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Can you imagine not eating pork?
lmaoing @ their lives rn
I eat beef 3-5 times a week. I switch to pork the other days because beef can get expensive.
that looks soooo good right now
Pork is just better, with the added bonus of being 1/2 price of beef.
Yeah but I don't like eating meat well done.
It's not better, but probably wins the slow cooking medal but does have the bonus of cracking
SAAR, that beef is higher caste than you saar, do not redeem steak saar.
You're having a weird gayness overload. Quick, get back to the tranny porn
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>n-n-no y-you
Holy cringe
Depends, pork belly is flavorful… pork loin is just drier blander chicken breast
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Doesn't have near the same nutritional value as beef.
You can live solely on beef. Not on pork.
I have probably eaten beef every day for the last 7 years, except a few days when I was fasting.
Chef Jean Pierre says Pork loin and tenderloin need to be brined.
You don't have to, if it was produced in the US, Canada, or Europe you're g2g.

>>t. Brain worm sponsor
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I feel the same way
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Beef is the best and horseradish sauce enhances the beefy flavor
>go to grocery store downtown
>rack of prime rib costs $200

i know grocery prices have gone up but were they always this expensive? i want to buy one to practice cooking it for Easter
Not eating it didn't prevent your brain damage.
beef's the best meat. throw chicken, pork away. i need beef
I can
t. cheapskate/poor
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Somehow, that dish reminds me of lainey
I've never had beef because I'm hindu but Hindu people in Nepal so eat buffalo beef which according to them is good to eat so maybe i too can try it sometime
Besides that pork is pretty good, it's a shame it's not very popular in India
It's funny but until bongs came to India, we didn't really eat chicken or much poultry at all (it was seen as low class and for poor people) but now chicken is the dominant protein. Back then we only used to eat non-cow cattle and fish
Why limit yourselves? There are so many tasty beasts to eat, why only cows and pigs? Chickens, ducks, geeses, quails, pheasants, goats, sheep, salmons, tunas, crabs, skrimps, lobsters, deers, elks, mooses, bears, all kinds of good shit out there.
I can
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Neither can I. I eat it almost every single day in some form. But I like pork and chicken and fish as well. I eat a lot of meatloaf and steak and pot roast and pork chops and pulled pork and bacon mushroom cheeseburgers and roasted chicken and fried fish filets and livers of all animals.
But beef will always be my favorite. Nothing like a crispy seared thick ribeye still cool in the center. Or a teriyaki flank steak sliced really thin. Carpaccio, tartare, anything. Beef with melted butter on it. Rich beef marrow. I was going to go to sleep but now I'm going down to the kitchen for you know what.
You can eat pork medium.
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Hell yes you can. I do. I don't like it much less than medium or medium rare. And even then it's got to be a really nice chop. I'll do a whole roast medium sometimes. But I don't like the texture as much as beef. I'll eat duck rarer than pork.
They didn’t rest it for long enough.
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Beef is one of the few foods that stops my joint pain
Hell yes! I like to grate fresh horseradish root into a bowl and mash it wish kosher salt and then whip in mayonnaise, creme fraiche or sour cream, and a little worcestershire. It's my favorite way to make it. And with warm red beef is the best way to have it.
Why would they rest it any longer? It's perfectly cooked, no need to let it cook itself any longer.
It's nonsense.
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There's no better here. All meat is amazing. Let's hear it for lamb too. There's no animal I haven't enjoyed eating so far.
I can't imagine not eating meat.
I was making burgers out of beef mince for a while. But then I decided to leave out the burger bun and make beef kebabs. Just mix in the seasoning, then make sausage shapes out of it. Shallow fry that and have with salad and chilli sauce (and extra black olives). I think it's called kofte kebab, and it's one of my favourite takeaways, so I thought why not make them myself?

I'm planning to mix green olives in pesto as a side next time. I'm not sure what sauce I'll use if any. I like the idea of having them with mint or apple sauce but I can't see them going with olives and pesto.
It can rest in my full belly
I don't understand the fascination with ribeye, the other cuts have alot more subtle flavor.
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aint nothing subtle about a ribeye
There's no cut of pork as tender as beef fillet.
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I agree, I have steak 4-5 times a week for dinner, generally with a couple eggs on top
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I love a big old slab of prime rib
>t. never had good pork
chuck steak is cheaper and has more of a "beefy" flavor, similar to sirloin which is my favorite cut.
Just eat minced beef. It's a lot cheaper and even more nutritious than a regular pretty cut because you'll get some collagen from grounded joints and tendons, as well as bits from a lot of different cuts.
It doesn't stop your pain, it simply doesn't cause it.
Anon you probably have an autoimmune disorder triggered by inflammatory foods.
I encourage you to do nocarbs or even carnivore for a month to see if your issues are resolved.

Doesn't cost much to try and see if your lifelong disorder is caused by oil or carbs or something.
There absolutely is better meat.
If you eat only rabbit you will die of malnutrition.
If you eat only beef you will be in perfect health.

Some meats are a lot more nutritious than others.

It's ground, from the present tense *grind.
>only beef, perfect health

Don't be that person. And clean your bloody room, bucko.
r8 my rib >>21092298
Don’t forget to tell him to watch his penis as well.
It's a very inconvenient and expensive lifestyle, which is why almost no one does it, but you are healthy when eating only beef it turns out.
As if we evolved eating mostly ruminating herbivores for millions of years.
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>it turns out
C'mon now, piggu has it's place but beef is divine. Fuck Jeets!
>literally the same picture
Miss me with that. A hard medium-well AT MOST.
Thank you for the AI slop on a super cereal board.
give it time your dick will turn limp in a few months.
Never happened.
Only if you are eating frequently enough to not ever go into Ketosis. Ketosis is a starvation state.
Pork is half the price because you need twice the labor/time/storage to make it as good. It’s also why seafood is so often twice the price of beef.
>starvation state
Are you from Tumblr or something? Entire populations of people are in ketosis most of their lives.
Ketosis is your body making sugar for the brain out of protein, it's a normal process and the state we were in every winter as hunter gatherer, not much sugar to eat in nature in winter.

And if you had ever read a book ever you would know that most starvation doesn't occur in ketosis, since starvation occurs almost always when there isn't enough food, not when there is no food.

You obviously know very little on the topic and repeat buzz words you must've heard at school or on reddit, you should talk less and read more.
>miss me

No. Go talk black elsewhere.
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Squiddiot: Orange zest in pork tenderloin brine, yes or no? Would I even taste it?

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