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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Entry level edition

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused how many clicks?

Previous thread: >>20660573
That grinder looks like it would be owned by a vegan
>family gifting me several kilos of coffee without a specified roast date and a ceramic burr grinder
I don't know, why do they do this, do they not respect me? do they hate me? I haven't done anything to wrong them.
>slaps your girls ass
My only girl is me
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GM :)
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>owned by a vegan
>looks like a diseased uterus
nailed it
>bites lip
just got a real good crack from my spine, think I prefer this over cumming.
Made a bunch of simply syrup to up my iced coffee game, already got cream, some skimmed milk powder and will get milk later tonight (hopefully).
Not sure how I can improve upon it now other than vanilla extract or a nice, vanilla whey powder.
GN :)
had coffee this morning
Vegans are known for owning bespoke German industrial equipment?
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New beens'n'cuppa brethren, medium roasted natty abyssinian moka Harrar Long Berry.

>Tasting notes: Fine acidity, strong and full-bodied, sweet and chocolatey.
>Creator of the lineage of all arabicas, whose exotic flavour makes it a noble representative of the "Mokas", achieving a biting taste.
>This coffee takes its name from Harrar (or Harar Jugol) which is a village in the north of the Orimia region, where this coffee is actually grown.
>The green coffee beans are obtained by natural dry processing, whereby the beans are separated from the cherry by hand after drying.

First sip the syrupy coffee comes forward with the chocolatiness then you perceive some blueberrieness. The lingering aftertaste is medium lasting.
Really tasty and balanced sip even though it was a tad long (55ml). Curious to see how flavour evolves as a tighter pull.

>says moka
>didnt use a moka
Last drops came out of the V60 a little after three minutes, which is probably the longest it should take. But it tastes kind of underextracted. Maybe next time I'll try a finer grind and less water.
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I will now commit sudoku.
sounds fuckin delectable
>simply syrup
consider almond extract
uneven extraction can taste like underextraction
do what you will
is onyx light or medium?
you never know until you open the bag
it looks like goffee
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3 goffees?
Depends on what you order. They've got shit all across the spectrum.
their single origin stuff
>They've got shit all across the spectrum.
I always shit all across the spectrum after my first coffee of the morning
>at local farmers market
>some guy selling beenz for vets or some shit
>ask him about them
>try a free sample
>kinda weak but maybe its medium roast
>buy a pack of dark roast whole beans
>grind em up later
>taste it
>weak still
im starting to think you have no choice but to get foreign beans if you want them to be even somewhat strong
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>go to farmers market
>look inside
>no farmers
excited to drink more coffee in the morning
i look like this and say this
Weak in what way? Try using a greater amount of coffee for the same amount of water next time.
i literally always use way more beans than i need for maximum robustness, its weak shit
the flavor isnt strong at all, it tastes like hot water. i dont know if people dislike bitterness in their coffee but i love it and that shit aint bitter at all
Split, new or used, vanilla beans tucked into your sugar jar makes it quite vanilla flavored and perfect for coffee. Also, raw sugar is something I keep on hand for sprinkling on baked goods before going into the oven, and it makes the coffee better, as well.

Milk powder does nothing good. Just keep a quart or more of half n half just for your coffee (and cooking purposes). Half n half is ultra pastuerized, so even after opening, it'll go weeks when only using a couple tablespoons at a time. Use leftovers for a cream scone recipe, or a pan sauce like white gravy.

what is your brew method? My parents use electric percolators by choice and every couple of years she has to replace it when the heating element goes on the fritz and the coffee gets weak.
Anon thats the gayest thing I've ever read.
Then read more.
If you're using french press, or even a pot on the stovetop, let it sit and steep at least 10 minutes before you plunge and pour yourself a cup.
Unrefined cane sugar and a small pinch of salt elevates iced coffee like you wouldn't believe. Also, if I'm adding dairy, I prefer a splash of whole milk over the ice for some heterogeneity. Half and half is also quite nice.
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...but I've already made my coffee, Anon.
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>start drinking coffee
>realize if you drink it black it needs to be a certain quality
>buy not very expensive but better quality than the $1 a pound nail polish remover my dad buys from lidl
>marries my coffee with his ash tray waste

Second time in a row hes done this, I'm so mad
did you try asking him nicely not to do that
>marries my coffee
>if you drink it black it needs to be a certain quality
You just don't like coffee. Maybe try apple juice instead.
based coffee enjoyer
8 am
new music
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>what is your brew method
grind the beens and throw em in the ol ninja coffee maker
im not a fancy man, i just want some flavorful coffee.
He's kinda retarded, ever since he retired I think he'd getting dementia
He'll do things after being told not to and say he forgot or denies he even did it

>cast iron in the sink twice
>brillo on the stainless steel cook top three times
>plastic nob pops off the washing machine so he takes the entire control panel apart for no reason with no idea how to reassemble it
>overfills the machine all the time
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Use more coffee, nigga.
i promise you i use more than enough for the 10 oz cups i make
Please be understanding of your parents in their old age, Anon. At a certain point, humans revert to a child-like state of mind.
Yeah? How much is that Mister Big Man?
Should be 22g - 28g ground coffee for 10oz finished coffee.
Well we've told him he needs to get a hobby and get out of the house, but he's potatomaxxing ever since he stopped going to work

My grandpa was sharp in his 90s, he did the puzzles in the paper every day. He didn't start getting old until he lost his driver's license and couldn't leave the house anymore
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you made me get up and check you cockfucker
pic related is the avg amount of beens i use (those are the shitty weak ones in the pic)
now im mad that im wasting beans
Preferences for making large batches of coffee - let's say for 8 people?

I find I am having to use my chemex and French press. People seem to pour much larger coffees than I typically would, but are then surprised by how strong the coffee is.
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you should be controlling the cups
Damn bruh... and it's still 'weak'?
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im not at all exaggerating when i compare it to hot water. its a disgrace
Thats all good advice
show us how you brew
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i literally just grind the beans and stick em into pic related with a filter. select 10 oz and it makes my shit
i aint a picky man, all i need is good beenz to be happy
>i aint a picky man
clearly you are
you would get better and stronger coffee using a french press using the hoffmann method
Same. Sometimes just the simple things are good enough.
huh, grinder? what are ya gay?
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happy pride month
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So I ventured out to the Kroger Marketplace to find this Nescafe Gold Espresso and obtained it. No luck with the malt extract.

I've made an Americano with it and it is quite nice.
If that is the same as what is sold here in Australia as "Short Black," it's one of the better instants if you have to drink instant.
I want to try James Hoffman's one-cup V60 recipe:


He's using a light roast in that video and I need to adapt it to my medium-roast beans. Can I simply reduce the water temperature to 90-95°C and use a slightly coarser grind, leaving everything else the same?
yeah p much
thats rough, anon
i applaud your patience
Probably, but do it on the numbers and taste, and adjust if it needs it.
i upgraded my grinder a while ago and i'm considering gifting my old manual grinder to someone who's casually interested in goffee.
but i want to know, will just giving him the grinder make any difference to his coffee experience or will he need fresh beans too? like if i leave him to his own devices and he uses the grinder on a bag of storebought lavazza beans, will that make any difference or nah.
i don't need the old grinder (1zpresso q2) but i'd rather keep it as a backup instead of give it to someone who might not get anything out of it
freshly ground bad beans is always better than pre ground bad beans
as long as you make sure the grinder is set up right when you give it to him and tell him not to fuck with the grind size then it should be fine
you could also just give it as a loan, like "hey i had this old grinder and i thought you might be interested in trying it out for a month or so and if you dont like it then you can just give it back"
ah, okay. thank you and that's a good idea. he's a zoomer that's like 10 years younger than me and used to work as a starbucks barista so his interest might be ephemeral. i'll ask how he makes his coffee and adjust it to the appropriate general area. most people here do either pods or moka pot and acceptable moka pot grind size range is fairly forgiving
Lowering temp to ~95C is the way to go for medium roast pourover. I tried messing with other parameters and none of them made for a better cuppa; if you mess with the grind be subtle about it.
Do you keep the kettle warning up in between pours to keep the same temp?
Never tried; I do notice my kettle loses ~12 degrees by the time pourover's done, but there's so little time between individual pours idk how you would manage it. Making coffee this way is already a bit of a stressful time crunch.
>man who only knows how to make bdsm sex toys gets first job as espresso machine engineer
When I first got my DF64, I was usually grinding around a ‘12’ for my espresso. Now I’m usually grinding around a ‘7’. Is the burr calibration off or is it just a matter of me getting better at pulling shots and using different beans
>~12 degrees
Fahrenheit right?
>Making coffee this way is already a bit of a stressful time crunch.
I've started making nip iced v60 and sure is a stressful time crunch.
I still grind around 12, but I do +-2 adjustment when I use diff beans. Never went that fine
Does a headache for a few seconds on top-left while drinking a side effect from caffeine?
What's the difference between $200, $1000 and $3000 espresso machines?
$800 and $2000
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Stability. Repeatability. The $200 machine won't be temp accurate and will likely be a 15bar pressurized basket machine for pre-ground.
i only need 6bar
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are these things a meme? want to try making cold brew and am going to need a large amount of filtered water
40 gal per filter is going to burn a hole in your wallet quickly. Look into gravity fed filters like berkey or proone. I go through about 3 gal a day with my berkey. If you're wanting to actually tweak your water for specific brewing just get a distiller and some powders.
the ones that are certified in removing more than odor substances are great if your water requires it. i have the pur+ filter/pitcher, its slow but works.
Why does this coffee grinder look like a two-headed Tom Servo with a massive cock?
OP is a faggot
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Its a bag grinder converted over to be able to single dose two different beans. Like when kahn and hank built the deluxe robot grill.
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There's no such thing as over-extraction. It's like saying you're making too much money.
I love when the coffee is so strong I gain consciousness all over again.
guess there is no such thing as over cooked too
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i got bullied for my ninja machine earlier so i decided to grab a french press from goodwill and try it you guys' way
is this a normal amount of beens to scoop off the top? seems like a lot like maybe i didnt grind them enough
30g beens to 500ml water btw
what the fuck am i looking at?
do you not have a grinder?
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back in my day, the only beans people cared about were these light-roasted ethiopian beans with bright, acidic flavors. they were like little rocks, really hard to grind. it was the style at the time.
they used to call them "blueberry bombs"
i did grind them, im just used to grinding them to basically powder so i pulsed until it looked about right
guess i fucked up lmao
anon... please dont tell me you have a blade "grinder"
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i don't like hoffmeme's french press technique it doesn't taste satisfying and is annoying to do i'm not doing the stupid 2 spoon scoop every time i want a fuckin cuppa cobbie
well there's your problem
if i still care enough about this tomorrow to dig deeper what do you recommend
Kingrinder p2 or k6.
big asking price for a single use appliance
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Don't listen to the elitists. Coffee is one of the things people get way too autistic about. Don't do the scoop thing, Hoffmeme was overstepping, and the autists ITT take his advice way to seriously. To brew strong coffee in a french press:
>1:8 - 1:12 coffee:water ratio by weight
>place ground coffee into french press (anything from medium to coarse grind size)
>hot water in (temperature dependent on roast level, 80C to 97C)
>stir vigorously for 1 - 2 minutes
>lid on, don't plunge, let steep for at least 10 minutes
>after 10 minutes, slowly plunge to the halfway point and pour yourself a cup

For the record, your drip machine was probably fine for your purposes, but good on you for diversifying. A french press from the thrift store is a great bargain.
that guy is retarded
you clearly arent the kind of person to manually grind your coffee
get a Baratza Encore
its literally retard proof
good quality for the price
very popular among normies
very easy to maintain
easy to find replacement parts
easy to repair
could probably find a used one that is either perfectly fine or needs minor/cheap repair
will probably last a lifetime
infinitely better than a blade grinder
huge amount of guides for basically anything you would want to do with the grinder, how to repair, maintain, use, clean.
Blade grinder is fine for your purposes. If you're going to get a handgrinder, I advise against the Kingrinder P-series. Although, if you're going to spend extra money to improve your coffee experience, I'd recommend spending it on fresher beans and a water filtration system before you go spending on a grinder or a 'nicer' machine. People gearfag way to hard and neglect the basics.
I thought burr grinders were objectively a huge improvement over blade grinders in terms of flavor
>good quality for the price
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.
They are and its not even close.
Hand grinding is easy and enjoyable. It doesn't take much time and effort, and takes zero counter space. For 70% the price of a Baratza Encore, a K6 will bring the end user greater satisfaction.
>you clearly arent the kind of person to manually grind your coffee
He's the kind of retard who went out and bought a french press because he got made fun of on 4chan. Thats like, the prime demographic for impulse grinder purchasers.
>Prepandemic grinder advice
cope and seethe
hes not going to use your meme garbage
rope or fuck off
Yes, that's completely correct. But if the choice is between old stale beans through a nice burr grinder, and high-quality fresh beans through a blade grinder, the fresh beans win. Immersion brewing (french press) is particularly forgiving of poor grind quality.

My point was: you should spend money on tastier ingredients before you spend money on nicer gear. It's like listening to mp3 youtube rips through $1000 headphones. I'd much rather listen to higher quality files through $100 headphones.
Does hoffmeme have any grinder advice more recent than 2017?
Fancy that.
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clearly the coffee discourse goes deeper than i thought
i think ill just go back to the coffee machine
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P-series is POOP.
All you need to know is fresher beans = tastier coffee.
Good coffee only starts with Slayer machines.
What's does 4chan think of gemilai espresso machines? I am moving from America to the phillipines so getting a mainstream German or Italian built espresso machine not possible without very expensive shipping probly. These are I believe Chinese made machines but with a Italian ULKA pimps (supposedly good quality). They are also incredibly cheap for what the features are and they are all available throughout the phillipines. The prices are in Filipino pesos. $1 = 58 pesos. I'm talking dual boiler with PID for $410..almost too good to be true. I will be purchasing one when I move. Prices seem to make sense because phillipines is a poor country and mostly everything that isn't an imported western brand is incredibly cheap.
I'd just fly down with a flair58 desu.
Just Slayer modded my Breville Dual Boiler bros. I'm nearing the endgame of amateur coffee autism.
Rotary pump next?
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>normies pay for dehyrdrated pods
>grinding is 'fancy'
>bottomless laziness and stupidity is agressively defended
>Offensively having any standards is snobbery
Kapeng Barako
Fuck yeah - how hard was the mod? I've been putting off doing it.
Why the fuck would you move to the Philippines?
Because I can support myself my wife and our child off 2000$ a month. And it's a tropical island where it's never cold.
Meme-tier w/ pressurized portafilter, usually unpleasant to look at. Can be made to produce good espresso with enough elbow grease.

Midrange-ish. You can pull good shots with these. Usually ugly. You need to spend about $400 on a grinder though, once you are out of the pressurized portafilter range.

Nice range. Lots of good machines to choose from. Excellent temperature stability, beautiful aesthetics, usually extremely durable.

Gettings into the very nice level of prosumer machines. If taken care of, these machines will last decades. Mine is in this range, from 2011 and still going very strong. I expect it to last another decade or two. Usually you would expect a high powered steam wand, and usually hot water wand at this price point as well. Also you expect to see PID controllers at this point.

>$3000 an up.
Really no point to this, you aren't getting better coffee.
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Coffbros.. does anyone here drink coffee (non-decaf) at night/before bed? The common wisdom it's a really bad idea because it's a stimulant, but I'm curious if anyone does it anyway, and how you feel. Does it noticeably mess with your sleep?
baristafag here. working on starting my own business. dialed in my recently acquired fiorenzato f64 evo xgi pro today, no pictures because i set it up at someone else's shop. i get to break it in and figure out its optimal usage for my needs, shop owner gets a demo to see if he wants his own. will put it through a full shift tomorrow.

and well it beats the pants off of the poor battered mazzer luigi they have at the shop. relegating that one to decaf while my grinder is on deck.
Decaf drinkers want high quality grinds too, dammit
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serious answer, melitta pour over
what a retard like me does answer: giant french press
>fiorenzato f64 evo xgi pro
they were just using a bunn mill turned to turkish for decaf and spooning it into the portafilter, the mazzer is a major upgrade
yes, that one
i was also researching a mahlkonig grind by weight but decided on the fiorenzato
in many places, once you're into the $1500+ range you can also get more value out of servicing machines (either yourself or calling a local tech) rather than replacing them
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Really not happy with this
>but decided on the fiorenzato
What was the deciding factor?
I try not to make anything past 11pm, but my sleep is fucked regardless.
>mazzer luigi
Assuming you're talking about an old superjolly. That fiorenzato is v e r y similar. Replaced the doser with electronic gbw and a touch screen, but they're still high fines italian espresso burrs. Mazzer probably just needs a new set and some shims. ~$50 and an hour of time.
Should have gotten an e80.
i found a very relevant testimonial on the mahlkonig from someone in my situation, moving it frequently and using it in less than perfect environments. it had problems with the scale tare freaking out shortly into a shift even with frequent calibration, and when it did the software locked out all grind function, even manual hold the button and eyeball it. that and their experience with mahlkonig commercial put me on the fiorenzato
the grind itself is really a secondary concern. the fiorenzato is very obviously more robust and overbuilt than the mazzer. the seating and release system of the burrs, the mechanism on the grind dial, the active cooling. these matter much more for selling coffee than particular opinions on grind profile. and the grind by weight is really a crucial function for me for one-man productivity.
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>moving it frequently and using it in less than perfect environments
Please tell me you're going the Piaggio Ape route?
One man shop with focus on utmost quality, or one man shop with focus on high volume sales. I know where I'd rather go.
t. roasternon lazily drafting out plans for a coffeevan conversion
if you ever get high volume sales, heat buildup, ticket depth and other stresses will compromise your quality assurance to a larger degree than the difference between your first pull vs my first pull
>ticket depth
What's that?
Sounds like you'd be better off serving commercial nespresso.
Queue length. How many orders stack up while he's working alone.
i like doing this bullshit, even when i have severe concerns about the mental status of my customers
Thanks. So it's sort of redundant, since he'd already said "high volume sales."
Yeah he's a dumb wagie.


drank 270ml of filter last night
30g coffee
300g water
had it at about 9pm
fell asleep about
great 8 hour sleep
didnt have time for a coffee this morning so i just grabbed 2 500ml monster zero ultra, finished both about an hour ago and im still pretty tired, gonna have a big coffee for lunch in a few hours
honestly i could fall asleep right now if i layed down
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post it...
you know the one
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You have a mechanical grinder right? How are ya gonna grind coffee when light go out forever?
Where's the font wheels?
don't need any
mortar and pestle
what girthy grinder?
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Been drinking these two. The washed is offensively mediocre, but the natural is yummy.
koppee :)
how u brewin em
had roast chicken and polenta for dinner :)
too full for an after dinner coff
literally me when I make coffee
I usually buy cheap pre-ground coffee for my moka pot but it's kinda shitty. How much better is using cheap coffee beans but with a manual grinder? Also want grinder should I go for?
>How much better is using cheap coffee beans but with a manual grinder?
probably 2x at least
>Also want grinder should I go for?
depends on your budget
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>depends on your budget
What's a good entry-level one, the bare minimum
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Should I get the kingrinder k6
good christ above you people are autistic
Probably. I was gonna say that but then decided just pos this. The coffee community census is that the k6 is like a Toyota Camry or Honda Civic of hand grinders. Best price to value/quality ratio.
cant go wrong with that one
if you never want another grinder then a k6 will be your first and last grinder
it should last a "lifetime"
What if I buy it and the coffee doesn't even taste good
costa rica las lajas natural from onyx
beautiful and delicious
which roasters have a similar profile? they often get florals, dark chocolate and fruits.
it will taste better
fresh ground bad beans is ALWAYS better tasting than pre ground bad beans
thats not even the full list
also its a few years old at this point
>some grinders are listed multiple times
it must be a joke
>it must be a joke
read the notes below
k6 is on there twice but each have different burrs
same with the k4
is the zp6 actually good?
>read the notes below
make me
i did by making you read my comment
>i did
>read the notes below
is where i stopped reading
good luck next time
It's better than the first five that's for sure
should i wait for the zp7 then?
Nigga wait for the zp11
zp3 was when it was still made well and cool faggots ruined it
That's your fault. It's like alcohol..it's an acquired taste. Also you can adjust the grind setting..the brew time, water amount, heat level, ect ect. I brew espresso and drink it straight. I use a df64 gen2 with ssp hu burr, and a breville barista pro. I've been making espresso for less than 2 years. It took like 3-6onth before I found my groove and now I'm making espresso I really really enjoy but sometimes I still drink it and think this doesn't taste good...same way you drink a good whiskey and think this alcohol burns my throat or doesn't taste very good.. because it's alcohol at the end of the day. But I digress..it will and won't taste good. Read how to brew the best way and just take your time and be patient with it. Try different beans, different grind settings and maybe even brew methods. Grinder is the most important piece when it comes to brewing good coffee, aside from bean quality..and even still..any fresh ground and roasted beans brewed by hand is going to taste ten times better than any pre ground store beans with a drip machine..
Clever, but I find that the Colombian actually tastes better as a normal pourover.
Back when I made that US Amazon was the only place to get k4 and k6 at the cheaper price. It's mostly normalized now that they have wider distribution.
I guess I can update it now that the Italian retard has disappeared.
People say that Starbucks is bad, but I think Starbucks is the only major coffee chain in my country (UK) which offers brewed coffee as well as espresso-based coffee.

Sure, some independent gourmet coffee place will offer better coffee for discerning palates, but if you just want a simple filter coffee which tastes alright, I think Starbucks is okay.
Every time someone shits on Starbucks I assume they're a Folger's drinker out of a Mr. Coffee. No one with taste would waste their time shitting on Starbucks because the quality, or lack of, is assumed. It's ubiquitous. Only the most insecure, shit taste moron would feel the need to display their hatred for Starbucks, seeking affirmation or approval.
I only drink decaf coffee after lunchtime. I try not to drink it in the evening though because it makes me get up and piss in the middle of my sleep.

If I drink caffeinated coffee after lunchtime then I inevitably go to bed later, so I get less sleep.
Anyone have experience with those griddle-type coffee roasters that slowly turn the beans?
The way they both play with the shaft..
Motherfuckers I am OUT OF MILK
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my kurasu might get here today...fushigidane...
I would say that Starbucks is bad if you're buying their coffee directly. And that's largely just because you're paying way too much for what you get. But if you're looking to buy bags of coffee from them, they sell a pretty large selection for a fairly cheap amount of money
Humans aren't meant to drink milk after infancy
Oh no how else will you drink choccy milk?
it looks like an angry robot with a dick
thats not true
>but but but lactose intolerance !!!!
doesnt exist if you keep drinking milk
it happens after you get breastfed and then stop consuming milk and then start consuming milk again
but if you keep consuming it as part of your daily life your body just adapts to it
but then if later in life you stop consuming milk for a month or so and then start again your body will reject it
>thats not tru-
prove me wrong
id recommend a high extraction brew for the colombian
>Humans aren't meant to drink milk after infancy
And yet we can, safely, cheaply and deliciously. What a time to be alive.

What's the effect of pulling shots at higher than 9 bar? Say around 15 bar? Gemilai aka turin legato is a very affordable and seemingly quality machine but it has one big problem in my opinion, no opv and comes at 15 bar pressure out of the box. It's able to be modded but that requires power tools and extra parts..
>What's the effect of pulling shots at higher than 9 bar? Say around 15 bar?
garbage coffee
no coffee actually being brewed at 15 bar is good.
first coffee in 3 days
Explain faggot
>what if i cook my food at 1000c?
>>it will be bad
espresso is made to be brewed at 9 bar OR lower
15 bar when brewing would just destroy the coffee, even if you used pre ground garbage from the grocery store and used a pressurized basket

but hoon here is using the turin and seems to have no problem
so maybe the turine "can" go to a maximum of 15 bar but can also do 9 bar no problem, idk.
i bet that faggot lurks here to steal ideas
Thanks nigger but I'm still skeptical
15 bar completely ruining an espresso shot..?
But fatso made a youtibe.
well how about you go ahead and drink a 9 bar shot and then a 15 bar shot and report back with the results
looks like a battletech mech, kek.
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i can only see Wat Tambor
i know its not really close at all but whatever
Lol onyx guy
that faggot for sure doesn't lurk /fit/
Water needs a path through the coffee. Tamping creates a bed of tightly packed coffee giving some resistance to the flow of water. Blasting the fuck out of that bed with 15 bar compacts the bed of coffee and makes it harder for the water to flow evenly through the puck. Low pressure preinfusion mitigates this by letting the puck get hydrated before it gets slammed.
also 15 bar while brewing will channel and will under extract
Yes anon. I explained the mechanism behind channeling.
if someone asks what happens when you press the gas pedal on a car they dont want you to describe the mechanics of what happens they want you to say "the car goes forward"
this retard is asking why 15 bars of brew pressure would make bad coffee, do you really thinks he understands what the mechanics behind channeling is?
everything you said is good and right but it doesnt really mean anything in the mind of a normie
i simplified what you said.
it would be better if you said what you said, then added what i said to the end and then said "which is bad" at the end of that.
Thank you for the explanation
Do you think throwing out buzzwords without any context helps the guy?
>how do cars work and how much horsepower should I be looking for?
What did you order anon-kun?
they've got a sampler set. Well, two, one for house blends and another for single origin. I'm very inexperienced with specialty coffee, so i went with the house blends because i tend to prefer more 'traditional' flavors to fruity ones. It's also basically my first time with beans roasted so freshly (got here a week after roast date), which is a huge deal to a lot of people, but i'm learning is also not a major factor for me. It's interesting how particular people get about their silly cherry seed water

Brewing in an aeropress for smoothness over brightness, the dark roast tastes a lot like one of those dark chocolate oranges that you break open. I paired the medium house blend with fajitas and for exactly one sip it tasted like nothing but straight nut (har har) and then only sweet berry flavors afterwards. fun stuff
Based. I need to snag a few things from kurasu soon. How much was shipping to the states? Used to be like flatrate $20 2 day dhl.
nta but i just checked and it was ~$20
Ah I got that my first time, which was only last month. I really liked everything except the dark roast.
>shitty weather still fucking up coffee crops in Brazil and Vietnam
It's over.
>drinking coffee from brazil or vietnam
brazilian is great for blending
vietnamese is great if youre into burnt rubber
Name a better combination than burnt rubber and condensed milk
i confess i rather enjoy a guatemalan robusta ive roasted myself but only as one part out of four in blends i make for my moka pot
never tried proper phin coffee tho
i had a coffee this morning(12 hours ago)
it was good :)
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Balmuda toaster?
He's a big guy
Jesus christ...
>thread devolved into shitty youtube spam
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>youtube spam
40 hours in between posts?
prices for shit are just comical at this point

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