i had to pin an archetype on her id say shes playful. kind of the mischievous or devilish type. its cute and suits her music style
Did IIN fire part of their staff? Noticed a few of them completely left the server.
who left?
Berry finally released her music video today!

Q and Ash. Anyone know what happened?

The mixing on this song is atrocious but the MV is very cute and well made. The joke about the Sorbet costume at 2:22 was funny. Glad to know she can laugh about it now.
i guess ruu finally put her foot down and kicked them out lmao
>mixing quality
I think she might just lack access to a high quality mic.

Overall song + pv is a good release and not cringey. I think for the normie haters, this is a good victory for her.

On a more critical standpoint, I want to see more about what makes Berry "Berry" other than her virality and people pitying her. Hopefully we can see that in her next releases/as ahe continues her career. Like for example, why is she named Berry anyway? just because strawberry?
She actually answers questions similar to that on her TikTok if you follow her.
Both of them contributed barely anything and were barely active. Not to mention, Q has a history of bullying and Ash has a pattern of poor behavior that made IIN look bad. Alexis and Koda are next if they don’t step up.

>ACKTUALLY she answers questions similar to that on her TikTok
Why doesn’t she show, not tell? Outside of what >>10935172, the only thing I get is that she’s genki and aping idol anime.
How is she on stage though? Is it like a polished professional performance? Does she get loose and interact with the audience?
Go see her shows then
Look like their bullshit caught up with them
Why are we to assume they got kicked out? Ash stopped being a soloist and probably decided to separate themselves from the community all together. Idk about Q. But they haven't been active in the community as far as I've seen either.
>stopped being a soloist and probably decided to separate themselves from the community all together
Isn't he still in Signals, though? It's kind of hard to "separate yourself from the community" when you're still in an active idol group, no?
no graduation post yet. it’s probably safe to assume they’re still an idol. q an active vtuber too.

They're both still listed as staff though. If they both left, good riddance. Q has a massive history of bullying and being a drama queen, as well as making up rumors. Ash, same.
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I don’t think IIN has updated their website in a while. The about page still says the server has 600 members. There’s also no mention of Idolizine anywhere on the website either, too.

I'm not in whatever region she's in and googling her only gives me a Billy Idol song (which is a pretty good song I'll say)
As much as I’d love to fly around spending money to see Kaigai idols, it’s not in the cards for me at the moment.
It’s a massive red flag she doesn’t post her live sets in my opinion. I guess you could chalk it up to you need to pay to see her perform live but even big groups that normally put things behind a paywall (I.e. non sweet) have easily accessible live footage available online. From the muted clips she’ll post in a vlog, she clearly seems relatively well practiced at the songs she’s doing but the avoiding posting your singing screams to me it can’t be that good live. Which is honestly completely fine!! To me, the whole charm point is seeing your favourite idols grow and hone their skills. I guess the whole getting doxxed and harassed thing has scared her away from posting anything but a carefully curated online image. It’s a shame. I agree with folks above, I want to see Berry be a little more real than she is now.
>Not posting videos is a red flag
Agree. Paida is in the same campz
Paida admitted on her instagram livestream that she doesn't post live footage because she's never satisfied with her performances due to the way she sounds, probably the way she looks, etc
it might have been so recent that they haven’t changed it yet but both of their names are white and have no roles. they have definitely left the server. ruu has a spine for once kek.

she’ll post tiktok after tiktok of her full body while dancing but she won’t post any footage of her doing what she does for a living? ok.
a tiktok dance captured on a carefully positioned phone where she's not live singing sweating under lights lol

it is what it is. I'm sure most people who watch her live don't really get "disappointed" because they're there because they like her as a person
it’s been very quiet since this was posted lmao
when your follower count speaks for you, you can afford to be a shitty performer

did anyone go to to the idol competition and idol showcase at anime magic or to san japan?
overslept for the showcase but attended the competition at anime magic. cherie won. something went wrong with the sound and it kept cutting off but she got through it without even flinching. vocally very strong and she was staring down the judges during her song. i love her aura she is kind of scary and cute at the same time

i forgot the name of the first girl to compete but she was also a fantastic singer. does anybody remember her name?
Mimi's new original finally came out. It was written by Monii.
So I've listened to this a handful of times just to get an accurate grasp on it. And first I will say, I've noticed that whenever Monii writes a song, or has done the vocal guides for someone's, I can really tell because the singers always end up sounding like her. Her writing style is also very very pop dominant. And while it's not bad by any means, I can't help but feel that it doesnt fit the track as much. It feels a bit empty as well with how much there is going on with the melody and lyrics. It's hard to explain. The song doesn't feel memorable.

Aside from those points though, I'm always impressed with Mimi's forever expanding skill set and hard work. The animation isn't half bad for someone who just started and I can tell a lot of work went into this. I do wish she had more if a hand in the making of the actual song. It feels less personal if someone just writes it all for you and all you have to do is sing it.
The song is pretty good for what it is. The animation is excellent, which is the main focal point anyway as Mimi is known for being an artist more than being a singer/songwriter.
I agree about the writing. It sounds vague like I can't really tell what she's actually singing about. I guess that just leaves things up to interpretation of the listener so they can apply the song to whatever situation they want to relate it to. I prefer lyrics that are more straight to the point. but that's because it allows me to understand what the singer is singing about exactly which lets me feel like I'm getting to know them more personally. Mimi seems to be pretty closed off from revealing much of her personal life and although she doesn't have a boring personality, at the same time, I feel like she has a bit of a wall up. I mean, I can only assume part of the reason why she stopped live performing was because she didn't want to be in front of people. Being in front of people means being vulnerable and audiences getting to know you deeper, in a way. Nothing really wrong with that though. She has a lot of followers so clearly people don't mind her being like that.
This is why I think she just wants the creativity aspect of being an idol rather than the vulnerability and connection aspect of it. She's great at story building, making characters, designs and writing. But the performing part always seemed to be a weak spot for her.
> Being in front of people means being vulnerable and audiences getting to know you deeper, in a way. Nothing really wrong with that though. She has a lot of followers so clearly people don't mind her being like that.
> This is why I think she just wants the creativity aspect of being an idol rather than the vulnerability and connection aspect of it.
This is why she’s a better vtuber than she was an idol in Reso. Vtubers can hide behind a character and take on that persona completely separately from their irl selves. You don’t need any personality other than basic traits and be somewhat entertaining. Meanwhile, audiences can project whatever they want over the basic traits they do show.

Mimi irl has historically shown that she has a horrible entitled personality and has a history of being entitled and a bully to group members and convention staff but Mimi the Vtuber is a character who is a completely blank slate for her audience.
The first competitor on next top idol in anime magic was wasai bee, she’s quite skilled. She’s apart of michi project
I enjoyed the San Japan idol fest. Was impressed by Ice Pops performance. The vocalists were a mixed bag. Did anyone else go?
I think the first singer was Wasaibee, I really liked her. Cherie also did well with the audio malfunction.
In what ways has Mimi shown that she was entitled?
>Her bullying the Stellure members, taking advantage of her song writer, and never paying anyone back
>Her entitlement towards event organizers and staff, in Reso
This is literally a years-long, well documented pattern of behavior that you can easily find on archived threads.
Apparently she also ignores a lot of her fans that approach her in person during cons. Something I noticed since her Stellure days honestly is that she doesn’t truly care about ‘fans’.
I saw that Marmalade post on her story she’s making costumes for this group and finished making that member’s costume. What is going on? Did they waste their money or what?

I noticed this, too.
>inb4 maybe she’s just busy!
If a fan approaches you, you can be polite and tell them that you can’t stop to talk instead of giving them the cold shoulder.
Wasn't she a child in Stellure? Hypocritical 4chan users, once again.
NTAYRT Yes. She was 19 by the time Stellure disbanded. Clearly, she didn’t grow out of it.

If that member “left the community” and stopped being an idol as recently as >>10935234 was speculating, then congratulations to Signals for wasting hundreds of dollars. Did nobody else see the complete meltdown that happened in the last thread? This group is a complete mess.

I went specifically for the see.ker subunit. They did great as expected. I agree it was a mixed bag. Riel was interesting and very unique. I would have liked to see more original idols and less k-pop and cosplay acts. Does anyone know took over San Japan from TIF?
She never did. She even did this at AnimeExpo when she attended in 2019 and acted like she’s so high and mighty and gave people the cold shoulder and ignored them. Way to show appreciation to your fans, Julia. Bet she’ll only continue to be this way until somebody points it out.
Not sure what’s worse: Members of that group publicly having financial struggles and spending money probably don’t have or if she knows, Marmalade taking a commission from someone in that situation.

I guess she has to take people at their word that they’re being financially responsible when they commission her. How much responsibility to say no does an artist getting commissioned have in that situation?

>Who took over San Japan?
Love Notes. They’re the organizer for Okashicon’s showcase, too.
Zero?? Why is it the seller's responsibility to make sure the buyer is being smart with their own money? As long as they get paid who cares Lol
If they actually know for certain that the buyer using their rent money to pay for commissions or if they’re having a manic episode and spending recklessly or something, they have a small responsibility say question it before accepting the commission. Otherwise, I agree with >>10936243. If the buyer hurts themselves that’s their own damn fault.

Marmalade clearly lists her estimated prices and the cost breakdowns on her commission form. If they spent money they don’t have and then wasted it by having a member leave the community and losing performance opportunities before the commission was finished, that’s just the cost of doing business. Womp womp.
are there any idol events worth going to coming up?
Do you think she's really gonna post about an update for a member who cancelled on their order?

either the costume will be finished to completion and paid properly by who you suspect it's for, or it's straight up for a completely different person.

either way, I doubt either parties are dumb enough to scam/get scammed.

more proof that this member and this group lives rent free in people's head, for some reason, despite barely doing anything in the community. wow, wish I had that impact!
Marmalade confirmed that it’s for Signals on her story and the costume WIPs she’s been posting has the group’s branding literally embroidered into the costume. She posted Ash’s costume to her story. There’s no speculation about who it could be for LMAO.

Nobody here even implied they cancelled their order or that anyone got scammed. One of the members constantly talks about living paycheck to paycheck and one member seems to have completely left the community after schizoposting in the last thread, and this group might have lost most of their performing opportunities by pissing off the wrong people… but they’ve placed this massive and expensive costume commission with a high profile creator. They’re such messy people that it’s schadenfreude.
You people must be autistic because there ain't no reason this messy group is living so rent free in your heads you can't go one thread without bringing them up
No fr it’s always signals signals signals there are so many other groups you can take the time to look at but no it’s just signals
I'm not reading all of that because you probably have brain damage
they’re back! stop selfposting on here for validation and getting upset when anyone says anything negative. clearly this is the only way you all know how to get attention. disband already.


idol events worth going to coming up
>rapid steps
looks like a venue event and they have chiri girls headlining
I don’t get why you’re all so defensive about this and going on about *~iF iTs AcTuAlLy FoR tHeM~*. There’s nothing wrong with them placing a commission with a talented seamstress. Good for them for being able to do that?
Why would anyone need to hide that like it’s a bad thing if it’s just a commission? Or is what people are speculating here about it being a waste for this group true?
like you have reading comprehension anyway, retard kek
oh shit, i had no idea chiri girls were headlining rapid steps. good for them! have they announced anybody else notable?
It looks like Cherie is headlining too.

If anyone is going to LA Idol Matsuri, can you tell us all it if it was a trainwreck or actually good?
it was hot but good enough
it's probably a waste judging by that reaction to try to deny that it's for them. marmalade's waitlist are months long, so they would've had to place this way before ash flounced from the idol community.
marmalade probably doesn't even know anything about that. she's just being hired and is sharing what she's working on. lmao if signals didn't want her to share it while she worked on their commission, they could have just asked. messy, messy, messy.

agree with >>10936350. awa is consistently good year after year, too.
speaking of, does anyone know what the lineup is yet for sif this year?

does anyone have a website or page for this event? who's running it? i can't find it.

ok. what was good about it? were the performers any good? details pls.
Did anybody attend LA idol matsuri yesterday?
Jesus christ, put a little more effort into googling.
Judging from AWA’s official social media, the lineup hasn’t come out yet.
>Rapid Steps
It’s ran by Midwestern Idol Union. They even have a website.

It was alright. It’s probably the worst event I’ve been to in SoCal. Too many performers and it was mixed quality. The performers all looked exhausted and sick by the end. Basically the same issues as SCIF last year. The guy who runs it is clueless as to run a decent event.

NGL Idol Party and Little Akiba lives are way better. SoCal has way better events that have set the standard so there’s really no excuse for Idol Matsuri to be this way.
Will also add something here. The guy who runs the event was also quite stuck up and rude. One of the anons from earlier in this thread pointed out that he’s never willing to take feedback as well. All his events are usually so unorganized.
I don’t think she was denying it was for them, she was trying to gain hype for the new project she was working on. People are so obsessed with talking about signals here that they read too much into things.
what's his name?
we should focus on shitty people like this in the community and not cat fights
mikotan. he runs animarketplace too.
>I don’t think she was denying it was for them, she was trying to gain hype for the new project she was working on.
ayrt. i was saying “anons” were denying it was for them and being defensive. marmalade is 100% just trying to share what she’s working on, who’s she’s doing it for, and to generate hype.

imo i think signals does it to themselves. it is very obvious at this point that this group likes to post about themselves and if they aren’t the ones posting first, they like to respond.

>>10936459 ayrt
people have already namedropped him several times lmao. his name is mikotan and he also runs anime marketplace and touhoufest.
Did anyone go to CCE’s idol showcase? The clips I saw weren’t very good.
Does anyone know where to find free/cheap producers who will write and master a song? Should I look on twitter? I know there are people looking to break into the community. I am currently with a group but a few of us are breaking off. Won't say who don't even ask, but there are hints.
What is your maximum budget? You probably won’t find an experienced and decent producer who will completely compose and master a song for anything under $800 and you definitely won’t find anyone for free.
>I know there are people looking to break into the community.
you underestimate how desirable kaigai idols are. especially if they’re broke like you are. save up for a decent producer or learn how to do it yourself.
It was bad this year. Almost all cosplayers and everyone looked sloppy. Emcees had no energy or charisma. I think it's being run by a different group of people now so that could explain the quality dip.
I think you meant overestimate but I completely agree. Most decent producers would never fully compose and master a song that someone else could profit on for free.

Save up and properly pay your producer.
>I am currently with a group but a few of us are breaking off. Won't say who don't even ask, but there are hints.
You know you could have just stopped after your questions, right? Nobody cares about your group that’s falling apart.

Anyway, agree with>>10936580, >>10936582, and >>10936618. To find a good producer, you need to narrow down the style you want, too.
What style are you looking for? Some producers are stronger at some styles than others and if you’re only picking by who will do underpaid or unpaid labor for you, you’re going to be disappointed.
Getting a listenable song for free is never going to happen. The cheapest you're going to get is someone on Fiverr from a country with comparatively low salaries. Quick search for Jpop producer comes up with a bunch of people from Indonesia willing to do fully produced songs for about $200 or less. I've seen people in the community use even cheaper Fiverr services and get decent outcomes.

Aside from the fact there are almost no producers that want to "break into" the overseas idol community, I'd be wary of anyone that actually wants to. What decent producer would set out to work with a community where 95% of people can barely sing? There isn't even any money in it, because the idols waste all of their budget on costumes/visuals and the music is only an afterthought. All the decent English speaking J-pop producers are working with Vtubers. Even though the pay isn't great and the average singing level is only slightly above overseas idols, at least they get some exposure because there is an actual audience for Vtubers.

If you want your group to have music that people genuinely want to listen to, you'll not only need a much bigger budget, but some serious chops as musicians/singers too.

And while I'm on the topic, a general reminder to the community: No amount of money in the world, no producer can make a shitty vocal performance sound good. Sure it can be improved to a certain degree, but not to the point where it actually sounds *good*. Don't bother recording until you know you can sing the hell out of it. I'm sick of hearing people sounding like dull zombies, please try to put some energy/excitement in your vocal recordings. Even if you're not a good singer, it makes all the difference.
this actually isn't true of most indie music scenes. the kaigai ido community is getting fleeced as far as i can tell. indie idols in japan and some idol vtubers often work with doujin groups that both treat the song like a collab. plus, if you have friends who have access to equipment they often let you use it for free. 99% of kaigai idols can't sing though or copy bad techniques so i agree that most wouldn't work with them for free.
Outside of charity work for a friend, no one is going to collaborate unless there is mutual benefit, but the average kaigai idol has absolutely nothing meaningful to offer. I wouldn't even consider this a music scene, there are almost no legitimate musicians, a few amateurs, and a whole sea of people who can't even be bothered to sing a song and just dance to other people's music. Decent singers are a dime a dozen in the world, and this is the last place you would look for them.

The vocals that most kaigai idols supply are even more painful to listen to than if you just used SynthV. So to collaborate with the average kaigai idol means to accept that whatever song you made is going to sound even worse than if you did it all yourself. You'd have to pay me a pretty hefty sum to waste 50+ hours of my time making a song for a stranger that you know they're going to ruin and won't even bring any exposure. So no I don't think that kaigai idols are getting "fleeced" at all by paying for their original music.

Musician collabs are mostly about connections anyhow. People who are friends or "friends of a friend", people who have gigged together, people that you've seen at local clubs, etc. If you want to make connections with musicians to collab with, the only way is to get your performance skills up to snuff, build a name for yourself, become a member of actual musician communities online or irl, network, then hope you get lucky.

As a wise man once said, "nothing from nothing leaves nothing".... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX2bE-OBtwk
>acting as if the average chika idol can sing
c’mon, be so fucking for real. it’s not like kaigai idols are uniquely poor singers in the realm of idol music. i think y’all are a little too k-pop brained when it comes to singers. notice how all of the big name kaigai idols and up-and-comers all have unique and distinctive voices.

hard agree that a low cost or free song would be based on connections. if you walk into it feeling entitled to a song or can’t contribute to it in some way, you probably won’t have a positive networking experience. piss off enough people and you can kiss your connections goodbye.

my advice is if anon really wants that low cost song, get good, be normal, and stop feeling entitled to skilled artist’s time for free.
Actually I do think they are uniquely poor singers, and I don't like K-pop for the record. A good singer to me is someone who is able to adapt to the song they are singing to make it enjoyable to listen to. You don't need much vocal technique to do this, just a sense of how to phrase the melody, awareness of what parts of your range are the strongest, an awareness of the genre you are singing, a moderate ability to match pitch and stay on time, and a little emotion. Most mediocre indie singers have at least the good sense to stick to a single genre that suits their abilities, meanwhile kaigai idols will be out there doing a cover of a song with a crazy funky bassline but singing it like they're in the school choir. The people that are getting too hung up on techniques they learned in theater class or only care about singing "in tune" are ironically the ones who need the most help. Just let go and feel the music, man. That's all anyone really needs.
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>Actually I do think they are uniquely poor singers, and I don't like K-pop for the record.
I’m the >>10936672 anon. This is correct and good advice, a lot of kaigai idols do sing very stiffly. You don’t have to be such a nerd about it. LMAO
>look at links
>man runs an idol event
>makes the event ending collab 2 Oshi No Ko songs
>social media break after a mid event
So does he actually like idol culture or is he just an anime fan? What’s his background? Who is he actually, outside of his social media and running 3 events? Can anyone from SoCal enlighten me?
He's an autistic narcissist with too much money on his hands. Was part of the board for TouhouCon in 2015. Before AMP, most of his background is from running Touhou gatherings at AX and at the park. He doesn't give a shit about idols, he's just obsessed with being a community "leader"
a collab would imply that both sides would benefit from the result. Please tell me how a producer would benefit from working with an unknown kaigai group for low to no pay.

And when something profitable is involved like an original song, it's only right to pay those who are involved. People get away with asking for free things in the utaite/vtuber scene but that normally involves trading skillsets or sometimes clout, which again, is a mutual benefit.
all this talk of poor singing and the one of the few idols with singing charisma posted that shes coming to nwif. everyone knows who i mean lol. maybe ill actually attend this time
I hope NWIF and Idol Party organizers keep gatekeeping hard and continue to bring high quality, good looking talent. I feel more inspired seeing beautiful idols than sloppy cosplayers.
I’m looking forward to NWIF for the same reasons. Both the lineup looks very good this year. It’s a real shame it’s the last NWIF. That event and Idol Party are run by the same company so I hope they keep the quality high with their future events.
i left halfway through because it was too goddamn long. saw later that there were 30 acts in the whole showcase. they need to give it back to the old organizers.

you should definitely tell her that she’s better than most of the plebs in this community irl. it will most certainly not weird her out or make her feel uncomfortable.
Like others said the absolute cheapest you can probable get something that is actually good and not a cringy awkward orisong is to hire someone on fiverr and to get a low effort jpop-y sound tell the composer to use the royal road progresson.

If you want to do something collaborative where everyone involved gets something out of it then you might want to join the utaite and chorus battle community.

Small indie idol groups in japan usually have a producer who makes all the music as the actual heart of the group, with the concept music and visuals generally being the producer's baby. Because they're producer-first, in more than a few of these groups the music can get pretty experimental and far removed from the standard colorful idol pop found in idol anime. There are self-produced groups but they usually have some skills in themselves to begin with such as lyric writing or choreography and they still have to work with or hire producers to make the tracks.

In the end yeah you have to be an objectively good singer to incentivize someone to work with you and your vision for cheap, or you have to be willing to adjust yourself to fit someone else's style if they're looking for vocalists willing to sing their songs.
I actually don't know, can you drop their social since it's public knowledge? Why even hide it if there's no drama involved?
i was talking about cherie ife . even tho she only has community stage she was splashed across numerous twitter and instagram profiles 2 days ago with heaps of support.so i thought most enthusiasts saw it lol
>even tho she only has community stage she was splashed across numerous twitter and instagram profiles 2 days ago with heaps of support so i thought most enthusiasts saw it
>saw a couple people reshare it on twitter and ig and assumed everyone knew
good god you’re weird
LA Idol Matsuri posted a feedback form for attendees. Who even thinks they’ll listen, considering the person who runs this event?

>must sign in to fill out the form
they’re collecting emails. these forms are supposed to be anonymous lmao.
The form IS anonymous, dingus. it says "Email not shared" at the top. The sign in requirement is to reduce duplicate entries. Every con survey I have filled in the last 5 years used the same feature.
dingus? what are you, a faggot?
Any advice for someone moving to midwest/IL soon? I'm from the southwest and there's a lot of great people, but I've also learned over time that some people/events are better to avoid either for poor organization or shitty behavior in the community.

I searched archives and followed some idols that were reccomended and the MIU to start! I'm mostly into alt-idols, I do a popup maid cafe here and sometimes dance, but I mostly want to wotakatsu. I find it tough to connect both irl and online but I want to make a better effort after I move. I'm just hoping to get a pulse on what to expect in terms of the idol and concafe community, so if anyone has anything else to share I would really appreciate it! ty
All the events are in Ohio.
I heard that HolMat applications went out this weekend. Anyone know who got rejected and who got accepted based on butthurt?

If there’s anything in Illinois, it will be in Chicago. Lots of cosidols and not a lot of wota or real idol culture in the Midwest. It’s dry out here. Most events are in Ohio like >>10937012 said or Rapid Steps event in Michigan.
as someone from Illinois I have never heard of a single Iowa event
I meant Ohio oops they sound similar to me. I’ll agree there’s not much of a wota community in Illinois however it’s prolly cause no one knows ab it desu someone has to start that community
Ohio and Iowa do not sound similar lmaoooo. Ohio has events all the time - between Ichigo Ro, Yumetopia, and Bitter Sweet, there's always something going on.
thanks anons
list every kaigai idol you know
Not a single good act got into Holmat, except maybe Illixcite.
not even phoebe?

berry being there will be interesting.

the cosplay groups are such a stark comparison. I hope they split up programming to have a kaigai idol block and cosplay dance block.
Berry burned every bridge she has in the Florida idol community. I'm surprised they let her in.
seems like we have 2 idols releasing their debut songs

Pengy - iirc shes one of the more talented former reso members
MSPaint Palette - anyone ever seen them perform? they did otakon this year but didnt get to go see it

Hard disagree, except Berry, I'm not a fan for the same reasons as everyone else.
Even the cosplay groups they let in are some of the more talented cosplay groups out there who aren't just doing LL/ProSeka.

Any thoughts on the NL acts this year? I'm looking forward to Haschen Madchen, Jelli, & Pengy. Illixcite is great but since I've seen them a bunch before like I know what to expect. Have no clue who the others are though
dont do my boy abner dirty like that. he's like the sinatra of the idol community & he's like such a little guy. he's super supportive of other idols in the community and his twt account has a lot of positive energy. seeing someone that doesn't fit the idol mold go and do something they love is also really inspiring. if thats not the idol spirit idk what is
I'm sorry but a middle aged man in a suit singing covers like frank Sinatra is not idol and doesn't belong in the space. Like go join a karaoke contest or something.
Who tf are scarletxmoon? How do these nobodies with no experience get into such a large event?
holiday matsuri clearly doesnt pick their performers well anon, we know that by now
you anons say that no matter what the line up is...like who are you expecting to see? There isn't really an abundance of great acts in this community.
>NL performers
I think they have a good selection of experienced and new idols. The quality of performers NWIF has historically chosen gives me hope that they’re all primo. I’m looking forward to Pengy the most for NL.

To be honest, looking forward to everyone on the lineup this year: guests, community stage, and NL. Solid choices all around.

Well, knowing they rejected Melancholiaah this year for starters tells me everything I need to know. It’s also ran by Nayo and San now who don’t know anything about idol culture. They pick their line-ups based on ~set list vibes~, which is not a good way to pick your performers imo.
idk if Holmat is really ready for a Melan show desu. setlist is something to consider for a show. ive met the people who run it and they seem to have idol culture knowledge. i dont think its right to perform in a show you staff but can't blame them either. i dont think id have the balls to reject Melan though in that scenario.
I think they've said before (nayo/san) that they aren't the ones who choose the final line up but who knows things change. In terms of Melan, I would say maybe they didn't want a repeat performance...but there's plenty of repeat acts. But also we might consider if there's a budget for our of state acts and any possible extra comp needed for them?? But that's just a theory. I really am not sure why they wouldn't accept the people most likely to give a good show. I think they still are wanting to focus on variety which includes stupid cosplay acts. If HolMat would focus more on original acts maybe they would fit more of them in and not worry about fandom pandering over actual skill and showmanship.
Pretty sure he said he wasn't applying this year? He's literally friends with those two.

Holmat used to cover hotel which made out of state acts inclined to apply since that's 1k easy in costs, but they didn't this year. Assuming it made a difference in who applied overall honestly.
It being not the same venue I'm sure deterred some people from applying. It's a shame to hear they also couldn't comp hotel this time. That was the best perk.
Krystal the co-founder of the con has the final say.

Melan is a rock male singer. to her, that isn't "idol." Idol is floofy skirts and sparkles. One time at the con was enough.
it makes perfect sense to perform at an event you staff at. you put in all the hard work to organize things, you should get to be on that stage too.
you all need to keep in mind that holmat idol fest isn't made for the kaigai idol community. it's made for the attendees of the con who by large are average anime fans/surface level idol fans who would know more about love live than any irl idol group.

the con could have better quality control over picking acts, but let's face it, does it REALLY matter? it's not a separate ticketed event and there's no cash prizes involved. people are going to watch it and be curious about it no matter who is performing because for most con attendees, they have no idea who any of these people are and are used to things at cons being cringe.
I'm sorry you didn't get in, Keira.
Really, anyone who knows Holmat knows that Krystal is the be-all end-all, and once you're on her blacklist, it's impossible to get off of it. I think if anyone's bitter about not getting in, you should think about if you've done something to piss the wrong people off. Or maybe your application is just bad. Some people try to coast in on their name alone.
Anyway, I would be surprised if Melancholiaaah applied in the first place. He posted something vague on Twitter that smells like a graduation announcement.
Keira? Really?
I can't imagine her being mad about not getting in because she's shared online about how overwhelming the experience was.
Keira Is a huge bitch who cries when she doesn’t get her way. Not surprised she is blacklisted.
These insults are sounding familiar. The strays are just plugging in names of idols they're threatened by huh?
Threatened by Keira? How can you be threatened by someone who never does anything? She`s pretty much inactive.
Yes, exactly ...so why is she being brought up out of nowhere?
She's releasing a new song, which would be her third, participated in idol fest, won metro voice, is conventionally attractive, has an objectively great voice, and a decent amount of support
Look who came crawling back to the community after having paranoid meltdown.
Y’all need to stop selfposting. PLEASE

>male rock singer
>reducing an idol who has been active as a “kaigai idol” before the term even existed to just “male rock singer”
Disappointing. This community still has a problem with men even when they’re trans and an active performer, huh?

Let’s be so ffr. Krystal is the Mikotan of Florida. Personally, I think she needs to hand it off to someone else at this point. This event used to be the biggest thing in this community but each year has been falling further behind the standard for large scale idol events. Running HolMat’s idol showcase like it’s still 2018 just isn’t going to cut it anymore when Idol Party LA, Otakon, and NWIF exist now with high quality organization and content. Events need to be leveling up too. Is the Florida community just doomed to spin our wheels?
Nobody cares about your group or your upcoming cover either.
I'm not Keira posting as her. I'm just a person with sense who enjoys her work and has met her a few times and thought she was all right.
I prefer real idols over cosplay dancers, but I think you and others are expecting too much from the con. At this point in the kaigai idol community, we have enough performers in certain areas where stand alone events can happen. That's where you should expect exciting and innovative things to happen. not at a con that grew so big ut has to be at a convention center. I myself haven't been able to perform at holmat idol fest, and still wish I could be up on that big stage, but it is what it is. Bringing Phoebe and Berry is enough to shake things up. I wonder why paida isn't there? She's expressed wanting to be at that con for years.
i wonder if this is just one last cover that was finished and then he’ll graduate from the group. it looks like iin finally removed him and q from their website too

this group reminds me stellure, but at least stellure were a group of children and had an excuse to be messy and have meltdowns, and not adults in the their mid-late 20s.

having phoebe and berry there are a step in the right direction. i noticed there seems to be a clout threshold for soloists but when it comes to groups anything goes. who has more clout than paida tho?

remember when florida had a yearly standalone idol event? remember how the community here took it for granted and now it’s becoming a big thing?
Hi cherry
it's not cherry, it's keira, no wait it's actually signals
Rapid Steps was pretty good. I hope this boosts the midwest community's growth. There seems to be a good amount of potential there.
Cherry is the only salty bitch that brings up her shitty standalone idol event
It won’t change the fact that the Florida community still lost their only indie event and that community is miles behind the rest of the US.

Agree. I wish there was more standing room. Did anyone go to Aden’s event or that cosplayer indie event that happened this weekend? The clips I saw today from Aden’s event looked good but couldn’t find any from the cosplayer event.
People can criticize the show, but the fact of the matter is that no one else has even tried to do anything similiar in Florida. So yeah, maybe Cherry IS the only one who cares because she's the only one who cares. People just care about conventions or just making social media content. I can't blame them because the audiences at cons are much bigger and there's less pressure hoping that people will show up.
nobody taking risks is why the florida community is so unappealing. dream stage was bringing quality acts. why are you are so fine with stagnation?
To be fair, it seems like half of those acts are inactive. What happened to auracle? I rarely see them around anymore and they have several decent original songs.

That's what confuses me about many kaigai idols. You spend so much on original music but you're not promoting them as much as possible and using that as a chance to get opportunities outside of the community? Do people just not care about making an actual name for themselves? Guess it really is just a hobby
A lot of people treat it like a hobby which is fine, but then go and tell people that idoling is just a hobby. For some people they actually want to travel and make a name but then others just complain that “why is it so competitive it’s just a hobby” not realizing it can hurt people who don’t want it as just a hobby
The biggest chance you have to make a name for yourself is if you went viral for something. A lot of the idols that put out decent stuff are adults with full time jobs and also have other things they have to prioritize. While I don't want to say it's impossible, it's very taxing to do idol stuff and do everything yourself, pay for it yourself (unless you have the skills already but then that's even more time you're dedicating to it). So Im not surprised that idols like auracle may not want to put in the extra effort if their songs aren't popping off. But also, they won't pop off unless you promote it correctly. Like they don't even have them promoted through a video on their channel to even be easily shared which is a big disappointment. Just assuming people will find and stream your music is not enough. Performing the song a few times in a live performance is not enough. In fact I'd argue that promoting online where people can easily discover you like TikTok, YouTube, etc is in some cases better than an isolated live performance where most of your audience already knows you or is just idols supporting idols.

Being able to dedicate full time helps a ton, like Berry has been able to not only use her vitality but now sees it as her full time job where she is constantly pumping out content the way we wish other idols would. (I understand the circumstances have kind of forced this upon her but she's taken the opportunity and is doing very well imo) Same for Paida I believe. When you don't have much going on in your life and you have enough support already, it's much easier to grow and remain motivated. So unless you're a lucky one, you probably won't do anything more beyond hobby level.
Not melancholiaah making his announcement sound and look like a graduation announcement but it's just a performance and new song announcement...were the dramatics really necessary
>Aden’s event
Here’s my review of it.
Aden has improved as a performer since going to Japan and it’s very impressive that they were able to draw so many people. They seemed exhausted at their meet and greet but that’s completely understandable.
Ms Paint Palette was a decent new act. She performed a new original and that was a pleasant surprise. I heard from another person that came that she was allegedly trying to shit stir at the meet and greet but I found that she was fine to talk to.
Pan has improved since I saw her over a year ago. Her crowd work is crazy. I had a pleasant experience talking to her at the meet and greet.
Sona Dira’s singing was fantastic. Her stage presence is great. She was also pleasant to talk to at the meet and greet.
Alex Pinku had great energy as always. I think watching her perform live is better than watching a video or listening to a recording of her. I ended up following her and Sona Dira’s duo after the show.
Overall, a solid lineup. Aden picked good.
It was easy to get to. Parking situation was meh but I don’t expect much from parking in Baltimore. The aesthetic of the venue was cool and set a great vibe. My biggest gripe is that was deathly hot in the building. Didn’t hear about anyone getting sick this time but these events really need AC.
>Final thoughts
Performers were solid, venue was cool looking but so hot. Would go again. I really think standalone events are the next wave for kaigai idol performances. I enjoyed being able to go and enjoy a show for $10, and then go home without having to deal with everything that comes with going to a convention.
I didn't understand the announcement. I thought he was saying that was his last time performing.
>I heard from another person that came that she was allegedly trying to shit stir at the meet and greet.
How did she try to stir shit?

It was confusing. It sounds like he’s implying he’s going to stop performing and that this will be his last single.
someone did that at Rapid Steps too
Apparently, she tried to bring up tired community drama to the other idols at the table to make one of them upset and they all shut her down. Why anyone would do that during a meet and greet is beyond me.

Do share. Who and how?
Virality is important and being consistent too. Personally,bI'd love to achieve the kind of small but mighty fanbase people like melan and phoebe have. Nonsweet as well although since they have management, I find it hard to compare myselves to them. While Phoebe and Melan aren't as "big" as paida or berry, they still have a lot of hype around them and their fans seem to really respect them. plus, they get to avoid getting less hare from randoms online.
*hate not hare gdi
Speaking of management, who are the major companies backing kaigai idols?
I know paida is under fake star, non sweet is seishun gakuen, I’ve seen Berry talk about “her manager” but I feel like I can’t remember where he’s from or who he is. Are there others to be aware of? Any holding auditions anytime soon?
That's everything. Unless shown proof through social media posts and such, most idols "managers" are usually a boyfriend and "teams" are family and friends.
Kaigai idols are mostly self run. If you want a team then ask for it basically
Her manager is her roommate who moonlights as her TikTok whiteknight. Her username is kristilattes.
It really shows how little yall know if you think there are any companies in the U.S. backing kaigai idols. Paida is the only one with Fake Star. Everyone else is doing it on their own. And not because they want to.
Rira, the one that performed in a wheelchair. She announced it was her graduation, but after a pause said she was changing her image color
On Berry's stream today, she said she wasn't interested in forming another group because there aren't any kaigai idols "on her level."
She also said her goal was to move to Japan and be in an idol group there. How is she, as a 30+ year old tattooed woman who speaks very little Japanese, going to compete in Japan with a 17 year old girl who's a native speaker? She's delusional. I keep trying to give her more chances, but she's literally delusional.
Other highlights from her stream: she wants to say yes to people cosplaying her but says no because of tRaUmA, hammering in the fact that no one can call her Berry-chan unless it's "IN NIHONGO", avoiding all questions about her past of being non-binary, still jobless and misses her maid cafe "job", claiming that she was the co-head maid of her maid cafe.
I'm starting to believe that she really is autistic. No normal person can reach these levels of weeb.
She also mentioned that the producer she works with in Japan was going to introduce her to Fruits Zipper.
as an actual pro singer not in the idol community this is how we view all of the kaigai idols. none of you can sing for shit and it's all just a kawaii entertainment factor, which is all idols are really. but no one who calls themselves a kaigai idol should be shitting on someone's singing since it is all mediocre at best.

Sure Jan
She's not wrong. How many girls in her area does she know able to not work a day job and devote their life to being a "full-time" idol?

She should try to live in Japan and seriously be an idol. There's no reason to not do it. If she fails, whatever.
If she wants to go for it, why not?
But she needs to realize any mainstream success attainable there will be fleeting. I wouldn't be surprised if she does something with Fruits Zipper- Beckii Cruel did some stuff with Sayumi Michishige back in the day.
Sure, maybe some day a western idol will become more than just a novelty in Japan, but why take that risk when you have a stable career here? Because if she leaves for Japan, when she comes back, her fans here will have moved on to something new.
sowwy i struck a nerve. your community is a joke.
Tf do you do anyways? 90% of pop singers nowadays don’t even get professional training either yet they make big bucks. What are you professionally trained in, choral singing? Classic? Who gives a fuck anyways. Don’t act like you’re better than an entire community because you’re “properly trained” nobody fucking cares. If you sound good you sound good and people wanna see a performance with semi good vocals, it’s entertainment
She's already too old to be an idol in Japan. She's only a big deal now because of the tiktok controversy boost she got last year. There are multiple talents who have been grinding the kaigai scene for longer and more enthusiastically than her. Isn't she getting a little big for her boots?
Unpopular opinion: I'm rooting for berry. She's got all the right ideas when it comes to being a kaigai idol. If she doesn't make it, I don't think anyone can. We all know you do not need to be the best at singing and dancing to make a name for yourself. You just have to show the passion for it and have the time and money/support. And even so, she HAS improved a ton already vocally and her dancing style is perfectly suited for j-pop.
You struck zero nerve. You just sound so corny I can't believe you.
Her fans will just continue to follow her journey in Japan as long as she documents it properly. Being in Japan gives her "street cred." If she ever returns to the U.S., not only would she be the idol who went viral for getting dunked on but she'd also be the idol who made some moves in Japan. The average surface level idol fan weeb will eat that up.
Her age and being a foreigner only matters to an idol producer who wants a foreign member in their group. Her competition isnt japanese teenagers, it's other foreigners who want to be idols. The competition isn't huge, but the opportunities for an idol producer to be open to that idea are kind of slim. Not impossible though. That, or she goes the self-produced route and uses a boyfriend/friend as a manager.

The thing is, the idol scene in Japan can get just as small and almost as cringey as in the states. Getting to be in an idol show isn't hard. The key is getting loyal fans to show up and stick around who can help you move up.

Berry can achieve loyal fans if she is able to communicate/captivate them enough. And yeah, these fans would typically be your average male wota guy. Taberu Gumi is an example of the hard work Berry would have to do if she wants to make any kind of footing. Or, she could be like Marmalade who does a show here or there at the same event series. If you do any kind of show in Japan, big or small, technically you are an idol in Japan.
Her age is the biggest hurdle, and it's the only thing she can't fix. Most idol auditions (including chika) will straight up reject you if you were born before 2002. If her goal is to be in an idol group, I just don't see that working out for her. She's too old to debut purely by industry standards. With the traditional route out of the question, she'd probably have to either marry her boyfriend or become an English teacher to get a visa.
I think it would be interesting if she tried, but the odds are stacked against her.
pink idols try to not compensate there lack of talent with gimmick challenge
What gimmick do they ever have other than cute, pink, genki, and here to make you feel insert-synonym-for-a-positive-emotion-here.
there costumes always have a weird gimick so you look at that instead of there awful dancing and singing

So Serena Songbird just tarded out and posted the Sakura Hana gun screenshots on Instagram. Thoughts?
None of her yapping made any sense, someone explain
She seems to be a barrel of drama
She just confirmed she's a toxic attention whore like everyone thought, bringing up years old drama that was already remedied
People pay attention to her?
sakura hana just rejoined IIN server. what the hell is happening? she even put in her introduction “you may remember me as sakura hana,” unfortunately we cannot forget.
Hi Serena
Who tf is Sakura Hana and what tf did she do
what do idols have to do to get you to care about the good ones. it seems like you're only interested in the fat, ugly and mentally ill ones.
i have my own opinions about serena, but no, i’m just someone who’s been here since sakura *was* sakura, like 2018/19, so i’ve seen all of the shit she’s done and pulled IIN staff JUMPED to be the first/only ones to reply to her messages but i thought she was banned from the server? idk what’s going on i’m just curious if anyone else does but frankly hope she stays out of the comm. for good (and serena while we’re on the topic. she’s always given me rancid vibes)
If you have a problem then bring it up with the staff instead of complaining here about what someone did when they were a MINOR.
Exactly. People complain about kaigai idols being cringe yet only focus on the fat autistic ones.
Anyone catch day 1 of NWIF? Any standout acts?
I'm pretty new to the idol community, so idk if these are "good" opinions, but I really enjoyed Pengy's performance. She's cute, sings well, and has some catchy songs. Highlight of yesterday for me. I also thought Pastel Roulette's little wheel and their chants made it easy to have fun. In terms of the community stage, that Alex from FLARE has some pretty good movement.

That's about all that stood out to me yesterday, but I didn't hit up every event. Anything in particular I should take a look at today?
Shut the fuck up Serena and go back to being retarded and annoying on Instagram.
That response was too mature to be Serena bfr
i am around the same age as sakura, and joined the comm when i was 14, and i wasn’t going around being openly bigoted and lying on the internet for “clout” and because i’m too drama hungry to think straight when i was a kid. people can do fucked up stuff when they’re underage and be held accountable for it whether they were a *MINOR* or not, especially if their behavior has not changed. being under 18 does not justify being a piece of shit and then getting away with it without consequences.

also yeah i’ll continue to bitch and whine about freaks in the community on this board lmao nice try though!
Given what I’ve back read about Sakura and IIN, it also doesn’t give an excuse to threaten to harm a minor using a firearm. Both are cringe.
Like I said if you want this person gone then bring it up with the staff otherwise it looks like she’s here to stay and you’ll just have to deal with it. Complaining on here won’t make her go away.
Honestly I feel like Sakura coming back into IIN is more of a "hey the drama is dead" kind of move and also wanting to give her another chance to grow and redeem herself. Which the mods did NOT need to do but it shows maturity and (for lack of a better word) grace on their part. Everyone makes mistakes and has the occasional lack of judgment. It's only fair that both sides involved remain forgiving so the screenshots hold less weight. Cause every jealous toxic bitch seems to keep getting their hands on it.
Hi Ru
Both sides already took accountability for their mistakes. What's even more cringe is Serena bringing up the shots, using Sakura as further ammo and putting out he private information, and then proceeds to say it was a "moral issue" when the drama has already been solved between both parties AND publicly. At that point you're on no moral high ground. You just want to stir up dead drama.
Sorry I'm just actually smart. Sure you're not used to it.
What’s worse is that Sakura and Serena aren’t even friends anymore. This means Sakura couldn’t consent to those screenshots being shared and probably was unaware that it happened.

Sharing shit without consent is fucked up imo.
if it is *Ruu, then hey, cool decision and I don't see a problem with it.
Lmfao if you’re gonna accuse an anon of being someone at least learn how to spell the person’s name right
ayrt - agreed, fair enough

good point, i guess ive just got a lot of pent up feelings against her from shit she did back in the day and she has forever left a horrible taste in my mouth because of it. my bad bringing personal shit to the boards

serena is a fucking wild card to me dude she is so drama hungry and constantly looking for a way to get attention, positive or otherwise
I mean you can always block her if you hate her
at nwif and went to cheries concert.thought i saw idol shikkaku watching in the crowd. she confirmed that it was them on x. i really think she was too good for community stage.lol especially if the japanese idols came to see her
I love the schizoposting in the idol forum.
How is the layout of the con? There's a community stage and a main stage?

I think she could have gotten main stage if she had performance footage of herself online at the time she applied. Her music is great, and she's super pretty but that doesn't automatically guarantee she'll be good live. But maybe she included some live video in her application? No idea how apps work fofr that con.
Literally every single idol at NWIF is outdoing Berry. She's still lipsyncing some of her set. It's embarrassing. I get that we all have to feel bad for her for the Sorb3t thing or whatever, but it's time to start holding her to a higher standard. If she wants to be a full-time idol, she has to start acting like one. I haven't even seen her in any other idol's crowd.
thats rude. cherie said she literally fainted from exhaustion on the way to nwif, and i still saw her at most of the concerts on friday looking beat. thats the difference between an actual idol and an influencer that got popular because of a fluke.why is her ego so big?
deep down berry is very insecure. her autism masking just makes her seem like she has a big ego. she probably has the right idea that not many people who are actually involved heavily in the community like her.
Berry is going to take her stab at “”fame”” in Japan and eventually fade into obscurity or sex work like every other white girl that goes to Japan. Let nature run its course.
I hope that doesn't happen to her, but I could imagine her graduating in a couple of years and she moves onto a different community/fandom. At the independent level, to have longevity, you really need to have a passion for music itself. You see this with the standouts in the community.
Idk what you mean? I've already seen a ton of improvement from her. Before she could barely hold a note and now she can do performances singing all the way through a song sounding pretty stable. She may be behind other idols in terms of performance ability, but that doesn't mean she isn't working hard and improving at her own pace. Just because other people can handle more doesn't mean she's not trying or making her own efforts. Its ignorant as hell to even suggest that and compare her to others in the community when everyone's different. This goes for all idols. You can have your opinions on who you think deserves a stage spot, but to insinuate that she doesn't work hard or isn't improving or trying is crazy shit.
The bar is so low lol She may be improving from being tone deaf , but shes not humble enough to see her own mediocrity and privilege like most of these wannabe idols. Meeting fruits zipper or being signed to Fake Star sorry Paida, are routes to nowhere. Only the smart ones see it and are self aware enough not to gloat online or act like theyre better than everyone else. Berry doesnt seem like one of the bright ones. Im not impressed with that bunmira chick either, so shes not the only silly influencer that needs a reality check.
I would give her more grace if this wasn't, supposedly, her full-time job. She's improving at a pace that would be considered good for a part-time idol. You're right, she can now sing all the way through ONE song sounding somewhat stable, but if it's her full-time job, how is she not able to sing two or three songs? This is all she's supposed to be focusing on. I know her age might hinder her, but it's not like she's getting brand deals or constantly pumping out YouTube content. She seems to occasionally partner with a small business, she posts the same few sob stories on TikTok, and she hasn't released any new music aside from Waku Waku Dreaming. If she's full-time, what is she spending all of that time on?
I think she would have a lot more support if she bothered to show up for anyone in the community. I haven't seen her cheering on anyone except for Alice, Bunmira, and Paida.
I don't think you understand how long it can take to truly get growth. It can take months to visibly see growth, especially when it comes to stamina. And she has already talked about how her new music is coming soon and she's been working on it.
Nobody in this community needs to be expected to publicly support people. There's many idols that don't and only show out for people they're super close to. That's not a weird thing. She just started working solo. You just want to hate. If she doesn't meet your standards, that's fine. But don't discredit an idol just because YOU expect more. She doesn't owe anyone shit.
Calm down Kristine, just because she got dumped by her Japanese boyfriend doesn't meant she's gonna fuck you lol
Jokes aside, I'm not here to fight with you anon, I'm here to share facts. She's trying to be an idol in Japan, and there are idols over there who improve way faster than she has. It's not even about the improvement itself, it's her attitude about it. How she acts like no one's on her level when there are people local to her who have far surpassed her. She's not even bad, she's just average and acting like she's on another level because she went to Japan once. Attitude is everything. She acts like she has a big ego, and it makes idol fans not want to support her. The fact is that this is supposed to be her career, and the most significant thing she's done is talk about how she was gonna kill herself on TikTok.
>She doesn't owe anyone shit.
No one in this community owes shit to anyone. Being a nice person means doing things because you want to, not because you have to or because you "owe" someone. /berryshit
All that aside, it has been really sweet to see most of the other idols coming out and supporting each other. Nothing warms the heart like seeing an idol in the crowd shaking a penlight like their life depends on it. An event like this really makes it feel like a whole community.
Shes too boring to hate. all were saying is shes going to get left behind. Its obvious to anybody with half a brain and even more obvious to people that understand the music industry. She doesnt have that it factor and thats okay. there are people that do this as a hobby all the time for fun. but if shes going live and saying that nobodys on her level, shes delusional. she also doesnt have any skills that could carry into her getting older so she needs to be more realistic, but her head is in the clouds. right now its just a bet to see how long it takes before she gets tired.
I'm pretty sure she just means "level" in terms of, can dedicate the same amount of time, effort and end goals. This is her only form of work. Of course no one else is on that level to dedicate the time to it cause of obvious circumstances. Now if she was saying in terms of talent or skill, that would be silly. But I highly doubt that's the case.
I can name dozens of idols that have the same amount of time she has and they do way more with it, so the statement would still be false.thats also what makes her mediocrity more obvious. she needs a pr team or something
Being signed to fake star aren't routes to nowhere. Come on. Paida has gotten some cool gigs through that. The problem is that no one has seen a kaigai idol "make it" but that doesn't mean that new milestones can be reached and interesting things can't happen.
they can't. there's nothing to "make". idols in japan are considered lowest on the rung of performers so kaigai idols are even lower and even more lame.
This argument can go in circles here lol. A kaigai idol isn't much different than any other content creator online. If the person is interesting enough, they can gather enough loyal fans to fund projects through their support and monetizing their conteny. But yeah, if you just don't like idols or are quick to call everything cringe then yeah you're gonna think it's stupid as fuck. Although.... in many cases, sometimes the biggest haters are the ones who secretly love it but won't be willing to admit it. Otherwise, why look at stuff and pay attention to things that you don't like? If it makes you feel "better" about yourself, then clearly your self esteem is already in thr dumps which makes you an even bigger loser. People are happy making friends and chasing dreams and you're miserable, probably a moid too.
if youre signed to a label and all you can book is anime cons, film low budget MVs, make an appearance on gimmicky foreigner in Japan show that any weeb with a dream can appear on, and be opening act for ladybeard who is mostly considered a joke in Japan…. i think it’s time to break the contract. Paida isn’t getting any younger and shes probably not making a living off this.yet all these fake star gigs are things she couldve landed without their help. hopefully their cut of her revenue isnt too large but lol theyre not doing shit for her that an independent idol cant do on their own.and it could be because they feel shes not worthy of a full investment but thats a whole different conversation
But that's what that label does: book at anime conventions and do tours. She got a cool spot at anime expo's night music club events and she performed with demondice, which resulted in their fans mass supporting her ko-fi fundraiser. Paida could get a tour deal with them eventually. The label is indie so obvious there's not gonna be much budget for music videos. As far as being Japanese TV goes, that connection probably didn't come through the label. Yeah she's not getting any younger, she's maturing and understanding her brand more, growing as an artist, and gaining more wisdom to become a stronger smarter person overall. you people that just want people to quit are such losers. quitting does no service to anyone. there's no reason to quit anything unless your life is at risk, physically and mentally.
Youre missing the part where these are all things she could do on her own and other people have done on their own with even less of a following. except being with a label theyre taking a chunk of her $$$$. rub two brain cells together and its easy to see its a shit deal. shes actually making less progress than what Ive seen from other underground idols that arent signed. idol enthusiasts need to start looking into other forms of music because you have no concept of just how comedic this all looks.Berry and other girls included. fingers crossed that they all have good back-up plans.And I really do love idols but you all are airheads sometimes lol
Anyone have positive reactions or clips from NWIF? Any standouts? Pleasant surprises? Promising new faces?
Paida isn’t sellable as an overweight older black woman singing jpop, especially not in Japan. Even if they wanted to do something with her, they dont have many options. I don’t agree with it but thats the cold hard truth of the industry. She’s lucky shes getting the crumbs shes getting now but I agree that being with fake star is pointless.
They announced at nwif that there would be more vtubers in the future. Since we’re on the topic of idol careers being a route to nowhere, this is relevant. Im sure this means irl idols slowly wont be priority anymore…..there’s more money in vtubing.
I think Paida COULD blow up if she embraced the jpop/rnb crossover style she did a few times that went viral well outside of the idol community. THAT had potential for wider appeal, even in japan because there is a sizable subculture that follows rnb/hip hop music from black american artists there.
However she's made it very clear she's banking on her wacky high energy alien girl persona that she loves and isn't interested in slower songs. It's low key a shame because those few cover tracks really showcased how wonderful her vocals can be with the right song.
No shade to Berry but I saw a huge amount of varied acts at NWIF and she was literally the only one (that I at least noticed) lipsyncing. It doesn't matter how bright and big she is if she can't carry a show all the way through on live merit. There were lines going outside of the room to do meet and greets with much smaller acts than her because their performances were so much more real.
I find it honestly insulting that much more talented people got relegated to the community stage like Bunny Kaisui, Jenni, Rosie, Cherie etcwhile she is on main stage lip syncing. Not to mention the experience those performers have on her. I guess the issue is she’s viral and they’re not but it’s still frustrating to see. Even her friend Alice sung some songs live and sounded better than her, and it seems they have the same level of experience.
In the end (correct me if I'm wrong) she only really showed up to Non Sweet's show. She sat at the very back and left partway into Phoebe's first song so she didn't even stay for the whole thing. I saw idols connecting with each other and supporting each other all weekend, and then there was just her on the sidelines. Is she ostracized or does she keep distant herself? It's hard to tell.
With how you bitches talk about each other, I don’t blame her for keeping a distance.
She's ostracized, but people are really turned off when they try to talk to her as a peer and they get the same fake voice/act that she puts on TikTok. She can only blame it on the autism for so long before people give up.
Agreed. These acts were my favorite shows next to the main stage shows I saw, and some of the most skilled performers there. Martha was also very skilled but their show felt a bit long, which may have just been because I didn’t know many of the songs.

Berry seemed fine on stage, and has good expression but I found myself really bored throughout it. I would have liked to see much more dancing if she was going with prerecorded tracks, at least.
Alice’s show was a nice debut and I think both her and Berry are growing at the same pace, so I do think Berry would get a bit more credit if she wasn’t prematurely billed as a guest.
How did Phoebe do this year? Couldn't make it out but I saw some fun looking clips from one of her sets.
This doesn't add up cause she mentioned how she tried to see as many shows as she could and also has a bunch of TikToks with the other idols there.
were in the wrong even though its her going live and claiming shes better than everyone else?OKAY lol
im not surprised she latches on to non sweet or bunmira.she sees the following count and thats the only thing that probably matters to her.its what she can get out of a person, but its a pointless strategy when youre an idol since the clout itself has next to zero merit.
didnt see her at any concerts either. if she has TikToks its because she filmed them last minute in the vendor area. in that area she only tried to socialize with a select 2-3 people (bunmira, etc.) and some girl who was running a sales booth?she mostly avoided the other acts unless they approached her.
i dont watch her on tiktok but if shes out there lying then KEK.i think most of the acts can attest to her not being present. we should ask them.
Berry actually really did talk and socialize with other idols. Just not always publicly. It was her first time meeting a lot of them, she was just also busy and tired like literally everyone there. And I also wouldnt want to show up at a bunch of events if I knew everyone was watching my behavior like a hawk like you all seem to be doing. Let her live.

She also only lip synched one very short intro song and sang the rest of her set live?
I just messaged 3 of the more talented idols about whether or not they interacted with Berry and they all said no. Waiting on other answers. It’s time to stop fibbing because people will tell the truth outside of this thread. Get off 4chan and focus on not singing off key or something. This will all be forgotten about in a few days anyway. Interest in your piss poor attitude has a short shelf life, just like your “”career””.
For real. Imagine the amount of pressure one feels to not make any wrong move in a public setting because of people like this. I wouldn't want to show up at all.
shes kind of the only one getting heat because she’s not very humble lol the rest of roster probably has some kind of autism too but they were all very down to earth.its a safe environment if you dont come off as a bitch. nothing scary about that.
Im sorry are ppl not suppose to take it the wrong way when she says other idols arent on her level
Who did you message?
Amanda and friends was really fun, I loved her background dancers and I believe they both do solo stuff too and the berry Amanda duets were super cute, having separate cheki options with each of the members was a really good idea desu I ended up buying signed merch

Berrys concert was super cute the end collab was great, NS collab event was super fun too, I wish they had a big group song together though
NL was also really great and everyone was super strong vocally and performance wise, rise and grind was super catchy and pastel roulette had super cute and unique costumes
Overall all of the nwif performers were solid and it was a real good time
Phoebe is always a pleasure but her cover show was so creative and lovely, pan and Alice were also great
Phoebe's first show was really unique. She'd never done anything quite that narrative focused before and it let her show off some of her acting side. The voiceover stuff was a little corny but I appreciated she was looking to push the envelope in terms of presentation. Some parts of it felt a little more vulnerable compared to normal, so it made her show a little bit more special than her usual stuff.
I think you all are confused on what a label is.

Fake star is not a music label. They don't release music. They are simply a booking and touring company. That's it. They put together shows. They don't own the rights to Paida's music lmfao. A simple look at their social media shows that.
Can anyone post a clip of her saying that? I think some of you all are overreacting and yes I'm too lazy to dig for it myself kek
nobody said anything about her music.its obvious they are talking about the percentage skimmed off ticket sales and merchandise sales at those concerts…… or lack thereof since they can mostly only get her shitty guest appearances at cons.point still stands. she can do this herself.
TikTok doesn't save stream archives. Best thing I can do is that it was around this >>10938242 time, and the question was "Would you ever consider forming another group?"
anyone listen to the new nibiru yet
Lots of idols released music recently. Wonder where the anon who does news recaps is.
Start sharing your opinions and maybe conversation will start

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