Is it wrong to eat eggs and bacon for dinner? Idc if it is, it's delicious
>>21121639wrong according to whom or what?
>>21121639tasty looking bacon I must say
>>21121639I've got to had it to you - ingredients strewn across a wooden board. I expect this is some modern art exhibit that I too stupid to grasp
>>21121686I eat off wood. I man
i call "breakfast sandwiches" breakfast lunch and dinner sandwiches
>>21121639>>21121647that's not bacon, that's slices of ham
>>21121639I am afraid not. Eat away, breakfast for dinner anon.
>>21121643Autists. They always take shit too seriously
>>21121639When you're an adult you can eat anything you want anytime of day. Trust me, the food police aren't gonna kick down your door.
>>21121639>is it wrong...?>idc......a thread died for this shit tier thread>>>/out/>>>/fa/>>>/g/>>>/g/>>>/o/>>>/t/>>>/trash/
>>21121639No. I'm having those myself later. Like 4 strips of thick bacon and 4 eggs cooked in the grease and topped with cheese and Tabasco. It's perfect for any time of day.
>>21121639It’s good but doesn’t that board get really messy?>>21122913>When you're an adult you can eat anything you want anytime of dayThis is what I tell myself when I have uncrustables for the third time in a day.
>>21122913>Food police officer detectedDon't listen to him, OP, he's trying to entrap you!
I just had it for 2 weeks straight because I got a bunch of free bacon. Now the culinary world has opened itself up again and I'm lost.