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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee RELATED topics.

Related edition

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused its not too late to learn english.

Previous thread: >>20634993
the love between brother and sister is like nothing else
incest adjacent thread
for real though
what did they mean by this?
I still pop a half chub when I smell folgers
What does ANY of these words mean
first person singular pronoun refering to the individual doing the speaking or typing
a half-chub is a colloquial term for a partial erection. Folgers is an inexpensive brand of mass-market coffee.
Zoomer detected
Also often known as a half-bar, a semi, a partial, or a half-mongrel.
>if you try and have sex with it it is sometimes called a stocking stuffer or a sleeping bag on account of the manipulations involved in creating penetration
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He is saying his Phallus becomes motivated, in part, when when his olfactory sense engages the aroma cause by Folger Coffee brand Coffee. This is because of the nature of the coffee ad that is the source of the image in the OP in which the Brother returns from Black to meet Sister and there is an aurora of love bordering upon the lust between the two.
i cant shit without consuming cofe anymore
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>puck came out like this, half of it attached to the shower head
What’s the number 1 cause of this? It’s been happening the last few days and I haven’t made any changes to dosage or grind
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this guy is great
Clean your machine
How do I make a latte using coffee beans, with no expresso machine or any fancy equipment. Just pot and strainer?

Question about my expobar leva. I'm having issues with brew pressure.

When I backflush, the pressure goes up to 9 bar. Whole latte love had a video where they said it should be 10. I tried adjusting it, but it won't rise above 9 and something seems to throttle. The pressure starts to rise a bit, then releases and drops back to 9.

When I brew, it doesn't reach 9 bar consistently. Often the guage only shows 5 or 6 bar, but the coffee I get out tastes great and there is good crema, so that seems very wrong. When I close the lever, the guage shoots up to 9 bar.

Also notable that regardless, when I close the lever, the guage stays at it's last position until I open it again.

I'm not sure if the brew pressure is actually wrong, or if it could be the guage. Any ideas of how I can test this further?
>When I brew, it doesn't reach 9 bar consistently. Often the guage only shows 5 or 6 bar, but the coffee I get out tastes great and there is good crema, so that seems very wrong
Why does that seem wrong? 6 bar shots are the norm now. If you want more pressure grind finer, dose higher, or get fresher/darker roasted coffee thats going to produce a shitload of gas while you brew.
The problem is that I think there is something wrong with my machine. I'm not saying that lower pressure shots can't be good, but I wasn't aiming to do that.
look into cowboy coffee
You hit the "proper" pressure with a blank cleaning basket. You don't consistently hit that same pressure with a puck of coffee. Those pucks of coffee are of variable resistances. Different coffees act differently.
>If you want more pressure grind finer, dose higher, or get fresher/darker roasted coffee thats going to produce a shitload of gas while you brew.
Whats the rest of your setup look like? What grinder, what beans?
What specifically? Cleaning the shower screen and group head or are you talking a total clean: descaling, backflushing, etc.?
>You don't consistently hit that same pressure with a puck of coffee
That's reassuring to hear. I suppose it doesn't matter so much if I like the espresso I get out, I was just worried that my pump or some other component might've been going.

baratza sette 270 (which I have been considering upgrading with a used flat burr grinder)

medium roast peaberry beans, from a brazilian farm. I've found that ~17.7g in 40g out works well with my basket and other variables.
What type of brewing method is good for caffeine intake?
SIL asked me to show her how to steam the milk in my espresso machine and I did it "golf coach" style with my arms around her. Lmao my dolphin was nestled betwixt her buttocks for the entire steam and now I have impure thoughts. Coffee for this feel?
gf's sister or brother's gf?
one of these is more based than the other
Wifes sister. I hope its the based one
ding ding ding
just don't get caught
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I never noticed those thighs before
Anyone have the Sage dual boiler here? Looking into it currently, looks a good un
Read the guide onegai
had a great coffee this morning
clever dripper
woke up with a headache and bleeding nose
no headache, no more bleeding nose
thank you clever dripper™ filter coffee (colombian)
Let me guess, you *need* more?
do they make a stainless steel and glass version?
No, only gay alternative medicine faggots are afraid of a little plastic that you can't even see.
anon i purely care about aesthetics
see this chads 24k gold plated 9barista
4th try

1 ounce water
2 teaspoons Sanka
1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder
1 drop imitation vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon blackstrap molasses

15 ounces club soda

This was the best one so far but the cocoa taste is still overpowered. I need malt extract but my local grocery store doesn't have it.
Got mine for 15 CAD from a thrift store. Not worth it. Stick with a blade grinder or get a proper burr grinder.
Thank you anon for interpreting my hmmmmm correctly.
Any of you ever make a cold brew then heat it back up in the morning? is it even worth doing or taste good? I like cold brew as is and also love hot coffee like a v60. Wondering what it might be like or if it would just ruin the flavor of the cold brew
but muh wincest
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why didnt you just get a pitcher with filter?
Should have bought a berkey.
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Here's some information on false burrs, if you care:
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reheating generally degrades coffee flavor in my opinion so i wouldnt recommend it on the quality front
you might find that you enjoy it however
do let us know if you try it
You have to have sex with them both at the same time anon
It's the only way
The deed.
Tbh she let me do that I bet shes dtf but Im gonna keep it fantasy for now
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I attempted to make Turkish coffee in a regular saucepan, but I just don't get the foaming slightly below boiling point as in pic related. What could be the problem? I used the coffee:water ratio recommended by most recipes and ground as finely as my grinder allows. Does a cezve (the tiny copper saucepan-thing) do some sort of turk steppe magic that makes it foam?
>started buying specialty (I think) coffee
>grocery store slop makes me gag a little now
Never thought I'd become one of these fags.
Congrats, you've made it out of addiction. Some coffee just isn't worth drinking.
Happened to me.
>brew and drink freshly roasted (the day before) coffee
>"Huh, just tastes like coffee. Pretty good, but whatever."
>go back to my usual grocery store beans, six weeks from roast date.
>distinctly stale and unpleasant

Now, I'll still drink grocery store coffee. Nothing can beat 13 CAD for 2lbs of whole beans. I'll just make sure to buy and freeze it when I can find it at four weeks past roast.

Note: I emailed the company directly and they informed me that their best before date is exactly one year past the roast and packaging date.
all tastelets who want to be snobs
>so i attempted to smoke a pipe, but i just put the tobacco on the table and lit it on fire, it wasn't very good, what could be the problem? i used the right amount of tobacco, do pipes have some kind of magic in them?
specialty coffee generally doesnt reach its full flavor potential until some time after roast, sometimes weeks, depending on the roast level and the beans
so dont think youre getting the best possible experience by drinking it the day after it was roasted
six weeks is definitely out of that range, though, especially for what was likely a very dark roast

just brewed a cup of my colombian chiroso and it is fucking fantastic
high extraction v60
very fruity, i think honeydew flavors with a hint of coconut and a lovely tealike body and a red berry finish (:
>very fruity, i think honeydew flavors with a hint of coconut and a lovely tealike body and a red berry finish (:
I wish I'm never gay enough to write a sentence like this
fellas is it gay to describe things
nigga we're talking about a juice made from a cherry pit
>specialty coffee generally doesnt reach its full flavor potential until some time after roast
I know. I was just recounting my first experience with specialty coffee.
zesty ass niggas
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if its gay to enjoy the flavors of specialty coffee than i am as gay as the day is long
For me its a warm cup of Cum.
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>calligraphizing 'CUM' as 'BUM'
It's a small saucepan dude. That analogy would only make sense with a big pipe.
>It's a small saucepan dude.
so? it was a small table.
>It's a small saucepan dude.
cups are just really small saucepans. got it, thanks anon i never realised.
I order for the table

t. Topology enjoyer
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Evening coffee.

It's clearance rack black rifle. Only reason I bought was $2 cheaper than next cheapest option. Hazelnut coffee mate and half a pack of Walmart brand sweet n low
clean your cup
The wider surface area of the liquid in the pot means it produces more bubbles, and the way the pot's shaped means they have to push up instead of out and dissipate like a normal pot.
It makes good coffee but I don't drink a liter per day
Turkish coffee isnt a valid brewing method, so the type of pot doesnt matter that much. Its like having opinions about cowboy coffee and syrup drinks
Should've put this in the OP

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>go to sister's anime list page
>she watched an anime called "brothers conflict", it's about incest etc
>she rated it 5/10
It's over. I can never romance my own sister and will have to settle for some stranger girl to marry
How can I improve my French press coffee when using Rwandan beans? I admittedly bought some beans that were not the best choice for making french press coffee but I'm stuck with them and trying to make the best of it. I currently use the Hoffman method which with the right beings makes a great cup of coffee but my latest ones have been a little weak for my taste does anybody have any tips?
>a little weak for my taste
Less water, hotter temperature.
Thank you! Less water is certainly doable ( I use only 2 measuring cups worth now so can scale back), but for the hotter temperature part i feel like my only choice is to not let it sit for so long (as i do per the hoffman method) since i more or less just add the water moments after it finishes boiling.
I usually do 4 minutes, scrape off top and let it steep for another 7 minutes. For my normal coffee its great but ill try to scale it back a minute or 2 to see if it helps and keep going from there i guess.
1:22 moonwake lager typica. 30s wet wdt bloom in a piping hot glass sworks, 4 melodrips, 3 min tbt. As always my coffee>your coffee.

>he doesn't use the same cup everyday


And boy do I hate when I am looking for my cup, and I find it in the dishwasher... If I wanted my coffee cup in the dishwasher I'd put it in there myself.
when do you consider your cup proper seasoned?
what did it taste like
drinking coffee right now with my lunch which was toast and jam
>since i more or less just add the water moments after it finishes boiling
Yeah, that's about as hot as I'd recommend, even for the lightest roasts.

>I usually do 4 minutes, scrape off top and let it steep for another 7 minutes.
Try stirring vigorously for the first minute or two, then let it steep for at least 10 minutes. In general, it's pretty difficult to over extract french press coffee at proper fp ratios (1:8 - 1:12, coffee:water by weight) through oversteeping.
Nigga, that's mad coarse. You could have at least vacuumed out most of that chaff
>>he doesn't use the same cup everyday
i do use the same cup
its made of glass and i wash it every day
>he only knows how to brew coffee one way
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Layers and layers of peach. I'm excited for all the fermented greens that just hit my mailbox.
Thats a little over 800 micron burr gap on 80mm lab sweets. Sworks dripper has a variable flow valve so you can do long brew times with coarser grinds. The melodrip pours let all the finer stuff settle down deeper in the bed. Prevents it from getting too much agitation while the coarser stuff up top shields it a bit.
it makes its way into the cup if I rdt. If i don't it sticks on my dosing cup and I lose a little weight to it. I could grind straight into a sifter but I don't think its worth it most of the time.
>seasoning your cup with creamer and sugar
Honey butter toast for me, thanks.
Hhhmmm very interesting i will try this tomorrow morning thank you
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hello fellow based glass enjoyer
>it makes its way into the cup if I rdt. If i don't it sticks on my dosing cup and I lose a little weight to it. I could grind straight into a sifter but I don't think its worth it most of the time.
just blow on the bed a bit before you pour
the chaff will fly off

today i am enjoying another washed colombian, caturra/ variedad colombia/ typica, full city roast
i brewed it with my wave at 1:16 and found it a little boring and underextracted so i went a bit finer and did it again with my v60 and hario papers and a 1:17 ratio and it is just fantastic, very cidery and malic with a hint of chocolate (:
Sorry i forgot to ask, would it help to increase the amount of coffee im using? I usually use a little upwards of 30gs to 2 cups of water. Was going to now try same amount of beans, med grind and like cup and hal, or would it help to add more?
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i hope that kurasu house blend sampler is really good
i hate recurring fees sooooooo much but their subscriptions look like a lot of fun too
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>I am shork. This is coffee.
>upwards of 30gs to cup and half water
I'd shoot for around 35g coffee for 1.5 cup water in french press. That's will leave you with a ratio around 1:11.

Also, don't worry about being extremely accurate with french press. If it's too weak for your taste increase the coffee for the same amount of water next time. If it's too strong decrease the amount of coffee for the same amount of water. Brewing tasty coffee isn't as difficult as these threads make it out to be. Good beans and trial and error should get you there.
>this is baseball
I'm getting addicted to these carbonated coffees.

Today's blend
-2 tablespoons Taster's Choice House Blend
-15 ounces club soda

Head formation was way better with the Taster's Choice for unknown reasons. Result tastes better than the Sanka as well. I've dropped the cocoa powder from the recipe.
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>carbonated coffees.
should use a sodastream
Perhaps eventually. For now I make coffee concentrate and mix with club soda or seltzer water.
Espresso & tonic is the only carbonated coffee drink Ive made, wasnt for me but I can understand why some like it
Awesome thank you again! I will try that, as well as the stirring 1 to 2 min and 10 minute sit tomorrow morning
ive heard Nestle is debuting (or maybe already has) a variety of instant designed to be brewed cold, you might wanna look into it
they make the powder even finer, kinda cool
Jx pro user, I do like 70-30 using v60 / Flair Sig. I don't hate jx output for v60, but what would be would a better upgrade - different grinder e.g. zp6 or a temp controlled kettle im currently just going hard boil off the stove every time.
I have the jx-pro setup with water controled temp at my gf place, and zp6 with hard boil at my own. ZP6 everyday, especially for very light coffee
Nescafe Gold Espresso Intense Instant Coffee:

I prepare it hot or cold (if cold I put everything in a bottle and shake it until everything is dissolved) and mix it with unsweetened almond milk (I am lactose intolerant). Oat milk is another good combination. Tastes so good I bust hands free every single time. If I want to sweeten it at all, then I add some stevia (the real deal without erythritol or any other sugar alcohols). I have tried honey or sugar, but it tastes strange. No sweetener is perfect as well.
>Nestle is debuting (or maybe already has) a variety of instant designed to be brewed cold, you might wanna look into it they make the powder even finer
I use this and I brew it hot or cold, and I have no issues, but it's not the one designed to be brewed cold. I still do it anyways in a bottle and I shake it until it all dissolves: >>20669342
Thanks I also realized having 2 grinders means i dont have to deal with re-dialing every time i want to switch to espresso. Fucking jx pro randomly loses zero every so often when I switch.
I use a 32 oz french press. Add beans to roughly the same level in the grinder every brew. Dump the old beans in the yard and rinse out the press. Start the grind when the water is boiling. Grind steady and into a pulse for a couple seconds. The que for the pulse is based off of the sound of the grind although the timing is pretty consistent. It's just a push button grinder, nothing fancy. Dump the beans in sometimes with a sprig of freshly picked lavender. Pour the water in and stir with a butter knife after one minute. Put the top on and let the press sit between 7-15 minutes. Press halfway and pour into a mug and top off the mug at halfway until done. It takes about 1-2 hours to drink coffee.
I'd go with ZP6 and a cheap gooseneck kettle with analog thermometer like this: aliexpress com/item/1005003446631368.html I have this and have verified temperature accuracy with an instant read thermometer.

>im currently just going hard boil off the stove every time
That's way too hot for most beans. You'd definitely benefit from some kind of temperature gauge. Even an instant read meat/bread thermometer would serve you well.
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I drink mostly light roasts (which rest slower) and have never tasted a coffee for which the taste after 2 weeks beats 1 week or for which 3 weeks beats 2 weeks.

I don't understand why people rest coffee so long when most of the tastes that aren't "stale" and pretty homogenous from one coffee to the other have become dominant by the >2 week mark. The only times I rest coffee that long are when it's something like a pungent sour natural processed mess and I need the taste to die down so I don't throw away a whole bag.
i would go for the kettle since you already have a decent enough grinder and the kettle would be much cheaper, especially if you go for a stovetop with a thermometer
>sprig of lavender
ill have to try that sometime, sounds delightful
my colombian geisha, city roast, was definitely better after four weeks than it was after just three
and my colombian chiroso at city+ was definitely better after two weeks than one
ymmv but thats my experience
Where can I get a good shielded power cord and cable lifts for my new grinder? I want to get the most out of my filter coffee
how does a frape ice coffee taste if made with carbonated mineral water?
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Probably tastes of coffee, yeah?
im sure weber is working on it
then what is the difference?!
more bubbles
Did she like it, or was she grossed out cause you're a creep?
Peet's sold me beans roasted a month ago. Is that barely recent enough or perfectly fine or what?

Espresso tonic and iced pour over for the summer. I have one local shop that makes their own tonic syrup and have a carbonator.

>Israeli company
Well she was super bubbly and happy the rest of the visit but I cant be totally sure though, this is a mine field
spoiled milk and coins
I thank God every day I'm not Italian.
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Coffee beans + HARIO Grinder + French plunger is all I need.
i curse god every day for creating italy
Lebanese anon here
The grind is absurdly fine and I doubt your machine can actually do it.
And yes the pot plays a part in it too but most of us don't drink it with that much of a foam.
Hope it helps
I bless God every day for Italian coffee. drinking a cappuccino right now, real dark.
>The name comes from the Capuchin friars, referring to the color of their habits, and in this context referring to the color of the beverage when milk is added in small portion to dark, brewed coffee (today mostly espresso). The physical appearance of a modern cappuccino with espresso crema and steamed milk is a result of a long evolution of the drink.

>The Viennese bestowed the name Kapuziner, possibly in the 18th century, on an early version that included whipped cream and spices. Later the Kapuziner was introduced in northern Italy during the period of Austrian domination and took an italian name. It is sometimes said to have been served in the coffeehouses of Trieste and other Italian areas of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the early 20th century, spreading throughout Italy after World War I. The existence in central Italy of a coffee drink mixed with milk with the name cappuccino is for example documented in the 19th century.
neat :)
you can do this to literally anything.
which spices
...do what?
i was interested in the name so i decided to find out why it was called that. in my head it actually didnt sound very italian and it isnt, kinda.
also etymology is always fun and finding out why words are the way that they are is because x looked like y from some place hundreds of years ago that when we look at it with modern eyes doesnt really make sense at all or the connection is a stretch to say the least
>The name comes from the Capuchin friars, referring to the color of their habits
is very funny to me because when you look at the color of coffee in a cappuccino and then look at the color of Capuchin friars they are very very similar
and then in someone's mind having those 2 things connect in such a way that they started calling the drink after them and then that name catching on and everyone calling it that and all this time later no one who drinks cappuccino has any idea where the name comes from and probably has never thought about it.
>weekend night
>I haven't cleaned my grinder (Kingrinder K6) for a while, sure why not
>disassembled it, cleaned it, then put it back
>had problem with the clip, as usual
>rotated the grinder at wrong direction, the top came off
>panicked, took an extra hour to put it back
>managed to do it once, but the burr wouldn't move up and down
>eventually figured out that I needed to put the top back while the burr axle was fully pushed up
>uh, did I save this grinder?
>checked the grinder, the zero looked normal, just off few clicks
>brew a cuppa with my usual setting
>tasted normal if not a bit brighter
>now can't go bed thanks to the extra coffee
Thanks for reading my blog
yeah nah I'm not stupid man you're not gonna backtrack now and convince me you weren't making implications.
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etymology is very fun
you should invest in some decaf
it can be quite good these days

yesterday i went to a local cafe and was pleased to see they had pourovers on the menu so i asked what kind of pourover they do and the barista was visibly confused and just motioned to a machine behind the counter. she showed me how it has cone filters in it and when i asked what kind of machine it was she had to call over another employee to explain. i didnt have the heart to tell her that its not really pourover, just drip coffee so i ordered an espresso, which didnt even come with any water.it was quite good, to be fair. im sure the machine makes fine coffee but when the menu says pourover i just assume that there will be some pouring involved. they had good beans, too, from a local roaster that i love, which made me assume they knew what they were doing. just wanted to share that with you guys.
went to a much better cafe today, their beans arent as local but theyre still quite good, and they made me a pourover with a clever drip and a very fruity kenyan. lovely stuff, and i had a nice conversation with the barista about the dripper, and another nice conversation with a different employee about their glassware. i love living somewhere with decent coffee culture. TYFRMB lol
What digital scale would you recommend?
>frustrated with some beanz i can't seem to dial in
>can't go super fine because machine is already choking
>go super coarse instead
>30 ml shoot through the machine in 20 seconds, let the other 5-6 ml dribble out for 15 more seconds for form's sake
>taste it
>it tastes like drinking citrus juice from a citrus that doesn't exist
>it's light, it's sweet, it's acidic, it's refreshing, it almost tastes like it's carbonated
>bag's almost over so these dial settings won't last for much longer

it's over for me. i'm going to be chasing this flavor forever. i'm going to be making underextracted sloppa for the rest of my life. i liked this much more than the well balanced espressos i get from my roaster. it's okay though. i got into specialty goff for something different, this is different.
Acaia Lunar.
Educate yourself on turbo shots.
i do turbos in my aeropress
Been ages, but glad to see these threads still. Finally have a little more income so I splurged on some local 3rd wave coffee. I got what I considered the more "boring" seasonal offering, but I wanted something that screamed summer. Its pretty good. Its definitely tart and acidic, but it does build a sweetness to it. The soft lemon and yellow mango flavor is pretty spot on, and paired well with my lemon curd pastry. One thing though is it tastes much better cooled down a bit than too warm; too much like a hot lemon. Going to try it iced soon. So far I have only brewed it in a french press Hoffman technique, but I want to try to do a make shift brew of it in my drip coffee maker. The top is rectangular cone shape, and it holds the brew until you put the pot in. I would be pouring boiled water on it though, and not using the machine to brew.

Only thing is next time I'm telling the coffee place to do medium course leaning instead of medium. I told them medium ground because I was doing a special French press technique, but I think they thought I ment Aero press. Its not bad, but a little finer than I like and kind silty.
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Welcome back pal. The italian shitstorm has subsided.
3:30 am coffee
cold as fuck
peanut butter toast
Lazy sunday roasting. Cold ferment colombian and yeasted washed ethio :)
Idk if this is the right place to ask this but is there a tea or drink that is like the opposite of coffee? Instead of perking you up, it relaxes you. I know chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, etc., exist but they're all so weak and ineffective. I want the total opposite of being wired on espresso shots. I wish old world style opium still existed in Europe.
kratom if you don't mind a 1/10 chance of an adverse liver reaction that will put you in the hospital for a week or two.
check out kava
also alcohol (duh)
im getting clogging in my pourover with my jx-pro i've had for years and it's giving tons of fines I think. Still muddy grounds on 3 full rotations. Can I fix this?
idk maybe
you havent changed anything else, have you?
when was the last time you cleaned it
Never deep cleaned it but maybe it's time. I don't see how it would cause that though.
i dont either, but its worth a shot.
and if cleaning on its own doesnt help, perhaps the process of taking it apart and putting it back together and re-zeroing it will.
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Mmmm 'presso and 'ccer
I've read too many nightmare scenarios to mess with that.
Huh, it looks like a tea. Is it effective? safe?
Asking because I'm on a hiatus. Didn't have a problem or anything, but it started making me fat and it costs a lot where I live.
I love the smell of piping hot folgers in the morning and a face full of my fifteen year old sister's bright pink asshole.
its safe enough that there are kava bars that sell it in the states
most teas youd be able to purchase online will only have a negligible amount of it, though
>its safe enough that there are kava bars that sell it in the states
not encouraging
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This is how you minmax home coffee. It doesn't get better than this without an extravagant budget. Simple as.
Flame too wide for that pot, 0/10.
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Name a better way to lift the cup so it doesn't splash AND prevent it from sliding due to vibrations. I'll wait.
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Nigga I ain't a scientist
you could be :)
I put a scale to measure yield, and it has a silicone top and rubber feet at the base
>Is it effective? safe?
It works for some people and not others. Safe on its own, very hard on the liver if mixed with booze. The taste leaves something to be desired even if you're used to gutrot liquor. Worth a try if you're desperate but it's not gonna rock your world.
I use a plunger
I'll help once you stop larping with bustelo and get a decent grinder.
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Forgot to update on the new beans blend.

>Wild Wings Blend
>An elegant coffee with notes of stone fruits and flowers, refreshing and comforting as both a drip/French press and an espresso blend.
>Species : Arabica
>Type : Blend
>Treatement : washed

One of my darkest so far and i must say i was not aware stone fruit and flowers note could come forward without acidity.
Syrupy body, tasty and thick. Not bad.
luv cobbee, simple as
Sir, this is the coffee general.
>Sir, this is the coffee general.
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hell yeah
i kneel
My friend then this is the thread for you!!
I think the adjacent schizo shorted out.
Looking for an aeropress recipe that's enough to brew about 350ml or 12oz in one sitting (dilution is fine)
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Are these still considered good?
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i dont read german idk
new wired kino
good video actually
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no thanks needed
Oh look more eureka shilling.
Is the Bambino still considered a good machine for the 250 euros range?
Yes. Better out of the box than a gaggia and 54mm high flow baskets have started to hit the market.
But I'm talking about the basic bambino, not the plus.
coffee time
There are several out there. Here's one that came to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEjOJffY9PE

Full disclosure: I do not own an AeroPress and have never drank AeroPress coffee.
The plus is worse.
it was good :)
>2-hour coffee break
Livin' the life, I see.
its 2am anon...
well it was when i made it
its 5am now
>12am coffee time
Night shift?
sort of
I hear this one is decent, but it’s not Bambino. Is the difference huge or should I just get this?
I feel like you're going to run preground through it. For that reason, I'm out.
Weird assumption, but typical from fedora owners
Weird assumption, but typical from gas grill owners
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Do you fine anons have any recs for a step-up french press? Ive been using a walmart one for years but ive become dissatisfied with the amount of sediment that ends up getting through the filter and into the bottom of the cup.
Any burr grinders that won't clog when you're trying to grind spiced coffee?
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I noticed there aren't any BASEDJAK's here, what a surprise
how much money to you have?
What is spiced coffee?
"spiced" could have multiple meanings YOU are the esl
Dude, come on. Obviously i know what the words "spiced" and "coffee" mean. I dont know what kinds of spices or coffee that refers to, what form theyre in, who sells them, what the history of this kind of coffee is, etc. I was just more curious about the details of what hes talking about.
das rite.
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i got my first manual grinder (c3 chestnut) a few days ago and it's fun
>adjective: spiced
>flavoured with spice.
>1. an aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to flavour food, e.g. cloves, pepper, or cumin.
there is a HUGE difference between cloves, pepper, cumin
if you made 3 different "spiced coffee" one with cloves, one with pepper, one with cumin, each cup of coffee would taste extremely different.
so just saying "spiced" and expecting everyone to know what you mean is retarded.
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I am literally seething right now knowing that you did not buy from us at KANGRINDERS.
Have a look at Espro's range, they have a finer mesh-style filter and the ability to add a paper filter to that, glass and double-walled stainless options
>if you made 3 different "spiced coffee" one with cloves, one with pepper, one with cumin, each cup of coffee would taste extremely different.
I disagree
>I disagree
you think clove, pepper, cumin taste exactly the same?
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there was a pretty good aliexpress sale and i don't really like when things have their logo or brand name as a major design centerpiece
No, you think i'm retarded?
seasoned the c3 with spices?
you dont think " 3 different "spiced coffee" one with cloves, one with pepper, one with cumin, each cup of coffee would taste extremely different."
this means you either think they taste the same or you are retarded
What if I add carbonated water to spiced coffee?
mustard gas
>this means you either think they taste the same or you are retarded
either i agree with your statement or i'm retarded?
but that's retarded don't you think?
go bait somewhere else
any suggestions for a decaf bean to use for espresso? I'd like some coffee in the afternoon and still be able to sleep
go bait somewhere else
Descaled my machine for the first time since I bought it in 2021
stay repellent here
>single dose manual coffee grinder
oh get fucked with a stainless steel wire brush
I suspect it will taste of coffee.
gonna larp with bustelo a bit
If coffee didn't have caffeine but tasted the same I'd drink terrifying amounts of it every day
horrific. terrifying even
you wouldn't buy her some peanuts and cracker jack?
no. she's rooting for the dodgers. i find it utterly offensive and she/it can burn in hell.
>passionfruit and lime
>apple pie & chocolate & pear & lemon
>orange & honey
this is nonsense.
>t. tastelet
>he's not able to taste apple pie, chocolate, pear, and lemon in his coffee
>he straight-up dumps cow milk into his coffee
What is wrong with people?
I am more highly evolved than you are, sub human, milk doesn’t hurt me
fr though i think these are rated by professional taste testers. they have a superhuman palette that can distinguish different "flavors" of the tongue. Then they give them a rating and taste profile.
you're right. I only put goat milk in my coffee.
How's the code coming, Ranjesh?
for me, it's (female) milk
Fun fact: milk is a highly specialized form of perspiration. You are drinking sweat.
don't care.
absolutely untrue kys
>You are drinking sweat
hnnnng don't stop
>be SEAnigger
>love coffee
>even low amount of coffee turns me into a zombie who cannot sleep
>drowsy all the time
I hate it i hate it
What can I do also why is decaf more expensive than normal coffee??
Another grueling summer day without pumpkin spice lattes or eggnog coffee
Decaff upsets my stomach still so i decided acidity was to blame, made a cold brew out of low acid coffee and it still upset my stomach, what's my stomach's problem?
Keep drinking until you build up immunity
Buy better coffee. There are more flavors than 'brown'.
How do I figure out how much caffeine does this have? why are shitalians so incompetent

>can't figure it out
>calls others incompetent
Don't sleep and drink more have you tried that?
depends the amount
drink it before 14:00
Been drinking some of pic related and now crave more robusta
Give some recommendations, it's pretty hard to find any decent 100% robustajwgn
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>What can I do
tobacco increases caffeine uptake
>why is decaf more expensive than normal coffee
more processing and less demand
bro your flash-chilled v60?
>what's my stomach's problem?
is it decaf? no? then it has caffeine
you use microwave time?
military clock times are just better graduated, no stupid letters
>>even low amount of coffee turns me into a zombie who cannot sleep
then how do you explain Vietnam?
>How do I figure out how much caffeine does this have
no way to know until you brew it
also "Specific DARK roasting" the darker the roast the less caffeine is in there.
>The amount of caffeine present in drinks can be measured by UV spectroscopy.
you can use a Coffee Refractometer which can go from $200-$2000+
but this isnt that useful because actually what a Refractometer does is measure the % of coffee that has been extracted and is soluble in the water
but you probably want something more like a Caffeine Test Strip
which go for about $20
i'm a pacifist sorry
Sad. Coffee used to spark revolutions.
cool it with the antisemetic remarks
>also "Specific DARK roasting" the darker the roast the less caffeine is in there.
i think i was kinda wrong about this bit though, i was thinking about a different thing so ignore that
Slightly less caffeine per bean, but more beans per dose so it ends up being higher iirc
also i could be wrong(im a bit schizo rn) but arent darker roast beans more porous? so they absorb water more and extract easier in shorter time?
so a very dark roast vs a light roast, same dose same water same time, the the dark roast coffee will have a higher extraction and a potentially higher caffeine%?
my brain is a little all over the place rn so i might be mixing up different things into 1 idea
Yeah dark roasted coffee is much more fractured internally from higher temp. Grinds easier, extracts easier.
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i had a good coffee this morning
did you :)
and i had a slice of upside down apple lemon cake with cream
it was good :)
Found a jar of washed guji I forgot about. Perfectly rested. Life's good.
brian kino featuring a young kino roaster named leo
promo code for leo's kino: firstorder!
ok now THAT is shilling
just buy bro
support upcoming roasters
>blatant shilling
incest adjacent coffee kino
>not having $10 to spend freely
Useful info, thanks
>mom enjoys coffee enemeas
>diluting delicious milk with coffee
What a waste
vietnamese coffee any good? might get one with my lunch today, never had it before
i'm risking that instead of buying a normal coffee
seems good enough for them
It might use robusta beans, if that matters to you
i tried it, it's okay, sweeter than i expected and pretty syrupy. not bad but i'll stick to my normal coffees i think
>sweeter than i expected and pretty syrupy
they used a bunch of condensed milk, no shit it was sweet and syrupy lol

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