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was doing a little scheme on what i want (and whats plausible for me) to cosplay as in the next comicon (in Lithuania, baby!!!). wondering wada ya think on this? any advice on how to get some of the harder-to-get costumes or sources where people usually get their stuff? PS its gonna be my first time
If you wanted to do Lain but don't want to crossdress, just do her bear costume outfit
Stop crossdressing, you actual faggot.
On whose authority, actual faggot?

t. Crossplay thread OP
Where is your father
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Well, since you asked, this is literally me >>10932636
Cruelty squad is based
My friend you will never be the cute anime girl you like to post in this thread
>K.On Skank
Kiragumi mask would be better, burner guitars are cheap enough 100 if you know where to look for les pauls, those rounded fender bodies are cheaper. Use Reverb.
Wholesale like 250 skank.
>Diskworld Skank
Light purple morphsuits are like 40$ so not bad. Then just minor foam work or even HTV if you want a flat look. Then just fingerless gloves. You can make the glasses out of lamp tint sheets if you wanted. Temp hair dye is cheap this time of year.
Wholesale like 90$ skank.
>Rock pushing skank
There's a PEP file to make the HEV suit out of foam for like 25$.
Besides that it's glasses frames and a foam crowbar off amazon. Given the HEV suit is full body discounting undersuit stuff I'd put this at a like 120$ skank built depending on your paint sources.
>Meth Skank
Halloween hazard suits are chepa right now, vent masks are about the same cost. AND you can get a walter mask to boot. Like 100-120 skank like gordon.
>Gen-X skank
Easy, lower budget if you thrift. Played out like Nervana.
50$ skank.
>Internet skank
See above.
>PBS funded skank
Do it you'll get laid. Thrift for the suit bits. Making the head is easier then you think. Highest cost would be faux fur sourcing. Gonna put that in a 80-90$ skank range.
>Skank snkank
Okay well first to get into a con you'd need a hairy naked morph suit so that's already like 60-100$. Thongs are expensive. Dog masks are like 20$ on amazon.
Gonna call this a 180$ skank.
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Ok. What of it?
Its a sad dream. A larp within a larp. You need to find Dad. Maybe he left for milk but I am sure you can track him down.
Rock that Cruelty Squad lock, we need more fucked up detached losers with a corporate mindset in the world.

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