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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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Is it wrong to eat eggs and bacon for dinner? Idc if it is, it's delicious
wrong according to whom or what?
tasty looking bacon I must say
I've got to had it to you - ingredients strewn across a wooden board. I expect this is some modern art exhibit that I too stupid to grasp
I eat off wood. I man
i call "breakfast sandwiches" breakfast lunch and dinner sandwiches
that's not bacon, that's slices of ham
I am afraid not. Eat away, breakfast for dinner anon.
Autists. They always take shit too seriously
When you're an adult you can eat anything you want anytime of day. Trust me, the food police aren't gonna kick down your door.
>is it wrong...?
...a thread died for this shit tier thread

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No. I'm having those myself later. Like 4 strips of thick bacon and 4 eggs cooked in the grease and topped with cheese and Tabasco. It's perfect for any time of day.
It’s good but doesn’t that board get really messy?

>When you're an adult you can eat anything you want anytime of day
This is what I tell myself when I have uncrustables for the third time in a day.
>Food police officer detected
Don't listen to him, OP, he's trying to entrap you!
I just had it for 2 weeks straight because I got a bunch of free bacon. Now the culinary world has opened itself up again and I'm lost.

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