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Let's be honest here for a moment. American cuisine is pretty bad and laughable when compared to Europe or even the rest of the world.

But if there is something Americans have done right, is that they improved Pizza. When people think of Pizza, they think of American style one. And let's be frank, Italian pizza looks like a sad pancake with shit thrown at it randomly.
They both look retarded, yet I'd still fuck their faces. That's the answer you were looking for.
I don’t think adding corn syrup improves things, buddy.
I'm so tired of you redditor millenial monkeys. You know exactly what OP meant.
Switzerland here. When I think of pizza the first thing that comes to mind is the right. Simple margherita is the most popular variant here, with that cheese distribution pattern, and salami is not a popular topping (if anything the meat variant is prosciutto, idk how it's translated to English but pig meat).
Salami (your "pepperoni" pizza) is often just a sad secondary variant tucked in between the likes of verdura (veggie pizza).
I just assumed OP is a newfag or a retard as he clearly doesn’t know how to use the catalog.
>when americans think of pizza they think of american pizza
No shit. Pizza like Dominos, pizza hut and other american style is not what people in europe think about at least. That's a style of pizza with thick bottoms, bad cheese and random cheap meat thrown on top of it with very little variation. The right would be more what people would imagine for a default pizza then there are local variants that typically involve more variation.
I like both
If you honestly think European cuisine is better than American you are a fucking nutcase.
no one in America thinks about Europe at all
Definitely. I personally like my meat laced with steroids and antibiotics, and over half of my food packed technical food additives including coloring or flavoring agents, preservatives, and sweeteners. Stacked with saturated fat.
How could they think of Europe when they're completely preoccupied with BBC? Idiot.
Weren't you the least bit embarrassed to hit "post" on that? Nobody believes you and nobody would be impressed if they did, you barely-sentient ball of grease.
Only in America do men have problem with lactating nipples. And suffer from a drop in testasterone after their thirties.
Is that seriously what's in all that porridge and yorkshire pudding? I couldn't do it.
Tee hee heeee
I only do when our government blows up their pipelines and then offers to sell them LNG :^)
Europoors you may let the seething commence.
I thought European cuisine was mostly just bread and cheese with a piece of fried fish once a week. Well that's right Italy has pasta, gets old real fast though.
Let's be honest here for a moment. Americans improve every dish we've assimilated. Saying otherwise is thirdy cope.
>thirdy cope.
So American cope?
American pizza often:
>has cheap cheese
>has cheap toppings
>has cheap, sometimes even frozen dough
>is cooked poorly, in a cheap oven/salamander type shit

are you seeing a trend here
Sorry I also forgot
>also has sloppa sauce they make from seasoning in a bag and premade sauce in a bag
I'd have the pizza on the right and the girl on the left.
That isn't even Italian pizza on the right. That's Italy's take on New York style that they had to make for tourists who don't know that Old World Italian pizza was poverty food that didn't ever include meat, cheese, or tomatoes. If you want to credit someone for a flatbread with fat and vegetables on top, you can credit ancient Babylon for that.
American food is better than foreigner food. Would you rather eat at one of these places or a Britbong sarnie van on the M1?

>American food is better than foreigner food
American food barely qualifies as food.
you're right it's closer to ambrosia
I won't even entertain you after this post, you childish american imbecile. Your food is loaded with sugary shit, corn, soy and other garbage. You don't eat like humans, you eat goyim cattle pig paste.

Now fuck off.
There's much less of a chance that there's big black cock ejaculate in the britbong food. Due to the fact that the US loves big black cocks much more than the Brits.
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Salami and pepperoni are not even remotely the same thing as far as taste is concerned, you retarded Europe. I know you dumb niggers don't have pepperoni over there so stop talking about shit you know nothing about.
You've never left your state, you fucking cuckold. So you wouldn't know shit, you sheltered piece of shit.
Do you even have the Ninja Turtles over there?
Yes but it's hentai. And it's fucking delicious
yeah all our stuff has infinitely tastier ingredients, exactly. don't get mad cuz you can't afford corn syrup.

true, the Britbong food has Muslim jizz instead. that's why it's called jizzya
>Muslim blah blah blah
Yes, yes if you say so. Well done little buddy
Thatst right, they just think about niggers
>Salami and pepperoni are not even remotely the same thing as far as taste is concerned
pepperoni is just inferior chorizo (salami)
>big black cock blah blah blah
don't get anally upset cuz I twisted your own game back on you limey, lol.

we don't think about them, we avoid them. it's fags like you that are constantly drooling, daydreaming about the spades lol
there is such a thing as too much pepperoni, and the left one is it
Maybe if you're a 150lbs twink.
mutts law I and mutts law II are very much in effect here
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This. I can only name one head of state in Europe and it's only because she's a qt.
it has nothing to do with calories.
we don't follow laws cuz we have freedom unlike you Yuros. can't even put corn syrup in your ground beef you're such slaves.

Orban isn't that cute but I understand ya
American girl
>look at this awesome pizza!
Italian girl
>oh god this is so embarrassing i can't wait to get out of here
In some parts of Europe they were called the Hero Turtles because the word "ninja" was deemed too violent.
I'm not kidding.
Yeah, in the UK when I was a kid, it was hero. I was quite puzzled when I heard TMNT for the first time
I hate these thumbnails. I hate modern YouTube. I hate modern media. And I don't give a shit about your poor people food.
Everybody cares about your opinion. Thanks for sharing. You're very important
why are americans so defensive about their food? i mean they have great stuff but on average it's quite... underwhelming?
It's basically the WE WUZ syndrome. Europeans came over to the US, cooked some food, different nationalities lived together and combined some cooking styles and used new world ingredients and made something slightly different over here. Why some people try to twist that into the US invented or perfected everything I don't know.

A lot of it is just pretty plain stuff but I mean even here within the US there are flame wars about who has the best pizza, mexican food or whatever between the states. Lack of identity?
It is true America has shitty corn syrup and petrol seed oil foods.
But right next to them in the store is an option without.
We have salami. We have chorizo. Neither taste anything like pepperoni. Stop trying to pull shit out of your ass. Most euros I have seen talk about pizza on youtube say American pizza is far superior to euro pizza, including italian pizza. At least the euros that have eaten American pizza in America. It makes sense - after all, Americans invented pizza and euros just do a poor imitation.
>Most euros I have seen talk about pizza on youtube say American pizza is far superior to euro pizza, including italian pizza.

Post 7.
seriously though, why are americans so insecure about their food? just the tiniest bit of criticism or disagreeing it's the best of the best and they have an emotional breakdown
>on youtube
Ouch. You pitiful little soul
Interesting take considering where most of the viewers of that particular degenerate smut are from.. places that Europe imports mud-monsters from wholesale.
Pepperoni is just a type of salami, retard.
All we're concerned about is keeping American garbage out, Dmitri. We definitely don't want your Russian trash either.
Man you triggered the fuck of these thirdies
Yeah yeah, whatever you say, D'Shawn Martinez
>why are americans so defensive about their food?
The fuck are you talking about? This is a goyslop forum.
ha. you have tears don't you tyler? aw boo hoo
If I were you, I'd have either gone for:
>the fuck you talking about?
>what the fuck are you talking about?
You're sort of in the middle. It's a bit wishy washy
So you have never had American pizza or been to America, got it
Oh Karen, stop being so menstrual. I've heard that it can be tough, but ultimately the gentlemen don't really care.
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>All sausage is salami
Salumi means any salt-cured pork meat, Dmitri. If you want to sell your garbage in NATO countries just give it another name, how hard can it be?
completely agreed. your woman there, however, is dreadful. her smile is completely unattractive
its because there was a scare around japanese weapons at the time, kinda like how americans went crazy over video games causing violence. if you look at all the banned weapons in the UK, 90% of them are japanese because the toffs are retarded racists
Let's be honest- outside some cherry picked items, any of this planet's cuisine is more or less horrid.
Europe deserves everything that's happening to it. you smug fart huffing fucks have been shitting in the cultural downstream for decades and need to be put in your place.
Don't worry Juan your country is about to crash and burn after this disaster of an "election" you're about to have. Why don't you yell about muh pizza when your entire nation crumbles
>hur dur America
You're obsessed. You get up every day dreaming of the American food/products/services you're going to consoooom and then how you'll save face face afterwards. Apparently, a lot of you think going on 4chan and smugposting about America is saving face.
>America is going to collapse
>and it'll be great for my vassal shithole
>so tired of being colonized
oh worldoid... I got bad news for ya...
i went on a trip to italy almost 20 years ago and i remember going tothis little hole in the wall pizza place in naples. i think it was called pizzeria da michele or something like that. it was a basic margherita pizza for 5 euros and i still remember it because it was the best pizza ive ever eaten then or since.
>American cuisine is pretty bad and laughable when compared to Europe or even the rest of the world.
Objectively false. American cuisine is great, and the entire world knows it. You can cope all you want about how fast food is garbage, slop, etc., but it's a fact that American fast food is beloved throughout the world. No other country has the same level of culinary dominance. Even a lot of Italian, Chinese, and Mexican food eaten internationally is heavily Americanized. For every fart-sniffing yuropoor that goes on and on about the superiority of traditional French or Italian cuisine, there are at least 50 people who prefer a nice burger.
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If it were just America dominating the world, it would be humiliating enough. But the way in which America has done it has filled so much of the world, and eastern Europe in particular, with such unmitigated seethe, they have no choice but to countersignal and save face.

The entire world has one-itis over America. It's like we pumped and dumped them or something. I'm like "lul dude just don't eat cheeseburgers or watch hollywood movies and go on with your life" but they'll never stop seething because we literally captured their minds lol
Americans don't rule this world. Your masters do. If anything, Americans as a whole are the biggest cattle in the world.
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I've traveled all over the world and lived in multiple states. I lived in Germany for three months and they put giant pieces of salami on pizzas. Not bite sized salami, but the massive slices that are supposed to go on a sandwich. The workers didn't even know what pepperoni was when I asked about it. My German friends didn't know what pepperoni was either. It was legitimately disgusting too, salami doesn't fucking go on pizza. They also put yellow corn in their fucked up abomination they call "chili". Don't even get me started on German "food", the only good food they had was schnitzel and brie cheese sandwiches.
Italian's can suck my ass. They lost the pizza as WW2 reparations. They're lucky they were allowed to keep pasta, too.
And yet the number of innovations created by ordinary Americans that have influenced your life is staggering and continues. How is this possible if these are mere "cattle"? Is it possible your stubborn "master/slave" mindset has limited you and your inferior society? Doesn't the word "slav" literally mean slave?
>American cuisine is pretty bad and laughable
lolno Cajun food alone mogs most of the planet
>america can make fast food
Yeah well what about GOOD food?
There are more McDonalds outside of America then there are within America. Apparently, you fuckers like this "bad" food an awful lot.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, you fatso. I'm from Netherlands.
Am I supposed to care where that is? Sounds like just another Euro shithole with McDonalds and US military presence.
I didn't expect anything else from a manlet jewgolem fatfuck.
I'm sorry, this is a SEA and EU board, you may not post pro-american opinions here.
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How is it that such a person literally dominates you in every possible way? Is it possible you're just a little bit jealous and maybe a teensy bit inclined to overcompensate to save face?

I had to look it up because I literally had no idea your gay country existed but apparently pic related is your military. All I can say is, you are clearly very mad and blaming the wrong person.
Jealous of what? US is literally third world, even when compared to some god forsaken Eastern Euro shithole like Romania. Average American is poor and in debt, you have no culture, you're mixed, blacks dominate your country, you're the home of LGBTQ degeneracy, your children eat processed garbage, you're all short, brown and obese. There is no redeeming quality about US anymore.
>mama mia I burn-a da pizza! molo mista ba beezo!
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wishful thinking.

protip: your rulers fill you full of anti-American propaganda and counter-signals to keep you barking up the wrong tree. America has problems (as does every country) but not nearly as bad as the media portrays. They know it's easier for you to blame America then to blame them. You class-based peasants in tiny gay euro countries do so love saving face. Your rulers (managers, really) exploit this.

Start your own anonymous image board and clean up your own gay country first, faggot.
Pepperoni is literally a kind of salami you fucking idiot.
Imagine still being a transphobic racist, nazi bigoted orange man supporter in the current year. You are beyond pathetic my dude.
> American cuisine is pretty bad and laughable when compared to Europe or even the rest of the world

It isn't. Maybe southern europe, but northern european food is fucking disgusting compared to american food.
>when compared to Europe
lmao no
>Mexican food

half of most mexican dishes originated in texas.
No, actually all developed countries have been having those problems. Usually in direct proportion to how developed they are.
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>even when compared to some god forsaken Eastern Euro shithole like Romania.
Is that why the average american is richer than them or westerners and has a higher standard of living
>Average American is poor and in debt
The average dutch, nordic, and british is deeper in debt than the average american
>you have no culture
Except the one your entire continent coopted and emulates constantly
>you're mixed,
5% of the US is mixed race
>you're the home of LGBTQ degeneracy
Came from French, germans, and brits. Euros spent the last 20 years trying to get americans more accepting when they're the least accepting of any country about it.
>you're all short, brown and obese.
Mexico, not us.

Other two are correct tho euroshitskin

Nafri shitskin
>idk how it's translated to English but pig meat).

Long pork/long pig
All world's best chefs come from Europe, you uncultured american swine.
Everyone except retards are nutcases?
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>Your entire civilisation is collapsing
>Your tribe and people can't breed
>There is undeniably a mass, collective psychosis in the collective consciousness
>You are writing paragraphs online about pizza
You are the problem with the current world; and the billions just like (You)
>. it's fags like you that are constantly drooling, daydreaming about the spades lol
That is cope and you know it.
Amerimutts are sensitive about having no culture, unless you call kneeling for BBC a culture.
the fact you don't see the ironing in your post is far more troubling
yeah look almost complete freedom with toppings that's a great innovation but if you compare like with like such as a margherita vs a ny plain slice it's not flattering for the plain slice, pre shredded mozz from a bag and dried oregano instead of fresh basil
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>having no culture
how can we have no culture when we have your culture? And everybody else's for that matter.
Yeah, come from Europe and move to US, you sloppy leftover garbage of a person.
>sloppy leftover garbage of a person.
You just described Americans. Since Europe pretty much dumped all of their worst trash over there.
left has too much pepperoni, about 4 pieces is ideal for flavor balance.
More like all the people with a dick and balls moved to US, leaving only impotent faggots at home.

That's why you've been irrelevant for over a century.
Funny how the worst trash ended up inventing computers, nukes, internet and going to the moon while the best trash only managed to seethe about them anonymously on the internet in their non-native language.
>ended up inventing computers, nukes, internet and going to the moon
All done by Germans
Not German enough to do so in Germany, apparently.
They did.
Okay fatty. Live in your delusion.
Didn't know that Leo Szilard and Robert Taylor were german.
I'm not the one pretending germans were relevant outside America, the one place where non-worthless germans went.
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This is the best pizza.
Looks terrible
Looks fantastic
Looks uncooked
Looks overcooked
That's a pie not pizza.
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I like both American pizza AND Neapolitan pizza.
That’s a pizza not a pie.
Their faces drip with more fat than their pizzas
holy fucking shit kill yourself you insufferable nuancebrain
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That isn't relevant. If you ask for a pepperoni sandwich, and someone makes you a salami sandwich, you will tell them to take it back and make you the correct sandwich. That's like saying all cheddar is the same because it's called cheddar. All ground beef is the same because it's all ground beef. It's not. There are varieties of all these things and you claiming there isn't a difference shows me you've never fucking tasted pepperoni once in your life. Stop talking about something when you don't even have knowledge of the subject, it makes you look ignorant and braindead.
Sorry, are you saying that there's no pepperoni in Europe? What are you basing this on?
I don't know if other euro countries have pepperoni but Germans don't know what pepperoni is and it didn't exist when I lived there.
They think salami and pepperoni are the same thing. That doesn't tip you off?
What's salame picante in that case?
I'd eat that
This is the pizza.
I want to stuff them full of pizza until their bellies are nice and bloated. Then I want to watch the American one poop all of the pizza out
That's antisemitic.
>Then I want to watch the American one poop
Do you actually think those flags are indicating the nationalities of the girls?
You are delusional
Left unironically looks better. The pizza as well.
Then why don't we have that problem in Zimbabwe, amerishart?
The right is also american
Both pizzas look shit. The worst thing you can do to a pizza is overload it with cheese. Makes the whole thing soggy
>Both pizzas look shit
You're foreign. How would you know what pizza is supposed to taste like?
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Isn't it just Paprika-Salami?
Okay enjoy your slop
That word isn't as cool as you think it is, foreigner. You come across like a 9 year old.
True. I think the only times Europe even enters my mind at all is when I'm on 4chan and they seethe, or when I'm watching a ww2 movie or ratatouille or something.
America is such a superior continent in every conceivable way.
No. Pepperoni is higher fat content and saltier, I've had what's in your pic and American Pepperoni and they're very different.
All of this.
I travel well and dine well while doing it, but its not random where I eat, I may have to research and figure it out, or else i'd be in tourist traps. Maybe the euro should travel the same way and have the more quality experiences in the US, and not assume an interstate lined with conveniences is how Americans dine. We don't. I have the patience to wait until my destination and my dinner reservation at the end locale. I am only stopping to use the bathroom, fill up, and get a coffee or shake to sip on while driving (or while flying).

New Haven pizza is the original pizza in the US, and it's utterly delicious, no matter if from Frank Pepe's or Sally's or the newer Bar. The local contribution was littleneck clams, and the fact the ovens were fired by coal. Then came clumps os mashed potatoes of all things. This is the american pizza, clam and potato, charred bits on the crust.
>and not assume an interstate lined with conveniences is how Americans dine. We don't.
We do though. Your post is a massive cope.
>We do though.
Not him, but nice try. At least admit you're from Australia or some other foreign vassal shithole instead of pretending to be American. FWIW, Americans eat wherever the fuck we want because we have options, unlike most of the world, so you're both fucking gay and wrong.
>But if there is something Americans have done right, is that they improved Pizza

Enlighten me Anon.
I don't remember having eaten an American pizza!
Sure thing buddy, most countries don’t have restaurants and americans only eat at local restaurants or cook at home, everyone wonders how our country was colonized by fast food franchises since nobody goes there. Fuck euros for being pretentious pricks and fuck you for being a lying bitch.
Faggot, I posted that we do what we want. That includes all of the above. I can eat a Waffle House by the interstate on Monday, get a great pizza from my local pizza joint on Tuesday, and grill in my big fucking back yard on Wednesday. Or do all 3 in the same day. I dgaf. The world can suck my dick. I'm an American.
Are you actually retarded enough to believe only americans get to chose what and where they eat? Have you ever left your fucking state?
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>moving the goalposts
They don't have these options. Their "options" are different types/degrees of poverty and deprivation. I get that you're larping as an American and can't admit which foreign shithole you're from but the good news is that it doesn't matter. You're all the same irrelevant vassals to Americans.

Eat shit and take your vax, worldie.
I was born in St Louis you retarded faggot. You make no sense, claiming superiority because you can eat at Waffle House for lunch and a local pizza for dinner? Really? Confirmed: you never left your flyover state.
>>moving the goalposts
>They don't have these options.
In the grand scheme of things, food is inexpensive in all of the US. Relatively speaking, Americans can and do spend what they want on food. He's right. It's a smaller piece of the cost of living puzzle than Euros enjoy. Sure it's worse thanks to Biden's economy, but it's the most affordable food in the world.
>Switzerland here.
you cannot be more irrelevant
Cheese doesn't make pizza soggy, too many vegetables do. Since when does cheese get wet?
Not even remotely close to the same taste. This is like asking if ground turkey is the same as honey smoked deli turkey. Omg! But they're both turkey, so they're the same am I rite?!?!? No. Quit being retarded.
>I was born in St Louis
I love it when foreigners try to larp as Americans and they always pick the most implausible scenarios and articulate it in strange ways that no American would.

No American who isn't black would say "I was born in St. Louis". And the attempt at using "flyover" as an insult when St Louis is deadass in the midst of flyover is rich. Keep trying, worldie.
Two salami variants with peppers in them is the same as bee spit and bird meat?
Wait, since when is NJ a flyover state? Do you even know what that term means? Even in my small city of 70k there is such a huge plethora of options, I've lived here for two years and barely made a dent in all the 4.5+ star places I could try. What are you even trying to say? People choose to eat fast food out of convenience and for comfort, they don't do it because they "have no other choice."
>moving the goalpost
That’s what you’re doing. Suddenly its good because it’s cheap. You’re a fucking moron.
I never claimed i wasn’t from a flyover state you dumbass.
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Why are you even talking about it when you've clearly never tasted pepperoni? Do you even know what the difference between ground meat and deli meat is? Why respond at all?
Not that guy, but funny story. My grandmother, who had her IDs stolen while traveling with us in CDMX, got back into the US just by identifying her place of birth as "Missourah" and was simply then waved on through. I read the official pronunciation has now changed to the anglicized (non-Indian) way as a state now as Missour-eee
You're responding to someone larping as an American. Everything they think they know, they got from watching movies and tv. They think Americans insult each other by calling each other out for living in "flyover" states because that's what the aids-ridden faggots in NYC and LA quip about when they write said movies and tv.
40% of cheese is water you dumb nigger
This is true. State Department uses casual banter to tease out foreign agents. Little things like pronunciation of cities and opinions about sports teams. All sorts of subtle shibboleth. Sussing out foreign larpers is fun on 4chan because we're full of UK Commonwealth retards and Europoors using 4chan as a free speech refuge. They're incredibly insecure and humiliated so when backed into a corner they'll often pretend to be American. Usually they'll fumble it in the most pathetic ways that reveal they know absolutely fuck all about this country they're so negatively obsessed with.
Not sure how that's relevant. I've eaten extra cheese pizza my entire life and I've never had a wet cheese pizza. Meat, sauce, dough, and vegetables also contain water content and the only time pizza becomes wet is if it's overloaded with too many vegetables. It can get GREASY from too much meat or cheese but it doesn't get wet. Perhaps learn English a bit better before trying to deal with the nuances of the language.
>too many vegetables do
or not having the heat high enough to cook the vegetables and drive off the moisture in them, or only putting them on raw, or using a sauce that is too wet, or putting the vegetables under the cheese, or not using part skim cheese....
There's no finite answer for a soggy pizza, I'd say. Why be so absolute, and make claims that can be refuted. Not every restaurant is Papa Johns! Some people known what they are doing, where to place a pie in the oven, and when to pull it
There's not a single vegetable in OP's pic yet you can see both pizzas hanging sadly, the left one being the more egregious one. That's because it's not water that makes a pizza soggy but fat. Water evaporates in a 200 °C oven but fat doesn't. As the cheese melts and releases its fat it seeps into the crust giving you a sad, soggy excuse of a pizza. Same with covering every square cm of the pizza with sausage.
You're being trolled. Anyone who has added too many veggies on pizza knows what you're talking about. Getting sliced Roma tomatoes or sliced tomatoes that are too thick is basically a recipe for soggy pizza.
You have no reading comprehension, nobody ever claimed there was no options in the US you low is retard.
Very low "is". You've won.
>veggies make pizzas soggy
>therefore nothing else make them soggy
I don't even know what kind of reverse reasoning this is. I have never seen an american pizza slice stand upright when held at the end. Many european pizzas suffer from the same issues, likely due to american influence making people think that more toppings = better pizza. It's abundantly clear to anyone with common sense that overloading a pizza with cheese makes it soggy, i don't get why it's so hard for people in this thread to admit. If you just like molten cheese you don't have to bother with pizza, much easier to just melt some cheese
>I have never seen an american pizza slice stand upright when held at the end.
Huh? Not sure why you'd want this, but literally go to any Pizza Hut. Thin crust of course, but even the hand tossed are rigid as the crust is now ultra thin. They have them in your shithole country, most likely. There is a Pizza Hut at the foot of the pyramids in Egypt.

There is nothing inherently impressive about a rigid slice, though. With pizza trying to imitate a NY style, it often means that the crust is going to be too chewy.
Italian pizza was a peasant food that American's turned into gourmet.
>I have never seen an american pizza slice stand upright when held at the end.
You are retarded. The reason the canonical way to eat a slice of New York pizza is to pinch and fold it over with one hand is that the slice does not "stand upright" when held. Nobody likes soggy pizza but the lengths non-Americans will go to rationalize their deprivation, poverty, and lack of freedom is astounding. You literally shape your cultures around hopelessness and dependence.
You’re talking to an american.
Jokes on you, I'm actually non-American.
I’m not american either
plot twist, neither am i
meanwhile, I'm ultra-American.
Eurangutans are fucking cringe
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I'm not eating pizza right now I'm making an omelet
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>salami and pepperoni are the EXACT same thing!!! There's no difference!!
>your pizza slice isn't rigid and hard? THAT MEANS ITS WET FROM THE CHEESE!!
>veggies don't make pizza wet lol it's obviously the cheese because of the water content of cheese!
Do Euros really? This thread is so embarrassing, but it's also funny watching Euros expose themselves as being this retarded over and over.
>larping as an American
Stop it.
>no man it's not soggy
>it's supposed to be that way
Just admit it's shit pizza
Before this thread I've only seen ketolards have such an unreasonable obsession for cheese. People acting as if putting slightly less cheese on a pizza will kill them
Americans love to take a handful of a country’s regional dishes and extrapolate remixes
>Hurr durrr, mexicans only use five ingredients
>Hurr durr, Italians only eat pasta and pizza
That because of the tiny sample size and conformity of looking at them and thinking that it is it, there’s nothing more. That is also why Americans annoy others with their food, feels like a parody.
There’s also this >>20697036
Something similar can be said about mexican food, where some dishes are defines by the way they are presented, whilst Americans think of a very specific list of ingredients, taco bowls and taco flavor make no sense to a Mexican, but mean something to an American
>soggy or stiff crust
those are not your only two options
Too busy worshipping blacks and sending taxes to Israel?
lol this retard thinks our taxes get sent anywhere and that we don't just print endless money and get globaloid vassals like him addicted to it. lol
Lol why are you even talking to a Russian in a Russian thread full of Russians? lol
>>Newfag tourist dosen't know euro copes
Gourmet pizza>>>>Neapolitan Pizza>>>Pizza Romana>>>>American Pizza>>>>>>Pizza al taglio
>Gourmet pizza
Hawaiian pizza, that is all.
I swear it's fucking good
The only thing Americans can improve is speed running getting a massive heart attack
And that's why your disgustingly citizens can't even afford rent and groceries? Is the fat clogging up your brain or are you normally this retarded?
Iowa pizza is the best pizza.
Wow anon that surely is too much cheese on the pizza, must be wet since cheese is 40% water
This vassal is *mad*. Which irrelevant shithole are you from, vassal? Notice how they never want to say... lol
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Even with scientific proof such as this Europeans will cope and seethe.
Is that a chain?
>pepperoni is a type of salami
Yeah, and rye is a type of bread. Therefor all bread = rye according to you fucking morons.
that pizza be lookin good ngl. get some ranch to dip the crust in, bone apple tea
>no u
Exactly what I'd expect from someone inhabiting a forgotten country.
Reminder: Europeans are ALL weak and gay. Thier ancestors new they couldn't make it in the new world.
This is true except American cuisine is generally better than any yuropoor cuisine anywhere. Italian food really does suck and the Americanized versions are always better.

There's a reason why Europeans are so weak and frail.
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The American-style pizza is meant to be a fast and convenient party food to feed large groups of people. Nobody here actually considers it gourmet shit, although Dominos and Pizza Hut actually do make nicer pizzas now in addition to their classic cheap slop.
Local pizzerias in virtually all of Europe make American style pizza thougheverbeit.
>$23 (without taxes)
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you damn tootin
>American cuisine
No offense but the food you got is just European food with more additives
No offense but that's objectively false
>$23 (without taxes)
The fuck are you on about? You're just not goyslopping correctly.

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