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made sausages
Is your plant good at chess?
>denver broncos vs. england
>yet another episode of Stewart the leech and his nigbull
Let's be real, it's all his parents stuff and he just lives there.
ah the brown n serve classic
Wagie, wagie, get in cagie,
Boss needs help! Don't be lazy!
Zero breaks will make you crazy?
I'll tell the guards to get their tazie.
Need to get those new iPhones,
Gotta pay those student loans.
Work your fingers to the bone,
Bosses need vacation homes.
Don't trust unions, vote in pairs,
By all of boss's consumer wares.
We'll stay seated in our chairs,
And make our bosses millionaires.
Love your work! Love the pain!
Feel the life drain from your brain.
Think of all you have to gain,
As your dreams go down the drain.
Come on wagie, join the crew,
Don't you want your wages too?
And if the bossman makes you blue,
You deserve it. You're a tool.
Weekend comes round after ages,
You can come collect your wages.
Throw your parties! Have your rages!
Then get back into your cages.
so what you're saying is that you're not going to eat those, but cram them and then let the dog fuck your butthole?
He’s an only child. It’s all going to be his soon.
I personally work in the national park system. I get to chill in the most beautiful places in the US while this dude eats Walmart brand links with his shitbull nigger dog.
How did you get that job?
blowjobs and anal STD's
Your tv has a weird aspect ratio
is that 4:3 like the 1950s?
this nigga gonna get missing 411'd
that's clearly AI
You never posted your mom like you said you would, Stewart. Does she have those flabby lunch lady arms?
There are several mommy stewie pics
Are you a muslism ? Your room looks very muslimy.
>having a dog
You are not very smart
Didn't see him with that al qaeda camo carpet.
what the fuck is a muslimy
Those kinds of oriental rugs are common in east euope and russia too
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nice blogpost, faggot. nobody gives a fuck about your sausages, your nigger dog, or what kind of gay sport you're watching on TV.
Did you photoshop the tv? Something is off about the size
Gross. Looks like a man hand though. Why do they shit up this board with these threads?
Looks good Steward.
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usfs here
hello fellow forest janny
God that looks beautiful
Jerk off in the woods
The only sausages in this picture are wearing England shirts.
Who the fuck cares?
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It is very nice here
I have seen enough people that don't know I'm watching them that I am too paranoid to do anything embarrassing out there when I think I'm alone
I don't think that's a pit. I also wont be mad if you fall down a mountain, get hit by lightning, or some other gay forest fag shit while you're jerkin' off to mother nature. Let the man enjoy his weens n dog. Loser.
you have soft feminine hands, looked like you never worked a day in your life
This. If you dont work a construction job for $30/hr and wind up with joint pain and a bad back when youre 50 then you are literally gay.
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Those aren't brown and serves. Those look like Johnsonville breakfast links or Bob Evans.
Post mommy!
how do you get into this field, i would love to be a in the national park industry
i was thinking that.
Those sausages look shitty but your carpet is very nice
what carpet? the floor is tiled.
in the west "muslim" is basically saying "i observe ramadan once a year when I go to my parents house, but i still smoke, drink and own a dog"
"Im a christian"
>goes to church twice, once at being christened and once they die
people do it everywhere in the west.
>I'm Korean
>i was born and raised in the US, ive never been to korea, i cant speak korean and i only eat korean food once a year when I spend New Year's at my grandparent's house
>I'm 100% Korean though!!!!1
Someone post the Josh Luna comics
oh you're a field slave then
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Yeah but his parents are multimillionaires and own homes in the US and Italy. Stewart is set for life.
You can't do that anymore, tom cruise pops out from behind a tree and says "continue"
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I went to forestry school but you don't have to, the Forest Service has lots of jobs you don't need a degree for, you just have to know you will need to move around and change jobs or you'll be stuck in a dead end position. That said the FS pays shit and has a bad work environment, but you get good benefits once you're not a seasonal employee and you get to work in cool places.
thanks :)
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keep telling yourself that
Her mother is an ugly leathery whore and her dad left years ago.
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why? what are they doing there? sucking off each others dicks in secret? kek
Nice, how many were for the dog? Also I like watching the matches on Spanish channels because I like hearing the guy say “gol”

Wow very cool, I’d love to do that kind of thing but I have a largely irrational fear that I’ll be attacked by a bear or puma.
if not larping then seriously answer this: for what purpose?
Give me a rundown on this "Stewart" and his story. I'm interested.
You fucking CUNT. I'd marry his mother. I'd marry her so hard. I'd marry her again and again and again. I'd marry her in her face. I'd marry her in her vagina. I'd marry her in her anus. I'd shoot marriage juice all over her breasts. The marriage stick would never get tired
i didn't want anons thinking i don't have a tv
>a largely irrational fear that I’ll be attacked by a bear or puma
Bear and mountain lion attacks are exceedingly rare, but I have been attacked by a moose. And bees on many occasions.
You watched todays games?
They're only rare when averaged out for the entire population, which includes all the city rats that never go in a woods.
On a per-encounter basis, you're actually safer around african american's than bears or mountain lions, believe it or not.
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It just a guy and his dog. He would post various pictures with his food, alongside with the pitbull. One had a picture of his mom.

He one of those uppity rich people. In one of his picture he's eating pizza, and the name "stewart" was visible on the box. He denied that it's his name, citing it's the pizza parlor but it just stuck.
>machine made rug
>uppity rich people
Stewie is middle class
>On a per-encounter basis, you're actually safer around african american's than bears or mountain lions, believe it or not.
i don't believe it
He isn't rich, his parents have money and he is just a sponge absorbing their lifetime of effort offering nothing in return save pictures of a nigbull or his poorly made Walmart food.
Love the energy your threads generate.
Black bears only kill a person every year or two on average and less than 30 people have been killed by mountain lions in recorded history. Every bear I've seen has run away immediately or just not cared about me, and 99% of of the unknown thousands of people who see bears every year have the same experience, and you never really even know if a cat is watching you. So you're full of it mister
>in recorded history
Makes you think about all that goes off the record. David is onto you.
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I have the secret bigfoot/alium/tunnel jew/robot grandma files and no one's gonna get them from me
Why does Stewart come here to be made fun of and humiliated over and over?
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David's well ahead of you
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I mean you guys can have a lil peek I guess
Wtf? You don't have permission to post this, not untill the new missing 412 docco is out.
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wtf is that real
do you sing that for the women (female) you meet?
oh wait hahahahahaha
cool cat
wtf is that real
Repost pls I wanna see
fallout 2 reference
>when youre 50 then you are literally gay
Try 35 sissy boy, I'm on enough pain killers to kill a small child and I still need two hours to get out of bed least I'm not a faggot though.
lmao what a cuck
Just imagine the Crypt Keeper in a wig.
lookup the archives
Are you retarded? that's not a pitbull, looks like a staffy mix.
I'm so pale you can almost see my organs through the skin

t. countess bathory descendant
So is every "post what you cooked" thread just a way for redditors to save pics for farming karma later? The last few threads have all been the OP acting like a faggot and people dogpiling them.
apologies for being whiter than you.
Staffys are in the shitbull family.
most dogs are since pitbulls are a mixed breed, OP's dog looks like a harmless staffordshire terrier.

i don't think you've ever seen a pitbull if you disagree.
Moron. Why lie about shitbulls? Everyone can look this stuff up.
>While the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is an AKC recognized breed, with a detailed breed standard, the Pit Bull isn’t technically a breed unto itself or recognized with a breed standard with a kennel club registry. Rather, it’s basically a catch-all term for many of the so-called bully breeds such as the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bully, American Bulldog, and even the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.
okay so you're saying that shortnosed micro dog in OP is the same as pic related?
yeah why the fuck does OP have a chess set there? it's not playable with that plant there. I guess OP wants to impress guests. He should also get a guitar to put on display
Yes. They’re both bully breeds.
So OP's dog isnt a pitbull as you've admitted but it's a bully breed therefor it's trash? go die

if you're white you can tame anything since we have a good relationship with nature. i had an irish wolfhound x pitbull mix and I'm willing to bet you'd shit your pants if you saw him.
can Americans really identify sausages by sight?
It's all good until
after a toddler loses an arm from the snap decision of a violent breed. i don't care that chihuahuas are more violent, they're a shit breed but without the power
>the Pit Bull isn’t technically a breed

>Rather, it’s basically a catch-all term for many of the so-called bully breeds such
as the American Staffordshire Terrier,

Can you read?
Can you read?
dunno, i am really drubk
You look disgusting lol
you must be naturally pretty dumb if you think that's a pic of the nigbull lover
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Who is this semen demon?
That's a nice rug
it that ties the room together
Fuck off Stewart. Also, you dog fuck you mom.
Kek. Imagine being so butthurt and caring about a silly dog or stupid peoples stupid children. You're like the fat obnoxious bull dyke "pitbull mom" people. You do realize that, yeah? Just as vocal and vapid.
This is awesome. Can you show me more?
sorry, no
it’s way too big
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Look at this niggas hand
You will have to wait for David's new kino.
It's a big room.
Why is your t.v so narrow? Did you squish the pic to hide how fat your hand is?
>staffies are pitbulls
t. person with zero real world experience
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>shitbull owners deliberately subverting the issue and pretending they are staffies
how is this thread still up, I haven't been on 4chud since thursday
You mom has a nice house and nice things, I hope your loser neet ass takes good care of her things.
tough monday, huh?
Nope, I just don't like leeches.
i'll let her know~ thanks! :)
Thank you for relaying my message the only successful human around you.
Bumping for seething
This tv is wall mounted. Also I have a 55" TV and I eat Wawa every morning.
Also I have TWO Xboxs.
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I bought coffee.
your walls need some artwork on them
you just fried processed packaged food you dumb fucking loser.
making more sausages
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have you heard about moving stuff
>watching the slurper
already a goal in the other
yeah I changed it just in time, france looks so grim
dis a acapulco replica?
idk what that is
acapulco chair
ohhh, yeah idk my gf ordered it and she's mexican so maybe
Long ass feet lol but gorgeous home anon
yes, but I won't entertain that idea until the OP posts a picture with the plant (or chess set) in a different location
kek 10/10 ending
plants can't walk
why do you say that like you work in more than 1 park
I lurk this board quite a bit but somehow missed this Stewart bullshit..

the fuck is going on in this thread
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He’s a trust fund kid with very wealthy parents and a miniature pit bull service dog. He makes these weird blogs for attention. He causes poorfags to seethe when he posts pics of the luxurious living standards his parents provide for him. Also he’s probably gay based on his attire, demeanor, and the twinks he is often with while he gets drunk and posts pics.
no idea I made one sausage post, fucked off for a few days and forgot about it until yesterday when I made another thread >>20617041 and noticed this one was still up with +100 replies
Kek so fucking stupid
It's great that even a calm, helpful, explaining anons post drips with so much contempt & butthurt for the guy. I truly don't get it.
>I truly don't get it
Seems like the guy shares way too much cringe personal information on an anonymous Vietnamese eyebrow threading forum and then gets mad when anons give him shit for the information he chose to divulge. Like no one would be able to make such personal insults if he had not chosen to make such revealing posts on an anonymous forum.
You're fucking retarded. We have a chess set we keep on an old record player when we don't use it. Why keep the table out in the middle of the room at all times?
>imagine caring about children or other innocent people getting attacked by a violent breed of dog
>ha! What kind of cuck cares if their dog kills people? What a pansy!

You're a sociopath so your mentally ill opinion is worthless to real society.
top lel I need this
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That TV looks fucking TATE mode.
lmao anons are the ones seething at him just for existing
But his parents are wealthier than ME!
I must seethe!
I think it's more in mockery that he has a nice house and clear free time but what he does is make terrible food just so he can post pictures of his TV. Also that his house looks like the set of a 2000's sit com.
what about this house screams rich to you guys??
holy shit that gif is actually 90 min long
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American upper middle class houses look like this
>he has a nice house
It's his parents house, the only thing that's his is the nigbull.
Post mommy pls
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He has a nice residence I suppose then, it's more modern than mine but I wouldn't trade it for a second. Also I'm glad to know the feeling of this being mine from my own efforts.
nobody cares about you lol this thread is about Stewart and his mommy
here's a thought. put the chess set in its box and away on a shelf or in a closet.
oh right, you never play chess. you just want it on display so you can remind yourself just how smart you are.
How's it going in California
Plenty of dogs kill/maul people from all sorts of breeds. t. Mom & Dad veterinarians and my whole childhood was animals and rescues and bullshit.

Why not go cry about guns or poverty or war or malaria? You people just like to make pitbulls your personality, just like the fat bitch dog mommies. You're two sides of the same turd coin.
I guess fair point. I just keep on trucking. Hes not hurting anyone, lol. It says more about the people raging than him.
Are those lil berries grapes? Cuuuute dog. Place looks nice, congrats.

Go play with German Sheppards in shitty Mexican neighborhoods. They love em and they raise them like shit. They'll take your face off real fast.

Or Rottweiler/Lab mixed shit on any reservation. They seem to love those and they'll do the same. Shit dogs are shit dogs, boss. Shit people get shit dogs and have shit kids who get eaten and turned into shit by said shit dogs. The world keeps turning. You keep up the good fight, tho! Doing the world so much good.
I was there last week, LA was nice aside from the traffic
captcha; S0Y4M
They are red currants, very delicious. My dog is looking at me expectantly because she loves them as much as I do. And my dog you see there a sheppard husky is unlike any bulldog I have ever encountered. Sheppards can be taught to attack because they're smart as fuck but it's a waste of their talents.. Bulls are retard dogs and only have one good use
Ah, nice. Knew they werent grapes. You grow em?

Lol, that wasn't a post for you, you just happened to have a dog that I've seen eat faces as much as shitty pitbulls in my lifetime of stupid dog experiences. Seriously. Go to the bario and ask every Mexican with a bad face scar how they got it. Bet 90 percent of them will German Shepard. They'll eat a face off or break an arm and the parents will just say, " well you know how he gets when you play around him, its your fault, pendejo " then slap them with a slipper for causing a medical bill. Idk why they fucking love them so much and do zero socializing, training, exercise, anything. Sad.

You can train stupid bullies to do all sorts of fun stuff. They do good at agility junk and enjoy it.

Yall are allowed to hate any dog you want, tho. I treat any dog case by case, lol. Almost got eaten by a fucking psycho golden retriever as a kid, and everyone thinks they're the best thing in the world. How could fucking Air Bud almost murder me? Crazy dog and a horrible older lady owner.
It's not a field, it's a forest :^)
watchu cooking today stewart?
That's the first part of the citizenship test
that thread hit the bump limit >>20623417 but i'm working today and will have time to swing by the butcher and wine merchant to get something. maybe i'll just have pasta, depends how I feel after my shift. i'll make a salad for lunch.
>wine merchant
Excuse me?
vintner, "wine merchant" is just in the name of the store
chat is this real?
are they jewish?
close, italian
venetian precisely
>bad work environment
Looks pretty amazing to me, could you elaborate?
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Not physical environment, dummy. Bad leadership decisions, HR department that is an absolute nightmare that fucks over people and is always backed up, Washington DC and administrations cause chaos, and a backwards ranking system where lower-paid employees are overworked while those at higher levels often do very little and don't even have to be supervisors. Public interaction can be very toxic and sometimes dangerous. Compared to other agencies (except for BLM and NPS) people are underpaid and can take a decade or more to reach pay levels that people in other agencies can get in entry level positions. Fire fighting is a massive racket embezzling untold millions of taxpayer dollars, firefighters are rapist drunks but their bad deeds get blamed on the rest of the agency. We have a problem with employee suicide and we have had several in the 5 years I've been in my current duty station.
But hey at least we get to work outside.
Poorfags butthurt and trying to derail the thread lol.
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lunch for later today
Lol he fell for the meme. You'll never be a poorfag thirdy.
Idk. I kinda don't like canned food. I only drink the soups when I'm hungry and don't want to make anything but then I still have to pots and bowls.
This is so true. Actually eating canned food as a main meal is kinda poverty-tier. Most people on /CK/ aren't that well off hence all the butthurt seething on this board and especially this guys threads.
I like his dog and his kitchen. He didn't ask to be born effeminate or wealthy. I can't blame him for that. I have money, too. So it's not an immediate irritation for me. I was born poor so I automatically feel better about myself, too. Steward threads are good threads. He's miles better than the "imagine" anime homo. Now that guy makes me seethe
>He didn't ask to be born effeminate or wealthy. I can't blame him for that. I have money, too.
Yet your post still sounds butthurt lol. Thing is, he is rich now and will only get richer. You will never feel rich if you are working away.
I think he is in the top 5% in the richest country on earth which makes him a 1%er globally. At his age, it is awesome. Born into a different class.
Your whole post weeks of butt hurt lol.
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Yeah pretty much. Look at how contemptuous his post is while sounding pretty innocuous. Ngl the kitchen and everything there is nice. There is something quality cannot be faked. I think another anon was coping with how "kitchens in the mid west small towns are like this" but the thing is, the materials are different.
>I have money, too. So it's not an immediate irritation for me
Some billionaire said "95% of Americans are fake rich." Some anons confirmed that this makes sense as only like 5% even make over $150,00 a year. Once you google the stats, you realize like 90% of people are poor. 70% live paycheck to paycheck and the gap between the top 20% and bottom 70% keeps growing wider. So apply these stats to life and on /CK/ or anywhere, and it makes sense that most people you interact with will be poor and low status irl and online.
I like Stewart threads. More of his food threads, less of his dog. Nig tier dog.
>on an all new episode of Intense Projection
Literally read this post. -->>>20630727
This is some Reddit tier passive aggressiveness. Remember 95% of people are poor. And even if you "have money now," you still have a job while Stewart has money now at a young age and lived life in a different world. It makes sense why even grown men would seethe.
>literally read
Like I could figuratively read it, fucking zoomer?
Those are both my posts, too, you moron
I'm the anon that retired at 39. I post here all the time. I'm in my mid 40s now. I probably sit around more than ol stew does. Keep seething, guys. It's a real hot look for you
Then why are you seething at stewards wealth?
You reek of a subtle passive aggressiveness. Who cares if you are 39 and retired through? 95% of people that retire, retire and will retire with less than what Stewart has now.
I am not. I approve of his wealth and his situation. I was addressing the fact that every anon is seething at the rich kid. I don't mind. That was the entire message. You lads just project and read into everything as negative as possible. It's sad.
According to your math, up to 1 in 20 anons could have Stewart money. Yet you're in complete belief when 1 in 100 anons say they do. Get help and stay in school, kid
Then what is this
>He didn't ask to be born effeminate or wealthy. I can't blame him for that. I have money, too.
Lol this is passive. Lol.
Well if you say you have Stewart money then good. But most don't, that's my point. And the butthurt seething is always hilarious to me.
>According to your math,
It is not my math lol. It is USA and global stats. Once you know the stats, you know how to deal with people. If you didn't know the stats before, now you do and can act accordingly. I didn't know there stats before too.
It's me addressing the entire boards seething. The only anons mad here are you guys. First you were seething over stew, now it's me. It's almost like no one can mention having money to a poor fag. You know what? Just for your gay little posts, I'm gonna go spend some money
You will never be mexican.
You think you're better than me now?
Guess what, you will never look good in a dress.
Well I sure hope not
I've always been better than you, kiddo.
Someone get the lads in this thread some pussy and money so they can calm the fuck down. Another seether, stewie, my boy. Well done.
>some pussy
Pussy costs 100 dollars.
95% of people will never be rich.
Did you watch the match stewie? Shitaly eliminated, get a Petite Arvine for your next wine.
An Italian with a pitbull? Lol. Shitalian indeed.

>costs 100 dollars

Buy a fleshlight, and forget about women IRL
A girlfriend costs a man by having him throw many things out the window. An wife even more. "I fuck my wife every night" isn't as much of a flex as you think lol.
He's american
His father is from Italy and his mother is American. They split their time between the two countries.
Are you his girlfriend(male)?
Not yet ;)
Because I'm praying you die tonight. I just need to know who to focus my energy to.
How do you know all that then?
It's not hard to not know retard.
Ok just woke up from a nap, let the poorfag seethe begin.
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starting the grill, friends on their way
He knows cause he is one of the haters in the thread. Probably in the other one too.
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saucisson we smuggled back from montreal
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currently drinking this chablis
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we will be grilling these guys
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roasting the root veg
I have this white from liguria that we can open next that i'm excited about; not that there's anything wrong with the chablis, it's highly quaffable
someone else is bringing cheese, i'll ask for details
After you wash those pans, are they still greasy?
what a terrible fucking day for calcio. di lorenzo was horrendous, the fuck argensimian was terrible, one of the worst italy teams I can remember. I never want to hear anyone shit talk pirlo again after seeing how pitiful this midfield was getting dominated by that fucking albanian xhaka
yes but these oven trays are literally older than me and they don't impart any taste so I dont care about any off coloration going on with the metal
Because I have an eidetic memory and remember the details OP chooses to share in his blog posts. He’s shared a lot of personal information about himself
for some reason. He should really just namefag at this point. I’m not one of the jealous poorfags who shit on him for having wealthy parents btw but I do think it’s silly to willingly talk about himself so much on an anonymous food and racism forum and then get pissy when anons fuck with him about the stuff he choose to share in his blog posts.
>I’m not one of the jealous poorfags who shit on him for having wealthy parent
Yeah you are. Any guy that mentions "parents" is. lmfao. Have some self-awareness buddy.
>get pissy when anons fuck with him about the stuff he choose to share in his blog posts.
People ain't pissy about the food, they are just jealous cause he is young and living quite comfortably. 1 in 4 Canadians live in poverty. 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The gap between the top 20% and bottom 70% is constantly widening. Most people under 30 will never be able to own a home. People under 25 probably aren't seething at him. It is the people over 30 with jobs and are struggling that are. Does that make sense to you?
I was just wondering. I know that trays are almost impossible to clean and it only makes sense for restaurants to use them cause they have those giant dishwashers. Cleaning them at home seems like a pain the butt and impossible. I never roast veggies or use a pan that big but I always just use tinfoil and throw it out. Cleaning the pan even on those toaster oven trays is annoying.
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someone got so excited over guests they peed in the house!
>His father is from Italy and his mother is American. They split their time between the two countries.

Where did I mention money and how is my comment an insult in any way? I was commenting on ethnicity and why OP is very culturally Italian despite also being American. Just look at the way he cooks and what he cooks.
>I’m not one of the jealous poorfags who shit on him for having wealthy parent
lol. You could have said "shit on him for being rich" but you had to say "parents." lol
nta but he's right, i'm not rich. I don't own the place and if I had the money I wouldn't rent from my parents but it makes sense considering what I earn and what my gf earns
>nta but he's right, i'm not rich.
You can say whatever. I have had friends as teens and the rich teen friends always knew they were rich and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. You just grew up in a time where most people are't well off and we are very right vs left and people are envious and spiteful. I ain't poor but as a teen, I had rich teen friends just go "yeah, im rich, i will pay for this meal" while me and the others were not poor too. You are growing up in a time where the poor really outnumber the rich and the poors have a voice.
I dont even make 6 figures; my dad earns in a couple weeks what I get paid in a year. the overwhelming majority of this nice shit I eat and drink is from friends and discounts and hunting for deals.
But his haters shit on him for having wealthy parents which is what I was saying. I’m shitting on him for being a retard and sharing so much personal information, giving anons the ammo to attack him with, and then being bitchy about anons personally attacking him. No one would know his parents are wealthy if he didn’t tell everyone. Blog posters always get piled on for what they over share, it doesn’t matter what it is as long it can be weaponized against them.
*which is not what I’m saying
>giving anons the ammo to attack him with,
who cares? peoples jealousy and butthurt and seethe is always entertaining. The top 10% own 92% of all assets.
>But his haters shit on him for having wealthy parents which is what I was saying.
You just have to realize 95% of people irl and online are poor or "fake rich." Know the stats.
>imagine thinking you're hot shit but still need validation from retards on 4chan
What a time to be alive
imagine seething cause youre poor.
Do you have a dishwasher for those trays or do you hand wash?
what oil is that on the zucchini?
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update: as expected, the liguria wine fucking rocks
the oven trays get hand washed but we do have a dishwasher, plus I worked as a dishwasher in my parents restaurant for at least a year
>the oven trays get hand washed
no thanks. Way too much scrubbing and detergent and rinsing thousands of times. Maybe if the home also had those restaurant dishwashers.
>eidetic memory
your dogs teeth are cleaner than mine
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dinner is over, i've been in the pool swimming and sipping this absolute delicious bottle
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I did take some pics while I was cooking
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Based under the table dog
Move that overhanging tray before I kill you myself.
Why does that guy have his toenails painted yellow?
what an awesome wine selection this evening, as much I love experimenting with french stuff like chablis and sancerre -- I still havent dialed in that french profile I LOVE -- there's an italian bottle at dinners like this that remind me how clean, delicate and complex that northern italian palette is. I wish the steak came out just a little better to be on the level of the wine.
about to make some sausages for breakfast
will watch the footy
yeah im firing up the tv and coffee now.
because that's what gay people do
thank you
awful news: I am out of breakfast links, I have chorizo, linguica and andouille
watchin the next footy?
Cool autism.
>awful news: your birth
ftfy attention queer
oops sorry, and human, my boyfriend :-)
Pick one and only one. This isn't the movies, kiddo
I pick cool autism.
Well you're an idiot so not shock there.
I'm cool, you're not. Deal with it.
Sure you are Stewart. More like room temperature you attention seeking queer.
>Sure you are Stewart.
You could hide your own easter eggs.
The fuck are you talking about queerboy?
use the internet you fucking retard
Most park rangers I've met want to fuck or suck your dick in the porta potties. I would but man, they're ugly and fucking fat. I'd suck off a hot guy but God damn, I ain't sucking off an ugly fat dude.
He’s saying he isn’t Stewart, dummy. Stewart should really use a trip in these blog posts. It’s standard practice for cookalongs and bloggers.
>You could hide your own easter eggs.
>The fuck are you talking about
square tv
ring light and chess set for the plant
paper plate
damn bitch u live like this
>paper plate

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