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An anon recommended this place. I’m not a fan of sushi, but my wife likes it. Come along on this adventure and tell me other DFW restaurants that you want me to go to. Maybe I’ll pick yours to try out.
get karaage, takoyaki, chefs choice nigiri bento, and tonkotsu ramen with extra chashu
Interesting suggestions, thank you.

This anon recommended this place
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Other side
For me it'd be steamed Gyoza, Filet Mignon hibachi with fried rice, a Green Forest Roll, and tempura cheese cake.
Oh hey it's Dallas Cuckout. How's your fat wife?
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If you have your birthday here a Japanese song comes on and disco lights shine bright and move about and the dragon comes out.
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It’s happening again. The song is annoying :) but dragon is cute
>for you:
jumbo shrimp hibachi w/ fried rice

>to share:
nigiri sampler
spider roll

>for obese wife:
shoyu ramon
salmon hibachi w/ udon noodles
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We got the all you can eat menu and we ordered some karaage, spring rolls, and an Ahi tower to start out.

Anyone wanting to give me suggestions from this page?
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Spring roll and karaage are delicious and top notch!
Sorry about posting the regular menu, they don’t have a lot of these choices on the all you can eat menu. They do have ramen, so I’ll try that for sure
shoyu is for faggots
tonkotsu with extra chashu or else your penis falls off and becomes a vagina
Texas Roll or Golden Tuna Roll
Here's a suggestion. Kill yourself. No one believes your tubby ass has a wife and you're basically doxing yourself in public. Go back to social media if you want to attention whore like a woman. 4chan isn't for parasocial relationships with anons.
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Farmers market
Bath street roll
Hair Mex roll
Basswood roll
maybe you should eat a dick next, because you're gay
I’ll order both of these
That’ll be ordered for sure

Extra pork belly
how much of a no life faggot are you that you have to be on your phone posting in the worst board in 4chan when you're supposed to be on a pretend date with your wife? how many mental illnesses do you have?
hey man life fucking sucks now and we are about to have robot overlords let this retard blog
this place is dying anyway
this has to be the gayest thread I've ever seen on 4chan, this is not fucking twitter, this is what people do on Twitter, I can understand cooking threads, but this is just some autsitc schizo going out for sushi after he got his tugboat, I know what, hey OP, post proof your wife is with you lol
look man its not like you and i are out getting shitty japanese AYCE right now okay
just chill out im fucking hungry
nah fuck this shit on principal, I'm ruining this thread, namefag OP, post evidence of your wife at your table with you, or just come out as a mentally ill attention whore, your choice
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Tex’s roll
Yellow tuna roll
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Short rib and Rangoon
damn they got yakiniku too?
hahah this is your wife, holy shit, look at that goblin with the spare tire XDDD
cmon bro thats a real human why she gotta get brought into this just because you think this dude thread is ass
>cmon bro thats a real human why she gotta get brought into this just because you think this dude thread is ass
can't take the heat don't be an autist on the chinese basket weaving forum, look at her arm, are those age spots? of course this dork is here bragging about sushi, these attention starved namefaggots always make sure to make me feel far better about my situation lol
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I’m so full. Thank you anon for recommending this. I would have never found this place had you not suggested it. There’s actual Japanese people eating here speaking Japanese. I’ll definitely return and order from the regular menu next time.
kill yourself and don't come back, no one cares about you and your tubby hideous 50 year old wife
all tripniggers should be immediately killed
Thank you for sharing your meal with us anon. I hope your obese disgusting wife rewards you with a sloppy bj tonight :)
i love this website man
thank you for raising me into the piece of shit i am today
in retarded god awful autist threads like this one
don't be like this pathetic faggot, if you have brag about sushi online you are definitely a fucking loser compensating for being married to a hamplaent that hit the wall 20 years ago
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They give yakults
no one cares, homo
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Be happy
steak ramen, extra steak, tonkotsu broth
side order of shumai
unsweet tea
taiyaki for dessert (eat one pack the other)
your wife is fat and old
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Good plan for next time.
what about killing yourself? I like how you're still on your phone (supposedly) after leaving the restaurant, what an absolute faggot
I’ll have to check the regular menu the ayce menu didn’t have any grilled meats from what i remember. This place was pretty good, I’ll have to come back again.
stop bumping your gay thread, you disgusting namefaggot
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Dallas Cuckout is a legit fed janny here.
What very few realize is that Hiroshima not giving a fuck led to pretty much the whole moderation team being taken over by feds. Dallas Cuckout is an air force officer who is at least trying harder than most of our new mods. He's just an autistic faggot fed. Who will gladly throw you in jail for walking through a public building.
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No problem
is it hard to get a job as a federal agent
It’s pretty difficult from what I hear.
well thats neat good luck busting pedophiles or turning incels trans or whatever you federal guys do
also try the takoyaki next time
I’ll certainly try that next time. Thank you for recommending this place. I’ll probably go try the tripe tacos since they sound absolutely nasty to me. Who knows maybe they’re better extra crispy.
kill yourself
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You want tripa tacos. It’s intestine and very delicious, especially when crispy.
Tripe makes me gag.
I'm going to try this and be disappointed ain't I?

I'll trust you this one time even if you are wearing a paper sack mask. I'll post it in a thread about Mexican food, tacos, or 3rd world food on Monday.
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No way, I generally don’t have any interest in organ meats but really liked these tacos.
I get mine from a place in garland that is consistently good.
Those are some big rangoons.

Glad you enjoyed the meal, food looked really good
Hmmm Garland... Now that will be a trip. I can and will do it one day though.

They were very sweet with that sauce. I loved this place. I'm going to tell them it's my birthday just so I can watch the Dragon dance. I'll get a picture too. I like how dfw anons recommend places to me. I also love when people on here tell me their specific orders, I like the idea of trying someone else's tastes. It's part of the fun.
>Those are some big rangoons.
>Glad you enjoyed the meal, food looked really good
stop pandering to namefags
I have had good tripas at other places, I’m sure there are some good ones close to you. Only find them at fairly Mexican street taco places tho in my experience.
I'm the anon that recommended this place. Glad you enjoyed it. I had known about it for six months before I tried it and now I'm definitely going every other week. Looks like you had the dinner session as some of the rolls aren't available at lunch. If I went for dinner I'd probably just eat thirty pieces of sashimi. I wasn't aware tripes and tripas were different things. I had my tripas doradas at Taco Chon on western center and it was excellent as well as the lengua.
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The dancing dragon had me sold. And I loved the exterior decor. We might sit on the rotating sushi side next time because it appears that they have a high speed rail replica train carrying the sushi around the track.

This was such a fun place too. I loved it.






We had a good Ramen place on 7th street but it closed down and someone else took it over. I have not been back yet to see if it is as good as it one was.

I’m pretty sure those guys weren’t Korean, but maybe I am wrong.

Sorry to disappoint, but I enjoyed the food.
Seems like I need to go at dinner at least once for the pagentry. Hard to do working midnight to 8am shifts. I made a deal about the robot my first trip and it came out twice quite needlessly and not once on this past Friday trip.
This dude is correct about them being Korean. All the managers over here are Korean and a lot of the workers are viet, laotian with a few Thai. Speaking of Thai the new place by Albertsons is legit and the girl running it spoke Thai with me. You should visit the Buddhist temple nearby if you haven't yet, it's a spectacle.
The beautiful thing about America is how we can’t tell the differences between Asians and we just allow fusion to take place. It’s why Japanese architecture dominates Chinatown and how most Vietnamese refugees from 50 years ago now run the donut shops and Asian grocery stores. There’s one Japanese import store in Plano and it is beyond CLEAN. Whereas anything Vietnamese ran smells bad and is dirty. Yeah, the dragon costume is from Chinese new year, but who cares it’s fun.
You aware we're getting an hmart soon? It's the only thing I miss about working in Lewisville for a couple of years. Once it opens I'm gonna try to be the token white dude (I'm technically not really white according to some since I'm Slavic descent) working there to enjoy fifty kimchis and their food court.
Yes, I heard. We visited the one in Carrolton and went to Ok-Dog and had a Korean corn dog and it was delicious. We were supposed to get one in Fort Worth, but it never opened.
Never went to OK-dog, just omi and chicken number one. This was like 15 years ago. I'm just looking forward to that hmart food court for some decent Dae ji bulgogi.
you and your wife need to lose some (a lot of) weight.
Is Dallas Cuckout just talking to himself or do you think his janny discord buddies care enough to keep his shitty thread alive?

Kill yourself Dallas Cuckout.
Sorry, here’s your high quality/ck/ thread: >>20902370
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Found a ramen place
Jump off a bridge
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This place looks nice
>if I actively drive traffic away from 4chan by being a massive faggot I'll have to ban less people
Pretty smart move Dallas Cuckout
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Got honey butter chicken karaage.

This place is Korean.

This tastes really good.
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Ramen is here

I got the Texan ramen with soyu base which has brisket. Wife got hoshi with tokatsu base and extra egg.
>This place is Korean(Vietnamese).
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I think it’s Korean. It’s actually clean.

They do give you this small soup ladle which makes eating awkward.
>them being Korean(Vietnamese). All the managers over here are Korean and a lot of the workers are viet, laotian(Vietnamese) with a few Thai(Vietnamese)
ftfy too.
Oh they give you a ladle spoon just like that at WAYA Izakaiya off of Gaston in dallas. They have and amazing tomato ramen.
Man so many good suggestions lately
Here's another one ADAY Cafe, between 75, Campbell, and Greenville.
Get the Orange Expresso
>fort worth
Are there actual Japs working here? As in not second generation children of Japanese immigrants?
>Are there actual Japs working here? As in not second generation children of Japanese immigrants?
Why would a Japanese person immigrate to the US in the 21st century?
Japanese-Americans are a pretty rare group. I doubt that any worked there. I'll ask next time.
You can literally find them on mexico or brazil
Why would anyone move to Mexico?
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I want some kettle korn…

I set aside

1/2 cup popping corn
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup sugar
And a few pinches and a shake of salt
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Turn the heat on after adding the oil
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Throw a few kernels in as enhanced interrogation technique, once they pop add the rest of the corn, then add the sugar and salt, cover with a lid a shake!
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Watch as popping happen while the lid is on.
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After 5-8 minutes of shaking you should be finished. Enjoy.
This is the gay ass park dodger
His life has to be so sad I almost feel bad for him. But he also is a pathetic bitch and I want him to kill himself.
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Is this the guy who drove past the summer meet up to go a shitty strip mall Chinese joint with his large wife instead?
Same question and idea: no Japanese are immigrating there now.
I was wondering for a minute. There’s just no way anyone chooses Mexico unless they’re just trying to get to the US. Just didn’t make much sense to me.
My order for two:
>agadashi dofu
>miso soup
>steak yakiudon
>sashimi sampler
>lobster roll
I don't know why either but there have been Japanese who've moved to Mexico, and Japan/Brazil had an exchange thing a generation ago
I understand pre-WW2 emigration, but Japan seems so nice now that it just wouldn’t be worth it. I’m thinking of getting my passport and visiting Australia for the eclipse after seeing one myself and I’m kinda curious about Australian cuisine and potentially meeting other anons while there. Would be a fun time.
You would just run away to some shitty restaurant again. You’re not welcome at any more meet ups.
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I had no idea people would actually show up. I’ve already apologized profusely. I’ve met with about 3 different anons in various places for various reasons. Every anon I’ve met has been a normal person and on the Grapevine meetup enough other people showed up and had a good time, it wasn’t like only one showed up. If there aren’t any Australian anons that want to meet up, that’s fine. I dropped the ball on the Grapevine meet up and I’ve got nobody to blame but myself.
You are a weak minded bitch. I truly hope you drive your car off a bridge.
Why are you so angry?

But you already knew I would say that. There's a bet in your discord channel about it right now.

But deep down inside you you know what you are doing right now is wrong.
What discord are you referring to? I honestly am not a part of a discord server about /ck/ I’m just a loner type with too much time on my hands and I like doing silly food request threads. Sorry to disappoint you.
Do you ever wonder why everyone hates you and you had to become what you are? I think it's intrinsic. It's just something about your soul. It's one of the reasons I don't believe in the idea of Christian souls or heaven. There is no way God almighty made anyone pathetic as you. But I've met a few people like you over my life. Like my high school salutatorian.
It’s fine for people to hate me, but you’ll never hate me anymore than I already hate myself. Why not try to be nice and cheerful? It’s not so hard when you realize that everyone is their own biggest critic.
Is it fine for everyone to hate you? You're insulated here you can't be banned.
I’ve been banned before, I’m not a mod.
plus burdock chip salad.

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