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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Superior kraut glassware edition.

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, grind finer.
Trying light roast for the first time today. Never thought I'd unironically describe coffee as "orange juice" but here we are.It's not bad but it's got zero body, an interesting experience but I'll stick to medium roasts after I'm done with this bag.
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Für mich ist es die Karlsbader Kanne.
Also previous, because my dumbass forgot:

At least I didn't make the thread in the wrong board. Happened before.
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How the fuck is a coffee and tea thread the only active ones on this board.

Fuck all of you
Us drink snobs always have something new to talk about.
Interesting brewer and quite pretty. Thermal management on a big chunk of ceramic gotta be hell though.
Pouring hot water on dry plant material is more accessible than baking and cooking.
Also, we have reoccurring posters with their own unique eccentricities and personal feuds. Honestly, at times, these threads really feel like a virtual coffee/tea shop where we can just shoot the shit with strangers and catch up with the regulars.
>At least I didn't make the thread in the wrong board. Happened before.
Which board?
>virtual coffee/tea shop where we can just shoot the shit with strangers and catch up with the regulars.
What's a video game that captures this feeling?
Michael preheats it while preparing the grounds.

>these threads really feel like a virtual coffee/tea shop
Glad i'm not alone with this feeling.
Depends on the day. I've made posts meant for /vg/ here, threads meant for /tg/ on /vg/, threads meant for /vg/ on /m/ and so on. Back in the day I even made a /jp/ thread on /k/ (But that board is weeb central so we still used the thread). Don't think I've posted a /ctg/, specifically, on the wrong board yet.
VA-11 Hall-A. Yeah it's bartending and there's a coffee knockoff of it but the knockoff is shit.
anything darker than light roast is soulless. lifeless. disgusting. charred.
Grind finer.
Brew hotter.
>Brew hotter.
Figured I might try that tomorrow since I'm using a manual machine. Lower temperature medium/dark roasts taste great but with light roast something just didn't feel right. I usually preheat the brew chamber by placing it over the kettle but this time I might do a few boiling water flushes.
>he doesn't just chew on them green
Suggestions for UK coffee roasters please? I've been using Ozone but they seem to only do medium or medium dark. I'm looking for something light roast
Personally, I just eat the cherries from the coffee tree outside and then douse myself in boiling water for a more authentic experience.
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square mile
Thinking about getting my dad some Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee for his birthday, anyone here tried it before? Got a brand I should look towards?
Is that cheese bread?
I have had it a few times. The first time it was exceptional, and probably one of the best coffees I have ever had. After that, it hasn't been great.

In my experience it has been difficult to get it freshly roasted. I see a lot of stands at food fairs where the whole company just specialises in Blue Mountain, and yet it's never freshly roasted. And for the price difference, id rather get a nice Ethiopian instead.
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I exclusively grind French roast beans. Sometimes I even toss a spoonfull of Vietnamese robusta into the grinder with them to mellow out the arabica beans even more.
thanks anon. going from from 100 to 105 C changed everything- went from bland to saucy and interesting. It's a little bit over extracted at this point, not sure I should grind coarser and turbo it or keep the same prep and drop the temp to 103
hey guys im a newfag can i ask for some pleb recommendations here?
Always buy the bag of coffee with the coolest looking logo on it.
If you want to get serious, expect to budget >$1000 on a high-end nespresso machine and capsules
Buy a $50 handgrinder and good, fresh beans to see if fancypants coffee is for you. Scale is mandatory too.
a good burr grinder and fresh roasted coffee is the more important than anything else.
the guide in OP basically has no motorized grinders for cheap. any suggestions?

Pick two
That's because there are no good, cheap motorized grinders unless you're willing to stick a drill on a hand grinder.
dont buy a cheap grinder
ok enjoy shitty coffee then.

also the pastebin is like 2 years out of date.

for an electric burr grinder, i wouldn't pay any less than $300usd, that is the floor.
The DF54 is in the mid 200s and supposedly pretty good.
could be
but i said "i"
also my knowledge is about as out of date as the pastebin lol.
What's stopping the fellow opus from being recommended?
I too miss the baking general someone-fucked-my-loaf-anon
This + freshly roasted beans is all you need.
DF54 is the cheapest motorized grinder that can be recommended with confidence at present.
Why is your bread leaking from its holes? Is it a whore?
Anon.. it may be hard to hear, but all women leak from thier holes not just whores.
That's a big cezve.
Sure, honest answer? Kingrinder k6 and a hand drill.
Women have terrible control over their bodily functions, a sharp poke is enough to make one wet themselves.
Shitty high fines burr, large inconvenient stepped adjustment. Great grinder for people who want to french press Stumptown from the grocery store. Its basically Fellow's take on an Encore.
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I just found out today that this thing exists. Anyone have one? Would I be retarded if I purchased this? I currently only use a french press.
You'd have to be incredibly retarded to buy one
get this
the only thing i have to make coffee is that little vietnamese metal drip thingy. is there any device that i could buy that doesnt cost 40k that can do the same thing?
What's stopping you from buying paper filters and a dripper?
society, but in all seriousness it doesnt taste the same and i hate having leftover coffee on the burner sitting there until i remember
i mean you could just get a french press if you like metal filtered coffee
or a v60 if you want paper
or a clever dripper if you want paper filtered and prefer a longer brew(or are lazy)
>leftover coffee on the burner sitting there until i remember
But you don't boil coffee with a dripper. You just pour water over it.
in normie vernacular a dripper/drip coffee is like diner coffee or a moccamaster which has coffee drip into a carafe that sits on a hot plate to keep the coffee hot all day.
which burns the coffee.
Then to clear it all up: I'm just telling anon to get a pourover setup because that's as cheap as coffee making gets. Hell, he could even get a cloth filter if he doesn't want to keep buying papers all the time.
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At a home decor store. They have "Brandani" French presses from $8-$10, all metal and glass for $10; thoughts? Is there anything better online? I don't have one yet.
>"French" press
>Italian flag
I think that's a scam.
>Is there anything better online?
no not really
a french press is basically the most basic way to make coffee
its just a jug that is the same diameter and height as the plunger
you can get all metal ones if you are afraid of the glass breaking
They probably label it that way just because Americans here don't know what a "cafetiere" is.
I think I'll get one then, thanks. Any thoughts on the size? I would only do one cup at a time, probably. Though, the handle on the bigger one feels nicer to hold.
350mls is enough for a cup, go from there.
Thanks, anon.
>maximum safe heat for glass is at boiling temp or less
I'd get an all-metal one either at a different store or online, I have a feeling that thing won't last long even if all you're putting in it is hot water, which is why it's so cheap.
Can someone explain to me why Americans have such bad coffee? I'm Australian, and when the Italians came to Australia in the 50s they brought their espresso coffee with them, and ever since then we've had very good coffee, with a very good cafe culture.

But when I visited America, all I got was garbage drip coffee everywhere. NO ONE serves drip coffee in Australia, because it's taken for granted that everyone has espresso machines. Why haven't Americans caught on?
>Mr. Coffee, introduced in 1972, was the first automatic electric-drip coffeemaker made for home use.
Before that the percolator was invented around 1889 and before that they were straining it or drinking it "cowboy" style. I think it was less
>we don't like esspresso
And more like
>this is just how everyone makes coffee and it's easy and quick
>long black
you have no room for criticism snake jockey
they spelt expresso wrong
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How would it taste like?
Probably like a latte, but with cilantro
You mean coriander right?
That's sad. An entire fucking continent without good coffee.
No? It's made with just the leaves of the coriander plant, which is cilantro when speaking English.
yeh but in kino parts of the world is pronounced coriander :)
I had to euthanise my dog today. Please for the love of everything holy, recommend me some beans for espresso. I usually buy Padre stuff (aus). I just need something to make me feel anything.
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>Kierkegaard “had his own quite peculiar way of having coffee,” according to the biographer Joakim Garff. “Delightedly he seized hold of the bag containing the sugar and poured sugar into the coffee cup until it was piled up above the rim. Next came the incredibly strong, black coffee, which slowly dissolved the white pyramid.” Then he gulped the whole thing down in one go.
Well damn, and I always thought people in antiquity had more sensible eating habits than anyone in the modern era
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>Well damn, and I always thought people in antiquity had more sensible eating habits
especially when it came to sugar
when the british royalty/nobles got their hands on sugar it changed everything.
sugar tooth paste, sugar face masks
mountains of sugar in everything they could put it in
the more sugar you consumed the more wealthy you appeared.
queen elizabeth I is the most notable
her teeth turned black and fell out of her mouth because she consumed so much sugar.
which is one of the reasons the whole "brits have bad teeth" thing comes from.
they (compared to the rest of the world) were so rich and the food they ate was so excessive that their teeth were just dogshit constantly
and because the queens teeth had turned black from eating so much sugar, everyone wanted to be like her so they ate sugar and their teeth went black
and the ones that couldn't afford that amount of sugar would artificially blacken their teeth to fit in
and the queen was terrified of the dentist so those who wanted to be like her also didnt go to the dentist.
(granted im sure dentistry during the 1500s was pretty scary)
I'll try it, thank you
That's rough anon, I'm sorry. We always forget how hard that is until the time comes around again. I'll second the other anon's post, I find almost everything from Five Senses to be pretty good but sometimes they have some quite amazing shit.
The brain runs on carbs and Kierkegård was a bigbrainer.
The cheapest I'd go is the double serve bodums that they stock at walmart, since the glass is at least tempered unlike picrel.
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She was only seven. It's surreal. Liver cancer, the vet said he could remove the lump but it would only give her a few months. She was in a lot of pain. Ordering a bag of that goffee tomorrow morning when the misery hits after waking.
11:33 pm goffee
peru again
had roast chicken for dinner.
She's a good looking dog, anon, it fucking sucks right now but you did the right thing and she'd understand. I hope you like what you order, I usually do.
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makes me feel like puking after reading that
join the Origami Gang.
>very good coffee
You guys latched onto coffee to differentiate yourselves from the Brits. Similar to how the Brits loudly drink some of the shittiest tea on the planet with milk and sugar, Australians love cheap PNG and Viet robusta blends in a flat white.
>She's a
she was
that filter is too big anon
Padre Youth In Asia blend for this feel.
no such thing. Who gives a fuck.
please don't post here again

How come they still have shit teeth though? I used to think it was a meme until I started watching brit TV shows and brit WW2 footage, fuckers always have crooked, shriveled, yellowed or blacked out teeth. Is it the water?
Nah, I don't think I'll listen to you. Faggot opinions are easily discarded.
well it seems to be many reasons
they dont care how they look as long as they are healthy(on the inside, the outside color or shape is irrelevant)
malnutrition from both world wars(they got hit extremely hard in terms of food and rationing, they were still rationing into the mid 1950s)
also the idea of perfectly white, straight teeth (at least in modern history) is an american obsession, and before the establishment of the "american empire" it really didnt matter what they looked like as long as they weren't literally rotting out of the person's mouth.
but after white straight teeth became idealised in american culture and that american culture spread around the world what was once normal was now seen as abnormal
also considering the diet of the entire country consisting of beer and tea from the age of 3 to 93, both of which stain teeth very quickly.
i mean are you really going to spend more money on removing the stains from your teeth if the very next day you are going to drink 8 cups of black tea and start staining them all over again?
might as well leave it as it is
and for crooked teeth, if a tooth was healthy and wasn't endangering other teeth or other parts of the mouth or was a nuisance then it was left alone.
yeah like yours lmao. go enjoy your charcoal retard
Thanks for that. I've never had any Five Senses so I'm looking forward to trying it.
Sorry I don't drink masala chai pumpkin spice machiatto chilled on a steel ball and served in a perfume bottle like you, faggotron.
>i mean are you really going to spend more money on removing the stains from your teeth if the very next day you are going to drink 8 cups of black tea and start staining them all over again?
t.Drank a liter of tea daily for 8 years before moving on to daily espresso, still go to the dentist for a good cleanup every 6 months (Healthcare covers it). My teeth are slightly yellowed but they're not orange or have visible cavities. In fact I've never had a cavity, didn't even have to extract my wisdow teeth. Just brush your teeth after a big meal or lots of acidic drink and be sensible.
>no u
A masterful response, sir. Will we be having anything else tonight, or shall I bring you the check?
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Ladies, ladies.
Calm down.
Have some coffee.
But I already had my morning cuppa, at least wait for afternoon before giving me more.
Don't brush after acidic drink. You'll cause unnecessary enamel wear. Just thoroughly rinse your mouth and brush 30 minutes later.
yeah but you are american or live in a highly americanised culture
no one in england cared about stained teeth
so why get them cleaned?
also i was using a general you, not actually asking You a question.

i think the culture(in england) around dental hygiene and looking clean has changed alot and been influenced by american media alot in the last 15 is years.
like you notice a difference between bonger zoomers and bonger millennials
so i think the "bongers have bad teeth" meme will probably start to die out in the future.
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Why wait?
That's basically what I do already. Big cup of water, do the dishes, clean up the kitchen and then brush. By the time I'm done it'll have been 30 minutes already.
>"bongers have bad teeth" meme will probably start to die out in the future.
We'll see about that. The internet is a meme preservation chamber, it's been over a decade since m00t decried the eternal cunt but we still give aussies a bad rep for excessive shitposting. Then again this very thread is proof that the stereotype is real.
I dunno. Don't want to drink TOO much, I guess.
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Double choco goffee day. The espresso one is proper crunchy with a nice choco espresso taste. The mocca is my favorite with the tastiest coffee and chocolate mix imaginable. So happy i got two of this one and not the other.
Mocca espresso sip to go with.

Sorry for your loss.
So do you dip the chocolate into the coffee or just take bites while drinking?
It depends, sometimes i bite some choco then take a sip and blend the two in my mouth, sometimes i drink the cuppa then a few minutes later while still having the lingering coffee taste i eat the choco. I usually never dip the choco into the coffee.
Fair enough. I've tried mixing chocolate into coffee before but it just doesn't work, it becomes a nasty emulsion that ruins both the coffee and the chocolate.
im thinking of buying a coffee grinder on amazon for prime day i dont really have one thats a burr grinder
>How come they still have shit teeth though?
lots of inbreeding
>i dont really have one thats a burr grinder
Duh, that's why you're buying a new grinder.
cold brew tastes like absolute dogshit. why do people drink it
i dont know i'm starting to hate summer iced coffee sucks
bad cold brew is bad
good cold brew is good
>inb4 there is no good cold brew
skill issue
like, cold brew + shit ton of sugar can be okay, but unsweetened cold brew is complete ass
There is no good cold brew.
>Skill iss-
Taste issue.
i agree, you do have a taste issue
>2l iced coffee carton to accompany all nighter (overdue coursework)
>diaherria in the morning
is this normal? i feel terrible
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Lack of sleep and coffee on an empty stomach will do that to digestion, yes.
Don't neglect your sleep if you want to maintain a higher quality of life.
How much coffee do you drink in a day?
'bout 2cups
This should suit your needs well. Superior grind quality to that OXO you're asking about.

You can also find the bent handle version on aliexpress. It's more ergonomic.
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is this worth buying
It is not.
Not horrible if you like the aesthetic, but not worth it compared to better options on the market.
Yeah only promblem with that is my stomach that's like, nah bro you're not sleeping tonight.
Not him but what's the difference in this and a v60? Taste wise.
Most people won't be able to discern much difference between the two, taste wise.
The real difference is that the brewer and carafe are one unit, so you have to use it and clean it as one unit. With a V60, or pretty much any other manual drip brewer, you have more versatility in how you brew, and material selection. It's easier to rinse, and the V60 also has greater variety of filters.
ty, just ordered the v60 starter kit with ceramic dripper (size 2) instead
you're the fuckin man
If it's a new chocolate or coffee i haven't tried i don't mix them. Once i've tasted them on their own i'll try to mix them and see what flavours i get. I bite some choco and let it melt in the mouth with a sip of coffee. I repeat until finished. If not in the mood i'll just eat the chocolate square after drinking the espresso.
The only time i ever melt chocolate in the coffee is if i'm doing a mocha/mochachino and that's pretty rare. My guess is it's the chocolate fats that mess up the coffee if you don't add milk.
By the way when making hot chocolate with real chocolate melting it in some milk with a cinnamon stick, cocoa powder, some vanilla and salt for example, adding a shot of espresso brings the drink together really well.
Yummy choccy milk!
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22g in, 44g out in 32 seconds. Strapping in for that afternoon caffeine kick.
strap in
blast off
>too weak to continue working
>can't sleep
ah? what hell is this?
Sleep deprivation coupled with anxiety?
I want to take the Gaggiapill once I jump into boiler machine espresso, is it still a good idea without modding? Also 22g? Good luck, anon, try not to walk on the ceiling too much.
It’s a fine budget machine that will last forever because you can replace any part of it unlike breville units. Though I will say, buying one and not wanting to mod it with at least a PID is a bit insane. I understand not wanting to tackle the gaggiuino project but an espresso machine without real temperature control is asking for frustration and inconsistency. Personally I’m just waiting for my gaggiuino kit to arrive and I’m very much looking forward to the rewards that will bring.
I've worked with PCB prototyping and maintenance before so it's not like I CAN'T tackle on the mods, I'm just too lazy and don't like to open my own electronics for some reason (Other than my PC). I guess I'd do a PID mod if it isn't too much soldering, or maybe an OPV spring change.
Whats the name of the hand grinder that sits on a table top and you use one hand to hold a handle to keep it stead and another to crank in a vertical direction?
If you’re in the U.S. the GCP comes with a 9 bar spring out of the box. If you’re a euro you will definitely need to do that mod. As far as know PID mods don’t require soldering. Neither does gaggiuino unless you want to build and install the integrated scales yourself. I paid a bit more to have that soldering done for me by peak coffee.
Does having a connical bur disqualify a grinder for consideration?
The varria vs3 seems nice for its price range. Only thing I see is that it uses connical instead of flat which is the type I see in many of the expensive grinders.
No. Try not to fall too deeply into the minutiae of coffee autism.
>Does having a connical bur disqualify a grinder for consideration?
Nobody ever said or thought that.
PID kits don't require soldering, everything is done with spade connectors. It just sits in series with all the heater, pump, and the other components
>don't like to open my own electronics for some reason
Extremely fucking gay
Do I need to invest in anything more than a kingrinder k6 if I'm primarily doing pour-overs for the foreseeable future?
Gooseneck kettle?
That'd be good too, but I meant moreso if its worth investing in a grinder that's more expensive than the k6
>if its worth investing in a grinder that's more expensive than the k6
Nah. You're set for pourover.
anyone have a recommendation for a drip machine to make at home? nothing more than say 100-150 usd
What kind of goosenecks do anons use here? I've seen the hoffman's videos on temp loss for transferring from a regular kettle but somehow I don't see everyone here rocking staggs. Is there a decent priced electric gooseneck or aliexpress knock off that's recommended?
Not really. "Sidegrade" would be zp6 or kinu+POB if you wanted more room to experiment. "Upgrade" would be like a df64. You could spend your money on all of them and find out you like the k6 more.
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I got you senpai
does Milwaukee make something similar?
I put cilantro and carnitas in a potato and freezer pea soup. It's a travesty that I already ate all of it.

The latte sounds cuppa sloppa.
Online is generally around $20. You can find these in thrift a lot because people try them once then move on. If you're a coffee nerd, it's not an impractical method to learn.
I've got a stagg. Still works great after 3-4 years. Boils fast, pours a little slow for tea and some pourover recipes.
Yeah only problem is they're $300+ dollarydoos in Aussie land.
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Soon tm
Unfortunately no. I wish the batteries were universal.
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I've got pic related.
I pour 100C water from my cheap(ish) pitcher kettle and it comes up to 92C. If I need it hotter, I can preheat the kettle with a small splash of boiling water from the pitcher kettle, dump it, and fill it like normal. That method gets me up to 98C. And of course, I can simply bring it up to temp on the stovetop. I have verified the accuracy of the included analog thermometer with my instant read thermometer.
Not bad for 20 USD.

And yes, I could just get an electric gooseneck in place of my pitcher kettle, but I get a lot of use out of the 1.7 litre pitcher and don't have the counter space to justify two electric kettles.
Sounds like a skill issue. Try to snag a 900ml timemore Fish off ali.
They basically all are with an adapter.
oh and there is some german one i always forget the name of.
>Does having a connical bur disqualify a grinder for consideration?
tell me how you got to this conclusion
also conical has 1 n
burr has 2 r
brewista artisan
what are we thinkin lads?
>many people just want great coffee, not a trial and error balancing act
>buy this manual espresso machine that’s inherently a trial and error balancing act
lol wut, how stupid does this asshole think I am?
Yeah but I want one of the upgraded models in white and they don't have white.
I'm a coffee pleb who just likes a tasty good cup of coffee. I've had a brewer and a pod capsule machine before.

I've decided I want to try a bean to cup super automatic machine. Which one is the best for a filthy casual like me? Delonghi? Jura? Some other brand?
>how stupid does this asshole think I am?
>ceo of rok
do you have $1500+
then dont get a superauto
What a shitpost of a company.
Clean-up, workflow, and thermal management
I'm not pushing coke through a coffee puck and the spring system looks like a wash.
dale likes it
Can't you read? I wrote that I've decided to get one
wrong reply mr anon :)
Jesus Christ, do you really not know when you’re being marketed to?
>Instead of pressing an electrical button, you flip down the lever arms; it's kind of a physical-mechanical button which, when actuated, makes espresso *for* you.
did anyone involved in filming/producing this ad stop to consider how retarded this copywriting is? Is this supposed to be mindblowing for people that have never heard of levers before?
thx i was going to say something insightful about french press before getting distracted
Dude... chill. Take a deep breath and relax.
Maybe have a coffee, yeah?
you do know im posting it here to make fun of right?
so which $1500 machine are you buying.
Oracle touch probably.
Can someone explain gooseneck kettles to me? Don't you want the spout to start as high as possible, not literally at the bottom where all the grounds are? Won't the neck instantly get clogged as soon as you start pouring?
they're meant to make it easy to pour water slowly and consistently, mainly for pourover
you don't brew coffee in a kettle
oh, fair enough
gooseneck kettle isn't "needed" but there isnt really a downside either
where there could be a downside to wide mouth(normal) kettles.
a gooseneck is more precise and has better flow rate/control.
with a good gooseneck you can pour at a very specific rate and still have the stream be "intact" not just when it hits the surface of the water but also when it penetrates the water and into the grounds.
also generally they just feel good to use.
a good gooseneck kettle should have a perfectly balanced pouring weight, you should feel as if the spout is an extension of your body.
>go buy a pie
>mince as always
>get home
>bite in
day ruined.
my coffee was mid too
I have the same, I've had a really good experience with it so far. The only thing I could really begin to say would improve it would be if I could set it to come on before I wake up and save me time in the morning but that's really not a complaint.
>come on before I wake up and save me time in the morning but that's really not a complaint.
that would be fuckin sick
or even like have an app so i can turn it on from my phone when i wake up
could even do brew profiles and and shit all from your phone.
That would also be pretty neat but I'd just love to wake up to hot water if I'm in a hurry lol
How do you find it? The square lid is a bit off-putting.
its garbage dont buy it
>boil coffee in pot
>let sit until grounds settle to bottom of pot
>yeet sunken coffee sludge
it's free and it just works
what's the advantage of throwing them
Guy here who hasn't had friends or a social life in 15 + years.

Met a bunch of good people through some church group I attended but now the meetings have ended a few weeks ago we've moved on with our lives. Now one of the guys there texted me saying we should catch up for coffee some time.

What does this entail and how does it work? Would it mean him and his wife are inviting me to their place for coffee or do you generally meet somewhere? And how does it work with most people working? Is it something usually done on a weekend or weeknight?

Text just says "how've you been, we should have a coffee some time soon. How does next week work"
sounds like all your questions can be answered by talking to the guy
>yeah sure, what time?
>when did you have in mind? i might be able to work it into my schedule
or something to that effect
Been doing this instead of using my french press lately, except I boil the water before adding the coffee. Much easier to clean. The main reason I didn't use french press more often was because the screen is annoying to clean.
Usually here (aus) it means going out for coffee together. Entails things like ordering, sitting together and talking. It sounds nice, make sure you go anon! I am rooting for ya.
I'm agoraphobic and I'm kind of scared but at the same time I need to snap out of it

For the past decade I literally just go to a handful of places, work, church, siblings place, and local grocery store (don't go to any in other areas) and don't deviate.
you'd better get confident quick. if you fail to make a good first impression you will be shunned for the rest of your life. don't fuck it up, you're under a lot of pressure
How long do these coffee meetings generally last?

I seem to always make good impressions on people but I do this thing where I keep that certain distance that they don't ask or imply ot hang out or do anything outside of where I know them.

The whole idea of doing that really freaks me out. I have no idea why I am like this, wheere I feel so uneasy at the idea of hanging with someone out of where I met them
I would say typically a catch up over coffee out at a cafe somewhere is usually around an hour, give or take
Given the opportunity, I would hang out with each and every one of you. Even the schizos, the freaks, and the Australians. You are all my coffee friends!
>roaster sent me the wrong coffee
I honestly don't really mind all that much but maybe by e-mailing and letting them know I can score a free bag of coffee as compensation
>order confirmation e-mail just silently shows up in my inbox
based I like these guys
How up to date is the sticky for purchasing coffee online? There's a few local roasters I'm gonna check out but is there a site that's good for getting small batches of things to try?
i mean you went to church group with you and he has your number so i would assume he already knows how autistic you are.
so just be honest, i mean thats what jesus would do right?
trying to lie or hide how you feel will just make things worse.
if being in a cafe is too much(cafes are usually pretty loud) you can just get take away and go to a quiet park and have coffee there.

also remember you aren't trying to fuck each other, this isn't a date, so that should make it easier.
i would say 1 hour, or 2 if the conversation is good and you feel comfortable.

also i doubt his wife would come along.
>recently brew something from my hometown roasters for the first time
>light roast
>beans look medium at best, almost dark.
>Put fines in the Chemex
>brew takes longer despite no air bubbles from the bloom
>very dark caramel color
>tastes absolutely awful black

What did I do wrong? I've never brewed coffee this bad before. Did I grind it too fine?
>light roast
>beans look medium almost dark
Well then it's not a light roast my friend
Try grinding coarser with a slightly higher dose and brewing at a lower temperature, if you don't have a temp controlled kettle just take the lid off and leave it to cool after boiling for like 5 minutes
>Put fines in the Chemex
Me too fren.
It's funny you describe yourself like this, I'm very much the same. Habitual and going outside of my comfort zone makes me really anxious. He seems nice though and making friends through church sounds like you've at least already got common ground.
I say fines since ground coffee sounds a bit too long.

Thanks. I bought two bags off of them so I might try to other to see if its just some anomaly.
>Drink coffee
>Feel good
>Skip coffee
>Feel like shit
>Take two cups
>Feel even more like shit
>sounds a bit too long.
yeh but thats what its called
in coffee "fines" is a bad thing.
what grinder are you using
>schizos, the freaks, and the Australians
kinda redundant but ok.
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Ah, my mistake. It's one of these for right now, but my fiancé has a burr grinder that I'll have access to once we're married.
>It's one of these for right now
you really are dumping fines into your chemex then
>but my fiancé has a burr grinder that I'll have access to once we're married.
lets hope its soon, for your sake.
you...don't already live with your fiance?
We live in different states, but that's not coffee related.
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it could be
That commercial seems funnier to me after learning about coffee because how in the hell does the brother come from Africa, complaining about the lack of "real coffee"
hes american
so american things are "real" and non american things arent.
also its an ad for folgers i dont think they sell folgers in africa.
>but that's not coffee related
I will have to ask for more details once this thread hits bump limit.
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Genuinely what is the point of picrel
Swindle your shekels.
>what is the point
people who want the aesthetics of a chemex and nothing else.
Try the Hoffmann method to not get absolutele garbage out of a blade grinder:
>Sieve the boulders out with a strainer
>Spread grounds over a paper tower to remove fines
It's a lot of work for what's still an inferior cup to what you'd get with the cheapest burr grinder, but at least it beats drinking pure blade grinder coffee.
Here's a tip: coffee growers don't drink expensive coffee. Ever been to Central America or Colombia? I have. Wanna know how common specialty coffee is in those places? The answer is not at all. You might find it in a really touristy cafe downtown but for the most part people there are still drinking char roast robusta that was filtered through a sock.
Better then pic related
And farmers live off mcdonalds. Turns out if you're drinking your cash crop, its not a cash crop.
>And farmers live off mcdonalds.
American farmers?
The fuck am I reading? You have mcdonalds next to farms in America or what?
Farmers in the 114 countries Mcdonald's does business out of.
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Stop being retarded
I'm sorry. You guys can get back to intense discussions about trans leds.
>You guys
If the nice fancy hand grinder produces a coffee I can't tell apart from my java presse, I'm going to be very mad.
>If the nice fancy hand grinder
which one?
also remember you will have to dial in the grinder.
Orphan Espresso Lido OG.
Primarily for French press, filter and cold brew.
oh no no no no no
look at this grinder and try not to laugh.
just get a comandante or a 100 bucks chink one.
I've been doing the FP without the press since I accidentally left them at work. The FP really needs that extra brew time to get the best results and that allows the solids to settle at the bottom of a jar. I just pour slow and waste the last 10% that's full of grounds.
I mean, that's all james hoffman's "ultimate French press technique" is. Dousing, stiring the crust spooning out floaties and using the press as a strainer.
>spooning out floaties
Don't need to if you grind finer and wait more than five or six minutes.
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hmmm that burr looks familiar..
I don't spoon off the top. James also pours the grounds into a paper towel to catch the fines, which I'm not going to waste my time on.
Why the comandante over the lido?
Man this is so pretty.
>Man this is so pretty.
whats wrong with the one from craig lyn?
nothing really. I just like the look of silver more than black.
>James also pours the grounds into a paper towel to catch the fines
How well does that work?
Pretta well
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They use etzinger burrs. Its basically a hand encore.
You say that. Is it from a video or something he said somewhere?
Yeah i don't remember which one i think the blade grinder one
>Man this is so pretty.
It's also a jewish trick. The HG-2 is more expensive than the HG-1 and there are practically no differences between the two, but of course the cheaper one is no longer available.
good thing both are beyond what i'm willing to pay for a grinder and art piece.
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It is.
>but of course the cheaper one is no longer available.
could just buy it from craig lyn
cheaper and available and almost exactly the same as the weber.
Not in this one he doesn't.
And even then there's barely really any floaties.
https://www.aliexpress com/item/1005005394412489.html?
What about the chink one?
On a more curious note, how many anons here differentiate between "hard" and "soft" water. I don't use tap water for anything.
I find it weird I'm trying to brew coffee at home without knowing what good coffee should taste like.
Locally I can really only get espresso related drinks but that's not a form of coffee I want to make at home.
I pour foamed milk over french press and pour overs for not-latte.
oh wow its literally a clone. If it works as good as a coffee grinder in that price range it would be tempting.
If you want to develop taste, order a couple of different beans and brew them black. The French press will do nicely. Brew them and set them next to each other before doing a taste test. See how they feel on your tongue and focus on how the flavours differ.
A couple of different brews will taste different and all you have to do is spot that difference. I'd say order a light, medium and dark roast but anything will do to expand your knowledge of "good" coffee.
>in that price range
probably just get the pietro at that point
>anything to shill that slant eyed gook
well i was going to post that fat fuck kike but i thought it would be overplayed.
it just doesn't have the same presence. The hg just looks nice on the table.
>the only coffeetubers I watch are a british poof and an old retard
Light roast is flavor max and body min. If I wanted something tealike I'd get a box of Lipton.
does anyone else use these things to make their coffee? i just started using one this year, before that id only ever made coffee with the instant slop
Several highly autistic individuals here swear by them.
i only started using one cuz i moved to spain and they dont seem to have electric kettles as standard in kitchens. it's definitely an upgrade to instant.
You went from level 1 to level 100 instantly. You peaked. There is no going up from here
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don’t talk to me or my son ever again
cup GUP
Moka pots are love they are life. If I have to make a travel cup for work, I'm making a moka not an espresso.
Said the pot to the kettle
>body min
Grind finer.
>electric kettles
what is the point when you can microwave water in ~3 minutes
faster than 3 minutes
>microwave water
do they really?
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Today I added a single drop of vanilla flavored artificial sweetener to my expensive specialty coffee.

It wasn't good.
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It's really good in magerquark. Totally overpowers the coffee taste though.
I like it nature but will try with vanilla extract.
I have my doubts
What's wrong with it?
>I have my doubts
American appliances run on 110 volts, while European appliances are 220 volts.
The bodum kettle is the one I got a while ago. Works well if you dont mind not having temp control (it goes to boiling) and it's pretty cheap ~$30. Pretty good entry imo.
Don't even use my electric kettle anymore since my stovetop runs on 400v
Just find out when it is, he probably has a place he and his family like to go, have fun anon.
Ditto to this, their sampler pack gets you good variety. Nice way to learn the flavors of different regions.
Sounds like one cup is your fine line between withdrawals and natural tolerance. Stick to that or if you need multiple drinks a day visit the teabros in the other thread.
Nta. This method works. The bonus is it will teach you coffee can taste good, and is effortful enough it may convince you to get a better grinder.

Original poster here. Well I just mentioned my days off to the dude and told him to just let me know when he had in mind. Was that ttoo much hinting out that i was expecting a whole day hangout (I personally would rather not)

Or do you think coffee meant more like meet up at the church hall or something after work some time (which is what I would prefer lol).
And the reason why I posted this is that he hasn't responded since ei texted him
dudes probably busy
whats it been, less than a day?
chill bro.
or brew longer
get vanilla pods and scrape the seeds into some milk then foam the milk and make a latte or some other milk drink :)
I was talking about the magerquark.
not my problem
You're going to get trafficked.
tds pens are cheap as hell, I’m sure tons of people had them and experimented with it. I don’t use straight tap water but I use filtered tap water, I also use bottled mineral water. There was a time I bought various mineral water to test them whether they’re near state tds and how they tasted for brewing coffee. I end up settling on volvic
Why in the fuck can't I buy a brand new 1993 Civic? These sheisters only want to sell the 2025s now.
i start every day with a moka because its easier than p/o
sippin on a cuppa honey anaerobic from flores, fucking fantastic stuff, so fucking j00cy bros
So, you met your fiancé online? How's the long distance thing working out? Have you guys met in person yet, or are you waiting for marriage?
my car drinks lots of petroleum but that doesn't mean it goes fast
It means it's inefficient and/or overweight.

I didn't want to, but page 10.

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