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ITT: Food people only pretend they like
Raw fish is disgusting, no one with functional taste buds could actually enjoy this shite. They just want to seem sophisticated food is meant to be cooked especially any form of meat
I refuse to believe anyone likes eating raw meat, or, worse, raw eggs.
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yeah this seems pretty overrated.
I had it once and while it had a small fishy/umami taste, it was mostly bland.

Anyways malt beverages (non-alcoholic) are fucking disgusting, they’re so salty, bitter, nasty.
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It wasn't overrated when I was in Japan. I was at a mid range conveyer belt sushi place (not the kind that are stuffed full, but the kind where you order on the tablet and it brings your plate to your table/booth.)

It was so good though with so many fresh combinations including aiomori scallops and I could just order one at a time for about a dollar each.

It was so good. I got to go back. It was so cheap too and no one bothered me and I could eat as I like. Going back in October.
good steak tartar is delicious, I wouldnt buy it from a gas station but its not a bad dish.
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it's s-so much b-better than coastie pizza! i swear!
i used to think this until i tried it in my 20s
now i love it
ITT: Tastelets
Only pretentious cunts eat this
>another picky eater thread
On /ck/ they are always autistic and can't fathom that people are different.
Imagine being an autist for real and actually believing this, lmao.
>t. calls everybody with a high school degree or better a pretentious cunt
you have to be 18 to post here
Sushi ranges from 3/10 (sashimi) to 7/10 (Philadelphia roll) when not drowning in spicy mayo. The only way to eat sushi is to drown every piece in spicy mayo, which makes it a 10/10 food.
actual tastelet retards
Tell us, what makes your taste so refined?
refined isnt the point you insecure twat, just appreciate food
see >>20633818
Brie is trash
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Sriracha kewpie, tonkatsu sauce, ponzu sauce and bulldog sauce, with a side of fake wasabi please and thank you.
Japanese food and lettuce.
I do not pretend to like it.
It could be that I haven’t tried a decent one yet but before that happens it’s just not that good.
Deep fried onigiri however, I like very much.
Get some faggot to put it an expence account. Only homosexuals pretend to like that shit, I've never been dumb enough for that.
Spicy is the only way to go with sushi.
my ex gf is swedish, she ordered some for christmas because she loves it, it's like a veery slightly christmas-y flavored root beer or cola, not great but not terrible

Raw eggs are delicious you little faggot.
Penis, girls and fags pretend to like penis.
Cali rolls are good with some wasabi
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until the day i die ill believe these things are some kind of psyop
It definitely has a pretty strong hint of cardamom, cinnamon and cloves. It's basically the only soda i drink because you only drink it for christmas and easter and that's about how often i like to drink soda.
Cheese/dairy in general
Raw broccoli and cauliflower
Green olives
Unironically, I like the canned ones. I will not tolerate the "fresh" ones at the grocery store though, have the consistency of wood pulp and flavor to match.
Agree with OP. I don't mind eating sushi but cooked fish will always taste better than raw.
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no one eats this garbage for any reason other than muh health
>basic bitch general
Anon, I smear raw eggs and vinegar on my bread. I put it on freedom fries.
I get you anon, but they need practice to cook them to taste because there are varieties good for baking while other for getting them deep fried, others are made stuffed in the oven or in a pressure cooker.
>Food people geniunely like: everything I like
>Food people pretend to like: everything I don't like
>Autists struggle with empathy and taste? mere coincidence
Depends on the roll. I've had some pretty fucking good ones, but a lot more bad ones.
i dont even like fish but a lot of sushi is really good
you have to be 18 to post here
All of this california bullshit is right out of the gutter and they should all be thrown into some earthquake zone like smegma types wearing their shit shoes like vans or whatever those skanks wear.
No you don't. I've proven you wrong on countless occasions.
What's your excuse you dumb shit.
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Liver. It just tastes like some digestive fluid, like a rancid burp.
Nonsense premise. Nobody pretends to like food they do not.
If I go to an ayce sushi place for 20 bucks, and I eat 100 sushi pieces. I ate at a rate of 20 cents per sushi, not including tip.
beer, wine, hard liquor.
durian, beets, liver.
nato, surstromming, lute fish.
broccoli cauliflower, brussels sprouts.
add sweet potato to this as well, it's literally the same shit
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>mmm slimey oxo cubes on toast
Holy macaroni and cheese, this anon >>20653776 is a picky eater.
That looks pretty weird and anyone who eats that should be thrown into prison and doing hard labor.
Sushi in Japan is totally different. Western sushi slop is fusion cuisine and it lacks finesse. Never eat sushi in the west.
I can’t stand cheese unless it’s grilled or melted. It smells with feet.
What's different about it, is it radioactive? Does that make it special?
I used to be on the same boat, but sushi has grown on me
I love it now
I'm glad that I already ate dinner because after looking at that I'd puke.
Grown on you like barnacles or something?
Even a stray dog or cat wouldn't eat that.
Nah there's good sushi in the west too, just don't eat rolls like a pleb.
>I can't stand cheese unless grilled or melted
Ok you're fucking retarded, thanks for wasting my time.
It's good, it's just overrated. It's the easiest shit in the world to make but everybody's been psyop'd by Jiro Dreams of Sushi and they think it actually takes skill to mix seasoned rice vinegar with rice and slice a piece of fish and slap it on top.
Shut the FUCK UP RETARD. Loved it all since I was a kid because I’m not disabled with ARFID. Moron.
Raw egg yolk is tasty, but raw/undercooked egg whites gross me out. If I'm eating a fried egg and there's some boogery transluscent egg white on type I get a little nauseous. If the egg whites are in something like a meringue, or mayonnaise then it doesn't bother me. It's mostly a texture thing.
The heat of the beef cooks like egg retard
It's because egg white is basically cum. They're both protein rich liquids with roughly the same protein content. They behave the same when cooking.
So you're saying if I saved up like a months worth of cum in my fridge I could make semennaise?
Mayo is made with yolks, not whites. You can make mayo with whole eggs but it sucks.
I guess you could put it that way
Please tell me more about your experience of cooking with cum anon
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I love liver & onions.
Beer and broccoli are amazing you child.
I like breaded fried chicken liver. I just don't eat it because it seems like a bad idea to eat an organ whose job is to filter waste products.
I just finished a kilo of fried ox-liver and onions. It was fucking lush. I feel a bit sorry for you not being able to appreciate it, but not so much that I actually give a shit.
You... you don't like anchovies?! What the fuck is wrong with you?
I like how you called the other guy a retard while telling everyone how retarded you are. Gr8b8m8
I've had grocery store sushi many times with a tad of soy sauce and it's delicious. I believe the prices at local shops are ridiculous for 'real' sushi. Although I will say that buffet sushi is always nasty shit. My favorite grocery one is where they sprinkle hot cheeto dust on top.

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