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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20964654
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Do you guys find it sinful adding milk or adding almond milk into tea? I remember one of the best teas I ever had in my life was a strawberry tea together with almond milk. My life was never the same after that cup.
I recently took the advice of a friend and tried oat milk in tea, and I find it very nice.
The blandness of the oats mixes very will with the sharp grassy notes of good tea and mellows out the whole thing.
I like it if the tea goes well with it. Needs to be strong tea or milk mutes the taste too much.
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I've never tried oat milk with tea, but I've tried boldo tea, chamomille, linden, and other types of teas with regular milk and they were quite tasty. Almond milk kinda tastes like chocolate for me, for some reason.
I tend to use very small amounts of milk into my beverages though, I don't like it when my drinks are more milk than the actual brew itself. Unless it's a milkshake, where yeah, I can drink one and then suffer in the bathroom.
I would kill just to try any tea made with berries to be honest.
i've been meaning to try it for a while now just to see what it's like. What teas go well with milk? something like ripe puer maybe? I know an anon has been posting his boiled xiaguan milk tea.
I typically prefer my tea unadulterated because I don't want to mute any complex aromas, but what ultimately matters is the experience you want. If I'm having a really cheap and simple tea, then I wouldn't see a problem with adding milk, citrus peel, etc. Drink what you enjoy.
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I've sadly never had pu'er tea in my life, although looking at some info 'round the web it's apparently made from fermented green/black tea leaves (Camellia sinensis/var assamica). I'm not the most knowledgeable person for teas 'cause my economy is a bit rough, but judging from the description, it must smell very earthy and rich. I wonder how it'd taste with coconut or almond milk.
Honestly any berry tea or soft, non-citric fruit tea would go well with milk at least for me. Or flowery teas, those would be a blast with milk imo.
I'm the type of person who drinks tea even if it's 35°C outside, but I surprisingly prefer drinking milk tea or mate cocido with milk when it's cold outside. If I consume milk when it's hot I feel like my stomach will go kapoom.
Cheap ripes, heicha. Bitter, earthy teas made extra strong. The milk fat carries the salty, nutty flavors and sweetness while hiding the rest. The whole thing about milk in tea is that it covers up the taste of shit tea and actually ends up tasting pretty good. It's like a rum and coke, it's not a waste if the booze is shit.
2023 or 2024 cspuer Naka?
chawangshop naka
>decide to boil a ripe that i didn't really like
>5g, 500ml, 10 min on the stove
>give it a taste
>it's actually really good
kek i almost wanna just drink it now. i'm committed to trying it with milk though, I'll report back later
Can we address the Puerh problem in current year without being dismissive or resorting to silly memes? It isn't good enough to take over tea culture like it has in the past decade. Something other than flavor made Puerh the tea of the 2010s and we should talk about it.
Why is being popular a problem?

That aside, puerh is interesting. Terroir, scarcity, vintages, factories. These are characteristics that are much more present in puerh on top of everything else that makes other forms of tea great. IMO puerh deserves every bit of praise and popularity it gets.
Works like a charm now. Thx senpai.
i love the taste of burnt green tea
Milk tea is fucking awesome
>Something other than flavor made Puerh the tea of the 2010s and we should talk about it
I think the 2000s pu-erh boom in China had something to do with it
also yeah, it is kind of the most fun tea to talk about and analyze, maybe with oolong in second place. what other tea has "famous teas" from certain years that are legendary, what other tea has so much regional variation due to naturally evolving local tea tree genetics?

oolong is the only tea that can match raw pu-erh in this IMO, because of the processing and because it can also be aged
I'd go for 2024 because it's a bit cheaper. the one I have is the 2022 brick. I like it a lot, but the material is more chopped up than a cake would be. maybe that's why it's cheaper than 2023 cake
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>there's still zero (0) scientific evidence that tea is beneficial in any way, shape, or form.
If you drink tea for health benefits you are doing it wrong
not true, ancient Chinese science has long since determined that cha qi affects your overall qi, with great benefits and double auspiciousness
Mongolian nomads who stop drinking tea develop diseases and conditions due to a lack of phytonutrients. "Scientific evidence" be damned, that's good enough for me.
I don't exactly know what benefits tea has, but it's full of antioxidants and it should be good for the kidneys, as it's basically just filtered toasted leaves or extracts of plants with water. I would rather have someone drink homemade brewed tea all day rather than drinking that starbucks stuff that is pure sugar and milk and almost no coffee or tea.
So you guys are buying the 2000$ LBZ extra premium cake from cspuerh tomorrow, right?
here's one just for pu'er:
I won't bother looking for articles about green tea, EGCG, theanine etc. and how great they are because there are billions of them
I'll wait for the fake reviews first.
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Looks gay, even by tea standards

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